The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 17, 1918, Image 2

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Editor & Pro's.

Six Months 50 Cents
Three Months 25 Cents
Single Copies 2 Cents
Sample Copies FREE
entered at the post office at Mount
Joy as second-class mail matter.
All correspondents must have their
communications reach this office not
later than Monday. Telephone news
of importance between that time and
12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Changes
for advertisements must positively
reach this office not later than Mon-
day night. New advertisements in-
serted if copy reaches us Tuesday
night. Advertising rates on applica-
The subscription lists of the Lan-
disville Vigil, the Florin News and the
Mount Joy Star and News, were
merged with that of the Mount Joy
Bulletin, which makes this paper's
circulation about double that of the
ordinary weekly.
Mr. J. E. Thompson of Lewistown,
spent a féw days in town.
" Samuel D. Roland, of Norristown,
was visiting in town Sunday
Mr. Harry E. Park of the U. S.
Navy, was home for a few days.

Mr. T. J. Buchanan of Lakewook,
N. J., visited his sister here last
Miss Emily Roath, a nurse at the
U. of P. hospital, at Phila., is home
her vacation.
Mr. Ferdinand Zuch of Bowling
Green, 0., is visiting friends and ac
quaintances here.
Mrs. B. Frank Hiestand and daugh-
ters Nancy and Sarah visited friends
at Bridgeville, Del.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dunlap and
children of Baltimore, spent a few
days here with her parents.
Elmer Kauffman, of the U. S. S.
Steamship New Orleans, is visiting
his father, ex-Burgess Isaac G. Kauff-
man. ;
Ward Knight, of New York city,
spent several days with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Knight, East
Front street.
David R. Mehaffey, of New York
city, spent Sunday with his sisters,
Miss Gertrude Mehaffey and Mrs.
Richard Mott.
Friday evening more than three
score friends of Hamill B. Alexander
of Marietta, gave him a chicken and
waffle supper at Accomac.
Charlie Humer again showed ’em
at the weekly shoot of the Lan-
He headed
caster Gun Club Friday.
the list with 93 out of 100.
The National Casting Company, of
Marietta, are turning out some of the
largest castings ever made in Lancas-
ter county, and last week completed
a mammoth one.
Miss Nan Sargen, Miss Margie
Haines and William Dye have re-
turned from a trip to Camp Upton,
where Miss Sargen visited her
finance, Private N. Dye, Company F.
Second Infantry, just before sailing.
A party of young people, chaper-
oned by Miss Mary Yohn, of Mount-
- ville, are having a house party at
Jacob Risser’s cottage, on the Sus-
quehanna river, opposite Marietta.
Among the party are people from
Maytown, Mountville and Columbia.
Severely wounded in action on the
Italian front, Shannon Zink, son of
= Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Zink, of this
place, is in a base hospital in Italy
recovering from his injuries, accord-
ing to a card received by the soldier's
father on Friday.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Lawrence, of
Reading, spent a day with his parents
and sister on Friday last. On Satur-
day Frank C. Lawrence, Sr., of Ma-
rietta, received a telegram from
Reading to come at once that the doe-
tor was seriously ill
A number of people from Marietta
including the Rev. W. E. Wichter,
the quarterly meeting at Mount Joy
on Sunday in the Bethel church, that
place, Columbia
were also represented. Rev. Wichter
delivered an address in the after-
John Mumma mothered 12 pigs
and raised them all. The mother pig
died and left the young ones to their
fate when John took up the task of
raising them with a bottle. He pro-
cured 5 nursing bottles and they took
readily to it and thrived. John wants
a neat sum for the pigs who are a
healthy, fat lot. {


Miss Eva Shelly visited friends at,
Manheim on Sunday.
Mrs. D. S. Miller is spending sev- |
eral weeks at Harrisburg.
Mrs. Wm. R. Martin spent several
days with relatives at York. i
Miss Anna Nissley spent several |
days at Lancaster, the guest of Miss |
Mary Bender.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kauffman |
were guests of Mrs. Clemanda Kauff-
man on Sunday.
H. Miller, of Philadelphia,
visited his sister, Mrs. A. H. Degler,
during the week-end.
Miss Emma Dissinger spent several |
days at New Holland as the guest of |
Miss Anna Nearing. |
Master Abram Hershey, of Laneas-
ter, is spending some time with his|
uncle, Wm. Hershey. |
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Herman, of |
Fruitville, spent the Fourth with his|
sister, Mrs. Wm. Haldeman.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fetter, of|
Manheim, visited her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kauffman.
Misses Vivian and Helen Coolidge
of Lancaster, spent the Fourth with
their aunt, Mrs. B. L. Kauffman.
Rolandus Gibble left this village on
Monday for Harrisburg, where he
entered upon duties as fireman on the
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Nissley, of
Union Square, spent Sunday in the
home of their son-in-law, Samuel
Misses Lillie Breneman, Nora Eb;
and Martha Brubaker, of Back Ru

