The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 17, 1918, Image 1

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The Mount Joy Bulletin

ol You Have a Property of Any Kind You Want to Sell This
Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, July 17th, 1918


1,010 visited his parents here on
The rraduation exerci of ARDY ND Fl. CRIN| Alt) n tl ruout
RECORDINGS ['eacher 1 ning Cla f the Th |
VER] . ted 1 ng 1 ( 1r¢ | !
;REAT BEYOND baz Avent B
cea B I ]
Mrs Albert | H kler DD. A 11¢ Th 1 | 1
¢ | rta L.| the \ {
I Hecl I Ww
1 fi | : Russe S 1 I'l 1 {
Vi Ged Ian Tim Ivy rapidly) + rela | on
( yn. Intermen n + valuable assistance of | cro
( vvn her. Rey A. M. Sweigert. | Mr D Matchette f Cata LCT
- em is invited to attend the | re on 1511 riends. | M1 Samu |
James R. Nauman on Tuesday evening, July | da : Rober! I a eed had one « \ of
James R. Nauman, an employe of z5 a }0 o'clock. | Bi ha 13 ; 0 . A Toy y ni the ‘oT ! crop
he Kreider shoe factory, of KEliza-| BE di % A ey Se, | yielded 31 bushels t re, Just
bethtown, died at his home in that| x ris . Vilit: Te auves ab. Ney 8 bushels Por nore ie nasi year
borough on Thursday afternoon from . A Patriotic Service : aa " : phos | Mr. Gabriel Moyer of this place,
hardening of the Hyer, awed Sixty-one] After many requests it was de cided be G. Romig and daughter | says the crop this year Ti from
vears He was a member of the to repeat the pantomime, “Star | F transacted business at Lan- | 1 to 20 bushels to the acre while
Church of God and at one time, was Spangled Banner,” on Sunday even- | caster. ; ‘it NT y last year the yield w 5 bushels to
constable of Elizabethtown: He ie ng, July 21, at eight o'clock, in | Mr. H. W. MacSultry of New York, } the acre.
tis 3 by his wife, formerly Mist [rinity { nited Evangelical Church. { made a business trip to town on Mon Mr. Amos Wolgemuth reports that
Chiggtinna Xuhe and by the following This was given at our ( hildren Ss Day | day. :. : - Z the crop yielded 12 to the
chitiven: * Mrs. N. N. Greiner, of | Service and was ‘a success. Several of | Mrs. H. Roy Nissly is spending | ere while last year he ¢ bushels
Rheems: Mrs. Noah Lonrenecker. of | the musical numbers given at that [ several days at Lancaster, with her (to the acre.
Palmyra; Mrs ‘Elizabeth Brandt and | Service will also be repeated and in mother. Mr. Samuel Meckley’s crop yielded
Chotics Noman ot Elizabethtown, | addition, new music, readings, ete. | Mr. and Mrs. John Dyer and Mr. | about 14 bushels to t acre while
anc Toes Notonan. of Pastas { The pastor, Rev. A. M. Sweige rt will [John Fry spent Sunday at Mount | Jat year the yield was 23 to" the
ng JOMOS Ysuman, er also deliver an address, entitled | Gretna. acre.
—— { “Over the Top to the Stars,” which | Messrs. Harvey Weaver and Jeane Mr. Howard Greider of near Sil-
Cyrus B. Sherbohn | is very appropriate at this time. This | Garber Spent Sunday at Hershey. ver Springs has a yield of
Cyrus B. Sherbohn, a retired stone Service will not start until Sight |. Messrs. E. F . Heiner and Millis Mec- | bushels from 36 acres
mason, who had resided at Newville, | o'clock so that all may attend. You | Kinley were Sunday visitors to the Mr. Christian Greider of Landis
near Elizabethtown, for nearly fi‘ty!are cordially invited. The followh County Seat. ville threshed 27 acres and got 622
years, died on Wednesday at 1e|ing program will be rendered: Or Mr. Frank Landvater has accepted | hushels.
home of his daughter, Mrs. Ac u | chestra, Song Service, Audience; | a position at carpentering at New Mr. A. H. Greider of ver Springs
Sweigart, of Rowenna, after a b ef|Sripture, Pastor; Hymn, America, | Cumberland. : : received 750 bushels from 32 acres
illness from cancar of the liver. Hal Audience; Prayer, Pastor; Anthem,| Preaching services will be held by A © —
was born -in Maytown sixty-nine a ogas Saviour A Ios Mes Chora Le Church of the Brethren on Sun- | £iRST MARIETTA SOLDIER
rs ago. He is survived by two |Address, “Over the Top to the Stars,” | day morning.
ae Mrs. Sweigart, of Bra Pastor; Duet, “My Soldier Boy, Miss Marion Eichler spent several KILLED WHILE IN AC TION |
and Cyrus, Jr., of Baltimore. The Esther Weber and R. F. Eshleman ; | days with the family of Joseph Good The 1 Ma REY ii
funeral was held from the home of | Reading, Mary Eshleman; Offering, | near Maytown. aol X std pricy soldi 3 e in
his daughter, at Rowenna, at noon | Orchestra; Duet, “Some One is Miss- | Messrs. C. P. Grennell and Mr. ‘M. ac bon, Ned ; Otpora ya A PF ror
Friday, with services in the Union |INg, Esther Gingrich and Fannie | Culp of Chestertown, Md., spent sev- We ! Tu ine 2 Si, Lag
church at Newville. Interment was |Gingrich; Announcements; Panto- | eral days in town. Ce with ord 0 M 1 Fone ae Tar i y: 0
