The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 21, 1918, Image 6

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The following prices are paid today
by our local merchants:
H. E. Hauer, Pays:

Butter, per 1b. .......... ccc ven 30
Eggs or doz aise ern
Eggs, per
Lard, per 1b. ......chninninnene 28 |
Brandt & Stehman Pays: |
Wheat, per bu $2.10 to $2.18]

Number One.
| yards in Mount Joy, 80 head of New |home of Harry Sload. ¢ Philadel |
York State ¢ rie C ty cows,| Miss Betty Lenhart, o hiladel- | 1 A :
o ate and Erie County cows liss Betty en Shaffer, A. S. Hollinger and family
| Hick.
|" Mrs. Arnold and Mrs. MacDonald |
Mrs. Clayton |
Friday, Aug. 23—At the stock|are visiting Mr. and
yards at Hotel McGinnis, Mt. Joy, 70 | Loucks.
ead of cows, heifers, bulls and a lot| Fred Hinton,
of home-raised shoats by C. S. Frank [spending some time with Frank Al-
& Bro. Hess, auct., See advertise- | bright.
ment. Mrs. Berry and daughter,
Friday, Aug. 30—At their stock |of Westville, N. J., are visiting

of Pottstown, is| Work for J. W. Geib which makes a |
| th
Northwest Rapho |
C. S. Shenk is doing
e week-end.
M. B. Ginder and family, W. B.|
'fine appearance after it is finished, |
“Every little helps, and that holds
Rhoda, good for the fall of rain, had it
» at the Kept on that way for four days over |

