The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 06, 1918, Image 1

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    5% T'he Mount Joy Bulletin
VOLUME XVII NO. 40 Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, March 6th, 1918 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR
Our Big Sale Rzgister is Sufficient Evidence That We Are Headquarters for Good Sale gills
is rema wrk ble “how our citizens A Great Musical Treat in Ste f f i : comn ]
NRE a ring speakers, special music and al :
ments of the Postal] authorities when
— | they knew that carrier service for nen The second number of the Red y : .
A } 2 —— are-time demonstration, will
WAS PURCHASED BY MR. Cross Star Course will be given in | unique w lr i !
| ' WEST DONEGAL STREET TO BE | be held on Thursday evening, March |
PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE | .his town was a certainty. A certain IT pos
I section of the town that deserves to FRED A. FARMER OF THIS the Mount Joy Hall, March 16, 1918 ”.d4 ‘o 2%
. AKME . ; . REPAIRED—CHIEF M a 7:45 o'clock in the Bethel of
H MUMMA'S | the Church of God of Landisville. HAVE PASSED TO THE
MANY COMERS AND GOERS ine complimented is Poplar str by Frances) Hasper Lav f
Q ) e €( iS oplar street PLACE—LARGEST PRI- Ad Te eska asper AaAwWson 0
IN THIS LOCALITY [On this particular street the resi- 7 SAL} Washington, D. C. ELECTION CONFIRMED [T ief } pt i
—eirind i ) VATE SALE EVER Mrs nelly a | I'he chief speakers of the occasion | GREAT BEYOND
. i : (dents erected mail receptacles to the MADE HERE Mrs. Lawson’s splendid success —OBJECTION TO | will be Prof. W. H. Parmer, of Den-
z Mr. J. G. Keener spent Sunday at extent of 100 per cent. Every house . Pr throughout the South and East leads POSITION OF Iver Hi rh School. an Sn ’A Fred ey .
Lancaster. {but one, (and that man has an office . -_ . | her to seek recognition in other lo- LIGHTS IR i R hrer brow Toot £1 Herman Beck of Enola, formerly
ss Mary Eshl spent Sund 65) Tea] On Monday morning. Jno. E. |. Cha Roa ns 8 tentz, of Rohrerstown. A feature of | ~ nbia. died at Carlisle
Miss A ileman spent Sunday [and gets his mail there) has erected 1 ; ) : calities. She has appeared before ’ the affair will be a display of United | © olumbia, died at Carlisle.
at Columbia. oul : * a mail box. House numbers are Senroll, OO ost ow €3tate broker | musical organizations of great Mount Joy Borough Council met oe Ne ay al Pot rt 1 ata
Mrs. Irvin Geistweit spent Satur- (being placed as fast as can be ex- closed the largest private real estate | prominence and educational institu- [in regular monthly session in the |day School of the towns] ip. Offic Alpert Lutz, Sr.
day at Lancaster + transaction made |i this neighbor- 1s of hich re he “ht I hi ] V.oesson mm | day School of the township. Officers Albert Lutz, Sr., of Marietta, died
ay at Lancaster. {pected and while only about half of | Eo : ma MEIETDOT [tions of high rank. She has been | Council Chamber “Monday evening [are requested to see to it that these |; ° .bert Lutz, Str.,, ol Marietta, die
Mrs. Anna Buller spent W ednes- | the houses have been assigned their hood for some time. De sale 1N- soloist with the Philadelphia Orches- | with all the members present namely: { A, ave br ; ht to the = it rith | in that borough from a complication
day at Lancaster numbers, the majority of those ha cluded the exceptionally fine fifty- tra on several occassions and has been | President H. M. Stauffer, H. S. New- tor Ae ue t BD Y ten > Mn of diseases, aged 64 years. He was
Mr. and Mrs. John Way spent Sun- {already placed said numbers in So oT farm and former nursery frequently re-engaged elsewhere. Mrs. | comer, Chas. Ricksecker, D. F. Gable Je Rn ol each schoo! temporally (born ‘at Trenville;
day at Lancaster. [sition and we suggest that you sway i Mv John vo aay, along fhe Lawson has always been most cordial- | Dy, 0. G. Longenecker and Harry [RPRENded. tiie rmre—
Miss Mildred Way visited relatives | from that ancient method of saying: anlei road 2 east oi this ly received and highly complimented | Greenawalt. The minutes of the last | Dorothy Kauffman
at Landisville on Sunday. [“John Jones lives next door to so and borough. Mr. A armer, local on her ability. | regular and special meetings were | GOVERNME NT AUTHORITIES Dorothy D., the twin daughter of
