The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 23, 1918, Image 5

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, October 23, 1918. MOUNT JOY BULLETIN,
Mr. Labor Man

o'clock Sunday morning.
caused by pneumonia.





3 | Ces Y. 2 Frdiay, Oct. 25—At( their stock parents and the following brothers
B i yards in Mount Joy, 100 head of Re ordin § and sisters: Ralph, Elmer, Charlotte
w— cr ou eat his? |New York State cows, heifers, bulls c gs and Robert, all at home. Funeral
ur land steers by J. B. Keller & Bro. —— services will be held Wednesday, In
r Aldinger, auct, See ad (Continued from page 1) terment will be made .in Fairview
I will give vou house rent Saturday, Oct. 26—On the prem-! ments have as yet been made cemetery, Wrightsville, York county
a . . , ises on North Market street, Mount
ree Joy, large lot of personal property Mrs. Walter Gochnauer Mi y ary Espe nshade
I by Mrs. Fanny E, Wolgemuth. Frank, Mrs. Walter Gochnauer of New Mrs. Mary pe 1h: ude, of Rhes
will give you garage rent auct. wrk, N. J., died of Spanish influenza re { yeal “die q: * home after
- free Thursday, October 31 Real es- on Thursday morning, aged 24 years 1 short illness of « i mice influe \
" tate in this place at the Exchange Two children survive. The place of The deceased is survived by her hu
I will give you half-acre ilo vy Barbara P. Heilig Fran her nativity was Indiana, and Mr, 'b David Espenshade, and si
- : 1 : i : ( l ue ) f B. F. Goel mall childrer she was a native of
truck patch free Sor Tic oi Yor I
\ Y t ia sto de 1 merly of town 0 county nterment was made
“ I . . i " Friday, Nov. 1 A t q ¢ yard Gamer! . oy
3 J ’é VO a. yl McGinnis, Mt. Joy, ot . reyer's cemetery at Hillsdale.
"® ; will give you five vood i he ¥ Th 7 Horace Greeley Houseal i N. Seldomridge, pastor of St.
2 { free. rrr bv CS v Horace Greele Houseal wed Paul's 1 | Bret rch, of
0 000 hoats b . S. Fra 3 y 3 1 ch 1
w You shoot all the game |." DE se- | fied nt the County Hospital Wednes | the hom
" you wish--gray squirrel, rab 0am Pgh Load ee) Nice R. Strchl
, . nea yu ble Deceased Wi We lice KR trickler
“ oit and pheasant, Columbia National Bank, In- nown in ity of Maytown, \lice R laugh of Joseph N
> a 7 dianapolis, Indiana ’ here he ved for ny year H Rapl
. The streams are full of fish Say We were bothered quite a 1 \ died 1
" { | little by rat in ol basement, Miss Emma E. Herr WA ! y ni 1:10
: but none cateh them. destroying your BAT- IN a lies | Toor d * th hie Home of hoi ots of 13
: A And still pay you $4.00 to| th roughly, we age”pleased to report wents, Mr. and Mi onia resulting from influen
x 1 \ are n onger bothered 1 \ H ¢ . of VMianheim She 1 en mor \ 1 |
: : cut, and peel 160 sq. ft. of | jo. Four gto 25e, 50c. $1.00 tory, Shannen. Sf en mont) ) d
: wgod. A good woodsman|§3.00, Byen Bros, Mt. Joy, P: used in i h |
f y v 1. N Ys Mt. J Pa.: G. Moyer or Rn I 0 Pitt
: can cut and peel 12 cord: ye 3 : , Pol
making $6.70 a day. va meter, » and Co The funer i
, J 0 i 's a Good O 3 I h >aturcay
. Apply to O. H. Shenk, Rel 1.00 1 oa re fr home of Frank C. McAllister t | Interment in Kray
) PD. No. 8, Lancaster, Penna. | Miss Anna Beidler, on New Hav Frank ©. McAllister, of Manheim heters
’ y | street, 11 h nlace. Sis YON 4 ed a nis hot i ha yorough
Independent ’phone, 770--X, ||" clectric lehts. proverts Vednesday. He was twenty Miss Lottie Smith
: Bell phone, 138--R. | cellent condition. - Will be s 1 quic : oil teath was caused vy VL ISS I e th, of Bain ge,
i | and can give immediate possession of | Pneumonia. He was ill only a brief | died from pneumonia on Sunday
] ret em | do cived. J. B.S oll, Mt. Joy. tl e, and is survived by his wife and rning. She wa nty-one years
mo - wents, Mr. and Mrs. John McAllis 1d an irvived by her mother and
J * White Oal he followin I
: | Read the Bullet | Martha, :
| Read the Bulletir n Mrs. Harry M. Frank hot Ui M1
Read the Bulleti rs. Maggie Frank, wife of Harry | Lancaster;
oie . 1 of Manheim, died at her home | U.S ] se