Wednesday, August 21, 1918.
Thats nhat pes Ping shi To sed
ou need to raise all

Corn, per bu Parra 1.70 | heifers, bulls, steers and calves by J.!phia, is visiting her grandparents, Mr, | Oha ; A
| tala 0, Tray. anet. |v 1 4 a | visited in the home of C. G. Hollinger ‘ he lactic acid in th ttermilk
Brault & Sichuien Seller hole: f& 3 Minne, ana a Ag enlisted in| over the Sabbath. et Junk of All Kinds strengthens the sensi je digest:
C er b . Be whe : ee} s This oti na > ‘ou all k ' 1 is spares § . ans, the co al
0s, per bu Crrvreveesve 3.00) Saturday, Sept. 7—On the prem-|the naval reserves, has been sent to This section was well represented | You all know land is scarce and com- asd ph clean,wholesome gr ng
Oats, per ba. .......ceveress . o£. 7523 va tal hs . r TAY nse wis. Del. |at Mount Gretna camp last Sunday, | paratively few farms are being sold Buy and Sell Automobiles BB just right for baby £hicks, helps
Wheat, per bu Caeser ea 2.25 | ises in West Hempfield township, near | the naval base at Lewis, De also at Chiques church and Christian now Prospective buyers should them grow stea bigger and
Bran, per 100 lbs.,.......\... 1.87 | Kinderhook, real estate by Samuel The Rev. and Mrs. Harding and Workers ie UL ) And aris | phone OF BR ior a complete RUBBER & METAL SCRAP 8 . 7 :
Shipstuff, per 100 lbs.,........ 1.97 | Steckler. Frank, auct. + daughter, Martha, of Camden, N. J.| = Ray Geib with his oboe of TNE |B jtion of any of these: ©
Mixed feed, per 100 lbs,...... 1.983| Thursday, Sept. 12—On the prem- are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall. lF. W. Geib, Elmer Christ, C. G. Hol; k ¥ rt > . .
Glutten, per 100 Ibs,........ 76 | ises in Penn township, real estate by| Miss Anna Culp, employed at Herr |Jinger, Frank Felker and Squire | 1 acre....... $ 900.00 ButtermilkStarting F
Cotton Seed Meal. ........... 2.90 Harry B. Shenk. Snavely, auct. See and Company, Lancaster, is spending | Wisegarver, have now finished paint- | 1 acre......: 1,600.00 We P Hi Cash Pri
Jinseed Meal, per 100 lbs.,.... 320 | advertisement. her vacation with her mother, Mrs. I ing the Abram SRonk Bary ahd all the | 3 dcroy. 600.00 e Pay igest as rices isd
Beef scrap..............c... 0.50] — Jarpenter. other buildings at Mastersonville. | 8 acres...... 3,500.00 in
Calf Meal, per 100 lbs.,....... 4.50 Miss Emily A. Roath has returned | Saturday a Harvest meeting was 10 Se 6,000.00 for . ‘ Noeku.
limothy Hay, per 100 Ibs.,.... 1.50 MAYTOWN to resume her duties in the Uni-|held at the Mt. Hope church near| _~ ~~ *'""'"’ bn. BURLAP BAGS aBag.
Sau, Be 100 a. Ye oa 3-00 — versity hospital, after a four weeks’ Mastersonville, at 2 p. m. and singing | 12 acres...... 5,200.00 etd Roup Remy isnot
Ne y Ter vs be we ones 00 | Read the Bulletin. vacation. : : 3 he sven/ng at 0 Clock Though 14 acres...... 1,800.00 ire preventive, measure againct this
Tankage, 100 lbs 4.85! Miss M. Ethel Culp is enjoying a Joseph Hunlzinger, Satins 43 Fon opie Ira a Door as 41 acres...... 13,000.00 famous for treating roupy birds. 30c,60c.
2 iis. [ten day vacation. Quantico, Va., spent last Sunday wi : ) 3, § as 27 acres. 4200.00
— 4 3 i i $4 ’ Yourmoney back QUICK ifany Cone
S S. Magee arris | his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M.|served. : 4 L 2 f :
it s to advertise in the Bulletin / is Ns Pa Jae: ie Boa : The corn crop looks promising. A 52 acres...... 16,000.00 Keystone Rag Co. : NYDRIERHIN Boas sp Souist us
~t pays to = - ren ee WA — re args ron of fobacen B topped | 55 acres. ..... 16,000.00 Send Cg gor. foi
ROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO | Tuesday next following the firstition in such manner as shaljjand ie worms seem fo cecrease, 65 acres...... 6,000.00 . . W.
THE CONSTITUTION SUBMITTED Monday of November in the year|be provided by law. In ascer-|Farmers pay their school children at 86 acres... ... 25,800.00 Max Brody, Prom. MOUNT JOY, Pa.
TO THE CITIZENS OF THE COM- nineteen hundred and eighteen, | taining the borrowing capacity of the ne ra No sens or 15 wos. T e| 176. acres 11,000.00 Bell Phone 9-R2 MOUNT JOY.
MONWEALTH FOR THEIR AP- for the purpose of deciding upon the | said city of Philadelphia, at any time, ny ater ear es mission boxes or LER 2s UO, 17-11
PROVAL OR REJECTION AT THE approval and ratification or the re-| there shall be excluded from the cal-| candies or chewing gum. | 149 acres. ..... 13,000.00 july 17-tf.
ELECTION TO BE HELD ON jection of said amendment. Said | culation and godneted fron Wie) Set NE 907 meres. ..... 14,500.00
UESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1918, election shall be opened, held, and!so much of the debt of said city as WwW WwW
BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY closed upon said election day, at the | shall have been incurred, and the pro- TOWN ao 9.20 Lebanon oes from Shaving
OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF | places and within the hours at and | ceeds thereof invested, in any pub Mr. snd M Wester : © Balti. | 000.00 ’ ’
PENNSYLVANIA, AND PUBLISH-| within which said election is directed | improvements of any character which Mr. and Mrs. Westerman of Balti- | ya H . C o
ED BY ORDER OF THE SECRE- to be opened, held, and closed, and |shall be yielded to the said city an oe spent a week here with Mr. CALL, PHONE OR WRITE air Cutting
TARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH, | in accordance with the provisions ef | annual current net revenue. The and. Mu Wane) Myers. ; :
IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE the laws of Pennsylvania governing | amount of such deduction shall be| % rs. retin eitrich of Lancaster,
XVIII OF THE CONSTITUTION. elections, and amendments thereto. | ascertained by capitalizing the an- 3 Pies H some Jie here with Mr. N
Such amendment shall be printed | nual net Revenne from such Ipreve. on jie: sry Wilner. Little. Mr 10 ( [0 Jos. B. Hershey v \
2 be S i 0 and - | me ing rear immediately . VI. an 3. a «ttle, Mr.
upon the ballots in the form and man-| ment during the year immediately Corn Tele hr ore erent : . TENSORIAL PARLOR Columbia team
Proposing san amendment to article
nine, section four of the Constitu-
tion of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania; authorizing ‘the
State to issae bonds to the amount
of fifty millions of dollars for the
improvement of the highways of
the Commonwealth.
Section 1. Be it resolved by the
Senate and House of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl-
vania in General Assembly met, That
the following amendment to the Con-
stitution of Pennsylvania be, and the |
same is hereby, proposed, in aeccord-
ance with the eighteenth article] q. i. 2nd House ¢f Representatives
thereof :— :
That section four of article nine, |
which reads as follows:
“Section 4. No
except to supply causal deficiencies)
of revenue, repel invasion, suppress|
insurrection, defend the State in war, |
or to pay existing debt; and the debt |
created to supply deficiency in reve-
nue shall never exceed in ‘the aggre-|
gate, at any one time, one million dol-|
lars,” be amended so as ‘to read as
Section 4. No debt shall be cre-
eted by or on behalf of the State, ex-|
cept to supply casual deficiencies of
revenue, repel invasion, suppress 1n-
surrection, defend the ‘State in war,
or to pay existing debt; and the
debt created to supply deficiencies in
revenue shall never exceed in the ag-
gregate, at any one time, one million |
dollars: Provided, however, That the
General Assembly, irrespective of any
debt, may authorize the State to is-
sue bonds to the amount of fifty mil-
lions of dollars for the purpose of im-
proving and rebuilding ‘the highways |
of the Commonwealth.
Section 2. Said proposed amend-
ment shall be submitted to the quali- |
. fed &1¢8rs of the State, at the gen-
such assessed valuation of property,
eral election to be held on the

