Wednesday, January 22, 1919 MuunN [ JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, .. PAGE THREE Your Watch MAN loesn’t A es doesn a watch as IE TE 2 EEE " FARMERS’ COLUMN |A soi FiRTILITY PROPHECY Editor Collingwood ot the New Yorker says: “Gasoline leaves no organic matter behind it. We have come to the time, and we are rapidiy going further into it when there will be practically no stable manure for people to buy and put on their ground. And then pecple will suddenly wake and realiz that all these years they have been giving to R Items in These Columing Are Pre. ural | pared in the Department of Agri- culture at Washington, D. C., and Are Reliable and Trustworthy. Items in These Columns Are Pre- pared in the Department of Agel | culture at Washington, D. C,, and Are Reliable and Trustworthy PSP LO0 eV Be sr aabacnn bed an ornament-—he carries A COW FOR EVERY FARMER stable manure a value it did not carry, [and offer an opportunity to violinists | sils.’ . ' : : pad it for \a date-keeper— . Every farmer should at least have | and that, with fertilizers prope rly hane for nsttnetion of a high quality, Mr.| Th: it was the form of the disease At first signs of a cold or grip take Big business in the next two years and if hjs watch doesn’t ly one dairy cow. More may be Joept if [ dled and with cover crops, they will Boyer po noel Besopniasd he ins of salled Iifiven po 3 hat ume, ag gb. i Lane's Cold & Bri Tablets will develop good\ reasons why you P help him) keep his dates, q it is desirable or profitable, but there | ho ble. to get the same results with § 0°, Joreme eachers and violinists served by a physician, and in his | P |should not sell below the following PP®4 he doesn’t want it. M should be at least one cow. The farm | jess Ib J BHR eNlils wi of the great metropolis. His tem- | diary the conditions are given as he | . d'or ‘ $3: Our watches are de- family richly deserves the best of | 165% labor, with more proiit and with [porary address is No. 144 College | found them in that section. In some|f Don't wait. Delay often reads to suggested prices for your 1918 crops: - $33 pendable date-keepers— M food and from the standpoint of | far greater satisfaction.” avenue. He was for the past nine | respects the symptoms described are pneumonia. Results are guaranteed Very fine sod land crops at 30, 15, be boeq they stay gn time—and 4 economy it should have inexpensive | cree ———————n { years head of the violin department [not unlike those observed in the pre- | At your drugzists, d : i 444 will help you keep your ¢ food. Milk produced by the farm | ou Is RACRT OF LRH of the New York School of Music valence of influenza now. anc 8 or more; very fine corn land hk 3 date, whether it be with N cow is not expensive. What other R DWINDLING MEAT SUPPLY jand Art and associated with Arthur | Dr. S. P. Hildreth, writing from | Li crops at 28, 14 and 7 or more; extra & 4 the factory, whistle or Md animals will s 11 utilize the grass an | ¥riedheim, the great Liszt authority. Bellepre, Ohio, March 3, 1808. has | XQ = "good Penn B. crops at 25, 12 and 6 3 ? | AY : ? *e ORS 5! , animals will 80 we utilize ne grass | - ! ay 5 . ] co " » : M94 the President. They're plots around the house and barn| You have no doubt become cous: He » ns for FEA ars a pecs: ate pupil Bi to say about fhe same disease: or more; medium good Penn. B. crops $ Ahsoluis ly x ) ia ble, : throughout the summer? In the win- | tomed to meatless days, but secretly Xi ur Spe of. a ites of i Boris $1 Hf i a JSppsare aozes 0%. s at 20, 10 and 5, or more and poor, be iey’re made by watch- ter it will be necessary to give her| vou ar obably waiting: snd «PR os w hE AC Justo clo Jer, came iro : $ makers whose'reputation & Some COATT ta : bt To cost | Sou are probably waiting and hoping | Marsick. He was one of the founders the eastward and travelled on the | short, hard burned crops, suitable