The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 26, 1919, Image 2

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the guest of D. C. Coble and family. | Report of averages of the Milton | Lititz, spent Suturday and Sunday
i ®. Thomas Hiestand has returned | Grove High School for fifth month: |with her aunt, Mrs. Gabriel Risser

Wheeler is quite ill,

Miss Be
J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r. | yiss Be Shreiner, of Hanover,
me eee spent Sunday with his uncle, Clayton
TE PRE | Erisman " i Dri} ¢ .
Subscription Price $1.50 a Year | Mr. and Mr arry ] rake, 0) ..
Six Months. 75 Cents Philadelphia, are the guests. of Mr. | Should Rea bes: Monyhian 3
Three Months. 40 Cents an ord R. ( arroll, of this place, | etter bu 25 ed by
Single Copies. . 3 Cents had a leg broken while working in| Her Permission.
3 i F 2 th torage yards west here Fri- | ———
Semple Copies... - FREE | day | Mitchell, Ind. —¢¢ Lydia E. Pinkham’s
RE —— — John Eater, of Coatesville, spent Vegetable Compound helped me so much
Entered at the post office at Mount |}, |, end at his old home in this | during the time I
oy as second-class mail matter, place ['} TH first visit in| was looking forward
The date of the expiration of your | 0 time to the coming of my
subscription follows your name on Eli Walters, a bugler in the Naval] little one that I am
the label. We do not send receipts for | Rocorves, stationed at Cape May, is | recommending it to
subscription money received. When- siting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Al-| otherexpectant
ever you remit, see that you are given | |,.,t Walters { mothers, Before
proper credit. We credit all subscrip- George McElroy, from the William- | § taking it, somedays
tion on the first of each month. . ison Industrial School, is enjoying a I suffered with neu.
All correspondents must have their |}, +t vacation with his parents, Mr ralgia so badly that
communications reach this office not ,, 1 Mrs Joh: McElroy. I thought I could
W. E. Behrendt, of Jonesville, W is., |
business trip to the East,
later than Monday. Telephone news | not live, but after
of importance between that time and |}, is on a taking three bottles
12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Charges stopped over to visit his friend, M of Lydia E. Pink-
for advertisements must positively [ [ioffman. of Maytown. | ham’s Vegetable
reach this office not later than Mon- John Arthur 3rayman, the ten-| Compound I was en-

day night. New advertisements in- |, k-0ld son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar | tively relieved of
serted if copy reaches us Tuesday | Brayman, died at his home on Locust | neuralgia, 1 had
night. Advertising rates on applica- street, Friday afternoon, of pneu-| gaiged in strength
tion. [ monia [ andiwas able to go
The subscription lists of the Lan- Miss Esther Hoffman, youngest | around and do all
disville Vigil, the Florin News and the | jaughter of Hon. and Mrs. M. H.|my housework. My baby when seven
| Hoffman, of Maytown, is home from | months old weighed 19 pounds and I feel
. | Beechwood, Jenkintown, where she is | better than [ have fora long time. I
Bulletin, which makes this paper's |. ttending school. | never had any medicine’ do me so
circulation about double that of the Mrs. Annie Engle had as week-end | much good.”’—Mrs. PEARL MONYHAN,
srdinary weekly. _ | guests her son, H. Rea Engle, of Bal- | Mitchell, Ind.
timore, Md., her sister, Mrs. J. H.| Good health during maternjty is a
| Druckenmiller, of Sayre, Pa., and the | most important factor to both.mother
EAST PETERSBURG | latter's son, Claude Druckenmiller, | and chilc , and many letters have been
{who only recently returned from { received by the Lydia E. Pinkham
T——— sited | Frances | Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., telling of
Emma Landis, of Lancaster, visited |=") Saturday evening Miss L. Mae
ok | health restored during this trying period
ner mother here yesterday, Mrs. Re- [p,o10 “antertained a number of her by the use of Lydia L. Pinkham’s Vege:
becca Landis. young friends at her home, “The
: : gr bd | table Compound.
Mrs. Francis Hamaker, is spending | pines» at 4 Washington's Birthday
<ome time at Philadelphia, with the | masquerade party. Of the masquer- RHEEMS
Mount Joy Star and News, were
merged with that of the Mount Joy

