The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 15, 1919, Image 4

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Wednesday, January 15, 1919






















worout or mum covmiox or LANDISVILLE [THE DOINGS r ; =)
PENNSYLVANIA, AT THE CLOSE OF Mi Emily Swarr is on the siek | AROUND FLORIN ’ :
BUSINESS ON DECEMBER 18 Rive: Avnic Hershey is recovering | g ;
RESOURCES lowly from evere attack of in-| 0 W ( )
fluenza | -. n ” SN. oy .
8g Miss E tbeth Martin spent Thurs- ALL THE UP.TO-DA TE HAPPEN -
jay « 1 th her cousin, Mrs. H ! INGS FROM THAT THRIVING : i
H. Lor AND BUSY VILLAGE ities F Profitabl ing Pre d Now
Mrs. J. J. Tubre and son, Jack of | Many Opportunities For Profitable Buying Presented Now
Lancaster, spent Sunday with Mrs, H, | = : : his
H. Long. i Mr. Joseph Risser is confined to his | MTV ENT FL TYNE IC RS D VOT SHOW ANY LC 5
ly ill with pneumonia is very much| Mr. Joseph Rutherford of Mari-|J} Jo opiops™ IN FAGT THERE HAS BEEN ADVANCES IN SOME LINES OF MERCHANDISE, Y -
mproved [etta, Sundayed in our village. | diy rs : . ; ws SA CIR QTY , I a D ARE STITT STRANGERS
100,000.00 ra Q lav Mrs. Hiestand’s [at the County Seat, on Sunday. | : : a . ? , Pr LEP sARANCE FIRST IN STORES SUCH
S, Mr. and My dol Showalter ap-js Sundey wisiiar to our Vg a, is) AS THIS, WHO ARE ALIVE TO THE SITUATION.
§ L000 nounce the birth of a daughter, Mary| Miss Lthel Nealy of Columbia, is T RE Te THT PRITDRNT. SHO DORE. WY TAKT 'ANTAGE OF SALE-TIME AT HAGER'S
: raret Sunday. here on a visit to Florin friends. | GREATEST ECONOMY WILL COME TO THE PRUDENT SHOPPERS WHO TAK" aDVANTAGE OF 3
I. A. Hiekes returned to hi home H. J. Pierson of New York, is AND PROFIT BY THE LOWERING OF PRICES.
v New y sunday after visit ing several days in our village. Go
| neg Mi Mrs. H. H. L acob Eichler of Elizabeth-| 2
3,33 Dr.B 1 rr and Miss rence ent Saturday in the village. f - 2
: ; Petorsor Lan er, were guests 1 F. Suter of Aneastor, " de | - ® Us
: of D : hy rs. H. business tein to town on Tuesday.| ; : ’ I 0 rered rices on viens Clothing
\ nir Mrs. Martin Liggins called on; Sy Ran ~Q arel LOWY Ee £ TICES ¢ VICK i :
; Chauncey 1 ds at the County Seat on Satur Strong Reductions inWomen's Appa |
( id t : | © This event is certainly a it opportunity for the man
2 ( { d . Ir Gh 1 3 C I iat an
{ Chri wn Garber and family of Women’s coats, suits, dresses and furs have suffered dee} who needs a good 1t overcoat We can Say 2 Sl SnocTity
H. Long. t Joy, were entertained at the i Stor. this overt: ¢ that, due to foreh purchasir ou ual righ standards
= ler re hon f Mr. Jacob Kline on Sun-| [- - reductions Ii r this January : ; were rigidly maintained during v in while our price
$ 1-% h t eir son | day bh left tod fot | All our fashionable garments are now priced very at- were kept close to the 1 ficure : .
