» W ednesday, March 27, 1918 MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, | | Kms TONAL CONTAINS GOVERITENT A SAFE AND, HEALTHY FORMULA FREE 4 TONIC FROM EXCES- SIVE ALCOHOL It is the practice with some per- proprietary medi- cases there is a sneer at $ “ns to eines, but in many self-interest at stake. #In spite of this attempt to sneer ay all proprietary medicines thousandg of icing, for examplgl Tonall, and get the very results they ad no attempts fo’ discredit, or any amount of ridi igule, can alter the pinion of thog® who are eful and effofftive medicine. Tonall bottlgs display on the label the name of fevery roof, hark containgd in it, facturers knw how to compound and lend the dngredients in order to | sroduce the highest efficiency as a| edicine. # | As any article of food can be] spoiled Focause the cook is incom- tent when given the best materials, co anotfler cook using the same ma- % erials, yrepares a dish which is a joy always skeptical, Beck, » people are sould Prof. lin and , Pa., give a certified analysis re ding the purity of Tonall as be- irg free from poisonous drugs if it| not pure? Wrapped in every tle of Tonall is a copy of Prof. | -k’s analysis. There is no better “fan Tonall in this or any other coun- ; for indigestion : mg from a disordered stomach. Tonall is sold by E. W. drugeist, Mount Joy, Pa. mms ae tr Noted Singer Coming to Florin There will be special Easter ser- —=#ees on Sunday in the Florin United Brethren Church, Rev. O. G. Romig, Pgator. In the forenoon a special ¥aster Rally will be held and in the vening the pastor will preach a pecial sermon on “The Risen Lord znd the Empty Tomb.” At these ser- vices Mr. Reide Romig, of Haris- targ, a former representative of Carrie Jacobs—Bond, will sing “A Perfect Day” and several other ap- propriate selections. The former was written on Easter dawn, on the sum- wit of Mount Rubidaux in southern California. Mr. Romig will tell the story of the writing of this poem as siven from the lips of the composer, rs. Bond. persons are, are looking for, ! taking aj herb and | and the manu- | chemist of | Marshall College, Lan-| medicine wade) ind ailments aris- | Garber, | | nor to have more than 30 days’ ANK AND PETE / # ¢ fa TARE ( I~ wl Wl a a —— ww h | GEE, T WONDE + \ == 7 PETE, TRouBLED ! | | § i @ ty » > | THE MATTER WATH HE LOOKS THERE'D BE FUTURE TROUBLE IN STORE FOR PT It IF HE FORGETS THE Fi PRESENT | | Tvs DEEP el ¥ = I! | ARE You ot { | ABouT MOUNT JOY, PA. THE a. By KEN ANG | I! | 1 The Advertise Article is one in which the mer ‘hant himself has implicit raith—else he will not ad- sertise it. You are safe in »atronizing the mer- ‘hants whose ads appear :n this paper because their | zoods are up to date and wot shop worn, : : 3 OF ALL THOLG HY, PE TK WORRYING FOTURE L No, (TS MY WIFE'S \ | BIRTHDAY AN’ [ "a IM WORRIED ABOUT do: | THe PRESE BT < we | 2? NY. i | | | PER ETRE It pays to advertise In the Bulletin AAMN EMAND FLCUR SUPPLY REPORTS All Householders Must Report Filed in Kevs All households States Food Ad { session on a flon: suppl ard | for this County znd printeg below issued in other rm than that f you are affected by the order to the Federal od Administrator The following statement was ‘ennsylvania, in “The flour suvply card issued | ministrator for rs Im Pennsylvania have vistration to report ssued by found printed in the you must for your County. ————— Flour Supply at Once——Card ars Must be Used. been ordered by the United the quantity of flour in their pos- the Federal Food Administrator in this paper. The card will not be newspapers so that cut out the clipping and mail it sued by Mr. Heinz, Kederal Food Ad- commenting on the above rule: by the Food Adminisiration is the first | step in a campaizn to dearn how much wheat flour is stored away in the | homes. Householders are given the opportunity to report on the flour supply card the n:mber in their households, the amount of wheat