tamily of her son Menno. : ,. |aders, there was a cowgirl, a blue |
Rev. Isaac Eby, of Ensman's bell, a Martha Washington lady, two
church, preached to the members o gypsies, two Red Cross nurses, a
church on Sunday John G. Reist loaded a carload of
tae Mennonite Chinaman, a “Little Willie,” several 341 0) OI8L 10,
vening. A clowns and two gentlemen in full ShojEs Alfalfa hay for the Eastern
Mrs. Rebecca Lefevre, of Manheim, | j06c™ "The house was beautifully | markets.
Simon L. Heisey, ex-dairyman of
near this place, spent one day in
York county last week.
Mrs. Mae Hersh and family flitted
from their Rheems home to the J
Harvey Buch double house in Eliza-
Miss C. Hostetter, a trained nurse
of Lancaster, is taking care of Mrs.
John Foreman who has been quite ill
the past week.
Jacob and Winfield Heisey, of
Wrightsville, Pa., were guests of the
Shank brothers and Russel K. Bard
on Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Murphy
paid a short visit to her father Benja-
min Shields at the St. Joseph’s Hos-
pital at Lancaster, Saturday.
Landis Bros. sold a 5-ton truck to
the Keystone Fruit Co. of Lebanon,
fully equipped with a modern body
and top with beautiful letters.
John Foreman, produce dealer near
this place, received a carload of
Frank Pierce as-
visited on Sunday with the family of | jocorated with flags, ete., suitable to
ry Gottshall and Emanuel Min-| yo oocasion. All sorts of games were
sich. >a «yy | indulged in until 10:30 o’clock, when
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Graybill |o,0) of «the boys’ selected a partner
nd son, Richard of Lititz, visited |, 4 escorted them to the dining
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry | room, where refreshments = were
sraybill over Sunday. : |served. Following refreshments there
William White and family have are more games, and later the
moved into the Hotel property ON (young men took the ladies of their
Wednesday, known as the Captain | choice home of course. There were
Lawrence Hotel which has been bar | Present Misses Karlene Mason, Mar-
ccupied since last June. The bar|isn Bucher, Helen Smith, Agnes
ill not be open. {O'Brien, Margaret O’Brien, Mildred
Rev. Rice, of the Lutheran church | Bastian, Miriam Miller and L. Mae
installed the following officers of the Engle; and Messrs. Percy Frey,
church council at the regular services| Clauden Lehart, Richard Mueller, Ed-
on Sunday morning: Messrs. John | yin Rutherford, Harry Erb, Wilson
Burkhart, Albert B. Groff, A. C. Mason, James Rich, Lynwood Corn-

