The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 01, 1919, Image 2

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‘Vd ‘A

SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r.
J. E.

Subscription Price $1.50 a Year
Six Months. ......75 Cents
Three Months. ... .40 Cents
Single Copies... .. 3 Cents
Sample Copies. .....FREE

Entered at the post office at Mount
oy as second-class mail matter,
The date of the expiration of your
subscription follows your name on
the label. We do not send receipts for
subscription money received. When-
ever you remit, see that you are given
proper credit. We credit all subscrip-
tion on the first of each month.
All correspondents must have their
communications reach this office not |
Telephone news |
later than Monday.
of importance between that time and
12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Charges
for advertisements must positively
reach this office not later than Mon-
day night. New advertisements in-
serted if copy reaches us Tuesday
night. Advertising rates on applica-
The subscription lists of the Lan-
disville Vigil, the Florin News and the
Mount Joy Star and News, were
merged with that of the Mount Joy
Bulletin, which makes this paper's
circulation about double that of the
erdinary weekly.
Mr. John Kepperling spent Christ-
mas with his sister, Mrs. Shissler.
Mr. Reuby Bennett, of Harrisburg,
was a Christmas visitor at Wm. Fack-
Paul Peifer, of Washington, D. C,,
spent Christmas and the week-end
at his home.
Mr. Harry Way and family spent
Christmas at Lancaster, at the home
of their son Oscar.
Arthur Myers and family were the
week-end visitors with his mother,
Mrs. Harry Weadman.
Mrs. Mary Charles, of Lancaster,
s spending the Holiday Season with
mer niece, Mrs. John Peifer.
B. F. Keener and family of Lin-

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Garber announce
the birth of a son on Christmas
Mr. George Howard spent last
Monday at Florin visiting relatives
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Diebler spent
the holidays as guests of their par
ents at Middletown,
Mr. and Mrs, B. H. Greider spent
last Monday at Lancaster, combining
business with pleasure.
Mrs. Cyrus Evans of Maytown,
transacted business in this place early
last Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Arndt of Eliza
bethtown spent Christmas day as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Strick
John G. Enterline slaughtered two
hogs that weighed 612 and 403
pounds respectively one day last
Mr. David Espenshade and daugh-
ter spent last Sunday at York, Pa.,
where she expects to remain with
Mrs. James Nauman and daughter
of Elizabethtown, were loyally en-
| tertained by Mr. and Mrs. N. N.
Greiner on Christmas day.
Aaron Garber of Mount Joy, con-
tractor for the famous Silo Company
placed his Koehler truck in the Hiram
Shunk paint shop one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Landis en-
tertained the following guests last
Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Landis,
Mr. and Mrs. John Stehman of Florin.
Albert Smith, the West Donegal
township butcher slaughtered a trio
of porkers for Leander Groff one day
last week yielding a half ton of choice
Miss Grace B. Heisey, student at
Shippensburg State Normal school
spent several days with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W.
Corporal J. K. Bard, who spent a
furlough of 15 days with his parents
and friends returned to Paris Island,
S. C., started Saturday afternoon.
The distance is 720 miles.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Kraybill and
family entertained twenty close rela-
tives in honor of their son Peter and
his bride, nee Miss Ruth Coble of
Elizabethtown on Sunday.
Mr. C. B. Witmer, the Elizabeth-
town plumber and tinner and force
completed the heating plant installed
in the Rheems school house last Fri-

oln, spent Christmas with her par-
nts, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Baer.
Mr. Jacob Herman and family, Mr. |
and Mrs. 0. B. Weadman, Jr., spent |;
‘hristmas under their parental roof.
Mr. Eli Hostetter and family of
Mount Joy, were Sunday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard
The Eby family with Mr. Norman
spent Sunday afternoon with
and Mrs. Arthur Russel at Coch-
al fille.
n 1 1