flour om nand (including whole wheat and graham flour) and the amount they consider their thirty days requirement Those who fail to report will ‘un the risk of prosecution and the penalty for hoarding -$5000 fine and | 'wo years’ imprisonment or both. If any persons fail to report, the Food “Administration ca | “By directing tf Jly card the Food Administration a poselble flour famine we find ourselves | fled. promise them mo leniency 1@ public to state their flour holdings on if found guilty of hoarding. the flour sup- is taking the step necessary to prevent Hoarders hasten famine without wheat flour, it will be because | are stored away in cellars by unpatriotic householders who banish any com- | slderation of the soldiers in their greed to have their own desire satis- The flour supply card is a government action which will meet with If next May, June or July thousands of tons he approval of all those who have taken the time to study food conditions broad and who know therefore that food is probably the foremost factoe | in winning the war.” | | OFFICIAL HOUSEHOLDER'S FLOUR REPORT WRITE CAREFULLY. No householder is permitted to purchase over 49 pounds of wheat flonp mediately (on this form) to their YOU'RE NE fean Shave, , Mas- For a good neat and Hair Cut, Sha . go to Mil lard's Parlors Kiwo = orial Formerly H. J. Williams EST MAIN ST., MOUNT JLY Agent for Manhattan Laundry Our Hobby Is Good Printing Ask tosee samples of our busi- nesscards, visiting cards wedding and other invitations, pam- phlets, folders, letter heads o——— f ng you have been Dy wking of ew Type, Latest | en you need any- thin ng in the line of attractive ee at and i p tH : rinting. ® out in France now, ito us.~ They are very chummy | dresses of S ments, shiping 2 gs, | | nvelopes etc. constantly | § | carried in stock or your | } accommodation li i { Sot our figures on that i iJohn; but believe, me {man since I last saw you. {no Sunday or night, in | work nodiate report will avotd pesatbility suppl s County Food Administrator. ort of all wheat flour on hand whet vour neighbors the importance and necessity of making this report prompt- Every householder must report im Make re urge om her it is excess or not and y Number in household.............. MATES, «.vvavencnisieirs children under 12, Vheat flour on hand (all flour containing any wheat)................. Ibs. "hirty days’ requirements (when used with substitutes according te 50-50 regulation). ...... ..... .1bs. agree to hold my excess subject tO the order of the United States Food Administration. Name... Seven sess reese masser rnin tas sinsere ss tases sense POBIORICe. .ccasesssnss $esreeas Sessssssrsssessansrinenvanenone seese Street and NO. OF R. BL D.. ... civ itriisnonssisinssneass Maximum penalty for hoarding is $5,000.00 fine and ‘wo years impris- ument. These blanks will not be distributed. You must ill in vour own lak end mail or deliver it to vour County Food Administrator An ime of search and prosecution. HOWARD HEINZ, Federal Food Administrator for Pennsylvania, Send Report to | nesday [next Sabbath the | ( hurch of Hows: munion ! celebration lat 6 and | Solemn | Friday, { Hours of {hung upon the Cross, | the stroke of twelve noon. are most cordially invited to attend | ‘Mount Joy’s Part In Great War (Continued from page 1) ter late than never,” says (thats Anuf) your letters in the end. I am always delighted to hear frém you or anybody else as a letter breaks the monotony of day in and day oul | of the terrible war. There are quite a lot of “Amex” we have a com- of New York Engineers close with us ad- pany our chaps, in fact, they give Mother and Dad are I’m alright, Your loving nephew, Eric. Mrs. Gantz also sent us newspaper! clippings which speak very well of {the two evacuation hospital units at {Camp Crane, | her son, | lowing are which Fol- Allentown, of “Chubby” is a member. the copy of same: “Two battalions of the four hundred sol- diers from Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., ar- rived in Camp Tuesday and with all credit to the new-comers it must be said that they are perhaps the best drilled group at the Fair Grounds, as evidenced by their excellent ma- neuvers.” After review before e, ranking Ita lian Washington, D. C., March 18, 1918. Mr. John H. Stoll, Mount Joy, Pa., Dear sir, Your word received, should have written before this I have been a busy As this is a busy town and knows so far as goes. I. I guess that I manage to get the United States. | they American girls, and we | iso likewise with English girls. i in a new ad-| dress, well away from the air-raids. Have myself worked | {nine Sundays out of the twelve since | | came here, as we work day and | night, Sundays at the Navy Yard. and nights. So you never Sons but goes on continuously. We work eight hours at a time with- out a stop for dinner. However the work is not hard and all the boys in | They are mostly young men, College and | over | While I am the] shop, | kind and have the | greatest respect for an old man at for which I am ever thank- the shop treat me very nice. University graduates from all oldest pattern-maker in the are all very 65 years, ful. With regards and all. kind Yours truly, A. S. Flowers. | BE, AOPRSS H°N-- ’t Special Services at Elizabethtown The St. Paul’s United Church at Elizabethtown will nd ending March Witmer of Lancaster, the president, [ His Theme will be, Endeavor and the “The Young Friday evening is Missionary So- ciety evening. vit Eril Kraybill of |¢ Lan caster, will speak; her theme will | be “Confidence in Bi ayer.” Satur- day evening Rev. 0. G. Romig of F lor ir will give rated lee- ure. Thi i The spec Brot ich time Recepti , Holy Comn Who Wants a Home? Since last week I listed rery good properties in real estate. I bore an acre of ground with fairly good buildings near Sharp’s Corner for oniy $900. Another of an acre with real good buildings nearby for $2,000. Two good dwellings in the heart of the business section with all improvements on East Main street at only $2,000 each. Now act quick. Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. weet A eee. several Read the Bulletin. It pays to advertise in’ the Bulletin Read the Bulletin. It pays to advertise in and week days. There | are 160 pattern-makers at work here They are divided | up into three 8 hour shifts, one set following another every 8 hours, day | see the work] The pastor ing services for ings of | bright, | Thursday Special sermon on “The 5 Christ,” on words to 9:30 10:30 Morning Preaching Service. A special Easter sermon. 1:45 A Patriotic Service, of the special music. 7 P. M. an Easter program will be | recitations, Brethren | hold i { given incl { readings, a and an address by body Ladies’ Class 7 night. special services beginning Mar. 28th 31st Sunday even- | ing. Thursday evening Dr. Howard | county | has charge of the services. | Christian | People.” ‘Chores practice on Frid: Monday evening tea S abb: ith Sch who w State S We regist urge only ° 1918. Bulletin | RELIGIOUS NEWS IN OUR CHURCHES NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE| ALL THE UP- p.TO.DATE HAPPEN. | CI'URCHES IN MOUNT JOY | BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COM- MUNITY Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Thomas Roberts, Pastor Sunday School at 9:15 A. M. Communion Service Junior League at 2 P. M. Preaching Service at Mid-week Prayer evening. Bible Study Class on Church of God Rev. According services God will be Sabbath School 10 A. M. Preaching 11 AM. Junior Endeavor 6:30 P. M. Senior Endeavor 7 P. M. Preaching 8 P. M. United Brethren Church Rev. D. E. Long, Pastor 9:00 A. M. Sumday School. 10:15 A. M. 6:00 P. M. 6:00 P. M. 7:00 P. M. Junior C. Preaching imunion services. Prayer Meeting Wednesday ing. Services next Sunday old time. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor Easter Services. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Service with Holy 10:30 AaM. Easter Festival with the School 7 P. M. There will be services. according Confessional 7:45 P. M. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Rev. Henry D. Speakman, Rector day will be Communion The services on Easter of the Holy 10:30 A. M. Church school at 9:15. The Sacrament of Holy 9:45 A. M. Services tonight, tomorrow and Good Friday night at 7:30. Three Hours service on Good | Three | Lancaster, - our Saviour |Mrs. will begin on|were Sunday The public commemorating the Darkness as {any or all of these services. Florin U. B. Church Rev. O. G. Romig, Pastor announces the Holy Week: Illustrated Lecture on the Our Lord” by Rev. Ph.D., of evening at 7:30. Good Friday M. Special Easter Rally on Sunday at|and the :30 A. ; | Edwin Landvater were pleasantly en- Junior C. E. at 1 P. M. Senior C. Special { Lord . M. All are invited. E. at 6:15 P.M. sermon on 5. 0 and the Empty Tomb” Evangelical ¢ Church Rev. A. Sunday School service flag, address uding songs, pantomime, the pastor. invited to these services. Meeting Every member cello "present. 7:45. cher Presbyterian Church Rev. F. 4 Bossert, Pastor ( 9:15 A. M. reby pled rch to ear ice of standing ates in the Primary Elections uesday, May LT) aie Read the Bulletin, - THE DOINGS LQOV00V0OOOOOOVODOCOOSOOOOOOOOOOCOOOO0OCOOOOOLOOOO. # { visitor Tuesday. Miss Anna Dyer was a Thursday | | visitor to Lancaster. Mr. Millis McKinley is spending | at 10:30 A. ] 7309. M. Service on Wed- Friday even- I. A. MacDannald, Pastor to the change in time at the held as Communion Services. Intermediate C. E. and Com- according to Sunday i special musical num- {bers rendered at all | services begin standard time. to the services Good Friday night | teresting mer’s father. 3 ® Fa Misses Mary and Ruth Dyer, | & Miriam Guhl, Florence Romig and 4 ve er Myrtle Groff visited friends at Her-|¥ : ; shey on Sunday. | of Mrs. Roy Brown and daughter El- | 4 7 eanor of Baltimore, M. D., are here | ¥ & n a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | 4 ® S&F ® Thomas McKinley. IK 4 i Mrs. Kate Brubaker and son, Har- | § 1 uri ry of New Holland, were the guests |e ’ of Rev. and Mrs. O. G. Romig at the |% F Florin U. B. Parsonage on Sunday. |%¥ § Services were held in the Crosse ope § . . Baptism (Roads church on Sunday morning |% When that Certificaje of Deposit which pays you and in the evening a number of in-|¥ : 7 ight tex lectures were given by|4 only 3 1-2 or 4 per cept. Interest comes due, bring e) Missionaries. | 5 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brown of | § -Mxs. Louisa Brandt and |e 0 or 0 ) J ge * - - IR Eo ul Sloan Joy, ‘4 with over One Milfion Dollars Security. Dyer and, family. + On acgpunt of the death of Mr. | % | Spangler;g#ather the Spangler medi- |g [cine company scheduled here for this | od | week Iwill occupy the follow- [FI lorin U. B. “Suffer- | lustr: ated sermon to children on “Re- Al-|member Now Thy on | Elizabethtown {Church on Saturday evening. Crucifixion | at. 7: 30 | nd daughter of Denver, Col., Mr. and 1. H. Middletown, Mrs. M. Sweigert, Pastor Disappointment Awaits Farmers Who | unfurling | Every- | on Thurs-| urged | son, farmers and city flock owners are 1y evening | training | considerable cost for feed, is = wiser | course than depending on the uncer en i | AROUND FLORIN: pont Fail to Buy / “A Spring Suit/4t This Critical Time We would be loath to sound ala Our whole record as a merchanc INGS FROM THAT THRIVING AND BUSY VILLAGE Mr. Harold Buller was a Lancaster s without necessity. ing establishment is the horizon was clear. Sf s signs of trouble in the ) 4 but actual {the day in Lancaster. Mr. P. G. Shelly made a business “| trip to Lancaster, on Tuesday. i Mr. John Carson spent Sunday at | Philadelphia, visiting friends. { But we DO see portent Mr. James Shatz of Coatesville, Clothing world ahead—ngfore than signs, visited his mother