RT 14] ' A Wednesd ay, March 20, 1918. MOUNJ JOY BULLEN, JOUNT JOY, PA. H. A. Barr, Mount Joy, Penna. BOTH PHONES AUTO HIRING LE TTT. — - re - 11 Ci nr 4 : : . 00 TT ——————— F C I APPEAL TO AMERIC rin hee (THE CONDITION SF Dor ount. snd 4 al sl w s armers olumn GIVE CLOTHING FOR THE MOY Savy oy IN THE STATE OF | Liberty Loan Bonds, per o We Arc Alw P . BELGIANS AND FRENCH BUSINRSS N14, AT THE CLOSE OF and 4 per cent, I to secure ays Frep Bb I HAVE'A NEW STOCK OF ~ J : ——— — MA . SE MARCH, 4th, 1918, Bute 2! other deposits or b lis Serve . Items in These Columns Are Pre- Next week an active campaign in aa . RESOURCES Securities other than U. " pared in the Department of Agri- | the interest of Belgian Relief will | 40005," Bia "SHR $474,280.91 8. bonds (not including a Th . Og iw ’ hout the Uni HD & of Exchange ow stocks) owned un " ermoid Brake Lining » culture at Washington, D. C., and | be carried on throughout the United Fults sold With indorsement pledged $216,196, a : i States by the American Red Cross, a +o 474,259.91 fotal bonds, securities, etc - are reliable and trustworthy This will take the form of the collec. secured, none ie Stock of Federal Reserve B = A 1.87 o0 Yet f bseript 5 THE BEST ON THE MARKET " — |tion of old garments and clothing. deposited to" Value of banking house. § 4.1 . MORE FOOD IS NEEDED, SAYS y-thirds of this clothing will be lation (pan Iquity in banking house ) i Tw I Bel 1 -third wo $100,009.00 Furnitur and fixtures » SECRETARY HOUSTON given to the Belgians and one-third |: "'s "| ,00 0 Corte # oe With . ’ . : : ; . svasted Northe fica te , RWG 31 g awlul reserve with Federe o ALSO RAYBEST | mn spite of the large production in | to the people. of devasl Divis her Plt or, dg Eiadness Bf Serve Bank ny § ® | many directions during 1917, the sit- | France. The Pennsy vania iSion igi pieced to se y ash in vault and net & | uation is not A Se Th The sup- | expected to furnish 1,350 tons of fi; 8 "hoa i en? jo. For So tioned "%, to See Us BRAZIN n a of wheat in this nation and in the these materials and Lancaster and | ficates o lebtedness 17 and 18... 2 Your Order This ! G AND W. DING | pl) Jl ie tre te 6 Lancaster County’s share, it is hoped, and unpledged SH 000.00 Redemption fund with Year y | world is inadequate. Owing to short will be large. S. bonds ve 116,000.00 I'reasurer and due fn : a | crops in preceding years the reserves oy . n Bon d Treasurer NL 1,760.00 N N : a of a number of important commodi- p For ine bila} Se Yeral months iiss 900.00 Inte erost earned but n . Stauffer & Bro. : ies ave been greatly reduced. [France , a : fA Dpros ii 79 x s Whethes the ey COT or not the | of the Lancaster Belgian Relief. She Kills Receivable nog past due 33.78 MOUNT JOY, PA. Q a demands of this country, because of | Will-co- operate with the Red Cross ac- Total . ll the increasine ulation and of the | tivities in this line, which same Chair- 50,000.00 ¥ £2 ho ens Bagi be great. They | man Herbert W. Hartman has placed LIA -— a d 1 ) 1 : 3 hig > pb R C 3% & S CK PRIGFIN...civveiviin | ® : . 8 will continue to be great for a con- | in charge of H. B. C ochran. . oom Sopiial Stock Palin. iieeersise $ 80,000.00 ' HOTEL McGI S IC 1 G i i These contributions, while entail Surp 13 TUNG... cosuleerservzesys , en an ood ear Tires siderable period, even after peace re- 60,662.17 111,662.17 | Undivided profitgh....... $16,669.44 ; wrifice for the : E 8 m | turns. There will be an especially [ing little or no sacrifice for the ; Tess orrvent Denses, ast Main Street, ; F #® strong demand made on this country | donors, will mean a great deal to the interest and taffes paid 2,661.66 13,897.79 ’ => 8 . i a J > ‘here 3 ant. L¢ Wied nterest and ount colleo 8 JUST R strong demand made on