The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 13, 1918, Image 5

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Wednesday March 13, 1918. MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA.




— ——— — . . " R= SRT Ee = ——
— . rr ee a pe p— SAY. HANNAM, DO You KNOW
- . p— \
pian? om wo PETE Il Ceean Lookin 1 osu, [| [MABLE To ce T insucTe o) JUST CIUE WER Al THE BEST 1 KNOW How iy HOT SOAPY WATER. TWICE |

J HER FAC < AND LEAVE Us! : Y. ) 1 “.
Bake Lovely ? f |rue I eo wee —— 2 ) SUL" EVERY TIME | | SCARCE NOWADAYS AN J ll 1 PEAVUTIFLL ¢ © «'
RS Soambe OF ( J (7 IL00K AT HER | IT MUSTN'T HURT HER \ "
€ / | SHE SPOILS pv FEEL re V ed (we i> TAY
—— \ m—— APPETITE 1 | y WINGS Tach | TRue ? *)
Neam———— RY \ # kot / — pd


Rc i

| rd .
| 3 |
: ko a
u | if each of our 22,000,000 rg use this recipe a MUNITY | “Taniac hay done more for me |
4 b : . than anything I ever used, anc ave |
4 . instead of white bread. = Slethodise Episcopal Chuseh tried everything during the twenty!
§ One loaf saves 11,000, gle; three loaves a Sorday Sod SL IEA NM. Fynre | saftored A draiie Wiow |
week for a year means J7716,000,000 poundssaved | 5 This will be the only service in the |g Feed Warehouse, ¥ork, Pa.
Fhureh next Sabha on AccoNnt of | «1 had stomach, bowel and nervous
» » the Pastor being away attending i.ouble.” he continded, “I had no ap- |
Enough to F eed/the Entire Allied Army os aller aun 1 of a
United Brethren Church health ye as so weligned iat] Vos
1 3 nthe attacked by neuralgia and oh e
i } read with Rye Flour Rev. D. E Long, Bastor agony I suffered from those dart-
J be 1 teaspoon salt 2s dy oa. ing, burning pains that would Shoot]
1 cup milk a P.M [hte Hate ° E through every ‘nerve in my body. |
8 v 1 ogg 2 6 DM Pre er Sometimes it got worse through the|
; s Royal Baking Powder 2 tablespoons shortening 4 Wednesday evening Prayer Meet- ay trial relhely after’ vomiedys |
E Barley g8ur or oat flour may be used instead of rye flour with equally good 4 ing. guess I tried ‘about everything that |
HN resul Sift dry ingredients into bowl; add milk, beaten egg and melted % O95 os held out the slightest hope of relief, |
shogfening. Stir well. Put into greased pan, allow to stand in warm place Church of God but none of them did me a patielo]
29/0 25 minutes and bake in moderate oven 40 to 45 minutes. See L 4. YacDannald, Ste of good. I was desperate—TI felt |
! Our newged, White and Blue booklet, ‘‘Best War Time Recipes,’’ containing many other Preaching 10:30 ANY tut omedl shan z Jah Feet:
\ recifes for making delicious and wholesome wheat saving foods, mailed free— address Jr. YX. P. S. BB. 5:45 Polit to myself—I've tried all the others
| Senior Endeavor 6:30 I'll see if this will help me. !
A ‘AL BAKING POWDER CO, Dept. H, 135 William St., New York : Prayer meeting on Wednesday gd it did i Hu me from]
k evening. b 1 the very first. I felt better and bet-
BS ve aay morning the su Jone Xi ter with ; each dose until today I
The Death and Burial o ing | hardly kdow myself.
r Alcohol “] am going to stick to Tanlac, for |
a ee already those neuralgic pains have |
Trinity Lutheran Church left mej My stomach is in such fine
Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor condition that I can eat anything and |
Sunday School 9:30 A. M. I feel well and vigorous all over
Morning Service 10:45 A. M. Tanlac, the Master Medicine, is
Evening Service 7 P. M. now séld here by W. D. Chandler &
Wednesday Service 7:45 Rs M. Co., druggist, where the Master
| purely evening Ladies’ Aid So-|pfedicine can always be had
i ciety. Decree
: | Monday and Friday evenings Cat- f
| echetical instruction. MAYTOWN f
| United Evangelical Church Mr. and Mrs. Charles Houseal an-|
! g Rey, A M dp Paoic nounce the birth of a boy. {
Sunday Sehool at J:00 A ¥. Miss Ella DeHoff, of Littelstown,
Here is 2 condensed list of Real Preaching at 10:30 A. M. and at iy iy Mr eu
I have for sale. If interested’ 7PM. Rw 8 yh
v Estate Hoff

in any of these properties, please Practice of Chorus Friday evening
The following ere : or 10se
call, phone or drop me a card and I The following were among those |