riday froin pneumonia following Co ere held from the home in
] ATES n attack of influenza. Deceased was | Bainbridge yesterda fternoon
HW. WwW 'ty-four years of age and is sur- | Burial was made in the lage ceme
| APPEL years ;
i . A, iL 4 oid : ived by her husband and one daugh- | tery
| $ ter, Clara Her parents, Mr. and | —————
John FF, Strickler, also survive. | Warren G. Heiserman
| : - arr : a
+e an. rf | Wairen G. Heiserman, of Landis
| Tobacco Growers. 38: \ : . Leslie H. Fulmer | lied Thu { vening
34 { Von 88 mer Ix 3 hursa vening
| | 33 Wea ng ® 2 4 Leslie H. Fulmer, of East Peters- | & 0 o'c yf pneumonia, follow
M , irg, died on Tuesday morning at | Influ ¢ 25 year { month
| hd If ] trut were Dre ) ye. EN Tones rip
rn | 3 tr cron ny Roy 1 Garthersburg, Md., from pneumonia, | and He wa nember of
| i jon are bein riled b ulting from attack of influenza. | the C God at Landisville, Be
We have for a e lot of to-| 33 i oe ns A zs ida ite vo Deceased wa rel | V va Gor
h . . £ * ol ’ 1 id 1d 1S survive h | rect ) Xs 1 ong hter
b ) ropg. ( ye bought for half | pgéd Germany lebased cui hd brother. Toon G : vein his
s sed rency. As collateral 8: ersh ar r fii 0 d Pan ral x
e. | v. 2 : ershurg di ( P were
. | IPed lateral Jewels have beer * bold ori N lar athe :
fs to + | bob 4 : ive a - | held priva nn MOI i) ifternoon at
| persona gr ata in hpi Herbe S. Shelly 192 o’cl 1 t his 1 I yp i
¢ bith 4 ly 1 times by all ht Herbert 5. Shelly | 4 o'clock at his home nterment mn
. bib 4 land it all times by all bb Herbert S. Shelly died at his home | the Mennonite cemetery at Salunga
The Columbia Junk & | Io people. 2 3 1 Manheim, on Thursday evening. |
; LL ' 18% ih eh : Dox vadr 13 le was twenty-nine years old and Pi hilip and Thresa Kibler
. Lael st on : GoM rae 3 ath resulted from pneumonia, | Another victim has been added to
Hide 0 m a l Lod at enfin patel Jo p@4 | caused by influenza. The deceased is | the influenza list and from the same
0 p | y 004 done BO oT 30 3 survived by his wife and a sister, | family, “hat of Mrs. Anna Kibler, of
reey in Liberty Bonds = BEY Mrs. Irvin Reidenbach; also by his | East Market street, Marietta. When |
715 N. 5th Street rR FAZNer than the man, MM | father, Henry Shelly, of Manheim. little Philip Kibler died in the Co
a 138 fickle, worthless, vain Je ree lumbia Hospital Friday morning, lit
COLUMBIA PENNA. 3es things that one sees on 4] William Green tle Theresa, aged about five years
Also do. Bot forzet to bel o [66 gi fren. ; Onse 600 William Green, employed on the | and the youngest of the family, was
ns oo Orgel to brig aong 31 b 4 W : ore ; DY 2 1o 3! {farm of Grant Cohick, near Bain- [very ill with the same malady and
your junk and hides. e ot 15 1s Po hi ¥&ed bridge, died on Wednesday evening | was taken to the hospital. She lin
sept.18-3mos. | pégq Money pans) o Y »odiat the residence of Mr. Cohick, after | gered umtil Sunday morning when
; 3 ent pe) pe gr ans 23812 brief illness from influenza, which | death relieved her sufferings. Both
: po¢/ Ure BE eT t we ol | oY leveloped into pulmonary pneumonia. | the children will be buried in the
133! grasa S ig: os 183] | [le was forty years of age, and had | same grave and casket.
3 182 li Sosa sob, yu That b&-91 [been employed by Mr. Cohick for sm
Sq can ar . 21S. he p94 | twenty years. Six in the Cohick fam- John R. Snyder
3 1333 isa special qualification 393] ily are afflicted. John R. Snyder died at his home
s ’ POC 000000006006600004 ! — in Manheim, on Thursday morning
1 y I IR INL Lester B. Hoover aged thirty-six years. Death was
i /294 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET P9®4 Lester B. Hoover, formerly of | caused by pneumonia, resulting from
4 : 18 LANCASTER, PA. 3984 | Maytown, died at the hospital at [an attack of Spanish Influenza. He
5 ) IY VITTITVY TITY CUWWIIY Coatesville, from pneumonia result- | was a member of the Church of the
1222222222922 2222222220000® ing from Influenza. He is aged 18 | Brethren and an employee of the |

