The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 16, 1918, Image 3

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THE LIDS What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To 5 Mog | f
- | Say This Week ems in ‘hese Colunms re Pre.
I( | ARY, N. WEAK WOMEN I pared es piluams go Pics
culture at Washington, D. C., and
Set the Pace--20th Yea
are Reliable and Trustworthy,
' ; Guinea pigs are fit for any table
v : and are receiving attention now in
1 * " connection with the utilization of ey
ery means of increasing food supplies.
REPUTATION carries weight with wise buyers.
Positive—Conyincing Proof 4 q WW There is another war-time use, how
Oldsmobile Reputation
w is . 4 \ 4 ever, that perhaps appeals more to
¢ publish the formula of Vinol Nh the imagination. This is in medical
Reflects the respect and good will in cars that bear the name have
always been held by those most competent to judge—their owners.
to prove convincingly that it has the \
. research, especially in hesting and
JOWer to creat RN ! a Ei
r R Cod Liver ve Sieensth. ( WN standardizing antitoxins and serums.
Yand Mangagese Peptonates, 15on eo] 6 8 i Such medical research work has been
Ammonium Citrate, Lime and Soda \ 1 much enlarged, and has greatly in
It is significant that the Oldsmobile is one of the few ears to-
day cashed with a full twelve months’ guarantee.
Gasoline consumption is unusually low. Operating and main-
tenance expenses are as light as the first cost is moderate.
MODEL 37 TOURING $1395.00

VEE ss ee Emm
Glycerophosphates, Cascarin, SR NE creased in importance since Amer
Any woman who buys a bottle of REET [ica’s entry into the world war.
| Vinol for a weak, run-down, nervous ? A ~ The guinea pig, in being made to
condition and finds after giving it a 3 A J nN eh X help in the testing of serums and
fair trial Ait did not help her, will . = a 3 antitoxins, confers a direct benefit
have her money returned. A . ra upon the American soldier. There-
You sée, there iS no guess work * & aa fore, the guinea pig is doing his bit
about Vinol, Its formula proves a aad and persons who enter the industry
there is notking like it for all weak, : of raising guinea pigs likewise help
run-down, overworked, nervous men |. 1h do sheer olla dawg brief greega to meet a war-time need,
and women and for feeble old people fun olla sart leit ufl’ olla sart socha. In medical research immature ani
and delicate children, Try it once Now, ich con de brief net oll answera. | als weighing 250 grains (nearly 9
and be convinced. Feel fun da Bria] sin fun ung men- | ounces) are required. This weight is
i ner os my rode wissa wella we en attained in about s ecks as
W. D. CHANDLER & CO. buova mutch, Aner hut mich der [Sour hott six weeks. i
DRUGGISTS onner dawg g'frogt: “We con ich es pig has been about 75 cents, but re-
AND DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE | besht laeva maucha?” Des is de nod- ports have been recently received of
dure fun feel dun da brief. Ae ans- | laboratories paying from $1.00 to
wer doots far se oll. Un doh gaits: $1.50 because of the scarcity of suit-
Amohl es arsht, my yunger friend, | 4ple stock. Persons favorably situ-
Sin tswae socha os yader mensch mit | ated near cities or institutions re
sich uff de welt bringa muss, un sell quiring large numbers of guinea pigs
Is @’soonheit unfarshtond, Du consht may establish a profitable business in
sheer olles soonsht somla in dara supplying them. They should remem-
weldt, awver de tswae sin in der | hep, however, that animals previously
% =
OBEY ORDERS! mensch gabora un du mawksht dich 5 ‘or . . -
ns 2 i awk used for serum or antitoxin tests, or [gg