Number One.
‘Proposing an amendment to section
eleven of article sixteen of the
Constitution of Pennsylvania.
Be it resoved by the Senate and
House of Representatives of] the Cors-
monwealth of Pennsylvania in Genes
al Assembly met, That the following
amendment to the Constitution of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania be,
end the same is hereby, proposed, in
accordance with the eighteenth arti-
cle thereof: — ¢ ;
Amend section eleven, article six
teen of the Constitution ¢f the Com-
monwealth of Pennsylvania, which
reads as follows:
“No corporate body te
banking and diseounting privileges
shall be created or organized in pur-
epuance of any law without three
months’ previous public notice, at the
place of the intended location, of the
intention to apply for such privileges,
in such manner as shall be prescribed
by law, nor shall a charter for sueh
privilege be granted for a longer
period than twenty years,” so that it
shall read as follows:
The General Assembly shall have
the power by general law to provide
for the incorporation of banks and
trust companies, and to preseribe the
powers thereof.
A true copy of Joint Resolution
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number two.
Proposing an amendment to section
sixteen of article three of the Con-
stitution of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania in ordance with
the provisions of the eighteenth
article thereof.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the
Senate and House of Representative
of the Commonwealth of Per
vania in General Assembly met,
it is hereby enacted by the authority
of the same, That the following i
proposed as an amendment to the
Constitution of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, in accordance with the
provisions of the eighteenth article
thereof :—
That section sixieen of" article
three, which reads as follows:
“Section 16. No money shall be

approptiations made by iaw, and on
same shall read as follows: |
Section 16. No money shall be
sions of an act of Assembly specify-
ggot all pe of the same, That the Constitution of
created by or on behalf of the Stale,! 4). o,ymonwealth of Pennsylvania,
fserting in place ‘thereof the follow- | struction of wharves or docks owned |
| district, or other municipality or in- clude the amount of, the interest and |
| following amendment to the .Consti-