1 118 way Mi Myr Jooth lef oday for | Go iantifol Lis) coats and finer clath Now Sal ims id ir stocks are somewha b
n. Jutlex I he w end several | tractiv including beautiful plush it 1 er « , I ly Slot % 4 A |
Se thaj { | Mrs. J. L oni . 1 £f Mr. W | rat sound materials, rea . I true values. All gar- | :
Sec o 2 r 1 Samuel V I'he entire family o Mr. Wm. - s x nit new {his Canaan . | omparison, quality
s A 1 \ El; 4 nfine | to the house | [t will pay vou to profit by these economies. nents n y : lL ¢ 0 1 1
) ? bi BI : Egan | = : i y I for qu ity and pz e lor
kness | 3
3 1 ickness. yt il onllad
A M I B Mr and Mrs. Gabriel Gei Ct |
| Dr J. S I Long, [on t! ormer’s f + at Rheems, | ;
MI rE S 3aker, | on oe : (4 !
la Snyd M Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rineer spent | ¥ F h: Th fiw 1 YY — b
NEI rdw al dee OW, Noteworthy Values For the Thrifty in :
m Sat with fr s. . 3
Miss Noi He rtained the| Mrs. A. J. Rineer and Mrs. John . . d B d Knit Underwear a
Ww circle of > is a mem- | hman called on Lancaster friend ine ina Dress Cottons an se weay .
i i The follov 1 Tuesday
33, 64 ening he follow- | esday. Aes ; 2
XI Ide B, 290.00 were present: Mabel| Mr. Levi Mummau purchased the | An i rtant pre-inventory readjustment of stocks, representing h
vit Tader \ Q | FW DY tv at rivate sale An mmportant pre-inve 3 J 2 a 0
e Bank Vis oem 38,518.57 Hess, Emiy Ba iJaeop Boren property at private sale Now At special mill lots. Wise shoppers who appreciate real savings will take ad- i Sier S
: rault at ts I srshey, Anna Trayer, Myrle | on Monday. : § g : ise of ‘ on ; ,
A An EL ua er, Ruth Hoffman, Ada Rupp,| Miss Ruth Dyer was a Saturday vantage of these pricings, as they will not likely be lower for months to th
Checks In other ies | doa tie Spahr and Nora Hess. and Sunday visitor to her sister, at . come, as the re-adjustment will be slow and gradual. At Very Unusual
same city or é 021.47 Mrs. John Herr entertained the | W est F airview. Yocob'V A Reduction ferings are timely as well as worth while, comforts are the Te re
Checks on banks located outside Sewing Circle of which she is a mem-| Messrs. P. G. Shelly and Jaco oe These offerings are timely ane : 3 es or lower than H
Bank a X th ot 5 jem vg Sher Wednadey Sloman, oo Line mals D3siness trips to Lancas- best insurance against the doctor’s bill; during Sale-Time are lower the NS :
yank and ther cas Seeks ~ J Bn : oe WE WR ‘1 tay Saturday. ] s vs
Rrtion fond ith U's. following nembers were present:|ter, on Se ) : , WL 0 7ill be later on. R ( ct 0 ; br
Phos Aon dug >in U.S oi 3s. J. M. Swarr, Mrs. J. T. Minnich, | Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kraybill and Of h Br ell they wi : tres i U
d but not collected SAX Mrs. Samuel V. Swarr and son |two children visio friends at Lan- The Hager stocks of warm blankets and colder days are coming anc . @
nterest earl bu 10t collected { S. al & 4 Y to Bly ;
= yroximate—on Notes and 5 Samuel, Jr Mrs. J. F. Herr, Mrs. | caster on Saturday. i eos ” :
Bills Receivable not past Lie 9146.33 | pul S Baker, Mrs. H. C. Greider, Miss Mary McGarvey and Mrs. El- prices now “
VT 3 St A iin iad ned. 230.8 | Mrs. J. H. Shenck, Mrs. Henry J per Jonleasiia _are spending a bia n
NYE ye ra — | Koser, Mrs, Henry H. Miller, Miss|week in Philadelphia. \ 3 aed g ay
$1,470,827.94 | fo nie P ng, Miss Barbara Trout. Miss Florence Espenshade of Mt. rtunities ow n
i Ann : Long, Lie . Sa oh ? 3 od yosition in the any a e 1 pr
Capital stock paid in.......c...... 120.000. 40 MOUNT JOY MARKETS Mrs. Benjamin Fair and Mrs. 27
Farniuy OREauf rrseeree 1 921,625.96 | ieee 1. | Gabriel Geib were Thursday visitors ne
Interest and discount ce Taoted The following prices are paid today | +i" Mrs. Amos Weidman. 53 ro
“or credited, in adv ie of Jng- [by our local merchants: Mr. and Mrs. John Dyer visited a, 4
turity and not earned (approxi- 5 059.81 H. E. Hauer Pays: their daughter Mrs. John Gro at ; : i .