for highgrade' work is 2ee on any farm will not be great. Even for the day when you can again éat {and Hie cencert master of the Phila- westward. Nothing new was discoy- | only for export purposes, not below well known. +0 Hi ith this the cow is profitable for she [2 good steak without feeling unpa { delphi: Symphony Society, after- ered in its appearance. Old people | 15, 5 and 3, or more, Why not and rent produces milk that furnishes plenty | triotic. { wards the Philadelphia Symphony suffered mest from it, their cough be- | \ let us show you one of esl of bone and muscle-building ma- But do you realize that the average j Orchestra. He has given over four- ing much more distressing than the | If not sold at delivery time, let these guaranteed date- $3 terial for the young people, and gives | meat supply per individual, even be. | (6o0 hundred recitals, concerts, lec- young. Some who had fever and . each land owner and tobacco raiser ; ; keepers? We'll not ask {8¢ strength to the older members of the | fore the war, had fal) RoR ure recitals musicales and solo ague suffered very much from it, the | all ffi i fai a4 vou to buy oli’ll 2 +90 A v y { fore the war, had fallen off nearly one | iolinist at church services during the cough being obs tinate, and removed | .. {call at our office with a fair sample 84 vou to buy you'll ask 3d family. Dairy dishes in any form add | fourtt 10 5 1 +P us to sell. pot variety to the meal. Milk can rel ourth since 1900? Tc be sure, each | past twenty-five years in America only by removing the ague. By the to complete the terms of packing on 3: e844 Che place of many purchased foods | of us had nearly as much meat to eat | Canada and eight countries of first of November influenza had left | the profit-sharing plan. 0694 2228800838 E3RR33T 288Y also at a great saving in cash and | | Europe, and averaged a year eighteen us. Towards the last of October and aa rh « « « « 1 } $ 0 i y JOY ‘ » fi se i 1231 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET B$e{ Icalth. Maybe there should be more, | | [| | recitals for the New York Board of beginning of November, a number Office hours all day, until further feed 894 but surely one cow to the farm | I Education, totaling three hundred were seized with a disorder that had notice, at 46 North Market Street, él FETT ITT $4 MARKETING BUTTER BY MAIL | [7nd Ave fo dat the appearance of a violent pleurisy. — Lancaster, Pa 55 664 ow 1A ETING JTTER BY MAIL | The grat : Sila ancaster, Pa. oot recede MARK NG B E . : 1. « The patient was seized with a chill, in : . 3 1 $5 804 $83333¢ trci3d ~ALIZIZIITX A farmer's wife who was making a | | 1 FS elie © Aiversify; 7% ne some amounting to an ague, followed| We are closing out our Tobacco = S— 7 i , || 8 } od orne 2 — h —— oe oe good quality of butter was securing] | Un iversity, M hanic 1 Trad with a violent fever, and severe pain [Rope at 10 cents a pound 2 but little more than half retail price : echanies’ ant rodery’ I ‘espirati i p 1 %) ¥ I f | Institute (where he also had charge i" the side, difficult respiration, dis- H a pound for it when a trial shipment { of the orchestra) at every school tressing cough, skin dry and in- k L KIMBROUGH i was made by parcel post to a cus- {along the Hudson river from one to tensely hot, but the extremities cold. ig 0 um ia nk & , ' ] tomer in a large city. As the result | six times, except Vasser. His tours LHirst great, tongue dry and & of this shipment, a demand ‘was de- | have extended over New York State, trembling; pulse small, a "low de- . |” > Semm———— y] veloped and customers obtained for id S : T D2 lirium, wm d the eyes watery and dull ( i oe odie ot an al ance every State in New Enlgand, Penn- > | mn 3 the entire proc uct at an advance in | sylvania New Jersey Maryland and a great prostr: ition of strength | | price to the farmer’s wife and with Noth A ! ary and, ,,4 