VOLUME XVIII NO. 16 The Mount Joy Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, September 18th, 1918 Bulletin The Mt. Joy Star & News Was Consolidated With This Paper If You Have a Property of Any Kind You Want to Sell This Fall Now Is the Time to Have It Listed--J. E. Schroll | TmiEvES ROB A HOME V | FOR THE SECOND TIME | Thieves entered the home of Amos { Wolgemuth on Friday night about 11 HO CONE ENC {o'clock and took drybeef, eggs, ete. T——— { They entered the basement of the IT WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE | house by prying the lock open with ithe aid of a wrench which they se- LUTHERAN CHURCH, ON { cured at the tenant house, having WEST MAIN STREET ON { stopped there before entering the SEPTEMBER 23 ANP | Wolgemuth home. They traveled by 24 | automobile and making considerable ie f the L noise in their Sepaziire, attracted Lutheran churchmen of the Lan-|the attention of neighbors. caster Conference of the Ministerium It is also believed that they stopped of Pennsylvania and Adjacent States at the home of Isaac Givelor, who re- will hold their fall meeting on Sep-|sides nearby, before they had gone tember 23 and 24, at Trinity Luther-| to the other two places mentioned an church here of which Rev. G. A.|above as was shown by traces left Kercher is pastor. behind. . The opening meeting will be a ser-| This is not the first time thieves vice confession and absolution. The |have prowled about in that section, as complete program for the conference [just about three months ago the Wol- will be as follows: | zemuth house was entered. Suspicion Complete Program has been aroused and the people in Monday evening, 7:30 o’clock— |that vicinity should all be on the look- The service of confession and absolu- | out for the guilty ones. o eee tl Ce tion; conference sermon, by the pres- | ident; the Holy Communion; the NOT GUILTY, BUT HAD president’s report; chaplain for the | TO PAY ALL THE COSTS convention, the Rev. George H. U. bbdiodeie Shisry ‘ 3 olive Harry Simpson and Theogers Uescay morning, “l0CK— | Roosevelt Jackson, two colorec Opening a Dasions youths of this place, were Placed on and delegates; reports “eS; [trial at court Friday, charged by Al- treasurer and statistician Tepotis of [bart Emerson with felonious assault standing committees; Conference Mis- and battery. sions, Synodical Appointment, Bible!" gp, 0\on testified that the two de- School Work, Beneficiary Education, |g, jants, accompanied by two other Committee for Good Shepherd Home, |. 15 eq nren, Hugh Ford and Harry Inner Missions; election of officers; [yo assaulted * him while he was “What Does the Bible Teach Con-| oping in a shed at Rheems on the cerning Prayers for the Dead? the | orning of July 21. He claimed that Rev. F. P. Mayser, D.D.; diseussion fone of them hit him on the head with by conference, miscellaneous busi-|," hoc of pipe and then attempted jie BORONBCeONS: jourament to rob him They ran off without uesday afternoon, 2 o’clock—De-| (of on vihing i : “ergy Te getting any g votional Service; , The Settled Pastor. The defendants both denied that Bre, (a) “The Pastor’s ¥ ew hoint they attacked the prosecutor. the Rev. E. L. Wessinger; (b) el A verdict of not guilty, with costs Laymen’s Viewpoint,” Mr. L. G. Harpel; discussion by conference; ad- dresses by representatives of boards and institutions; reports of special committees; matters referred to con- ference by synod; new business; un- finished business, adjournment. Tuesday evening, 7:45 o’clock— Vespers; address, “The United Luth- eran Church,” the Rev. Prof. C. Theo. Benze, D.D.; remarks by the presdient; closing service; adjourn- imposed upon the defendants, was rendered by the jury. BIG CONFERENCE INTERNATIONAL BIBLE MEET- ment. ING WILL BE HELD IN THE Convention Committees CHURCH OF GOD SEP- The following committees have TEMBER 25 AND. 26 been appointed to serve at.the con- vention; President’s report, Rev. FE. Haupt, DD, Rev. D. M, Rev. J. H. Miller, laymen frop Trinity, Mt. Joy, and St. Paul’s Mil lersville; auditing, Rev. W. R. Knerr Rev. J. W. Huntsinger, Layman E. Winters; on excuses, Rev. C. Dierolf, Rev Theodore K. Finck, lay man from Zion church, Marietta. The officers of the conference