and F
He is

Hershey Machine
that borough.
vears. Funeral services were held
ke of All Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock | of
2 . on
FE Junt Kinds | A Few Gond from his late home in Maytown and | his wife and one son,
: J [were strictly private. He was a | mother, Mrs. James
Buy and Sell Automobiles nephew of Mrs. C. S. Longenecker of
Reading, also survives.
RUBBER & METAL SCRAP jlpisplace, +
: Milton Elder
Milton Elder, a well known resi-
dene of West Marietta, died at his
held on Saturday afternoon,
home after a long illness from can-
or ight Work
Miss Sadie Mummert
Miss Sadie Mummert, died at
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Buch,
whom she was employed,
Lititz, on Thursday
We Pay Higest Cash Prices
terment in Kreider’s burial
near Manheim
cer. He was in his sixteenth year
[and a son of the late Jeremiah Elder. | by
|He is survived by a brother, Jere, | home at after
BURLAP BAGS and two sisters, Mrs. Ida Baldwin, of | noon, aged eighteen years ‘
Pottstown, and Miss Mary Elder, at | been ill for a week with pneumonia.
home. Funeral was held from the | She was born at Salunga and was
raised by her grandparents, Mr. and |
Bachman Choc, Mfg. Co.
late residence on Monday afternoon.

C Mrs. Jacob Spangler. She moved to
Keystone Rag oO. of Fl P Mrs. Dallas Weidman Sporting Hill with them last spring.
/ orin, € na. Mrs. Dallas Weidman died at her | Five weeks ago she went to live with |
Max Brody, Propr. ZZ home in Salunga yesterday from | Mr. and Mrs. Buch. She is survived
| pneumonia, after a two weeks’ ill- | by her mother, Mrs. Ellen Spangler
july 17-tf.
her grandparents, of
interment was made at
Bell Phone 9-R2
fness, aged 30 years. She leaves a
i husband and five children, all but one

{child being bedfast at this writing. | meeting house.
Funeral private on Thursday after- pe —
$00 TIR noon at 2 o’clock. Deceased is a Mrs. Walter Mishey
0 MILES GUARANTEED ES | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Naomi E., wife of Walter Mishey,
Clincher or Straight Side | Smith of this place. of Florin, died Saturday morning at
= 1:30 o’clock from pneumonia follow
SIZE NON SKID TUBES ing Influe nza, aged 20 years, 2
Charles Hildebran

3 39x3 $9.20 $2.15 Charles Hildebran, brother-in-law | months and 22 days. She is survived
ng Set of 4 358.00 7.50/ § 0h 0 fas trodes an lof Daniel H. S. Derr of this place, | by her husband and two children,
30x33 1346 Bs rn. |died at his home at No. 607 Rock- | ( arloda and a three-day-old baby.
Set of 4 47.30 8.00 (, MOYER, Mt. Joy land street, Lancaster on Thursday parents of the deceased, Mr
PRICES ON OTHER SIZES IN morning at 4:30 o’clock of pneu- Joseph Brown o Florin,