Miss Esther Weber visited friends so on the next street.” Mr. Jones ZSNrescntntiv lie John jJuere _ It will be seen that a great treat |yead and approved. 3 = CLAIM ITS ILLEGAL | Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Kauffman, Jr., on
at Landisville on Sunday. now lives at number 10 North Bar- ..°% Company, was the purchaser. is in store for the people of Mount Burgess H. C. Schock returned, | Set ese | West Donegal street, died Tuesday
Mrs. Jacob Grogg visited her |bara street, if you please. Mr. and The new owner takes possession (Joy, who are fortunate enough to without his approval, an order for | nited States Governmen | morning. Besides her parents, she is
mother at Lancaster on Thursday. (Mrs. Public please remember t} April 1st, 1918. He wil Sock the | have secured seats for this concert. four night's duty at $2 a night paid | °} that the two-in-one survived by her twin brother,
Mr. Jacob Daveler of Elizabeth- {we're the same people only we have arm and is no king for a good |Jt is a rare thing for a person of Yor cinta: lowes Bauohmer | can flag and service flag are ill Richard. Funeral services will be held
La : . e peoy ly : t Ju pers to Constable James Baughman at the | 3 ; ’ ir ; =
town, visited relatives here Sunday. [taken a step toward progress. tenant so . . i Mrs. Lawson's fame and ability to | February meeting. Mr. Schock stated | and both the sale and wearing Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. In-
Mrs. B. Frank Greenawalt and Mrs. > — oor John Bs Kready, has lived on appear before an audience in a town | that he did not authorize Mr. Baugh- them subjects the offender to arrest. | terment in the Eberle cemetery.
Rudolph Gutmann spent Saturday at|w TH APRIL 1, HARD this particula: farm the past fifty- | the size of Mount Joy. man to do police duty and suggested | In Philadelphia on Monday many ar- |
two years. At one time he was quite There are a few seats yet to be that hereafter the Finance committee | rests were made. The Government | Hollis C. Fenstermacher
Lanca ster
Miss Kate Frimd of Lancaster, COAL TO DROP 50 CENTS extensively engaged in the nursery had. If you have not secured one do | should not pass upon these bills un- maintains that the triangular inser-| A telegram was received here
visited Mrs. Charlotte Pennell on hi ; we , business and thry honest business | not fail to do so at once. The entire |less they have his approval. The |tion in the American flag of the ser- luesday morning stating that Mr.
Wednesday. Philadelphia, March 4—The usual methods, made a reputation for proceeds of the Concert, less only | a : alain vice flag is a violation of the law for- | Hollis C. Fenstermacher of Glendale,
os ; . S » redaction of Aftv cents : “seeds and nursery stock that grows.’ y 6 V | Burgess’ action was sustained. : . . Be .
Mrs. Philip Dattisman of Landis- [Spring reduction of fifty cents a ton seeds and nursery stock that grows. | actual traveling expenses will go to| A communication from the State bidding the use of the flag for adver- | Cal, died at his home there of pneu-
ville, visited her brother, E. M. Barto for anthracite coal beginning April 1 He has at present, on said farm, any | the benefit of the local Red Cross So- | | Highway Department was read. In- tising purposes. The star or stars in- | monia. Mr. Fenstermacher formeriy
on Sunday. will again be put in force this year, kind of fruit and nuts that can be ciety. | quiry was made as to whether the | dicating army service, it is claimed, | lived in this town and is a brother of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Neidig and chil- | according to a statement issued to- grown in this climate. | -— boro would go fifty-fifty on the ex- |is an advertisement of army service, | J. Fred Fenstermacher. He is also
dren visited relatives at Elizabeth- | night by Wm. Potter, federal fuel ad- Although better plysically than pense of repairing that portion of the [and as much in violation of the law | survived by two sisters, Lillie and
town Sunday. | ministrator for Pennsylvania. The many men tweniy years younger, VERY GOOD | State road on West Donegal street [dS an advertisement for business | Mary of this place.
