The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 29, 1918, Image 2

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' how
IN A SHOOTING BEE | MON BY REV. SPEAKMAN of the Kauffman, M, H...$ 6.50 hid
LY MOUNT JOY, PA. | renee RAPHO TWP SCHOOL BOARD Sweigert, Irving G. 28.88 ge
: ’ 4 ig { ast S av 3 » before the . S——— : of
2. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pre | A shooting affair, occurred late! Nas Filey, the Do Lieut: Nis- Lancaster County, Pa. 4 35.38 |
= — | Saturday night at the J. E. Baker Post G. A. R. accompanied by B. B. Kready, Treasurer SUPPLIES / ge
quarries, Billmeyer. The man Who | bp No. 74 Sons of Veterans, Gen- “ : vy 2 1¢ Dissinger, D pb 55 [%
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR | did the shooting is under arrest, and | “CA Canieron Council, Patriotic For the year ending July 2, 1918. | Dissinger, fg 3 4 [%
Six Months. .....50 Cents [the Sha yaen he shot 1700 treated | Americans and Troop 2 Boy Scouts —————— Hostetter, D. Ralph® 1 [ »
Three Months. ...25 Cents he Lo Hi via Hospita ig 2 '™ | of America, attended Divine service RECEIPTS Herr, L. B. & Co... 412% lb | 4
ingle Copies 2 Conta |sepicusly wounded, is still in the in lin St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Balance on hand from last Hook, Ada M.. £ lb A
) tesees | stitution, ha » rector \ wy Y. audi . od GL.80 nna tu ) A [oe
y : | . : {when the rector, the Rev. H. I audit Le te op Y{Kready. B. B...... b. |
iample Copies... ... FREE | A number of colared men w ere en- | gh eakman preached a historical and Sundries sold........ J .. 19.65 | piersol Carpet Co. 9; | % EA
Ee ———————————————— [gaged in a game of craps, one of the Doral sermon, which was listened Error. . : 12.94 fi Is
h [participants being John W oods, o [to with interest and attention by the | Posture... .. 3 . 3.00 # '$ 478.32 (°F
wntered at the post office at Mount | negro from V irginia. A dispute arose |large audience. He also referred to! Duplicate. ..... . . i, 10616.62 FURNITURE | &
Joy as second-class mail matter. over money, and Woods, who was] Bp sritaze of 1 or pos- | High School approprigitiv 25.50 : | u e oon {
: 3 4 |the splendid heritage of honor p igh School appropriation a Se: "( @ 29.70 | ok
All correspondents must have their | yn der the influence of liquor, drew | — y » Sons of Veterans: the | State roDTriati 2485.81 American Seating BA + 4 od P Oak IU | 3 ;
hie . fas 2 sessed by the Sons of Veterans; , State appropriation. ..,. 2 {
communications reach this office not his revolver and fired into the crowd. | oo ne of American citizens by theiloan... ..... —— B * 675.00 BOO 3
later than Monday. Telephone news | The shooting took place in front of 2 Patriotic Americans and the high ————— | American Book Co. $157.50 | oo 3
of importaace between that time and | hoarding house where Woods lived. |) 1 of = pure and glorious man- $13,900.32 | Christopher Sowenfh o> ¥
12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Changes One bullet struck Howard Anderson |", as taught the Boy Scouts, who EXPENDITURES and Go... 42.00 |% %
for advertisements must positively |i, the right arm, inficting an uzly ire rendering efficient patriotic ser- | Ginn and Co...... jt 61.88 | oh . ) oo
reach this office not later than Mon- flesh wound. While the shooting was vice not only. at home, but also in : Silver Burdette & . + oo :
day night. New advertisements in- |i, progress William Lindsay, also | py, land and France. The speaker TEACHING Co............ i 30.80 * | a [ I R