Qeheetz and Fred S. Landis. , [man and Willard Taggart.
Tobacco buyers are psy in Siig ——————
locality picking out crops here a ’
eee St Mtrom 16 to 17% cents for ERISMAN’S CHURCH
xrappers and 5 and 6 for fillers. | at
Long and Taylor of Landisville, are| oy) friend John Henry passed
ime chief operators at present. | here every day this week.
: 113 - eg % , yale ty egg crates.
Elias Phillips student of Theo Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heistand [emp ; " Y
logical Seminary of Lancaster oc-|isiteq Edwin Brubaker’s near Mount Sima to haul them with his Reo
cupied the pulpit on Sunday evening [Joy on Sunday.
at Trinity Reformed church. , Their | Mr. and Mrs. John Metzler and
regular pastor, Rev. Gerad and {daughter Helen visited Harry Flory's
tamily were visiting friends in Md. |, Wednesday afternoon.
a% his former charge. : : Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brubaker and
The “Flu” is still making Its 5, Jestor visited Mrs. Amos Brene-
rounds though there are not many n,, at Petersburg on Sunday.
cases at this time. Scarlet fever has | Monroe Metzler and family, A. B.
made its appearance the week-end in|mrp and family ana Mr. and Mrs.
the family of Amos Hostetter where Christian Bucher visited Eljas Metz-
two small children are affected. The | jor’s on Sunday.
ases are pronounced as mild. Earl Metzler caught a fine skunk
The Red Cross workers met on this week. Some of our boys re-
ceived as much as $2.25 for muskrats
and $8.00 for skunks.
Grace Eby, Edna Kauffman and
Henry Looze, a P. R. R. cut watch-
man who was quite ill the past week
and in charge of a trained nurse
of Middletown, is again able to be
out of bed.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Landis, Mr.
and Mrs. John Smith spent last Sat-
urday and Sunday at Philadelphia, as
delegates from this place to a con-
vention held in that city.
Jacob W. Rises) ex-postmaster,
celebrated his 82 birthday on Feb.
18, enjoyed good health and appetite
and Mrs. S. H. Landis spent Sunday
friends throughout the day.
“Wednesday afternoon at the home of
ses Cross where they were busy

sewing and on Wednesday
doing : Last Friday the 21st, while the
evening they held there regular|the Mrs. A. K. Brubaker family Lest »nday rh
hz business meeting at the |yisited Harvey Rettew and family | Snow was coming down Enos Floyd

with the large 5-ton truck left Lan-
disville about noon with a flitting for
West Virginia. He arrived at his
home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Snyder and fam-
near the Back Run on Sunday.
Rev. Isaac Brubaker and wife and
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Metzler visited
Mrs. Matilda Stehman and Jacob
home of Mrs. S. P. Gingrich.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Groff gave
2 supper on Wednesday evenng to
{he following guests: Mr. and Mrs.

D. M. Graybill, of Lititz; Mr. and |Reist’s on Monday afternoon. i 1
Mrs. Amos Cooper, of Landisville;| Jt’s amusing to note what a run 3 of near Lititz, spent last Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Reinhold; Mr. yong and Taylor have for their |2ftelnoon as guestgy of Mr. Joseph
and Mrs. H. W. Hottenstein, East second-hand tobacco strings. Some | y.Rraypil Thevar@esented him
Petersburg; Mr and Mrs. S. P. Ging-| farmers who have this year’s crop | bof of home-made bread, the kind |
rich. finished must be laying up a store i ers enjoyed,
for next season. Well Uncle Sam Sta 158 Miriam K. Bard, student at
asked us to be economical. Possibly |>tate Normal School, Millersville,
[spent the week-end with her
ELIZABETHTOWN [Snare the reason.
Miss Jessie Witman was the guest |
of her parents at Bainbridge. |
Miss Mary Weaver, of York, was|
| ents, and also entertained the othe,
{ing class-mates: Misses Mary Hen-
MILTON GROVE | ninger, Gertrude and Vergie Stayer.
Miss Alma Snyder, daughter of
tleitiee | Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder of near