were recent guests of Miss Anna
Mrs. Clemanda Kauffman w
leave Wednesday for Baltimore,
e where she will spend some time with
her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Peters.
- Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Nissley and

of J. N. and Daniel Brandt, at Bam-
Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence autoed to Hummelstown on
Sunday. :
so Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Ruhl and sons
Elmer and Jacob, Mrs. Aaron Pickle
Saturday and Sunday in the home of |

Walter Warner, near East Peters-|
Mr, and Mrs. Abram Weaver and
daughters, Esther, Bertha and |
Marion, and son, Paul were Sunday
guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Frank-|a?
houser. Marion is spending the
week here .
Vi H ey Bowman and daugh
ter, Marion are spending a few day
with D. Dissinge ind family. Mr,
ind Mrs. Frank Iceman, Mr, and Mrs
Harry Kessler, Harry and George
D nger nd Ezra Hertzler, all of
Richland, were Sunday guests at the
ime place
Mr. aml Mrs. Frank Felker and
aughters, Louisa and Oliva and Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Horst and daugh
er, Arline, visited their parents, Mr.
nd Mrs. Martin Horst, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Seitz, of Mount
Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Gruber and
daughter, Katharine of Cherry Hill,
spent Sunday at the same place.
— BE -
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Diebler an-
nounce the birth of a daughter.
Church of the Brethren held their
regular morning services at this place
last Sunday morning.
Harry Emenheiser started his
threshing rig last Monday, to gather
up the 1918 wheat crop.
Mr. Joseph W. Kraybill spent last
Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. E. E.
Risser and family near Lawn.
Mr. H. H. Bard, daughter Amanda
and son, Robert spent one day at
Lancaster, where they combined busi-
ness with pleasure.
The S. S. Kraybill family spent
the Fourth at Washington, D. C.
where they were guests of their son,
Henry and family.
Mrs. S. S. Kraybill returned from
Washington, D. C., last Monday even-
ing after spending four days with her
son, Henry and family.
Messrs. Webster Eshleman and
Paul B. Heisey, two promising young
men were pleasant callers in
place Monday afternoon.
The Revs. Noah Mack and J. Bres-
conducted the overflowing ser-
's held in the school house at Ris-

ser’s church at the Frank Pierce
J. A. Hipple, Supt. of the Penn
Lime, Stone and Cement Company
with his family now occupy their
summér residence near the Mount
Pleasant park.
With the modern machinery and
ideal sunshine weather the farmers |
with ordinary sized farms hustled
their wheat crops into the barn, tak-
ing but a few days.
Harry Emenheiser, the Mount Joy
township thresher was the first to
deliver 1918 wheat to the D. G.
‘inser warehouse, where they pay
.20 for first-class wheat.
Enos Floyd, the jitney driver took