X a 5,059.8 . . : n e1X é y MIS. The 44 eh rer Mill rices has not yet Ze
Amoun reserved for aif intrest a6%t 4] EDS, POF MOB ve shinai os vis hiya 63 Eiizehesniown, tei fins f Paoli Regardless of market conditions, January is the month when Fa readjust stocks. The time for lower Mill p Mc
SIHOA cu virsrnrrrnirisvinsyarierys 0'000.00 | Butter, per 1b. vr ive . 6¢ Mrs. Ed. Steigerwald o aoli . vill find advantageous pricings in our retail stocks. : . . Fourth
Jotes outs g.... 180,000.00 ’ : : : > : : > home owners wi ne 2 : ; . a trip to our Fou
Cire ulating notes « uistanding 160,000 Lard, perdb.:......... 0... 0 28 | spent Tuesday here wi her parents, arrived, but b He reigns again, Cupid will be busy, and many young folks will be starting homes of their own, and a trip tc 7
geri iro ALE ys 734.70 : Mr. and Mrs. George Geyer. 5 ? 1 via i
banks ....c.os varies dt & Stehman Pays: Mr. an ( : 3 All be extremely profitable. : r nt walls prises
Individual deposits subject to Ww TI phe bu. . ! .$2.20 | Miss Thelma G. Krick, of Lancas- PL Th hes include a famous Whittall and other high-class rugs, and we ask you to compare our prices with prese ney Ye
Bi of deposit due in less Corn. DEE IY. oa 1.60 Iter, has accepted a position in the of Philadelphia Stores. IGHT NOW ]
than 0 days {other "than ‘for Oats, per bu................. 80 office at the E. L. Nissly & Sons/j THERE NEVER WAS A BETTER TIME TO BUY THAN R tai
wy kb ed). Hp al% DOr Mie sien ?
Contified Lah Eines | 364.22 | Brandt & Stehman Sells: warononse. Kocher has cond to-tar- ik
Cishier's checks outs 6, ! Wheat, per bu A Mrs. John Keener has gon ar 3
Dividends unpaid. . 4,000.00 | Jf | LL Lag SraanT Ie risburg, where she will spend sev- ;
OLhor time deposits... crx vxxssss 1560.43. Corn, per bu. ............... oral months with her daughter, Mrs. | ITY
Certificates of deposit (other :.._ 1Oats, perbu...........v'vv... H ut A\ ata
“than for money Bofrowsd) sis vise 105.893 | Mixed feed, per 100 lbs 2. arry Lutz. cok snd and Jog
Other time depoSits......... - 105,447.45 | ~100 Ibs 3°00 Mrs. Charles Decker and son and Joy
Other United States de- Sigsten, pes 10 : Svs: vane 200 Mrs. Decker of Elizabethtown, were 1 8 2 1
sits including e- ,0tton ee Vi I EP Ne MC D.C oh % di 4
posits’ of U. 8 dis. © 100.0 Linseed Meal, per 100 lbs.,.... 3.25 SEndaY Pests to Mr. Harry Eichler _
SS officers. y . ’ . S pve 3 y. 3
8 Fonds borrowed, Boot Meal. per 100 Ths Me 8.00 Mr. and Mrs. Abram Shires and J) con
includ dberty Loan a Mea 3 aint vit t ROG. GE i n 3 y
fe of Timothy hay, per 100 lbs.,..... - 1.60 | three grandchildren of Mount 9% bes
debtedness, without vt 100 Ibs 1.15 | were Sunday visitors to Mr. Harry )
furnishing collateral 00 Straw, per 100 1bs,,..........: .19 Eichler and family. \ a
security for same. ior 000.00 87,000.00 | Mixed Hay, pez 108 foe. Yay ais 500 Mr EL oa 1st a fne bal rep
Bills payable, w eders 204,000.00 | Middlings, per 100 Bese 3. Mr, : v Svigsiy S Th Ay
serve Bank .........c.oieieenn. Rs Tanknoe 4.85 |and a large porker on Monday. e . , : TN