serted if copy reaches us Tuesday | colored, was stepping out of his house | 1 = with the recitation of the | Baughey, Harry. ..$255.00 RE ee 3 Xx =
might. Advertising rates on applica: near by and a bullet struck him in beautiful memorial poem, “The Blue | Bender, Mary E.,.. 400.00 § $ 292,18 |p 7 of =
. the stomach. He dropped to thei” troy : Becker, Lillian.... 435.00 {} : * =
tion {it t {i app i (and the Grey. f Engle, Arana B 295.00 LUMBER: | o The great year has begun. American farmers are at work on
ground, and it was at first supposec ‘he church, which is of pure |Engle, Anns oie. 2285. dos $981 80 is ” 4 : Sar : +
ROHRERSTOWN he was fatally hurt. A physician was Gon i was beautitallv | Brh, Blanche, 400.00 He a . 328180 | the most important thing in Ameriga the 1918 crop: In spite of i
summoned and after treating the decorated with many flags, not only | Frank, Edna. P.,.. 435.00 Dehocs, Liarend Bir) AOS | the scarcity of labor and power, this crop must be a record breaker *
— ran Qrered hs royoval to the 0-1 the Stars and Stripes, but also those Gob z Reyiiond Si 378.80 i *$ 207.72 4% How can its success be assured? "By making every acre produce all 4
bias hi Inyfal will soe lumbia Hospital. At the institution |“? + allies. Standards of all these | Gingrich, Henry . 339. ¥ | a beforey And that be 'd =
Miss Merta Warf L ih again UinPIL, Resp Was dresiod. 2nd riot our wllies Sisnvards choir eo: [Gireiner, Suche 2W. 135.90 INSURANCE {% it can—more than ever J ore n a Sha e done only by ¥
teach the Centerville SC look York, [no unforeseen complications arise, he | ve k o creating an impressive scene. |Hook, Ada M.,.... 417.50 Mount Joy M ual : | 3 proper fertilizing. You have or can get, stable manure. You have % i
is Miss Srna Medinger ftom You, will recover.” Later Andrewson was | ppt decordtion was done by the |Hiestand, Ella. #.. 435.00 . Fire Ins. Co 5-44.92 [# power and help enough to spread that manure in a top dressing on 3
=» Je guest o € RE i € : rs taken to the Columbia Hospital and | Messrs. Brown Brothers. The ladies Hostopter. D Ralph Ri Bins Wy orl an's 00 % every acre you plant. All you need now is a * a
necement exe ses e |. Messrs. S. 2 No SPANO 3. oe og
andisville, on Tuesdav even- | had his wound dressed. [of » Guild made the Altar and | Kready, Esther... . 3.75 nsurance 3 * a
hel at Landisville, on Tuesday even Woods, after the shooting, went poof Bie Lond To wih na or 41750 | oo | F a % W
g. ; : his room on the second ‘floor of the | Cp I maonific: vers. | Muehe, Margaret.. 417.5 da ld oh
‘rank Swisher came home fre nis om § [rangement of magnificant flowers. ’ \] x oo L < oo
ivi er a hom: 5 > boarding house. Soon after the shoot- i i a the direc- | McQueeney, Nora.. 369.00 ACKN | ow 2 t entury anure “prea er 2
Harrisburg, where he spent a week ing, Constables A. V. Rogers and |. 0 homas Brown, Sr., the | Mackley, Mrs. Ruth 66.00 tSreider. OF, on: 5 &
with Hagy Bros . 8 tion of Mr. Thomas Brown, 'y . 7°50 Greider, 2 3 . light drat id di hi :
Se tt Bushone of the firm of Mil-/ Harry H. Hickey, of Columbia, who | oir master and Miss Elsie Battye [Osmond, Alice..... 417.5 Kready, B. Bf. .... 25 | 3% This is 2n easy ranning, light draft, wide spreading machine. %
: ; Fy Ri ag Brodie rom his (had been summoned to Billmyer to resided at the organ. Rohrer, C. Emerson 470.00 ? eT [% It saves labor. It sayes time. It saves fertilizer. It increases crop ob a
i Toran very rapidly. Piake anoiher arrest, Sired ay the Stanften, Sars Bea $00 5 (50(% yields. With a 20th Century you can make every acre produce to its —
