The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 22, 1919, Image 2

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Wednesday, January 22, 1919

oe (
MT JOY BULLETIN der and axeman, H. 8. Miller, George |
’ Stotz, John Eater; trustee, (3 years),
MOUNT JOY, PA. Adam Wisman; janitor, Aaron Nay- |
Editor & Pro'r. lor; solicitor, Bernard J My rs,
caster; representative to State Fire- |
i ————— men’s Association, Samuel 1

Le i { representative to the State I |
bscription Price $1.80 a Year| Relief, Frank I. Schaffner Iter
a ¢
x Months. ......75 Cents ton Brenner; custodian

I'hree Months. ... .40 Cents { forms, Henry S. Mille: Pioneer
ss Fl EE SI
Sample Copies. ..... FREE quite a representation PY » rin th
m——— ( WOPl] WQL Samuel Lazelero th
Entered at the post office at Mount | ¢1dest member of the gomp any,
ov as second-class mail matter, mgm over 8 hal cenlun
I'he date of the expiration of your |
ubscription follows your name on BAINBRIDGE
he label. We do not send receipts for |
subscription money received. When-| Ce
; : Mrs. Harry Snyder spent
gver you remit, see that you are given |. “0
proper credit. We credit all subscrip-|'" Mir im 1a. Kunin baa
tion on the first of each month. 0. 1 SAENrY Ma iffman spent the
All correspondents must have their R VE Diary Good it Thursd
communications reach this office not I § anche 00d, Sp nt Yhursday
later than Monday. Telephone news in Lancaster
of importance between that time and |. “y= 0.
12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Charges in Meo Pr Wi wt Pride is
for advertisements must positively Toned 1 : spent Iriday 1
reach this office not later than Mon- Mrs. Wesley Houseal spent Friday |}
dav night. New advertisements in-|. °, ) ]
- in Middletown.
serted if copy reaches us Tuesday Mr. and Mire George Enshenat:
might. Advertising rates on appBeas1_ + fio dav in Lat tr,
Miss Henrietta Snyd

tion. 3 1
1 \yaer 1 spendaing
lieville Vigil, the Florin News and the tides
Mount Joy Star and News, were" ni. Norman R Fon med Me
merged with that of the Mount Joy Horr H man Holt: 8% and Mr
Bulletin, which makes this paper's. “+, an I ay

circulation about double that of the | Mrs Lowis Wambatch spent Tues
ordinary weekly. |day with her sister, Mrs. Harry Good
ee x [and family.
ot? | Mr. Grant Piper, of Philadelphia,
SALUNGA {spent the week-end with his mother,
——— Mrs. Piper.
Mir. Charles Myers and family of| Mr. and Mrs. Claud Bachman
ancaster, called on his parents on visited relatives at Harrisburg, on
Sunday. | Thursday in Lancaster.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Way of Mount | Mr. Earl Neidig announces the
: , | marriage of his daughter Della H.,
at the cotue P. Frosher.
Mr.and Mrs. John Groff and daugh- | Quite a lot of people are filling
rs Esther and Anna Mary spent | their ice houses with ice. The ice is
Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. | @bout eight inches thick.
George Way at Chiques. { Miss Dorothy Koppenhaver spent
Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Cling and Mr. | the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
nd Mrs. Metzger of Mount Joy, | Harry Hawthorne and daughters.
spent Sunday afternoon at the home|
f Dr. B. E. Kendig and family.
Mrs. Deibler with Wm. Fackler
ind family attended the funeral of |
the former's sister, Mrs. Dennison at
Marietta on Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Piefer and |, poo seq 1S :
family, Mrs. John Piefer and daugh- | Tale Tins ng. he wreck crew was
abeth took an auto ride in | called out from Columbia. :
| A music Recital was given on
ter Elize
. 7 iefer’s auto to Eliza-!,, 2 .
Mr, Howard Piefer’s a : Tuesday evening in the 3ethel
Church of God by Miss Blanche
Joy, were Sunday visitors a
nome of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Way.