ner prescribed by the election laws of | preceding the time of such ascertain- |
Pennsylvania, and shall in all re- | ment; and such capitalization shall |
spects conform to the requirement of be estimated by ascertaining the |
such laws. principal amount which would yielc
A true copy of Joint Resolution !such annual, current net revenue, at|
No. 1 the average rate of interest, and sink- |
CYRUS E. WOODS, ing-fund charges payable upon the in-
Secretary of the Commonwealth. debtedness incurred by said city for
such purposes, up to the time of such
ascertainment. The method of de-
termining such amount, so to be de-
> rs ; |
ducted, may be prescribed by the]
General Assembly.
Number Two.
Sunday with Mrs. Charles Fogie.
j| more, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Resh in this place.
children of Landisville, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Fogie
Ella Shirk of Mount Joy, spent Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Resh of Balti-

Mt. Joy, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. William Wagner and
Goods called for Tuesday and de-
livered Friday.
Agent for the Manhattan Laundry.
West Main St., Mount Joy

Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Fogie and Tinning and Spouting Cash for Old False Teeth
{son Stanton of Braidock are spending
a week with his mother, Mrs. Charles
dental crowns or bridgework.

Can be had
; only at
Don’t matter if broken. We pay up
/ : : i | Fogie. i . to $15.00, : ling to val Al
p he an smerdima onli In incurring in-| ; 3 o $15.00, according to value, Also
Proposing an amendment to section | AORERE (STIRS UL ce the city | MY: and Mrs. Diffenderfer and Miss Ales sll Jind of Fafiss wosls of Svecy cash for Old Gold, Jewelry, Biever, \ B Bornh: 1 Mor
i U dl A y
Sn, hrticle sine iF the Constita- of Philadelphia may issue its obliga- |
Section 1. Be it enacted by the | HoDs maturing not later than fifty
(50) years from the date thereof,
| with provision for a sinking-fund |
» TIWes f Pennsyl- al ; ; sg spending a few davs wi is
of the Commenwealth of ennsyl sufficient to retire said obligations at | SP€ nding a few days with his uncle
vania in General Assembly met, and
it is hereby enacted by the authority maturity, the payment to such sink-
ing-fund to be in equal or graded an-|
nual or other periodical instalments. |
Where any indebtedness shall be or|
in accordance with the provisions of : ial i
Ih a RRC ] shall have been incurred by said city |’
the eighteenth article thereof: — of .Philadelphia for the purpose of | decided to buy a home.
Amendment te Article Nine, Section | the construetion or improvement of |
Eight. public works of any character from |
That section eight of article nine, which income or revenue is to be de-
of the Constitution be amended by | rived by said city or for the reclama-,
striking out the ‘said section and in-|tion of land to be used in the con-|
{at this place.
Mr. Clyde Bongart of Fruitville, is SOLICITED
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mum-
ma at this place. Charles Ricksecker
and Mary Schaeffer of Lancaster,
spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Witmer at this place.
lay with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moore
The Columbia Nest of Owls held a
send cash by return mail and will
hold goods 10 days for sender’s ap-
proval of our price. Send by Parcel
Post or write first for particulars.
Department 32,
DOMESTIC SUPPLY CO. The same Bread, game size and same
Binghamton, N. Y. price as heretofore.

pecial meeting on Sunday afternoon | East Main St. MOUNT JOY
n the Keystone Hall and they have

The Misses Victoria Darrencamp Krall’s Meat Market .