Brinard from the Aviation
Long Island, is home for a

a )


twelve day furlough and looks well
nd happy.
Mrs. Harry Wolgemuth is home |
in a few days’ stay for treat-
t the General Hospital, very
proved. E
Mrs. Phares Metzler

rs. Meisenhelder
home to spend some
ristmas with
mother, M

3 vere glad for
I » and to congratulate
r returning from “Over There
Samuel Eby and family enjoyed :
dinner on
home of his brother, Elias at Peters-
urg. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Little, Mr.
and Mrs. William
Ivin, Misses Lizzie Hottenstein and
Ella Hollsinger were the other guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eby gave
~ annual dinner to his brothers
and sisters last Thursday, Rev. Amos
Hottenstein of Petersburg, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Snavely and son Clayton
f Hummelstown, and little Miss
Alice Longenecker of Mount Joy,
helped to swell the number. Family
reminisinces and music made the
time for separating come all too soon.
Shooting matches which seemed to
be more or less out of date, have be-
gun to be somewhat popular in our
town of late, when the rabbit match-
es had to have the lid clamped on
tight by our squire after a little af-
fair which happened at the one held
on Christmas Day. The popular say-
ing “What happens twice usually hap-
pens thrice” will not hold true in this

Miss Emily Swarr spent Thursday
with friends_at Lancaster.
Frank Swarr, of Washington, D. C., |
spent Friday with his aunt, Mrs. H.
H. Long.
Mr. and Mrs. David Helman, of
Lancaster, spent Christmas with Mrs.
Margaret Helman.
Mrs. Eli Herr and daughter, Min-
nie, of Mountville, spent Christmas
with Miss Fannie P. Long.
Mrs. J. J. Fabre and son Jack, of
Lancaster, spent Thursday with her
sister, Mrs. H. H. Long.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Long and
three children, spent Christmas at
Mrs. Long’s home at Kreadyville.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Long
and son, Benjamin, spent Christmas
at Mrs. Long’s home at Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Lane and
Miss Alice Lane spent Christmas with
Mrs. Lane’s brother at Rohrerstown. |
Miss Emily Swarr has returned |

him for |
Christmas, at the |
Sheaffer and son |
iday. It is the pipeless furnace sys-
n the sociable
match on

Christmas day, held by J. W. Wea-
ver and Enos Floyd. Shooting
yards and using 12 gauge guns with | well.

| No. 8 shot.
| Joseph

| Kraybill and the A. S
{ Bard family entertained the following
[on Christmas day: Mr. and M 2
|G. Kauffman and family of n
(heim, H. H. Bard and daug
son Robert, Mr. and Mrs. E. E

Of ay swe

1 Hollinger was taken
ph’s Hospital on Friday
rious condition.

J 0 S€
* 1n a se

visited her parents over Sunday.
| Her mother being on the sick list.
| Postmaster, A. B. Baer and wife
|entertained the following on Christ-
mas: Dr. A. H. Stubbs and wife and
two sons.
Mrs. Milton Newcomer received a
letter from her brother, Mr. Gerth,
{who is in France and he states he is
{all right and well. This was the first
| she heard for a long time.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Davis and
their two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Fridy and son James, Mr. and Mrs.
Reuben Fridy and four children of
Perrypoint, spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. R. M. Fridy at Mountville.
Revival services began in the
Church of God Sunday night. Ser-
vices every evening at 7:30. The pas-
{tor Rev. F. W. McGuire will preach
[next Sunday at 10:30 on “Turning
Edwin McQuener, who was muster-
ed out at Camp Dix, N. J., came
home on Friday evening. He had
been stationed at Camp McCarthage,