Misses Mae and Blanche Eshle- |Statement said that Mr. Potter had his advanced age is responsible for now in the borough limits. The es- | Purposes.
man visited their sister, Mrs. Chas. | been informed by the National Fuel the sale of this beautiful farm at this | | timated total expense would be about me eatil {f Mrecmtym— Mrs. Ephraim Achey
Watt on Sunday. { Administration that it had adopted time. : 3 al N Ww ($186.00. Clerk Fellenbaum was in- LOCAL NOTES Mrs. Ephraim Achey, of Manheim,
Mr. Jacob Henderson of Harris- | fifty cent discount and pro rata for Mr. Farmer will make marked im- | | str ucted to answer the communica- | died Monday in the 70th year of her
burg, was a Monday guest of Mr. and | | five months to August 31, as has been provements about the place and | |e i the amnnative Mr. Emory Warfel moved his fam- | 28€ from a complication of diseases.
Mrs. F. G. Pennell. the custom in the past. when completed he will beyond a A otter fT Friendshi Fire | ilv to Lancaster on Tuesday. The deceased who was a member 0
rrr eA doabt have shout the finest farm in |THE FIRST PIKE PIKE TO BE WIPED | 4 etter from riendship Fire | ily to Lancaster on Tuesday. C h h
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stretch and | qos va HR y 2s | OUT IN THIS SECTION WILL |Company was read. The fire laddies Miss Elizabeth Eshleman, teacher | the Church of the Brethren, is sur-
daughters spent a few days with rela- | HELP WIN THE WAR; I Poco: ep > the & | extended their thanks for Couneil’s | of our Sixth Grade, has again resum- | Vived by the following children: A:
tives at Churchtown. { Y SCOUTS XPLAI While the terms of the sale were | BE THE ONE THROUGH Liane : ibuti ond asted thntle e+ Aiitios | bert, Ephrata; Elmer, Manheim; Miss
5 | BO COUTS WILL E N piivato anc. concede that this is {recent contribution and asked that |ed her duties. |
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walters and er ren De AY ee v0 HERE (Continued on page 5} Mes M Backenstoe has been con- | Lizzie, of Reading; Mrs. Jerome
> he biggest real estate transaction | i i : pag A EE a ] | S il: ig: A F
he ga SEER ! et fined to the house the past week, suf- Shimp, Philadelphia; Mrs. E. G. Fet-

son Harry, Jr., visited relatives at| The Boy Scouts of this place, are . : i
I £ ever made in this section at private | Everybody around here will be fering from grip. ter, Lancaster Junction; Mrs. John
f g g | : ; :
Arndt, Manheim; Ephraim, jr., of
Lancaster on Sunday. taking orders for Thrif 1 War Sc
: i; J ay | taking orders for rift anc ar oav: zale 3 ] 5
Miss Grace Dietz of Dickinson Col- | ings stamps. The young men will sale. a | pleased to learn of the following | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ricksecker 3
lege, Carlisle, spent the week-end |¢a]l on every resident of the town hic) was t 1 from one of our | | celebrated their eighteenth wedding | near Mount Gretna.
exchang ; TY | —
anniversary on Wednesday.
v Ee Mrs. Katharine Buch
here with her parents. : |and it is earnestly hoped that every 3 ges: ; Ca sp
Misses Miriam and Vivian Chand- | citizen will do his or her part by sub- on April 1st the Harrisburg Mr. Harry Laskewitz has gone to APS, Al ea
: pike,” as the Lancaster, Elizabeth- | Philadelphia, where he expects to | Mrs. Katharine Buch, wife
: | ry Buch, of Lancaster Junctio
ler visited friends and relatives at geribing thru the Boy Scouts. The hy A zabeth- |
town and iddletown “turny ke 1s] purchase a large stock of shoes.
