"4 LS 3 a Pi Cer Rr pe oth, 1918. - Pa ™ of, aa a flay, 2 A ET i i te tt ce Don’t Discard That Old Ford, But =, Let Me Attach the OXFORD UN} hereby converting it into/a 11-2 ton ' truck. Best and cheapest truck on the market. i Agént for the Kelly-Springfield and Republic Tires ne. Barr's Garage & Repair Shop H. A. Barr, Mount Joy, Penna. BOTH PHONES AUTO HIRING ¥ a ae {oh 0 ET AAG ——— ems ————— NOGOOO000000000000000000C0000000C00000000000000000000 : GOOD FURNITURE ¥ Is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture ; LN Roikers, Yiffors, Hall Racks, : Picture Frames, Ladies’ Desks, , Extension and Other Tables, x Davenports, China Closets, : rome bib hy A A Bra 4 y Kitchen Cabinets. ¥ : In Fact Anything in the Furniture 8 Line : UNDERTAKING : AND EMBALMING x FA ob bb Everything for the Living Room, Porch and Lawn--Low Prices To-day we offer a delightful assortment of comfortable Rock- ers and Arm Chairs, in bright and cheerful finishes. Choice of Reed, Rattan, Fibre Rush and Old Hickory. Settees, Swings and Tables. USE OUR PROMPT SERVICE FOR Awnings, Slip Covers, Window Shades, Curtains, Carpet (compressed air) Carpet Re-laying. TAEKING MACHINES Come in and hear the ‘“Vitanola,”” the sensation of the Talking Machine World. Prigés from $22.50 to $145. REFRIGERATORS Full assortment of all the latest improved Refrigerators; a dozen different makes to choose from; $11.00 to $55.00. Cleaning Westenberger, Maley & Myers 125-131 East King Street LANCASTER, PA. foofeodpadoefocforfeoforfecfosecfecfocfeofocforfectocfectosforteofecfoctertosforforfocforfocfecforoofoofenferforforfoofoofococfecfeofoofeoforfrnfoce ET ED DTP Pe erfecieniee] 1 ~l nu 11 0 OO EO F. H. BAKER LUMBER and GOAL Both Telephones MOUNT JOY, PENNA. SOLE AGENT FOR CORE ROOEING. NO. 1 CEDAR SHINGLES ALWAYS ON ND. ALSO SIDING, FLOORING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, LATHS, ETC. AGENT FOR LEHIGH PORTEAND CEMENT, ROOFING SLATE AND SHEET IRON. = a ESTIMATES QUICKLY AND CHEERFULLY MADE ON g - | = = = a u 5 7 = BUILDING MATERIAL AND ALL KINDS OF CONCERETING WORK. Furniture I will contistie the furniture business on the second floor of the Engle Building, with a complete and. dp-to-date line of all kinds of _fdrniture. Prices are very reason- "able. When in need of furniture call and see me. Kopauing 20d Painting a Specialty Special Attention Given to REMODLING ANTIQUE FURNITURE H. ENGLE, West Malin St., MOUNT JOY, PA. ont MOO RC a THE KODAK Story is a continued and never con- cluded story that grips and fascinates every member o fthe family. Per- haps it may be a picture story of the home folks—of imteresting places and still more intéresting folks. You can make it" history with an AUTO- GRAPHIC KODAK, for you date it when you take it. A FULL LINE OF KODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES FOR SALE. W. B. BENDER MOUNT JOY, PA. NURSERY STOCK AT ONE-THIRD AGENTS PRICES, million trees and rome bush wc planter. Trees, Roses, Plants, Shrubs. shipped on aapravals isco Suue buss prt oney saving catal and ides eis ou all about varie fog. pean wo ne iiout t, Your name on a postal brings 1¢ free i ga 5 AS E. SHEERIN, N NU