es Chi aan Tankage, 100 Ibs,........... 1.85 bat! had an Aho on i mae 2 5000 MILES GUARANTEED TIRES City Shoe In’
; .s for rediscounts, in- . arge as an ordinary crock anc e AN EL tacher or Stvaiaht Side :
ss those with Federal = Columbia National Bank, In- hog had tuberculosis. Clinc 8 R irin Co an larg
Resarve Bank........;.civaeeees iv oi dianapolis, Indiana Mr. Jacob Y. Kline, our local con- . SIZE NON SKID TUBES gpal gd m
State of Pennsylvania, County Says: We were bothered quite 8|...ic contractor and builder was $ 9.20 $2.15
TR, Fel : i a3 HOES MADE TO LOOK ea
“I. R. Fellenbaum, Cashier of the above- | little by“.rats in our basement,|. i 4 to bid on a fine bungalow to be Se: ot 4 35.00 7.50) OLD S nes
named bank. do solemnly swear that the destroying your RAT-SNAP very erected at once for Mr. Smith A. 30x33 12.46 2.26 LIKE NEW ONES in b
Be ing DLA, : thoroughly, we are pleased to report Cury, a wealthy resident of West Set of 4 47.50 8.90 No
my R. FELLENBAUM, Cashier. |that we are no longer bothered with |p cfer. MISS ELIDA RAFFENSBERGER, | No.
ny of dans rv. 1910 Them mow Se SSeS, Sg and Mr. Milton S. Hershy, the Choco-|" cQyERNMENT NURSE, HAS PRICES ON OTHER SIZES IN | 50 and 52 South iden Siem N
3th day of January, 1919 $3.00, Brown Bros., Mt. Joy, Pa.; H. he 1 chased a lot of LANCASTER, PE 4
x WRBUSH, Notary Publie. |? ’ ’ late King has purchased a lot G EXPERIENCE : : ’
Wr BOL LOM expires Feb, 24, 1919 5 Newcomer, Mt. Joy, Pa.; G. Moyer, | round of Mr. E. L. Nissly opposite THRILLING, EXP PROPORTION Junk of All Kinds Flor
Correct—attes;: | Mt. Jov. Pa » Mrs. Horace Cox property anc Write. for lists g ‘
THOS, ow! N, | By he 3 I on Bondis be erect a me - i" $1 5 tive fails harm 5000 miles we OYSTERS! OYSTERS! | Buy and Seil Autcnaobiies N
J. N. HERSHEY, __ | Read the Bulletin [fine mansion to be occupied by the Elizabethtown, Jan. 13—Mr. anc tire ot ne. "CHINCOTEAUGE | P
Dllecio™= | Tt pays to advertise in the Brlletin [local milk agent, Mr. J. H. Duke-|pps A. J. Raffensberger, who re- vill replace with a new FAMOUS SHO RUBBER & METAL SCRA 05,
Im nan. Contractors Masterson and |gjde on North Market street, possi ed | half price. faak oY GEREN XN
REFORT OF THE CONDITION OF | REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF | | Walters are doing the work. the following Inforesng Lo BRinpsd, Fatlie ay prey GROCERIES AND CO . No
FHI UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY |THE FIRST NATIONAL LANE AT me thelr danghter, wig era of ANCES PREPAID, RIT Bh We Pay Higest Cash Prices Ni
STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, AT THE | BUSINESS ON DECEMBER 31, 1918 | Letter From Wm. Miller Uncle Sam overseas: Dec. 9, 1918 128 Mt Joy St. MT. JOY, PA. for all
‘LOSE OF BUSINESS ON DEC. 31, 1813. | RESOURCES. | The following was received by Mrs. har ate nov.27-4mos. $5,0
RESOURCES sn 650.46 Wm A Miller on Bag Moin Sesh, Dear Folks: is on the Pacific] EASTERN SALES COMPANY BURLAP BAGS 0
cos B00. from her husband, Sergeant Miller: Al np ih = Tl 500 Fulton Street : ft.
