The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 01, 1919, Image 6

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    cultural co
the reporting Je the !
bred pigs. Th¢ juve ; mre miles. Twenty- | a, B Fr ohroll 5 :
played is suppgrted by IOC "| two States and four bureaus of the : Dear. Brother: ! ne ome e
ing that more fhan 12,000 pigs made | Federal Government are now active- | " Herewith please find :
an average dally gain of 1.14 pounds ly co-operating in soil-survey work. |. pack for five dollars ($5.00) credit Last winter was a réc ‘ed
hw A *
in weight, which is considerably . tv i 2
above results obtained on most farms. Arsenical Spray Saves Berries Same Sy -aesount in Cove Lodge \ This year it may be the same. Who
Pig clubs, néw established in 28 Arsenical spraying for the control Be Leoni ! \ ; J
3 ] ceeping up in member- ? 3
States, are believed to have such a|,¢ the insects known as leaf rollers a lodge] Dg up es \ knows? Are you prepa to keep
beneficial effect on the swine in-|that ar s to strawberr ! warm no matter how h e wind
hat the De at are injuriou Y: | the lodge, or never hear anything of
Suan of i ri ry +h oh avsigned Blackberr Yah raspberry, and Telated ithe old town of Mount of Joy. I blows or how low the théfmometer
partment o ric © ‘ plants of the rose family has been . ng be f un 1d \
49 specialisfs to foster their further |g,ung to accomplish good results. The oe un a [wn her ~ any er goes?
development. | Buteau oe Entomalony Teports fhe} I wish you would write and tell me ) Batter conserve your coal by using
saving of at least 50 per cent. e . . >onle
Dips heapey Te avast TO this spray in Towa and Kansas, something sheut the lodge and people g a Perfection Oil Heater. Thg Perfec-
The v dl » ow | ' a . y 2 » re ;
rt ID oe vo tick bin A is | A single Spraymg tosulied in destroy- joncerning Paris, Illinois, I am tion is ‘safe and it will keep ay room
shown by investigations during the | IN& two-thirds of the pests, proud to say we have a nies little Ravo Lamps in the house warm and comfortable
last year by the United States De-| Return of Farm Soldiers Asked |City of bout ten thousand popula) y in the most severe weather.
partment of Agric i Sure. e ttle Kansas farmers have petitioned | goon 0re Hoe here.. whose ancesters’ The always reliable .
pense of permanently freeing cattle the War Department to speed the re- |. ES ye 2 Wii ae Bo light makers. Hand- And, you will save money, for a
ch | land, | some designs forevery Perfection burns an economical fuel.
from ticks is repaid from 20 to 50 Reap er evens came ea
: turn of her soldiers to the farms. red: this rich prairie land, now they
Agent for the
Kelly-Springfield and Republic Tires

mellow light, ideal for
sary number of dippings varies from he : s ]
officers and connty com oners | yf le
50 Tes nimal : 4 1joy the fruits of the struggles of |
only 18 to cents for each a ’ recently at Manhattan the et hmittee | enjoy country
B ; | \
Fass 8 y g \ all purposes. At your S€Nne you use, \
one canvass showed an hoki ge esti- on Téconstritetion offered. the follow. ane YY x Tore aa oa Tike
H. A. Barr, Mount Joy, Penna. of Jor
mated increase of $9.76 in value of | oa'er 4 ATLANTIC
A BO a He Pte A a+ |ing resolution: “We respectfully re- e all vou like as long as you | \
BOTH PHONES AUTO HIRING the Hoku tee § Lathe. lore Shan that! {quest the Secretary of War and the] {And ha Pring Jor Jane pls Slt Ra Mi ht
» the eradication oO 1€ 1CK, as Marshall General to adopt | . ind miles of pa¥ed p