this country es Whore thew are oe In l Loe. % es 3 ECEWED A LOT OF BICYCLES for meats and live stock. ( : y > ] vd $304,550.06 or credited, ig advance of ma- rant and. uch Bar n f TAM v " eo) NPAT France and Belgium a great army of | oa rus anc turity and ot earned (ap- & 5 8 I NATION STILL NEEDS GREAT | women are busy making over such | « : PYOXIROte) ff .i0 osarscrettetsies 1,387.68 OYSTERS INJANY STYLE o ¢ i POULTRY INCREASES garments for the needy, and, while| id ody AE Ape rile wes CLAMS IN'ANY STYLE W 9 : = Poultry production should be in- | they are busy doing so they forget| , ) ¢ than THREE check fai 246,008.79 LC 4 ‘ - 3 ’ sed greatly, according to the De- | their own misery to a great extent,| YEARS time . 9,179.1 Certificates gf deposit due in less RABS @ 3 F ’ - creased greatly, accore 1g 9 while they labor to relieve the need | otal bond seoliriti etc. ... 363,159.28 than 30 d#ys (other than for i LE SOUPS 5 1] » partment of Agriculture’s 1918 agri- 4 ther ti Feral He [money DEETOWSR). eeirrsrnrrs 89,661.22 io fae & ( ® | cultural production program, es- | of gthers. | i ted t 1 ¢ Jank sto : 3,166. 16| C wshier's cfiecks outstanding pie 1,660.86 ? R lagl eveything in sensom. B = viallv i ackvards & g The articles donated must be o Reserve Bank Ye posits pjuiring notice but 5 rivate Dinin = 5 MW | pecially in backyards and on farms ae : "efi, Ee Wo SS that 80 AAYS........e0eeneess GO00L17 at &Room for Ladies. # » where waste material is available and | Strong, durable materials, but need on URN Total oF der des “ ® F) n m 0 CU 1 OT B pn damp conditions, by thorough sanita- ee oDMvanODSED0000000GE0EC00SNICOOIEION000 tion, by discouraging the marketing Is the culy kind | seli—Furniture that is Furniturgs#' x \ I EE— VS 3 | Rockers, H.C. BRUNNER CREE I —— F. H. BAKER” LUMBER and ‘GOAL ! GOOD FURNITURE Mirvorsgall Racks, Picture Framef] Ladies’ Desks, Extensigf and Other Tables, Da¥énports, China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets. Line UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING MOUNT JOY, PA. SHEET IRON. ESTIMATES QUICKLY AND CHEERFULLY MADE ON BUILDING MATERIAL AND ALL KINDS OF CONCERETING WORK, fie SRE EE EE HE 1 continue the furniture afiness on the second floor of the “Engle Building, with a complete and up-to-date line of all kinds of furniture. Prices are very reason- able. When in need of furniture call and see me. Repairing and Painting a Specialty Special Aftontion Given to REMODLING ts REMODLING ANTIOUD FURNITURE D. H. ENGLE, eo i = = BE I i oF | THE KOPAK West Malin St., MOUNT JOY, Pa. Story is ued and never concluded wbty that grips and fascinatgg/’every member of the famy Perhaps it may be a pic- tug®” story of the home folks—of interesting places and still more interesting folks. You can make it history with an AUTOGRAPHIC KODAK, for you date it when you take it. A FULL LINE OF KODAK, AND KODAK SUPPLIES FOR 8 | hatched, ment of seed potatoes immediately Both Telephones ~~ MOUNT JOY, PENNA. before planting, and by the use of OLE AGENT FOR Zz, ROOFING. NO. 1 CEDAR sprays to prevent loss by blight. S con FAVS TO THE 15 PR INT TO « SHINGLES ALWAYS ONHAND. ALSO SIDING, FLOORING, m|“#YSTO THE 15 PER CENT HOG SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, LATHS, ETC. AGENT = Dark bro ction. to atin the 35 “OR LEHIGH PORTLAND CEMENT, ROOFING SLATE AND _ Tiny reas doclaved reoded ho ISLE TR the purchase of expensive grains and other material is not required. In- creased poultry production may be obtained most economically, accord- ing to the Federal experts, by early = | hatching, by conlning mother hens at Beast ten days after the chicks are by reducing loss on account of rats, weasels and thieves, and cold, of early hatched pullets as