MODEL 45 TOURING. ............. 1... ous SEEGLO0
MODEL 45 ROADSTER. ...................., 1700.00
All prives f. o. b. Lancing, Mich. L
Before making your selection ask for a demonstration. "
Mount Joy, Penna. 1
m phone or write for a complete bisht si arlich un uffrichtich, En fri | mestic species is the chief cause for
’ . ; . w description of any of these: gawissa s feel wardt. Nem ken geld | its neglect as a food animal, vet other | 000) 0000
Fo prevent Influenza get a nasal atomzer from your druggist - 1 acre $ 900.00 os du net arlich fardeened husht, far- highly esteemed game animals
ee : hondel net di arlichkeit uff geld. Du | furnish less meat than a guinea pig. - : TE —————
u Fincture of Todine and salt ona spray foi the nose and 1 1,600.00 tawksht en ugarechter dawler tsu The Peruvian method of dressing
3 600.00 decka mit arlich geld so deef os dula pig for cooking is the one general-
5 3,500.00 wid, are woxed dorrich ruff we en lly adopted. The animal is killed by
welshkarn shtuck. Farluss ken friend {| dislocating its neck, after which it REPORT OF CONDITION OF
19 6,000.00 im fire. Holdt dich net uff mit | goes through about the same process
12 5,200.00 shlechte coompany. Broveer net ya- las a sucking pig in preparation for
14 1,800.00 der ebber tsu bleesa, awver do wos | cooking. Its throat is cut, it is hung
41 13,000.00 recht is un geb ocht uff dich selver. Jup for a few minutes to bleed and
82 ac 16,000.00 En mon os recht doot greeked olsfart | is then scalded In water that at first K
’ find, wile dale leit woo shlect sin doo- |is not too hot. The hair ir removed,
55 16,000.00 na usht so leit eleicha woo shlechta the skin scraped with a knife, the en-
65 6,000.00 socha mit ena doona. Won deeb, un |} trails taken out and the carcass
86 25,800.00 rawver, un lingner, dere socha noach washed in tepid water. It is then
126 11.000.00 sawga far suspicion fun sich selver ready for the cook. The Peruvians MAYTOWN, PA.
’ shmisa, labe so os nemond es fun | usually roast the animals, but the
149 13,000.00 dere glawbed. Du consht net ex- | number of possible ways of cooking ng
E. W . Gar ber
207 14,500.00 pecta dorich de weldt cooma onna op- | them is unlimited. A traveler in Peru
FEN - <Q : .
I'he Rexall Store
position, un won du ken opposition | states that they are excellent eating
Mount Joy, Pa. Ei a0 on Laban 22 ois from meeta daidsht don daidst du aw ken | when cooked in any of the ways com At close of business Friday, August 23
o acres at $4,000 to $22,. | Ay en Ie anoled al
® | 000.00. divel wardt Vann. Opposisiny is Woy monly applied to small game. C tal, S I d Und ided PB fit £ -%
| . . €n mon ins fire doot un welst was far y CR ANT n Ey hricy apita ur us and ndivide Yori £ 2a
HEE ase eee Ens HEN Nees Ns sss * CALL, PHONE OR WRITE quality fun guld os are is. Si net MANAGEMEN'I OF GT INEA PIGS F th Pp oy
a a — Few animals are as easily raised as Deposits
far-shrucka waega leega. Se sin we ) : IR
guinea pigs. They are much less sub-

. . msm educata bis du der besht ga-larnt the offspring of euinea pigs that have
8 8epan Ii mon bisht im lond, won du ken gooter survived such tests, may be unfit for
ARE mee En EESNrE EEN END EN farshtond husht don gaisht du der laboratory experiments.
" grebs-gong. Won en yunger mon de
tswae socha hut don is ken limit tsu GUINEA PIGS AS FOOD
wos are gevva con. Nows shtarta in Guinea pigs are seldom eaten in
[| | . HE a bisniss is en missliche soch. Won du | the United States, but their near re
= ! : : te sor nows shtardt un du doosht’s recht [lationship to rabbits and the fact that
f ; i You all know land is scarce and eom- | jh dwarrick choosa don bisht du oll they are wholly vegetarian in habits
| paratively few farms are being sold recht, won net bisht du sheer olsfart | may reassure anyone entertaining
® now. Prospective buyers should oll lets. Doh is woo gooter farshtondt | doubts as to their fitness for the
| ni coomed. Won du derno in bisniss table. The small size of the do-

eht and morning. If in need ofl a spray you can get the
reparation already prepared”for immediate use,