a overseas and is now at Camp| Senior Class— Elmer
Meade, Md. ; | Dorthy Risser, 96; Paul Zug, 96;
Elvin Killian, of Harrisburg, is the |thyr Eshleman, 95: Ev
est of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. |93.: Minnie Good, ¢
scob Killian. Junior Class—Nora Eby
Mrs. J. P. Fishburn, of Kansas Risser, 95; Ruth Fisher, 95; Christian | Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weaver, |
Oly, Mo., is the guest of Mr. and | Young, 93: Emmert Moyer, 93; Ben- Mr. and Mrs. John M. Weaver, Mr. |
Mrs. Paul Aldinger. jamin Emenheiser, 90; Christian | Mrs. Simon H. Landis spent Sunday |
Amos Baker, of Lebanon, spent a | Stern. 87; Orlena Greiner, 85. as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
few days with his parents, Mr. and] Freshman Class—Lizzie Stern, 96: | ter Oberholtzer near Bellaire.
Mrs. Andrew Baker. : Mary Roser, ; Gertie Young, 93;| There is a strong sentiment among
Mrs. Ella Milber, of Amon Stauffer, 92; Clayton Young, |the tobacco farmers to organize a to-
spent some time with her aunt, 91; Paul Earhart, 91; Isaac Bomber- bacco company for this Vicinity, in
Annie Steyhans, of this place. ger, 90; Louis Thome, 90; Charles order to protect the large amount of
Mrs. Charles Reem, of this place, | Koser, 89; Paul Hess, 86. {1918 tobacco. There is no demand
hag a cherry tree with one branch| Average per cent. of thus far as the merchants are very
covered with white blossoms and |hoys, 100; girls, 99.5. quiet. This is the time the farmers
green leaves. ; Visitors are cordially invited to pay |usually deliver and receive the
Private William Decker has ar-|the school a visit, especially patrons money.
rived home from overseas, and is|and tax payers. | Miss Vergie Stayer, a State Nor-
spending some time with his parents,| Last year the township received | mal student at Millersville who was
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Becker. {the maximum High School appropria- | the guest of Miss Miriam K. Bard on
The Gleaners’ Society of Christ |tion namely $400.00 besides teaching | Washington's birthday anniversary
Lutheran church will meet at the|for five non-resident pupils. | Was agreeably surprised when about
home of Mrs. J. P. Sweigart next | The pupils are displaying great two dozen ladies and gentlemen
Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. zeal and interest. Where are you | announced that they met to cele-
John Gainer, an employe of the patrons? {brate her 18th birthday, Seat
Masonic Homes, met with a painful | Chas. G. [hours were spent playing games
Serldont on Wednesday Zhen e had | ” ao jase And refreshments” with a de.
two fingers cut off in a circular saw. | jlicious cake in the centre of t 4 y
He was taken to the hospital and | MARIETTA with 18 red, white and SE fe tate
attended by Dr. J. W. Koser. re j burning, surrounded with a bountiful
The P. O. 8S. of A will attend ser- Sixty carloads of material have ar- | SUPPIY of other cakes and candies.
Young, 98; and family, and also attended the
Ar- spelling bee held here had her name
a Emenheiser, | listed among the prize winners.
: | The Weaver families go after good
, 96; Mary fold country ham. Henry Weaver,

Becker, Principal.

Wees in Christ Lutheran church next | rived for the railroad work west of |, . Lhe 1918th anniversary of the
Sunday evening, when the pastor, own. |birth of George Washington The
Rev. Frank Croman will preach a| Howard H. Haulen is on duty | celebrated in a notable manner in
special patriotic sermon. All or-|,oqin after an absence of three | this place. Flags were swung to the
nizations of the community are], breeze. The
: weather
threatening all day and
o’clock the rain began to f:
being quite
about six
ll, but re-
weeks due to sickness.
At the banquet of the Liberty |
Band last week, the entire indebted- |
invited to attend.