The potato crop has gained 20 per
Northwest Rapho
Read th: Bulletin.
| CC .B. Brandt entertained the fol-|cent. since the late rain. *
[lo ing on Sunday: Monroe Waser | Editor Schroll of The Bulletin | ¢%%
fand family and Mr. and Mrs, Track, | made a business call on Salungaites | 3
of Lancaster Junction, Monday. 4
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fasnacht, of Mr. John Peifer and family made | od
{ Mastersonville and Clayton Hollinger |
and family spent the Sabbath at
| Highspire and Elizabethtown.
{ Mr. and Mrs. Isaac S. Hollinger,
{of the Orchard Farm at the Masonic
| Home, on the Fourth visited in
Rapho township in his Saxon six.
Samuel Brandt and family and
mether, of near Mount Joy, have |
| lately received their first letter from |
their son, Abram, somewhere in
France and he reports favorably. |
On Sunday at Chiques, Enoch Eby,
a returned missionary from India,
preached to an attentive congrega- |
tion and for the benefit of a boy's
in India collected |
| Cooper.
Misses Mary All and Willa Mel-
linger of Rohrerstown, spent Thurs-
day afternoon with Misses Ellen and
Florence Way.
and family.
Mr. James Kendig of Fortress
good health.
The few of our young people whe
had gone to Gettysburg, on Sunday,
had a fine time. '
Frank Newcomer of Coatesville,
spent Suhday with his mother, Mrs.
Susan Newcomer.
Mrs. Heis and Mrs. Plasterer of
Manheim, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weidman.
David and Elizabeth Stewinger are
spending the week at Mount Gretna,
boarding school
Elmer Christ, who for the past has
been engaged at painting with Frank!
Geib and his corps of men, helped his
landlord, John Sowers to gather and
bring in the sheaves and such a Misses Mary Kendig,
bounteous harvest. | Peifer and Martha Eby were at a
Prof. H. K. Eby, principal of the small picnic at Williamson’s Park on
High School at Holidaysburg, was| Friday afternon.
The Fackler family autoed to
seen in our midst. He enjoys to get
Marietta, on Sunday afternoon call-
back to Rapho to see his former ac-
On Monday the largest funeral for 6 day afternoon at the creek celebrat-
many years was held - at Risser’s ing Cletus Raffensberger’s sixth
Church after the departure of a dea-| birthday.
con member in the body of Frank | Mr. and ‘Mrs. David Cooper, Jr..
Pierce of Rheems. A large number and daughter Helen and Mr. and Mrs.

services for those who could not en- and Mrs. A. R. Cooper.
ter the church. It was twenty-five J. Howard Peifer and family with

| their home near Mount Joy on Sun-
| | day.
ROHRERSTOWN | Mr. George, Way and wife enter-
tained the Methodist Minister and
Rev. and Mrs. Downs on Sun-
Misses Mary Kendig, Martha
rs A rn
| Read the Bulletin. [its
| Mrs. C. Sheeler is spending a week | $25:
|at Atlantic City.
Hagy Bros., of Harrisburg, were in |
town, Sunday.
Miss Mabel Starr
| party at Pequea. !
| Mr. Henry Meyers of Harrisburg, |
among the guests.
Mrs. Lizzie Royer of Lancaster
and daughters, Miss Elsie Weaver of
attended a house |
guests of Dr. B. E. Kendig and fam-
| visited his mother over Sunday. ily or the Sith of the month
a Saturday visit to Mr. Abram Myers |
Ce mp pee
ls ”
~ : lo,
Monroe reports self as happy and in |
with their uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. |
quaintances. His "brother, Rufus, a! ing on their aunt, Mrs. Dennison,
graduate of Milton Grove, after a|who is on the sick list.
few more moons will be at College; Ira Herr and family and R. D. |
Hill. | Raffensberger and family spent Fri- |
*, & 0
| from this place were in attendance.| William Cooper spent Sunday at Mt. |
The schoolhouse was also used for Gretna, guests of their brother, Mr. |
years these days that the Kreider Eli Hostetter and family and Miss |
funeral was held, where six head-| Edith Bentzel were entertained by |
stones now mark the place. | Mr. and Mrs. Martin Strickler at |
Way and Minnie Eshleman were also |
Jersey City, and Miss MAry Mussel-
man of the same city were welcome |
The Union picnic of the Rohrers-| : . : Nis {
oi Sunday er will be” held Miss Alice Strickler, the efficient
July 30th. at Lititz. | superintendent of the M. E. Sunday
|” “Miss Cora Charles of Smithville, School, has returned from the As-
[was a visitor at the home of Rev. F. bury Park School of Methods and
|W. McGuire this week. {You may be sure she was on.
Harry Baer and family from Han. usiastic in her work on the return
| : ). ome.
over, were guests of A. B. Baer,]
| postmaster, on Sunday. PE i,
J : B Mrs. Katie Klinger, Mr. and Mrs.
| Mrs. Laura Stubbs and son Guy, of | Yohn F Naser Mr 5d Mes Montoc
| Westbrook, were entertained on Mon- Waser and ‘daughter Minerva
V eins af hep 3 rs. Sue Bae | Was & au Mo é
{day afternoon by Mrs. Sue Baer. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Rev. Henry Sonon, Albert Sonon, | #
Way, |
Diffenderfer, |
There has been a change in the
mails at the Rohrerstown post office. |
The last mail leaves at 6:28 P. M.
a full load of citizens from this place |
to Harrisburg, to view the National
Parade and the Independence exer-
cises returning at 11 o’clock, P. M. Mrs. Amos Kauffman entertained
Frank Shank spent several days at|the following on Thursday: Mrs. Al-|
Rowenna, Pa., this week where D. G.!bert Landis and Mrs. Mary Baer of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Henne, Mr. and
| Mrs. Oscar Ruhl and children Chester |
and Verna and Misses Alma Ditzler, |
Esther Bushong, Esther Summy and |
Mary Ober were entertained by Mr. |
and Mrs. Phares Metzler on Sunday.
with blood
pastor of the Bethel church, attended |
and Wrightsville |
| of Harrisburg; and Mrs.
[ Rowenna is