made in Mount Tunnel cemetery, mime, “Star Spangled Banner”; Mr. John Koser and family of Mil. MI aha DFS, Yani YOnnan Who re-
Elizabethtown. “| Benediction, Pastor. ! ton Grove, Sundayed with Mr. and | Sid¢ on K Pong street, Marietta, sev
— eee Mrs. Paul Koser. i eral days ago. : .
5 Mr. Jno. Stehman has accepted a|__ Corporal Gorner was born in East
George B. Mayer DEALERS ARE ALREADY | position on the P. R. R. with Mr. Eli | Donegal township, near Marietta, on
George B. Mayer, a well-known CONTRACTING FOR CROP | Arndt’s repair gang. April 7, 1887, and after attending
resident of Elizabethtown, died Tues- hid | Mrs. Irvin Ishler of Hummelstown, | School a number of years became an
day, at the County Hospital, of which] Havana tobacco is being gobbled spent Tuesday here with Mr. and employee of the silk mill, then the
he had been an inmate for a year, up by the York county buyers and | Mrs. Jacob Shires. | Ashley and Bailey mill. He remained
from paresis, aged 75 years. The by Gamber & Eshleman and the | Mrs. Mary Koser and two children | there a number of years, and then
deceased had been well known as a| pice being paid is 35¢ through but of Milton Grove, visited relatives in! Went to Harrisburg, where he secured
school teacher, having taught thruout | few raisers are selling at that figure our village, Sunday. {employment with the Pennsylvania
the county for 40 years. He was aland are holding out for 40 or 50 Mr. and Mrs. Emory Inners of | Railroad Company, and at the time of
graduate of Millersville Normal cents through and they state that | Lancaster spent Monday with Mr. | his enlistment was a fagman. He is
School and a member of Christ Re-| paving $1.20 a pound for chewing John Eichler and family. | the oldest employee of the company
formed church, of Elizabethtown. His | tobacco and then selling good havana Mr. and Mrs. George Stoll of Har-|in the service of his country. He en
wife died several years ago. He is|at 35c is not good business at this risburg, were Tuesday visitors to listed in Company A. Fourth 1 nited
survived by one brother, H. C.|jate. Some offers were asked on Mrs. Barbara Hostetter. | States Infantry. He resided at 1916
Mayer, of Mechanicsburg, Cumber- | good jeaf by some York buyers. Messrs. Horace Cox, Jacob Kline, | Penn street, Harrisburg, and his wife,
land county, and a step-son, Lewis! Since Saturday’s rain all the tobac- Jr. and Jno. Carson were Sunday | Who is his closest kin, received the
Raber, of Elizabethtown. His re-|q crops thru here look very en- visitors to Washington. first official news. !
mains will be intered in the family [Cot on, : Mrs. Christian Nolt, of Lancaster, | Besides his widow, his parents, Mr.
burial So Mt. Tunnel cemetery, : —e visited her daughter, Mrs. H. Roy [and ye ’ pon Samed rer
a clizabe own. Nissly Monday and Tuesday. | vives two yrothers: alter, New
Te On Junior Picale at Hevshey 0. G Mrs. Albert Fike, Mrs. Sh Boyer | castle, Delaware; Frank, at home;
David Denlinger ; Satarday Rey. and Mrs. 0. G. ,,q0 My Leo Smith spent Saturd: wy | Mrs. Jacob Kisling, Columbia and
David Denlinger died suddenly Rona, of Florin, Shaper ood, the fol- nd Sunday at Philadelphia. | Mrs. Harry Seifred, Columbia.
Tuesday at noon at the home of his ang Persons Io ros where the Rev. Harvey Geyer, of Annville, |. This will make the fourth gold star
(Continued on page 5) day was very pleasantly spent. Mr. spent a few days with his parents, |in Marietta’s service flag.
and Mrs. William Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. George Geyer !
(oueTy ol Sree, Mary 2nd, Gun'Y, NR. Hersey apt funily of | CLOSED SEASON FOR
LETTERS FROM Celesta Brown, Elizabeth Brown, eT Le ut, Rady with | RUFFED GROSE
Ada Dillinger, Dor y Musselms : e . i
3% Diliinggy, Doro plgssinan, z Mr, and Mrs. Nehemiah Gantz, Mr. | Harrisburg, Pa, July 9—Every
Romig. and Mrs. Harry Shoemaker Were | county in Pennsylvania with the ex
rm Sunday visitors to Mt. Gretna. : | ception of Pennsylvania and Dela-
i Mrs bram Eichler and two chil- | ware was closed to the hunting of
A Novelty in Pptatoes j dren visited Mr. Jacob Eichler and | yyffed grose for one year by the state
INFORMATION WHICH WILL IN. J. D. Funk, of this place, has an
odd specimen of potato. It
TEREST ALL—OUR BOYS {0 Preimen off
LIKE THE LIFE AND tatoes growing from the inside and
» WRITE US ABOUT IT bursting through the skin. Mr. Funk
- brought the potato from the home of
his Jon in Somesuille, who had
¥ bought them from a farmer near In-
. June 19, 1918.1.) ourse. Several in the lot had
Dear Mother: — : these odd formations on the inside.
Suppose you are wondering what 7 —_——te————
has become of your son and where