lat 7:30 P. M. Ho attended the atnuat bal
will cheerfully furnish particulars in i Teacher training on Mondav even- who attended the ,annua yanquet of
detail bing : the Lancaster County Automobile |
¥ * hid Ciub at Lancaster: Dr. G. A. Jars or,
BUILDING LOTS seegespuinmes | fowcomar stian
No. 2—Four Lots, exch 502200 ft. Presbyterian Church Find hi Sinise tiar Forte) y:
on North Barbara St., Mount Joy. Rev. F. G. Bossert, Pastor [T. on ® Wimer 4 ve
: y Sabbath School 9:15 A. M fe John Hinkle Elmer B. Gro

No. 6—Two Lots, each 40x197 ft., | Charles Forrey.


on Frank St., Mount Joy. | Divine Worship and Sermon 10:30 : nial ;
No, 28—Seventeen choice lots [A. M. Subject, “Marked Men, 4 Miss Edythe B. Keener, a daugh-
fronting on the pike east of Florin. | Eve Service at Donegal 7:30 Ti Ve. and Ms. a9 Roi Kosnoe
Some front on Old Line of P.R.R. | P. M. , j Jan OR thn, sc
No. 29—Four lots on Fairview | Prayer Meeting Wednesday even-|of Mr. d ue Rojahr
5t., Mount Joy. Tract contains 13% {ing at 7:30 P. M. ; {of Dall istown, we unit In mar-
aeres. | The Ladies’ Home and Foreign |riage at the home of bride
No. 32—Two Lots in Florin, each | Missionary Society will meet at the(groom. Phe ceremony was perform ed
90x200. They front on Main St. {church on Thursday afternoon at 2{by Rev. Benja D. Rojahn, an
No. 35—One Lot 50x65 ft., on | 0’clock | uncle of the b TOOM Serg eant
West Donegal St., Mount Joy. | Sewing for the destitute poor of] Xojahn is at present stationed ¢
No. 36—Two Lots each 45x212 | Europe will follow. {Camp Meade, Md. Mrs. Rojahn w Al
ft., on Poplar St., Mount Joy. | ok | reside with the bridegroo: n’s parents
No. 45—Four Lots in Florin, 40x- 'in business center. All improvements. located. One of the best in the town. | St. Luke’s Episcopal Church at Dallastown un tile her husband re-
200 ft. They front on Church St. No. 84—A frame house adjoining I also have a number of ron! Rev. H. D. Speakman, Rector {ARES fYom he nyee
No. 53—0One Lot on West Done- No. 83; fine shape, all improvements. that owners do not care to have ad-| The services on Passion Sunday Rev. Prof. Christopher Noss, D.D.,
gal St., improved, 90x168 ft. or Will sell one or both. vertised. If you don’t find what you will be Morning Prayer and sermon | missionary of the Reformed
more depth if desired. I No. 26--A 215-story 11 room | want in this list, call and see me. 1|at 10:30 “and Evening Prayer and | ¢ hurch, and who for a number of
No. 57—A 5-acre tract in the boro | modern mansion on E. Main st., Mt. have it. sermon at 7:30. : a |e ars has been doing evangelistic
of Mount Joy, fine large lot and ‘Joy, with heat, bath, electric lights, Subjects: “The Sinless Victim,” work in the province of Iwasiro,
would be a money-maker for truck- etc. Immediate possession. {and “The Precious Blood of Jesus. | Japan, will deliver an address in the |
ing or speculating on building lots. | No. 87—A 9-room brick residence Church School at 9:15. { Maytown Reformed Church Wednes-
The Dr. Ziegler tract. on E. Main st., has hot water, heat | On Friday evening, the 15th inst. |day evening, March 13. Dr. Noss |
No. 66—Building lot 45x213 ft. Bn in splendid’ shape. the Bes Biopsy zea) Frown, Joo has been in i country during o the
on East side Poplar St. Mount Joy. No. 88— A 9-ro a [tor of St. John’s Church, Lancaster, {past year for the purpose of writing
No. TT Very desirable or | Plow, a Sar ashy {Both Phones Mount Joy, Pa. will be the special Lenten preacher, | a book to be used by the church in
lot fronting on the south side o {Sons A fine home. Mr. Browne is well known here as an! mission study work. This publication
Marietta street. Will sell any num- | | eloquent and powerful speaker and | under the title of “Tohoku, the Scot- |
her of feet you want at $6 per foot. | BUSINESS STANDS as 3 Ja fer in practica] Uh stioniiy | land of Jape an,” has just come off $e
| in this diocese. cordial mvitation! press and 1s arousing very favorable |
DWELLING HOUSES 735 gr lot gt Found Jn Mount is extended to the public generally a: from the mission boards and |
No. 4—The J. Harry Miller prop- | t i _ d x Nase Say - oo to come to hear him. | workers of our country. |
erty on Columbia Avenue, Mt. Joy. Iv Shi diet or <s Stand of Geo nei, sn
No. 5—A 16-room apartment | 1cKley. rice right. : Florin U. B. Charch The Ladies’ Aid Society of the
No. 43—A good hotel property in Rev. O. G. Roinig, Pastor | Maytown Reformed Church held its|
house for 3 families on East Main | | Mo
S ; i 3 J
beet, Sours doy. house in Florin, | | patronage. Ample shedding and will
unt Joy enjoying an excellent The pastor announces Solow | monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.

