The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 06, 1918, Image 4

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inesday, November 6, 1918

| What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To A precious one from us has gone
Say This Week A voice we loved is still
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
We mourn the death of Elias.
He had to leave so soon;
But Jesus said “Come dear Elias
In Heaven for you there's room.
Far beyond the world of change
Far beyond this world of care
We shall find our missing loved one
In Our Father's mansion fair.
He has crossed the surging river
And has left his dear ones all.
He has gone to meet his Saviour
He has responded to His Call.
There was a band of Angles
Which was not quite complete,
God took our loving Son and Brother
To fill the vacant seat.
And he has departed
To world’s so bright and fair.
May we live from sins unstained
a ) AEs a y 4
LR ab a Mon. That we all may meet him there.
Sis eppas ghappent net vite fom | op dear one, your hands are folded
shtettle doe der onner dawk es mich All your work on earth is done
ferdultzi glechert hut un es het anich | yhoo" vou wo no light is needed
epper locha gmocht. Es woent fom For there Jesus is your Sun
griteswake des en gshposich exhper- 1 4 you sing the songs of Jesus
ience kot hut Doe yetz morits hut ‘ In your bright eternal home You Need A Sewing Machine In Your Home
Laer en Shamer groger halls, Ip sine Will you meet us at the threshold
| hofe tzaena. Jaer mon glicht haus: And o nce us Whe ra \ 9
| fe tzaena And embrace us when we come? BUY A SINGER
un glicht se aw sheesa. Aer is| ves we'll know each other better,
gshwint gonga fer de flint un by sel Where : cles blessed stay
denk es bulfer Bote the Angles Mossad ay: Sold For Cash Cr Easy Monthly Payments
lem, hut der haus When this world is left behind us
gshmockt—se hen ene enyhow nim And the mists have rolled away.
{ my fina kenna. : : FREE TRIAL
i Gly mole gate der hundt niver on- | Where the trees of life are blooming
ena sinkluch un gowsi a So bower Where the flowers for every row CALL or ADDRESS
hut grawt gwist vu der haus war. | Where the Lamb of God will meet you J
Seller hundt is dot in sellem sink- And will make you white as snow. J VL,
luch room gagrottled fer about en | Dearest loved one we must lay thee
shtundt un dé no hen se ene nimy In the peaceful grave's embrace, .
haera kenna. But thy memory will be cherished /
Der bower un si bu hen oll tzway Till we see thy heavenly face.
gmaent es war about tzite des sel- Sleep thee our dear Elias, ] '
ler hundt rous kumt, haus, eiter ken | Sjeep thee dear son and brother
haus Vu are net rous kumma is | il] thee, each and all of us
hen se amohl awgfonga grawva far | Shall betide us to dat school. 14 E, Orange Street, Lancaster
ene un vu se about tzwonsich foos Sleep on dear 048 in Jesus sleep
im luch druna wara hen se ene tzana. | 7ill God shall call he to arise
De no war eva der dihenker loas. And we who now for thee must
I Ve hen se seller hundt dot rous gre- weep
ga kenna. Of koars won se amole om | Wil] pray to meet thee in the skies. 0 L S O | bi
so socha rous denka hen missa, war ! nov.6-1t 4] ocust treet, olumbla
der Ben grawt deby. 0 — —
Now usht haericht amole wos aer ~ . .
gadu hut. Aer hut em bu tzawt: BAD BACKS RING SLEEPLESS Repairs For All Makes of Sewing Machines
Many Mount Joy People Deprived of
Needful Sleep by a Sore, Aching
_home cook-

ing in our
Oysters in Every style.

| .ancaster
‘est prices in
“Gane grick amole en longer shtrick
un der bushel karip.” Der bu is
gonga un gly mole kumpt aer tzrick.
Se hen de no der shtrick om bushel
karip gaboona un hen der karip 24
no ins luch nooner glust.
ra der karip so abi ZWOnSic There is little peace or rest fof the
Yu dor kari so ahons tuwensioh backache sufferer. Night brings no REPORT OF CONDITION OF
foos druna war sawgt der Ben: > J
“Now huntly jump amole dot ny.” | respite from the day’s misery—the
| Es huntly hut karicht un se hen ene same old backache is ever present,
[de no rous octane, I= hut sheer on the sharp twinges when turning or
twisting, I'he annoying urinary

Lancaster, Penna.