Texas, near Waco, Tex. Ed looks
well and says he feels fine.
The Christmas services at the
Church of God on Thursday evening
were well attended. Excellent music
was furnished by the choir. Recita-
tions and exercises were rendered by
the children. Miss Blanche Bushong
gave two good recitations. Mrs. El-
lenberger, who was to racite was not
able to come on account of illness
but her place was well filled by Miss
Katherine Fortenbaugh, of Lancas-
ter, who gave three excellent read-
ings. A good collection for missions
was received.
Mr. Samuel Myers of this place, is
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Groff of
Lancaster, were visiting Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Hipple at this place on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and
family of Columbia, were visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Resh at this place on
from spending a few days with her|Sundev. _ _ = ._-
aunt, Mrs. J. J. Fabre, of Lancaster.!= Mr. "and Mrs. Samuel Weaver and
Elmer Snavely, who is statiopcd at |
a camp in_ _Texas,— Spent Christmas
with -iis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.|
Miss Ellen Mumma, a student of
Millersville, is spending her Christ-
mas vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ei Mumma.
Mr. and Mrs. Stehman and Mrs.
Alice Barr, of Lancaster, spent
Christmas with their daughter and
sister, Mrs. J. L. Minnich.
While fixing the roof of Jacob Har-
ris’ house, Mr. Stanley, tinsmith met
with a painful accident. He fell off
of the roof and broke his ankle. Dr.
J. S. Kendig is attending him.
Mrs. J. J. Fabre entertained the
i nests at dinner on rist-
foliowine pnd Mrs. I. A. Heikes, of
New York; J. Lehman Swarr, of Mt.
Joy: Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Long and
Miss Emily Swarr, of Landisville, and
Dr. B. F. Swarr, of Lancaster.
- Miss Effie Helman entertained the
vimg Circle Girls, of f hich she is

family of Mount Joy, were visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weaver at this
place on Sunday.
Miss Anna Mary Geltmacher of Mt.
Joy, is spending a week with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Abram
Mumma at this place.
Mr. William Fogie killed a porker
that tipped the beam af 452 pounds.
Joseph Kramer of Mt. Joy was the
butcher. Hats off to “Button.”
Mr. Martin Metzler and son Martin
and Mr. Paris Rolly of Mount Joy,
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Géltmacher, of
Kinderhook, were visiting Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Geltmacher dt this place
on Sunday.
Mrs. Albert Mumma has returned
to her home in Mount Joy. She had
been at this place attending to her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel
Myers and son, who had been sick
with the “flu.” They are able to be
about again.
The Newtown school rendered a
Christmas program on Tuesday af-
ternoon. e cial features were
addresses by Private Raymond Gelt-

a mbmber, on Friday evening. The
opi members present:
Hess, Nora
Minnie r,
macher and Samuel Myers of the G.
. R. Twenty-three friends of the
hool Sere present. The pupils re-
ton their
it six straight
Point 46 to
Manheim High ade
by defeating Sparrows
Lee Ellis, who was home on a
week's furlough, is a regular on the
basket ball team at his camp. He is
n fine shape and showed it in the
game here Friday night.
Efforts are being made to organize
a County Basket Ball League in Lan-
caster county. Teams representing
Columbia, Marietta, Mount Joy,
Elizabethtown, Lancaster and pos-
sibly Ephrata, will be asked to enter
the circuit.
E’town Defeated
Mount Joy hung a one-sided defeat
Elizabethtown rivals on
Christmas, beating them 34 to 13,
totaling 16 field goals to 5 for the
E’towners. The best floor scorers
for Mt. Joy were L. Myers and Ben-
nett. Secvears’ flashy work was
again in evidence. Hein and Coble
each had a pair of two-pointers for
the losers. L. Myers scored alone
one more point than the rival team.
Mount Joy has a fast team at present
who can give any of the teams in
their class a run. The score follows:
Field Foul Total
Goals Goals Pts.
Mount Joy
L.. Myers, I. ....<v.. 6 2-4 14
Eshleman, F........1 0 2
Bennett, C.........D 0 10
Rahm, G.... ov: 0 0 0
Secvears, G. .......% 4 0 8
DP. Myers, G....v.:s.0 0 0
16 2-4 34