. ness on the instruments was paid off. gardless of the weather those who tunities created and preserved
MA Y TOWN { Hobson Adcock, employed on the [12d the spelling bee inspiration rolled | By our free institutions. The
oi {railroad work west of town, was the Rheems school house in such | method and degree of the tax is
Miss Anna M. Garber visited in called to Alabama on account of the Brea numbers that standing room determined by no favored class,
Columbia Pa x : ee death of his father. whicl tlie! > program | but by the representatives of the
AS 3 . si%a Earnie Robert Shellenberger, assistant | Which had been In a special | ‘ceds of the ts
Mr. John H. Diebler, of Harris : x i Aanner oBered a3 , | wwoceeds of the tax
Tar i : operator at the Marietta exchang f . Opened a o’elc ' arded a& a ns al
burg, spent Sunday in he! tiles oa "yi n addition to t} ) arded as a national
ATs COURTS ne Columbia Telephone Company addition to the CT TA Ty
Miss Anna C.. Han 3 a A 1 rmati 2 EH ny ment.”-—Daniel C. Roper,
3 . ne rom Mount ieasant a ‘ : ¢ 1 RB
week-end in La De had charge of an ex. Commissioner of Internal Reve-
Mrs. 1 R o} t place for t reeks nue
( it place for three weeks
te champion Chas. E. Humer | ¥
sird race at Paradise on | ®f Ek kk ok Rk ok koh kkk kk kk
vy and also shared in the ay, 9 < ee ini
-and-out events. Geo. Sar \ . ye —
of aT also Bnishod in the k Dreadful Cough™BGured N, .
a 1, is in t} Algsevere cold is often followdd | That Terrible Headache
friends in town. a by a rdugh cough for which Chamber- | Do you wwe periodic attacks of |
nnie L. Hicks, is visiting in| on lain’s Cough Remedy has proven es- | headache ace anied by sickness of
the guest of her daugh- A Patriotic Bee pecially valuable. Mrs. F. W. Olsen, | the ston a sallow
8S. Magee. A patriotic spelling bee will be|
Diebler, of Connells | held in the High School, at Landis-|
isiti among friends |" ie on Saturday evening, Feb.
§ fo {under the
nd Merian Shire. | school.
p8Pent Sunday with |and a ge
years ago my. little bo
; 22, la severe cold and co
auspices of the Grammar |for days. I tried
There will be two spelling | medicines bu
neral information elass with {good until

greas ugh
m apn.

ean ouch |

and Mrs. Jeff| four prizes to each class. The pro- | Cough Re
; : ..|gram also includes music, recita- | right awa a0
al service will |tions and dialogues. Admission 15 taking og Lished
pwn Reformed | cents. 2t | think it is I
at 11 o’clock | Be |
Read the Bulletin.
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. |
hington, Lin-

It pays §

WMo., writes: “About two | skir
ness, g
a these 5
lain’s | rectjg
0D gq
Everybody is

Income must
returns and
enue Bureau,
required to do
at home.
turns In.

$2,000 or over.
to be avoided.
| ’
In Order to Be Helpful to Publio,
Internal Revenue Bureau
Every Available
Officer in Field.

With the due cate for Income Taxes
only a few weeks away, the collection
of this far-reaching
has started
tax on
figuring income tax,
Payments and sworn statements of
Internal Revenue
offices on or before March 15, and there
are severe penalties for delinquency.
Residents of Pennsylvania will maka
to the
nearest of the following collectors of
Internal Revenue:: Ephraim Lederer,
Philadelphia ; Benjamin F, Davis, Lan-
caster; Fred C, Kirkendall, Scranton;
C. Gregg Lewellyn, Pittsburgh.
“Pay your Income Tax by March
15,” is the slogan of the Internal Rev-
has sent every
available officer into the fleld to help
the public to understand the require-
ments and to prepare the returns.
Who Must Make Return.
It is estimated that many thousands
of single and married persons in this
section of the Unted States who have
never before made annual returns are
thelr taxes
so this year,
Income tax returns must be made
between now and March 15 by persons
who come under the following classifl-
Any unmarried person whose 1918
net income was $1,000 or over.
ows and widowers, divorcees and r-ar-
ried persons who are living apart from
their husbands or wives, are for the
purposes of the Income Tax classed as
Any married person living with wife
or hushand whose 1918 net income was
The Income of both
husband and wife must be considered,
together with the earnings of minor
children, if any.
Revenue Bureau Offers Aid.
who is in either of these cla sifications
must get busy at once if penalties are
He should secure a
blank Form 1040 A for reporting net
income up to $500), or Form 1040 if
his net income exceeded that amount.
Forms are being distributed by Collec-
tors and their Deputles, also by banks.
By following the instructions on the
forms a correct return can be prepared
If a person needs advice or
aid, the Deputy Collectors in the fleld
will furnish this without charge.
The new Revenue law places the In-
come Tax duty on citizens and resl-
The Internal Revenue Bureau
is sending its men to work right with
the public to get the tax and the re-
With active co-operation
every tax due March 15 will be paid
and every return required by law will
be in the Revenue offices on time.
ir the United
Exemptions Allowed.
single person
has the same exemption as if married.
A married person who lives with
wife or husband is allowed a personal
exemption of $2,000. The head of a
family is entitled to claim a similar
personal exemption,
An additional exemption of $200 is
allowed for each person under eight-
een or incapable of self support who
was dependent upon and received his
chief support from the taxpayer.
A hushand and wife living together
are entitled to
emption of $2,000
the exemption
rate returns
but one personal ex-
If they make sepa-
may be
claimed by either or divided.
Accuracy Required,
Absolute accuracy
making up income figures.
is necessary In
Any per-
son who is working for wages should
find out exactly how much he received
during the whole year 1918. Fees,
bank interest, bond Interest, dividends,
rents received and all other items
must be reported correctly. Mere
guesses are not accepted, for they are
unjust alike to the taxpayer and the
Government and
defeat the proper ad-
ministration of the law.
takes on a
every citizen.
tune attained