daughters, Anna, Kathryn, Edith and |"
Elizabeth, spent Sunday in the homes | Ji
John Sheaffer and |
son, Emanuel and daughter, Kathryn |
and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rice and son, |
and sons, Russel and Chester, spent f
Brinser purchased three thousand
bushels of wheat which is now being |
loaded into cars under the supervi-
sion of Mr. Shank.
W. L. Heisey, Justice of the Peace
entertained 20 guests at his residence
at Locust avenue and trolley street
last Sunday, among them were Rev.
L. M. Strayer, Presbyterian modera-
tor of Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. John
Stauffer of Landisville, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob W. Heisey of this place.
— et ———
The tobacco is growing rapidly
along the river.
Miss Ruth Hyse
Blanche Tracey.
Jos. Strickler of
visitor here lately.
Paul Hart of Philadelphia, visited
at Horace Glatfelter’s.
Mary and Martha Shank
Harrisburg on the Fourth.
Mrs. Stevens of Columbia, visited
her brother Walter Helm and family.
Mrs. Walter Helm and daughter
visited at her home in Bird-in-Hand.
Mrs. John Ziegler and children of
of York, visited
Lancaster, was a
were at
Conestoga Centre, visited at J. H.
| Ziegler’s.
Mrs. Daniel Mackinson and two
fchildren spent a week at York visit
1g relatives.
The first peaches and apples were
| picked on the Rowenna Farming
| Co.’s ground.
| Rev. Oscar Kraybill, of Middle-
| town, will preach at Maytown, two
{ nights this week.
H. C. Weirich of Washington, D.
., autoed to Pennsylvania and
{stopped at Amos Shank’s.
Mrs. P. F. Snyder of Lititz, enter-
tained Miss Iva Albright in honor of
her birthday over the week-end.
Mrs. Harry Hoover, daughter Mae
Arnold of

| Enola, visited at Daniel Kauffman’s.
Mrs. George Kelly and son George
of Chester, and Miss Emma C. Smith
of Philadelphia, who are spending
their vacation at Elizabethtown,
spent a day with their aunt Catharine
The Maytown Union Picnic will be
held at Hershey, Wednesday, July 31.
invited. Trucks will
leave Maytown Square not later than
6:45 to go to take the trolley at the
Colebrook Road. The fare will be
40 cents. Children under 6 years of
age go free.
M. R. Hoffman’s of Maytown, are
spending sometime at their cottage
Edelweiss. Over the week-end Miss
Esther enteretained Misses Mary and
| Susan Homshier of Strasburg, Miss
Lillian Hipple of Marietta, Henry
Rich of Marietta, Harold Hauck of
Eddystone, David Shank, Rowenna,
and Messrs. Jack, Frank and Elmer
B. Grove, of Maytown.
A call was made for more workers
in the Surgical Dressings Room and
Garment Room. So far our towns-
le have responded nobly. Sixty-
were busy at work at the
rs last week. We have room
r more and need you very
Rooms are open Tuesday afternoon
and evening and Wednesday after-
) 1d evening. Come and help us
)r your boy. During the past
we sent in to Columbia Chapter

