The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 20, 1918, Image 1

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Our Big Sale Rzgister is Sufficient

Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, February 20th, 1918
Evidence That We Are Headquarte

rs for Good

oi of Our Soldiers at






















sceaot|P, R. R. FIREMAN













Any ” bak ter will be permitted to ad- | I'he High School at Milton Grove |
| ht se his product as ‘‘victory” bread KI LED AT RHEEMS will render entertainment Tues- | FOR
¢ ontains not more than 80 per 4 4 day evening, March 5th, when the fol .
: i cent wheat flour No stipulation is low pre : in rad Su
1 £ £ ) gram will be rendered: .
L0Ca dmps dil in [ance OVERHEATED | "STOVE IN THE | made as to what ingredients shall | ADAM H. ROBINSON FELL FROM| Opening March; Declamation, Em- | OUR STREET
A ACCO CELLAR CAUSED { compose a e¢ other 20 per cent. so | HIS ENGINE, FRACTURED ert MeDannel : The ¥ Pair of Scissors CAREFULLY D
go DESTRUCTION OF 9 ) 5 thoy ie. Secied i rom the HIS SKULL AND DIED IN Mixed Quarte t; Bri iget’s Invest- PROPER NU
JOHN Bf [MAN EXPLAINS OPERATION OF AN AEROPLANE IN THE ENTIRE BUILD- ministration, Which include: coin | THE HOSPITAL AT nent; Lipersonation, Frere Dialect, EYERY H(
nnistr: ’ 1 § : Musical ay )OTIZI- THE
FRAACE-—JOSEPH BRENEMAN UMPIRES BALL GAME IN ING SND Some flour and corn nyeal, barley flour, oat | HARRISBURG Mock Trial, Jury and EY
3 : C - " > | 1 rice and rige flour, potato flour, rE yng : war——
FRANCE—SAMUEL KELLER’S EXPERIENCE—NOTES FROM, ete. Unt Moreh 3 cre ha may be! Adam H. Robinson, aged 34 years, | Solo. Kathror Guar : Ihe ipo old! One of the most ¢
ire ‘ause yr an overheated | use 1 y RRA Ne Ll of Harrisbure. fell fror B gai BLY El y ug; Lyric, ery, 1 ever undertaken by
CAMP LIFE IN THE U. S. A. Fire, Sange 4 by an Srhante used in making Yictory bread. After | of i shhaisbid LF e fr P. R. R'| Girls; Pennant Drill; Dram High ittee that served
-— stove 1n the to! acco cellar of a barn | that date it will be placed on the | ¢NgIne h he was a fireman, a| School. The dot A oPen ot 6 5 aittee 11 i
, ! on the farm of Harvey Hostetter, lo- | same basis as wheat, as rve flour is | Short below Rheems, on !, Drograt ¢ 1 F Ad er & he proposition of pr
b The folloy 0! ying Jot ter was Zecsived SEVERAL JUVENILE YEGGS cated south of Elizabethtown, at now being shipped to the allies. | Ihursday morning between 11 and | cents and 11 i i of 10 | Cyrately numbering
/ ; y a 4 4 y , Shi é 8 t ! ents d 10 ce { nubils « 1 lac, f husiness a
BY i RaSaydey of Shia place, GET INTO TROUBLE | Pleasant Hill, on Monday afternaon | Bread made of graham or whole Hor orev dd not mos oats and jo for pu T 10 place of business and
Bo STAT wl i Pn 4 I mn mms set fire to that structure, comy etely | wheat y be termed victory bread. ) 1 the reachi Eliz: beth os , é i his to Towever,
Owman, ho 3 now doing ( 4 y with Charles Schroll, aged 13 years, | destroying the building, along with ——- een town. : E y ; 1 £1 " oh tanc } hat ve lel
Aviatior rns “son re a o + ! *n nd. « y NASY
Fr: A 1a 1 or} omwhere In ,,4q Micky Monka, aged 16 years, |its contents, causing loss of about Potato Flour Predicted A n r Prof ( i ; of c .. M.
rance. Vanusry. 23. 17018 robbed the store of Harry Shreiner | $10,000 : The live ( alone was In addressing the farmers’ insti ick un th i ought it to |}, ) th t Q ge tin
