The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 24, 1918, Image 1

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Mount Joy Bulletin


Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, July 24th, 1918 The Mt. Joy Star & News Was Consolidated With This Paper

wl You Have a Property of Any
Henry M. Stauffer died at Kissel |
Hill Saturday aged 36 years. {

Mrs. Elizabeth Adams
Elizabeth Adams died Thaisiay|
morning at the home of her sister, |
Mrs. Annie Hauenstein, No. 617 Lake |
street, at Lancaster, o a complica- |
tion of diseases, aged 48 years. She |
was born in this boro but had been a!
resident of Lancaster for the past 15!
years. She was a member of the
3rethren in Christ church. She is|
survived by one son in the U. S.|
Navy and one sister, Mrs. Annie |
Hauenstein. The funeral was held
from her late home on Monday morn-

ing at 8:45 o'clock and from the as
Eanes cal church here at 10:15 CARL N. SHANK
o'clock; interment was made in the| We feel certain there isn’t a man
Mount Joy cemetery. or woman in this town who has had
i — the e XE rience of this young man and
Mrs. Amanda Miller Jo 'n he returns, it will be very inter
The many friends of Mrs. Amanda | esting to hear the story of his rescue.
Miller, wife of Abner B. Miller, of | a
East Petersburg, will be shocked to —-
hear of her sudden death on Tuesday |GETS DISTINGUISHED
evening about 10 o'clock, at her| SERVICE CROSS AFTER DEATH
home, in the seventy-second year of |

rvived by a son, John B. Miller, | several wee ago the Bulletin con-
iving on the old homestead, near tained an account of the death of
East Petersburg, and a grandson | 1 Sergt. Vincent M. Schwab, a brother
Philip Miller; also the following [of Christian Schwab, of this place.
brothers and sisters: John Brenner, | The following gives more detail and
of Kissel Hill; Harry Brenner and | appe: ared in a recent issue of a St.
Ezra Brenner, of Mille rsville; David | Louis daily, from which city Mr.
Brenner, of East Pe tersburg; Mrs. | Schwab enlisted :
William Dietrich, of Camden, N. J.,
and Mrs. William Spera, of Lancas-|terday announced that Sergt. Vincent
ter. Deceased was a member of the | M. Schwab of 2511% Dodier street,
East Petersburg Mennonite church [who was listed in the Marine Corps
for many years and was highly es-|casually list of June 21 as having
teemed in the community in which |been killed in action in France, was


she lived. [one of the nine marines to whom
a Gen. Pershing had awarded the dis-
Joseph Evans i tinguished service cross after their
Joseph Evans died at 5:15 o'clock | death.
Wednesday at his home in Rohrers-{ The official communication said: |
town, of the infirmities due to old |‘ Killed in action at Chateau-Thierry,
age after having been ill a number of | France, June 6, 1918, they gave the
ars. He was in his 94th year, was
orn June 20, 1825 in Newton, this heroism which will serve as an ex-
county, but has been a resident of [ample to hitherto untired troops.”
Rohrerstown since a boy. He was a| Sergt. Schwab was the tenth St. |
nember of Trinity Lutheran church | Louisan killed in France. He was 31
and of Inland Lodge No. 88 K. of P.|years old and was born in Germany,
of Lancaster and Pennsylvania R. R. { where his mother, at last accounts,
Relief. Mr. Evans had been em- | still lived. His father is dead.
ployed by the Pennsydvania Railroad | -—- —
Company as track foreman for Accidents in Family
many years and had been employed! waiter Shue. formerly of Master
on the road when it was owned by |, ville, now residing on a farm near
Noto FP Dp sv lvnnis 5 | $ 1g 5 ¢ 2
the State of Pennsylvania. He is|gihaefferstown, was guforate in
survived by the following children: {having the wheel of a wagon pass
Arthur ( 4 of Qolumibla) Bera, Mover nis hand, some ly ago, which
at home, Mrs. Emma J. Tace, an | has taken him away from his work.
disville; Katharine L., at home; John | | He suffered a great deal of pain but
P, Martin V., Samuel L., all at home } | hopes soon to be back on the job
Andrew, Philadelphia; Isaac, Lancas-| .»i “On Wednesday evening of
.. rt > , ¢ sda) i,
ter; Mrs. H. M. Phelon, Loprnsher sf {last week his little daughter while
Joseph, of Rohrerstow n “a hol] | driving a horse from pasture to the
Lancaster. The fupevl hi ae fl [ barn, was kicked in the face receiving
from his late home on aturday af-|. "i through the upper lip and one
ternoorn at 1:30 o’clock and from |