It pays to advertise in the Bulletin

ing: or to be owned by said city, such| A ;
Section 8. The debt of any coun-| obligations may be in an amount] 7
ty, city, borgugh, township, school sufficient to provide for, and may in- | Wanted, Sale, Rent, &ec. :
corporated district, except as pro-|sinking-fund charges accuring and |
I always have on hahd anything is |
WANTED—A lady the liné of

Worth While Going For as it is
! Better Bread
Clunbi Bakine & Mig, Cn
S. B. BERNHART, Sale .\gent
» For Mownt Joy and vicinity
E. W. GARBER, Mount Joy, Pa. : jan.30-ef
H. E. HAUER, Mount Joy, Pa. L
LLY d\ A
15 600 . » ALL DFALER®

vided herein, and in section fifteen | which may accrue ‘thereon through- | Must be competent and have had ex- | SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA
of this article, shall
seven (7) per centum upon the as- 1
sessed value of the taxable property| the completion of the work for which |
therein, but the debt of the city of said indebtedness shall have been in-!
Philadelphia may be increased in|curred; and said city shall not be re-|
such amount that the total city debt
of said city shall not exceed ten per |terest and sinking-fund charges as
centum (10) upon the assessed value ; $
of the taxable preperty therein, nor |of the Constitution of Pennsylvania,
hs A Sw) unicipali 0 is- (until the expiration of said ‘peri = > 7 3
| shall any such municipality or dis DIF ot said ‘period of Apply to Nissly’s /Warehouse, Florin,
Av <e Farmers’ Inn, we
trict ineur any new «debt, or increase | One year after the completion of said
never exceed out the period of construction, and |perience.
until the expiration of one year after |hand writing to Box 87, Mount Joy.
Apply by letter in own DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC.
aug.21-2t. | Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton

quired to levy a tax to pay said in-|2 good substantial ‘buggy at a rea- .
[sonable price? Apply to H. R. Nis-| West Main St.
required by section ten, article nine |Sly, Florin, Pa.
Bell Telephone
NOTICE—Is theré any one wants |

FOR RENT—A/ house in Florin.

its indebtedness to an amount ex- | work
ceeding two (2) per centum upon A true copy of Joint Resolution
without the
tors thereof at =z
No. 2.
public elec-)
the period of construction, and un-|
of ‘the
Secretary he Commonwealth.
conserit of the elec-| No. 2. | ter Bond, $500.
CYRUS E. WOODS, | fice.
til the expiration of one year after| new wagon. Can be used for bread :
the completion of the work for which |or butcher wagon. Apply to this of- Manheim & Market Sts.
said indebtedness shall have been in-|fice. :
City Shoe
Repairing Company

50 and 52 South Queen Street

FOR SALE—One Mount Joy Wa-
Apply at this of-
Co July 31-tf.
A H. STUMPF, Propr.

july 10-tf -—

curred; and said eity shall not be re-
Number Three quired to levy a tax to pay said in-|
¥ f Pe <sv]vania . . .
tution of Pennsylvania | one wear after the completion of said
Section 1. Be it resolved by the| york.
terest and sinking-fund eharges as re- used 4 years, in good condition; a 6-
; : di 4 adtiol quired by seetion ten, article nine of ton wagon good as new; one stone
Proposing an amendment to ar icie the Constitution of Pennsylvania, un-|¢€ >
nine, section eight of the Consti-|tj] the expiration of said period of |S0ld right as we have no further use
for them.
& Bro., Mt. Joy.
FOR SALE—A 25 h. p. boiler only

rusher in good repair. All will be
Best Corn Meal
Yellow or White
Apply to J. N. Stauffer

Senate and House of Representatives A true copy of Joi Re i
in General Assembly met, That then, 3. ® copy of Joint Resvlution
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
tution of Pennsylvania be, :and the
same is hereby, proposed, in accord-
ance with the eighteenth article
thereof :(— | Number Four.
That article nine, section eight, be | A JOINT RESOLUTION
amended to read. as follows: | An
The debt of any €oiin-
township, sehool
Section 8.
ty, city, borough, Section 1
ises, in Rapho township,
county, about three miley southeast
of the borough of Mt. Jo
i containing 119
rerches, w 70-2 = - y
amendment to section one of | Pron jd JHg-andfrs alt
article nine of the Constitution of | stone and frame Swiser barn tob: )
Pennsylvania, relating to taxation. | co shed, > Re
> solve 3 2 toa
district, or other municipality or in-| Senate and Hole 2 re ge Shed, Ato Sd thes ouppuiling 2
corporated district, except as pro-|,f the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- C aly Yes Jue gsi of Jaodb
Yi-1C. , deceased.
Thursday, Sept. 5th—On yo prem-
Fresh ground, kiln §
dried—the very best
to be had.
; a tract of
res and 52
| A
40x50 ft., in Salunga; 2 floors and :
large cellar. Has elevator. Built for | Notary Public
MT. JOY tobacco business.
Son, Can be poughy $ Qegireds Call Days at Lanéaster, Monday and Fri-
phone or write Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. t . 856 N. Duke Street, S d
EVERYTHING IN SEASON Joy. joy are Th pen