dejection. | ar | | a considerable saving to the cus- tomers under the retail price of the best creamery butter. A number of creameries have de- this was se- cured at the expense of our E uropean ; ; in 1917 c veloped an extensive parcel-post busi- | I? 1917 as in 1900, but One which has a large output markets practically its entire product ness. neighbors. Our exports practically i direct to consumer or retail 2 ceased; we had no surplus left to send tributors, except in the flush of pro-| abroad. For Golds, Grip and § duction in spring and early summer, But the question is, “Toward what Another has developed a substantial o : I ; are we headed?” Shall we have to i parcel-post trade by sending out a 5 pe 4 n uenzga weekly price list, continue to reduce our meat ration un- § . til eventually we come to ihe plan of I It opens up the head and allows OATS STRAW FOR BEEF CATTLE | cereal—eating China? This is the i you to breathe freely In an experiment conducted at the | natural trend in every highly populat- Indiana experimental station to test | ed counfry. Where people and live Call at the Chandler & Co. Drug the feeding value of our straw it was toc. 1 .° : gi, i : ; / ; : . st oe te , » same Store, Mount ‘Joy, Pa., at once found that a ration of corn silage, | Rios uN ompel or iio Same for a bos of King’s Antieeptic Q corn and cottonseed meal was just | grain, live stock is pretty apt to get C hC Wonderfel + as vi duab le for economy and extent | left. atarr . ream. onderful re- of grains when used with oats straw But there is no real need for perma- sults—Kills germs and heals \S fed with clover hay. As| nent meat shortage in America. Our sore membranes. Use this fra- such a ration | exte nr used in| farm and particularly our pastures are . . . ray < arte » S | 1 : . s . grant healing antiseptie, cream. various parts of the United State; its | not producing anything like full ca- Relicves cold I st a practical value can readily be seen. pacity. Following the close of the war jelieves colds and stops ‘sneez Straw and stover are especially | tie ii : eo wi ing, 25¢ a box, or mailed to\any valuable for the wintering of breed. | fertilizer wil undoubtedly be used address upon receipt of price) ing herds of beef o8tle, and should | more extensively than ever before to \ form a ge part of their feed. | boost live stock production. Many DOO00 live stock farms could actually double PARASITES CAUSE GREAT : ; ] FIRE INSURANCE TORNADO AND WINDSTORM INSURANCE LIABILITY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE Employers and Public Elevator, Steam Boiler, Liability I solicit gervice. S. HESS HERSHEY® 340 W. Donegal St. your patronage Bell Phone 63-R2 Shaving Hair Cutting Jos. B. Hershey TONSORIAL PARLOR Agent for the Manhattan Laundry. | Goods called for Monday. West Main St., Mount Joy Krall’s Meat Market 1 always have on hand anything ie the line of SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. F- Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton H. H. KRALL West Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA Bell Telephone ATTORNEY .AT-LAW Notarw Public Bell Phone 43-R4 Sin St., Moun? doy, Pa. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- Fleer, with W. ( WwW. C. Rehm. CHICHESTER S PILES OND BBAND, | fhieas Toi | Pills in R and Gold metallic { boxes, seal = SOLD BY DRUGGISTS wn Plate Glass : : of illions of dollars every year, and | American diet. Enough potatoes were Burglar, Automobile I'm of dolla ind | 2:4ar, : ¢ in addition to this damage certain of | consumed in the United States in 1915 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION these parasites can be transmitted Lo to allow one eight-ounce potato a day ALL KINDS OF SURETY BONDS man, elber, Li meat or mm other | throughout the whole year for each OLD, STRONG AND RELIABLE ’ x as oe ney: of Ihe { man, woman and child. ating suc Cc orga 8 Tite: : tc . : COMPANYS ; with the view of developing methods| Truly, the potato is the food of the The time of year has again come of preve: ntion, control and treatment | People. The portion of the American when you should renew your Work- that the zool ical Division of the | meal made up by this vegetable, alone, men’s Compensation Policies. Bureau of Animal Industry was es-| consumes over 300,000,000 bushels an- Will submit lowest possible rates tablished. The division now POs- | nually. on any of the above lines on } 7oduest 100% MT. JOY, PA. W. M. HOLLOWBUSH ©. day at No. 56 N. Duke Street, Second | their carrying capacity by making use of commercial fertilizer. “Fertilizer to Keep More Live Stock” bids fair to LOSSES There are thousands of species of parasites belonging to the animal] kingdom aldready known to man, | be a popular slogan on the American and new ones are continually being | live-stock farm. discovered. Some of them appear to see be quite harmless; others are most i niutious, and some produce con.| THE IRISH POTATO THE FOOD i for whic h no cures have been | OF THE PEOPLE discovered. The loss to the live-stock | industry in the United Stites from | animal parasites amounts to hundreds| The Irish potato is a staple of sesses one of the largest collection of specimens of parasites in the world, which is most useful for the purpose of reference in identifying specimens sent in by farmers, veterinarians and others. A BALANCED POULTRY RATION A well-balanced, simple ration may be made of equal parts, by weight, of Intensive methods make it possible to grow crops yielding from 250 to 400 bushels per acre, and at the same time to decrease the cost of raising each bushel. The big expense in potato growing comes in the preparation of the land, the purchase of the sced and the attention given the crop through- wheat, cracked corn, and oats fed |©ut the season. But it costs no more | twice daily, usually in the morning | {0 prepare ground, plant, cultivate and | spray a 300-bushel crop than it does a 150-bushel crop. Harvesting will cost but the big overhead expenses fand at night. The grain m: 1y be either scattered on the range in summer and in the litter in the poultry house in more, hig > Yo na hoy 8 ine are practically the same. Obviously |! ) e yea should be supple ine ia Then . | , is sure re | mented with a wet or dry mash of 2 the thing to do is to insure larg yields by supplying an abundance of | available plant food that will give the crop a good start and force it to early maturity. parts of corn meal and one part ot of wheat bran and midlings and beef scrap. One feed of mash may be fed at any time during the day and the grain fed for the other two meals. Fertilizers should be applied at the Regninte Me Dropmtion OF Som and time of planting, and in order to make |about equal parts or each. ame certain that this material may be on jone quart of grain daily should be |Nhand when needed it is especially im- | portant to order early this year. ] The man who has his fertilizer stored in his own barn is the only one who can be certain of a supply when | fed to every 16 Leghorn hens, or to 13 general purpose hens, such as the | Plymouth Rocks, with an equal weight of mash. This amount, how- Be os and Shon be regulated | needed. A big potato crop will be Vy the feeder, as the hens should be 3 needed next year whether peace comes eager for each meal. Leghorns will fined nest yes pes eat about 55 pounds of grain and | °F Rot ly in a year and Plymouth Rocks or hens of the general purpose class, about 75 pounds. WHY FOOD PRICES ARE IN- CREASING i | “During the last fifty or seventy-five | | POPU R MAYOR the large cities in this country and PAYS TANLAC A Europe have been growing, the estab- | food were supplemented by the the middle | | years (principally since 1840), while lished agricultural areas that produced open- | ing up of new