| holp dawg gnuma fer en rous grega
ower now ferulss dich druf seller | troubles, the headaches and nervous-
hundt betzawlt ena amole ay dawk | ness, all tend to prevent fest or sleep.
tzrick fer sellem. y You often arise more tifed than when
Ich hop sheer fergessa eich sawga | you went to bed. If you have kidney
vaer seller rar. Ich mane der trouble you must get to the cause—
‘iol Gitar. Auto en + Th Soon the kidneys. Weak kidneys seldom MAYTOWN, PA.
Sharley vu ols doe im shtettle shtore get well alone. Use Doan’s Kidney
kolta hut ower olavile voent aer uf | I’ills, the remedy that 1S So strongly FF
en shany boveri sheer druna om Dry- gadorsed by yous Jriends a neigh
OWE. ors in Mount Joy. ould you de- : .
own Sewilkey Bumblesock, | Sire more convincing proof of merit? At close of business Friday, August 23, 1918.
etl lee ns C. J. Gillunis, E. Main street, Mt. . >. .
Joy, says: “My back became so pain- Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits . $119,147.27
COMMUNICATED . 5: vat wall 2 i
nh ful I couldn't rest well at night and D it $774 610.15
was all tired out when I got up in eposits y ’ so.
1 purchases of fifteen dollars or more.
A, sb Oe Al...
Editor Bulletin: Having been in od ’ : . a
; 1 EE re : | the morning. Doan’s Kidney Pills
Ls tongs > ih oof lo al Boas of entirely took away that disorder af- Total $893,757.42
Roath Sse She ’ J ° ane ter other’ medicines had failed. I
: 3 ¢, 3e ¢ 2 It S avon? A Se PE pe . . .
SARE Tg en Be Te have nt had to use any Kidney remedy Responsibility of Partners (Security for Deposits) $2,000,000.00
been done to protect our people from Price 60c i all lealors Don’t
its terrible effects. We have al ,niv/ask for a kidney remedy—get
Tisha and, Sfreriont Board, wa Doan’s Kidney Pills—the sane that w
quickly saw their duty and performed | yr. ni Shad "Bootes NT: ~~ ' ’
her or on fey se | (lame pa Fogerty ont Ttorest Paid On Time Deposits
guarded our town to such an extent rn t J UL UA ( / PUN
hs » disease ras hele bs K Ee Fe el
that the disea was held back for a THE ASSOCIATES WISHES
long time in its worst forms, heartily v
co-operating with our local physicians ALL MEMBERS TO WRITE WADI LY ) | | TON avtaw ),
and the State Department of Health. See — i JN ) 1 () - / d\ OW I} d,
The secretary of the Board simply “A Christmas letter to our boys tht ae PF )
abandoned his own private business; ‘over there’ or wherever they may be
affairs and devoted his whole time to {in their Country’s service,” is the M. R. Hoffman N. F. ARNTZ
the executive work of the Board. idea of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ President Cashier
Then how much we owe to the de- | Welfare Association of Mount Joy.
votion of our local physicians for [Owing to the unsettled conditions
their faithful and untiring response | which prevailed here during last
to the call of the sick. Unlike some | month, but few letters were sent, a — oh GE FEE i
members of the profession in other | but now the chairman, Mr. Thomas | GGOOGGOCOOOVOOOCCOOCOOCOOOOOOOOTTOOOOOOOO0O0000O00A
places, who charged exhorbitant fees, | J. Brown, Sr., in accord with officers
profiteering in human lives, they re- and members of the Association, feel : PS
sponded day 2nd night, as long as | what a splendid thing it will be if P \r P darage
they could keep on their feet, and in godly one of our boys will be sure fo u Oo e d O
many cases without money and with- | have a letter bringing him lots of y
out price. Christmas spirit. Members of the as- 510--12 N. Cherry $t., Lancaster Pa.
Yes, we have reason to be proud [sociation should early secure the di-
of our Board of Health and our |rected syrclopgs a the Sas) sta- Pp = c
physicians, and in honoring them we | tionary from Dr. Chandler, the cor- T G d R
honor ourselves. responding secretary. Be sure the WO 00 F ~ent CA »J) For Sale
Great credit is due our store |boy yi 18 ely to Tocave the .
keepers and the hotel men of the |fewest letters is the one who will not 0 1 d T k
town for loyally carrying out the | have to turn away, when the mail is ne ourmg an a ruc
decrees of the Board of Health. Sdparaind with 2 i J lump . bis ~ ~
Perhaps one reason why the epi- | throat, because he had no one to sen Al E d d R d
demic was not so frequently fatal |him a message of good cheer. In SO xtra “200 Jpee oa ster
here as in other municipalities is be- | writing, yon Li be doing “your bit”
cause we have a clean town, for a as in other things. 0 not forget
long time the cleanest town in the | ‘the least of my brethren.” WE REBUILD TRACTORS FOR FARM USE OUT OF YOUR
state. If other towns are as clean -o a OLD AUTOMOBILE AND CHARGE YOU ONLY FOR THE
today, it is not because less attention Elizabethtown College Notes
has been paid to our hygenic con- Elder 1. W. Taylor, the College
dition, but because other towns have | treasurer, recently made a _trip to WHEN WE FURNISH THE MACHINE FOR THE TRACTOR
profitted by our example and ex-| Montreal, Canada at the direction of THE PRICE RANGES FROM $200 TO $500.
perience. Years ago the borough |the General Mission Board of the
authorities, with the hearty co-opera- | Church of the Brethren of the United Bell phone 2227-J. . Ind. Phone 72-Y
tion of the people, instituted a sys-| States.
tematic and periodical ‘‘cleaning up,” Miss Barbara Neidigh, a student at
which has been adopted throughout |the College, was called home sudden-
the country. In this we have been |ly on Tuesday morning on account of
amply repaid, as the mortality re-|the death of her grandmother Nei-
ports will verify, digh. E hi f h Li 3 R ,
Much of our sickness and the Miss Ethel Wenger of Cornwall, veryt mg ort e ving oom,
deaths Wore due to the fret ont also a student at the College, went i
many convalescents, in spite of the |home Tuesday afternoon because of P h d L vel, P
requests of the Board of Health, per- | the death of her aunt, living at Har- orc an awn ow . Ices
sisted in going about, congregating | risburg. To-day we offer a delightful assortment of comfortable Rock-
in various parts of the town, in The Anniversary Committee has ers and Arm Chairs, in bright and cheerful finishes. Choice of Reed,
stores and visiting in homes where no | arranged a program for the eigh- Rattan, Fibre Rush and Old Hickory. 7”
frases had il Jo developed, Ng teenth anniversary of the founding Settees, Swings and Tables. i
ame can be placed upon the Board | of the College to be observed on No- E
for this, it did what it could to pre-| vember 13th. Elder W. J. Swigart : . USE OUR PROMPT SERVICE FOR :
vent it. A large number of people | of Juniata College has promised to Awnings, Slip Covers, Window Skides, Curtains, Carpet Cleaning
would have rebelled if a rigid quaran- | be present and deliver an address on (compressed air) Carpet Re-laying.
tine had been placed upon homes | this occasion. : TALKING MACHINES
where the disease existed. The The library Committee of the Col- Come in and hear the “Vitanola,” the sensation of the Talking
Board left it to the good sense of the | lege acknowledge with thanks the do- Machine World. Prices from $22.80 to $145. .
people to be careful, after proper |nation of forty-seven volumes by :
warning. But there are always those | Elder Kurtz Miller formerly of REFRIGERATORS
who are lacking. Brooklyn, now pastor of the Church
Neither the Board of Health, nor of the Brethren in Frederick, Mary-
our physicians, need or desire any |land.
spectacular thanks for their fidelity The next issue of the College
to duty, but it cannot be amiss to let | Times will be out in a week or two. Waestenberger, Maley & Myers
them know that their efforts are ap- | The list of subscriptions to our Col-| 125-131 East King Street LANCASTER, PA.
preciated. lege paper exceeds the five hundred |
Our local Board of Health has | mark.
untv or
[Largest stocks of reliable goods and low
Everything necessary to clothe the whole family every thing necessary to furnish the home.