| two sons Alois and Charles attended
[ the funeral of Mrs. Nagel's sister,
| Mrs. Mary Grady at Marietta.
| tion several freight cars were


bethtown on Suey. Tar
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Herr and family, | ~~ . A Miss Bl
Mr. and Mrs. John Herr and family, good, assisted by Prof. GC. 'N. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Raffensberger and | 5197 and Miss Gunhilde L. Jette,
family, Mr. and Mrs. Baséhore, Mr. Violinist of Lancaster, Pa. A silver
and Mrs. Jacob Musser and family | Hering wa lifted.
re ell Gee
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. mn
hristian Herr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Newcomer en
ined on Saturday night his esa
ter Barbara recently married to Irvin Brown spent Sunday in New
es Hoffman now stationed at|York.

Camp Meade, and his niece, Mr. and Mme Nissley is on the sick list for
Vi \bram Brubaker of near Her- |over a wek.

‘here are still no shortafe of jobs| Mount Joy.

r our M. D's. They surely all look Mrs. Amelia Gross was a visitor at
tired and hard worked. We fear no|Rev. McGuire's on Thursday.
ch . for the better is close to hand. Two dauchters of Charles Krows, |

With spring in winter and prospects of Woodbine, were visiting in town.
f winter in spring, we have little as- William Anter of Lancaster, called
surance of good healthful weather for on postmaster, A. B. Baer on Friday
some time to come. Valentine Clark, the Rural Route
Our tobacco farmers are hustling No. 8 man is still confined to the
the stripping of their crops and the house.
majority of them feel happy at the Mrs. Walter Cramer of Lancaster,
sutput of the 1918 crop. The yield was a visitor at Rev. McGuire's on
is very good with excellent quality | Sunday.
and from our observation there is no Rev. F. W. McGuire attended
acfect in the burning, as reported. | Board of Mission meeting in Harris-
Sergeant James E. Kendig reports hure Monday.
.nty off work in hishBne. He Te- Laura B. Stubbs, of Peach Bottom,
ts thegarrigal last week of the Mt. was a caller on Saturday at Mr. and
Talletin and the paper contain-| Mrs. A. B. Baer’s.

. >
ed interesting facts which he en-|
joved, more something coming from sells apples now in Rohrerstown. Joe
home county and gotten up by has it all his own way. Only when
1d friends and neighbors. Good an automobile comes along. :
to all he says.

Reitzel and family now that the work | was a large attendance, At a recent
has closed will settle down in the election all the old officers were re- |
old Reitzel home in our town pretty elected.
soon. Mrs. Reitzel and the family The pastor Rev. F. W. MeGuire | and Mr. Jacob W. Moyer and family |
had moved to Lancaster during the will preach at the Church of God | were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S.
absence of the Major but now we next Sunday at 10:30, on “The Near B Rain
sxpect all back to our Jows again East” and at 7 p. m., subject, “Tem- | 2h on 3
n the near future. We welcome them perance.” |
back to the old fraternal home. The A. H. Longe Bible JE the NEWTOWN
Mr. and Mrs. George Way of Church of God held a ve at
Chiques entertained the following | ing meeting o day on Al SRST
x and Mrs. Daniel Mar- | vote of was tendered Es A711 the farmers around here are]
on Sunday: Mr.
tin and daughter Grace of Snufftow
Mrs. John Weidma of Lanc
Mrs. Peter Teidme VI
Strickler, Mrs. Henr
zie Sailor, Misses Mart
sie Weaver, Mr. Dallas

er H. N. Snavely for
during the year :
C n from or near Mt
Joy wishi call on a certain lady
our town and not knowin® exactly
where she lived inquired of a friend


children E t 1 and : vhere the house was that a certain
ard and Messrs. Young and man built.
Charles Hamilton. lhe Seventy-fifth Anniversary of