at her home on Tuesday md
Saory jor sever] Says ip. | local mail carriers will later sell the FoR A NE ape
Mr. Lester B. Sawyer of near Mil- ‘stamps for the cards distributed by PREVENTS BAD FIRE sually named, will become free of | The supreme tourt has now ruled
ton Grove, left Monday for Frederick, | the DS and the work from there tollgates—so it was decided a few | ALL THE UP- TO- TO-DATE HAPPEN- that S os R. Eby of Upper Leacock She is survived by her husba
N. D, to live in the future. on will be done thru the postmaster. ren 1d reo. The stockholders will fet INGS FROM THAT THRIVING is legally married to N. Stella 7 | one daughter, Fannie, wife
SY Cpe pb . . p . . i alf t > Paic ; the . o A
Mrs. Alex Kramer and daughter | Be a patriot and do your bit. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION | $68 .000 for it, half to be pai 1 by the AND BUSY VILLAGE Eby. Weave Tr. A sister, Mrs. Pej
Mary visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry | rr A State and half by Lancaster County. ! Th ntertalnment the hall on | of Manheim, also survive
Dyer at Lancaster Sunday. =] CAUSES A $500 BLAZE IN The next turnpike to be consider : re hist S: fare i the I ihn Val from her late home Frid
"Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kreiner of (INCREASED THE WEIGHTS ISAACS. SIEGRIST'S is the Lancaster and Willia n. Mr. E. L. Nissly made a business | 5% Glee Cl N 4% tly jensed a le rae at 9 o’clock. Services a
Lancaster, spent Sunday as guests of | ON PARCEL POST MAIL MILL, IN WEST HEMP. The stockholders of ti Foad wil a ue ny 10 Jost aes le a business a, ub greatly pleased a IAT2€ | Mennonite church and
Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Walters. FIELD TOWNSHIP meet a few weeks nce to fix als Mr. Jno. Booth made: 2 ousiness ; © ns mol A sian | the cemetery adjoining!
Mrs. Edward Zahm of Philadel-| There is an extension on the — price. The H y De parma: is | TIP to Lapoesia] Monday. so PPIRY ——————
phia, spent several days in town with | weight of parcel post mail to go into The friction o milling machine | anxious to hz: this turnpike freed, ; . Mrs, fares eile or 7 Arey Quite a Treat Harley Her
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Brown, Jr. | effect March 15. After that date the in the flour mill aac S. Seigrist, {as it is the only toll road th v Th 30 ne i a Mrs. Frank Stark entertained a! Harley Herring,
Mrs. Pau! Risser and two daugh- limit in weight of parcels will be 70 along the Chi in West | Philadelphia and Lancaster. Mr. John to 8 9 ; ip Arata, Sun- |p amber of her friends to a sour kraut | years of age, a private
ters, Dorothy and Anna Mae visited Ibs. in the first. second and third Hemnfield tow i ight, When that road is secured co | dayed 5 Bs pranml Ri Aeathineto 3D] er on Saturday evening at her al Army at Camp Me:
the former's parents on Saturday. zones and 50 lbs. in all other zones. caused a spontaneous combustion [demnation proce edings will! a ol : ang A ne oT : SThome on Marietta street. mer n i El
lace visited at Lancaster Sunday. present were: Mrs. ecca Goslin
Messrs. Michael Sauder and Jacob 4 Sil} !
Stehman © t to Conewago Monday first and second zones and 20 lbs. $500. : turnpike, between Lancaster and Co- Carson spent Sundav at Lancaster Ton: . f
to attend the Assignee sale of Zei- In all other zones. The fire was discovered by Isaac S. |lumbia. | “i ; q M , C n RL Land th ] . William Beamesderfer and that borough ‘0 die w
reel) IIe -.. . 1 1 *. an 1 I'S. S ce Oo Ay . . .
gler’s. Seigrist, Jr.,114 years old, son of the | eee lf Geen IT. and ! : ris 3 = De laughter, Mary and sons, Fred and/|vice. For the past eigl
y . 1 2 far fi ¢ rhter las sday. vs . nh A icberRe
Rev. W. J. Myers, who conducted Assigned as Red Cross Nurse owner of the mill, about 8 o'clock, | EXAMINING BOARDS Al 2 3 ww ant Ve Vor ! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lieberher | had } 1 a resident of E
revival services in this section re- Miss ¥hiaane th C. Mann, daughter and quick action on the boy's part | an Sand Teas. and sons, Kenneth and Fred, Jr.; and | He was called in the first
turned to his home in Massolin, Ohio of Amos ann of Marietta, has | probably saved the entire mill and its | ARE , AGAIN ON DUTY [i pent saturday al eg Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stark. A social he was enployed by the
on Monday. passed the examination as Red Cross contents : : : - = Mr. Victor Haldeman of Philadel evening was spent and all enjoyed | Co: ny His mother,
Miss Marion Deiter and friend, Mr. nurse. She is a graduate of the Lan- One of the millers which was in| County Board No. 1 on Taesiay yas Snndny or ta his par- themselves. 3 {at Chambersburg, survive
Park Ke ) of Lancaster, were caster General Hospital of the class operation dur day, had become | examined and passed on the follow- Da Was a8 sunday visiv nis pe —— > i ! ent to Chambersburg
Mrs. Arthur Her- of 1914. She has been sent to Camp | hot: by friction, when the mill | ing men: iS iss Tox af Philadelphia, is her: HoarneiHinple
5 v FF + i. > } — 1 a A < a, iS e 3 M—— |
Yukan, Fla, for duty. Of closed for the day, the ground flour | Accepted oh te A re Michael Mr. aud Mrs. B. G ~ Hipple, of]
l r on the mill floor into 2 Guy M. Tweed, Columbia No. 2. Kottler. ; jetta, announced the marriage of | Peter A. Apple.