are President, Rev. H. K. Lanrtz, Shire mantown; secretary, Rev. Frank Cro man, Elizabethtown; treasurer, Rev J. H. Strenge, Lebanon; statistician, Rev. A. E. Youse, Myerstown. The conference roll is as follows: 0. R. Bittner, Grantville; Prof. J. D. M. Brown, Allentown; Frank Cro- man, Elizabethtown; George R. Desh- er, Jonestown, C. O. Dierolf, Lea- cock; H. N. Fegley, D.D., Mechanics- burg; Theodore K. Finck, D. K. Fogleman, Denver; S. S. Garnes, Hor - shey; C. E. Haupt, D.D., Lancaster: W. J. Huntsinger, Marietta; G. A. Kercher, Mount Joy; W. R. Knerr, Strasburg; H. A. Kunkle, Rohrers- town; H. K. Lantz, Shiremanstown: A. W. Leibensperger, Lebanon; F. P. Mayser, D.D., Lancaster; A. M, Mehrkam, A.M., Ph.D., J. H. Miller] Harrisburg; S. M. Mountz, New Hol- land; Owen Reber, Fredericksburg; 4 J. Reichert, Lancaster: J. . umple, Lancaster; T. E. Schmauk, D.D., Lebanon; Reinhold Schmidt, Harrisburg; P. H. C. Schmieder, Lancaster; Geo. H. U. Shiery, Lebanon; P. George Sieger, Lancaster; J. W. Smith, Ephrata; J. F. Stolte, Lancaster; J. H. Strenge, Lebanon; F. H. Urich, Myerstown, F. A. Weicksel, Lititz; B. G. Weider, Reamstown; E. L. Wessinger,, Lan- caster; J. E. Whitteker, D.D Lan- caster, A. E. Youse, Myerstown. ——- \, ~ M. N. New Private Road Brubaker, Surveyor, assisted by Henry G. Carpenter, laid out a new private road for the Bachman Chocolate Manufacturing ( ompany from their factory to the Donegal State Road. Application nas been made for a public road which was re- fused and the Company then bought the land and laid out the road at its own expense. ——-—— sD. Can’t Sell Their Wheat ~ | Lancaster county farmers With | wheat on their hands cannot sell it. The railroads have placed an em- bargo on handling this kind of grain and all the warehouses in the coun- ty are full. To end this unusual condition the warehousemen have agreed not to buy any more wheat until the rail embargo is lifted. a — Ream’s Next Sale Mr. Ed. Ream will hold his next sale at his stables here on Saturday, Sept. 21, when he will sell a carload of Virginia colts. They range from THIS COUNTY HAS LANCASTER CITY—MOUNT JOY BORO HAS 660 ers and they show that in the county outside grand total of 47,493. Columbia is the largest with 3,121 voters enrolled. third, with 953. follow: Columbia Borough HERE NEXT WEEK meeting. ranged to be Music, institute; devotional exercises, Mr. Geib; address of welcome, Mr. Teacher in War Times,” + hold stock at the yards at Hotel McGinnis, in this place, on when they will sell a lot of high grade Tioga These are mostly Holstein consisting of fresh, COWS. heifers. A lot of stock bulls. and cattle for beeves. A lot of good RAPHO TEACHERS MET AT SPORTING HILL teachers of The President, John Trayer; John Miller; organist, The following rendered program was Trayer; discussion, “Duties of a baker; music, institute; discussion, “Nature Work,” Miss Alice Strickler; recitation, Miss Mary Brubaker; music, institute. State Highway Route Changed The State Highway The change There are only two small pikes along this course yet to be freed, the Jolumbia and Marietta with a capital f $7,000 and the Maytown and Mari- etta with a capital of $6,250. ee ED MII cri, Frank & Bro’s. Next Sale Messrs. C. S. Frank & Bro. will their next public sale of live Friday, Sept. 20, County cows, heifers, etc. backward Holstein Steers and good springers Some very 1 to 5 year olds and weigh from 800 shoats. to 1,400 Ibs. Among them are some Accident at Billmeyer A Qe well mated gray and black teams. Mr.| John Kromock was seriously in- 3 Ream says this is the best load he |jured Friday when a stone fell from Had Quite a Fall ever shipped from the well known |a car and hit him on the head, in- Maude Kipple, the four year old flecting a large gash. He was taken | to the Columbia hospital, where he | received treatment. He was an em- ploye of J. E. Baker Company. —— Ieee. blue grass region. 