MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. JOY BULLETIN ELIZABETHTOWN MOUNT JOY, PA. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r. | | Roy —————————————— = \ at Harrisburg. Leander Gant Sedan auto Hulda Gantz was 1 lle Hellman spent Saturday ¢ AN lsie Holtry spent Saturda SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR Six Months 50 Cents Bi Three Months 25 Cents Single Copies 2 Cents spent a fe FREE lays elatives at St purchased a 191 1 Miss the I 1riend elton Sample Copies — ee tem - - —— ——— . 1 : ¢ h d 0 vt Mount Joy as second-class mail matter All correspondents must have their reach this later than Monday. Telephone news nestad Real nd of importance between that time and | Steelto nent Sunday 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Changes f advertisements must office not later than day night New advertisements serted if copy reaches us Tuesday rs. Burwood Brandt and night Advertising rates on applica- 4 Coble tion. The subscription lists of the Lan disville Vigil, the Florin News and the Mount Joy Star and News, were merged with that of the Mount Bulletin, which makes this paper's e Po circulation about double that of the ordinary weekly. Entered at the post office | Miss tives at communications office not family « with A. positively Mis Bertha Hackenberger, Mon- imn- for reach this observe 2, whe red X(C¢€ nt pt am was ren Joy Mabel ( ’ lyclenic Hospi at y become a traine SE "Ve Snyder was very u v fort te to have his Chalmers car MANHEIM ca I r Do burn oy pi tl of junk lor, who underwent | Joseph's Hospit , for appendicit- | nicely and is a 1 s0le,. © cted Schools. i Sunday Henny princip He Ibert an Rohrer, at Hersh wssistant principal of the 1 Mr J H lersh | this rough, an s not an app 1 : here. near Unic operating the Demy Bainbridge | in the ( presents, for which 1 especiail v and G yodbury; S. W. Brur Mrs. Wm. in * W Melvin Hoover, and Howard Simo Everett. Food cars, which rehensive exhibit of the wo the state in food stuffs in the u flour, beef, fats and sugar, of Mr. Roy L. companied by a number of exper from State College, operating und Florence B. Dutt and Olga | the supervision of Miss Pearl Cauly, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hum- | Donald, now located on the P. R. mer. of this borough, and C. T.|siding on West High street, on F Boyd, of Fairland, spent Sunday at | Camp Meade. {tention from a wide area. Corporal Edward McCauly, 304th car was given over to home French Mortar Battery, stationed at|omies, the second to home Camp Maade, spent Saturday and and drying, and the third Sunda gill his grandparents, Mr. exhibit car. The chairman and i istian Fisher. i Mrs. A. K. Waser and and chairlady of the ladies’ comm BY Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. But-| tee Mrs. Mary L. Kuhn. Free au ser and their guest, spent Sunday with Mrs. Waser’s mo-imunity headquarters to the cars ther. Mrs. Mary Weller, at Wrights-| all who wished to visit the exhib ville. The talks of the lecturers Mr. and Mrs. John B. Huber, of panying the train were this borough, and Mr. and Mrs. and entertaining and held the clo R. Frank and daughter, Florence of | attention of all who attended. near Bast Petersburg, spent Sunday | with Mr. and Mrs. David Stauffer at " RHEEMS tinsbhurg, three Joseph Miller and | of Miss Mary | of Berks 1 r. and and t g Millers pent Saturday Jacob coun- | charge Charles A. of with Misses eco was of Palmyra. Private Charles Rowe, and Mrs. John Rowe, stationed at Camp Oglethorpe, Ga., who under- went an operation for appendicitis at the hospital at the camp on May 29, is getting along nicely. Paul Myers, a sailor on the U 3. | Donegal superior hay to Harrisbur Covington, a transport ship, en-| one day last week. soved a forty-eight hour liberty here| Mrs. Sus Wolgemuth With his mother, Mrs. Emma Myers, on Saturday and Sunday. Several ] r s ago the yong man enjoyed a Greiner residing rain 1, transacted business at his | Enterline g: re last Saturday J. E. Loraw, famous force - Bard Bard family son of Mr. Miss Miriam K. Bard accepted position at the Masonic Homes Elizabethtown. spent la s with pleasure the r and A. S ble houses th Mrs. Jonas Nissley was at Harris burg a few days. members of the Mennonite of this district raised $1 50 for relief work of the present man family : load of ¢ Monday oa and Mrs. W. H. 1 Station, near Pittsburgh, uests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. < ne and Mrs. Sherman delphia, spent a few days former’s parents, Mr. and K. Long. e U. 