t s. The cost of making the neces- i BRS lof ve A )
imes e cost o 2 At a conference of farm nd their children and grandchildren | room. Give a clear, But be particular what kind of kero-
\ fet Provost ¥
ducted under Federal supervision, | ° 9%" ° ea WR We have miles :
LOROVLOLOOOO0O00O0OCO000O00OCO0OCOOCOVVVOVCOVO0COVOUT permits the introduction of high-class |Z") Such plan as Yih xstam, Hie’ stress, fe aptiful Jaws, Jovely shde !
1 i 3g g the es-| : it > ¢ 1 along the walks, churches | : : ' .
ent i Po ‘nt iE a | earliest possible date. In Kansas there cf various denon aT the best is made by a special xefining process
; (has been sown to wheat this fall a of orade and high schools, altogether | . : which gives it exceptional burning,
# Te. . stock industry. Emphasis is placed | =>" 070 2°07 a s ¢ sel §
rleofoforioodoofoofocfusfofocfocdocorisfoofosiocfodefocfoneronocfocferfofecfocfosforfociooioofocfocforfocooforocfocfoodssfonefuofoofordeciods othe doperimont on the hood Tor af ocend acreage, amounting possibly to , jovely place 2 live. The country | “t heating and lighting qualities. It does
» ws. x le dorsinndine. ‘of the DUTDOSE [ more than 10,000,000 a with a ol the north and west is prairie aol FART : ar A i
Everything for the LAVINE Room, tick oradieation and the necessity | COP Prospect, which, if rea ized, Will gay ag the eye can reach, south and not smoke, give off unpléasant odors
Porch and Lawn-:-Low Prices
f tick eradication and the nece v ix o ¢ ¥ 1 r fii ,
0 require an army workers to ., vas originally timber and some- | ; | or char the wick. Ask forl by name.
To-day we offer a delightful assortment of comfortable Rock-
for strict compliance with regulations a
‘ ! 3 har t next year. The li oF oF | {
to INSHTE OUD S -oper- t what broken. : \ ’
s3ns oy ig | the farm for labor in the ear ly spring The product: ts of the farms are | \ It’s natural to put things off, but'\don’t wait
I : . | for preparation and planting the .,vn which yields from 80 to 100 | to buy your Perfection Oil Heater. Gt it from
ers and Arm Chairs, in bright and cheerful finishes. Choice of Reed, They are reasonably priced
Rattan, Fibre Rush and Old Hickory.
Settees, Swings and Tables.
vk farmers receive the numerous |... 5-2 © reat, i
nefits resulting from the oppor- | SPring cropsiis also great, and IN NO hyghels per acre. - The wheat crop | your dealer now
! :.| other way can the situation so well {}iq year was exceedingly good both | Rayo Lanterns 5565 to $10.00
Awnings, Slip Covers, Window Shades, Curtains, Carpet Cleaning
(compressed air) Carpet Re-laying.
unity for great improvement in their . Ti Be bai Yaris ab iT 1 ,
) be met as through the demobilization ;, quantity and quality. The oats
Come in and hear the “Vitanola,’”’ the sensation of the Talking
Machine World. Prices from $22.80 to $145.
Full assortment of all the latest “improved RK ‘rigerators; a
dozen different makes to choose from; $11.00 to $55.00.
Westenberger, Maley & Myers
125-131 East King Street LANCASTER, PA.
POLO 00000000000OOOO0OO0OO000

Bole 2.
ITT pded
fos 5 : ; \
|of our soldiers and sailors in the upp was also very good. The largest | Safest and best. . a \
Farm Community Organized | manner suggested.” broom DS in the world is loc: ated | Give a piercing, far- The Atlantic Refining Company
What a farm community can do | Breeds E Distributed here; also the McQuire and Com- reaching light on the Everywhere in Pennsylvania and Delawark
for its own “progress when the get-| eaiing wes 15iriby = mines car factory. This is however | darkest night. Durable
together wiget prevails is well shown One thousand breeding ewes are jot considered a manufacturing town. | construction. Oil
with % hd wood community, Wil | being distributed among the farmers mpi county was at one time pretty | founts never leak. At
liamson Sante, Tenn. This com- [of Rock Island County, Il, through (e)] represented by Pennsylvanians | your dealer's.
munity, encouraged by the county |the co-operation of the county farm .oming from the vicinity of Mount |
gent, formed an organization which |b Hieau and county agent. These €WeS Joy, Mastersonville, Elizabethtown:
embraced men’s interests, women’s |W ill be placed on 66 farms and will jescendents of the Ri , Stigler’s, |
4 rests, canning clubs, corn clubs form centers for developing sheep pamilton’s, Brubaker's and some |
and poultry clubs. In this way they|growing in this county. Pure-bred ,ihers are still here.
eceived a community charter and Shropshire bucks are being placed we Jive in thoughts not in breaths,
oa to work. When the wheat | With practically all the new flocks. In feelings, not in figures on a dial.
increase was asked, 50 acres was By | Housewives Trade Ideas Through He lives the most, who loves the most,
oBoslio cts ole ofa dle ae le Bef. 8. 8 2 8
SA 2 2 2 2 0

Who thinks the noblest acts the best. | |
signed to Burwood community; the )
i rOSS , 3231 Newspapers The foregoing is a limited pros- REPORT OF CONDITION OF
community came across with
acres in 10 days. Similarly organized’ There will be competition this win- pectus of our little city and surround- |
— “ —— : -~ .
: 6 i Ton communities made it possible for ter in El Paso County, Tex., among ing country. Now as to myself, some |
Williamson County to pledge an in- San wives in various communities as of the older citizens and older mem- | \