h i ok {above the eye. It required several
Trinity Lutheran church at 2 o’clock. | Stitches to close the wounds.
Interment was made in the Gr an | il le mee
and Reformed cemetery. |
ISM ON BIG VICTORY W. M. Holowbuh attorney for
| “
v eo 4 the Farmers’ Creamery Company, of
On Thursday, the glad tidings of | this place, has entered we in the
the great gain by the French and} Court of Common Pleas against the
American forces “over there Yraze! Adams Express Company. Butter
welcomed very gladly in this town value ot ST.000 was shipped add
After the news was reported, church My, Joy to Philadelphia by Adams
bells, the school bell, the fire bell and Express Coriparty os nos aps
all whistles in fops Sounds fle ols a | A oi pt WW Sie 3g tor dp
tidings from about 4:45 P. M. until|{ mic «iit ic for gr 108! ansit,
ack. At Smo P.M. the citizons) This suit is for the value of the but

A . ter.
of the town together with school chil-! ll Were
dren, grown folks and the Band COMMITS ASSAILANT IN THE
paraded. After the parade every-
body assembled in front of H. S.| MARIETTA STABBING AFFAIR
Newcomer's Hardware store and af-| - -
ter the singing of many patriotic| Joe Seleze, an Austrian, charged
songs such as “The Star Spangled |with the stabbing of a countryman
er,’ The English National named Winnich at Marietta Furnace,
“Keep the Home Fires Burn-| was giv a hearing on Tuesday be-
nd “Columbia, the Gem of the fore . ice of the Peace Gramm, of
Reverand I. A. MacDan-| Marietta, and committed to the coun-
is place gave a stirring ad- | ty jail for trial at court. The vietim,
Brows also gave a short| Winnich, is in a serious condition in
ssion of thankfulness was | the Columbia Hospital.
: ID em . ermine lie eee soesinnss
the audience singing
A Wise Move
Carl wisely exercised good judg-
HOW MANY PEOPLE | ment in taking out insurance shortly
WILL BELIEVE THIS? | after he enlisted. This morning his
aunt received an irsurance policy
from the Treasury Department at
ington. The amount of the

report appeared in

he following



ster ds: 7 of Monday : I A
bu y ” Joseph $5,000, payable to his bene-
Shult one of ase of death, in monthly
z Lancas- of $28.75 until the full
county. d a deal with a een paid. Loi
v f of tobacco buyers for
of his crop of Have ana tobac-| Show Your Patriotism
in tl iel He re-| The Red Cro kro


wer Property Sold.
n street property

- . ER 1 I
Keller & Bro’s. Next Sale __|opening ; :
s. J. B. Keller & Bro. will|on the rear of the lot at some future
ir next publi e

sale of live tu

stoel their stock yards in this place wee —
riday, Aug. 2nd, when they will Frank & Bro’s. Next Sale
«011 90 head of New York State and Messrs. C. S. Frank & Bro. will |
Erie Co. cows, heifers, bulls and hold their next public sale of live |
<teers. Bulls will be an extra good stock at the yards at Hotel McGinnis, |
it. If in need of stock don’t fail to |in this place, on Wednesday, July 24 |
on hand at 1:25 sharp. when they will sell 65 head of Brad- |
A 4 I ford and ‘Wyoming county cows, bulls |
He Retired in 1909 and he rs. Some extra good stock |
bethtown’s oldest man is H. C. | bulls and a lot of home-raised shoats. |
ex-coachmaker, who entered on|

Lic 84th year two weeks ago. He re- ~ This Will Attract Them
moved from Bainbridge to Masonic “A half acre of the water below
homeville in 1887. {the Columbia dam was sown with
es pre. wild rice and lotus water lily seeds
Absent Without Permission on Monday to feed the wild ducks. |
For leaving Camp Meade without -_
ermission to do so, Paul Sentz was | Don’t Fail to Attend.
arrested at his home near here last | The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
Monday. He was then taken back to home of Mrs. I. D. Stehman on next
camp, where his punishment will | | Monday evening at 7.30 when officers
be decided. | will be elected.

age. Besides her husband, she is! Our readers will remember that |
“Dispatches from Washington yes- |
| supreme proof of that extraordinary !