th f1 werea | ToTm: 1. Schaeffer nlizabe £ 1 Wh 5 : Ses =F J “ih A nnd
f eh Tahaan ap Alun Oy dg. ann Satan prond con. | Hofman G. Schrage? iia etht’n. Mr. Samuel Sm ith spent Sunday at | their oldest daughter, Miss Edna| I A. ple, former Ww
ormer 5S yrother, Lphraim a oium ) g & y § ; Sher os Jacob L. > dam, ount Joy. Kinderhook. visiting relatives and Rooke Hipple to Virgil F. Hearne, of |1 < ) the K tone
bia on Sunday. ; Quite an Accident sidevably, but he he Aon | Frank J. nick, E'town No. 1. | friends. Laurel, Del. The bride is a graduate’| has lived ret
Mr. and Mrs. Addison Hohoalse Bernice, the little grandchild of iy Npipts 0 yer " er { Samuel C. Johnstin, Maytown. Mr. Wm. Henry and family called | of the Marietta High School, and of ] r of years, died very
and daughter, Dorothy Spent He Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Geistweit had her | 2, T. DEITIES IEC Ae | Rejected on the former’s parents at Manheim, | the Millersville State Normal School. {ly In 1 borough on Tuesdal
week-er Te pare S y y 1.3 yout one thousan bushels of v at 3 y ~ .: i > . : . % .
woos nd hl ia ob parents, MI. forefinger on her right hand badly |? Ri hand Pe The | Norman N. Baer, Salunga. on Sunday. For the past three years she has been | ding in the alley in the
and . Wg ye 2 Noe. hurt this morning when she got it in- | #1 © out a ha William Hinkle, Mt. Joy. Mr. E.'S. Weaver and family au- |te ep school, at Washington bor- icco shed near his home.
v Mrs. tu Ee 2) th PS Sey to the cogs of a «washing machine. |’ oy : oo Si : x y, 1 Harry H. Snyder, Mt. Joy, No. 3. | toed to the Capitol City, where they | ough. | au iFORS. Mr.
ogel © olumbia, mother : SIS: Tia nn aR i y r vented a : 5 5 ; J er : ‘ : :
ory ot Mis J ti Cramer The nail was torn off. Dr. Ww. M. | of Referred to Advisory Board visited friends. | was 72 ge. He is su
sEont briday hore with her. ! Mops wag Seon and rendered i Joseph E. McLaughlin, E’town. Mr. Jacob Eichler and family of Game on Saturday v his wife, a s 1 Jomer Apple
he ho : the necessary attention. rev Blank. Billmv 2lizabe Ww g aved ‘ is r > : | pri r oft hotel at Union Sd
Mr. Clarence Campbell and room- ¢ I ear One of the b bird shoots Percy Blank, Billmyer. Eliza Jofiieny Sundayed ait his Mr. Ben Groff will put an ex-|! OF © ola Lnion
mate, Mr. William Moore of Hershey, i z Load -ever held around here will take place Hayden E. Lupold, E. Petersburg. pargninl ome: s arhived: il theo: ceptionally strong basket ball team in |}. yan adopt ted da \ughter, M
vicited the 'mer’s parents, Mr. an ancaster ounty eads : es : i Aliens i. Cc )arde a ved at the > | th field on Saturday evening, Mar. gm, an ac req a ! y MTS
Stig fans Pa Gi _ Nearly 20 per cent. of the automo- ” Nionigin oh ho Mord William Miller, Bainbridge. of Mr. and Mrs. George Y. Kline on |g he will pl as in the Sy ? Lansasier je
s. Albe é bel ay. oh . lu. and will be held by M harles E. é ¢ a a 8 J Ww v1 y al le ral se >s will be held o
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Murphy from s licensed in Pennsylvania last Humer, of that borough. Present Paul Shermos, Bainbridge. Monday. It’s a son. aay, High School gym. Both teams will |, ; t 1 o'elack ot