2t ——————— Eee Suit in Ejectment In Common Pleas Court Robert T. Taggert has filed a suit in amicable ejectment against Charles Gensemer ~~ ~Finger Badly Injured 10 gain possession of a property in| Mr John M. Rhoads, who resides Marietta. The defendant has con- near the former . Schwanger smith- fessed judgment for $31.00. | shop, in Rapho township, was assist- TTY ———— |ing to repair a tobacco shed when a Middletown to be Dry | large door fell over and caught his First steps were taken Monday to|hand, badly lacerating a finger. make Middletown “dry” in accord-| ance i orders issued Saturday a Seranton y Federal authorities. Mr. P. S. Pyle of Pittsburgh, so Thers ate garrisons located at SUpPIY | well known here, participated in the depots m the town. | Westy Hogan shoot at Atlantic City | last week and finished well up among Settled Out of Court | the leaders. The sry of ur san H. Goch-| nauer vs. Mary Gochnauer, for a di-| virce, which was to be tried this! A Carload of Potatoes week was settled out of court. bMr. BE J. Leibensperger of Lan- ———————— | disville, received a carload of Lehigh iand Berks county potatoes here on Garner Is Guilty | Monday which he sold from the car. Samuel Garner, who escaped from | nd the county prison, was found quilty| of first degree murder of Elizabeth | Lausch in court last Thursday. — Eee. “Pottsy’” Was There About the Sick Mrs. George Mumper, living a [short distance west of Florin, who R has been ill the past two weeks, is Have Girl Barbers F improving at this writing. A barber shop to be conducted By ladies, will be opened at Hershey. Bet the men will lay aside “safeties” and get shaved there. y 25,000 coal miners over around their | Pottsville, went out on a strike Mon- day. daughter of Mr. Kipple who street, fell down a flight of stairs at her home on Saturday evening. The tended by Dr. shortly after she was removed to the St. Joseph Hospital at Lancaster. Mrs. Charles Mount Joy and reside on results were a broken bone in the thigh of her left leg. She was at- W. M. Thome and the accident occurred, To Question Man’s Sanity Counsel for Samuel Young, a Bill- myer negro who was convicted dur- ing the week of carrying concealed deadly weapons, made application for a commission to man’s sanity. county jail. examine into the Young. is now in the a... Local Nurse in U. S. Service Miss Sara Habecker, a trained nurse and daughter of Mrs. Mary Habecker residing on Delta street, in this place, left Saturday for Camp Merritt, N. J., her new duties. where she will take up a — LOCAL NOTES Mrs. Samuel Fasnacht is improvng + | slowly. Trolley fares jumped to seven cents at Reading. Mr. J. Harry Miller yesterday ‘pur- chased a Saxon six touring car. 47,495 VOTERS OF THAT NUMBER 14,393 RESIDE The Registry Assessors of Lancas ter city and county have their books on file with the County Commission- there are | 3 Mumper. | The authorities are now making an both Dr. A. F. Snyder of this place, 14,393 voters in the city and 33,10: the city, a | borough, | Lititz is | second with. 985, and Elizabethtown, | | | Ee —— | The figures of the nearby districts | 2) MORE TO | | Rapho township | met at Sporting Hill, to organize The following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: vice presi- dent, John Brubaker; secretary, Miss Elizabeth L. Workman; assistant sec- retary, Miss Lillian Becker; chorister, Miss Gladys Lewis; treasurer, C. Raymond Geib; critic, Miss Gertrude Seldomridge. ar- ; October 5: a Mark Bru- known as Route No. 280, from Lebanon to Lan- caster passed through Elizabethtown, Bainbridge, Maytown, Marietta and Columbia has been changed and it is now planned to run the same over Chickies Hill over the Columbia and Marietta turnpike road. was desired and the new road is said to be better in every way. A TYPHOID EPIDEMIC i in cases of this kind become to wrestle with at present. typhoid fever, Mr. Garber’s | Howhrd, being the victim. been quarantined, the person there has also fortunate [effort to locate the origin of cases, is attending the patients. FIGHT THE HUNS| “i: iA LIST OF THOSE ELIGIBLE FOR | ARMY WORK FROM BOTH WARDS IN MOUNT JOY BOROUGH Following is a complete list of all ; \ u ; $ sses Florence Sillers ¢ M: > the registrants in Mount Joy Borough | , Misses I lore nce Sille Su ind Taude Fr um . Thurcdayv Thana | ESPenshade spent Saturday at Lan- | who registered last Thursday. There easton | are 9 1 y Fas Tovd 3 as . [ape We in he Ea : Wesd and Joe 1 Mr. Reuben Shellenberger spent | 295: ef ad, malkihp & wag o Saturday at Lancaster, with