“The payment of Income taxes
which should be understood by
tem of this country is truly pop-
ular, of the people, by the peo-
ple and for the people.
citizen is Mable to tax, and the
amount of the tax is graduated
according to the success and for-
in availing himself of the oppor

odode kok kode Ak ok kk kk kkk
new significance
The taxation sys-
by each individual

10 dull p 552 If so, you can
Quick relief LY
Tab as directea for bilious-
may be ablé-te—avoi
®.cks if you cbserve the di-
Ps with each rackage. feb.5-4t
rime Pree
ging Chamber-
The world may OWe every man a
living, but a lot
enough to show
Read the Bu
of them haven’t sense
gn pay day.

1918 in-
off with a bang.
is allowed a per-
sonal exemption of $1,000. If he is sup-
porting in his household relatives who
are dependent upon him he may claim
the status of the head of a family whe
Hk kk NNN

[for Coughs and
! Sore Throa

| —
Church of God
Rev. I. A. MacDannald, D.D., Pastor
Sabbath School 9:30 A. M.
Preaching 10:30 A. M.
Y. PP. S.C. B, 6:30 P.
Preaching 7:30 P. M.

Dukedom, Tenn.
“I live on a farm and keep house
for six in my family. I got into 8
nervous, run-down condition so it
seemed as though I would die. A
friend advised me to try Vinol. I
have been greatly improved by its
uss and am better and stronger in | havea
every way. ’’—Mrs, H, H. Goodwin. strong.
For all run-down, nervous, anaemio conditions,
feeble old people and delicate children,

Senior C. E. 6:15 P. M.
Revival Services 7:15 P. M.
St. Mark’s United Brethren Church
Rev. C. A. Snavely, Pastor
Sunday School 9:00 A. M.
Worship and Sermon 10:15 A. M.
Junior and Senior C. E. 6:15 P. M.
Worship and Sermon 7:00 P. M.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30
P. M. You are invited to these ser-
Priced $0 They
Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 A. M.
Morning Service 10:45 A. M.
Evening Service 7 P. M.
Tuesday, Needle Guild. :
Thursday, Ladies’ Aid Society.
Friday, Catechical Class.
Ladies) \Misses’,
Men’s, Boys’
and Children’s
Wednesday, February 26, 1919.
agged Out Women
inol is What You Need
If all theNtired, overworked, run-down women in
this community could realize how our delicious
Vinol, which contains Beef and Cod Liver Pep-
tones, Iron and Manganese Peptonates and Glyce-
rophosphates supplies the vital elements necessa
to enrich the blood and“create working strength
‘we wouldn't be able to supply the demand.
“I keep. house for my family of
three, an
nervous breakdown, su 1 was unable
to work. The do
help me, and a co
try Vinol.
good appetite and am well and
—Mrs. Loyal Palmer.
weak women, overwo
there is no remedy like
inn Ol Creates Strength