le Yi . vear were owned by the farmers, sta- | 1* 9 M¢0 . that yous Ib 3 . Bill lo Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kiehl of (1, ve o oh . : | at 1 o'clock a
Harrisburg and Miss Mary Kirchner Y©& y Y Yb ial ’ state live bird champion Samuel Traf- | Peter Kudreuck, Billmyer. J A have good line- -ups. Quinn, so popu- |} 4 will be made
fre 4 rere ouosts of Mrs, listics showing that 58,766 auntomo- Stet : Rg ¥ : Lancaster, spent Sunday with Mr.|..} here. will pl v with : l ¢ will be made
rom Lancaster, were guests of Mrs. »=°° : he : Nave i ford, [.ebanon, who recently won In Service and N Ienrv Wittel lar here, pia V1t (
> g av biles were possessed by the tillers of ) ey J Sid Er and Mrs. Henry ittel. Game called at.8 o'clock
Elizabeth Murphy on Sunday. Set . Yor T anras the cup at Harrisburg, will meet Mr. John Free Bullock, Columbia No. 1 Misses Mary Rineer, Stella Wach-] 72M called a o’cloc
Mrs. H. C. Schock and Miss the soil. Of that number Lancaster in Dhadeinhis. who 1oet th Misses Mary Rineer, Stella Wach- |; cluding war tax, 20 cents.
Catherine ‘Brereman of this place, County leads with 4,334 while York | V1€8%8, o is AC Siphies r, ae ¥, od 3 Tragsierved stetter and gentleman friend spent rl roi Mrs. Edna A. Wendler,
: ine Drereman S s DIS an il 9 ns | cup to the presen older, in a spec Sandy Jones illmeyer, was trans- | Sunday at Harrisbur: i 4 71 f Wi
15 Ratrvdov 1 ist : royce County is second with 2,030. ME . 3 oe? anda) , yer, © Sunday ¢ arrisburg. oR ; , wife o
left Saturday to visit the former’s ee ———a———— match. In addition ther will be sev- | ferred to Orange county, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Ebersole at- Deeds Recorded { Wen ay ev ening
daughter in California. They will be icf N eral big sweepstakes events and there rere PQ re tended the funeral of a relative at Frank and Elizabeth Zeager, ex- | Gen : tal omp
rat > 43 . L funerse 8 a Bal ra an Liizabet Le 8 , @X- an f Cc
i pos Jai SN ae Eshleman, Miss Elidy Sie! Doe of Eliza-] = T7o% adicot! a 2 banner A Big Spelling Bee Elizabethtown on Sunday. ecutors of Margaret Bopp, to Maurice | of d after g be
and < Y ¢ AV11SS iL al 1£ sE1, a= | TOW will wi SS the . . ~ ~ : o r ~ . : 3)
son Harry of Milton Grove and bethtown, has been sent by the U. S. ji? ¢ I a LoL |. A grand spelling bee will be held Mr. Elmer Schlegelmilch left on Ww. Groff, six lots of ground on Fair-! > tr was
oe : ‘ove it to Fort Logan, at Little | | in the High School room at Landis- Mong: 1y for Georgia, after spending a | view street, Mount Joy, $426. t vear and Wg
¥ s. ] and Martha Kolp of Government t t Logan, ¢ tle | fe B | m 0. : ¢ / ; ]
nes: ar Manhe were Sunday guests! Rock, Arkansas, where she will be! | Y That Is Better | ville, Pa., on Saturday evening, | week’s furlough with his wife. Maurice W. Groff to Frank and | ] 9, 3 1, at Mariett
of Mr id ‘Mrs. David Shonk. | Chief Nurse. She has been employed The Columbia Telephone Company | March 16, 1¢ under the auspices Mr. Paul Koser, who had been bed-' Elizabeth Zeager, same properties, a I Appley
y ar a # Br of Tremont at Washington, D. C., as a nurse pre- | has notified all its subscribers that | of the Grammar school. The pro- fast the past several days on account | $426. late lens 1 ppl
. t 2 ' 5 or] o / 3 1 7 5 oY ¢ n Arad meme etl Been eee: > .