Sealooeiocls Breaded i 8 2 5 8
elected i 8 2 8 8

creased acreage of 2,000, while the to which neighborhood can furnish bers of 301 K. of P. probably re-
county was asked for only 1,369 the county with the most helpful member me. I left Mount Joy in the |
Auto Repair Shop & Garage acres. ideas. The county paper during the winter of 1876 and 1877 but did not |
: {past year has given its “Farm Home leave the old Keystone state until |
’ Tour County to See Community |Department” into the charge of the October 1883. Landed in Paris on |
510-12 N. Cherry St, Lancaster Pa. Work {home demonstration agent of the De- the 8th of said. month. Have been |
3 Stirring up ambition and friendly |partment of Agriculture, working employed in various pursuits rent) MAYTOWN PA.
rivalry by going out to see what other | with the State agricultural college, of the time in the grocery business ’
communities have accomplished is an ‘the countygy agricultural agent, and and office work, tried farming but |
Two Good FORD CARS For Sale excellent way to raise the standards their helpers. Each week the de- found that no go, no not for Joe. I
i i of 7 children, the|
of a whole neighborhood, in the |partment is to be in charge of women raised a family 7 s s
of _ home-demonstration of different communities, who will fill oldest son Frank died at the age of | At close of business Friday, August 23, 1918.
. .
One Touring and a Truck agents of the United States Depart- the columns with articles and ideas 26 years the other 6 all married and | \
| . . . .
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits . $119,147.27
ment of Agriculture and the State they consider most valuable. Another flew the home nest and live around |
In Middlesex inter resting feature Tn the same paper here, except the youngest son living
i {Q agricultural colleges.
Also Extra Good Speed Roadster County, Mass., one of the most is called “Bridget’s Corner.” This at Lancaster, Pa. | Deposits
stimulating projects this fall was a column is under the _ supervision of Now if this rambling message don’ t| TE ——————
one-day auto tour to some of the the home demonstration agent, who worry the life out of you, I trust you | Total $893,757.42
WE REBUILD TRACTORS FOR FARM USE OUT OF YOUR most interesting canning kitchens, has been giving cookery lessons in it. will ‘write to me wishing you and |
food centers, and community houses | ———————- yours Health, Wealth and Happiness. |
in the county. Sixteen automobiles, May your future days be blest withi
WORK. carrying 70 persons made the erip. | P- J. Zabriskie, Supt. Jersey City all the things that you love best.
WHEN WE FURNISH THE MACHINE FOR THE TRACTOR and the occupants saw at first hand Stack Yards Company, Jersey | Yours in F. C. & B., |
what the other towns in the county Cty, New Jersey Jos. S. Stigler. ou.
THEPRICE RANGES FROM 3200 70 $500. are doing in community work. Says: We used RAT-SNAP pur-y er Meieesecctsieeee a ), ;
) Tm y Interest LL Oh. Nl me Depos
Responsibility of Partners (Security for Deposits) $2,000,000.00

Bell phone 2227-J. Ind. Phone 72-Y ; x { chased | of you about our plant for the
Push the Button and Find a Pig [extermination of rats with marked Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
: A Litchfield (Conn.) county agent |success. It is a wonderful prepara-| pifore usine this preparation for
originated an interesting plan for an |tion. It did beyond question all you a eaah or 4 as Drevara wii ’
agricultural survey. If you want to | claimed it would do—Xkilling the ro- LRow “What % he F lo YY veg m ) Ih 4 r ),
locate a supply of seed corn or oats, !dents, driving them from their Mrs “0 FS ok a ig ei JN NK 0] | & Low I d
a grain binder, a pure-bred bull, or { haunts, and eliminating odors arising have ound ry igh a oh To io yaa A )
some young pigs in any community [from their death. We cheerfully en- Hof GF onv % > i wd que tes Je ;
in five counties in this State, all you I dorse its use in places infested with used.” Mos Ines ¥% Ae Me M. R. Hoffman Ni F. ARNTZ
have to do is to walk into the office | vermin. Four sizes, 25¢, 50¢, $1.00 TS ie “Mo YRNER “Ch b oh > President Cashier
of the State librarian at Hartford, |and $3.00, Brown Bros., Mt. Joy, Pa.; ho rh Re ood , 5375, it pom der ams \
Conn., run a series of cards through | H S. Newcomer, Mt. Joy, Pa.; G. 0 oe : ow srry A peat £0)
an electric sorting machine, and | Moyer. Mt. Tov, Pa tr oan ge elit Cs Lo!