Ie i ness very rapidly ; ace. Being informe: > shoot- auffer, Elam.... 315. ; ; i i i
Miss Cora Speidle of . Mechanies- ig NS I boardine | MEMBERS OF THE CHRISTNER Trayer, Anna..... 417.50 M ELLANEOUS 3 limit. Us it for top dressing. It spreads so wide that it dresses 3 x
bre Aer SE one Some Ms fuse: ond entered. Going to the FAMILY ARE TRUE PATRIO Workman, Elizabeth 417.50 Bradley, J. B., Du- 10.55 * three rows of cori at once. It spreads evenly because it gives 2
Rev “and Mrs McGuire and Mr. [negro’s room they found his yond Mrs. A. H. Christner of this place z $8 999.75 py Shienty, Ara to |% the manure a double beating, breaks it up into small pieces, and
a Leg Te “to | ing there with revolver in hand. » | Mrs. A. H. 3 = By $8,222.7; iehm, H. , Man- . {3 . : =
and Mrs. John Ww eidman autoed to ng the Y A Mi Ssvoh Sth ng the | received a cablegram that Mr. Christ- : heim Insp... ... 4.00 2 spreads it out beyond the rear wheel tracks. ; Three sizes—small, ¥
the home of George Clark, near officers in mediately seized and se. |ner’s father died, which was quite a REPAIRS - 7 Risser, Pe Est., . % medium and large—all light draft machines with narrow boxes. The
Bumgardner’s station, Sunday af- cured the revolver and handcuffed {Shock _ They jad ony go Joties vii Brog.s coo 8 19 Water rgnt. i 1.00 5 size you buy ‘will do just the kind of spreading your soil needs to *
ternoon. 1 after a strugele of out five [ITOM him a Tew weeks ago, > yce, sal ee b,pu Kauffman, Jacob L. . oh i . oo
Preaching at the Church of God Bim Biter a struggle of about five stated that he was very busy. He |Bradley, Abram... 10.76 SIAR 10) a 3.14 make it produce bumper crops. Telephone your order, or come in }
next Sunday by the pastor, Rev. F me SS ken to the office of the | was a contractor in Switzerland and | Eby, Levi eine .35 Zook. N. g Water : and get a 20th Century spreader. We can make immediate de- *
W. McGuire at 10:30 A. M. Sub- rCvverg on I I d the a sting (had a large government contract fo [Gurmer, Albert. ... 1.36 rent wm... 3.00 3 liveries. -
ject, "A Chastened Church,” and at|cOmpany he admitted Ey build temporary hospitals for the Garman, Ames... . .60 Martin Hdrst, Mrs. . od 7 > ge
2 “God’s an- Tew [wounded soldiers who pass through | Greiner, Philip. . . . 9.68 Janitorf....... 4.04 3 +
ay Services (there. His home, which is very large |Geib, P. C........ 2.00 Hook, Ada, Treas. ' ! *
SALUNG he gave over to the government as|Gibble, John G.... 31.50 Ly Treas 1 x . a eyY i a
for Day- : |an emergency hospital and his two ; Garman, S. K.,. on 3.00 Auditors B.. 6.00 z Se ® L 8
her son, muel MeGirl had a severe | daughters acted as nurses for those Hershey Yagne & 2 Statement. ........ 10.00 op p oo
Corps. ey th bro on Sunde. Iwho stopped off there. He serve Foundry Co... .. 1.65 Greider, EChas. A. oo 1 oo
R: rer oS Luma pl i several years as mayor of the town |Hackman, J. Z..... 6.31 { So Belary.... 75.00 [% SALUNGA, PENNA. +
I relatives in ihe lived in and was very well known Hoffer, E. H.,.... 4.72 fronds. BBB : 3 4 og
visiting relatives in : ya : ES s Kready, B. 3s 4 4 o
|all over Switzerland. His family like | Longenecker, C. S. 2.15 Treas. ECom.. .... 256.55 Sefer ooed
mily spent [himself is very patriotic. Word has |Loraw, Hengy..... 2:00 [fot ; Yoskeh ool
th Mr. and | been received that his son, Ernst, | Litzenberger, Hdw. Com. =. (
pf who was an officer in one of the Co...... 8... 7. 58.16 Note mid Int.
Baer spent |Southern Training Camps, arrived | Moyer, -G..5. ..1.. 1.85 5) nerafions. .
