Wedinotay October 16, 1913 MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. PAGE FIVE Mr. Labor Man Can You Beat This? I will give you house remt ‘ree. I will give you gar ‘ree, I will give you half-acre truck patch free. I will give you fire-wood free. You can shoot all the game you wish--gray squirrel, rab: bit and pheasant. The streams are full of fish but none catch them. And still pay you $4.00 to cut and peel 160 sq. ft. of wood, A good woodsman can cut 'and peel 1; cords, making $6.00 a day. Apply to O. H. Shenk, R. D. No. 8, Lancaster, Penna, independent phone, 770--X, Bell phone, 138--R. ATTENTION Farmers! Tobacco Growers We have for sale a fine lot of to- Could be bought for half Je rent bacco rope. price. Do The Golumbia Junk & Hide Company 715 N. 5th Street COLUMBIA PENNA. Kiso do not forget to bring along yur junk and hides. sept.18-3mos. WANTED A Junk of All Kinds Buy and Sell Automobiles RUBBER & METAL SCRAP t fail th all at #e Pay Higest Cash Prices for BURLAP BAGS 4 Keystone Rag Co. Max Brody, Propr. | Phone 9-R2 MOUNT JOY. july 17:4. !ILES GUARANTEED TIRES lincher or Straight Side NON SKID TUBES $ 9a $2.15 of 4 “35.00 7.50 x3 1a 12.46 2.26 \t of 4 47/50 8.00 PRICES ON OTHER SIZES IN PROPORTION Write for lists SALE REGISTER Thursday, Oct. 17—In the village Ler Milton Grove, real estate and per sonal property by Mrs. Mary Wea ver estate. C. S. Frank, auct. os Thursday, Oct. 17—On the premis- at Milton Grove, real estate and personal property by Lewis F. Wea iver for the Heirs of the Mary Weaver estate. Frank, auct. Thursday, Oct. 17—On the premi- ses in Milton Grove for the Heirs of Mary R. Weaver, deceased, real es- tate and personal property by Lewis | F. Weaver. Frank, auct. Friday, Oct. 15--At vards at Hotel McGinnis, Mt. lot of New York State and Potter county cows, heifers, bulls and a lot of good shoats by C. S. Frank & Bro. Hess, auct. See advertisement. Saturday, Oct. 19—On the PEST. ises of the Michael H. Grove farm, one-half mile south of Maytown, per- Joy, sonal property by Anna H. Grove. George Vogel, auct. Frdiay, Oct. 25—At their stock yards in Mount Joy, 100 head of| New York State cows, heifers, bulls and steers by J. B. Keller & Bro. Aldinger, auct. See ad. Saturday, Oct. 26—On the prem- ises on North Market street, Mount Joy, large lot of personal property by Mrs. Fanny E. Wolgemuth. Frank, auct. Saturday, Oct. 26—Rt 7:30 p. m., the Bulletin Office, Mt. Joy real es- tate on East Main street, Mount Joy by Dillinger & Donaven. Frank, auct. Saturday, Oct. 26—Aat 7:30 p. m., at the Bulletin Office, Mt. Joy, post- poned sale of real estate by J. W. Hertzog. Frank, auct. Thursday, October 31-—Real es- tate in this place at the Exchange Hotel by Barbara P. Heilig. Frank, auct. _ SIMPLIFYING JEWELRY BUYING One of the simplest things we know of in the purchasing of Jewelry is to pay more than the prices that, prevail at this store. $0000 00ers atonns obit dil XXX One of the most diffi- cult things we know of in the ‘purchasing of Jewelry, 1s to procure higher quality than what prevails at this store. Thus the > purchasing of Jewelry is reduced to very simple terms: Buy at the store whose qual- ity is highest and whose prices are lowest, con- sidering that quality. Or, to be even more explicit, at THE APPEL STORE POPOL OPL POOP 069004 o & °*® 5 ® lb & 4006850 Sore 0068000000000 000 4 oa TIXX P9000 000000009004 © oH WAR COSTS AND WAR DEBT | Shot Away. © Not All Our Liberty Loans Are te stock] MOSTLY STABLE INVESTMENT a | Records Show That Our Government is Putting Greater Into Ships, | ings, | Things, By THEODORE H. PRICE, | in The Outlook. | As paign arty ate what we are the cam- the sale of it we entering upon the Fourth Loan. altogether that should take account two years of wai and determine, if we can, for is us in how can be recovered under peace condi- lished, American pride in the widely adver- tised wealth of the country has not only led be lavish in spending, but it has induced more or less axag- us to geration in the current estimates of the war's cost. Popular feeling is expressed by the remark, “Hang the expense! let us lick the Huns,” and many people, having come to believe that victory was largely a matter of have felt a certain satisfaction in reading of the unnumbered billions money, that are heing disbursed. To a certain extent the growth of this feeling has been encouraged by the