a PL uaLy: coy i a at Columbia early Sunday morning, | saved, while the T's store Of | tute at New Fraec Yori anty. J E2E bu ] I un AA, Its Worl yery nicely.
This i 151 short note. A few e . J J HE : 1 tu a New rgedaom, York county, N 1 Pp F. 1 fit of tk
: | o ; £ after which they came here. The | ¢ cluding a » ) W. M. Patton hatl a good d to Sa CIO ! YE > T ( ; vo
impressic 0 about France. .nlins 1. aE estar Fat P i bc «ML Pati ad a good deal to sa ; } REPORT OI iE LTON he e arrang
Bas ; 3 : 4 see Police iter traced them to Lancaster | ti f corn, ' about the hu e potato He de ¢ y : Qin £
gome da) ( in ove 1 ang See where they were arrested. They are alone th much f Ve : th : 3 ek il eath at y ) Tr GR E HIGH SCHQOI ree y 1 to Lurn
in al oursei, out at way no in tody awaiting a hearing. implements 1 tant he the Hots will be nad In the f: | ! all t
I'he former formerly lived here Ir. Hc ( red the fire io a iis : oT n( t ers ne wn al
J , y i in S il as n ther 1} } fast thi
n pt ite 1 oO "\ r i odiatelx ounde n arm r LA 1 ( } b 1
Martin, Jr., of Newtown, ar . und 1 fagm, forms of food not yet thought of f : need
i V so arrested Saturday, having | The discovery is made abou ) nerally 4 ie tich' 4
) bee charged with stealing Dross o’cloc b t} flam h ah . = : ( ! ( [ce] \ ¢ 1 1blish thé
A irom hocr S Juni nop He was cn county he ha ; : 3 d 1 1 & OF Lonant
committed to je to await a hearing. scuing perfected rchiners th Te bu > R 96, | P19) te oa Ind
On Saturday evening, Raymond was ( ? . : C 0ser [ usiness pla
Gelfmacher was arrested by Chief 0 - <p Ga 1 et & : uel | or I a1 3 ;
ampbell and Constable Blair Co- enyii ' DIN s( yf South Unio treet \ath Zi jt ) I sser, i
1 charge of drunken and ) ffort t TT RIC About € le ven years ago he wa ar- | Minn
disorderly conduct flames, however, hich hz \ D tbeth Guhl, daugh : i E: 8
Dee wrapped the barn in a mas ter of George Guhl, of New Cumber KE 1 ( Pau Za 16 1 P
~ ~~ ¥ yore o I'he building wa af me Y ‘ resided ir own for t | Be 1 E 1 A a rr
LOCAL MERCHANT ADOPTS The building. was a fran 2] | in town for-abou :
~ A Wit . . structure, (0 by 0 fee A y » later 1oving to Harrisburg, I OLA { ( €
CASH AND CARRY PLAN | Structure, «4 By here they Ave Sinoe rotidol Bo Sv Bulletin
, Burning embers alighted on the He membe the P. R. R V r ¢ 3-—H Darrenkamp’s Store.
for, pioniietor of the rn of Joseph Ebersol vho lives | LL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN ) 1 Trainmen. | tt I mp’s Reside
round Whe comer, Is tie lone form newbs re extin- INGS FROM THAT THRIVING ! s wife, two | | S Jaer
o awake to the ‘ol , : r lor High Sel D A
; cuished before { g Ww AND BUSY VILL . u Delmar Le- High Scho Dr. V o
cash and fay done. Mr. Hostetter had no insux r ar ACE W , Elsi Charl nd.
sO ‘many of the hE tho ITT n or it y T > ¥ [ h . I
JOHN BOWMAN. 1, 18 the only fair | 2008, °F We hymna Ea 3s. A. J; Ringer spent Thursday binson, S Wo «chool shou U. age
try to tell you a little of it. Every siness. The new id re ee = Ws 5 r Dh t Sinvda swe the 1alif 3 Beh
thin S 0 t deuce. The on Tuesday, Feb. 26, . I Th sO ‘yer spent turday ] Robinse of Mid : ’ H.
houses t 1 een built shortly on and afte vhich date all trading I f { y sist \ itl TTT ree —Jos, I
\ : SI J fr Liver: i Gingric confined ti th 2,
