But you will reap the benefit of our business acumen because today furniture cannot be got for love or money. Skilled labor is scarce and high. Furniture is placed at the bottom of the non-essential lists by. the and railroads refuse to accept Donovans with all their hope to be as fortunate be compelled siderably more hat you can ing this sale pu want one where else and courage government it for Even hsh to go out 2 shipment. niture centers resources cannot again. Buy now 'wice as much ore and then or you will to pay con- immense money »sirable 18 Eivia merchandise after this Floor Lamps Cedar Chests Body Brussels Rugs Velvet Rugs Carpets Crex Rugs Linoleums Wall Paper Curtains Cretonnes Refrigerators Go-carts Brass Beds Couches Desks Hall a VV ine Furniture tow Shades alone of all our local not sell on the inst: This eliminates all expense of carrying a lot of slow-paying ac- unts which the cash customer to help pay. We petitors do ment plan. tremendous trucks oo 8. r big automohile your door :n pe fe handle ever Ce B eo Ww a or eT 1 ¢ placed in your secause of the fact that we have thirty-three other departments to | help bare the expense of light, ' heat, delivery and a hundred other things we achieve prices and values that specialty furniture stores could not attempt. will bring vour ct t condition from the time it 9, & Soe 9, 9 Sa a 00 0 10. 8. 0 gee ele feed 4 NJ * rales 9. “ +9, J $+ +, 9. 9. 6% % > 9, + Os 9, & > $0 0 & ot 000, + * ® Pe @. 0? %e o. So? AX aX ia ® % 4 Xo oo%e 0% o202% yy © JOR) ob 0° xX © + >, JOR Soto, Pe 20-4 4, Po o¥s oP oF. @ 00.22% o% OSE XG NEXT XIN + 4 By. +4 ¢ ®