newspapers, until the editors as well as the public have become ecare- less of the facts. Thus in the New York “Times” of July 23, under the headline “Ameriean War Bill Now Fifty Billion,” there was published a Washington despatch dated July 22, from which the following is a quota- tion: “In the first year the expenditure amounted to $18,879,177.012, while Congress has authorized for the see- ond vear ending June 30, 1919, appro- priations amounting to approximately $30,000,000,000.” This statement have heen widely action of the public mind to indicate that most people are rather well pleased with the wealth and mu- nificence that are implied. It would nevertheless be a very’ serious matter if we were dissipating like It and the re- and others printed, seems our National wealth at the rate nam- ed. The fact Is we are not spending any such sum for war, and much of what we are spending is heing invest- boobboddidddidiiaarY birds odd dd aX 24 $31 NORTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PA. SI I IY $999009000090090009000090¢ A Few Good Men Wan Night Work | add. > For Bachman Choc. Mz. Co. Florin, Pe ina. | G. MOYER, Mi. Joy if a tire fils to run 5¢ 001 ) miles we iY replace’ with a new tire at one- £ price./ ‘hipped same day as check or order is received, EXPRESS GES PREPAID. AR ASTERN SALES COMPANY 500 Fulton Street NION HILL, NEW JERSEY DEALERS WANTED may 15-tf Shaving i Hair Cutting Jos. B. Hershey TONSORIAL PARLOR Agent for the Manhattan Laundry. | YOURE NEXT | ( Hair Cut, Shampoo, Mas- = sage, Etc. go to vood Millard's 1 Pario ars msorial ormerly H. J. Williams #T MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY nt for Manhattan Laundry | AS. S. FRANK AUCTIONEER MQUNT JOY, PA. | pt attention given to the Call. Real E€tate and Personal Prop- | le” Terms Moderate. { Also Fresh Beef, Veal, | West Main St. ¥ always have on hand anything iv the line of SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. Pork, Mutios H. H. KRALL MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Telephone ATTORNEY AT LAW 48 NORTH DUKE ST., LANCASTER, PA. b.20-1918-1yr. TER S PILLS dd metallic Pitt Sars ren bol Blue Lk on. | pareel post ar LE 35 | turn m WE BUY OLD FaLIE TEETH Ve pay from $2.00 to $35.¢ broken or Ww 1 value for and Bridge SPECIALTY, , Philadelph Dept. Pa X, 2007 9-25-3mo ed in the interest bearing obligations of our allies, which are presumably good, and in ships, shipyards, termin- als, things that warehouses, railways, will be and other valuable and pro- Lib- appropri- of will have cost far and how speedily our expenditures tions when they shall have heen estab. Part of Loans Loans to Allies, Build- Railways and Other Lasting lf ductive long after peace is declared The amounts that are heing spent constructively or invested in the in- | terest-hearing debt of other ns tions ! ar he accurately ascertained at | present, but the total is larc and | may he approfimated. We know. for | insta , that Congress has authorized the Secretary of the Treasury » 1oar i $10,000,000,000 to our Allies, and that fi edits rendy placed t their disposas aggregate about ST.000,000, | 000 I'hesas toans all hear interest at a ra half per cent In excess of what onr Government is pa g \ tement obtained fron ip- yng Board indicates that the Go rn ment will own the following propert as of August 1, 1919 Steel ships delivered, 5,388,635 tons 81,077, 727,000 Wood and concrete ships lelivered, 1,627,500 tons 300,412 500 Ships on ways and fitting out afloat: Steel, 4,000,000 tons 100,000,000 Wood 1.300.000 117.000.0000 Concrete, 750,000 250,000 Shipyards and plants... 2004 YH), O00 Houses ............... 100,000,000 £2,280,289,500 To this statement there js a ypend- ed a memorandum reading as follows : “In addition there will be ‘riminable but quite large which will he tied bought and paid for an unde- amount of up in eqiup- but not vet pu! Probably we shall be in ships. well within the mark in assuming that our investment fn ships and a year hence will at 2,750,000,000, and this will not include the enormous ad- shipyards 5 be least Goods called for Monday. Htiong that have been made to our West Main St.. Mount Joy Navy. Then there are the military warehouses that the War Department is constructing in the United States, Krall’s Meat Market fog the docks, warehouses, and rail- { ways that have been built in France {as well as in some other