32-38 East King Street,
wliposinitiprinndhipe fd AY nce rns ree frre ei formes str reel frre ro 18 Aptana fortes rire toni rrr rill frre rime fpsrmaef pT]
The Big White Store that Treats you White
Full assortment of all the latest improved R ‘rigerators; a
dozen different makes to choose from; $11.00 to $55.0u.
dadiaaieaiieainainaiaaioaioatoalioaieaiaioalioatecte dl deal alah aol BBB 8

store under one roof.
departments just like
thirty--two separate
Thirty--two separate

We pay your carfare anywhere in Lancaster

shown its good sense by loyally co- T—-—t-. ”
operating with and strictly obeying Own Your Home " 3 0 T
the mandates of Dr. Royer, Actin . . 3 ol 1 OO
Commissioner of Health. wip le Oy hos Jum slated = a - 3
: Henry D. Speakman. which is indeed a very wise move and RB A E ”
. there is no good reason why the same e .
P. % Zalriskle, Win Jarany City | can 25% bg done here. There are a <
toc ards Company, Jersey number of good houses for sale in
Cty, New Jersey this section, I am listing additional LU BER and GOAL
Says: We used RAT-SNAP pur-|ones daily and will cheerfully give
chased of you about our plant for the | home-seekers whatever assistance I
extermination of rats with marked, can in reference to financing their Both Telephones MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
success. It is a wonderful prepara- | proposition. If you know of a home
tion. It did beyond question all you | you would like to own, call, phone or SOLE AGENT FOR CONGO ROOFING. NO. 1 CEDAR
aimed EL. 2ould go-~killing the ro- white, and Bin pe [okay on the SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO SIDING, FLOORING,
ent, driving en, om el wot” ro E- Sera Me Jew Po 8 8s booRs, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, LATHS, ETC. AGENT
from their death. We cheerfully en- Hére’s a Good One FOR LEHIGH PORTLAND CEMENT, ROOFING SLATE AND
| dorse its use in places infested with| | have for sale the fine home of SHEET IRON.
H. S- Newcomer, Mt. Joy, Pa.; G.| hath, electric lights, property in ex. | 3 BUILDING MATERIAL AND ALL KINDS OF CONCERETING
Mover, Mt. Joy, Pa. tf | cellent condition. Will be sold qtiick | ® WORK.
0 and can give immediate possession of ; ;
It pays to advertise in the Bulletin ! desired. J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. tf. '] C0 id