Mr. Wal- | mich ter Welsh. Nath: B East Ward or, Willic Messrs. James and Otta Frank of | HE 37 Df er, PRAM | philadelphia, visited their mother | Christian Shoemaker Fisher Hawthorne, der, Benjamin Winfield comer, Missimer Marshall Webb, John Henry Harry Laskewitz, Amos Wertz, Clayton Baker Clarence Reist, George Walter Haines Derr, Stauffer, George Geib Christ Paul Holmes Schroll, renkamp, John Edward John Hornafius, Frederick Hollinger Baker, Henry Thomas Diffen- derfer, Winfield Scott Fenstermacher, John Willis Freed, George Brown, II; Shickley, Rufus Ressler, John Harry Miller, Smeltzer, William Thaddeus William Garfield Arthur Jesse Harvey Watson, (Continued on page 2) | THE DOINGS ~~ AROUND FLORIN {ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN. First Ward. .... ......... 362 Second Ward.......... ... 31D Third Ward. ........&. .., 269 Foufth Ward............. 155 Fifth Ward. .............} 399 Sixth Ward... ............ 401 Seventh Ward... ......... 360 Bighths Ward... ........... 233 Ninth Ward. ......... ... 327 CONOY voc v iv iivninnis os 474 Donegal, East—Lincoln S. H... 240 Maytown ................ 289 Springville. .............. 200 Donegal, West. ,............ 143 Elizabethtown Borough....... 95 | Hempfield, East—Landisville.. 37 Petersburg .......0. W000... 32 Rohrerstown ............. 30 Hempfield, West—Mountville.. 116 Northwestern: ............ 118 Norwood... i. iia 218 Silver Spring... i... 0.0. 257 Lititz Borough— First Ward. ............... 603 Second Ward............. 382 Manheim Borough— Pinst Ward... ............ 302 Second Ward. ............ 377 Third Ward, ............. 130 Manor—Manor New......... 268 Indiantown Aetna ris vn OLS Millersville ......w5. ..... 720 Marietta Borough— First Ward... 00... 050 177 Second Ward... .......... 215 Thind Ward... .......... 21¢( Mt. Joy Borough—East Ward 32¢ West Ward... «0... ... 23 Mount Joy Township— Upper: ........... ii... 195 lower ...%. ...0 0... 159 Milton Grove... .......... 179 fountville Borough.......... 244 Penn—Junetion ............ 100 South: ................... 172 Pnionville. .................. 295 Rapho—Newtown .......... 124 oporting. Hill............, 175 Strickler’s S, H........... 205 Union: Square... ........5... 325 INGS FROM THAT THRIVING AND BUSY VILLAGE Miss Mary Dyer visited relatives at Elizabethtown Sunday. Mr. Millis McKinley called on friends at Elizabethtown on Sunday. Mr. Frank Landvater of Millers- town, spent Sunday at his parental home. Mr. Martin Liggins spent several days at Philadelphia, the guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Good of near Maytown, visited Florin friends on Tuesday. Mrs. Elmer Schlegelmilch is spend- ing some time at Lewistown, visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walters and son Earl] spent Saturday at the Coun- ty Seat. Misses Elizabeth Stacks and Ada Rutt were Saturday visitors to the County Seat. / Mr. O. M. Shertzer of the County Seat, made a business trip to the vil- lage Monday. Mr. P. D. Malhorn of the Capitol City was a welcome visitor to our town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Sanders of Harrisburg, were Sunday visitors to Florin friends. Mr. Wm. Haldeman and wife of Old Line spent Sunday with Mr. Paul Koser and family. Mrs. Anna Mitchell of Harrisburg, was a Thursday visitor to her sister, Mrs, John Dyer. Miss Lillian Doner and Mr. Gilbert King of Middletown, spent Saturday with Mary Dyer. Mr. James Shatz visited his Y*mother, Shatz on Thursday. Mr. Chester Franklin of Philadel- phia, was a Sunday visitor to Mr. Thomas McKinley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Flowers and of Coatesville, Mrs. Christian daughter were Sunday visitors to Mr. Ruhl and family near Milton Grove. 2 ll 3 Messrs. John Gingrich and Michael Myers have gone to Baltimore, Md., where they are working at carpen- tering. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stoll and son have returned to their home in Pitts- burgh, after spending a week here visiting relatives. ; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mickey will move into the David Shonk property on West Donegal street in Mount Joy on October first. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eichler and daughter of Elizabethtown, were Sunday visitors to Mr. Jacob Ruth- erford and family. Mr. Harry Myers residing with Mr. Elmer Strickler west of town had the misfortune of dislocating his right shoulder the result of a fall. Mrs. Gabriel Geib spent Sunday at Elizabethtown, the guest of her brother, Mrs. John Hershey, who is confined to his bed with sickness. Miss Kathryn Kline has resigned her position at the - Elizabethtown Shoe Factory and has accepted a po- sition at the Bachman Chocolate Factory. John Stoll, who recently enlisted and is at present employed in the Naval Hospital, at North Philadel- phia, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Hrs. Harry Stoll, at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Howard O. Romig and daughter Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stine and Miss Carrie Moyer, all of Hershey, spent Sunday at the U. B. parsonage the guests of Rev. O. G. Romig and family. \ IN EAST DONEGAL Seemingly the School Board, which d the Board of Health, have an epidemic The home of Mr. Samuel Garber, near the Joint School house, has been quarantined on account of a case of son The residence of Mr. George Mum- per, a short distance west of Florin, un- being Mrs. Harrison Way, Asher Franklin Sny- Shaeffer John Frederick Baer, Ezra Weidman New- Thome Oliver Mateer, Harry Mumma Horna- fius, Robert Saylor Kauffman, Charles Deitz, George Franklin Neisg, Philip Oswald Schmaelzle, Frederick” Acker Farmer Warren Keller, John Schneider, Musser Loraw, Frank Garber Pennell, Harry Augustus Dar- Bruckart, Dewey OUR WEEKLY MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY Mrs. Louisa Brandt day at Lancaster. spent here for several days. Lancaster Wednesday. day visitor to Lancaster. Mrs. James Walters and Childs spent Sunday at York. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mr. and Mrs burg, week caster, were guests of friends Sunday. a week. Mr. James B. visiting here among friends and rela tives. here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster, were her parents. Miss Gertrude wall, spent the her parents. Mrs. Charles Sheaffer spent several days at Highspire on account of her mother’s illness. Mr. Charles DeLong enrolled as a Kilgore of guests of Preston week-end Greenawalt of Corn- week-end here College at Lancaster. Miss Belle Leader of the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown, was a guest of friends here Friday. Jay Klugh, a U. S. sailor, spent 18 hours here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Klugh. Mr. John Baer of Philadelpphia, visited his mother, Mrs. H. H. Baer, on West Main street. Mrs. P. Franck Schock and two daughters Dorothy and Louise spent Saturday at Lancaster. guests of her parents at Thursday and Friday. Miss Helen Schlotzhauer of Co- lumbia, was a guest in the family of Amos Kaylor on Saturday. Miss Mildred Pretz of spent the week-end here as the guest of F. R. Stretch and family. Mr. J. Arthur Moyer left Tuesday | at Easton, | for Lafayette College, | where he wil! resume his studies. | Mr. Charles DeLong, who spent the summer at Atlantic City is spending some time here with his parents. Miss Florence Habecker left for Philadelphia, where she has enrolled {as a student at Temple University. | Mrs. James Childs and sons Robert and Leon, also Miss Frances Childs spent Saturday and Sunday at York. Miss Margaret Keim left Sunday for her home in Ohio, after spending a week here with Mrs. John Zeller. Mr. and Mrs. and daughters of Lancaster, family. Mrs. John H. Freed and Mrs. G. M. wife. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams, Jr., and daughter of Lancaster, were guests of friends and relatives here Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Thome spent several days at Washington, D. C., last week, making the trip by auto- mobile. Mr. Charles Berrier, a farmer liv- ing north of town, was confined to his bed early this week on account of sickness. . Mrs. Abram Heisey, Mrs. Joseph Heisey and daughter, Ruth were Sun- day guests of Mrs. Joseph Cooper at Salunga. Miss Christine Moyer left last Wednesday for Hood College at Fred- erick, Md., where she has enrolled as a student. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good and son Clayton and daughter Kathryn spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kramer. Mrs. Sara Herneizy and grandson, Carl Zeigler of Lancaster, were guests of Mr. Abner Hershey and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bard Bigler and son Earl and Misses Lilian Barto and Martha Heisey were Sunday visitors to Elizabethtown. Mr. Harry H. Grosh is spending several days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grosh having ar- rived here Saturday. Mr. Harold Harmon of Philadel- phia, was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Harmon on | Popular street for several days. Mrs. Pauline Schmidt of Philadel phia, returned to her home vesterday afternon after spending some time here with Mrs. Anna McGirl. Mr. Earl Kaylor, wife and two daughters, Almeda and Mildred were Sunday guests of S. C. Watt and fam- ily at Island Park, Harrisburg Mrs. Martin Garber and grand- daughter, Miss Mary Peoples visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Amv Peoples at Mt. Alto on Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heilman of Eliz- abethtown and Mr. and Mrs. Abram Butzer of Rheems were guests of W. S. Espenshade and family on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lieberher and two sons Kenneth and Freddie and Miss Terressa Goslin spent several days with relatives and friends at York. Rev. Phares Gibble, wife and three children of Dayton, Ohio, spent Sun- day as guests of Mr. Harry Beames- derfer and family on New Haven street. Mrs. Arthur Hershey and son Paul spent from Thursday until Sunday at Lancaster, with her mother. Mr. Hershey spent the wéek-end at the same place. Mrs. Della C. Albright REAL ESTATE MATTERS CARD BASKET PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE Satur- man Mr. James Gemmell visited his wife with Rev. G. A. Kercher made a trip to | Middletown, consideration On Wednesday afternoon Auction- | eer Waser sold for Maria G. Stauffer, | et. al., near Shelly, for $1,224 Abram W ville, Rapho township to Jacob W. Winger, for $120 an acre Mrs. Susan Gepfer, et. al. sold the Aaron M Mount Joy Miss Mame Klugh was a Wednes- Miss Ella Schock spent several days at Baltimore, Md. . Souders of Harris- were guests of friends here last and Mrs. Roy Preston of Lan- here Miss Ilene Neidig left for her home ; Gepfer, at $107 per acre in Perry county, where she will spend | : I i Auctioneer Waser on Saturday sold for Martha Balmer, her farm situated in Penn township, near Mount Hope, consisting of 55 acres and 40 perches, to Jacob GQ. Hershey, for $6,475. On Minnich Long of Ambler, is and 33 perches at public sale to John acre, H. G. | Jacob B. Shenk, on last Saturday sold with | urday at | terms her side of Sowth Grant street, Manheim. Amos E. student at the Pennsylvania Business | Company. Mrs. Wiliam Collins and son were | Sible. Lancaster, | | | stock at Manheim, | place on Friday, Sept. 27, { will sell 107 head of New York State steers and Messrs. feeding cattle at private sale. If in Plants engaged manufacture of pulp and paper and plants engaged | ducing which are Andrew Weidman | dustries and were | war Sunday guests of their son Harry and | nounced by Chairman j war industries board. eo Freed of Abbottstown, are guests of | the 'mer’s s , J. Willis Freed : . ’ he former on, J. Willis Freed and | W. Houses), employed by the Ken nedy Refractories Company, had the thumb of when it was caught in some of the lumbia Hospital, where part of the thumb® was Rose issued a replevin for a 60-foot smoke- stack and stack plates valued at $400 now in possession of Mining and Manufacturing Company. ———- M. G. Schaeffer, attorney for Chas. ' he Schaperkoter, has issued an execution against J. the Greenawalt House, Elizabethtown for $8,000. Mrs. Sara Brady put down a con- crete walk in front of her property OUR MORTUARY OF THE PAST FEW DAYS On Saturday Jno. E. Schroll, local estate dealer, sold the fine 29 | RECORDIN acre farm of Mr. Samuel Steckler, : situated in West Hempfield township, ———— near Kinderhook, to Mr. Charles MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE Jerrier ‘ rOS ’ p, ] Far "yp nr | Berrien Drosperous farmer north HAVE PASSED TO THE $3,000 yi a. | GREAT BEYOND On Saturday afternoon Jno. E.