after 1 is ocean trip. I stamps, credits and free deliveries 1 no 3 : uth V F AN, ; P- Cla
couldn't e oe ed to it at first will cease. Deliveries will be made, p> Y A th Si . 1 Valentine Party. Chay] e
but now I verything n a when requested, for which there will CAR JASKFT | hi 02 nd i 1 L nome ; 1 at
matter of f v. What would you be a c of fi%e cents. {3 ne 8 38. I vf h siste George > n ers
11 3 eels lites erro ene wid 5 oT | { Blue 3 b na e +
say if you saw a house with an ordi- » % ? B bacl Vic hers n ; H. E. Klugh
nary ladder leadine up to the second TWO LOCAL MAIL AREA funel i h 2 7—M Mary Eberle
tor 1 outside at that? And > ~ a. ’ PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE DLO I : 19... Harv 1. Snith
st ind outside at that? And = CARRIERS ARE APPOINTED on 1 9 Harry E. Smith.
. [ 1s roosting on every rong. Al- . MANY COMERS AND GOERS | ter Kir! : )1—Ind Telephone Co.
i y t Ww in le of shoats aroun oa y | | : " ove ot p 9 H- 1 3
Lk o Jo th 2 conn or oat 2 Onna Postmaster J. Willis Freed was IN THIS LOCALITY \ ° h : 53—Ha Laskew itz.
he the Yom aool and; y F ne pe notified on Saturday that the ap- im i iy, 1 made in ! ; ’ —H Su Zelle X.
i ory ve Is 1h 2 nr Fane or two pointments of Messrs. Walter Loraw Mr. Ellsworth Schrite returned to [trip to Ph + OF al 2 : Her’s Off
; = 1 have 0een ti oN i re and Charles Morton as mail carriers, | Gettysburg College Mr. Cloyd ods 1 ’ in TI or V 59—EKE x er’s Residence
large wns but they surely are fine. 2 2 Ch { ) 5 Ba. : 18 6 rR’ ker’s: Sim
large So 1 but ey They had been approved by the Fourth As- Mr. and Mrs. R. Fellenbaum spent | trip to Philade iph . on it ORT! ry 61 E el tore
if Ee tifa ht td * sistant Postmaster General at Wash- | Saturday in Lancaster. Mr. Samu ith ve i r
: Ye To t 11 ce most is the food ington. Mr. Loraw will carry the Mrs Amanda Greenleaf spent the Cou Seat or n ;
= i 1 at 11 nost 18 . Yaiis ih > Wat Fra and: Me : : te ’ =
NE { J or st night 1 indulged in an ome- ils in the East Ward and Mr. Mor- | Thursday at Lancaster. : A. Lauret 'f Ephrata, r
— FUL Ing 1 ; ton will serve in the West Ward. Mrs. Arthur Hendrix and son are | Vis Florin friend Wi
lette with mushrooms, chicken and 5 rl : ad oS + NG
: : oi 1, tatoes and. pastry soth are we Known young men, pending two weeks at Millersville Sam
french fried 2 tat es £ iy Feats ived here all their life, and should Mi Souders of Highspire, v isited | Art spent S:
fone a ye olor in rahe axedlont varriors. her sister, Mrs. Charles Schaeffer. Ay MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPL! | :
and Ss1y ancs constitute ¢ ee en a5 a. . oA te 3 i; 3 w » ; . 5 % | idence,
{ oe : American mone) How is business? I Harry Hinkle and Miss M: Floy AVE P ED TO THE nce.
; 1 think there will be lots of surgical Marietta vs. Mount Joy Zink nt Saturday Harri oe i Jton GREAT BEYOND
el cases over here in about six months. A basketball game that should at- Mrs. Frank Kline of Hai urg, | spent Say
1 guess a doctor in the army is work- | tract considerable attention among | visited Mrs. Anna Fetter on luesday. co ; Tara the ;
{ ed about ten times as hard as any oth- the followers of the various High Miss Helen Ba Reading, is Moo 2 Lancaster, : fsville 62 | 1 : 7 1 ,
2 a flier worked | School fives throughout the county |spending some t » with frien made a ess trip to town Tues- a ¢ Els and Mrs. Josepl he &