Kind You Want to Sell This Fall Now Is the Time to Have It Listed--J. E. Schroll
CARL N. SHANK "For rue tecisarure OUR WEEKLY "ir and Mrs, Donald V. <c.| CAMPMEETING
and two grandchildren spent Sunday
I Secretary of the Commonwealth with the family of Benj. Foreman at
ici i Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sherer left Fri-
ficial list of ci et noe ’
throughout Pennsylvania at the re- a day for Ida Grove, Iowa, where they
HIS AUNT MISS MINNIE MUM- | cent primaries with the names of the PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE | will spend a month with relatives and

MERT RECEIVED A TELE. [parties by which euch of the nom- MANY COMERS AND GOERS (friends... oo. wo
GRAM FROM HIM AT HO- inees was [ 1osen. 108e in Lancas- IN THIS LOCALITY ma, Ross Eshleman os Misses Stauf-
- ter County are
BOKEN, N. J. YES- First District (one to be elected)-

fer were Sunday visitors to the coun-



TERDAY Republican, Aaron B., Hess, Lancas- Mr. John Greiner spent Sunday at ty seat. AUGUST 7
-_— SE ter; Democratic, William BE. Kegel, Mt. Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moulson of | i ec y s
After all the newspapers had pub- | Lancaster; Prohibition, Benjamin H. Mr. Henry Krall spent Saturday at | Kane, Pa., are spending some time lhe Landisville campmeeting will :
lished statements that Carl N. Shank, | Heller, Lt : : * Harrisburg. | here with her mother, Mrs. Sarah | °Pen on Thursday evening, July 25th
of this place, a member of the crew Second t (four to be elect- Mr. Elias Zerphy spent Thursday | Jackson. with an elaborate program, and wi
of the Cruiser San Diego, torpedoed | oq)— Republican, G. Graybill Diehm, at Harrisburg. | Misses Elizabeth Bractendorf and | continue for two weeks, until We:
and sunk by a submarine, was unac- | Lititz; Republican, Joseph T. Evans, . Miss Esther Reist spent Saturday | Mary Maddis of Lancaster, were | evening, August 7. The ope:
counted for, and ®his many friends | Ephrata; Republican, Michael R. in lancaster. | guests of Miss Blanche Eshleman on |!" rvice will be a love feast 1
felt certain he was drowned, a tele- | Hoffman, Maytown; Republican Har- Miss Esther Brocht spent Sunday | Sunday. | charge of the director, Rev. Edwar
gram was received here yesterday as | yy L. Rhoads, Gap; Democratic, John at Harrisburg. | Misses Mildred Gish, Ruth Epler | "Yj, 2usaton, of Wayne, °
follows: A. DeHoff, Maytown; Democratic Mrs. Daniel Derr spent Thursday |and Helen Hostetter of I beth- | D Iphe Kynett will be the
H. D., Hoboken, N. J., 7-22-18 | Edgar R. Ebersole, I wbethtown; at Lancaster. | town, visited Miss Eleanor ble on | Main speaker on July 28th. He will of
Miss Sine Mammen, I Democratic, Horace L. Skiles, Gap: ¢ Me Ella Call spent Sunday with | Saturday. bring a message of Jagional gi e i
Sox 373, Mount Joy, Pa., Democratic, John F. Slo: Co ? friends at Steelton. Miss Mildred Bookman returned] :D¢ preacher for the ne ° [ ]
I arrived safe in port. Bie eras Soh Hosa gS hr - Miss Mary Burtz of Lancaster, is | home to York, after spending a { be Re. Dr. J. Bickley Burns, of yy ~xN i

ohibition, W. D. Visiting friends here. | weeks here with Mr. Amos Ka

I am one of the survivors. Tell Grand- | peach Bottom:

the West District of the Philadelphia
vel of «YX

ma not to about me. Send me | Marburg Denver vhibition, Si- Mr. Charles Witmer of Harrisburg, | and family. ! ; i oy
money as lost all my clothes. | mon B. Minnich. ille: Prohi- Visited in town Monday. Mr. James Shoop spent the week- "he morning hour of praise will be 3
| Carl N. Shank ) | bition, Ross H. 1 Quarryville. Mr. S. S. Fausnacht was a visitor | end at Harrisburg. returning home | inder, the direction of Rev. John F. 2
Cruiser Force Steneck Bldg., | el @ eee to Lancaster, on Saturday. with his family who spent the past | xingsley, of Reading, while the chil.
Hoboken, N. J y alph Martin of Camp Meade, | week there : {dren will be in charge of Rev. Charles
: FIRE DES TROYS * isited friends hope Friday. Master Harry McGann of Harris- | [raux. Rev, Fre 1 A. Tyson, of Leola,
Miss Beatrice Shatz spent Tuesday re, is spending 0 oka here | Will supervise the daily afternoon
Safety is Assured with relatives at ly ns Spending I Mo oe Mas | Bible readings, and at 6 o'clock every