Somewhere in France
he is. I wrote you from several| ~ This Sounds Interesting
places since leaving the U. S.. but At a dinner at Wild Cat a few days
ago, attended by severaliscore of the
friends of Assemblyman M. ‘R. Hoff-
man of Maytown, annouhcement was
made of that well-known farmer and
tobacco dealer’s intention to be a
candidate for the Republican nomina- |
tion for state treasurer.
since I have received no word from
vou I take it for granted that my
letters never reached you.
Everything is going along nicely at
present. We are situated in a quaint
old French hamlet and have the good
fortune of being the only U. S. sol-

diers in the town. 3
I wrote to Erie (his cousin) yes- Frank & Bio's. Next Sale
terday and it seemed so strange to Messts: C. 8 Prank& Bro. will
write to him having never seen him. hold. thelr newt public sale of live |
I hope I may have the good fortune
of seeing him while I am here.
France is beautiful in itself at
present. Bright and sunny most all
the time we have been here. It makes
me think so much of dear old Ireland
stock at the yards at Hotel McGinnis,
in this place, on Wednesday, July 24 |
when they will sell 65 head of Brad-
ford and Wyoming county cows, bulls
and heifers. Some extra good stock
bulls and a lot of home-raised shoats.

which you used to tell me about soma ol a os imei
when I was still a youngster. :
I don’t think the war will last much Farmer Cuts Off Fiager 1
longer by the looks of things and I| Jacob E. Eckman, of East Donega
will be only too glad to get back to |township, was badly injured when he
the grand old U. S : was caught in a springtooth harrow.
We are very much limited in our |He saved himself from bleeding to
letter writing owing to-the censors, |death by a finger that was caught and
but of course it doesn’t interfere |RUrrying to the house for a physician.
with personal matters. He is 35 years of age and a well
a g
wc ieesen semi loner einsci
Change of Meeting Night
The meeting night of the Foresters
vou write let me know all known
because I get rather lonely
and there is nothing like a
full of news. Its |
the news
ot times
Jeifer from home,