Harry of near

monia resulting from influenza,
Elsie [J
24 years. Besides his wife,

PROPORTION Celeste at home st

Write for lists (Derr) Dildebran, he is survived by | funeral services we
: . > . rag cL icone son, cnaries. His parents also | 1 it the home of Mr. and Mi
If a tire fails to run 5000 miles we PPrvive, | Joseph Brown on Tuesday morning at
| 10 o’clo Interment was made i
will replace with a new tire at one-| . : i
half price. { Shaving : Anna Poff : the
Shipped same day as check or Hair Cutti Anna Poff, daughter of W illiam
money order is received, EXPRESS J ng and Ras Po oon on 5 yn
CHARGES PREPAID. street, Landisville, died on Friday Jacob H
about 5:30 of pneumonia [ o1 Thy
Mount Joy cemetery
Jacob H. Wolf
NVolf of Landis

rsaay evening


| Jos. B. Hershey resulting from Influenza, aged 12 | pneumonia following
MPANY ~~ vears. She is survived by her par- | He was aged 38 years, 2
EAR, SALE TONSORIAL PARLOR ents and two brothers, John and | 28 id is & Jon ot :
uiton Stree ¢ Sylves Funeral services were |and S olf of Landisville
for the M vester. C ; :
UNION HILL, NEW JERSEY Agenp bl Manhatten Laundry. held private on Tuesday from her | who His wife and the fol-
DEALERS WANTED er” E0008 Caller Tor Yoncay late home. Interment was made in [low Iren surviy Robert
may 15-tf West Main St., Mount Joy the Landisville ce emetery. i Russell
x M., Edna

Miss Phoebe Earhart
| Krall’s Meat Market




YOU'RE EXT Miss Phoebe Earhart, daughter of | a
Es Mr. and Mrs. David Earhart, of Man- | held at 1
heim, died at the home of her parents | o’cl rment
For a good neat and clean Shave, | on Thursday evening from pneu-|w: nite
{ monia following an attack of in- |
Hair Cut, Shampoo, Mas- { 3 fluenza. Deceased was twenty-three Te
yx ars of age and a member of the Mrs. Arthur Thome 1
sage, Etc. go to 7 urch of the Brethren. She is sur- Just k after the death of
| : ived > r ts and » br ap 1} . \ 0! i
qd !'1 always have on ‘hand anything & ; ~~ he Eo are his an held ; ig Ir) pet ir J. Th of
Kw ood 1g d's the fhe of en miah mineral was held on Sun- | {
DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. James Drahn ta
A i : Fic 8 Drahn, of Ei towr
Ys orial Parlors Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Muttor i St. ao 2rd aX ) ;
idl ai iul Oo 3 En Pie
H. H. KRALL r eht after a 4
Formerly H. J. Williams West Main St MOUNT JOY, PA
Agent for Manhattan Laundry
=p A Rh ]if r
MOUNT JOY, PA nna E Horning
mpt attention given to the Cali vq
g Estate and Personal Prop- ) r 0
erty Sale Terms Moderate - es ASTER, PA : © 4 i1ed :
po fel 20-1¢ 1a pr
CHICHESTES We pay fro $2.00 to $35.00 per-set~ held Moz 1e h
THE TER SF brolk not). We also-pay actual The b 31 Mo rl
B t). also pay actual taken to Mohnton, I'l
ED Hes Solent rand, roe for Di amonds, old Go i * interment, the for- rs als urvive
g a ns is Hod =ita $hie Ribbon. bio Bridge-work. Send at nm parents. Mrs. D. M. Nis-
Tokeno other. parcel post and receive cash Vliller, all of
ist. Ask ILC S.TER
DiaSoty BRAND PILLS, for i
ears known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
Etta May Ashton
Miss Etta May Aston, 16 years old,

SHLD BY BRUGGISTS EVERTHAEK. TOOTH SPECIALTY, Dept. X, 2007 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley | Charles and
e 1-137 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 9-25-3mo Ashton, Bainbridge, died at 10:30 Howard A. Miller, Pl
turn mail. Will
our price is unsatisfactory.
return your Kuhns and