stopped here Tuesday on his way |vious to being sent to Fort Logan. Bosinnine April Ist) it will re 98 of gram will consist of Hives glasses. with of Sic kness is able to be 2003s again n Y a Marie
“ < ‘den | rl er ills to subscribers In exche four prizes to each class e classes rayer meeting was held at the : : t Colum
home from Conference, to s rend the Rar S 5 . : 0 pris : i “ © A a y ¥, aS
ro 2 iith his Sons Homer oy family. | Post Office Clerk Resi towns, for telephone rental, monthly | will be interspersed with music, reci- | home of Mr. Levi Sheetz on Tuesday Ab A Birthiay Surprise ston. jHITCE ». She is suy
Ry. Barr voes Lock to Tremont for | Isa: te Trey 5p k Fe fli m nce. All bills will be subject | tations and dialogues. Ev erybody is (evening by the Church eof the Breth-| , - dR HH. oe ga ten- | jer d. who be
ev. Barr goes back saac Madera, a clerk in the Eliza- |, , count of cents if paid on | invited to attend Ade sain hirer. dered Mrs. arry M. Seaman on |; ’ :
another year. {bethtown post office, has resigned |. before the of the month. | o ate Smistion ot, Mr Cloyd Wood and son, of Thursday, the ocession being her
> 3 . : \ $ 4 es Tor: | > ot i S. Zt. MTS. va 0 ¢ son, 1 4 3 :
san K. Brady of Middle- his position to take effect March 15. {hic is a good move and should be CE —— sees Blaine Perry County spent i thirty.second birthday anniversary.
town, and her sister, Mrs. Mary S.|Mr. Madeira will engage in farming | tf.» more satisfact than the : : Gass HEME AD. CA and Rr She received many beautiful gifts
Rose of Ida Grove, [owa, spent sev- and will move on the farm east of | ,)ocent method f oliccting three Fell in Boarding a Car : Be aside abi dus ” ai” {and wishes to thank all
eral days last week with Misses Sarah | Elizabethtow n, known as the Hernley |, onths in ads re % canbe paid | In attempting to beard a moving | Mr. David Landis started worl | pated.
and Jessie and Mr. Milton Mishey farm. at the Pirst anal Bo Lancaster and Elizabethtown trolley tia Buck: a S370 is Sane Work u a. as r)r)no.o
on Donegal street. m=: reel War rere Pe EY : : car in Penn Square on Saturday af- HIS man Lhocoumie. factory
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ludwig and | Think Well . | ternoon, Henry Baker, of Landisville, | Monday. = : 5 :
Ble RY ry in ell of Him . 2 iro solotv
son Chester, Mrs. Bertha Tracy a4) note Bonet of this. pliice, Was The Big Game o of the Season | tripped ‘and fell, sustaining a lacera. | . lhe Ladies Mi Sc ciety of
jaughter Mildred and Mr. and Mrs.| con” great send-off in Saturday's he bi oF Joon Indy | tion of the forehead. The car was | United Brethren i id
So Inners and children Louise and iGo of the Lay Nowe dousndl | oo ball played n the igh | | Jioposd and he boarded it, being oe Pride achstet
Vv » S cUeHB 13 as hh res 5 ay 1 Scho o m is place, oe
Lloyd of York, were Sunday guest: in reference 1o ) ability as a boyer. Prday cronine. Maveh Sth, Mount | | bound to get }
n addition to « alf column article v4 i |
WINE there appeared a good illustration of | §15}, Yof: Rev. Sweigart Re- -appoi
£ I Imyra d 1
the popular athl | Following
in calnj
At present the limit is 50 Ibs. in the | and fire, entailing a loss of over |for the Lancaster and Susquehanna |! + H Won A in 1 |
sand Messrs. arvey eaver and John |,hq daughter, Terre . Mr. and | He 5 the
guests of her sister,
shey on Sunday. Johnson,
Messrs. H. H. Morton, Charles the 97 Mariettians in war service,
Morton and Earl Myers visited the Miss Mann is the only woman. flame. When

Jhielr Regular Meeting
1 d n

The Right Idea
; | Columbi
the Hosy rial { WN and
t 1Sincs ; will Help the Farmers ther is 1 serious the | Slightly de posed, th k UM
in : at ! eutenant Gove r McLain has | matter a in a fe lays expects to | a bab nt 1 AI. !
