T= TA EET Ere Tes EE ive ry TN ie ene EG pie re se ne "ET ery nerve envy wre whe t Wednesday, September 4th, 1918. MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. - PAGE TH SUFFERED 20 YRS. Parowax Means "Safety First” NOW FINDS RELIEF For Preserves, Jams and Jellies TRIED REMEDY AFTER REMEDY WITHOUT AVAIL UNTIL MAS- TER MEDICINE BROUGHT RELIEF “Tanlac has done more for me tha anything I ever used, and I hav tried everything during the twent years | suffered,” says’ Emanuel G. Flour Richerick, foreman at, Small’s & Feed Warehouse, York, Pa. “I had stomach, botvel and nervous | trouble,” he continued, “I had no ay petite and got no’ good out of m food. This wore me down until my health was so wéakened that I was attacked by nepralgia and oh! the agony I suffered from those darting, burning pains that would shoot thru Sometime every nerve id my body. it got through the day. “I tried rémedy after remedy; guess I tried about but none 6f them did me a particl of good. / I was desperate—I fel that I ¢ould not stand it longer, lac. 1 said t&6 myself me. “And it did! It helped me from the | very first. 1 felt better and bette with’ each dose until today I hardly know myself. “I am going to stick to Tanlac, fo already those neuralgic pains left me. condition that I can eat anything anc I feel well and vigorous all over.” Tanlac, the Master Co., druggists, Mount Joy, Pa. — NOTICE Notice is given by the Road Super- of Mount Joy township that the publicvis cautioned against throw- ing or putting briars, brushes or any | kind of refuse in any gutters, water ways on or along the public highways in said township, under penalty of VISOorsS, the law, By order of the Board. Attest: Hiram Enterline, Sec’y. aug.28-2t. eee ele Holbein—Wissler Harry F, Holbein, a farmer of Lan- lisville, and Miss Mary B. Wissler, | were married | vermin. also of near that place, n Saturday night. urred at the parsonage of the Lutheran church, Lancaster. everything that held out the slightest hope of relief, much One day I read about Tan- I've tried all the others so I'll see if this will help have My stomach is in such fine | Medicine, is | now sold here by W. D. Chandler & Grace Economical Insurance Against Deterloration Now that the time if here when you start putting up preserves, be n sure you lay in your supply of Paro. e wax. Next to being gertain that your Y | glasses and jars are spotlessly clean Parowax is your, most important essential. | Whether you use the “cold pack" v | (which is so rapidly gaining in ye favor everywhere) or the more popular method of preserv- ing with the fruit syrups, you can in- sure protectior by the use of Parowax. > S When Parowax is e| used to feal preserve jars and to Y1 pour on fhe top of jellies, you know that air, dust and germs simply can’t get in fo affect the good things you have made. They are safe when you uge Parowax. miliar blue package. | 4 » Parowax is sold and SL recommended by all Pia grocers. In case To A your grocer is sold ~~ Se out, he will gladly’ get it for you. This season especially it is important to put up plenty of preserves, in order to release other foods to our Allies. Let Parowax help you show your patriotism. r| Look for the fa- r 1 | P. J. Zabriskie, Supt. Jersey City | Stock Yards Company, Jersey Cty, New Jersey Says: We used RAT ALE : . rr management demonstration work has | m ODEL 45 PACE MAKER, WIRE WHEELS... 1850.00 been started by the county agent 1 All prive F Wi know that these records are of value |® Il prives f. 0. b. Lancing, Mich. and just what an account should in- (m Before making your selection ask for a demonstration clude to make them of value. 1 find it easy now to save my checks for |W money paid out and to list the things |m I have received money for. Then, at the end of the year, I know if my n business has been profitable, and if |m not, hy it as not so.” ) why it was 1 . HOUSING THE FLOCK | § 2 Equipment for raising sheep on the | farms need not be expensive In| mild latitudes little housing and the main need is for fencing and | pastures of sufficient number and size allow frequent changing of flocks fresh ground to insure health. | to to 2 1S needed, |B Mount Joy, Penna. | 00 JR Lae I OF HE i a DU WWJ LL LO de BO ATI Oe Tr | Where winters are long and more se- | i | vere, buildings and sheds are neces sary to furnish protection from] storms, though no special provisions are needed for warmth. Dryness, | good ventilation, and freedom from | drafts are the first requisites