er mortal. Maybe a flier is ked Es ECE ad of 1 , i . =
ist as hard. Being a pilot is sort of will be played at Marietta on Thurs- Mrs. Leah of : : HL a
I driving a Ford with a Packard | day night when the High School team sited Mr. and S. Fa “2 g Services will be held at GC VERNMENY WAREHOUSE
1 o SS 3 . c . nd x Mo » mm | Cross toads mrel 01 S 1 y I ei, — ~
motor in it. Open the throttle wide, of that place and the Mount Joy OL hoans Later on ibIMday died at’ Man TTA REGION
then thro a couple of thousand High five clash. 3oth teams have : morning. Wik ga
een der hich are trving to won one game of the series and the | town, visi Mrs. MéeDor of Camden. N. J.. day ev from heart :
mse er S which ¢ ying . oy “ys . n J F J
by r off your head and cave in your game this week will be the deciding | part of the we here on a visit to Lynn at the
at Then the wings must be kept issue. A band concert in Marietta Miss Sadie : : ; :
horizontal with the horizon and the Friday evening caused the manage-|the guest of ind Jno. Houck of
ruts "perpendicu This is a | ment of that place to shift the game | Musser on Sunday. : busin trip to /
blacksmith’s job on puffy day and to Thursday evening. and Mrs. Haman Cunningham : of
‘ a the plane has tendency to seems Newer 1bethtown, visited friends here s and daughter,
W Y the iar ten IC. 5 5 : or >" woek-ond yther at Lancas- Tr - ;
imb. ‘There, I almost forgot the Celebrate Wedding Anniversary Qver. the vee 2 pet = nother at Lancas Mrs. Fianna S. Bassler
speed indicator, the altimeter and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grosh on W. Miss Bertha Mis: : or and Tn of Fianna S widow of my .
iracometer (an instrument for record street will celebrate their for Har Lh 8,» where i r and family of hie
I : 5 p yi 2ido ature Dl t the home o nol
ng motor revolutions per minute.) th anniversary of their wedded | Side in Ine of York. = tinie 1H 1 ihe Thome 20 S rin
These must be watched at all times being married Feb. 20, 1868 at Mr. > Rentzel of of Ar SPEDE J hes EY Aart] : TS
s ” 7 Nie ha iw : . ith . red . ( rg Martin an I
yr vou may go too fast and tear aster by the Rev. J. Strine.! fhe week-end = het vith Mr. Fred | Up, ond ose pant ms ane rema
ff the tail, or go too slow and slide- There were nine children to their deberh Will Rhe . FAT SOUESs Spent. Suns rsburg tn )
off ‘on one side, (side-slip,) necessitat- union, seven of which are living, a Mr. gd Wan v aed of Ty: 6 Foi TT I en { ¢ tha on
ing the removal of nuch debris from namely: Eli, of Chicago; Christian, of | Summer, low ent some time here erfer of Mo oy, Mrs. Henry C. Sherrick | will be I reo SOON.
the field. § i of Wheeling, W. With relatives and friends nt Sunday with her daughter, Th for ral £f 1 Henry C { ee etl
3 21 o i Foes x s31: hi ONS AM pre Harol Juller. ne 1€ OI Mrs 1 “|
Then to land one cuts off his motor Hayes, of near this 1 Mis Letla £2: We PY T. hipp bat Mr Tok ge re nuel Koser of | Sherrick, widow of Henrv C. Sher-| Was Given a Bi
nosing over the mac hine. This oper- orge Kline, of Florin, | PUTE, , Spent es k-end as a gues ve sata ane Prose rick, w ho died Wednes at her | A Birthday
tion causes much unhappiness, es- J Buller at home. of Miss Ethel MacDannald. : n Grove d Paul Koser and home in Middletown, was held Mon- {home of Mr.
2 ally In the region of the stomach — en Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Derr of Landis mily sit on Sunday. 1 m 4 1X rs Brethren church | even