On a Cash Basis
Owing to the fact that two of my sons have been called to the
service, and the scarcity of help, I will, beginning Monday, July 29,
do business on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS ONLY.

resto, you have the information. It| rrr GB p \ ;
Ps sound a little like the story of | Cough Remedy Oh Sovera) gas ans
Aladdin’s lamp, but it is oniy big | Own Your Home NT A LNIIIrR wim Par
business applied to farm affairs| Lancaster City has just started a ©0X tls s JERI
under war stress. The council of de-|big “own your home” campaign,
fense took up this plan and offered | Which is indeed a very wise move and
to back the farm bureaus to » the limit | there is no good reason why the same JUDGE S
in every county te. Five |can not be done here. There are a ILLEGAL TC SEIZE RUM
of the eight countie ) surveys | number of good houses for sale in he :
in March, 1918. Forty ques-|this section, T am listing 1ditional Confiscation of intoxicant bever-

ways “A
’ ions, under the headings of area, OB ly and vill chee v give g ‘from men arrested for being
Fe g crops harvested in 1917, 2Rers whatever assistance I'drunk on the streets of Coatesville,
| £ | planned to be ha ed in 1918, live flea an in is to financing their js j 1, ruled Judee J. Frank E.
® ® Stock on hand, hin on hand | proposition. If vou know of a home Hause. West Che ster, in a lengthy!
SADDLER MOUNT JOY, PA. = |and employees, were included in the | you would like to own, call, phone or pinion handed down yesterday in.
o , write and I will be “johnny on the the case of Lee Soule, colored. vs. |
survey, and a rps of volunteer 2 |
farmer census enui ators got busy. jee Jno. E. ES. Schroll, Mt. Joy, Pa. Mayor Swing, of Coatesville. Soule |
FE z had been arrested fined and the |
ETO 1 RR A Sig | When the survey was completed the 4 § |
farm bureaus had stack of cards | The Beginning Farmerette mayor threat whisky v alued at |
containing minute information as to; “It’s so diff 1] Mr. Farmer, to $8. Judgment was entered for the |
$0011 D410 0 OM; | the resources and needs of every !milk a cow! Won't you let me begin value of the liquor and the costs will |
& If 99 also be vnlaced on the defendant.
A 3 po : 4
farm. An electric sorting machine with a cal
I wiil continue the furniture
i 8 ZY NR Si
business on the second floor of the \ 3 Two good second-hand Ford touring cars can be seen
Engle Building, with a complete 0) ° sis : at the Garage.
k omen A iit Rapho and Penn Townships
and up-to-date line of all kinds of
furniture, Prices are very reason-
To do your duty during these trying 4 | ait ~ st Cj ;
times your health should be your first ea | F Garage and Jalesroom :
11101 0 E11
+e MTL
Saled Agent For


able. When in need of furmiture
call and see me.
B : Repairing-and Painting a Specialty

onsideration. These two women “pg = filg
£20 how they found health. Pr (© 9 a lanheim, Pa.
Hellam, Pa.—“I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg-
D. H. ENGLE, muted. i | Senousenens (og Fl
a 8 E E etable Compound for female troubles and a dis- al” Wah 3 he i
HouN3 Jt, PA, # = placement. Ifelt all rundown and was very weak. i 0 Va Ee kA TP RS mi


OE i 1 il il {4 I had been treated by a physician without results, y . Ca x : g ee
. - - - SN ————— ; so decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound ' :
a trial, and felt better right away. I am Yeeping house
sinee last April and doing all my housework, where before
I was unable to do any work. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- | Ta : Pb
table Compound is certainly tlie best medicine a woman can EE f | A
take when in thiscondition. I give you permission to publish ¥ fr § SR A
this letter.” —Mzs. E. R. CRyMLING, R. No. i, Hellam, Pa.

% $ / v
4 Lowell, Mich.—*“I suffered from cramps and dragging™._ :\¥f - fe da
; down pains, was irregular/and had female weakness and LY } \ — ;
displacement. I began to Itake IL ydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- — ¥ = [] 4
i .
i table Compound which gaye me relief at oncg and restored 3 a 3 }
Are Keeping the Home 1 my health. I should like td recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'’s | 3 pA N | ;
| ;
Story of the War in a Million remedies to all suffering @omen who are troubled in a simi.
; lar way.” —>Mrs. ELisE H%:11,R. No. 6, Box 83 Lowell, Mich.
Homes g A oi
WW. B, BENDER J g Why Not Try or CAPS
Kodaks ‘and Kodak Supplies “=.
: ot, ®/ have all kinds at al
Bn f COMPOUND | | 4
ha = aa