T teleg ras re- | : r } \ y ’ ;
) he follows ] is ir Pa hides M NY BUILDINGS Miss Elizabeth Heisey spent Thurs- | John Wharvell evening the Young I piss meetings
ceived here this morning: { A day with relatives at Landisville Mr av of Gland 2 { will be held, Rev. S. R. Dout presid-
: won | 1a) ¢ S i 1 . Mr. John W: Glenlock sited | y pres
Washington, D. ( 7-23-18 | 4 \ \ i i [ : y of Glenlock, visited (ing. The boarding house in the grove

| ic. Muy . ts { Mrs. Harry Hinkle and Miss Mary here Sunday. His daughter, Miss | : :
Minnie ent reau’s telegram of ’ Zink spent Sunday at Harrisburg. Mildred is spending some time here has been remodeled and 2very.con:
| Jule 51 vem oan to thform vou that | TWO LARGE BARNS, THREE TO- _ Kev. J. W. Miller of Harrisburg, | with friends. enience hus been added which would
[July =, Ver) to mnio 3 #L TG AN ure visited D. C. Reist one day last week Mr. and Mrs. Rupert of +hi { tend toward better comfort for the
ret hots . athe he =D : ay ! . Mr. and Mrs. Rupert of Mechanics- |
{ your ne phew, Cor] pen Sank BACCO SHEDS Ann, DINER Miss Sue Cunningham visited her | hure. ih tara County. DORE o | visitors there. It will be under com-
| seaman second class, U. S. N., now | SMA BUILD- parents at Lancaster, on Saturday. Coe divs st week as the ouests of | petent supervision and any one who
[reported as saved and now on recelys INGS, BURNED Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Heisey and ' Mrs. Blessing. : stays there will be assured the best
| pg its wy a Sowa got | + two sons spent Sunday at Mt. Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hershey and |2ttention :
re addressed W. S. 85. San Diego, care | A thunder storm swept over East Mrs. Alex Kramer was the guest | Misses Pauline Hershey and Muranna I'he Ladies’ Auxiliary will hold a

| postnnsier New York 1 ity Sores Donegal townsh , iday evening of relatives at Harrisburg on Sun-' Brown attended the Centerville pic- | Meeting on August 3rd and the an-
[4 m very glad to forward this wel: 55d was quile severe at some places. day nic on Saturdav. : nual meeting of the lot holders will
| come news. i Around Donegal Springs rain fell as Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoffmaster Miss Wilma Franl returned. Id on Tuesday, August 6th, and
{ L. C. Palmer. [though there was a cloud burst. were visitors to Lancaster on Satur- Cedar Rapids Iowa, on Tue ‘a 2nd wil be observed as Liber-
= i | Some tob: was wasl out, some day. j ‘ pid Tq oh and G. A. R. Day. The
: * at the services will be in charge