ecis : 9 x ‘rand > Mrz RB 4 Forwar t Tliv day in the nited Brethre U 1 | en
rille, spent Sunday at Frank B. Mrs. R nd Forward of Eliza- vs
I eb : 3 . £3 : nterment was made i ith
i (Continued on page 5) oh page 5) He Gets the Banner Groff’s on North Market street. bethtown, w a Sunday visitor to at Florin [riostep vas made in | brat
: The prize for raising the largest’ Mrs. John R. Ebersole of Eliza- i Mr. Jacob Rider and family. the Florin cemetery. [1
Was Enjoyed by All porker in this section goes to Mr. pethtown, is spending several days Mr. and Mrs. David Hossler of the | : Schlit [ Hos
, Spelling Bee which was held Amos Fon of Newtown, as he with her sister, Mrs. Jacob H. Zeller. | Capital City, were Sunday visitors to | . Martin N. Schlibt nie Herr,
The St : 1h 1 t rtin N. Schlibt son of M )
in the Mount Joy Hall, by the mem- slaughtered a hog that weighed 747 Word was received here that 1d Mrs. Jacob Shires. f Mu SE 2 “Wo Sot Son Ef or {Meliinger, I a) i ¥
bers of the Senior Class of the Mount pounds dressed. The pork rendered George Germer leaves Norfolk this and M Jacob Stokes of Co- | and Me Martin © > by gio on Bi d and \
. DR 1 v . rsday eve g at the home § V (
Joy High Sc -hool for the purpose of five 50-1b. ¢ of lard. There was having been assigned to a bat , Sindny visitors to Mr. | lhursday x Eli ng ho re Jon > 1 Mr. : :
purch: ising a Service Flag, proved a big guessing contest as to the lin Buller, Sr. | patgnes rq Jims i A EPO 8 18 dren Miss g 4
gory seressidl, file two plays, waishiof i hop Drier to the busch Misses Florence and Nedra Kay- race and Elizabeth Se Nea Af ar A very Syshine RELI F Wok
i “ A cid Made to Order” and “Miss ering and Oliver Forry was the best ‘lor and Esther Weber and Irvin Kay- | Keener visited Miss Nellie Vogle at ! Years of age, 8 Suwwives av He Bar: SR——
Molly Tame the Odd Bachelor” were judge as he guessec while Henry Jor visited Rev. I. E. Johnson's at |F bethtown on Sunday. jonts and DY ve Jroinecry ng ve 4
; well renderec ea a 2 J. Engle of this place, was second, anheim o av r. and I Charles enry of | Sister era. id ? ill Have No Sale »
very we 1 {. The attendance J Engl fl 1 cond, | Manheim on Sunday. Mh M harl Henr;) ik © funef neq on will H N S le AISIN FUNDS
was large and financially was a suc- his mark being 8 pounds. Mrs. Charles Decker and two chil- | Manheim, visited their son, Wm. | 0nday. Mr. A. W. Eshlem: OPERATE IN | TH}
sess. There were three classes, the is HE : dren, Dorothy and Robert of Eliza- | Henry and family on Sunday. t : near Nolt’s Mill South of | BEING CARRIED (Hf
first a Spelling Class, for pupils bethtown, visited her parents, Mr Mrs. Roy Brown and daughter Clement Shirk had advertised a big s: ING : :
irst, ¢ ill M to Lancaster 3 own, site 21 8 is, VT, irs. , 1 al Y ( io + Qhiple 1; + er ad a tised a t al
1 o o ancast x . Nn, L a ul y © ™ le
under 14 years, taught by Miss Ethel oy Will Movs 2 Preston enter- . and. Mrs. Jno. Garman. eanor left for Baltimore to-day, | . ( Je pent Sai of Frzabe pon > and farm implen Ss
T'S R : ? : ‘her i ’ § axe ade, 1e 1 a) 7 \
MacDannald. The pig T HE Shi tained a number of his friends at his ,_ Mrs. Daniel Frysinger was called { where they will spend several months. x he RT The Le lor ety hos § Wednese 6