E dreck. Se shtecka tsu deim glaed bis | £ . .
folla se ob |Ject to disease than are rabbits.
| — 4 se drooka sin un derno _ ! 9 eh
| ~ - fun sich selver. En recht-shofficher 0 Fo 8 DirDoves except #Xbiion,
4 16 nie 0 1g gq va-ke 1¢ only Kinds o guinea 12S that sg .
Hl C Il () mon 18 nom h Mm hl § be Shit hy on should be arown are oe Responsibility of Partners (Security for 1
* o
gee . . | i by da find woo are hut. S oH .
I mnning and Spouting | a N M =N tzarrafa biss du es nimmy helfa con- haired Vpetics, I'hese are 9 Several
re a | | J | - oe gae druff lose we on | colors. guinea pigs are raised for ——————
THAT'S MY BUSINESS | — ht, un derno gae druff lose we en table use, light colored kinds are to
bull uff en hoy-shtuck Der Martin ! ? g ! ,
be preferred; if for scientific pur-

Ludder hut g'sawt: “Shtrat frish uff,
Also all kinds of repair work of eve.y | Apply to : ~ ; ).!
deseription,. Wort aor right mauchs mowl uff, hare boll uff”’ un | Poses, color Is of little importance, 9 I’ Coll nierest di Un
luss mich dere sawga der oldt Ludder | although distinctive markings are de- ! \ ( »
- -
ae - . | :
r ‘dlicher evier oh sirable. The chief ) in selec g
A SHARE OF YOUR BUSINESS Mt. Joy Magnesia Go. City Shoe Der WA i hE stock is to obtain iin , MADLY D TOT
SOLICITED .25-3mo. | 3 enim ‘hoff To Yoohdc wos oo Shia si | that will mature uickly and att: J I /
= Repairing Gempany coptart i pment puma] et 5 [he ap. thre quickly und attain | ll LEN BANK 0l MAY [OW \
tb mms ere em essen ea— : : “
schlechta weispleit. Mauch oll’s geld Guinea pigs require about the same
Charles Ricksecker | ! OLD SHOES MADE TO LOOK | “cMlechta weispleit. Mauch ate | kind of accommodation as saline
Hare . Cash for Old False Teeth | LIKE“NEW ONES ol a d : Bo a ale Two general methods of managing M. R. Hoffman
i a ; E 1 lu I
Zast Main St. MOUNT JOY i oe them have been advocated—courts President
i I , goote socha mitera fria hond un un- 6 1
Don’t matter if broken. We pay up | ri Sod ershtitz karrich un Soondawg-shool, | 2nd houses. They also require about
: the same diet as rabbits, They eat
to $15.00, according to value. Also |
= re
; fg Helf da orma, weise hond un du |t :
WwW. M. HOLLOWBUSH sh Jor ol God, Jewry, Bitven, | Bo 32 South Qs Street fn Sy oy Ns ih Pohit sii 1% 65 Jrequently during he day, and should
ATTORNEY-AT-LAW dental crowns or bri gework. el LL s * . du in dime laeva drin worsht un dog | have a constant supply of staple, dry
send cash by return mail and will |. der himmel net wide ob is won du [f00d. A pan of water, a piece of roci
Notary Public Bell Phone aie foods 10 days for senders 2. v $15 de weldt farlusht salt An pan 8 ry grain should be
q ¢ proval of our price. en y Farce] | We na up to $1° y E : a constantly available.
West Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. . {Post or write first for particulars. | FALSE TEETH Ve poy uo to $15 Nt The rearing of guinea pigs requires
Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- DOMESTIC SUPPLY co. | Send Parcel Poster write for particulars, HAVE YOU A BAD BACK? no extraordinary knowledge and no
day at No. 56 N. Duke Street, Second Ann ; } burn
F ly with W. C. Rehm. Department 32. Binghamton, N.Y. Domestig Supply Co., Dept. 32, Binghamton, N. ¥,