Coble, FF... us v iis. 2 0
Hein, F....... 5 9 2-7 6
Heilman, C........ 1 1-5 3
tC Herr, Gini 0 0 0
[iss] Goines 50 0 0

5 3-12 13
Liberty Five Defeated

Martha Stehman of Washington, D. |
| Manager McGeever, of Lancaster,
i came here Friday night with a team |
| he called the Liberty Five and which
| wasn ular Fulton A. C. aggre-
yn but it pleased the locals very |
Friday night’s local team, says |
aster New Era; “could give |
am in the county an in-|
rty minutes session at
reir line-up included Kid
‘ormer promising young boxer |

College Gris-


singer, a County 1e star
| of Wi s Sch
rb We
I'h in up
( re
D he
I Owl 1 h:
vn sh three in f
I. Myers one out (
ul half
Il made by Hornberger.
i Mount Joy
| Field Foul Total
| Goals Goals Pts.
[Enis Boos 8 0 6|&
3r “a 3 3-5 91 2
Ooi sy 5 0 10
i Garber G...........0 0 0
§ Dearbeck, G....... 1 0 2
{ Secvears, F........2 ) 4
{L. Myers, F........5 1-2 7
Bennett, C.........0 0 0]
Zeller, G........... 0 0 0
17 47 38)
Fulton A. C.
Spinner, FF... ..c.... 0 0 ol
Hornberger, F......1 2-13 4]
Simmons, C.........0 0 0
McCauley, G....... 0 0 0
Schneebelli, G...... 0 0 ol
Aument, C.........0 0 0]
Shirk, G............0 0 0
2 2-13 4
Substitutions—Secvears for Ellis;
Myers for Brown; Bennett for Gris-
singer; Zeller for Garber; Eshieman
for Zeller; Aument for Simmons;
Shirk for McCauley. Referee, Ben-
nett. Scorer, Watson. Timer, G.
Schneider. Time of halves, 20

Clayton Eshleman and wife were
recent visitors to Harrisburg.
John Baker and wife of Landisville
were the guests of A. A. Hertzler and
Postmaster and Mrs. Harry
Schneitman announce the birth of a
son on Friday.
Isaac Hackman, of Philadelphia, is
the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Hackman.
Harry Heisey, of Washington, D.
C., is the guest of his mother and
sister on Park street.
Roy Forwalt, of Steelton, spent a
few days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Fornwalt. 3
Philip Greenblatt, of Pittsburgh, is |
the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. |
W. W. Greenblatt.

W. F. Foltz and wife, of Columbia,
were the guests of the former’s par-
of Quar- cille, spent a few days with |
the Reese and Ebersole families.
Lewis Ulrich, who has been must- |
ered out of service has
home. - He is a son of S. F. Ulrich.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wormley.
the guest of her parents, Mr. and |
Mrs. H. L. Hess on North Market
vision of the 155th Brigade band |
spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. |
J. W. Risser on Park street.
Twin daughters of Mr. and

Our schools opened again Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Chester W. Rudisill
have returned from a visit at Harris-
burg. ;
Rev. H. B. Pulsifer has gone to
Portland, Me., where he will spe
two weeks with his wife.
Mr. Mrs. John Dabler and fa