sday af- |
ter spending several weeks here with
wel most






| How the men from the U. §. Cruis- corn fiel leveled. The Mrs. Anna Fetter visited at Harris- | friends and relatives. .
er San Diego leaped into tlie water | large barn, tobaccco shed and im- burg, on Wednesday with Mrs. Frank Mrs. W. F. Diffenderfer. accom- | °f J. Lineoln Hall, Irvin Mack & Co.,
and clambe od upon life-rafts after | plement shed on the Cameron farm, Kline. panied by her mother, Mrs. A. M. | lelp a while Prof. A. Assel-
the ship had been hit by a torpedo |tenanted by Geo. S. Endslow, were Mrs. Jacob Nagle and Miss Mary | Reinhard of Altoona, spent several] | Perr ill 1 the singing. :
off New York, and how they began completely dest by hire. : Shank were Saturday visitors to Lan- (Continued on page = There will | fhe be special music
to sing the “Star Spangled Banner I'he largest hac shed in that aster i ¥ : e | every afternoon and evening.
as the big boat began to take its section, on the farm of Michael Hoff- Mr. and Mrs. William Strickler and here will also be sermons every /
final plunge, was told Sunday by man, tenanted by Wm. Kaley, fire children are spending a week at Mt. TOBACCO AND CORN ; yeek-day evening at 7:30 and on &
| George F. Jarrett, son of Mrs. George | destroyed the entir ilding "Gretna i ; Sundays at 10:30 in the morning and
{ . Je Mrs. g ) 3 ; . tna. “ r CU ; undays 1 a
Jarrett, of 450 East Chestnut street,| Also barn and tobacco shed with Mr. Henry Sheaffer and Mrs. Ber- BADLY CUT BY HAIL | 4¢ 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Sat.
Lancaster. Jarrett was a fireman on | contents, on the farm near White Sundayed at Rocky Ti ain and hail stor ‘hick lay evening lectures will be held
the boat, and was home for a forty-| Oak, above Manheim, owned by the 1 ae ii thi hay gs i Lsh it which the topic will be “Church
: } or Jan? tate Wf : ‘ passed over this s m last Friday lin Worl Tovle 17
eight hour leave. George H. Danner i of Yon Ir. John Glattacher of Lancaster, ey a hi el go) | World Work” es
[ as Jarrett’s first sea trip. He heim, and tenante hares Wen pent Thursday here with My. I. Q. [Tv ou Surss ly Ab id any _ ———
Ro rg - i \ 2D 15. | ger Vstinmatod oss 210.000 Deanall wrsday here with Mr. F. G. hail fell in this immediate vicinity “ : a
fOr Hoty © : Mieces Dorothy Heilig and Blanche | PUt,°0 the south side of the ridge] RED CROSS NOTES
and. ded UNOSTOONG XAmIng : Vv The Cameron Buildings + 15507 £070Lhy Liewig ana Lianche | oad and mile east of Elizabeth- |
Newport School. He had been on The large barn « the ex.Senator Kauffman, spent Sunday at Rocky town the writer § several fields of | 1p i Si
the San Diego three days, and was|y 1" cameron farm, te d by Songs. . ; corn that were cut into shreds. Sev-| Forte prpossand Sis Jlundred 251
seeking his pay slip when the vessel 31. "Geo. S Indslow. i Donezal M Helen Duttenhofer of Lan-| 7 rohacco field Tatra veove | orty-five Articles Made by Lo-
a Mr. vs, Islow, at 88 scion ie tie ) re Deny. 1 oral tob fields adjoining, were | oy rh Ta ar
was struck. : | Springs was struck by htning at caster, 1 the guest of Miss Bertha also badly cut but the stalks are | 1] Branch in a Year
“There was not the slightest bit of | g.a0 Thursday evening a eon Sumpman, : emall they =v ; He
excitement or disorder,’ he sad pletely d royed by fire. The flames Miss 2 na Fritch of oy ter, al Seay 0% ; : ! ] gam | ocal Branch A. R. ( is at
Every nah stucs to his post ih communicated with the large tobacco hi =unaay guest of Miss Mary | pe section in which the hail fell, is | pret ged in making Oakum
‘they were ordered to move, and the! had and an implement shed nearby tshieman. = : Bo fuect pitch of tohacso in the an. | rads purpose the Oakum .
officers remained at their posts until (Continued on page 7) 5 Me G. Pennell and Mjes Emma per end of this county. It is on the | Which is ent here heavily baled, po——
2 vesse ¢ 3¢ ) er 1 3 3} site rele eS ¢ .ancaster | » . ’ ~ | must ¢ vicked apart it is 80
the ve ssel had leaned over on one ; —-—t Ea Pegme 3 visited relatives at Lancaster |p." ar. g enjamin Brubaker. The | MU b picked apart ntil it is soft J
side. I'hey then slid down the side . I'hursday. : ; a | majority of \it was topped some time | nd pliable as this takes time and
of the vessel into the water. Quite An Outing Mrs. Lucy Stoler, Jennie Rinehart aro and it is beoinnine to nash sack. | and as. the Oakum
Jarrett was on a raft for almost A picnic was held at Hertzler’s and son Russel visited Lancaster on fT ois quite fortanate that the ust be made within a specified -—
four hours before being picked up. Grove on Thursday afternoon by the Wednesday. hail did not reach that section. time, the workrooms will be open, for