like a breath from heaven. iof America hag been changed from
Well dear little mother I can't | Thursday to Monday evening. All
make my letter much longer, I am |members are requested to be present
running short of fuel. So trusting |this coming Monday evening as busi-
vou will not worrws about me and | ness of I OP is to be trans-
that vou will give my love to brother acted.
and sister and sending you all my ————— 0 WE:
love, I remain. | Will Give a Desionstration
Your most loving son, | Miss Todd of State College will
Frank B. Gantz, | demonstrate the *““Use o Substitute
4th Evacuation Hospital, | Flours,” on July 18th at 7:30 P. M. in
Annex Forces, the High School building at Landis-
A. P. 714, via N. Y. | ville. verybody is invited to at-
/ ———— tend this meeting as valuable infor-
4 A Nice Catch mation may’ be gained.
§ Dr. A. E. Snyder and Mr. Chas.
WRennett returned from a two days Those Big Stockyards
shing trip to the Pocono Mountains The Lancaster stockyards in June
in Pike county with a fine catch of | of Jast year handled 28,848 head of
15 pike and 40 catfish. This good | cattle, hogs and sheep; in June of
haul was made against bad weather| this year the number increased to
conditions. 96,278 head. This is the heaviest
cent. of increase among all the
of that kind in the country.
V Must Work Again
rr Qe
Landisville Gets Next S. S.
Convention _
The next annual Lancasfer
Sugday-school Conventit. © will be Officials of the Philadelphia di-
held at Landisville, in the Church of | vision of the Pennsylvania R. R. have
God, in that village, next October 23. | mailed notice to 374 retired em-
This decision was reached at a meet-!ployees asking them to report again
ing of the County Sunday School As-| for duty during the war. Each man
sociation officers Tuesday evening in|is to be given a job in accordance
the Y. M. C. A. Building, Lancaster. | with his physical ability-
is “per-
but has two small po- |
family at Elizabethtown on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Maramodre and
W. W. Johnson of Philadelphia,
called on Florin friends on Sunday.
Mrs. Jacob Boyer has a severe at-
tack of acute indigestion on Monday,
; but at this writing is slowly improv-
| Ing. :
The Brethren in Christ held their
| weekly prayer meeting at the home
of Mr. Henry Sheetz on Tuesday
l evening.
| Mr, Victor Haldeman and daugh-
Iter Kathryn of‘ Philadelphia, are
[ here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
| Haldeman.
i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buohl of Phila-
| delphia, were Sunday visitors to the
{ latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno
| A Missionary meeting was held by
| the Church of the Brethren last
| Thursday evening with a fair at-
| tendance.
| Mrs. Harvey Snyder and daughters
| Erma and Fannie of Rheems, were
Tuesday visitors to Mr. and Mrs.
| Harry Eichler.
Mrs. Samuel Fair and three chil-
dren of Harrisburg, are spending the
week with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Kottler.
Misses Dorothy and Grace MeDivit
of Columbia, are spending a week’s
vacation in town and vicinity, visit-
{ing friends and relatives.
Mrs. Jno. Diffenbaugh of
bethtown and Mr. and Mrs.
Shonk of Mount Joy, were
visitors to Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Uhler and
son and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyer,
of Millersburg, were welcome visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Young on Sunday.
Mrs. John Andes, Mrs.
Page, Mrs. J. A. Hooker
children of Philadelphia,
town Sunday and were
Mr. Thomas McKinley and family.
The Church of the Brethren will
| ope n a series of Revival services in
| their church here on Saturday, Au-
st 3rd to continue for two weeks
Rev. Meyer, of Elizabethtown in
Mr. and Mrs.
tained the follow
and four
autoed to
guests of

David Stoner enter-
ing guests at dinner
on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Shreiner, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Forney,
of East Petersburg; Mr. and Mrs.
Jonas Hollinger and two daughters
Ruth and Mary, of Lancaster, and
Mr. Harvey Stoner, wife and son
John of Florin.
eer eli hsm:
Will Picnic Today
Miss Marie Detwiler entertained her
Sunday School class of the United
Brethren church at Hertzler’s Grove
today. Those in the class are: John
Heisey, Witmer Shank, John Wea-
land, David Myers, Albert Booth, Mil-

dred Booth, Mary Strickler, Mary
Shultz, Sylvestex Hendrix, Harvey
Engle and Miss Detwiler. A luncheon
will be served.

game commission to- day on petition
of sportsmen of the counties. In
some ca all requirements in regard
to advertising had not been complied
with, but an extension was granted
whereby these counties can be put on
the list with others. This action is
the most sweeping ever taken by the
game commission.