broilers, by eliminating non-producing hens and keeping good layers through at least two laying seasons, and by the poultry man raising his own feed as far as possible. OATMEAL COOKIES FOR LUNCHES * Oatmeal cookies, a toothsome and wholesome sweet for the school lunch, may be made of 1 egg, one- third cup granulated sugar, 1 cup rolled qats, two teaspoons melted fat, 14 teaspoonful salt. Beat the eggs, add sugar gradually, and stir in other ingredients. Drop a spoonful at a time on a well-greased tin and bake in a moderate oven. KEEP - UP BIG POTATO CROPS, ADVISE FEDERAL SPECIALISTS The normal acreage of Irish and sweet potatoes should be maintained in 1918 notwithstanding the large crops in 1917, the Department of Agriculture believes. This is es- pecially true in view of the necessity of releasing more wheat. for export. Potatoes, both Irish and sweet, are the most popular and most generally used of the perishable table crops. The Department, through its exten- sion and publication activities, is en- couraging their greater use, especial- ly the use of the Irish potato, as a partial substitute for wheat in bread making. The yield per acre can be made more certain by greater atten- tion to the selection of disease-free potatoes of good varieties, by treat- during 1918, according to the agri- cultural production program recently announced by the Department of Agriculture, will be increased eco- nomically by breeding for two litters a year, by saving through better care a larger number of the pigs farrowed, by growing pasture and forage crops, by using wastes, especially town and city garbage, by proper rations of concentrated feeds, by the use of self feeders, by pasturing alfalfa and other legumes and other forage crops, by hogging down grain sor- ghums and corn, by finishing hogs to heavier weights, up - to about 275 pounds, and by preventive measures which will keep hogs free from cholera, tuberculosis, other disease and parasites. NEW BULLETINS ON GARDENING Three new publications of the De- partment of Agriculture are intended to help the war gardener. They are: “The Farm Garden in the North,” Farmers bulletin 937; “Home Gar- dening in the South,” Farmers bul- letin 934; and “The City and Sub- burban Vegetable Garden,” Farmers bulletin 936. Other publications of the Department, each describing the culture of an important garden crop, are of special interest to truck growers. Write the Department of Agriculture for the publication you need. ere tl Rr eemee COUNTY AUTOMOBILE CLUB ELECTS ITS NEW OFFICERS B. C. Atlee, Esq., was elected pres- ident of the Lancaster Automobile Club for his third consecutive term at the annual meeting held on Friday evening. Under the by-laws this will be President Atlee’s last term. Under his leadership the club has made a big growth in membership .and has a long list of successes to his credit, among them being the campaign for freeing the toll roads of the county. The splendid support given all pa- triotic movements has been under the direction of President Atlee. To- day it stands an organization of power in the community, fully recognized for the good it has done not only for motorists but as a lay Books rr oH of the t Christmas What To Do With i There is scarcely a home but what has felt the annual overflow of books which usually happens 4 pa time. If they are worth protecting at all, 1 tection possible—such as is afforded “ELASTIC” BOOKCASE. Price twenty books) from $2.75 up FURNITURE RE SHING AND UPHOLSTERING Now is the timg##0 have your Furniture done over. Special MIDWINTER P S ARE NOW PREVAILING. Call us on the phone and w 1 have a representative call to give you an estimate. 