eee the founders of Salem Reformed
Church, was held recently. Services
MARIETTA vere in charge of the Pastor, Rev. A.
Fred Rentz; greetings were given by
——— Revs. H. A. Kunkle and F. W. Me-
John P. Schock returned from a |Guire; the visiting ministers were:
business trip to York. Rev. Rufus W. Miller, D.D., of Phila-
Colonel Horace L. Haldeman, of delphia; Rev. R. J. Pilgrim, St. Pe-
Philadelphia, is home on a visit.
John F. Metzger, of Columbia, |legor, Salem Church of Hellars.
spent Sunday with his daughter in| —-————
Miss Margaret Hipple spent a few SPORTING HILL
days with Miss Elizabeth Spangler at | —_—
Lancaster. s i | A. D. Frankhouser and daughter
Miss Gertrude McHaffey is visiting | Myra, spent Saturday at Ephrata.
her sister, Mrs. Richard Mott, at| Mr. and Mrs. Martin Horst spent
Burlington, New Jersey. Sunday with Frank Felker and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swarmer of | jy.
this place, _ celebrated their 37th | "Mrs. Harriet Balmer of Manheim,
wedding anniversary on Saturday. {spent Sunday in the home of B. L.
Miss Grace McNeal, a former Kauffman.
teacher in the Marietta public schools,| Chas. Williams of the, U. S. Navy
but now of York, is visiting in Mari- | is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. |
etta. ae tL. C. Williams.
Miss Grady, of Phoenixville, who Mrs. Anna Smith of Columbia,
was in Marietta, to attend the funeral | spent Sunday here with her mother
of Mrs. Charles A. Grady, returned Mrs. A. H. Vogle
home. Lyceum will be held in the Sport- |
Dr. E. L. Carman has been ap-l|ing Hill school house on Thursday
nointed one of the auditors of Mari- | ayening, January 23. ;
atta boro to succeed Paul Arnold, de-| Mr. Harry Nissle
ceased. . | near Manheim, were Sun r ouests
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Druckenmiller | of Samuel Garman and far
and daughter have returned to Sayre. Charles Miller of Coatesville
being called to Marietta on account |gunday in the home of his uncle,
of the death of Mrs. Druckenmiller’s fg thor Folatives.
brother, John J. Carroll. : + ard son. Rov, of Lan.
The ice on the Susquehanna river .


at a number of places began pili wit ay, Mr Clemanda
on Sunday above Marietta Kan Shellytspent Sundas
not aove any along the bor it the same place

Timits, Many are ready to fill their r. and Mrs. Henry Gil

houses and hope the same hol tained the ng guests at their
tact. In some places the ice is about (home on Sw Phares Gibble, |
six inches in thickness. Georee Weaver, Mrs. Annie Shelly |

The following are the officers of | .nd daughter.
Pioneer Fire Company, No. 1, who | heim: Jacob Burkhart and family,
will serve for the ensuing year: Marin Wolgemuth and Jacob Henny
President, C. P. Hipole; first vice and family. :
president, Charles E. Seaman: second
vice president, Fran Schaffner: |
secretary, John H. Smith} Sensurer,
entry S. Rich: assistant secretary.
William O. Child; steward, John W
Esvenshade; firemen, z Wi
Henry S. Rich, George Zink, . ohn F | i holders of the bank the amount


ef ose Due Huser (3 was the first dividend which the bank
Fook Sndemherger, Tr. John X- $15 "ana T° 3 "par $100." Fhe
~ Schaffner, John Shellenberger, amount paid was large.
Gooroe Panles, Charlee Stine
Charles Zigyelmeyer; chief hook, lad- Re-d the Bulletin
Miss Della Neidig spent Wednesday |"
The subscription lists of the Lan-| Go lays in Columbia with rela- |S»
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nagel and |
| On Sunday at the Bainbridge sta- |
wrecked. It was caused by broken |
| Miss Anna Beidler was visiting at |
Joseph Smith is the only man that |
; The Church of God Sunday School |
Report has it that Major Q. O.|observed Rally day Sunday and there |
ter’s Church, Lancaster; Rev. Hil-}
le enter- |
Emma of near Man- |
Wiseman The Maytown National Bank, John |
H. Hoffman, cashier, sent to the!
Haas, Otto Huber, Adam Marlev: othe semi-annual dividend. This |
| ' Vi H. G. Thompson
{ay visiting relatives at
j. K. Bard, Corporal of Par-
¢ Camp, was transfer-
Y., on Friday
\ Mary Sumpman of Lan-
Sunday here as the
H. H. Bard and family.
VI. Weaver has purchased
from A. Reed with
xpects to move the dust
demand for crushed
led the Frank Pierce