Jace are in vir order, "Ell kngle, « x & fork > hadside of he ictor Mr. | Buller of C A ph: 3 g} .ancaster coun 0S- n
class are in their ver and home on East Main street, Friday © York to the bedside of her sister, sr of Corre, Pa, is | pital, one hour after his admission ,
frne Broous, yeah De evening. He will move to Lancaster Mrs. Samuel Stough, who is quite ill | spent months here with [fo the institution, of a complication I
dre 2 The second, a 5 pel- : ht a Tn I ES x ia » age of 92 years [1 rother in Buller, S J10 he MSILNMON OF 2 SUD Yu) { farm another year
Mildred Way. 1 i by on the 22nd of this month and take at the age of 92 years. ja * b: other, 1 3 er, Sr. | of diseases. He was 48 years of age. | 12T™M 2 other year ra
ling Class for everybody, haree of the Electrical Works of the Mr. John Dyer of Lancaster and Mr. Mart s and daughter, ar bo ee
He Gingrich The winners in charge of the Electrica Oris OL fiss Kathrvn A. Lehman ..of Holt 1 Mr Mrs. Harrv Eichler | The deceased is survived by his wife, 5
Mr. Honry Ging ss Pale Wea. Armstrong: Linoleurh Plant, having Miss Rathryy a. Lehnmon ot > ar. Mrs. Harry Eichler | yi. ave. and four children: Gilbert, Caught the Fox
their order are: gs 5) od severed his connection with the Lan- Wood, spent Sunday as guests in the Philadelphia, I Alicooowa: Maroaret Eurenc ond v otter the fox cl
Sher S eva Wiley and 1s 2 ! ER i famille. of 9 Sr Tem | wn; Margaret, Eugene a y a ie fox
Mas a Month third a General caster Light, Heat and Power Com- di of Me Ales : nd ML | Ralph, all at home. He ric | shet dog
ary Kramer. » é HR isses Clizabet Tei a ang Val-1, er of St. Peter's Cathol ha { 8 S 12s
Information Class, hi Mr. pany — > — Dorothy and Barbara Sload of Ph ] at Rheems | ber of St. I AEB a | ar i v
’ y of Florin. e - win- sIphia, are spend a week here |t Enos Flovd and |! Me 1 iy hi
Irwin Kraybill of Florin. 1€ 3 ts " delphia, are spendi week here in lovd and ; | ; later 10}
ners in their order are: Miss Pauline 12 Additional Arc Lights with Mr. and Mr Heisey. Amos Hottenstein Lf hoasht it : .
ilv New . Shoe 4 loes supe n- ny . ~ a 1 ~ . 1 . | Th r f A Hott ate t on i 2 1€
Weaver, David Ste auffer, Emily New- Mr. 2h or 5 veal Dery hien Mr. and Mrs. Amos Garber, Mrs. Mrs. Fr idle of Har-| The funeral of A ein, Po iE XI
comer. dent of the E Electric ompany, Nathan Sink, ! Amanda Green- | ri welcome visitors at the | son of Mx Irs Jotte 3
: eee el completed the installation loaf and Mr. S ; acht attend- 1h Mrs Jacol Ney |stein, of El Owl h W ! a aE
additional are hts, mak- od the funeral Brker 0 Vr g Ivor. and + tc - ,
Left for Camp Lee I; al of twenty-seven now M ds Eo ® S olace te Q rts Lecture a Suc
Samuel Wilson, of town. a son of in this n. As was ¢ PHORUAY. Mrs. Jacol Iva town £1 t )
hn T. Wilson, left last Wednesday |, inced in these nins some 4} Mi Emma Derr of Eriligls, spent d 1 ’ S o 1
ishure where he joined a ), the company expects to replace the past few ek§ Visiting I E oe LE be t S 8 ! f 1
of drafted men from Erie, all the street lichts in town with this Dethtown and also ir I hon of | 1 abethtown. +}
route for Camp Lee, Mr... OT her brother, Elias D on Mariett Mr p Irs. Harrv S} ker
heinoe emnloved ir ity | ee —eee treet in this Ce I I Gantz at
when he was drafted, accounts for] . I
en Re ik mer srott that place Inspected Woodland
- ste——— William D. Easto the Mari