7 /Westenberger, Maley & Myers Rem have the best pro- a GLOBE WERNICKE unit (sufficient to hold about 1254131 East King Street, NURSERY Su AL ONE-THIRD Th Gnrest 4 antii'you see our Foney Saving catalog and wide. Tell. gon whole for the public. The other officers chosen follow: First Vice President, Aaron B. Lan- dis; Second Vice President, George D. Brientnall; Treasurer, Dr. Wil- liam H. Trout; Secretary, Joseph G. Forney; Directors: Charles M. Reil: ing, Levi F. McAllister, Chas. A. B. Zook, Prof. S. Edward Gable and Frank Abel. i It was decided to have the club notify all supervisors in the county directing them to repair the town- ship roads as soon as conditions per- mit, and that the negligent super- visors be referred to the club’s so- licitor for action. Members are urged to report negligent officials to the secretary. Five memberships for the clug in the Lincoln Highway Association | were authorized. In membership growth the club starts its new year most auspiciously seventy new members having been elected. . Candidate for Governor J= Denny O'Neill is sending out literature announcing his candidacy for Governor of Pennsylvania. A Miss Lesta Fidler has aecepted a sition with the Ameriean Steres not ‘be in perfect repair, as they are re-made largely abroad, as said. Givers are requested to not con- tribute mén’s or women's stiff hats, women’s fancy slippers, goods con- taining rubber in any form, no Samp) clothing, all leather zoods to be free of mud, and no notes or messages to is called to the fact that | clothing must not be contributed from homes where there has been contagious or infectious disease. The great need of garments and | clothing is illustrated by the fact that in Belgium during the rigors of the Winter just past families of four and five persons were often required to share one blanket in sleeping at night; to have one pair of shoes re- soled costs as high as seven dollars. Even the well-to-do in that land are short of necessities, and the poor are in dire need. America, in its plenty, has a particular duty before them in relieving the destitution prevailing. Attention needed, as many Belgian mothers in rags. Shoes are very much need- ed; also, bed blankets and sheets. In fact, clothing of all sorts, except those tabooed in a foregoing para- graph. Nothing short of 5,000 tons from America will meet the present situation effectively. The Slaymaker store room, No. 154 North Queen street, Lancaster has been secured as the depot for re- ceiving the supplies. Articles Needed for Belgian Relief MEN’S WEAR—Shirts (prefer- ably of light colored flannels), under- shirts, underdrawers, trousers, coats, work-suits (overalls), suits (3 piece), shoes, overcoats, jerseys, sweater- vests, socks (sizes 10, 10% and 11). WOMEN’S WEAR—Shirts, draw- ers, corset-slips, petticoats, blouses, skirts, overcoats, suits, pinafores, shoes, cloth hats, knitted caps, stock- ings (sizes 7 and 8), shawls. BOYS’ W EAR~—Shirts, union suits undershirts, trousers, coats, suits shoes, overcoats, jerseys, socks (sizes 1 and 9). GIRLS’ WEAR-—Dresses, shirts, overcoats, nightdresses, drawers, stockings (sizes 1 to 5), undergar- ments, petticoats, suits (2 piece), blouses, shoes. BOYS’ AND GIRLS WEAR Hooded caps, pinafores, woolen unionsuits. INFANTS’ WEAR—Swanskin swaddling clothes, cradle chemises, bodices, cradle dresses, bonnets, bibs, nickerchiefs, diapers, shoes, baby dresses, hooded cloaks, jackets, shawls, sweaters, socks. MISCELLANEOUS—Bed-ticks,bed sheets, pillow cases, blankets, mufflers etl Ceres. SUSPECT YOUR KIDNEYS Early Symptoms of Kidney be placed in the pockets of clothing. | Light, warm, cotton flannel is much ; have to swathe their new-born babies| Too Many Mount Joy People Neglect 3 wise § 3,000.00 i |S oul Fed | E (1 | | fue f | Ne I'e x wing ited outside | reporting ms i Re $26,498. 