Demands of Youth
Man wants but little here below,
but it is different with a boy. So far
as we have kept record for a single
week that boy wants a mandolin, a
pistol, a razor, a false mustache, a
bull pup, a magic lantern, a detec-
tive's tin badge, a motorcycle, a mud
turtle, a fiddle, a p®nting press, a
stamp album, a tame rat, a camera, a
squirt gun, a baseball suit and a pair
of roller skates.
of ———OE—
Shirt Tails in Danger
The war on non-essentials of dress
has begun. The War Industries
Joard has fired the opening gun by
placing women’s high-top shoes under
the ban. It is rumored that the linen
collar is in jeopardy, that shirt tails
may be shortened, the number of
pockets in suits reduced and other
useless features of dress which means
extra materials eliminated.
To Save Paper
A new law went into effect Satur-
day, whereby all newspapers must
eliminate their free list. By that is
meant that all newspapers sent to
readers who do not pay for same, ex-
changes, ete. must be discontinued.
It has been customary here to furnish |
ew but we must
and we were
gratis copies to a
comply with the
therefore obliged to

en anne
About a Piano
Charles G. Eaby, attorney for
Gochnauer, has entered suit
against Kirk Johnson & Company to
recover $175 and an orgah, which
ven in exchange for a piano.
llegation is that the plaintiff,
the de-

who is an inebriate, went to
fendant’s store and made the pur-
chase. Afterwards the piano was re-
and suit is nog brought to re-
the purchase price.
Lutheran League Met

The Men's League of the Lutheran
Church thet at the home of Mr. Wil-
liam H@ndrix where they were very
pleasantly entertained on Monday
evening. A short business session
was held and then dainty refresh-
ments were ¢ All present spent
a very pleas: g.
— ———— —
Went for a Truck ¥ =
Harry Landis of Landis Bros.,
Rheems left Sunday for Syracuse, N.
Y., and will return with a Sanford
truck. + Landis Bros. are agents for
these trucks.

rarions QUR WEEKLY
The Mt. Joy Star & News Was Consolidated With This Pap er
CARD BASKET |... oc is

I ON 2 !
i h
\ \1
\I I } toy
Lar er
iss Ann: SPC veral
day t Mow
Mi Eth tin t
[Lebanon for :
Mrs. H. C. Schock is spending some
time at Mount Gretna
Mrs. E. I. Baker is spending some
time at Mount Gretna.
Mr. Harry Williams of Harrisburg,
visited in town Sunday.
Mr. George Springer visited at
Mechanicsburg, Sunday.
Miss Grace Dietz returned home
from Beach Haven, N. Y.,.
Mrs. Paul Sload and two daughters
returned to Maytown, Saturday.
Mr. Charles Rahm of Columbia,
visited relatives in town Sunday.
Mr. Calvin Kramer of Harrisburg,
Schaeffer of
Miss Caroline
town, is
‘Miss Bernice Garber of
is visiting her
Private Stanley Baker of Washing
“ton Barracks, spent Sunday here with
Miss Mary Eshleman was the guest
Gerber and Miss
Saturday at
grandmother, Mrs.
Sunday of Mr. Benjamin Horst and
Mrs. Winfield Espenshade and two
daughters spent the week-end at Har-
Mrs. Sybilla Zeller
Carpenter were
Miss Kate
spent Sunday
G. Pennell.
Miss Laura
Mount Gretna,
some time.
Misses Mae and Blanche
spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs.
and Miss Lydia
visitors to Lancaster
and Mrs. F.
Frimd of
with Mr.
where she will spend
Witfle of
John Phila
delphia, spent the week-end here with |
Mrs. Frank Schock.
Mr. Isaac Charles, wife and daugh
ter of Lancaster, were guests of r
tives here Sunday.
Squire and Mrs. J. H. Zeller