Curopean countries. Very few people realize | that there is a complete .M\merican- | owned and built railway system now in operation in France, which ine lines running to the front from th different French ports at which enor- mous terminals have heer od at American expense with An an la- hot I'ies 1 rays an > Aiel 1 irs and o 8. a era ww American sold S, a S sa at one o 1 S Zz de- \ nto s-E i ' < tH Ha t t £1 TS The =a debt too fast, and thereby deflate an lines. As a result of the speecializa undoubtedly inflated situation so sud- | tion of industry practiced in this denly that credit will be prostrated, | country there are hundreds and thou- This was what happened after our | sands of factories that make differ- Th b ti : 1 0 t : Civil War and brought about the panie | ent parts of the things that are as- ere y conver Ing il into a | j=2 on { of 1873. Men can adjust themselves to | semhled and completed in other fae : almost any change, provided it is not | tories. The automobile Industry, for ruck. Best and cheapest t truck too sudden. Deflation is desirable | instance, has become specialized to i and inevitable, but it should not be | an amazing degree h . | + so accelerated that it will result in [| One consequence of this specializa on t € market. shock and dislocation | tion has been a great waste of trans- Including the men who are fighting | portation. A similar instance of this and the men and vomen who are S the pig iron required for the steel » working to keep them supplied with | (hat will be ultimately used to make ? Agent fy tho food and war materials, some 10,000, the saws in an Alabama cotton gin. Bid 000 people are probably engcag It may be mined at Birmingham, I >. - fe 1 DD. i} . 4 on is, in a sense, unprodu shipped to Pittsburgh as “p and Ke ly-Springfie ad an 3 NEDUDIIC Tires When these people are returned to the | there converted into sheet steel : ranks of producti industry, the ra- [| Thence it might he sent to Philadel ——— pidity with hich thev will be able hia to be made info saws, and then | e wealth he astonishing 1zain back to its point of origin, Ala for their Ww’ be greatly i here it is rn out taking the | 2 N r > creased ba 1 1ethods that have seed from the cotton { dI1 » been introduced ane he devices and | In A ases there is a stil Trea WW I; economies it 1 YO lopted to | er waste of transportation, and | speed up and augmen vill I tion instance the same material transm | Tio ads thal Las bon. ed hy snecessive manufacturing pro. | H. A. Barr, i Joy, Penna. SUIBRE0k ECONO T he op [ cosses Is known to have heen i hat have heen atinined are not ‘gen. BACK ANG fori over newly BOTH PHONES AUTO HIRING erally understood or appreci ated ol ies 30 gleyen Imex hej | Washington there are two organiza. | ecame part of the finished artiel and | OOOO OOOOOCOOOONOODOOOOOOOOOOODOIOSONNC tions within the War Industries Board | a5 Put to use { | that have lone remarkable work ! Fo eliminate this m nese l "Ans - N— - i ——————— | along these lines. One is the Conser. | POrtation where poss ble, in so at oe vation Division, formerly the Com. | the manufacture of war material is | Sent rr Prenat sl pms frm rma fps Pr TT mercial Beonomy Board. of whieh A, | concerned, is the task to ( Mr | M. Shaw is chiof. The other is the | OS has addressed himself, and he Is y > 7 v a ‘ 3 | succeeding so well that he will prob- | Y 7 Resources and Conversion Section, | hls aloe a Instine oalubtoa '“ FARMERS] whose ciief Is (harles 4. 01s tinerie in industry that will Sxl hun | 9 The functio ff the first-named rit a WITIOnS An Raallv both Viz ng f hoard has been to eliminate the sur the war and afterward j | T KE NOTICE plusage of styles and sizes made and But it wonld take na book to describe | { \ os Sold In the ma and distribo all the scientific economies that have | tion of stable art : pan the the heen learned or evolved from the ex- | Have vou ever worn Ss 3 : 3 2 TS i o Mi paeny = perience of the war. We have heen ot . : store for voursel Vo e aster Pi L z I t 8 ¢ 1oht { > es | ty filizp } X *e | > ao ‘ 4 . sarily stimulated the demand, and Hh i Fol im 1 E s St St 3 compelled merchants to carry stocks ra to ent 1088 ment ‘and siexr and ester ( i 3 i 7g that tied up millions, and perhaps io live hoalthior lives. th Wear old | -efully selec jual billions, of capital that was needed for clothes and wear them out. and to | Gambier