on Tuesday. know 1 . Mrs. Ed. Steigerwald of Paoli, was | iste that prices neft Fall are going to be astound clear of calamity howling whe a Tuesday visitor at her parental | home. | This is going to b hardshi i Mrs. Chas. Quickle of Columbia, | golug to haffa hardship oa many peple, and it is these we give thif advice: Don’t Fail to Buy a Spring was a Sunday visitor to Mrs. Eliz 4 oH yyonaay va i Suit at This Critighl Time. beth Sides. Mrs. Longenecker of Middletown, | spent several days here the guest of | : gs’. : Miss Myra Booth. | to wearing ongfweight c'othing the year ’round, and such Mrs. Lillie Forney of Harrisburg, men especially shouldn't ‘hing of letting this season was a Saturday visitor to Mr. and pass without securing that will stand good for Mrs. Samuel Walters. Winter wells as well ao 8 g and Summer. Messrs. D. C. Rhoads and Aaron | Stahley of Hummelstown, spent] and advance to $30 and $35. Tuesday in our village. Mrs. Jno. M. Raymond and daugh- ter, Margaret visited friends at the County Seat on Saturday. Messrs. J. T. Whalen and R. J. Hardley of Lancaster, were Tuesday visitors to our village. Mr. Theodore Bloom of Philadel-| phia, is spending the week in town | visiting friends and relatives. There are ma men who have accustomed themselves Prices‘start at $15, Groff & Wolf Co., § 26-30 North Queen Mrs. Jacob Landvater, Misses | Lancaster’s Fastest Growing Store Mary Derr, Ruth Dyer and Eliza-| beth Stock spent Saturday at Lan-| caster. | Rev. 0. G. ness at Hershey on Tuesday. | 4 d Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hershey ld o~ Romig tramsacted busi- | and Campbellstown | sum | daughter, Florence spent Sunday at Elizabethtown, the guests of the for- willsarrive here next week and Florin Hall. Romig, pastor of the | Church, will give an il- Rev. 0. G. Creator,” in the United Brethren A | j Maytown, Penna. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cunninghan Elizabethtown, Frank and Gainer of Messrs. Lloyd, Mrs. Ira Capital $50,000 M. R. HOFFMAN, President Surplus $50,000 home of Mr. and N. F. ARNTZ, Cashier Sunday. itertained at the Harry Ganor on or send it to this bank and get FIVE per cent Interest | BREE RTP RNR ey batBnilioaitRoi lit aa ex SAVE FEW CHOICE ROOSTERS | | SS000S000CO0OOCOC COCO OOOO OOOO § Auto Repair Shop & ee 510--12 N. Cherry St, Lancaster Pa. Have Been Accustomed to Buy Cockerels in Winter. “People who have been acvistolio? | to buying roosters in January and Feb- | ruary to make up their breeding pens,” says a poultry expert of the United | | States food administration, “are neily | | to be disappointed next year.” To be sure of an early start in oo | try operations during the coming sea- | repaired, no receive more and will be ready Now is the time to have your car overh: auled or matter how large or small your job, your ear careful attention now than later during the rush = for Spring when you need it. ’ : Overhauling and repairing all- makes of cars and self starters by expert mechanics at reasonable rates. Give us a call. WE REBUILD TRACTORS FOR FARM USE OUT OF YOUR OLD AUTOMOBILE AND CHARGE YOU ONLY FOR THE WORK. WHEN WE FURNISH THE MACHINE FOR THE TRACTOR} THE PRICE RANGES FROM $200 TO $500. in Second Hand Cg Ind. Pho EI UO I I I AAAI ATTN advised to retain at least a few choice well matured cockerels. Carrying them through the winter, even at a BOOOOOOO0OOLOOOO0COOOODOOG tain commercial supply. ROOSTS ON THE SAME LEVEL Where One Is Higher Than Other Fowis and Chicks Struggle to Get on Highest One. Dealers Bell phone 2227-J. POLLO O0000000 It mich than. one Yeast is used in the JERR henhouse, be sure that all are on the 2 same level, because if one is higher ® J / than another the fowls and chicks will & INI W 1d1 ll all try ts rest on the highest pole. a { ws = = P alronize Our 5 HORSE ‘ Rr EN a II : Hop = CHASE /% | Advertisers | . hi FEL SERN ER TEA = i < ® They are all boosters and | = deserve ur || = It g Q