the family of W. W. Strasbach at
Harrisburg, Sunday.
Mrs. Mabel DeRicei of Scranton,
spent several days here as the guest
of Mrs. W. Espenshade.
Mrs. Frank Shatto, daughter Clara
and son George spent a week visiting

relatives at Tower City. i
Master J. Watson Je hneider spent |
Sunday with Mr. “and Mrs. Samuel
Gbersole at Elizabethtown.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ober and son,
Monroe were guests of her parents,
at Kissel Hill on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hauer and |
two sons are spending several days
at Grantville, with relatives.
Mr. Charles Bauman _ of near New
Germantown, Perry Co., spent a few

days here calling on friends.
Mr. William Fausnaché of Lawn,
is visiting his daughter, Mrs. James
A. Behney on EagfMain street.
Mr. Elmer Gi¥ens and force are
painting the residence of Mrs. J. M.
3randt on North Market street.
Mrs. I... S. Frank and daughter,
Catherine of Philadelphias are guests
of Mr. Charles Frank and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meckley of
Lancaster, were guests of their
daughter, Mrs. Harry Weidman.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz and

Saturday. !
¢ : |
Long left Monday for |
| binder on
at |
ela- | |

and Mrs. Elmer McElhenny and chil-
dren autoed to Quarryville, Sunday.
Mrs. James Shoop and two daugh-
ters, Pauline and Iva are mending | 3
the week with relatives at Harrisburg. |;
Mrs. Carrie Hutton of Lancaster,
was the guest of Mrs. Harriet Bless- |
ing from Wednesday until Saturday.
Mr. Frank Evans of Lancaster,
a Sunday guest of his brother,


Charles Evans on Columbia avenue. |
Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Helman and |
daughter, Margaret of Avoca, are | Sc
guests of Mr. Joseph Weber and fam- | i
Mr. and Mrs. John Shelly and two |
children of Manheim, were Sunday |
guests of James A. Behney and fam- |
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Gypove and |
daughte s, Inez and Mary Catherine |
and son, Melvin spent Sunday at Al-
Mrs. Amanda Greenleaf and Miss |
lary K ier returned home Friday |
from a visit to relatives at Harris- |
burg |
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ream and daugh- |
ter, Mrs. Wm. Miller, visited the fam
ily of Chas. Albright at Harrisburg, |
Sunday. i
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stine of Youngs- |
town, Ohio, who, were visiting Mrs
A. C. Kover, left Tuesday for At-|¢
lantic City.
Master Harry Bachman d
home after spending some

with his brother, J.

ith and motl
Wednesday visit

Mr. C. D. Reist on
M .
: ian Mv "ma, who is
ing the Summer .ith hér mothe
Camp Hill, visiced her grand;
i here, Sunday.
Dr. W. M. Thome ar
| off on an automébile
more and other points of interest in
that section.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dierolf and
{ child of Lancaster, are spend lin g somg
time here with the former’s sister,
Mrs. John Keener.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weidman and
son, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meckley
and Miss Minnie Zink spent Sunday
at Hershey Park.
Mrs. John Fitzkee and son, Wood-
row of Quarryville, were Sunday
(Continued on page 5)
| tor

ab), | 5
42 8.5
48 Sin : 9.99
.60 oh . os 12.24 |
| 66 : 13.46 |
| Dd... 5 : +-11.02
— > @ -
| — - ca
| Evangelist Billy Sunday was oper
| ated on for hernia.
| The water ma: on Fairview street,
is being relaid by Supervisor Smel
| tzer.
| lewspaper reports say that the
| Kaiser has an attack of influenza, but
| if those yankee soldiers get busy he
twill get worse than that.
Mr. Harry Ressler will return to |
{ town from Lancaster. He will move
{into a Grey Iron house and work at
| moulding: for that concern.
Mr. Afred A. Flury, a pattern
| maker at the Grey Iron, quit his job
andraccepted a position at the Lan
| caster Malleable Iron Works.
iW East Hempfield township in Lan-
| Ct aster county is the banner farm
| tractor township of the State accord
ing to numbers owned and operated
[2 farmers.
lO — —~
While Menno Risser was using the