8S. army in orps and is located New Jersey. The Lac Auxiliary of ster General Hospital I » of Mrs. S. P. Gingr ay evening. A number of tion attended the Church of the Hershey, S at meeting of n, held at|,_ 1 last S morning were t tended. primary department rendered an excellent progra drew H. Hershey, of Mour fm, A T ) X 1 ary repairs in steers to Jon: ot tho © : 1 PV . r to iy the wheat rv twelve head of isvil for e W 1dicates of Land BILLMEYER The J. E. Baker Comp a flag Saturday at the be an event long those who had the there. The fl feet high, we store, by the flag was be , per | ghe school Brandt & Stehm icinity sang “The Star Spangled Wheat, per bu...... er.” Conductor Hook C ia shifter did not MOUNT JOY MARKETS th re ; ] local merchants: H. E. Hauer, Pays: er Ih... iia ay 3 Brandt & Stehman Sells: had the i bu ia tle for Abram from B who d yilli 0 o Prevent Belching F regular habit f 100 lbs pr guest re being In f Moose Ad Mid 1 few days with B. daugh- spent harleston has entered I Harris- | f this] wash schools of Wine- and Sophia | Administration | contained French and ac- | ents. Me- day and attracted a great deal of at- The first canning the I 3 the | men’s committee was W. A. Withers Moses Butzer |service was furnished from the com- accom- instructive | ~Y Ralph Gohn shipped a car load of|bers of the incaster where she com- | near | the Florin | »d fresh paint and Jos. W ) d last week with just recei1v i can mobile Y P. B 0 THOW MRS. BOYC “AVOIDED AN © OPERATION Ww Canton, Ohio.—‘‘1 suffered from a female trouble which cauged me much suffefing, and two doctors decided thgt 1 would have | to” go through an gperation before I could get well. { “My mother, who had been helped by Lydia 2. Pinkham’s | table Com- | pound, advised me t before sub- | 1 toan opera- | trelieved me | ‘rom my troubles | work withot eds yf f vd 'n | | | pound atrial 1 a Mrs. EB ., NJ E., Canton, Ohio. Sometimes there are serious condi tionsAvhere a hospital operation ic the only/alternative, but on the other hand so ndany women have been red by this fanous root and herb remedy, Lydia E Pifkham’s Vegetable Compound, after ddetors have said that an operation was necessary — every woman who wants to avoid an operation should give it a fair trial before submitting to such a trying ordeal. ! 1f complications exist, write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice. The result of many years experience is at your service. 'd | |S | n- al p-| aly lip | m i ROHRERSTOWN Hagy Bros., from Harrisburg spent at | Sunday in town. | Scott Bushong to busin Sune is again able to at-{ | tend Next preach at 10: Church.” Henry Sunday lv | town. McGuire will m 30 a. m. on “A Formal company on Meyers had Stewards- from York and the Children’s service will . Mm. A i A good being program 1S Blottenberger, who fell from n- tree last week is improving Ladies’ Tuesday, June 25th the Men's Bible Class will entertain the Bible Class on Kessler’s lawn. Mr. Nixon, the P. R. R. ticket agent at this place moved from Parkesburg to this place on Monday. f:i Mz Paul Myers of the University so | of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, is in | spending several days with his par- ¢ of nsi | its| Mrs. Council and daughter from er | Central Manor were the guests of and Mrs. Charles Harris on Sun- Mr. R. | day. ri- The wreckers of the P. R. R. of Columbia, were called to this place on Tuesday evening at 11:30 p.m. to repair a disabled engine. Miss Mary K. Ringwalt and her granddaughter, Mrs. Metzler and Mrs. Bitzer and daughter Elizabeth have returned home from Atlantic City after spending a week there. Mr. Rein, who was almos} a life- long resident of this place, and also conducted a store here for many | years, was almost instantly killed | when struck on the head by a brick falling from the hand of a bricklayer working seven stories above, at the Armstrong Linoleum Plant on Satur- day morning. The Flower Committee of the W. C. T. U. held a very interesting ser- vice in the Church of God last Wed- nesday evening. Devotional services a|were conducted by Rev. McGuire. at| Rev. Rentz gave an address. There were a number of readings by mem- local union and Miss o | Amanda Landis of Millersville, gave Iseveral selections. Music was fur- | nished by members of the union. A large number of persons attend- ed the flag raising at the Church of {God last Thursday evening. The | services were in charge of the Junior {C. E. Miss Esther Starr sang a solo. Readings were en by Ivan Farrich, 1t | Claribel Kunkle and Helen Snavely. is | Rev. McGuire gave an address. The was d by Harry Snavely, president of the C. E. He has two [brothers in the ‘‘oversea” service. it | The congregation sang the ‘Star { Spangl er” while the flag was n- it- to to i Se St | flag » Dissinger attended the convention at Little Britain B. Coolidge, of Lan- Sunday friends {Miss Vi caster, spen here. Mrs. letter illiam R. Weaver stat- ival “across the sea.” Le i nun > 1 of our vi Brethren conven- | ion at Hershey on Sunday. J. Milton Hershey and fami Chester, spent Sunday s parents, Tobias S. Hershey folks attended Strickler and k family of| and Abram C 1 Balmer of | Sunday in the home| Strickler and family. | in Kuhns and daughter, | and son Russell of Lancas-; ited in the homes of her sis- A. H. Degler and Mrs. D.| ssley and brother, H. H. Mil- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sheaffer and ara and Raymond and Mr. I E Schaeffers- | > lay uest in the] John Sheaffer and William 1 near | We Sun uests I'-lhomes of , Rice. ———- Eee ROWENNA ng prices are paid today of Colum-| Snyder at » Middle- | A. M.1§ 0000000000000000000000000000060000000000000 DONT NEGLECT YOUR FEET / Have Them Examined Here FREE By ’ A Graduate Practipedist / We carry a full and complete Line of Dr. Scholl's Foot Necessities HE SATURDAY py Scholls Scholl Dealers ay, » Friary stord i pu will find a Gradygte P, you which A Nu e. Vic ealer 1s not brad write diet to [Oy & Dr Seholl Foo tively quarantee, back Se “rd TS THE SCHOLL. | ; Largest Maker; of 21FW. Schiller Streer ere York ne Dr Scholl f 4 d to give Interest; esting Foot B Care,” by Dr Wen. 34 ook 4 Spain im the Warly Wednesday, June 19th, 1918. ® 4 NING POST t e Foot lance and Remedy : Ppl & y da d Remedies, FG. co. _ Chicago, Illinois 0000000000000 OEE a A. Do You Mind The Heat? You Can Feel Comfortable If You Wear PALM BEACH SUIT PRICES $7.50 to $12.50 Colors Gray, Navy, Tan, Black and Fancies Straw/ Hats at less than half Price, 30 Hats at 65c Were $2 to $3 P. E. GETZ, Mount Joy, Pa. 0OOEE00060000000000000000EE00EE00006 b 0000000000000 ORREEOEREOREOEREOOCED EOE S Buttermilk’ fl That's what growing chicks heed to get the right start. It’s what § wou need to raise all you hatch. The lactic acid in the buttermilk strengthens the sensitive digest. ls ive organs, the combination of clean,wholesome grgins,balanced just right for baby chicks, helps them grow steadily bigger and sturdier. i 4 i, Corikey’s | Buttermilk Starting Food is different frgm all others. It's the original ghick food with but- M8 ¢emnilk in it.. Costs 2¢ per chick ; for thosecri cal firsteight weeks. Makes good breeders and heavy layers. Buy aBag. up Remedy is an effect- ive measure against this deadly cofitagious disease. World famous fof treating roupy birds. 30c,60c. 5 Yournoney back QUICK ifany Cone § Zoy preparation does not satisfy you, Send 4c for 80 page Poultry Book, / E. W. GARBER MOUNT JOY, PA. soni, W. M. HOLLOWBUSH . -LAW Bell Phone 43-R4 ROLLS ROLLS ROLLS ALL THE f LATEST AND BEST IN 88Note Player Piano / . . Largest Assortment In the City. Openfevenings until 9 p. m. "(I Music J 5000 MILES GUARANTEED TIRES Clincher or Straight Side SIZE NON SKID TUBES + |39x3 $ 9.20 | Set of 4 35.00 aif [30x34 12.46 2.26 | Set of 4 47.50 8.00 PRICES ON OTHER SIZES IN PROPORTION Write for listé If a tire fails to run £000 miles we will replace with a néw tire at one- half price. Shipped same day as check or money order is fecei CHARGES PREPAID, © TRESS Farmers’ Jin Restaurant AH ST Manheim & Market Sts. PF, Propr. { MT. JOY | . _BYERYTHING IN SEASON | Cash for Old False Teeth 4 Don’t matter if broken. We pay up to $15.00, according to palue. Also | cash for Old Gold, Jgtvelry, Silver, | dental crowns or bridgework. We| send cash by refsfn mail and will| hold goods 10 ys for sender’s ap- | proval of our price. Send by Parcel] Post or wrj#€ first for particulars. | DOMESTIC SUPPLY CO. | Department 32, Binghamton, N.Y. EASTERN SALES COMPANY 500 Fulton Street UNION HILL, NEW JERSEY DEALERS WANTED may 15-tf ————— THE WELL KNOWN FREIDMAN’S OAK GROVE OLEOMARGARINE Heretofore sold by the M. S¢' Bowman Est. Store, will in the future be~sold exclusively by A.D. GERBER ~~ FLORIN, PA. ~~ . “All orders delivered anywhere in Mount Joy and Florin Free. House hee apr.10-2-mo 6 W. Prince St. LANCASTER, PA. ver 100 Ii ] .,» Mount Joy, Pa. Give us your orders. 5 at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- y at No. 56 N. Duke Street, Second Floor, with W. C. Rehm. you 1 € should, 1 Tablets s, per 100 eee 2 + 100: 0bs.,. .ic..inn vn 4