Burdett, N. Y,
raise chicke~s, I had a
r did not seem to
in asked me to
It built me up—I now
Prayer Service Wednesday 7:45. :
Florin United Brethren Church 5 He
Preaching 10:30 A. M. mots — o
Junior C. E. 5 P. M. 'e
Must Sell

Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. Thomas Roberts, Pastor
Sunday School at 9:15 A. M.
Preaching Service at 10:30 A. M.
Junior League at 2 P. M.
Epworth League at 6:30 P. M.
Preaching Service at 7:30 P. M.
Midweek prayer service on Wed-
nesday evening.
Bible Study Class on Friday even-
The First Presbyterian Church
Rev. R. S. Quigley, Ph.D., Pastor
Sabbath School and Adult Bible
Class, 9:30 A. M.
Christian Endeavor, 6.30 P. M.
Evening Worship, 7:30 P. M. Ser-

mon Topic: “Heaven and Hell Here.”
Preaching in the Donegal Presby-
terian Church in the morning at 10
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Rev. H. D. Speakman, Rector
The services on Quinquagesima
Sunday will be celebration of the
Holy Communion and ‘sermon at
10:30 and evening service at 7:30.
Church School at 9:15 A. M.
The rector will celebrate the second
anniversary of his pastorate here and
has asked that all the communicants
of the parish join with him in the
sertion is true if you call.
As a special I have a lot of

This is undoubtedly the finest assortment of footwear I have
had in my store for a long time and yowll agree that this as-
The prices, top, will surprise you
but the stock must be converted into cash, hence the sacrifice.
Ladies’ and Misses’ High Top Sample Shoes

Eucharistic Feast next Sunday morn-
St. Mary’s Guild will meet at the
home of Miss Ellis tomorrow, Thurs-
day evening.
The Confirmation class will meet
at the rectory tomorrow evening for
As Ash-Wednesday occurs next
week, there will be a celebration of
the Holy Communion at 8 a. m. and
service and meditation at 7:30 p.m.
et Green
The schools are all closed in this
vicinity on account of the measles.
C. H. Brubaker received very
Yona souvenir cards on his birth-
Mrs. Amos Kauffman held a hen
party last Thursday. Quite a number
were there. :
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blottenberger
announce the birth’ of a daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Witmer and Mr. and
Mrs. Engle and a friend were enter-
tained by Mrs. Brubaker and Mame
| Nissley and Mrs. Gish on Thursday.
{| Stanley Kessler, who is stationed
{at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Md., is
| home on a 7-day furlough. This is
| the first time he was home since he

H. Laskewitz

on |

A ——
was drafted. Stanley looks well.
Rev. F. W. McGuire will preach |
next Sunday morning on “This Same
| Jesus will Come Again,” being the
1 second of a series of sermons on the
second coming of Christ. Subject at
7 p. m., “The Star of Jacob.” {
Miss Edith Mae Nissley spoke in
the Church of God on Saturday even-
ing, giving a very interesting address
on missions. Miss Nissley, who is a
member of the Church of God at
Landisville, will sail for India via San
Francisco about March 15.
Domencio Maesamor, track walker,
was hurled to death by Columbia Lo-
cal Passenger train just east of the
Rohrerstown station on Friday even-
ing at 5:20 p. m., which had been
shifted on the east bound track to
pass by a freight train. The track
walker evidently thought that the
train was coming on the west bound:
track and the curve in the road ob-|
structed his view. A wife and Hess!
children survive.

want people to know what you have


| no business with the key to success. |
| dirdetibdenr Pt Ri
never knows just how old al
until one happens to read
e on her


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get together and talk:
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Electric fixtures in A desired, supplied.
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pteed. T
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I respectfully