Bell Phone 43-R4
West Main St., Mount Joy, Pa.
FOR RENT—A tobacco warehouse
Immediate posses-

july 17-tf. | Floor, with W. C. Rehm.
Tall cans of nice,
tender spears—Cal-
fornia grown.


carriage and implement

Good Quality Laundry

ride erei and i secti fifteen |, HE Y
vi led he Tel, oe » Ss etna Afieen vania in General Assembly met, and
of this article, shali never ei “lit .is hereby enacted by the authority
seven (T) per centum upon the as | f the same. That the
8 ’ at

amount that the total eity debt of, ccord: 7 a
3 8 rdance v POViS " :
accordance with the provisions of the and 4-in face. Lot of pulleys, both
That section one of artiel i fon 2nd Weod
hb . Ee : Su at sec 2 article nine, | Evervthing i > patie]: > iy
of the taxable property therein, nor| pie sande iE »| Everything in first~class condition
{which reads as follows: will be sold \at 3 ’
said eity shall not exeeed ten per|giohteenth article thereof :—
centum (10) upon the assessed value,
shall any such municipality or district

indebtedness to an amount exceed- | {arritorial limits of the
: p following 35 1
sessed value he taxable ; 1 a one 35 to 40 h. p. return ar
: ed value of the taxable property {amendment to the Constitution of the | boiler. One 30 n p. Siar) (apelar
therein. bt he debt ef the city ) [
therein, but the debt of the city oi|, rat
> , deb! C153 mmonwealth of Pennsylvaniz sneine , ;
Philadelphia may be increased in such| 14 the same is hereby Yama, be, engine, new July 1917/ One pair of
iy ; y, proposed, in| mortise miter gears,
incur any new debt, or inerease its|ipa nts sn Ie irom ann Liree passioqians call the under-
{ oy Gov Stvjects, ne | sioned at Sporting Hill, or address
ing two (2) per centum upon such|jeuving the tax, and shall She % Dillinger, Manheim, Pa., R.D.
aug.14-3t |
FOR SALE—Boiler and engine, |

$0-in diameter
Also a few shafts.

sacrifice. For

Seeded Raisins, pkg....... 13c
Hershey Cocoa, pkg....8¢c, 15¢
aug.14-4¢ Baker’s Chocolate, cake 10c, 18¢c