ih Mr. and | safely in France. This son only be-| Metzger, A..F... . 5.81 | Freicht wa
ne ; ng in this country three years and | Martin, H. §.. .% .. .90 }
I was an architect in Lancaster for Myers, E. Hi. . J .. 1.40 | 0
+ 1 time and in May accepted a|Newcomer, H. S.... 92.50
eifer | Position in Chicago where he enlisted. | Nauman, Milton. ... 182.00 1 |
: Due to his former military training { Nornhold, $: GJ. ... 6.55 | 31 4
ind Miss | in Switzerland he was made an of- | Risser, Peter Est... .70 | 60
f weoland ficer. The married sons are all in { Resh, Lewig' Ki... 1.00 3
( h brother. | the service, not in active service but!Shelly, H. M..[... 20.38 | TF —
¢ n 1 a other, guarding the frontier of Switzerland. [Sumpman, Amps... 56.65 |r .pho Hownshin : : all
n a very leasant trip A Une daughter in New York is private | Stauffer, B. R.. ... . 4.76 decovnE afro sande. Th ’
i 3 AE Mr. Ir: err ; J ¢ fda £ accoungs of B. B. Kready, Treasure
througt * mountains by auto. Sind Ts spent Xz. ; 7g op secretary for the Council of Belgium | Wittle, Joe. . §.... 12.50 of on School Beard and find th
Rohrerstown Lutheran Parish Manos, oaesls l Tamby of and also does a great deal of per- | Amount forward... 534.31 eas as exhibited to us,
My. Ilo vay Lehn: v Siishis tl work for the Minister of Bel-! Weitzel, Wm. & Son 92.56 } total oo of $13.6 Es
_. Rev. H. A. Kunkle, Pastor : THe Tavotahle webtiia: is pushing ;£lum. And on a former occasion was| Witmer. John KB... 6.15 [otis Sf A12834 51 leaving %
[36 Columbia Ave. Lancaster. Toes oe fe eae] AS pre at a meeting translating | Witmyer, H. 6.99 Fee Sal on. Mende
: Ist Sunday after Trinity—June 2.]°rop3 to abouts. in the presence of President Wilson | Ey jance od A on ha a. Ce
Te ci rinity Rohrerstown ne ro dip and the Minister of Belgium. Mr. | § 640.01 | AMOS W."NISSLEY,
ey School at 9 A. M. Mr. J.|crops, } Albert Christner, himself is at pros. | AMOS N. MUSSER,
Our eriniovon tn Poly ir A CLEANING | FRANK BERTO,
ng at 10 A.M en re i adsinlig helyng Bove, C. Br. $ 9.00 [5 Ar
) ““Streng U ” I uD, Becker, Chas. G.. 6.000 =
Co ) neeting “ . eo : | Bomberger, Jas. . . 5 :
M 1 av Ser DON’T LET THEM FLEECE YOU. | Bradley, Abtam. . .
0 7:30 P. M — | Garner, Albert... .
D, s’ Da et If You Must Sell Your Liberty Bonds | Gihble, Amos. { Hil
Vv en nbined. 8 Do It Thru a Bank. Horst, Martin... .. i | i
P. M. Cen [Hilt, Walver. ...... 5.00 | i
oncordia, Chestnut Hill, Mountville e oJ ust a8 there RF anvnys Some one (Hollinger, 8. G...... 5.35 1
Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Mr. } ta the joy out of Je, so there is | Heyy, Edgar. 7.00 |
Ha nt ie ood | A1Ways a new breed of rascals spring-{Hostotter a. B..... 505 |
\ nunity | ing up like mushrooms at every emer- | Kreaqy, 430.07 522 |
with a | gency to relieve his fellowman | Kolp, Jacob B..... 5.65
from | of his hard- rned savings. In their Nauman, Milton... 5.06 {
\ ] patriotic d > to serve their eoun- Nisley David. .... 50 |
2 ] tions in try, thousands of poor persons nave Lodmr, * Clayton. ... 5.00 | i; ll
public invited. good old all 1 within the past twelve months, and | Rohrer, C. Emerson 1.00 ! Pc id fi |
His First Sermon gaged actively in » |for the first time in their lives, bought {Rhoads, Jehn...... 8.00 ! Aa i
Trir Lutheran Church, Rohrers- | 200d rk |bonds—Liberty Bonds. Now, many | Shank, Harry W.... 1.00 i 4 I
; Y the pleasure of hearing > -—— of Hose Pons for one reason of | Sharpe, SWw...... 7.60
; EA Ua Rio another, find themselves in need of | Shank Mary 00 lf
Tapper of Lancaster. MILTON GROVE nother Shank, Mary... ... i p= | i
t serwon Sunday. Mo funds and compelled to sell. Appar- | Witmer, J. E.. .... 1.00 | tli i
ermorn Sunday, May een {ently unaware of the broad and | g : F J |
Benjamir Reinhold says |ready market and the maximum quo- $ 115.35] i i fil
[that in lamp produces a better [tations advertised by the Philadel- | i 3 : 3 | 7 fit