few weeks, on Monday evens
ind Tuesday afternoon in ad-

He was taken to. Hoboken, and there | members of M
; 1 K : : Mr George Myers’ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eshleman On part of Mount Joy Boro’s
had to stand in line for five hours | class of the T. U. .
1} 0 f 1 ere veek-e ate f relatives :
church of this were week-end guests of relatives at shed there must have been seve



before he could secure new clothing. | place. Besides the teacher and pu- Mt. Gretna. ) cloud bursts The Little. Chickics. 0 Tuesday evening and Wed-
“After we were hit,”” he said, | pils there were also present many Miss Della Shank of Elizabethtown, | which furnishes our water supply. | rning and afternoon the
Ay ! 2 id . os 1 . ) 1 S vater supply, | :
“there was a great outburst of firing. ! invited guests. Fhe afternoon was was a week-end guest of Miss Mary ! 1: inuddier than we hove ever oF a reg mes for working. Let the
Every gun on the boat began to shoot | wiled away with games, etc. and a Eshleman. Jit and is still in that Foi tion: Asa! anifested the news
at targets in the water, in case they |very dainty luncheon was served. Mr. Percy C. Hord of Chicago, is | victory be carried into

result we are getting cloudy water |







might be a submarine. There was a| Those in attendance were: Misses spending some time here with Mrs. |p © our reservoir, to the |! ry mile advanced means
constant rattle of shots for several | Mildred Geistweit, Mary Kra- Sarah Brady. manv a reservoir, bat ther 1] e numbers of wounded men. You
minutes. I saw a barrel blown to| mer, Ruth, Viola and Alice Espen- Miss Sara Habecker of Philadel! or” .conved that it could in help the | there, by working
pieces, but do not know whether the | shade, Frances arber, Ada Del- phia, is visiting her mother, Mrs. voided S pumpi o enmineer Geo yin the Be rooms here.
sub was hit or not. | linger, Verna Garber, Alta and Emily Mary Habecker. Shatz hat beor or rata iy In con arly report for
Six Lancaster County boys were on | Gingrich, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wealand and supplying as th Yio Doct # lear | this Home it was found that
the San Diego. They were Chester | Nedra Kaylor and Helen Bowers, son John visited friends at Elizabeth- | Water Dossible : , Mount Joy ade thirteen thou-
J. McComsey, Geo. Jarrett, Clarence | Mrs. George Myers, Mrs. Frank town, on Sunday. | roes fito pou sobsl | sand ! and forty-five ar-
P. Clans, Harold Swank, all of Lan-| Bryan and son William, Mrs. Walter Mrs. Decker and two children of | = tle ‘The o Ssh ta pte : ( ‘Hospi tal garments
caster; Carl N. Shank of this place | Greiner and son Bruce, Mrs. Harry Elizabethtown, spent Sunday at her .,.d4 0 on. bat a nd Sur 1] Dressin These con-
and Thos. J. Coolidge of Lancaster, | Beamesderfer and son James, Mr. parental home. Lory. diy it f tf 56 145 Hospital
formerly of this boro. jand Mrs. Charles Morton and Master Miss Florence Melhorn of Man-|. = °° 8 Tri-
Thomas J. Coolidge, son of A. H. Earl Myers. All had a pleasant af- chester, is visiting in the family of | Mznv of our | ar B Tailed,
Collidge, of 127 Juniata street, Lan- | ternoon. James Glatfelter. water from the Bar 360 Abdominal
caster, who has been in the Navy for etl QR re Mr. Hénry G. Carpenter made a | bridec. & tof Band 10
nearly five years, was reported safe, Arrested for Gamblin business trip to Philadelphia and | j,vc Pad aku ad
according to a telegram received last Ealing Sand 8 ¢ «ix. Trenton this week. : - oa = Fracture Pill
evening at 5:30 o’clock by his father. | Foreigners 30 Hie am er oz he Mr. George McComsey of Lancas- Ce ¢ 44
The telogran came from Washington, | LS€H,. Were arrested b Angay Jorg ter, spent Sunday with the family of |S. & 5. W. ASSOCIATION uy rau >
ang stated that a letter would follow. 2 Bitnye! fOr somehz A oppes hn. Mr. Frank Schroll. NOW NUMBERS SIXTY SLIPS : D (
Carl N. Shank, of this place, 2d todgers, Hickey and Darr, of oan Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lutz of Landis-| V Z oe Hog 1684
17, formerly a student at Stevens In- bia, wen! io Billmyer BBS 3 ville, spent Saturday with Mr. and The regular ir ut t :
dustrial School, just rece nly enlis ted men to that place ngoy ares they Mrs. Elias Zerphy Soldiers’ and e Q
He enlisted Dec. 1. 191 and was were given a hearing hetore . Whee Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Glattacher of | ciation x he
home on a furlough some Bo ago! MoCragken and found Sut They Maytown, were guests of Mrs. F. G. ber Mond n{ I
kita iid 5 | were discharged on paying the fines Pennell on Sundav. tionally ag ih
jg ; | and costs Amor the men were nd Mrs. William Dver of Tron. | — : 1 tend ¢
That Was Some Calf Poles, Italians, ssians and Aus- ijl visited their daughter, Mrs. A. fortv.two 1 bers
_ One of the largest calves ever seen | trians. S. Shires on Monday. rolled, ti tal bers
’ upper ster county, was taken | ; = Tr Beatrice | Newcomer ASOG tion 1 - he Y
rom the i Spring farm, by | 3 A Fine Farin » attended the C x 01
Poultr tryman Engle, ot thi place, who One of the fine and most pro thtown. n nd Dr. W. D
will sh ip 4 the same after dressing, 10 { rms around Elizabethtown, is Garber and I'res
the mark t6t. The calf was of the Hol- | i.v "Sclomon Bri 'm, tenanted week-end —
riety, three weeks of age. It . 1 at Philade

