VO MT. JOY BULLETIN] MOUNT JOY, PA. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r. Mr. Joseph Evans, the 90-year-old citizen of Re hror wn is in feeble | health and is rapidly declining. Trinity Lutheran Mission Society held a helpful meeting Sunday even- Ing a 82 P. M., fubiect, wEraver ” rs. Jennie U. Milnor, of Jates- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR | bury, N. J., is visiting her-mother and Six Months... ... 50 Cents sister, Mrs. Uren and her daughter, Th Months. . ..25 Cent Mr. Harvey Minnich, of Landis- Sh oot ville, John Davis and Harry Walk 8 PIES nv nls had a delightful time fishing near Sample Copies. ..... FREE | Creswell. They got some eels. Preaching at the Church of God at . 10:30, subject, “Our Citizenship,” Entered at the post office at Mount | the first of a series of sermons on | Joy as second-class mail matter. | the Christian’s duty to the nation. All correspondents must have their| A Teacher Training Class has been! communications reach this office not | rpanized in the Church of God Sun- | later than Monday. Telephone news| day School. It has seven members| of importance between that time and | 3nd meets every Wednesday evening. | 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Changes| Fagy Bros. were in town on Sun- | for advertisements must positively day and took a load of boards with | reach this office not later than Mon-|them on the large truck to Harris-| day night. New advertisements in-|jure, where they opened up business. | serted if copy reaches us Tuesday The pastor, Rev. H. A. Kunkle, was night. Advertising rates on applica- | granted a week’s vacation, The tion. | pastor and family expect to leave The subscription lists of the Lan- disville Vigil, the Florin News and the | Monroe county, Pa. Mount Joy Star and News, were Guy Baer and family of Lancaster, merged with that of the Mount Joy |Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Baer and Mrs. C. Bulletin, which makes this paper’s|(. Sherk of Mount Joy motored to | following the Juniatta river, on Sun- | day. Church Council meeting was held |after evening service. Mr. Jacob Mauk was elected to fill the vacancy death of Mr. J. F. ordinary weekly. DONEGAL SPRINGS Mr. ‘Amos Weidman was threshing | caused by the . fore part of the week. | Rein. Mr. M. N. Davis was elected A new shingle roof was put on half | secretary. the residence of sexton Earl Wil-| Master Guy Bear of Lancaster, is hams last week. £1 | spending a week with his grand- Rev. Strayer o ancaster, 0C-| parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Baer. cuped the pulpit in the Presbyterian | While here is Church here Sunday morning anc preached an excellent sermon. Mrs. Michael Carl and Mrs. Fanny Heiser of Newport, Perry County, | spent m Fride N e ere | J : > °F a ay were recently married arrived home ith Mr. ¢ v: C § . ) Mr. and Mrs. Ira Garber and three Soom BI: wegamg eo pas hildren of Rheems, spent Sunday |? most of seven weeks duration. They e as guests of Mrs. Garber’s par {traveled throughout the West, clean 5, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Has- |" the Pacific coast. f Rebwr ats TY have been (Too late for last week) themselves by tampering A Teacher Training Class has been th Karl Williams’ automobile, |organized in the Church of God Sun- ion’t discontinue it, they will very |day School. nuch regret their actions. ’Nuf said.i{ Miss Romayne Brandt of Church- If the Squire from Mount Joy who | town, is visiting at the Church of vas out here teasing one of our trout |God parsonage. for nearly two hours the other day Mrs. Sallie Ringwalt, would try other bait, possibly he friends from Lancaster, could land the speckled beauty. Camp Meade last Sunday. Herbert Snavely, who is the guest of Masters i bill, Jr., John Nissley and Walter Fenstermacher. Mr. and Mrs. John Habecker, who the rascals who musing sister and motored to in the Mr. Haggerty and a party of] friends were “hung up” here for |trenches was wounded in France and some time Sunday evening when |isin a Base Hospital. He was wound- their Hup touring car misbehaved. A |ed in the jaw by a shell. good application of lubricating oil| Rev. F. W. McGuire will preach remedied the trouble. {next Sunday at 1:30 on “A Content- After the regular preaching ser-|ed Church,” and at 7 P. M. on “The »” vices in the Presbyterian Church |Relation of Justice to Peace. Sunday morning, all the Elders| Master John Nissley was very for- present and Moderator Strayer of |tunate on Sunday while he and his Lancaster, held a meeting relative to|mother, grandmother and aunt were the selection of a pastor. Mr. John |visiting at Salunga, found a very G. Reist was instructed to get ap- | pretty knife. plicants and have them preach here| Miller and Bushong and family order that a successor to Rev. F.!and Miss Mary Burger and A. B. Baer Bossert may be selected. | motored to Ambler’s Mill and Dr. A. The new galvanized pipe have ar-|H. Stubbs’ in the lower end of the rived and work will soon begin on [county on Sunday. improving the front and entrance to Rev. F. W. McGuire is busy mak the famous Donegal Spring along the ing’ arrangements for the Walnut ublic road. The old pale fence will Grove Campmeeting which meets e removed and a fine 3-rail gal-|August 9th to 18th. This camp is vanized pipe fence erected in its/located in Huntingdon Co., near place. Two large pillars will be |Maddensville. erected at the entrance, which will] Blanche Bushong was visiting her be widened, and greatly improved. | friend and schoolmate, Miss Ambler, We would suggest the erection of a|at Ambler’s Mill and while there Miss neat sign “Donegal Spring” at the Ambler arranged a party in her same time these improvements are honor on Saturday evening, which being made. | was largely attended and everyone On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus enjoyed it. Schroll entertained the following | Walter E. Gray, of Lancaster, and guests: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ruhl and | Miss Ida C. Esbach, of this place, three children, ‘Donald, Eugene and were married on Saturday morning at Margarztta and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph |11 o'clock in Harrisburg by Rev. H. Parson of Brickerville; Mrs. Eliza-|S. Hershey at his residence on 2110 beth Campbell and daughter Ruth of | Green street. Mr. and Mrs. Gray will Elizabethtown; Mrs. Michael Carl make their home at Lemoyne, Pa. and Mrs. Fanny Heiser of Newport; The Ladies’ Bible Class of the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schroll and three | Church of God Sunday School enter- children, Elmer, Viola and Oliver of |tained the Men’s Bible class on Kes- near Rheems; Mr. Jacob M. Schroll !sler’s lawn last Tuesday evening. and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. E. Schroll and | There were about forty persons daughter Dorothy of Mount Joy. present. A short program was ren- dered after which ice cream and cake ELIZABETHTOWN were served. The evening was very | pleasantly passed by all present. L. V. Dibler was on a business trip to Middletown. SALUNGA Wm. Wagner was on a business trip to Stackstown on Monday. Mrs. Emma Metzler spent Sunday Br. H. W. George, of Middletown, | near Mountville. was on a professional visit here. Mrs. Christian Boll is home again Rev. Milton Nichols, of Philadel-|after a few weeks’ stay at the Hos- hia, was among friends in the pital. orough. Quite a number of our young folks Samuel Eby and family of Sa-|enjoyed an auto trip to Hershey on lunga, were among friends in the the Fourth. borough. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Herr assisted his brother at| Manheim, Sundayed Maytown in the harvest field for sev- | Mrs. Harry Way. eral days. { Misses Ellen and Florence Way Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heisey on {and Miriam Raffensberger had a South Market street, announce the |royal good time at Harrisburg, on birth of a son. | the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Rhine Smith, on| Miss Mary Charles returned to her South Market street, announce the [home at Landisville, on Sunday after birth of a daughter. spending some time with her niece, G. M. Keefer and family moved to | Mrs. John Peifer. New Cumberland, where they will Oscar Weidman, Jr., of Philadel- make their future home. phia, with his wife are spending their Samuel Meckley, a well known |vacation at the home of his parents, carpenter while at work on Friday Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Weidman. . badly sprained his back. { Mr. and Mrs. Eli Musser and his 1. B. Abrams, of Berwick, sang a|parents and Mr. and Mrs. Martin beautiful solo, at the evening service | Musser autoed to Yoe, York county, ou. Henry Witmer of with Mr. and Wednesday, July 10 for Stroudsburg, | circulation about double that of the | [arrishurg, Halifax and Millersburg | {John and Martin Davis, John Gray- | their wedding trip which was’ MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. / HOW THIS/ NERVOUS WOMAN ROT WELL ——— AY Told by Herseli. Her Sin cerity Should Cone vince Others. Christopher, 11l.—‘‘For four years I euffered fro irrégulariti s, weakness, nervousness, anc was in a rua Gown condition, Two of our best doctors foiled to do me any good. I heard so auch about what | Lydia E.Pinkhara’s | | Vegetable Com- | pound had done for | 0000000000000 and was cured. I | vous, am regular, | health, I believe the Compound will | cure any female trouble. ”’—Mrs. ALICE | HELLER, Christopher, Ill Nervousness is often a symptom of | weakness or some functional derange- | { met, which may be overcome by this | fanious root and herb remedy, Lydia ® E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, as | thousands of women have found by experience. If complications exist, write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for suggestions in regard to veur ailment. Fhe result of its long perience is &t your service | —— | [ Mowery, of Landisville; Mr. and Mrs. {John Raffensberger and family, of | i Florin, and Rev. C. C. Madeira and ftarniiv, of Elizabethtown. | reel eee The Doings Around Florin (Continued from page 1) Mrs. Christian Nissley. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walters, two daughters, Esther and Anna Martha and two sons Earl and LeRoy spent Sunday with the family of Amos Horst of Manheim. Mr. and Mrs. John Liggins and children, Helen, Gertrude and Ed- ward, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Culp, Miss Mary Liggins and Mr. Charles Bantam, of Philadelphia, were Sun-| day visitors to Mr. Martin Liggins and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elam Hostetter en- tertained the following guests at din- {ner on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Hostetter, of Lancaster; Mr. Jonas Hostetter, of Harrisburg, Mr. Levi Hostetter, of Chicago; Mrs. Mary Habecker and daughters, Florence and Helen and Mr. Reuben Fellen- baum and family of Mount Joy. Following are those who witnessed the big Fourth of July parade at Harrisburg: Mrs. John Wachstetter, Mrs. Noah Dupler, Misses Mary and Ruth Dyer, Miriam Guhl, Myrtle Groff, Mr. Ed. Booth and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rineer, Miss Minnie Dup- ler, Mr. and Mrs. John Weidman. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bates enter- tained the following children at their home on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bates and sons Frederick and | Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bates, Mr. | and Mrs. LeRoy Bates and son Rich- II others, I tried it © am no longer ner- © | and in excellent | © ard, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bates and son Ralph, all of Shiremanstown; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bates and son Allen, Mr. Perry Bates and son Warren, of Mount Joy and Mr. Grant Herr and family of town. RELIGIOUS NEWS IN OUR CHURCHES NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CIRURCHES IN MOUNT JOY BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COM- MUNITY United Brethren Church Rev. D. E. Long, Pastor 9:00 A. M. Sunday School. 10:15 A. M. Preaching. 7:30 P. M. Preaching. Prayer Meeting Wednesday night. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. George A. Kercher, Pastor Sunday School=9+30 A. Morning Service 10:45 A. M. Church of God. Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M. Preaching 11 A. M. Junior Endeavor 6:30 P. M. Preaching at 8 P. M. in Christ Lutheran church on Sun-| on Sunday to attend a funeral. day. | __ Mr. Paul Peifer, employed in the] A service flag containing fifteen | Navy Yard, Washington, D. C., spent | stars has been unfurled by Friend- | from Wednesday to Sunday with his ship Fire Company at their building | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peifer. on South Market street. | On Sunday morning, Rev. H. K.| The Boy Scouts of Chester, that Ober, President of the Elizabethtown | are camping in Heisey’s meadow, College, will preach in the Church | west of the borough, spent Saturday | of the Brethren, subject ‘“Temper-| evening with friends in the borough. ance,” at 10:30. Everybody welcome. | Communion services in the Luther- The visitors entertained the past] an and Church of ‘God were very few days in the home of R. D. Raf-| largely attended on Sunday when fensberger are Mrs. Titus Brubaker many partook of the sacred ele- and son, of Rohrerstown; Miss Dora ments. Souder, of Lancaster; Mr. T. J. Kee- Rev. Luther M. Strayer, assistant | ner and family, of Lancaster; Mr. J. pastor of the First Presbyterian D. Herr, of Philadelphia; Miss Dora church of Lancaster, now moderator { of Donegal Presbyterian church, was entertained after services on Sunday morning at a chicken and waffle din- ner by Hon. W. L. Heisey. Among the guests present were Mr. Heisey’s venerable parents, Jacob Heisey and wife, who par reached the Palmist’s alloted time, three score and ten ears and ten more, are still hale and Ley and also attend the church gervices. It was a most pleasant oc- casion and one long to be remem- bered. ROHRERSTOWN Preaching #t 7 P. M., subject, “The Sun of Righteousness.? The Wemen’s Sociable was held at |" : he home of Mrs. Alice Bushong. i t g Mrs. Lewis Kink attended reunion at Donerville, | i i - 8. Food Administration. erin’ up a i i€ Sunday. in Trini o churc gunced. {| we'll be feedin’ somebody ’fo’ Church }on, it won't be us. service | long + v nesday evening. Bible Study Class on Friday even- | pioie at this place Serviee from 7 to 8 P. M. promptly. day evening. Lon Harrisburg, got ter } rT iy is He Roo sojer be > io v eatin _ Finance and Missionary Day” . } right smart mo’ tat ' Jen sass Will be observed on the coming Sun- Mm .» Meyers with several ¢n eatin’ mo’ fish en game ’stid er day. In the forenoon and evening pi spent “the day at pork and beef. Ef 1 i's don't the