nd discounts, In- Soi | . 2 Sty Ocean. We are eight days out. ne u RANK ft.,
rediscounts. 152.75 | This war has changed man to such os VY : : di % Row A 1 . Poa:
os Bnd. bills red 55,060.00 179,609. 51z an extent that you can now only rea-|sea Ww gy voudenl =, a the UNION HILL, NEW JERSEY CH S 28,
yuntec (othe 1€ n- . Sy are S aT £ 3 :
Bank aoceptances Soi) 10.650.0 sag) lize its good. It has - developed rt pod thie yenr. In Tact, DEALERS WANTED AUCTIONEER K tone Ra Co :
Overdrafts, ured, none; un- {closer friendship, a more firm love [WC SY OA SL ne been on may 1 16-tf | NOY. PA. eys oO g . Wh
Seca A Nay I Sue irculation (par 35.000.00 {for humanity and your fellow coun- he of t > id years said it was MOUNT , hick
S. bonds deposited to secure . . 35,000. J treme the sea seve ars, sd : i 5 T
U3 Sons Som Bi ) Wo 100,000.00 en Sorint ary. Kwontty he Joa & De am Yeon in, First Statens. How Til von geth Prompt atiestion wives to tio Sol Max Brody, Propr. 2 Ne
iberty Log C 3 2 Te @ é > © o 5 ersona . opt
Liberty L iy BOS : : as coll ater: al was ruled out. After it ceased to The w aves eas gy 3 hich shat he to be a college president?” ling of 5s jicto nnd pein Pp Bell Phone 9-R2 MOUNT JOY. Prop:
Lit San Bonds, 54, x or ‘bills payable. Boom: Soinosiexise, the: Huns became Barbarians. We h: in oT in the hold and Second Student—*‘Oh, by degress” 1° Ros july 17-tf. all c
“4 and 414 per vent, | Liberty Loan Bonds, 31% A human being was a feast for the the DoS ignited on top of the A reas
pledges secure State | 4 and 41-4 per 2 Yod. )
is Ra Wa | unpledgea .... 1,000.00 Han God ianism b , such |deck so we had a fire on top deck No
bills payable DO 235,000.00 Liberty Loan Bonds, 3%, German Prussianism became suc t The ship rolled and rocked Snel Uf rtnslif ptr rope
Payments actually made 4 and 41-4 per cent, la mighty ruler over the individual 00. oy ae Ary BODE
on Liberty 1-4 per pledged to secure State of Germany that the people idolized | wonderfully eV pre ous
nt bond yf the or other deposits or : 3 3 Sh riven up as lost. Everybody was
Fourth Liberty Loan bills payable............ 55,850.00 the Kaiser's doings. Thinking too, ao Boel UUs raul anasto No
ERED corns cs aere. 44,600.00 282,600.00 | Payments actually made far ahead of the onslaught he or- rig! i Bow oelinioun thos Het ' . Main
Securities other than U. git Liberigd4ld pat dered, the Huns dreamed of him |see the sailors how relig tric 1
bonds (not including cent. bonds of the : ’ : Kai 1d | They are a very good set of boys on
S. bos ih al iy Fourth Liberty Loan being superior. The aiser wou tic boat.” Well, T began to tink I secke
Soe Bd iis 530,051.04 530,051.04 | Owned ............oeeenn. 52,650.00 109,500.00 | then establish a new world, he being | this boa Rlizebothtown again No
ghicdzed Federal Reserve Bank Securities other than U. Ruler, or rather (as he thought) would never see izabetl . Ne
0 per cent of subscription). 7500.00] §. bonds (not including ‘me Being over humanity. but then if it was my time to go, 0
v A ry banking house Stocks) owned un- Supreme Being over humanity. . I might as well make up my know
Swned and unincumber- | pledged ................. 200,567.50 If he now looks back at the|guess g N hers do. Por buy.