{ Geo. Huntzinger. Following the busi- |



) |i os Sabbath:
{sell worth the money. ing services for the coming iness session a mm sical and literary
the C. A. Wiley property. | No. 27—Lot 100x150 ft., on West | samples of Bible School at 9:30 A. M. DeTon ae runderedr Satie
No. 21—A brick dwelling in Flor- IM St., M t J lot f . Preaching at Eby’s at 10 A. M. {P } D Beciinc “Hood os
in the D. E. Wolgemuth property. Jz R an Be bh n Sonty on our busi- Jurtor CE ot1P M. C To I ou ing, i vod ve ORE] |
No. 41—A frame mansion dwell- |" k & SEE. | Powbished cosh nesscards, | §| Senior C. E. at 6.15 P. M. [gn.” Sims. Wm, J. Loves Vos! Tels, |
> ing in Florin, the J. N. Hershey | ° lin uy fs £0 a tl visiting | Preaching at 7.15 P. M. | Mi er fhe loz i yd a ANI,
property. b g industry or presen | cards | Subject “The Power and Influence) | Edith SI rn e Rar = nha M rd
g No. 44—A large brick house, good | ugiess, A tract of it Go of Can Dang [dit Joge Reading, Foe m, 3 iss M.
repair in Florin, the Mrs. Fanny Rado t ri rac 0% Bre Lg g Lo wed ing | The Christian Endeavor Society Fhe] Gu Bi Singing, | Nt Read :
Hambright property. Bo a ar aay ir | and other invitations, pam- | liheld the election of officers and the | he Sew AUISter, | ISS Snna
No. 50—A row of six newly built | SZ bbl. ox wh ni ly SAE ong iii phlets, folders, letter heads, following were chosen: President, | ; Tesay Rei ig Fo v nary
brick houses on Hazel St., Lancaster. [aid ha y re esidence, barn | stakraents, Shipping tags, George Geyer: Vice President, Roy Lanee; Roading, Food X
No. 51—A large frame house in | Ni a ag: ores 2 nab; P Baker; Secretary, Miss Stella Halde- | vatecnism, Mrs .
Florin, the S. S. Stacks propert No. 62—An old and well estab-| envelopes etc., constantly : Treas “Clarence E. Mussel- (10g, Chorus;
2 DfoDer lished store stand doing a $40,000 man; Ti aren Gove 2
No. 58.4 frame house on North! ® 0 00" i erocry batons 1 carried in stock for your Iman) Miss Haldeman ; | GTO
Market St., Mog Joy, the former Hai: Joy. : Gn i ee | accommodation. Junior Su Miss en eae
eLong property. y Sc ao ote y { shade. Represent s Nat
No. 59 A fine frame residence want fo dion BY estate. Low rent Get our figures on that reel Qe al Defen TH
and business stand on West Main —The entire concrete block { printing you have been Public Sale at Florin vrs. J
St., the John Keener property. i ey TO Rie thinking of wday, / Marc] 23 Mrs Gr Ve

No. 60—A very beautiful and
modern brick dwelling on West Main
St., Mount Joy, up to the minute in
overy detail, the H. E. Ebersole
No. 64—A lot of ground fronting
27 ft. on West Main St, Mt. Jov ;
next to Brunner’s Furniture Ware- M vil 03S
rooms, with a frame house. Lot is Mo o-asiersonvie, , Soil
205 ft. deep and price low. and sand. Cheapest tract
No. 68—The property of John H. have. : i 7 Er TET L. F. Sheet
y 3 No. 67—A small 7-acre truck farm 2 2 ir DO Ww N ters throug
y 2S a reet, ¥ : 1 ' 5 ters tn
Zerphey on West Donegal street, ; "pi Donegal near Iron Bridge; ¢ £, 2 a ve | day.


with all stock,
s, ete.