and Mrs. Harry Miller on acc pred the rn anship of the be about his duties again. He likes | mont 1d, was fe ghville, on » 3 he) ¥ L the ia
>» Barbara street ris ® | State committee on Agricultural La- | his work and says he is treated fine. , a shor tance south of FisiLoc Kona ¥ na. nen . TTT.
follow! persons Ol naay at) provide labor for the Wine — shin nb about dusk Tues- Mis nna Wittl a r of Mr. ; . ~
following persons Oh Sdn em: bor Service to provide | ; nt a : Snir Bont sheen Honey Wittle of this pl pe 22 Him for Goveruoe
ar and child, Mr. and Mrs. Amos | 1 Ol imei Hospital Auxiliary Meeting : C € AY ha » AB ly ft last Thi ittsbure, n There is an effort on
tauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Lehman and : The regular mesting of the Hos- Oa a ou y > was unite marriage ~SRuhlieang 10 1 Bn
BLE ¥. Eales { Call it Roosevelt Avenue { pital Auxiliary will be held at the Nor + | O'Neill for Gover
Mrs. Daniel Hauenstein. i The Manheim town council has of Mrs larence Reist, on , ; eg onnan a former resi primary election
: Mrs. Har Greenawalt, Re : ; grid a oa re yf! Men's Federation Meets dent of this place, now living at Co- | PTIMAIY elecuon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gre voted to drop the old name of its ay afternoon, March 14 at 3 v : : ; . eee
Mr O.K G walt and | ob: : : ya y The regular monthly meeting of | lumbus, Ohio, where he has charge of
Mr. and Mrs. O. XK. foen aya se main highway, Prussian street, to|o’clock. The yearly dues are to be | the Men's Federati tii be held i : had Sey
nlc of this place, Clarence Ys oy onmin le CO i Ys the Men’s Federation will be held in Jone of the largest bakeries in that
daughters of this some name that has less of the sub- | paid at this meeting. the Church of God, Sunday aft i : . ’ This Woman is a Worker
ug walt of Camp edo. Mr. and ne sound. I IS NE IE e urch o od, Sunday after-|section. The bride was a well known Mrs. Elizabeth Stern, an aged lady
Mrs. Walter Brandt and Misses Al- | marine — noon, March 10th, 1918. S. B. Hos- young lady and has been organist in | ,f Elizabethtown, sewed and =cut 212
berta Brandt and Clara Booke of i ] Leaves on Monday. terman, Attorney-at-law, of Lancas-|the United Brethren church for a |yalls of carpet rags from Yanuslsy
I CH ster, spent Sunday with Mr. { A Bright 1dea ia Ww ord Yepched here Jodey ihat Mn ter will be the speaker. His subject [number of years. They will reside | 94th to Februa ha Sor im ary
Anca rE Harry Speece, proprietor o res- | Harry E. Getz, formerly of this boro, | will be, “Drafted.” at the latter place. Their many ary 23r¢
and Mrs. John Greenawalt. 3$ ; | taurant at Palmyra, is burning all his | but of late a merchant at Myerstown, —— WY ————- friends join us in wishing them suec- TT Tay
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac ( hates Fd oyster shells in conjunction with coal | sold his entire business and leaves on Was G dap cess. A Bridge Sinks
children Janet and Robert; Mr. Mrs. and claims they make an excellent {Monday for Camp Meade, where he Mr. S. as Haute a at X aeealiD Ul aii The large bri Foe : th Pe rl-
Kreiner, of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. go was called to do duty for Uncle Sam. 5 ea: of SIS DAC | ie vamnim: Fath dge ol tre denngy!
Addison Habecker and daughter ei— A —— ern ———— granted a patent on February 27, on| Ben basket ball team goes |vania railroad at Pequea, sunk Tues-
Dorothy and Mr. Edwin Kline of Lan- : a rew and improved device to be at-|to Col ursday night for a |day. About 400 men were at work
disville; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hilt Teacher Ill . Rev. and Mrs. A. R. King of Hum- | tached to a scoop shovel, which will | game evening he plays there on Wednesday making tempo-
and daughter Thelma and Mrs. J. E. Miss Emma Brenner, teacher of |melstown, a former pastor here, vis- | prevent loss in handling grain, coal, I ter. rary repairs.
Webb of this place, were Sunday | the Third Grade Bess was on the Red B. F. Bookman and family on|etc. He is now offering the paten stmt A —ns——
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Webb. [sick list for several days. fonday. for sale. Get the Mt. Joy Bulletin.