| : ey ter : Schroll sold the Mr. George Laugh- | Jos K. W ertz died at Washington= farm, consisting of 42 acres | boro aged 47 years. Improvements, in Conoy town- | a . : | ship to Mr. Ira D. Alleman of near! Jno. M. Froelich died at Mount- $4.100. ville, aged 85 years. Mr. Phares G. Miller died at Roh~ Monday after a few 66 years. | rerstown on aproperty illness aged Chiques in Rapho township, Church, to John 8S.| days Mrs. George Shambaugh, of High- spire hung herself in her bed room last Wednesday. She was 45 years old. Shelley, of Masterson sold his farm of 130 acres in John Shireman died at Dillerville, and was buried in his old home town Marietta. He was a member of the G. A. R. and a shoemaker by trade. Gepfer farm, situated in township, consisting of more or Henry acres, less, to Miss Barbara Kready Miss Barbar Kready, the oldest resident in the county, died at Mil- lersville on Monday aged 100 years, Thursday auctioneer Jonas © months and 12 days. sold the fine farm of Mr. Bri a | Jacob Zercher, containing 107 acres rice Curran The funeral of Brice Curran, a former resident of Marietta, who died at his home, in Waynesboro, was held yesterday. The deceased was fifty- three years of age. One sister and two Samuel Engle at $250.25 per and J. G. Shenk, trustees for farm in Rapho township, near DProthers survive as follows: Miss Ella Sunnyside schoolhouse, consisting of Curran, of Waynesboro; James, of 52 acres and 40 perches, to Harvey Lancaster and George of Atlantie ‘ v hn » 11 Grube for $142 an acre. , C1 Miss Anna S. Hartman sold on Sat Ty = an private sale and on private Abram L. Troutwine m two-story brick dwelling Abram L. Troutwine died on Tues- house and lot of ground on the west 4ay morning about 6:30 o’clock at the home of William Easton at Eliza- Heisey, of Rapho town. Pethtown. Deceased was in his fiftieth vear He is survived by three etl oat in brothers: Henry of Kansas; Benja- : 4 min and Ezra of near town. Funeral : Will Inspect Farms services will be held on Friday morn- ~ Next Tuesday a large number of ing at 10 o’clock at the Cross Road ( farmers and others interested will go church near Florin | to Centerville, Md., where they will si { pect the farms owned and con- Mrs. 1da Shaver ducted by the Maryland Live Stock The remains of Mrs. Ida Shaver, ot 5 There will be three autos vio died at the Masonic Home Hos- { a , y. Any person in this hipped to her former home near section desirous of making this trip Vilkes Barre, on Thursdax by be accommodated by calling or Funeral Directors Miller and Son. { phoning to this office as early as pos The funeral and interment will take : TH Ha place on Saturday at that place. The deceased, who is survived by several Keller & Bro’s. Next Sale children, had been a inmate of the Messrs. J. B. Keller & Bro. will Home for several years, and had been [hold their next public sale of live in ill health for some time. She was their stock yards in this 67 years of age when they - . Mrs. Josephine Morrison { and ‘Erie County cows, heifers, bulls, Mrs. Josephine Allen MeMahen calves. Among them are Morrison, mother of Rev. Lewis some registered cows and bulls. The Chester Morrison. died at the home Keller also have stock and of her son at 416 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y,, on Thursday, death need of stock don't fail to be on hand resulting from an attack of pneu- at 1:25 sharp. 2t monia. Deceased leaves a sister, Mrs. TTT Studley, whose son wedded Miss Newspapers Are Essential Battye of this place last week. Mrs. the Morrison was very well known here, having been a resident of this place when her son was rector of St. Luke’s exclusively in principally in pro- newspapers or periodicals Chapel. They left here several years entered at the post office ago. The funeral was held in St. as second class matter are placed in Mark’s Church Brooklyn, on Sun- {class 4 in a new priorities list of in- day. plants essential to the or to the civil population an- Mrs. Harriet Hershey Baruch of the Mrs. Harriet (Bishop) Hershey, wife of Tobias Hershey, died at her home at Sporting Hill from rheuma- tism, aged 7 ars. She is survived by her husb: and four Sons: J. Milton Hershey, of West Chester, Sporting