of build- and shepherding must held in mind in locating and planning such buildings or sheds. Small flocks can be cared for in sections of barns] having stabling or feed storage for | other stock, but with a floek of, say | ngs also be 100 ewes separate buildings are de sirable. The interior arrangement | of these buildings should be such as to require a minimum of labor and the least possible moving of the ewes | in doing the feeding and caring for them during the lambing season. A building of this type can also be | utilized for fattening purchased | lambs to be disposed of before | lambing begins in the regular farm | flock. A vood supply of feed racks, | The Pekin breed is kept almost ex- grain troughs, etc., can be provided | at small expense and will save labor | and prevent waste of feed DUCKS FOR MEAT AND EGGS | { clusively by producers of green ducks | and also on many farms where they | are grown for meat. They fatten | rapidly, and many be fed on rations | recommended for chickens, but bet-| ter results are usually secured by | feeding more green and vegetable | feds and a larger proportion of mash. | For the general farmer who is more | interested in obtaining eggs than pro-| ducing meat the Indian Runner good breed. This duck holds the s I 3 a | 0 Niyiow MAYTOWN, PA. Opened For Business March 31, 1914 Condition at End of 4th Year, Mar. 30, 1918 .. $115,000.00 650,805.38 $765.805.38 Responsibility of Partners $2,000,000.00 Capital and Surplus. Deposits N. F. ARNTZ Cashier M. R. Hoffman President net g’satisfied in sime mind os en hell Since these hens we der duckter cooma is un hut | relative position in the duck family g’'sawd es bae ware net farbrucha hut | that the Leghorn does in the chicken | dare karl bahawbt os si gabade hets | family, It lays a good-sized white | gons g’maucht. A pawr dawg der- {egg considerably larger than hen’s | noach wore en kind om barrick gronk , and is declared to be a smalll mit dipseria, un dare ketzer hut on | eater, a good forager, and hardy. | eme gabade bis es dote wore un hut | The introduction of this breed is|& derno g’sawd es ware Guttes willa. helping to build up a trade of first-| Des is de condition om barrick. Es | class duck eggs. These eges should | wore ols g’west os yada nuchbershoft | be marketed frequently as they de-| oll ae wake gadenkt hut. In fact, es ate in quality more rapidly than|s wora usht tswae sorta Effingalium OOS | Luderish un Demagrawdish. Now hut : - Is hut yada mench si agener grishtliche CULL THE FLOCKS [EB glawva, un kens glawbed os se onner Much of the poultry now raised on|® in der himmel coomed wile se net | the farm and the back yard ck is |g gleicha glawva hen. A pawr yohr | not as pruntable : should be. The |Z tzurick hut der Porra Mohler ga- | estimated production of the average |® breddiched os en kind os sex shtoond | hen is not over 85 eggs per year. | g oldt ware wons net gadawfel ware | During 1915 about 2000 hens under |= daid in de hell gae, un em ledshta | close obser: contest in this] Soondawg hut are g’'sawd are ware | country la y 151 iH ware. Es sin ocht-un-tswonsich | to 314 in their pro t is evi-|3 g’maena now om barrick, un oll tzom- | dent that the 151 eggs are not the] ma gadoo kent ken ae gooder porra | maximum obtainable poultry = enara. De porra breddicha waega | raisers should @ leit un hinna on da karricha shtecka ( de bixa tsu da fenshtera nows far]: nuch-anonner sheesa. Yader ebber || hut si agener rigel-wake nuch em himmel un yader ebber maned der | t onner camed net onna won are net | o uff sina kars fawred. Ich hob der | te onner dawg mit em Sammy Sensa- | t wetzer g'schwétzed. Are hut mere | t g’sawd os are un si fraw, de Melinda, hetta ae karrich gons by sich selver, | seasons 2 un sell ware de ansich karrich os em | run in t | far sure nuch em himmel nemma | enjoyed ¢ daid. “Un,” hut are g’sawd, “Ich | be very benef | d glawb in meim sin won de Melinda 19 sich net bakared don con even se net 4 mit mere in dere himmel!” Columbia National Bank, In- [4 De fact is, es ansicht hondwarrick dianapolis, Indiana . I os heidichdawgs batzawlt is bolidix, Says: We were bothered quite a4 un de menshta fun da boliticianer | little by rats in our basement, | enara sich mit shtaela. In fact, se your. - RAT-SNAP very] missa shtaela, far es is net boll os en y, we are pleased to report | office ga-nunk arlicher loo in sich hut > no longer bothered with far de expenses fun der leckshon ba- tzawla. Awver de tzeit far karricha bowa is wons feel kondadawta hut. along Ny goed, billings, fam Mere doona olsfart de kondadawta tf | produces. rice to Sept. 1, $ 2 003 rt tzae dawler ’sessa won se on der bar- NG Ween J No. 102—An 86 acre farm in West rick cooma far votes greega. A pawr ’ ! | Donegal, finest farm I ever offered, | . }. trurick wora ninetzae Ronda: At About Half Price good buildings, on piked road, 4 dawta im feldt, Mere hen ous } Ofie 3 gong to . Gores Simber ready to cut. No better | +; cht sell daid uns ae hunnert an A a J gy Be Counly. 