10100 1
New Fall Hats
We are the acknowledged headquarters for Fall Hats. We have
great outlay of capital; little space is
: needed to accommodate the animals,
| If You Have, the Statement of this which are hardy and easily managed.
Mount Joy Resident Will Inter- They make interesting pets and satis-
est You factory food animals. The constantly
re increasing demand for them in
Does your back ache, night and day; | scientific investigations and medical
Hinder work; destroy your rest? research insures a ready market for
i Does it stab you through and through reasonable numbers at prices that
i When you stoop or lift or bend? should be renumerative to the pro-
i Then your kidneys may be weak. ducer.
| Often backache is the clue. Persons considering the raising of
| Just to give you further proof, guinea pigs may find a detailed dis-
The kidney action may be wrong. cussion of the subject in Farmers
If attention is not paid Bulletin 525, “Raising Guinea Pigs,”
More distress will soon appear. issued by the United States Depart-
, Headaches, v spells and nerves, ment of Agriculture.
Light and Power Uric acid and its ills. BREEDING OF GUINEA PIGE
Make the burden worse and worse. BRERLDING tC GUINRK/S I
for Better Work Liniments and plasters can’t Guinea pigs breed at a very early
age, but their capacity for production
has been greatly exaggerated and a
JOHN A. HAAS, Proprietor
| Help the kidneys—use the pills . 5
| ount Joy folks have tried and + Bathon has Boonie fixed in | 144 North Queen Street LANCASTER, PENNA.
the minds o many people.
! proved. } 0 li i H litt :
’hat they say you can believe. rdinarily 5 litters may be ex- "
| Wha Lo, Yo woman’s account. pected in a year, averaging about 3 A DT
See her, ask her, if you doubt. young each. The first [jitter pro-
Mrs. J. Pennypacker, North
bara street, says: “I had a continual {but 1 or 2. Subsequent ones are | Prefect
bearing-down ache in my back just | commonly larger, but they rarely
across my kidneys. Doan’s Kidney | number more than 5 or 6. A female
Pills gave me much help from the |in her breeding prime may be ex-
first and soon relieved me of that | pected to raise about 12 to 15 young
all kinds at all prices.
A NO i LE 1 Yn
Reach the inward cause at all:
— " ee — —————
Cm) fecfooferforfocfocfect Tedekeoobriededodobod dd bd bd dpi p
Everything for the Living Room,
Porch and Lawn--Low Prices
EE —
To-day we offer a delightful assortment of comfortable Rock-
? s e ft ache. I keep Doan’s Kidney | each year.
e oming 1g t | Pills on hand and use them as [I feel Bi
| thelr nose HE SOUGHT CURE ers and Arm Chairs, in bright and cheerful finishes. Choice of Reed,
——— —————————
Bar- | duced by a female usually consists of
re Boole ole odecloeds oto nte Be

SA ALL 8000
Mrs. Pennypacker is only one of * ! a
{ many Hours Joy people who have 4 Rattan, Fibre Rush and Oid Hickory.
or e arm eratefully endorsed Doan’s Kidney [% Settees, Swings an ables.
Pills. If your back aches, if your WITHOUT AVAIL 3 USE OUR PROMPT SERVICE FOR
Ji i hother idm Amniyash % Awnings, Slip Covers, Window Shades, Curtains, Carpet Cleaning
{ 1 1 for a kidney remedy, ask dis 3 :
Lalley-Light is as surely replacing gas and ker- for DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, the .
1 { same that Mrs. Pennypacker had, the | SUFFERED SEVERELY FROM IN.
osene on the farms as electricty has replaced remedy backed by home testimony. | DIGESTION BUT MASTER
60 cents at all stores. Foster-Milburn MEDICINE RESTORED
(compressed air) Carpet Re-laying.
Come in and hear the “Vitanola,” the sensation of the Talking
gas and kerosene in town. | Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. “When HIM TO HEALTH
Machine World. Prices from $22.80 to $145
| Jour [ack 1s Lame, Remember ithe : Full assortment of all the latest improved R ‘rigerators; a
dozen different makes to choose from; $11.00 to $55.00.
31 3 : Name.” “ y 7 Tog rats y 1 $
1 i 1t nd [ove Lowe my restoration to health to |
It is doing SO because A we will give you, any rte Tanlac,” says William Dunstan, of
has proved itself better time you ask it, a book- cia | P. J. Zabriskie, Supt. Jersey City | #536 Allen St., Allentown, Pa. “I
f >. . Plant is 27 inches long, {°° Stock Yards Company, Jersey urge anyone suffering from any form
and cheaper and safer leto owners testimonials 14 inches wide, 21 inches high Cty, New Jersey of indigestion to take this Mastery}
than gas and kerosene. that tells you about Lal- | Says: We used RAT-SNAP“pur- | Medicine.