r be kept in operation
2 Kur of Lebanon county,
ynducting a series of even-
( ng in the Green Tree
h the past few weeks.
rs of coal arrived at
| the D. Gi. Brinser coal yards last week
ng supply almost equal to the
den | if this mild weather contin-
Albert Smith, the Donegal country
he laughtered three porkers
\ Bard 1 Saturday that
Ire i 1. 349 and 319 lbs. respec
Vir. Hiram Shonk, the village black-
{ smith, who was stricken with the flu
| the past ten days, is convalescing
| sl nd able to enjoy the beauti-
{ ful su I
ic de red ice from the Miller
vo ponds Mount Joy township, to
the Simon L. Heisey ice house last
+ (a 1 ick

\ils here last week.
of the Preiwen held

e with the Revs. Kay-
neh with a very large
| attendance. : :
i Mr. Harry L. Heisey, the hustling
| husbandryman, lime burner and feed
t from Donegal, has disposed
f nine cars of Sucrene feed among
| his many friends who have learned
| the value of this variety of feed. He
| also housed forty-five acres of corn
ts hard to equal last Fall for
eel ee


. Oliver Rasp has a lot of Homer
for sale.
. Claud H. Grosh spent

t He
r. William
from Mr. Phares Stern.
Mr. Isaiah Zook is
C. H. Be
v Gh

d relatives at Lan-

| ¢ d last week.
| Mr. H ‘man is busy butcher-
ng for h customers.
Mr. S nerich transacted busi-

{ ness at Mount Joy on Friday.
| Mr. Harvey Geib will engage in the
{ rabbit business in the Spring.
| Mr. Z. W. Keller of Mount Joy,
y caller in the village recently.
{r. Simon Gingrich delivered his
broom corn to Mount Joy last week.

Mr. Arch Emenheiser delivered a
ot of potatoes to Mount Joy Tues-
Mr. S. L. Heisey, who had an oper-
ation performed some time ago, is
' Mr, Samuel Brandt bought a lot
of steers at Lancaster which he will
fatten for the Spring.
Mr. Jacob Young will move to Mt.
Joy in the Spring and his son will
take charge of the farm.
Tobacco buyers are around this vi-
| cinity but thus far no tobacco has
been sold because the price has been
| too low.
holding revival services at the Green
! » church. There were seven con-

ions thus far.
| :
Mr. Aaron Diffenderfer and family

yusy srtipping tobacco.

| the shoot at Ironville on Thursday.
1 Cyrus Nissley a farmer of
near here, killed a porker that
rhed 452 pounds.

beam at 420 dressed.
Mr. Horace Detwiler, of this place,
killed two fine porkers last week that
weighed 432 and 380 pounds re-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weaver and
children of Lancaster Junction,
visited Mr. and Mrs. George Riegel
| here Sunday.
Mr. Abram Weaver brought his
deer mount home on Saturday after
being on display at the Bulletin of-
fice, at Mount Joy for a few days.
It sure is a dandy.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Mumma and
| family of Mount Joy, Mr. Charles
| Deitherly of Lancaster, and Mr.
| Charles Wittle were visiting Mr. an
Mrs. J. W. Mumma in this place on
———— eee

P. J. Zabriskie, Supt. Jersey City
Stock Yards Company, Jersey
Cty, New Jersey
Says® We used RAT-SNAP pur-
| chased of you about our plant for the
| extermination of rats with marked
| success. It is a wonderful prepara-
| tion. It did beyond question all you
ved it would do—Xkilling the ro-

dorse its use in places mfested with
vermin. Four sizes, 25¢, 80c, $1.00
{ and $3.00, Brown Bros., Mt: qv, Pa.; who has ' seen active
| H. S. Newcomer, Mt. Joy, Pa; G.