Saturday afternoon on his
Japm near Elizabethtown, his horses
became freightened at some object
and ran ‘off at a lively rate of speed
Mr. Risser seeing his danger jumped
from the machine thereby saving
himself from possibly serious injury.
The machine was completely wrecked
as it was turned upside down. Miss
Florence Baker who was in berry
patch nearby caught the horses after
they had run a considerable distance.
The horses escaped injury and are
none the worse for the mishap.
rrr al A lo rset monet
A Rare Treat
Miss McDonald of State College
has arranged to give to the ladies of
Mount Joy, Florin and community a
free demonstration in canning and a
very interesting lecture by Miss Potts
on Friday afternoon, at 2:30 in the
M. S. Bowman store property.
This appointment has been pro-
cured by the efforts of the Woman's
Committee of this District and we
feel it will be a very rare treat. Come
one, come all
There are conservative days and
all house-wives should see the neces-
sity of canning all available vege-
tables for the coming winter and be
willing to learn all the best points in
keeping it well, with no risk of spoil-
ing, whereby losing time, effort and
ree ER A a PP. ah)g
A Pleasant Surprise
Mrs. Frank H. Musser, of near
town surprised her husband Satur-
day evening, by having a number of
his friends assemble at their home at
seven o'clock. Those present were:

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Landis, Mr. and
js, Elmer Esbenshade and Mr.
{ Benjamin Brubaker of Lancaster;
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Airstock, Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Eshbach, of Millersville;
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hertzler and Mr.
| and Mrs. Harvey Newcomer and son
of near Mount Joy. Luncheon was
| served.
Real Estate Doings
Local real estate broker J. E.
Schroll reports the following:
Mr. Levi G. Dillinger has pur
chased the two houses on East Mair
in this place, from the e
late B. S. Dillinger. He
April 1st. The tern
of the
take possession

of sale were private.
’ : —
Y Trolley and Auto Express Starts
Beg mning today a 0
trolley and aut
express system will be open
tween Lancaster, Philadelphi:
New York. The announcement
in the form of an offer fi t
United States Department f A
culture, Bureau of Markets
re re el Ae
Sale Postponed

——— —————
Lieutenant Schock Arrived Safe
Mr. and Mrs H.
rd Monday that the

Lieute 1
rived safely
ry enjoyable and he

re Aree -
Accepted a Clerkship
Miss Anna Engle of this
accepted a clerkship in the First
tional Bank.
place has

Fall Now Is the Time to Have It Listed-

-J. E. Schroll



1 rop.
¢ rator
! ) n was
I t 1 the plat-
rt ble he was
i board
enly the A a loud
d when
vas a
hat the Lr
€ eparator,
10 S¢
1 1 { rv di
1 1n IMOoSst eve 1

| injured by these flying m le
miracle [hose
xplosion claim
ly what shr
like they
perience was eq


fields of

| of our soldiers or
There wa thing left of the ecyl-
inder but Re sha ft Many of the
hurled out thru the sheet
roof of the barn, wh ile others
| lodged in rafters, sides of the build-
{ ing, and other (
The feed board of the
vas broken into
of the cylinder
pieces were

. One piece
struck Mr. Smith's
hip, inflicting a slight
Had the accident occurred
later Mr. Smith would
been in position to feed the ma-
¢hine and would quite likely
been killed. As it escaped
without a
son on the
1 moment
| have

was he

Keller & Bro’s. Next Sale



Messrs. J. B. Keller & Bro. will
hold their next public sale of live
stock at their stock yards in this place
on Friday, July 19th, when they will
sell 80 head of New York ite and
Ohio cows, heifers, bulls steers.
Bulls will be an extra good lot, 1
need of stock don’t fail to be on |
at 1.25 sharp. 2
i> §
We Were Misinformed
In the obituary of Mrs. Mary Eber-
ly last week we stated that the de-
ceased was a sister of our townsman,
Mr. Christian Sherk and that two sis-
ters also survive. This was not cor-
rect as the deceased has no brothers

or sisters.
— OC


A public neeting was held the
Council Chamber on Monday even
for the purpose of effect r-
manent organization, ct of
which will be to look : wel-
fare of all soldiers anc m
Mount Joy and vieinit)
Twenty-three citizens
It was agreed that tl
new org: ati
Soldiers’ nr
sociation of J
ing officers were
President, 3 S
Rec. Se E. Ge

officers con


Mrs. Paul
I,- announce the birt of