assessed valuation of property, with-1.nq collected under general laws; but |
out the consent of the electors there- a dona Str ae a3 through the medium / of our 1,200 | 1
oyt he Songer of Bis ole ore Sere le, General Asse ni may, by gen-| RAISE 95 TO 100 PER CENT. OF Puddine, pkg...........5:. Oc | torres / ’ | Salad Oil, bottle. .....11¢c, 22¢
ner as shall be provided by law im! 2 pws, gem rom taxation pub- | YOUR CHICKS | Easy-Jell, pkg............. 8c 4 “Asco” Baking Powder, can
ascertaining the borrowing tLe property used for public purposes,| others are doing it : |§ Jello (assorted flavors) pkg. : Bc, 9¢
TE of Philadelphia Noga |actual places of religious worship, | 40 let chicks ng Si Fg An Ios, | & : Oc / 8 Prepared Mustard, glass 7c, 12¢
ne fra Shall Be deduciod fron | Places of burial not used or held for| jo. aos. Rome Tok Fs SR Q Jellies, glass............. 12c | BEST CORN STARCH, Ib. ....~< Cc | Table Sauce, bottle. ...7¢, 10c
such debt so much of the debt of si Lvate or corporate profit, and in- stunted and not pr ide, civ Hos Spiced Wafers, 1b....,....22¢ A delightful, #/holesome an@ very nu- | Chow Chow, big bottle. ...12¢c
: stitutions of purely public charity.” ; Ping, give them | 4 Peanut Butter, glass. ..... 13c | tritious Summeér dessert. Sold as a | Mixed Pickles, bottle...... 12¢
ad ner she 7 aR SNATINTO i
city as shall have been incurred, or|ye amended so as to read as follows:
is about to be incurred, and the pro-| All taxes shall be uniform, upon
foods the o of expended, or sboss. to | the same class of subjeets, within the
» exnende ¢ y > 1 imi
de expended, upon any PULLC IMsiierritorial limits of the authority
provemer t, or in the construction, |oyving the tax, and shall be levied
pardhase, or sondemnanon of any land collected under general laws, and
pub c utility, or part Bere fa- the subjects of taxation may be clas-
23 Tr i sue 1 ¢ - | <ify Pg Y 3 ri
i or, 10 3us i public 1m-|sified for the purpose of laying grad-
or public utility, or part eq or progressive
hether separately EL C€ON-: General Assembly may
any other public im- || we a oF reese
h i 1aws, >Xemp iron
ent or public utility, or part] eT rom i
t publi i Part |property used for public purposes,
X reasonably be expected actual places of religious worship,
» in. eXeess pera- | ;
1€ excess ol opera f burial not used or held for
ent to pay the in-
g fund charges|

taxation public

yublie charity.
Brubaker’s Old
Powder in wheat, bran or drinking |
water. Feed it sparingly at first,
when they are a few days old, then
watch them grow. Feed all the dry
bran they can éat, all the fresh wa-
ter they want to drink and a good
Chick Food several times a day, then | &
hit you will raise almost every on *
ws but the hatched. If you want I
y general healthy Stock use Brubaker’s Old | &
Original Horse and Cattle Powders,
do not expect a substitute that is
claimed just as good. Guarantee on
te or corporate profit, and insti- UES A% Jour dealer for it.
New Street, Lancaster, Penna.

If you have never looked into our y CA I SUP
pocket to do so today.
By direct buying we bring the Far-
1 me
4 C to your very door. Guaranteeing to | ,. re
2 vou the Highest Quality Merchéindise at | kinds of cold meats, fresh
prices that will cut down youp’table cost
The elimination of the middleman en- i
ables us to give you thése advantages Mazola Oil (for salads and

Puts the edge on all kinds
rchandising, it will be money in yous

r, the Packer and the Manufaéturer
tomatoes, etc.

a surprising degree.
National Oats, pkg........10¢
cooking) pt. can........35¢

Original Poultry |
v ly,

substitute with wheat flour or separate-

Stuffed Olives, bottle. .10¢, 13¢
wesc, 13c
as you wish. Plain Olives, bottle.

Our Very Best

FLOUR, Ib. . Cc
Wheat substitutes recommended by
the Food Administrator.

Our Very Best

neat and 2


CAR, bottle. .................
# Puts the edge on your potato salad,
gliced tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.


136 East

thod of determining | proposed amend: |
to de ducted, may |, itted to the quali-
1e General Assem- | fied electors of the State, at the gen-
{eral eléction to be held on the Tues-

ing indebted
city of Philadelphia may|of November in the year nineteen
ations maturing not la-| hundred and nineteen, for the pur-

sinking-fund -stfficient to retire said |said amendment.
obligatjen’s at maturity, the payment |
to such to be in equal or election day, at the places and withi i ini
: ur n equal | 1 n day, ¢ 1 laces an ithin s a f: » :
paid out of the treasury, except upon | graded annual or other periodical in- the hou ship, a farm containing 23 ACRES