tate’s Oldest Odd Fellow

D. Bos 89 years old,
Odd Fe in the Stat
and Te n of Northumberlan unty
lawers, die 4d Mondav at Sun ry of
nneumonia after a brief illness. He
was one of the organizers of th =?
Central Pennsylvania Odd Fellows

averaged 3 Ve
i Paul )






Soc Sale bank steel 568 pounds he amount of lard | a recent : f | the s ¢
A public sale of loc: BRE She rendered was nine 50 pound cans. lass, “was the honor guest and | g | ate rs Mariet
odd or local Seviritieg wi be held eee essai lilies ved many substantial gi s. The | { bethtown, - 1 -
hffice of Henry G. Carpenter, ss arranged an impressive program noon in the N i
Ram Saturday, March C f Measles Developed ih ws rr od presvey he 3 : Real Estate Sold
hy Mai be listed not A rim measles has Seviped at | Hh Bae opsted w ith 2 payer A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING e Samuel B property,
Rk March 1., Bell Phonethe home of S. Hess Hershey on West | Ewed denny I Ac 2 dma So a | Pleasant Hill School House, was
2 } . feb.20-tf. | Donegal street, his younger daugh- | ;;0a president, Miss Mime Grob _ Mr. C. 8. Gingrich is on the sick Cut When Falling {to John Foreman for $1,410.
| ter, Ruth being affected. Qavoral ne ) arin) calantiima + | list. Norman Johnson, the young s fl —
| | = Several instrumental selections were Two hoes 1} Qi g “har on onl
ified of Exténsion | given by Miss Catherine Eby. Mis wo wned by George Siller, | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ron onl nd. Mis J. H. Cramer
RR Cotlector *Dagis has been | Is Now Bacteriologist entz, Miss Shettell and Miss Wag [died last week. West Main street in this place fell | brats their 2Sth Weddig
ar : , 158 Wag Mrs. H. L. Spohn with a tumbler in his hand on Tues- | Sicbrate I ed edding

| Warren. Deacon formerly of this
{ place, is mow bacteriologist for the
pllege at Base Hospital No.
ner gave readings, and a number of
selections by, tha Philathean Chorus
were enjoyed
he extension of the time
returns April 1.
exce afits re- | Bellyue

Mrs. Geo.
aghments were |B. Arntz spe
caster. i


nt Wednesda


of Hershey,
spent & few days with friends here.
H. Brown and Mrs. H.


ber broke
the broken
sr attended
day at his hom@afhey
and his head wa
glass. Dr,
re today.





near | )
soid | Mr. and M
Eas ce Schock is quite ill at


o 8 years old ¢

| met resident:
{ly of Lanea
Lick, Somer
will farm.