44 vid § 294. 2 Is ding 1¢ Sitional less 16 Set $591,589.7 r other than YW $509,840.07 DOSILS posits bursing ers $ 000. 00 Ciabilitigg other thar ose above stated § . Total § ‘ State & Pennsylvania, County o « Ste, Ba R. Flier named Dinh 1o s v above stdeme t the my Enos led »f the JROWN Py _ Dircetory, RErORKT OF «HE UNION SANK AT STATE OF ‘LOSE Ol 918. UN IN 1A, M. A Trouble If your back is lame—if yom feel dull, tired and all-worn-out— If you have hard headaches, bac:- aches and dizzy spells— If the kidney secretions are dis ordered— Suspect your kidneys and “take stitch in time.” Use Doan’s Kidney Pills, the tim. - tried, home-endorsed kidney remedy It may save you ffom some serious kidney trouble. Make use of .the experience of Mrs. Irvin Geistweit of W. Main S¢. S (not 1r owned ‘ash in ult and nef 11 tue fi Bar jankers and trust £o 2cks other banks She says: “Doan’s Kidney Pills have been used in gur family as far bac, as I can remémber. My back used to pain and ache so much, kidneys became weak and bladder trouble bothered me. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills and/without a doubt, this medi- cine is the best that I know of. The gave mé permanent results and haven’t had Occasion to use them in a long time.’ PRE. 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simpl y ask for a kidney Temedy et Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Geistweit had. Footer dibncs Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. —— eer Wanted—March 23 Everybody to attend a grand spell- ing bee and entertainment -in the Franklin school, in East Donegal township. There will be two spellin and a general information class with four prizes to each class. The pro- gram will be interspersed with musical numbers, recitations and dia- logues. Program at 7:30. Admission, 15 cents. Warren F. Gish and Har- riet Egan are the teachers. 2t ee Eee He Sure is In Wrong Paul Shields of Marietta, aged 24 years, is wanted by the authorities for paying no attention to his ques- tionaire. Now he has been arrested and is charged with assault and bat- tery and desertion by his wife. Squire C. C. Hicks of Maytown, will hear him on the latter charges. Left for Washington Mr. Paul Peifer of Salun a, left Friday morning for the Navy Yard at Ww ashington, where he has accepted a position, —_— a — Mrs. Mary Behm, wife of Abram Behm, died Wednesday night at Manheim from a complication of di- seases aged 67 years. i George C. Willy, proprietor of the Central Hotel at Columbia, died aged 49 years. LeRoy Kimble died at Columbia from tuberculosis, aged 51 years. The Mount Joy Bulletin i the best Company. value in a newspaper sme dan find. 1 or town jas repor banks lo@ated ~ towngof r 1 other gash it fund§ with and dhe from U. S vings Stamps factually i ya 3 fan ITIES gid in.. $ 1 ig : as andj taxes paid 10,279.7 outstanding.. subject to es Bf deposit due days (other «@rrowed) Fanpaid. . x rand deposits i demand de- her than bank subject to Ot of deposit money borro deposits re time deposits » Reserve.....$466,501.6 deposit ac- wed * Pennsylvania, County N Nissly Cashier of the yank, do solemnly affirm ment is true to the ledge and belief \ N. NISSLY, ( Hs ed and armed before day of March, 1918 - HENHY H. KOSER, Notary Public. 39,270.96 | My flommission expires Feb. 21st, 1919. Corredt— Attest: : | HW MINNICH, 100,000.00 | M. I.. SWAR 100,000.00 HOWARD BY ‘STAUFFER, | Directory, | Vv owned . 4 3 2 Js ITIES 3 10 770.06 | Price as herétofore. ear that the | best of | : | wp omnes, sae Coluwhia Baking & Mle. Co. th ay 01 x “ SN A Aruission cxpites Yeh. 3h. 100 | S.B. BERNHART, Sale Agent 17 4 Relieves a Gorn | 5,000.00 | ed 86.64 | | 1,703,726.89 100, 000.00 150, 009. )' 500. 