Saturday and Sunday |

"Floyd with his five ton |
AY It w 1 inches thick.
{ he P. R. R. iting gang of Mid
| dl n, ut twenty-two men, in
| chat nue! Espenshade, assist- |
led M. Weaver, put down a
-unday mov iing servi- |
Kurtz and |
Brosey bought a colt

Rev. Kurtz of Lebanon county, is|
town was well represented at |
‘Mr. George Riegel of town, |
Jaughtered a porker that tipped the!
lents, driving them from their
haunts, and eliminating odors arising
om their death. We cheerfully en-
\ Z


Were $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50
Have You Profited hy Our
Big Clearance Sale?
If not you had better hurry as the time
for you to get these bargains is geiting
shorter every day.
$15.00 Sale of
We have reduced the price on 25 of
our best Overcoats that were $18 to
$22 and now sell them for $1 B.
Special HAT Sale

Saturday Only
25 Hats at $1 Each
= Look at These Reductions Then Make Up Your Mind
“My appetite: was bad, had pains
lin the back and linibs, was dizzy in
{ the head and had‘headaches and was
| Florence Williams, a well known lady
lof Berlin, Maryland.
“I saw Tonall advertised in the
Berlin Advance and got a sample
| bottle at Harmonson’s Drug Store
| and after using three bottles was
[surprised at the good results I got.
{Have no headaches now, dizziness all
gone, my appetite is good, soreness
lin limbs and back left me and can’t
|find enough of work to do. Tonall
will surprise others who are ailing
if they once bzegin using it.”
| This testimonial was given Sept.
Tonall is sold by E. W. Garber,
druggist, Mount Joy, Pa.

Back From “Over There.”
Guy Gochnauer, of Elizabethtown,
| formerly of this place, received word
lon Tuesday that his brother Clarence
| arrived in this country from France.
Mr. Gochnauer is now Master Me-
| chanic of the Post Artillery, and has
$32.50 for $40.00 values
$28.00 for $35.00 values
$23.00 for $30.00 values
$20.00 for $25.00 values
$18.00 for $22.50 values
$16.00 for $20.00 values
$15.00 for $18.50 values
$12.00 for $15.00 values

1 P. E. Getz,
Yo The Taxable Inhabitants of
\ Lancaster County
Puksuant to the provisions -of the
laws of this Commonwealth, the un-
dersigned Commissioners of Lancas-
ter County hereby give notice to ev-|
ery taxable inhabitant within the re- |
spective Boroughs, townships and city |
of said county that appeals from the |
real estate, personal property and |
militia assessment of 1919 will be |
held in thé County Commissioners’ |
Office, in the City of Lancaster, on
the days follqwing to wit:
Washingtonboro, Marietta boro and
Manheim boro, Tuesday, Jan. 21.
Elizabethtown boro, Wednesday,
Jan. 22. \
Conoy, Thursday, Jan. 23. i
West Donegal, Friday, Jan. 24.
Mount Joy township, Mount Joy
boro, East Donegal, Tuesday, Jan. 28.
East Hempfield, | West Hempfield,
Mountville boro, Rapho, Wednesday,
Jan. 29.
Manor, Thursday, Jan. 31.
Columbia boro, Frigay, Jan. 31.
No appeal will be ‘considered ex-}
cept upon the days designed for the
respective districts, unless satisfac-
tory reason is given for failure to
come at the proper time, and not
then unless the person appealing is
accompanied by the asse§sor of the
district in which the property under
consideration is assessed.

ount Joy
tbo sn tests stunt oot ofl Sours RSF


J 0


The Commissioners will sit to hear
appeals from 9 to 12 o’clogk in the |

been in active service for more than
a year in France. He was fortunate
| to come out of the conflict without a
seratch, although on numerous occa-
sions he escaped death by a narrow
margin. He was one of the first to
enlist voluntarily, immediately after
war was declared on Germany, and
was one of the first local boys to ar-
ive in France and enter active ser-

eet eee
Wounded Seventeen Times.
Wallace Brosey of Elizabethtown,
servxice ir
France, is expe cted home shortly. Al-