bedded df 8 88 sss aa
] Westenberger, Maley & Myers
§ 125-131 East King Street LANCASTER, PA.

“I was in very bad shape —not | sieidoeiodeorobeegsdseoofooiosder Job
: i 3 o . , | chased of you about our plantfor the hele Hv iaoralic Wy
Not in one or two years, ley -Light in the users’ rg ar, 9 aly 2 Jou) Out Disnjlor dns sick, but utterly miserable all th |
J : / i | | success. It is a wonderful prepara- “Mi tite was gone anc at-| 4
but ia seven yous of owners. {imal ion I did beyond gestion all you | “My appetite was cone and what.
actual farm use. | oS SoA aimed N Soud S2-5iling the xo. gestion that a burning: would rise in |
- / aie YL i aents, 7 i a ta 7 chest and see 0 choke me.
We can’t tel] you ay! bu » 3 | Jaane on] inating goon ey "Nf hes od Dr of po but
: : Q 5} )OAT d / | | | from their death. € cheerfully en- thins cibea RAY. Faliaf s {
about Lalley-Light in this ios Aer Debra Nam, Abad | | dorse its pe in places infested with Jofiing Size es say 2 lof ud 1}
gn : and address in good display | vermin. “Four sizes, 25¢, 50¢ ; ack of Bourihmert ( rvous Ls u 13 E d GOR
one advertisement, or in ro bev $360, Brown Bros., Mt. Joy, Pa.; a f nourishment and nervou ; a nN ] i
twenty. Er | BS. Neweomer, Mt. Joy, Pa.; g “Since taking Tanlae, my
: | Moyer,’ Mt. Joy, Pa. has cqme back, the pains over my | Both Telephones MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
But we can and will glad- = rr kidneys have disappeared and I now | a
go to the table and eat like a wood- | SOLE AGENT FOR CONGO ROOFING. NO. 1 CEDAR
y e Lalley- j i W. Ward i i
ly depjonsizat : 3 ; roo Ward, father-in- chopper without suffering the slight-|§ SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO SIDING, FLOORIN', |
Light’and all for your oe law of Lieutenant Arthur P. Schoo, | S0 digtomzont oF re elterward, |S SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, LATHS, ETC. AGEIA.
: FE, | of this place »w in France, die an ac is certainly a wonder-worker.” |R E
own/ compleis- sgtisfac- ELECTRIC LIGHT AND P Fi : a ha es at Dogesnle, N.Y. on| Tanlac, the famous reconstructive |g FOR LEHIGH PORTLAND CEMENT, ROOFING SLATE Al
. kis aad CLI SLA FARM Wednesday last of brights disease, SHEET IRON.
aed 47 Vans » is survived by his | W. D. Chandler & Co. druggists, Mt. | ® h—
aged 47 years. He Is survived be bis i By : ESTIMATES QUICKLY AND CHEERFULLY MADE
wife and two daughters, Mrs. | el cen. J BUILDING MATERIAL AND ALL KINDS OF CONCERRPRICES
>. Schock and Miss Margaret at :
Ry gy 7M atl Mrs. H. C. Schock At many places thruout York coun- WORK.
k r of this place attended the funeral on ty the price of choice potatoes has + go spose
® | \ dropped to $1.00 per bushel. I ERs A — Sr vs
vegetable tonic is now sold here by |