lands" in LO ING TRIBUTE West, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, South and Central Africa, Australia and Si- . beria. Mayor T F Frecburn, of North May FF, - “pp oducts. chiefly and umberland, Pa.,\ joins with other! Food products, chiefl i : prominent Pe ennylv: wnians in en- meats, were produced on virgi 1 1 T , th& Master Medicine. | fertilized lands, Ei igrant labor was employed and subsequently there we reé@ommend Toniae cheap railroad and steamship transpor of Momach troubl tation, so until recently the people | . I suffered greatly! cities have been fod on fe | from my stomach for long ti < My stomacl trouble ‘was Bu at a price which | panied by vousness, deej to consideration the cost « loss of ite, i tion and the f plant { I €e vadly run-down e« ned in crop h must be returned | “I had heard deal about to the soil te maintain pre du ( ity.” { Fanlae, so otthe to oe Report of the Food Pre tein h Ek! { realy, tee, the Merchants’ Asso | + tried, My : no trouble at »ork. i : been quidted. : a rogck t — Eee als Ker a » i : oH REP ry in Chamberlain’s Tablets J has my endorse) When you are troubled with in- nent : © \digestions, or . constipation, take The ger Tanlac bearing name ©hamberlain’s Tablets. They strength- iJ. I. Gore sold by W. D. Chand. | €n the stomach: and enable it to per- [ler & Co., ists, Mount Joy, Pa. form its functions. naturally. Indi- |X gestion is usually “accompanied by constipation and is aggravated by it. Big Shoot at Florin Chamberlain’s Tablets cause 'a_gentle A shooting match for a big hog, movement of the bowels, relieving. the to be shot off on a spinning board, constipated condition. jan.1-5t. and a lot of fine turkeys will be held at the Hotel at Florin on Sat- The building owned by the Lititz PROF. ROYER OF LAN. and yet influenza was not an ant \ CASTER, IS WIDELY xnvown | WAS NOTHING NEW known pleague more than a century —— ago. The Lancaster Examiner has the | following to say of Mr. Royer, who | will appear in Mount Joy Hall on Thursday evening, Feb. 6, under the auspices of the Pattersonian: i Mr. Clarence de Vaux Royer, the! (Continued from page 1) eminent solo violinist, teacher and pulse, sore throat, an inchorous dis- director of orchestra, has dec ided to | charge from the nose and eyes, cough remain this season or part of the sea- | and pain in the limbs. The chronic son in Lancaster. This will add great- | diseases which folowed, were phthisis ly to the musical forces of the city pulmonalis and swellings of the ton- BY ANY MEANS North Carolina, Virginia, Delaware seven of the Western States and the Dr. Hildreth discovered that the 715 N. 5th Street Let's See Once Tobacco Growers We shall be ready to receive on {and after Jan. 20, 1919, ; EE a —— Bai I Time | DRA mo Cn? LL CED — GC» — oN CI 5 £ ho Yr ged ween HERE is no use in letting time pass when an opportunity presents itself is offered in this Sale of Men’s Suits and Overcoats. We can guarantee these prices only as long as our stock holds out—after will be talking “Spring stuff.” in Lancaster. TIME—REDUCTIONS NO TIME— are larger than they appear on the face. BOYS’ $8 BLUE SERGE SUITS, $5 Here is another fine Bargain. 550 that we bought some time back to sell at $8. Being the unsold portion, IN MEN’S TROUSERS separate Trousers—worsteds and We couldn’t ANOTHER BARGAIN We have a table of 300 Pairs of Men’s roys—that we have marked $1.98 each to clear out rapidly. hat price at wholesale today. Sizes 31 to 42. BOYS’ RAINCOATS ALSO REDUCED All Our Rainy Day Oufits, that were formerly priced up to $7, are Some have Coat and Cap, others have Coat, Cap and Leggings. NOW 26--30 North Qy -r Street Lancaster’s Fastest \G rowing Store urday, Jan. 25. Distance, 25 yards, Motor Company, at Lititz, Men's Garments | Boys Garme That were $15.00 now. . . $12.00 | That were $ 5.00 now . That were $18.00 now. . . $15.00 | That were $ 6.00 now . That were $20.00 now. . . $16.00 | That were $§ 7.50 now . That were $22.50 now. . . $18.00 That were $ 8.50 now . That were $25.00 now . . . $20.00 That were $10.00 now . That were $28.00 now. . . $22.50 That were $12.50 now . That were $30.00 now. . . $25.00 That were $15.00 now . That were $35.00 now. . . $28.00 That were $16.50 now . That were $40.00 now. . . $34.00 That were $18.00 now . That were $50.00 now. . . $45.00 That were $20.00 now . nts .3 3.50 $ 4.98 ..