ands water s the prosecution of the war earn more by increasing our produc s remarka alities g r To induce the manufacturers to tion. and spend less by decreasing our | s its make the changes and introduce the consumption 5 1 : or Barnyva 3 reforms recommended time has, of By the saving in labor thus effect- | RE AL SHOES FOR THE FARMER. course, heen required, but as their ad ed we have been able to supply the | vantages became apparent the resist- man power necessary for the success- | ance has diminished, and in many dif- . , prosecution of the war, and by the | | analysis, a of our parmenently productive invest ments in Kurope at $ An official statement fron the War shades of house paint and ten grades X Department puts the witlay upon of varnish, as against nearly 100 dif x warehouse construction in the United ferent varieties formerly produced S Ntates “completed or in process plan 'o save cans the half-gallon and § S | N R ned to facilitate the speedy handling many of the smaller-sized packages 8 of materials for the use of the Army” have been eliminated S HE approximately S218, 000,000 In the manufacture of hardware, . With a few exceptions, the buildings. Where the number of styles and sizos # ne \ pb! are permanent structures of conerefe hitherto produced was almost infinite, 8 i o brick and steel, they are equipped the reduction will average 50 pet ‘nt ¥ o [ with railway sidings and all the latest | The number of items in one saw man 0 5 devices for the movement of goods in | Ufacturer's catalogue has been reduc ¥ ER) ad 3 peace as well as in war times, and | ed by 70 per cent. In the stove and (% ou 4 5 the facilities that they will provide furnace trade 75 per cent of the types | \ Swe Sit 0 { will no doubt greatly increase the | and sizes have heen cut out, and those | A Fon A ig speed with which the vessels of the | remaining require the least iron and x ss) aS x merchant fleet we are building can he | steel for their production ACHINY CHIN of loaded and unloaded both now and In men's and women’s clothing the | | hereaftsr when we shall have recov- | Simplification of styles agresd upon | x I ered the place that we formerly held | will reduce the material required by [8 X among the maritime nations of the | from 12 to 25 per cent, and hy restrict | 8 dg world ing the sizes of samples about 3,430,000 | x A Other permanently productive in- | vards of cloth will he saved annually 8 1 X {vestments that are being made as a | The high price of tin has led to a | &8 Pe | result of the war include such enter-| great reduction in its use for solder, [8 x prises as the plant for subtracting ni- | Babbitt metal, bronze, tinfoil, ete, and | & ” So trogen from the air that is being | silk dyers have learned that they can x . built at Muscle Shoals at a probable | 2et along with 30 per cent of the tin | & 3 ultimate cost of $30,000,000, a powder | formerly used in giving luster and x You Need A Sewing Machine In Your Home a factory which will involve an outlay | weight to certain grades of silk. Great | 8 Q of $124,000,000 and which is being | economy has been effected by induce- x BUY A SINGER 3 designed so that it can be used for | ing manufacturers to standardize the | 8 QS the manufacture of fertilizers, and | size of the boxes in which theif goods % Sold For Cash Or Easy Monthly Payments 2 scores of gun and ammunition works | are packed. Waist manufacturers, for | 8 Q that are owned by the Government | example, are packing two or three % FREE TRIAL A and can be converted to the uses of | waists in a box instead of one. This | Q 3 peace, Finally, there is the capital | will save probably two-thirds of the x CALL or ADDRESS X that the Government has set aside for | freight space formerly used for ship- | & the War [Finance Corporation, the | ping waisis. Similar economies of i b Railroad “Revolving Fund,” and the | shipping space have been effected in | € > Grain Purchasing Corporation, which, | many other lines of husiness. x 2 though included in our war costs, is | In the delivery of goods substan x a being safely and productively employ- | tial economies have also heen secured & 1 3 ed and will be returnable to the Treas by the partial abolition of “C. 0. D.’ * ury in the process of post-hellum | and “on approval” deliveries, as well | & 14 E O St t i t & liquidation | as by reducing the number of daily *® . range reel, ancas er “ Of course, it may he urged, and [ wagon trips, and price concessions to | 8 J properly, that a Targe allowance should | those customers who acquire the : Or he made for the depreciation of these | “cash and carry” habit have also re & A assets, and the policy of treating | duced the retailer's cost of distribu Y L t St t C | bi them as dead nis is andoubi tion ocus (ree ) 0 um a 5 edly wise, but that poliey is keeping The list of these innovations could >: F us in a position that will tallie the | he Zraatly lengthened, hut from hose 0 Repairs For All Makes of Sewing Machines pr obligations of the United States Gov described some idea may be had o S 4 ernment the most bhesought invest the enormous saving in the eost of oS lini " a ments in the world the moment that | manufacturing and distributing goods D0000000000V0O0000NO0O00COOCO0VOCOO00000000000000008 their further issuance hecomes un- | that has heen effected in almost every : necessary. The payment, he repaid credit contraction In fact, question is not ¢ but of how ra without that pression. chiefly to be feared is t of industrial efliciency economy learned enable to reaccumu ong us ferent lines of trade the simplifications that have already been save an enormous amoun material, which means, more rapid expenses and to loan some $7,000,000,- | wealth. Thus about two thousand dif- 000 or more to our allies besides. [ ferent sizes and types of plows and The experience has been salutary, | tillage implements have heen elimin- iessons will not be forgotten, and | Clrafimmaralipomendipnmsea lpm pose romeo Pyoeme ated and a great reduction in the va the record thus far indicates thar we | riety of other agricultural implements will be able to recreate tie wealth | © —— = — — hitherto manufactured has heen lestroyed and pay the debts incurred | OOO0O0000000COHO000000OO0000OOOOO0OCOOOOOOOCOODNOOC fected. The sizes and types of amto- v0" surprisingly short time after | Sm EL SLI Fa 00D FURNITURE | been rgduced from 287 to 23, and it in t {escripti is expected that nine standard manufactured. There wer - sizes and types ' made. Now and the meta ubing ant has he S \ < wt will be ced ™ sigh shoes Ss gy i during the bringing about a | are not abandoned after the war they wi create de- | ( Mormous > realth ) " { { cE will ate de- | vil a Id enorm usly to he wealth- Don’t Discard That Oid Ford. But of the things | creating power of the Nation, for hat the lessons | wealth is but labor in a conerete and i + and personal { useful form Let Me Attach the war will | The work of the Resources and Con rapidly that we will pay off the on wo veurs only that is ¢ will be Wa Will Name Tanks. Is the cnly kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture Ten American armored tanks to b g six hundred used in France against the Germans Rockers, Mirrors, Hall Racks, tal bedsteads will be named Pennsylvan Picture Frames, Ladies’ Desks, LB woduced, ~ I'hese names i he chosen | § : S their during the Liberty Loan di and ti Extension and Other Tables, 2 1 1 lized SO ten <0 < ha ing the highes Daveaports, China Closets, 2 sta 1 re 1 pulatio S scribing al th ) or £ Kitchen Cabinets. 2 Pi f St NnKs { v : i. 2 & N ; i } ne 3 Bb A in Fa Anything in the Furniture 2 x 1 oO ' ticEy § Line be E 1 S ¢ ———— = oh is row g : n- | 8 2 { b TIAT ” TAT h rami 3 UNDERTAKING 3 _— sw x & ND N = Columbia National Bank, In- x * A ND EyBAL IING * dianapolis, Indiana a ——————————— A ———— A A —————— 3 L Nala 3 5 A DDI IAAT gq INT y % 2 H. C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PA. ; NURSERY STOCK AT ONE- GENTS PR ICE n, call, phone or 5 URSERY STOLE ese # rs = i 1, Mt hig produet to thirty-two JOLVLOOONNIOOOOOOOODVODODDOODOIOODVOOOIOOO0OO00T 1,000,000,040) restricting department of trade All these innovations are essentially LOVOVLOOOOOOOOOO0OC OOOO and if they their re they may me of pidly methods of saving labor, Industries divergent version Section of the War Board along similar but wealth so | public late is OXFORD UNIT | ’ th . practice of the unnumbered economies | Vv | effected will that are rapidly becoming habits we | Chas. H. Fry » Shoe Store t oflahor and | 1, 0 heen able to follow a “pay-as- | THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES in the last | .,, ., policy in meeting the war's | | of 3-8 East King Street creation ~s DVOTTOIVCOAVVOCTOVO0OC SOOO OOK 0 ohnny on the Joy, Pa. 4