RHEEMS light than the ] phia and New York Stock Exchanges | . . HAULING ox | For only a part of a | 100 5! |
Dr. Thome the private | with their quotations published every | Baum, W m..... ceed 0.409 yair of spectacles for il |
—_— electric plant his home is!|day in the newspapers, the needy Becisey, J. 2 ct n pai ie Bbeclacy J | fil
Miss ff spent last Satur- illum 1 fr patriots, attracted by the lure of |Dissinger, D...... 2.9 | whicllf we never charged fil
at guest of Miss Mary There are “ready cash” for bonds and sub- | Geib, Isaae....... 2.00 | 3 2 i
bacco ( scriptions,” which has lately been ex- | Geib, Herman..... | 2.00 i ovelf $2.50. | |
Mrs. B. H. Greider and |assoc tensively vertised, are induced to | Ginder, Morris. . . 12.06 | |
ast Saturday at Lan- sell their $50 Liberty Bonds for $45 Grissinger, E. F.. 1.22 | you consider $4 |
or $100 for $90, or $1,000 for $900, (Hollinger, C. G.. 11.00 | FO consider
Philadel- whereas the open market ranges from | Hostetter, J. B.. 8.00 f wprth saving when huv | f
ith his sis- 9614 to 100, according to the issue. | Koser, Abram. 2. 3.00 : fii
ly. tha S a pretty despicable type of | Kauffman, Jacob L 2.00 i g glasses, come see us |
of near | the Thi that will thus play upon the Ran, Jaco B.. te 1.53 D dW h
sts of Mr. and | fact lity and ignorance of his fellow- | Newcomer, C. 8S... b.04 i resse eight 2 ound f
t Sunday. ronsider n last ve in The public is warned that Nornhold, Samuel. . 2.00 — ——— 6 P 8 of Beef
1eighbor of Mr, Eli « eled to New there is a standard price for every is-| Ney, Peras....... 2.50 i 2
, transacted | Yor I you- [sue of Liberty Bonds and that sales Ober, Clayton. . 1.00 56% 206
S ne day last |d er [should be made only through banks Peters, JO) vnn 2.00 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET | : —
0] for or trust companies or well-known dettew, John. ot >.00 LANCASTER, PA | ;
Franc | banking or brokerage houses. | Shehk, 5 SN id 2.30 h Slave —
a es EE (Sharpe, H. W...... 85 When Swift & Company buys
combined at COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES | S hwanger, Frank.. 10.00 ‘ :
ME 2A | Binet Ew SOC | = o
Mil Bi or suzssRTHTOWN HIN BOR HE Le | a ig weighing 1200 pounds,
sons Milton, enjamin — Wor 1 Z Pele 9. on abo £
ast Sznday 1 Mrs.| The commencement exercises ofl We Jrger, Svan Ai (ie [1 ; Ye uts672 pounds goes to
Mrs. aniel fam- the Elizabethtow ich se i fea Jr ADF: +9 a # .
be Tk pe ep Seon! wl min S. 8... 1.560 maraet 2 beef; the other 528
ze ad : f Day, oy 30 in Market Hall at 8p os 109.61 pounds consists of hide, fats,
] zabethtown ‘ollowing 1s the program: n- | 2 { = i
hursday return- EWTOWN fon, Rev. B. M. Meyer; March, | COAL AND FUEL | other bygproducts, and waste,
hs ITT .—— : “To Our Flag,” Standish-James, High | Colebrook Lumber {
flitted rr his 16 people around here are PUsy | School; Salutatory, “Service,” Anna! Co... =... $101.70 4 Thot’swhat growing chi S need | Wats the packer pays 15 cents a
Sort near Hyner, | Planting tobacco. ra : | Stern; Oration, “Americanism,” | Greider, C. Nissley. 2.00 | 0 get the right start, Jt's what | ound torfa s
7 d of cat- Ar. Samuel ( Myers Ol this place, | Magdalene Sweigart; Violin Solo, | Gross, Martin E.,’ 42.23 | harold to rise all you hatch, > a teer, he sells the meat to
m- | attended Old People’s Day at Mount | Ruth Myers; Essay, “Success in|Hollinger, B. R... 126.15 | 8 Strengthens tho cle Sails € retailer for about 24 cents. But
OF. 2h punday, : 11 Hazel Posten; Piano Duet, | Hiestand & Co.... 121.28 | $8 ive organs, the combination of the packer gets only about 6 cents a
Mrs. Benjamin ar y of IMiriam Bard and Martha Oberholt. Hershey & Bishop. _90.94 a Te anwholesoma gr s.balanced ll pound for th 5
La: Ease Niele ay of | zer; Summary of “How the War Keller, M. B...... 5.94 | them grow steadi Pao ans y € other 528 pounds.