$ 5.98 .$ 6.98 .$ 7.50 .$ 8.98 . $10.98 . $12.50 . $14.00 . $16.00 such as that we KEEP IN MIND that these Reductions are offered by the largest Clothing store That they are offered by a store whose policy has been LOW PRICES ALL THE And that this Reduction Sale was only undertaken after thoughtful consideration, and because of the fact that an abnormally mild Fall and early Winter Season, the uncertainty of many men as to their draft status and the unexpected signing of the Armistice found us with a heavier stock than normally we would have had. Because our ORIGINAL prices were lower than the run of stores, our reductions It consists of 150 Blue Serge Suits out of a lot of we are offering them at ONLY $5. They are absolutely ALL-WOOL, FAST COLOR. cordu- buy for $3.98. GROFF & WOLF CO. Dominion of Canada and in Europe Oe Sammonly purged in ple urisy COLUMBIA, PENNA. Tinning and Spouting He gave twenty-one subscription con } iswer in these cases and corte at the Waldorf-Astoria and wos pe Eloise] » a Aropsment which Prov ed Also do not forget to bring along THAT'S MY BUSINESS ; a ; elpfi A “tonic course” was founc . : a o LC Te ola to be desirable a ore etn of your junle and: hides. Also all kinds of repair work of every 5 > $ vi ; : ; . head of the violin dopa ire nt, Ye or the disease which he designated as) jan1-Af)\ description. Work must be right Conservatory, for three years: di Baook Danley t He also Jound that - : To . 4 i= Tos S S e 0 eatment o nese cases porte of wie RA Li di tproved successful and his patients re- HOG BON A SHARE SOLICITED S'NESS vector of music at Merideth College, | COVered In fact period bleeding a A SUBSTITUTE FOR Raleigh, N. | patient 5 a favorite method with some physicians, but in the cases He has appeared in public with |, med the stem was avoide : A N G . many of the world’s greatest artists | Ie hoy a hi ayaigel, ae T x KA E | Charles Ricksecker 2% olin Soloist: alge with. other ted, bark and serp, with opium and witha: its ODOR and East Main St. MOUNT JOY brities—Mark F'wain, ( Charles 3 mphor immediately give 1 Schwab, Thomas Johnson. Ds t a E Reht fol I od Jive ry and Jo: AT HALF THE COST er e————————— eA Hillis, Champ Clark, Elbert Hubbard, way patients with “mock pletrioms] ONLY $3.00 Per 100 Ib. SACK Jason) Choate, Andrew D. Whit were handled ov : tury ago, and | MONEY BACK if “results not satis- |FOR SALE — FRANTZ PREMIER Rawin i I Ma im, as D2 Hildreth says, with” beneficial factory. AND SWEEPER-VAC others, He has also appearod hafon results. Some of the symptoms de- | FEEDING DIRECTIONS—Mix thor ELECTRIC CLEANERS 107s. s also appeare« erore seribed are not u those observed oughly 5 lbs. Hog Bonmywith 95 lbs. Be E press re done, : b J neess among patients who suffered from in-|ground grains. Feed wit (slopped) ALSO MOTORS Anorican and British emb las hh I fre P SE of » dis-for dry in feeders. A full line of Welsbach Gas Supplies Paris, Brassels and orl em er 5 24 hy pe a} For sale by —Mantels, Burners, Globes, Etc. a ——— ut it may Bot } ve been of a type so REIL LY BROS. & BA B allgnant and ) sastrous as the = A big dye industry will occupy the 4is that nam hich raged in | Lancaster, Pa. IB. F. PEFFER, MOUNT JOY, PA. former distillery at [An | the country in the past six months, | Jan.15-3¢ 53 W. Donegal St. nov.1-1yr. i 2} 12 gauge guns, No. 8 shot and only factory loaded shells. 2¢. loss. was L\ destroyed by fire entailing a $9,000 ——