New Type, Latest | |iod zoods ot her ene rats | Shire
Style Faces lempy? wills dy fro

truck and
township, 2





Th y

And She Sdon Got E
Her Strength
New Castlg Ind.~"“The m
left me run down, no appetite, cou
not rest at night, and I took a
| cold which ettled on my lungs, 80
| was unablef'to keep about my ise
| work, My doctor advised me to t
Vinol, anfl six bottles restored my
health sof I do all my housework, ifle
| cluding gvashing. Vinol is the
| medicing I ever used.”—Alice Record,
Sod 11th St, New Castle, Ind.




e jBu tee this wonderful cod
| liver Fr ron tonic, Vinol, for
weak, run-down, nervous conditions.
2 w. D. CHANDLER & CO.
| Druggist OUNT JOY, PA.
Early Spring Suit
Buying Advised
% To perfectly understand the peesent Clothing situation,
0 one must know that the Spring Suits and Topcoats we
are now offering were ordered, and manufacture begun
on them, as early as last Sufhmer, just a few months af-
ter the war broke out and’ before the whole country was
thrown into a state of pfeparedness confusion.
Since that time thiggs have changed. It is no easy
matter, like in past days, to get a shipment on a day's
Therefore, it i§ SOUND ADVICE to buy your Spring
Suit NOW.
Our stocks fire first-class now, but Men are in a buy-
ing mood. They don’t want to take any chances. They
KNOW that the first selection is always the BEST—and
so they dfen’t waiting.
WHY SHOULD YOU WAIT any more than they.
The Shits you can get NOW at $15, $18, $20 and up-
wards will seem fabulously cheap with what the prices
wi be next Fall and Spring.
Groff & Wolf Co.,
26-30 North Queen
Lancaster’s Fastest Growing Store

i HFve Per Cent. /
| With Securify |
i § When, that]Certificate of Deposit which pays you


only 3 1-2 or}4 per cent. Interest comes due, bring
or send it to this bank and get FIVE per cent Interest
with over One Million Déllars Security.
ie Pg Bo
Maytown, Penna.

Capital $50,000 Surplus $80,000
M. R. HOFFMAN, President F. ARNTZ,

Poultry Warriors Will He
Feed Nation and
rofit the Producer
The United States Department of Agric re wishes
farmer understand the importance of doubligg our Poultry P:
tion next year. It is a vital part of the Géneral Food Prod
Campaign. L


Mount Joy. heal ds 3
. 1 good buildings only $2,500. !
gy . No. 75—One square in Florin con- go SO A lade oo °o ; = AN ORDINANCE i &
-.. tains gn acre + om tl Food 8 mh oF ugar win ume hoes; That we do the very| ~~ AVORINANGE Fn :
i $1,800 rame house, stable, ete ny | stable, ete., $900 b si i f Commercial Directing the Amount of d to be |€nemies. *
: 0 3 TBauht Ate Groom house, | ., No. 85 One acre of land in Rapho, StL ine Oo ble Give . by the Borousgly olicitor : a — 4 y
I stable, etc., midway between Mount | 3. Miles Darth x Mom JOY ame Printing and at reasona Be it enacted bo ih alBoansiliof ithe] = EEE
Joy and Hon, the Mrs. C. Shatz | 100%: 3 ees ul =*" prices, Give us your next Borough of Mouny# Joy, that the Th B tf 8
| amount of the bond, required by law § 0
Wea: Ae oom he bei No. 42—An 85-acre tract of farm! order and let us prove ouF | | {55 Te } by g Br oo oid 1€ c er sy,
es I timber and pasture land in W |shall be One ousand ($1000.00) ! %
d 2 est | o .
gudition. Only $2,000. in Mt. Joy, Donegal township, tract adjoins Ma- | | asse rtion | Dollars. 3 3 ai : : the Printing % Agent For BLUE HEN BROC
sonic Homes ground on two sides. | Ordained #nd enacted into~an Or-
sta] Ta ould not be Price very low. Bear i m mind, we wan | jane tl fourth day of March A. of your statio the better —————————————————————
i for near the sale price. a LA 12650 far Lan sand your business, ad Jee pro Rites ine n hundred and eighteen. ¥ . nery ! &
81—A 3-story brick mansion | 370, TPN Stone an h DPICk house aldin esde |’ Let Blleniaum. Clerk of Council the impression it will create '&
aytown, excellent logation, Jas good un 350%: ate roud near pose m g oursel V | F enbau % gle 5 teu e ; Motel: Have ot : u m
aprovementi—a real home. Has y og : wy av . | 8 ¥ m
OL » and would be fine FACTORY SEs serving. Are you with us! A 3 a dent of Counell your prin 8 a a
dwelling combined. | No. 10—A tract | nel otis seven day of| ing done here. ; FLORIN, Say

hme house and busi- on the P. RE siding in at Joy i) g
pr hose 1d bi on the FR 2 sng ln Mount Jo THAN £ Moros | FRC SCHOCE ———q—