00 #%: Junk of All Kinds 70.90 livered Friday. East Main St. 8 S184 | We Pay Highest Cash Prices wo. KEYSTONE RAG CO. Bes of) f Max Brody, Propr. 35,000.00 posits (ofher than bank 12,000. 00 | ae i 512 subject to 1 cereanenne $343,188.08 | of deposit (other | thi in fg money borrowed)..... 90,263.14 Other tighe deposits........... 1,032.76 Total Bf time deposits subjec 10 Regorve. .......ckcetcaer $91, A Liabilits other than those above! stated Liberty Bond Subsafiption teesvahitetsnnnunene 7,800.00 4 ——— Totald Cras ienvivunsahe isd inser $582,669. 29 Stategof P ennsy lvania, County of Lan- Caste ss I, J. N. Summy, Cashier of the above- 5,000.00 | namedfbank, do solemnly swear that the Before v Mout Joy, Pa. 4d. W. M:GINNIS PROPR3TOR ROBERT F, HQKE PROFESSIG Af UNDERE ER EMBALM. Be | above gstatement is true to the best of | my kgowledge and belief. 208.15 | J. N. SUMMY, Cashier Subsgfribed and sworn to before me this 8.05 | 16th d@y of March, 1918. 22,204.15 - = Combi Steam « BREA y my B. Bernard £5 More 1,060.00 | The same Bread, same size and same { Lan- | worth While Going For as it is " Better Bread above- For Mount Joy and vicinity. Jan.30-tf e RCTS in 10 Mindtes The minute you apply Tasso Corn { Remedy you say ggod-bye to all foot [trouble. Applied in 10 seconds you {get relief and thle corn removed in from 3 to 4 a= Corns come out, roots and all./ Bunions are quickly | reduced and dored. Callouses as big |as a silver gbllar have been removed a painleg, harmless way. 700.00 | Also all kinds of re - = Buttermilk STA um the complete foo aa Only costs 1c pe mgs layers, good n uy M. m4 BOWMAN EST., MT. JOY, PA. Vd Sunday and Night Calls Responded # to Immediately Vi * ¢ % 3» Bell Phone MOUNT Joy, PA. Krall’'s Meat Market” I always have on Hand anything in - the of SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA DRIED BEEF, LARD, ET Also Fresh'Beef, V, A H, West Main St. PL Tinning AL THAT'S M description. gril A ny YOUR _#'SOLICITED Charles Ricksec West Main St., Mount HUS Raise health growing chic} vital force to) chick disease ING @nd see them chick to raise fket birds. It's eas raise #hicks on Conkey’s. Buy #Bag, £1.00. Pkgs, 25¢, 50c 3] JEonkey’s must satisfy you or AA. D. GARBER, FLORIN druggists, {nurses afd multitudes of satisfied |, {customess praise Tasso. Satisfy 5.00.0 | yourself. Get a package from your _ | nearest druggist to-day or from 0 } Doctorsy 132.00 7.500.00 J (25¢ per bottle) [CHANDLERS 4 Ww. Main St. Mt. Joy, Pa. DRUG STORE reachers, p 7 Yd Ro EA G. Moyes’ Mi. Savbe 4 WT == 1 Hides f Tallow RUBBER and METAL SCRAP Goode called for Shaving Hair Cutting Jos. B. Hershey TONSORIAL PARLOR Agent for the Manhattan Laundry. Tuesday and de- MOUNT JOY ~ for Burlap Bags Cashier. | me this| Bell Phone 67-R4 MOUNT JOY. W. M. HOLLOWSBUSH Notary Public j Days at Lancaster, 0.00 J day at No. 56 N. Duke Street, Second Floor, with W c Re hm ATTORNE¥-AT-LAW Bell Phone 43-R4 Mount Joy, Pa. Monday and Fri- West Main St., CHAS. S. FRA} AUCTI IONEBER MOUNT J@&Y, PA HK AN BRUBAKBR, N Pub Mis 2: a expires Feb a, Te 21 ant sialon given to ha Olle. ( I Attest: state dF 3 Ho ee. (© D- CARS ONTOS SoS 8. NX. MUMMA os Agent for Beli Phong rect - re ——— RBPORT OF THE CONDITION OF | = Lif and Fir luglr The SECVIK SCHOOL FOR HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF| B g ance SEMITONES STATE CLOSE OF BUS nh 18 Loans Foreign Drafts sold wit Bills of this bank, ny shown under (see Item 57c). ag t par eSisiriic nua $ 35,000.00 and gertd- nese ..§ 15,000.00 BB senresnre )F PENNSYLVANIA, SINESS ON |1 represent the cotalog Companies: Northern Lifes Assurance Co. Mutual Fiye Insurance Co. Of Gbatesville, Pa. | - 188.397.07| Penn Mugaal Fire Insurance Co. West Chester, Pa. — D me a card and I will eall. Main St. AQUNT JOY |