their teacher with a num-
t ball player, of Mount Joy; |g
yf fe y . Ym

Mrs. Mary Reber, of Richland, is |p]
| two sons, of Allentown,
| guests of Ms, Miller's patents, Mr. |
and Mrs. Joseph L. Cassel. | v
The local High School team trim- y
med Middletown High Five here Fri- CASCARA QUININE
44 to 25. Walters was the
hig noise with 24 points to his credit.
~Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fryberger,
ted to the choir of Zion’s Luth- [oF
hymnals to the indi-
as a memorial to
day night
ins church
idual mem
“ Happy New Year to you!
$40.00 values $30.00
$35.00 values $27.50
$30.00 values $23.00
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Foltz. 8 AXIS DREDREG {ae
rnin Ed | 8 NNN ea eee
ily, of near Mt. Joy, spent a few days | their late son, L. Byron Fryber er, |
Gren, [in Marietta with friends. > rh
Herman L.
Loch, N. J., is the guest of his par-| yr, 554 Mrs. Joseph L. Brandt.
El : en gm ) | daughter, of Mt. Joy, were the
Private Paul G. Fasnacht of Camp | J ¢ Chief of Police and Mrs.
Lee, Va., who played in the 2nd Di- | pithy
Elmer Kauffman, on the |
| States battleship New Orleans, spent |
Mrs, | several days in town with relatives
i. H. Kuhn, of Lebanon, formerly of {and friends.
Rev. Wilbur Carter, a former pas-
tos Brandt | the recent war.
3 1 “11 . | :
Benjamin F. Wormley, of Green| , nt 5 few days with his parents;
| a:
rle J of Holyoke,
., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. {hoarseness an ive
Peter Sultzbach over the holidays. y Ce is ts ionif The announce.
2 Mrs. H. ey CORE Remedy at on LS ment is significant of post-war de- LIEF 0M STO
are the,



7 4 AY
EVER before has just such a new year
come to the world. The great events
of the past four years have prepared us for
greater new things than have ever been
As sometimes a serviceable, useful build-
ing may be torn down to build in its place
a larger and better one; so great systems of
government and national structures have

been overthrown, that something better may GE
take their place. is

There has been a great deal destroyed,
but now we can look back on the cld, and
say that the gain is worth it.

In the spirit of the greatest of all\Americans,
Sunt ale one : ad 3.
with malice tdward none
Abraham Lincoln,

with charity for all, “let us do our part, how-

ever small it may be, in the great\work of
perfecting the new building; a reconstructed
ew Year Reductions
to help make you happy:
Suits and Overcoats
$25.00 values $20.00
$20.00 values $15.00
$18.00 values $14.50
Mt. Joy
Boys Suits
E. Getz


A 67]




IN 7




Full Page Ad This Week "TROUBLE IN A
The clothing and furnishings firm | 1
who died while serving his country in |
| of Groff & Wolf Co., of Lancaster, in|
{a page advertisement in this issue
% Duigh Sure for Croup to-day announce a big clearance sale |
Watch the first symptom, of suits and overcoats to start on|
Chamberlain’s | Saturday, January 4.
velopments that may be expected in
| the future along all lines of mer-
| chandising, since this is the first mer-!
j chandising statement in all of that | “I suffered frog stomach tr
big firm’s advertising carried by the [says William F.\ Weidle, N
Bulletin in the past few years in|South Ninth streét, “Lebanon
which, a clearance sale has been an-|{who is a well-knowr\dairyma
nounced. “This is our first clear-|I used Tonall for it, aud was
ance sale in a number of years,” be-|of pains in a very shokt tim
guests |

Plenty of exercise, fresh air,
United | regular hours—is all the pre-
scription you need to avoid
Influenza —unless through
neglect or otherwise, a cold

this place, were brought to the boro |
and interred in Mt. Tunnel cemetery. | tor the Methodist Episcopal gins the statement, continuing that, “1 1a
Rev. Frank Corman officiated at the |church here, died at Philadelphia! gets you. “Then take—at though Te factirerS BFE advising ine I jearned of Tonal 3 FO
services. from influenza, aged 30 years. | once strongly against anything of the kind; i auhlv of ik tha
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and | there are substantial reasons for the tla
tleparture from their well-known non.
reduction policy, such as the ij
| fluenza epidemic,the backward
|ing caused by uneasiness amon
'® 2; | of 3s to 45 over elf ant
in the fall months, an e ex
Pom\® |
mild weather during the f;
early winter months.

with Mr. Hill's picture. It pays to advertise in