Hill, Edward, Garfield, of Sporting Hill and Draper, of Man- Had a Thumb Mashed his right hand mashed, : : 8 Three brothers also survive: machinery used for crushing stone. he Ins 3 are B Drath Is alse Say ve: After Br Stover save him temporary Enpnucl | Rishon, Elatbeihtown treatment, he was take 3 Co (ocers 2 re peor al r reatment, he was taken to the Co Bishop, of Ephrata. The funeral was held Wednesday morning from amputated. } . ay mm 12 ] pute the Union Church at Sporting Hill with services at 10 o’clock. Inter- Replevin Issued ment was made in the cemetery ad- Bomberger, of Lancaster, ha: joining John C. Workman John C. Workman, a well-known farmer, died at his home at East Pe- tersburg, Sunday morning, from a complication of diseases, from which had been suffering since last March. He was born in 1857, and D. Sankey, proprietor of was in the sixty-first year of his age. He taught school for nine terms in Manheim, Rapho and East Hempfield townships. He was married in 1882 to Miss Elizabeth Minnich, who sur- vives him. After marriage he com- the Chickies Execution Issued EEE. a — Way and Anna Sunday guests of Mr. Harry Derr and family near Donegal Springs. Mrs. winter, sole, having formerly been living with Mr. James Wookey of Philadelphia, spent the week-end here as the guest of Mr. W. S. Espenshade and family. His wife on friends home from the Westy Hogan shoot at Atlantic City where he figured in the money in p S Lancaster, guests of R. Fellenbaum and family. daughter Florence and son Irvin, Mr. | P2 and Mrs. Harry Kaylor and daughter Dorothy and Miss Helen Schlotzhauer Samuel Ohio; Mrs. Cassel Gingrich, of Hum- melstown ; of Hummelstown ; rose Foreman, of Bellaire; Mr Geistweite, Mrs. Elizabeth Yahm and daughter Elizabeth pleasantly entertained in the Tf Mr. and daugh- North Market street Sunday . Marietta street. Mr. Elmer L. | Mmenced farming on the Workman Hoiroy ad the ork homestead where he resided at the J time of his death. He leaves to sur- : : . vive him besides a widow, five chil 58 Rose an Misses > y 1 7 y Clie Miss Rose and Misses Mildred dren: Charles, Walter, Frank, Ma- Mary Hershey were tilda, Elizabeth and one sister, Maria Workman, of East Petersburg. He was a member of Trinity Reformed Amelia Reisser returned to Ch 1 x A Church, of Eas deters Mount Joy, where she will spend the Fra] Was yam 1 Siorshare The z with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Eber- : : 5 £. Stauffer’'s at Landisville. Mrs. I. Oliver Fry AHirte a ang Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Fry, wife of x. Oliver Fry, cashier of the First Na- tional Bank of Bainbridge, died very and two sons who spent [Suddenly at her home in that place time here accompanied him Friday evening. For the past two or Sunday. three years Mrs. Fry had not been in and Mrs Philip Pyle of Pitts- | her usual robust health, but the end burgh, spent Sunday in town calling | ¢@me very unexpectedly, heart dis- ease being the cause attributed by the attending physician. Only Friday af- ternoon, Mrs. Fry had been upon the streets of Bainbridge, and earlier in Mr. Pyle was on his way several of the and Mrs. T. N and | the week had spent an evening with their son Lieutenant Jay F. Hostetter ner m ther, Mrs gr mma Fryberger, recently returned from France 2 family, in Marietta. She was a as an instructor for Camp Meade, of member of St. John’s Protestant Episcopal Church, of Marietta, but since making her home in Bainbridge had attended the Methodist Episco- I Church there. Besides her hus- band and mother she is survived by the following brothers and sisters: spent Monday as the and Mrs. Amos Kaylor and 1 Sunday as guests of Mr. | anova Freyberger, of Philadelphia; Kaylor and family and Mr Walter, of Marietta; Kathryn, wife Frank Kaylor and family at Deodate. | ¢f U. Grant Hipple; Elsie, wife of Miss Anna Glazer of Springfield, | John F. Stoner, and Misses Bella and Anna, all of Marietta. The deceased was in the fifty-eighth year of hep age Miss Mary Foreman also Mr. and Mrs. Pen- | Adam | Injured His Knee 4 A young son of John Zeller was | thrown while playing and sustained a_ badly injured left knee. Dr. J. J. Newpher attended of Rheems were family and Mrs. D. W. Kramer on!