Where any indebtedness |election
amendments thereto. Such
ties of any character, from which in- |:

may include the | No. 4
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
accrue thereon
5s for any | day next following the first Monday THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 12. 1918
(50) years from the pose of deciding upon the approval premises on a good stone road lead-
with provision for a|and ratification or the rejection of ine from East Petersburg to Lititz, 2 |
g Jas s 7,218
| be opened, held, and closed upon said from the latter place, in Penn town-
1 is directed to be opened, land
warrant drawn by the proper officers | shall be or shall have been incurred held, and closed, = i C 21and. |
3 A 3 z I sh ¢ n { held, anc losed, and in® accords > be c ; ri ; |
in pursuance thereof,” be, and the{by said city of Philadelphia for the|with the provisions of J eardanes hary Loiely Jeuiodalsd with wagon
same is hereby, amended so that the purpose of the construction or im-| Pennsylvania shed attached ¢ith cellar, also im.
| 3 Hin elections, 18 S
| provements of public works or utili-|and plement shed also
amendment shall be printed upon the £50, hog hous Chicken house and | &
paid out of the State Treasury, ex-|come or revenue is to be derived by | ballots in the form and lu pre- of CA Yt Duildings. Double
cept in accordance with the provi-|said city, or for the reclamation of [scribed by the election laws of Penn- :
iat A ee znd go be yeed is the consirastion |svivania, and shall in all respects con-
a e amount and purpose o e | of wharves or docks owned or to be | form to qui n : nT
expenditure, and limiting the time in | owned by said city, such obligations | laws. to the requirement of such high state of cultivation. The above,
which said appropriation shall be ex- | may be in an amount sufficient to]
pended. All public money shall be|provide for, and
paid by the State Treasurer on war-|amount of, the interest and Sinking |
rant drawn by the Auditor General. |fund charges accruing and which
A true eopy of Joint Resolution! may
frame kitchen attached, well of good
named property can be viewed prior!
A true copy of Joint Resolution to day of sale by calling on the un-!
. dersigned, living nearby. |
Aug.7-13t H. S. Snavely, Auct.
%¢ Franco-American Potted
Beef, ean............., AOc
RICH CHEESE, Ib... ... .... 30c¢c
A nutritious
(All kinds) |

Summer food—very
Lye, can. .
Chloride of Lime,

Potted Meats, can..... 5¢, 10c
Tuna Fish, can. ..13¢c, 22¢, 35¢

CHOICE PEAS, new pack, can 17c
“Asco” Bluing, bottle.
Ammonia, bottle... ...... . .
Washing Soda, 1b........


Will be sold at public sale on the B® CAM. ....voonnnvnnns 8c, 15¢ All the garden freshness of peas just | Witch Hazel, bottle. ......14¢
Tomme, Purse, San 52 122 fresh from the pod. Laundry Soap, cake......43c
eid 43 : einz Spaghetti, can. ason’s rode} 7
Said election shall miles from the former and 3 miles! Pickled iy bed > 2c Mayons Shee rset bot. 8
: : 3 . > K a - <
FAs". Beans, san. ? 2s, 1S MACARONI, pkg. 10c¢c, 1 2c Scrub Brushes, each 4c, 9¢, 11c
: ths Vota or 3 |S a y Con. J. . Cy c : S 7 8S, e
t and within which said AND 118 PERCHES of Limestone i Fresh made—very nutritious dish. Stove Brushes, each.......18¢
The improgements are a bank |¥ J
Camppell’s MASON JARS, doz. S0C» 85¢ Campbell’s
attached, corn |§
Rubbers and Caps complete—if you
need Jars our advice is buy now.


eather boarded log house with
ater. All farming land in a very|
Harry B. Shenk. |
aug. 14-4t

pound... .... 0.0, 30c¢, 35¢ Can
Sold in a great many of our stores.
| If the store where you trade does not |
sell it, our manager will be glad to di- |
| rect you to our nearest store where it
{ is sold.



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