Mover. Mt. Jov. Pa. “tf | though receiving seventeen wounds,
—_— . only two were of :
ST On several her
Froeber—Neidig n se e ral oth 2
At parsonage of Grace Luth- narrowly escaped
x7 -h. Lancaster, Re C. E.|©on one occasion he and several com-
n marriage George B.
R. clerk, of that city
H. Neidig, of Bain-
re. 1: y er of Earl Neidig, of
ce The voung couple were

bride, the parents of the bridegroom,
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy A. Miller, the
latter, a sister of the bridegroom;
Mrs. William Haider, of Lancaster;

| bridee, and Robert B. Oswald.
Who Wants a Farm
I have for sale an 86 acre farm in
West Donegal township, that is, be-
| yond a dobut, the best farm of its
directors. . .
has paid. The stock is worth about | size I have ever offered. Limestone
{land excellent producer, ood build-
ings, excellent location. Must be seen
! P be appreciated. J. E. Schroll, Mt.
I Joy. t
ccompanied by the father of the
Mr. and Mrs. Esbenauer, of Bain-|
f | for. Why not
panions had a hand-to-hand fight with
a number of Germans, but Brosey
says they soon ha fthe better of them.
The ones who we not killed in the
struggle soon too their heels.

» Conrts
urt granted
Work of thy
Lebanon Co
| eighty-six licen
In York cou
| cations have H
| than last year.
Schuylkill Co
|day granted
{only seventy les
[license revenue

-nine appli-
le, six less

rt on Tues-
por licenses,
year. The
d $250,000.

| Look at our
and see the ma
men they repre

ul business
hther speak

he columns |
morning and from 1 to 3 in\ the af- |
ternoon of the days designed. As-|
sessors are required to be in Attend-
ance during that time. \
By order of the \
Attest: David Swope, Clerk. jan.8-%t
ee r——
Wills be sold by the undersigned
administratrix under an order of the
Orphan’s*Court, of Lancaster County,
for the payment of debts, the follow-
ing described real estate, situated on
East Hich street in the village of
Maytown, fronting on said street, 62
feet and 6 inches and extending in
depth of that width 266 feet, adjoin
ing property of ‘Samuel Sload and
Elijah Boll. The Ymprovements con-
sist of a 214 Story’ Frame Dwelling
House laid out in eight rooms. The
house is in excellent repair. A well
of excellent water on ‘the premises,
a large stable, room for four automo-
biles and smaller buildings on the
premises. \
This is a desirable propdxty and
will positively be sold to wind up the
Sale to commence at 12:30
for the personal property and
[m. for the real estate, on Saturdjy,
{January 25, 1919, when conditio S|

Administratrix of the estate of Ro
| Dupes, Deceased. |
F. B. Aldinger, Auct. {
{Isaac R. Herr, Atty. jan.1-4t|
will be made known by

Telephone Rates
Telephone Order No. 2495 issued by Postmaster
General Burleson under date of December 13th,
1918, ‘effective during the month of January 1919,
will standardize the Toll Rates of all Telephone
Companies in the United States. In order to con-
form to the order issued by the Postmaster General
The Columbia Telephone Company, as well as all
other telephone companies under the control of the
Government, will have to adjust some of their Toll
Rates to conform'to the standard toll rates fixed
by the Postmaster ‘General. The Columbia Tele-
phone Company will continue, as near as possible,
its present toll rates changing only those rates that
do not conform to the schedule ordered by the
Postmaster General.
This order does not apply, to Rental Rates. The
Rental Rates of the Columbia Telephone Company
have not been changed and our present Free Dis-
trict, or Free territory, will be maintained the same
as in the past. Our subscribers will continue to
receive Free Service to all our Exchanges, includ-
ing the Columbia, Elizabethtown, Marietta and
Mount Joy Exchanges.
The Monthly rates for telephones are $1.25,
$1.50 and $2.00.
When the new Exchange equipment is installed
and the proposed changes made in the local plant
Mount Joy will have one of the most modern tele-
phone plants for its size in this section,