140 housewives, 13 blankets, IR

pairs socks, 71%
dozen tray cov , 180 cotton pads,
5 4x8 compresses, 300 4x4 sponges.
k rooms will be open for
Red Cross Saturday after-
1 2 to 4.
eet AR meme

for Divorce
K ch, of Lancaster,
ation for divorce in
office from her
och, on the
nt. Mr. Koch
Harriet V
i has filed an appl
the prothonc
husband, ¥
ground ef
for ter

much. |
folowing supplies: 59 sale of Ebersole and Oberholtzer conducting |
underwear, 7 aprons, 14 comfort [services in the church and Rev. Noah |
CHE a 'D . > Mack and Rev. John Bressler in the]
en handkerchiefs, |
| Lancaster.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Baer and
Charles Stubbs of Oxford, Pa. and]
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seeber, of Colum- |
bia, motored to Cresswell on Sun-
Auto Dealer, J. H. Garber sold a
Mr. M. N. Davis and family and |Ford to E. R. Hoover, of Steven’s
Mrs. Romayne Crawford and Miss! Hill.
Elsie Wor all took an auto trip to the | Mrs. George Keener and Mrs.
Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown, on | Stauffer, of Manheim, were the
Sunday. | guests of D. Y. Stauffer and family.
Preaching at the Church of God | David Herr and family, of Millers-
next Sunday at 10:30 A. M.,, theme, |ville and David Herr and wife, of
“The Christian’s Duty to his Govern-, Donerville, were the guests of C. P.
ment,” at 7 P. M., theme, “The Un-' Eshleman and family.
limited Life.” | H. S. Brandt and family had as
- | their guests on Sunday Abram
et EO
EAST PETERSBURG ie’ and wife and son Jacob and

! Albert Fitzkee, of Maytown, Joseph
| a. {Sener and wife, Aaron Geistweit and
| Mrs. Lillian Murr, of New Holland, | Wife, Miss Pauline McCarthy and
| was in this borough a few days with Paul Shank, of Bainbridge.
{her brother, Wm. E. Keylor. Menno Risser and family had as
Mrs. B. F. Kauffman tendered a|their guests on Sunday Dawson
party to a number of her friends last | Shearer and family, Elam Risser and
Saturday evening at her home. ( family, Edwin Eshleman and family,
Miss Ruth Kauffman, of Kready- | Joseph Baker and family, Mrs. J. A.
ville, was home on Saturday with her Coble and daughter, Barbara, Misses
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kauff-| Anna Stager, Pearl McCarthey, Anna
man. Myers and Mary Stager and Harry
Mrs. F. L. Esbenshade and son,| Weisgarber and Jacob Stager.
Walter, of Refton, were the guests of | . Miss Lydia Withers entertained a
the former's sister, Mrs. Walter Lu-|few of her friends at her home, on
pold, over Sunday. West High street, on Friday evening.
On Monday evening the Ladies’ (A very enjoyable evening was spent
Auxiliary of the Lancaster General | With games, vocal and instrumental
Hospital met at the home of Misses | music, after which luncheon was
Miriam and Esther Hershey. served in the dining room. Those
Mr. and Mrs. Senka Hilbert and |Present were: Misses Violet Wealand,
two daughters, Florence and Arlene, Fannie Earhart, Salome Withers,
of Fleetwood, were the guests of Mr. |Daisy Donecker, Anna Olweiler,
and Mrs! G. G. Kiehl a few days. Bernice Hiestand, Lydia Withers and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grosh and |Messrs. Russel Hein, Milton Hies-
son, Walter, of Bethlehem, are in this|tand, Benjamin Ferrier, Frank
borough this week, the guests of Mr. |Bieneman, Frank Meyer, Elmer
Grosh’s sister, Mrs. Amos Swarr. Groff, Harold Treichler and Elam
Henry Dombach, Mrs. Lavina Dom- | Zook.
bach and Misses Mary Bassler and)
Mary Flory were at New Providence
on Sunday, the guests of Charles
Last Friday evening the Misses
| Bertha, #ddna and Elsie Gochnauer
gave a knitting party to eighteen girl
friends. The evening was spent by
knitting and in a social manner.
ER eee
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lehman and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller and family |
called in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. |
Samuel Miller and Mr. and Mrs.
Emory Miller.
Mr. John Freeman and Mr. George
Logan} of near Landisville, passed