phia rat or


1 the scales at pounds. v} 2 Shellent [ he 1]
The price secured at nt high | ) 7 SO it isbure. a est of
figures is more than tl v COW bh, Ive E ik :
would hax brought a number of hi 4 ACCOR aa i Hola
¢ 1m (ar over 6 feet I \ }D-acre vil Fie ne, }
| field of wheat is ex Doha! 8 r A
over 900 bushels A cone reser na Mr Georg 'S.
oil rateriy I ) 1
3 v {een Fl win, well nowy nstall .
a rr Far o te 1 +1 — et — Ie
er ister county, is perhaps the y
I arable 1 age 1y Reject Medic
A 14h 1 : 1


—— Eee.

Prepared the Camp
A 7 on

ednesd: in
rry W

Cl Berrier and the seribe we
1 de: > in the extrer
wester part of Perry County, get- |
ings in readiness for the hunt- |!
ing season this Fall. Everything is|
now in readiness for the opening of
the season at this beautiful mountain



site. fue el reer i, Wie | 3 : : Fy : :
Hersh. | end 1 ust ts f H: 1 State Road Repaired
— World’s Record Broken. Mrs. p f Th itch shop X rom the residence
I'he fastest mile by a| Lancaste Tt VI
Erecting a Porch 3 ;
Mr. Andrew Zercher is putting | Mare was stepped at 0, O., yes- | home of
down the foundation for a large |terday when Miss Harris M turned Mr. a
5 of Mr. Hen G Shelly, on West
neg street, to the Cross Road
ication of oil an
week by the state








| porch on the south and west sides of | the mile in 1.58% and then lost the | Lancaster, were Sund: 1 A S
{ his beautiful country home along the | Face to Single G, the last two heats| parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lew boro.
Marietta pike, half a mile south of | being stepped lo 1.59%. Mr. and Mrs. Jo oSeph Heise) T
town. He will also put a door on the daughter Ruth were Sunday
west side of the house, facing the Killed by a Fall of friends and re latives at Mt. pan. | the Jacob E. Witme
road, which will considerably im- Mrs. Susan H. Hall, widow of |na. | r Stoner, 83 acres an
prove the general appearance of his|Aaron H. Hall, fell from a third story Mrs. James Gemmell returned i1 land in East Doneg:
property. window at her home in Columbia | home after spen g some time with 281.
RE io SB Sunday, and was instantly killed. She | relativez at Philadelphia and Wild
BORN. died on her 82nd birthday. She was|Wod. Another for the Arm .
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Peifer an-|DPorn near Landisville. Mr. J. B. Miller of Philadelphia, | I'resbyteriar an Zink of this place enlisted
nounce the birth of a son, Charles visited his sister, Mrs. D. C. Reist, on | morninz. In th will de he pie y on Monday. He leaver
Richard, on Friday. . It pays to advertise in the Bulletin | North Market street, one day last |liver a scrmon at 1gs assignment on Thursday.