5 3, . £ ninetzich dlawler netta un mere Sin M tract ' NO. LH J=rnere arm east of | |, . |. rich uff fixa uff gredit. Olla or tee hid Mt. Joy, limestone land, none better, bugger hut tzaea dawler g’shrivva un 4 Ney i fine g Hldings, lots of fruit, the best | | oor huts batzawled. De karrich | ° Jags. | J ree or c So * Sal Pact Eo waerdt now farkawfed by em shreef. |} TERE ih ari No. 104—A 10-acre farm near Drum sawg ich won mer heit en | '° build it toe Good reason for East Petersburg, new house, barn to- | ;. 1... iy 8 vv dival | Selling. Do not delay. Call, phone hi : dawler hut don maucht mer der divel . I ' baeco shed; A 1 shape. - This is the donss. Grishdendoom Wwaerdt w'mes | °F Vite J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy tf nsa. $ E: g mes- best small farm I have. $6,000, Won on Mion oo . shunt de fluss-federa fun s mul le of reecha se gli shwevvel. alts Dro th a 2. : : op ; CAS fully proven the-great value Ich un de Polly hen unser mind uff | (3° } proven 3¥ » e. of this preparation Tor a weak g’maucht os shtuppa letz do un aw- | ' 3 : . . re ie ro stomach and impaired digestion In fonga recht do is de groond-arawet | IRanv sf: relief bh becon . : y man ases 1S le as become fun olla garechtichkeit. Ware recht Peer = ee. A the y affe % have > srmanent and 16, S rs have doot denkt recht. Nemond con letz Dob Lo Netatv w i i to health 3 1 een completely restored to health. denka un recht do. En keyune is en i oy Ctcot 4 it keyune—un derno maucht nix ous Se . eb are en fore-shtayer in der karrich is odder en hostler in ma livery- shtoll. PR—— A — Had a Watermelon Party A number of members of Poketo | bean ever seen in ion, it is Tribe, No. 315, Red Men of Middle- | forty-two inches h, and per- town, were at Bainbridge on Sunday | fect in all ways, vine from pre_they held a waternielon party. | which git a of a small TE made the trip in ang | der grossa leeb unich de grishtlicha k Donegal above Marietta, eep only the »f the principles 11 1 OO OL (HE WINGERT & HAAS HAT STORE Straw Hats CAPS & GLOVES Straw Hats. We We are the acknowledged headquarters for have all kinds af all prices. ow JOHN A. HAAS, Proprietor :, 50¢, $1.00 and 5,, Mt. Joy, Pa.; H 7, Pa.; G. Moyer, I IT PR TIP TT TT TT TTT TTT ind feeding {eepers to acco 1 | Although it is nee 'y to keep! 144 North Queen Street LANCASTER, PENNA. he hens confined to their yard most |% f the time, it is sometimes possible | enim sms THE 5 os a Ra ) let them out where they may range ipon the 1 ! hour or so in| —— he en one can be; on hand tc eeloetoofeddreleeioeiefocfecioobeorioriordeodeciooforforfesfecfecfoctesferfoiosfesfocfocforfororteferforfococforosfocfecforfesfoddoifiediiodedt Everything for the Living Room, Porch and Lawn--Low Prices To-day we offer a delightful assortment of comfortable Rock- ers and Arm Chairs, in bright and cheerful finishes. Choice of Reed, Rattan, Fibre Rush and Old Hickory. Settees, Swings and Tables. USE OUR PROMPT SERVICE FOR Awnings, Slip Covers, Window Shades, Curtains, Carpet Cleaning (compressed air) Carpet Re-laying. TALKING MACHINES Come in and hear the “Vitanola,”” the sensation of the Talking Machine World. Prices from $22.50 to $145. REFRIGERATORS Full assortment of all the latest improved Refrigerators; a dozen different makes to choose from; $11.00 to $55.00. Westenberger, Maley & Myers LANCASTER, PA. 125-131 East King Street TODO 7g a Weak Stomach = at relief afforded by Cham- | mE —— » That’s Some Bean ¢ Daniel Macklinson, residing in East township, a short distance raise e longest de "S on. WORK. : Ettore ™~ F010 IJ TT | F. H. BAKER LUMBER and CORAL Both Telephones SOLE AGENT FOR CONGO ROOFING. NO. 1 CEDAR SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO SIDING, FLOORING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, LATHS, ETC. AGENT FOR LEHIGH PORTLAND CEMENT, ROOFING SLATE AND SHEET IRON. ESTIMATES QUICKLY AND CHEERFULLY MADE ON BUILDING MATERIAL AND ALL KINDS OF CONCERETING I MOUNT JOY, PENNA. an dg