pastor will preach special ser- | gin ter feed dem sojers richt now mons on the subject. A full attend- ance of the entire membership is de- St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Rev. H. D. Speakman, Rector The service next Sunday, ing Prayer and subject, “Is Killing, in Warfare, | Murder?” ® : Church School at 9:15 A. M. United Evangelical Church Rev. A. M. Sweigert, Pastor Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. M. ® i Vespers, 7 P. M. b * Shoes One lot of extra good Work Shoes at $2.50 pair, in Black and Senior Endeavor 7 P. M, © Scout Shees at $2.75, $3.00 and $3.50. Dress Shoes at $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 that Seventh after Trinity, will be Morni- | © peter RI |S were; all priced at $1.25 to $2.00 more per pair in season. Wednesday, July 10th, 1918. © TR —-— y(— fF —— —_— dd Tr — (G—_ —— wr. CE _— DD prices, ncing in has made price daily. Our large purchasing powe; this possible, and we of course are Sch it on to you. / and STYLEPLUS CLOTHES $.19.00 For $12.00 Suits 12.00 For $15.00 Suits $15.00 For $18.00 Suits $17.00 For $20.00 Suits $21.00 For $25.00 Suits 10 Suits at $8.50 Fach Straw Hats $5.00 Panamas.... eens $400 One lot Stiff Straws... 65¢ Shoes Shoes Shifts 2 4 $1.25 Shirts... /.. 2 Wide Awake w ork Shirts. 98c. Soft Collar Shirts. . 85c¢. Tan } a — Oxfords at 25 per cent. less than price. | , Preaching at 10:30 A. M. and at © . 7:30 P. M. at 7:45 Junior Chorus practice at 7 o’clock | Friday evening. | | Methodist Episcopal Church ks 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000OOOOOOE Rev. Thomas Roberts, Pastor Sunday School at 8:15 A. M. ! Communion Service at 10:30 A. M. | Junior League at 2 P. M. Epworth League at 6:30 P. M. { Preaching Service at 7:30 P. M. ! Mid-week Prayer Service on Wed-| |is ng. | Florin United Brethren Church [by the pastor, Rev. Solonberger. Rev. O. G. xKomig, Pastor | The pastor announces the follow-| ng services for the coming week: Bible School at 9:30 A. M. Preaching at 10:30 A. M. Combined C. E. and Preaching Weekly prayer meeting on Thurs- ired. A cordial invitation is extended o all a Elizabeth and Goldie Mumma of this place visited Shires at the Back Run on Sunday. mer on the ace, cut and put away wheat some. Church here on Sunday evening and Teacher training Monday evenin : ; 7:45. ; g | - Chorus practice Friday evening. | i ; u n = oy N NEWTOWN {are three stars in it. The boys that | eight sweaters, thirty-one helmets, {are in the service are: Messrs. George | thirty-seven pairs wristlets, twelve ; ———— | Reigel, John Geltmacher, Somewhere | pairs socks, six bands, nine scarfs Miss Mary Hornafius of Lancaster, |in France, and Raymond Geltmacker | four baby blankets. They have visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles stationed in Texas. All three are pledged themselves to make many of {from this village. the 1,000 hospital shirts needed by The Joy of Living To enjoy lif £ health. No he hi Tet to get much res’ There will be preaching in two wrmm— Wee August 20. that sh rocks, dat : g ; | AD ans =} should be g#pelled are ab weeks, date July 21, in the MOTINing | , s+ PETERSBURG BRANCH tt Te bes Tears 0 the syst absorbed i | sn t e ru DOING EXCELLENT WORK | 1 o..14 be well for workmen, who | Chamber Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Frank, of |. | York, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. | think that y i Lewis Resh at this place on Saturday The East Petersburg Branch of the oe By ney. Should Jee nore give o digestion and land Sunday. American Red Cross is doing good on ships and n.unitions, unless they |J°¥ of living. Try i july 3.08 9 200000000000000000000000000000000000000OOOOEOREEOOOEEBEEEEOOEOROBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 J OOOO. & ® \ % work. Nine boys have been furnished : " : / y with knitted outfits. The following get the desired increase, to remem Mr. Charles Wittle and Misses ber that millioas at the battle line articles have been madé for the Lan- caster chapter. : Eighty-nine hospital shirts, twenty- nine pairs of pajamas, seventy-one handkerchiefs, ninety tea towels, three convalescent robes, eighty-one napkins, twenty tea cloths, twenty- four table cloths, six button bags, are working for $30 or less a month, and instead of knocking off at the end of 8, 9 or 10 hours, often putin 24, and even 43 hours without sleep, or even a rest. ———etl 0 En. The world is so full of good things Mr. and Mrs. Paul a tenant far- arm near this y 55 acres of That's going Mr. Joseph Strickler Hertzler Let Us Print Your Sale Bills in two days. Services were held in the U. B. 1 four hospital napkins, six bed socks, service flag was unfurled. There thirty-four needle bogks, seventy- i ga to eat, we really can spare the wheat | and the meat. | | EE OO RTA PRL IY = | < i 0 1 0 i % of ole — " sfesfooforfocforforfecfocfondecfocforfecferioaorfecforfonfecfocfeafecforfonfeofecfocfooforfeciorferte de 'a | 3 V1