seiesrieasterens %,000.00 25,000.00 | Collateral Trust and destructions, murderous warfare they mind and do as all others . 3
Farnitore” and fixtukes............ 6,000.00 | other notes of Sofporas ad t loubt under his in-|two days we were in great danger,
Real estate owned other than | tions issued for not | carried out, no dou : Te i ei, Mourizing
st TAT ROUSE... caalssrsaraneases 2,750.00 | less than ONE YEAR structions, for instance Edith Cavell, ev ) ¢ er hc Dupans No
Lawful reserve with Federal Re- ooioqz| DOE more than THREE 692.50 210,260.00 | not she alone, but twenty or thirty bial a oY Ss hack 18 Som ang nde
SR an, and net amounts ns = Stock of Federsi Reserve Bank sion riggers beings fis She tn Bosign [none Pa Dees : . paseo
“due from national bamks........ 65,580.22 | (50 per cent. of subscri ,700.00 | Nothing exe , 1 ROT wad not ss wp Jor BY . v pafen
le nts due from banks, Yalu e of banking house $ “410000 | : . rv which | meals. We were served sz t :
ce Sas Bg Ee J. SA Today, womss Fave Sap. | hep. tasted vory good Hyeryhods | 1s dale is our biggest achievement o “No.
pankers | r banks furniture and fixtures...... : o S Is ay, ¥ , > bot s be y p 0 | ek
Cech iii ih BT rine TE ™ io Los rve with Federal Re- 16,565.10 ried out a more go yar tam Garson the ont Jas heen » Ol bod co Min
PAM ceive saranda sas 468.29 | Serve Beaauterineiayrees 16,56¢ i many, and now t ey are looking for S. y a soem, so n>: 8 f l h d 2B
Cheeks on i doenged outaias i® ul 204 nef amounts 16, sympathy fron the Allies, 5 pleass. 4 24 food g yary good (whet seven years 0 SucCeass u merc an 18S1ng Forks
¥ a LIED le 1,601.47 | rend with S. How can the past be forgotten? |they can cook it. HAVE A Yo | ict
a ora with O S. and due from U. 8. Never, as long as the world exists. |state room. The remainder of my | usin
and due from U. 8. _ | Treasu ETE t collected 150% If the people are not to be blamed unit will come over later. Am so h : ol o.
i proximate “on "Notes and for the way which the war has been | anxious to know wing mg Our prices today are not only the lowest--but the values are the great-- Raph
Bills ivable notipast que WI | carried out, why did they not have |stationec I Was a Lerman bean : : he H
: $594,814.16 |a voice in it and stop it? They It’s name now is ihe 3 Adlopy est that it has ever been our pleasure to offer for a long time. i b
LIABILITIES favored its barbaric ways the sate American Jranspor. aint A oe] d
Pt ck Ds id i x. $ 50,000.00 | ; s their Ruler. man pic u g Ss anda pam 10'S - ; : S ~ . . ’
Total 5 SL L pe : SE BT I have seen France from the Swis | where of 6 rig Po tos. nie: Women’s Coats, Suits and Dresses, Underwear, Shoes, Waists, and Girls
LITIES I iscoun liected border, to Flanders and through Be - | men. to boa Tide ve ) one y a . «qe 3. etc.