Mr. J. A. Engle Came to America,” Mabel Charles-|McMuilen, Edward. 24.95 | BY sturdier. S | This &
FX. and Mes : ton; Chorus, “Excelsior,” Longfel-|Rettew, Alpert... 2.00 | Oorker’s | IS fmeans that the packer gets
-vorwood, spent Su Balfe, High School; Valedictory. | Sch ok, nce... 3.22 | - 2 | g
' Mr. and Mrs. A. fe ” Alta nie By Ll Stauffer 2% "& Co | > 31 $ } about 16 cents a pound for all the
Mr. J. I - Mumma ns Place, = 1 of Diplomas, J. H Eshleman, Strickler, Albert. .. | Buttermilk $ riing Feod products from a Steer for which he
going or business t to Richmond, sident of Se Boz : Class! | BR is different f= all others, ’ av
< Va r F. AF le of Lanecas- , hoo] Bo ads 191811 ; the original 2% k foros as pays 15 cents,
ring his left ter tev. H. Franklin Schlegel; ENUMERATION for those criticgl ies tse, Chick The diff
5 : r - n vov. . s a -alE SCA ege’, ) >secriticl firsteight w -
In rise lia S Selected, High School; Bene. Brocht, P. A... .$ 10.00 Males geod freeders and heavy or > £ difference of 1 cent per pound
2 E. Groff Phila- al ! : I. N. Seldomridge. Bradley, Morris... 17.50 Shers, huyguan coves the cost of dressing, preparation
lias pf ting om SY — Greider, Chas. A... 5.00 er pve g® Remedy isa of by-products, freight on beef to all
¥ Pan Irs. C It Farmers’ Institute i Rohrer, C. Emerson 10.00 | 54 deadly contagious di art§ of h i wm
bo 2. Me on LO a The County Board of Farmers’ In-|Zink, Harvey...... 12.50 Rg famous for trating roupy birds. 30c 8c, parts the United States, operation of
2 re to Nis dM t gers, will meet at the = 8 | Yourmon back QUICK ifany Con. £a distfibuting houses, and leaves a net
4 A 3 : harm 3 1ers’ office on thé $ 55.00 ey prepardbion Gocs not satisfy . fi ~ »
: I r Te yee on th TGrtioN Send 4c #r60paze oily & » Profit of only about Ya of a cent per
E E ssrs. Walter Hilt ord Inst Hates are to | Mount Joy Boro. $281.50 2 . W. GARBER Pond on all dressed eef sold,
2 FA sir Y .1 01 our peo-, Mount Joy Twp... . 21.00 | 18 \ UNT Joy P I
) : tes, ought to Manh "Reh 290 = i + PA. ® Are : “i |
3 Spon ates, ought to| Manheim Bor 22050 NN f-arge volume ofbusiness and utiliza- |
; +3 VI Ym « + +} ‘ h and present heir Done t W1 18.00 BY Af re sth, |
"to float ties upon the EE E—— d ec posed of ; Penn ship. . 104.00 °F Of pans hit were formerly wasted, |
*t Shirk ) > I ate Board - ake this achieve sibl A
SALE REGISTER Don t Shirk Your Duty T Cor % 575.00 i ment possible.
Me ) S u fir a r, C. A: (Post- / "ar Book of interesting and
I - C |

H Nissleg ¢ 74 SV
———— A Anes
Services at Cros loads. I'l
: 3 5
7 hurs rr r

en S$ 12
ral pax i i i . > 2.U4
S Chas. A é
) ger, H. R 2.78
Ww BB. B.
$ June, J. WW. 2
r J 1¢ r, BR. 60
NMHir Qhn
OILY Ol 108
Repairing Bdmpany
50 and 52 South Queen Street
instructive tQ ~4
Instructive facts sent on request.
ss Swift & Cc mpany