Mr. A. C. Geltmacher received a
letter from their son, John, some-
where in France, saying he is well.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Resh of this
place visited Mr. and Mrs. Amos
Deckhard at Falmouth on Sunday.
Mr. Harry Myers of Pittsburgh,
spent a week with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel E. Myers at this
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fletcher and
family of Maytown and Mr. William
Haines of Lititz, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Nehemiah Haines here Sunday.
Mr. Albert Gallagher, of Philadel-
phia and Mr. Horace Hipple of Har-

ing subscriptions H. Hipple at this place on Sunday.
Popular Monthly. i Mr. and Mrs. Amos Geltmacher of
., Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hess and fam- | Kinderhook and Misses Carrie Rich-
ily entertained on Sunday: Misses ards and Katherine Richards of Co-
J ‘a Shank, Mary Hollinger, and |lumbia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
{Fannie Longenecker; Messrs. Elmer |A. C. Geltmacher, Sunday. .
} Gantz, John and Clyde Miller, Ray-| Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shires and son
Imond and Victor Longenecker and |Ross of Back Run and Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Hess. {Earl G. Mumma and family of Mount
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller enter- | Joy, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
tained the following over the Sab-|Mrs. J. D. Mumma.
bath: Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bru-| —e———— \
| baker, Mr. and Mrs. Menno Snavely, |! .
| Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, Mr. and |
{ Mrs. Allen Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- |
{win Miller and daughters Anna, Es-|
{ther and Myrtle and Mr. and Mrs. |
{Jacob Risser and family. |
The funeral of Mr. Frank Pierce |
was one of the largest held at Ris-|
|ser’s church for a long time. The]
church was crowded in every nook |
fond corner and also the school house, |
where services were also held. i
for the People’s

{ Luetta


| school house.
——eetll eee.
i The Joy of Living !
| To enjoy life we must hawe*tood |
| health. No one can reasomfibly hope |
j to get much real pleagufe out of life | :
when his bowels ape®clogged a good; ’'Sides savin’
{share of the tipf€@ and the poisons] “°t ter save sugar. De bes’ way
that should be“€xpelled are absorbed Save sugar is ter use syrups en
t : : 10ney.
into the sysé€m, producing headache A ulce i'l pitcher full er ’lasses
U. S. Food Administration
fats en wheat, we

and indigéstion. A few doses of | convoy 2 "Gs ae
| Chamberiain®s Table#S will move the big = ox a Meet Ha ckewhes!
bowels, strengthensthe digestion and | “get crost” wid de Seer Do 3
give you a chancefto realize the real | en it saves wheat flour too. 3
joy of living. Tpy it. july 3-5t -

through our vicinity on Tuesday, tak-| risburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rufus |
\ 4

Wednesday, July 17th, 1918.
ho? ¥o

w Hat at. a

are all reduced. /
$8.50 Baliluks.... ..$6.00/ One Lot Straw
$6.00 Panamas $450 At 65¢
$5.00 Panamas
$3.50 Panamas.. /$2.75 Were $2. to $3.
Palm Beach Suits
$10.00 Suits... $8.50
$ 8.50 Suits $7.00
$ 7.50 Suits.
($09 0,0 ¥,
9. o% 0,
oe” %%%
ho? ¥%
9. 0. 0 0
00% 00 00 0000 Pe
$13.50 Suis ae $11.00
$12.50 Suits. ...... $10.00
$11.00 Suits $ 9.00
P. E. Getz, Mt. Joy
19605-02002 6%0-0% 0% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6% 0% 0% o% 0% 0 00 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 Oo 0% 9
Get All The News
Read the Mount Joy Bulletin
& 05
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0% 04% 0% 00 040 000 00
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906% 6%-6% 6% 4%.¢% «% o%s 8,
HGH 30 ee of0 et ade ded
% o% 300%

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8c can
zs Co.

What Were You Paying for
YOUR Groceries /
Before the American Stores
Co. Came to Town?

Best Cream Cheese; per pound 29¢
Hershey's Cocoa, per can 8¢ & 15¢
Campbell's Soups, per can . [0c
Oleomargarine, per pound 30 & 35¢
Our Best Butter, per pound ." 55¢
Richland Butter, per pound . 50¢
Carnation Milk, per pound . |l¢
ard, per pound . . . 30¢

All: Goods Guaranteed to Please
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a go,

A ek I Ze HRA i a Thai i A ta Abi J