Death was
She leaves her

vive, as well as one -ste
C. Mateer of town and
Mrs. Rachael Rhoads of Steelt
funeral will be held from his late
home Friday afternoon at two o'clock |
and will be private. Interment will | A
home on
| Ba inbridge, on F riday. His death
was due to Spanish influenza. Mr. ~ {
Cohick was only twenty-seven years on the market.
old and his many friends will regret
to he
had suc
Co.,iwas a
survived by
Kauffman, of |
with in-
rround, |
at Elizabethtown College.
vived by
Longe necke Y, of
little boys, George Scott, aged
and John Harold, aged two years. His | -
father and mother and two sisters: |
Miss Josephine and Mrs. Howard ’ < :
Fryer, of Elizabethtown, also sur- 4 igs; : .
vive. The funeral was held privately (y A AN
at the Cohick farm on Monday, ) ( ( /
interment in Bainbridge cemetery. O
at their
Nine were
{hick home lst wool yntering from | H. 5. Barr, Mount Joy, Penna.
inflye nza, an the amily are very
orateful to neighbors and friends who |
pre pared food : in their homes and BOTH PHONES AUTO HIRING
sent it to the Cohick home to relic
[the few who were left to nurse the
sick and attend to the household
duties. . —

sauteed ne te wort tots, |§ CAS CED EU ACNE ‘TURE
] <lin Turks or -
3 S s his vs x Is the only kind I sell —Furniture tha irnitur
Come on, boys, let's get 'em!” 2 LL
x ge Rockers, Mirrors, Hall Racks,
3 I» A . 3 € Ladies’ Desks,
Is 2 3 e her Tables,
. < e Closets,
2 a A K Cabinets
; the Furniture
one ee BOOCOCT00O HEOOO0000000000CCO0000C0TO00C00000000000
Hunting Season Opened sm amencu—
[onday ni : a ~~
{ants may not be eX > . Lotitd shipped

Three in One Family
Death struck a severe blow in the
family of Oscar Brinser at Elizabeth
town yesterday. In the forenoon his
three-year-old daughter Helen died,
at the home of its grandparents, M1
id Mrs, George Vogl Florin, In
he afternoon his fiy war-old sor
Lage lied and 1n the evening hi
ife, Mi Estella, died I'he latter
vo died at the M ! Homes h
pital at Elizabethtoy Ma Brit
ty ter

Edgar A.
Engle fa
i WIN,





Sewing Machine In Your Home
sh Or Easy Monthly Payments
— 2 /.
410 Locust S

Oliver Mateer R 2
lateer « at 1} Repairs I 0
r All Makes of Sewing Machines

I ——, —


Do Di
scard That Old Ford,
Let Me Attach tt
amp and Mrs
two sister

brother Samuel anc
Harry A. Darren
Baughman of


be made in the Mt. Joy cemetery.
J. Grant Cohick
J Grant Cohick, only
and Annie Cohick, died at his
“Dream Wold Farm”
son of Thereby converting it into a 1 1-2 ton

truck. Best and cheapest tr

death. His father had
farm duties and Grant
him in his work. He |
the Bainbridge
ards a student |
He is sur
was Elsie
and two |
war of his
graduate of
High School and afterw

Agent the
ringtield and Republic Tires

wife, who ely- «50
Billmyer, d


confined to bed in the Co- |


—— OG

Never, 80 muel 1s now, has the in- |
livi e ed for so Tittle Y
It lua’ individual! privi- FARMERS
g divi responsibilities have | °

riven way to the greater considera-


ho | AN
For nations, not peoples or r: ol
‘ i 1 1 wwtinies of | wy ' >
t n 1a the destin ) {ave you ever worn shoes made ¢ 1 If? If
The indidvidual has been | 1 .
2 shoe surprise 1n Y 1 Xt
emntorilyv put side | T
QR v hall live or pe | 2 in Lancaster stop at Ire
determination | Harvester Calf It 5
the aggregate. Tt is not for any | carefully selected as 1
I I S¢ soon is to r¢ this vod 1
Bu er | O1 wat cl 3] it i : +
can count | st lestructive action of Barn;
One way in which you may still REAL SHOES FOR THE FARMER
ke yourself felt throughout this
rm-tossed world { Steet ec
: To {
Y« an make your little individual |
jon to the cause of freedom, OC h Fyn - ) Riso S x
ori TARGETS. ot poranen as. H. Fry's Shoe Store
You can buy a Liberty Bond
3 yherwige he subordinated, | 3-5 East King Street
iced, shunted into comparative |
) and made to feel that vou
onger count Fefimmeenfimmsenfipmmen flee firms fim aly J ap
But hers you 081 BRE YOUT PIAS | esse ————————————————

can buy Liberty Bonds!




ng. spraying et ou cannot» witho |

nearly every