Gomtiat sui L pasa i ITIES Ir a gium and expect to see part of Ser. { makes sixteen dnote an joa, we Coats and Dresses. Men's and Boys Suits and Overcoats, Parting > ;
Surplus fi HERE he not earne aP~ | 1694 many. But to look upon a destrue- {havea ve y heavy cargo. it hac . . oe . C ts raperies
Undivided ; 1 irculating notes outstanding... 35,000.00 tive country which : has nop heey) bags For that, 1 i mt ew $ Youd) Dress Goods, Silks, Ginghams, Calicoes. Furniture, Rugs, arpets, p
E ang nd id yosit destroved by rut ] rar, will not have been Ss was Ss X- . " - . .
Ia OB aL Tem] destroyed By mya) war | perience, I assure you. Never want and Wall paper. Secial prices are now in force on all of these items, making
0 tes of deposit due in less And hen I stand on the border;another just like it. The China sea ; > ’
Er eT Ban Tor gl countries glimce, frst at|had nothing on us these two days now the time and Donovan the place to get the biggest values you've en
k 310,023.5 checks “saves snd Sructive country and then at| and with it all, was only seasick | : .
Certificates of deposit i ied TERE Rotife Ym ful France but with the air of fone evening, and then not very bad. | joyed since early last year.
than Ea gays dother than for npai Y . freedom, freedom to the world, I didn’t go to bed until 4 a. m. either
fi us of deposi (other a we have done our duty for our |night of the storm, though 1 woud { C f
Cashier's checks outs : | Dy ould. «..- 2 country, and helped to hold the stars |rather take a chance dressed than Remember We Pay . our arrare
GARE en dep (other . and stripes above the Iron Hand jotherwise. Am so Ziad its all over |
pan for money borr wed). 11,322.18 es: Nother than those "iwhich tried to capture humanity. [for I am Bot Hiely » a rl £ i h £$15 fr nywhere i
Other time de posits s «+ $87,624.31 | Liabillt ed 189 41-4 per dent We have played a good part in |as severe as that again. Mc e, rare on a urchases o or more, from a here iz
Bilis payable, with Fe deri Re- 232 299.00 | ea “i oy apo, 65,450.00 | apres 0 of our flag, and as|nurses are making their first trip. We pay you ca Pp
serve Bas aa . i 504 51010 | long as she waves on high, the boys| Am sure they will never forget it. |
i Fila rediscounts, AT a rediscounts. .in- lof Khaki shall never let her fall. For | Well, guess 1 have jiked enough
Liabilities fox anh Federal Re- | » with Federal Re- han )anity exists in her and the boys about storms, bu at’s all one can |
orig Bs mama gtd #5 wp nx ys 39,850.06 85,000.00 | hold her. think of just now. Guess will walk |
State of napivania, County of Lan-| State of Pennsylvania, County of Lan- | Ul Wm. A Miller. honje two years from now.
St N_ Nissly, Cashier of the above- I, J. N. Summy, Cashier of the above- eA Reema ELIDIA. |
ET hank. do sole affirm that the | named bank, do solemnly Swear that the } ; —— A ——
above statemel he of | above Salonen is pellet. . { Little Johnnie, aged seven, was Quick “Cure for Croup i
my _knowle .Y, Cashier, | OcriBEE 24D J. N. Sumy. Caslier | bei ing admonished by his father for{ Whtch for the first symptom, Ankh For The Co
: sworn ‘ ; Does LO
i we tip] ro day of pry 1919. | fighting with the boy next door. “I{hoay a nd Five ee The Only Store That Ever nythung =
c. HENRY H. KOSER, Notary Pyblie. : ht ‘wh I was a | Cous emedy at once. It is promp
9 My Com expires 21st, 1919. never got into a fight when 21 and }ffectual. jan.1-5t. 3
Correct—Attest: {boy,” said his parent. “I know, dad -
Wr. ScORT Jyprose. A !said Johnnie “but these are war the Bu n
v BW. times” the Bulleti