The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 16, 1918, Image 2

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Six Months 50 Cents
Three Months 25 Cents

Single Copies vv. +2 Cents Smith the guest of his parents, S. B.
Sample Copies |. .FREE Prof. and Mr Maurice Demmy, | Myers and wife i
- a, f Mooresville, Pa.,, spent several Hardware dealer, S. D. Boggs, of
lays with Mr nd Mrs. C. C. Dem- | this place, was elected a director of
Entered at the post office at Mount nv the Lancaster County Fair Associa-
Jey as second-class mail matter
All cor
ter than Monday.
of importance
pondents must have their
tions reach Rhis office not
Telephone news
bed time and

i ° Elo kno hsday, ( hanges Mis Esther Muller, of Lancas Miss Sadie Brinser, daughter of
or : Te ris egy positively r forme teachers in the high | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brinser, fell on
Saae Fa office not later than Moa: hool visited in town the icy pavement sustaining severe 3
y nig dvertiseinents in- [he yvilowin officer VV ( yoo i 1 1bout the i »- )
New advertise ['} followir flicers ha been ! injuries about the b save money Cn these good
? &

Editor & Pro'r.

Miss Blanche Good visited in Lan
Harry Smith and wife
Hagerstown, Md.
Mrs. W. F. Reese, of Mountville,
visited Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Snyder.
Mr. and Mrs. Delimer, of Stevens
Hill, visited Mr and Mrs. J. F
Mr. and Mr H. R. Cover, of
own, have returned home af
ting Mr and Mrs, H. M.
Prof. Charles Went of Paradise


visited at |
Mr. and®*Mrs. Sherman Sheaffer |
announce the birth of a daughter, | i;
Black, the milliner
MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. A Wednesday, January 16, 1918
announce the birth of a son. | ood Overcoals pr Suits at
Mr .and Mrs. Sherman Sheaffer) —
C. H. Hench and wife, of Harris-
burg, were the guests of Miss M, E.
Ira Myers, of Camp Merritt, was ! i i ( P I
yo gaucen rrices
J G. Ww. Dulebohn, J. A. Kaylor and
E. S. Kuhn have been appointed
auditors to audit the borough treas-
urer accounts.

‘This 1sjrealswinter weather
, and just the time for you to

ted if opy reaches us Tuesday ed y the Seniors of the Bain Cha Coble, the effic exit
aight. Advertising rates ort apPplica= bridge high school: President, Eliza- | the Fertilizer Worlgs, was present,
thon beth Snyder; vice-president, Laura | with a check for $37 as an appreei:
Kr: : secretary Et) McNelly; ! tion for his faithfyilness E
~ A treasure Susan Forre Paul Frey, ler} 1 Hertzler
TE Hart Schaffner & Marx
€ dk the Fr mar 4 tiie hi right hand had 3 crushed while
Miss Martl 1 he I n ge. Rah b, President, | rolling a barrel’ molasses.
cal In u M ! ard y ni t on Vice president, | The Loyal tyler of Moose will hold
A bounc Oy home | Norm n ceretary, Dean- rand euchre at their home on West
of Mr i Mrs. J Ce at ! W surer, Mary Stoner street on Friday evening Jan-
arday Aye] t accident courred on |uary 18, at which time a number of
Mrs. H y Wellman at 1 d th fu olday evening while the children | valuable prizes will be given. (
funeral Ir. John Heiss at Man-|w ers coasting on the town hill. As H. S. Olweiler has assumed charge
heim last Tt day : Mr "g.muel Beinhauer was crossing | of the butchering establishment at
Our n r, Mr. W fer gb. cireet a sled load of children col- | the Masonic Homes, due to the regu- ,
and fami ill soon n led with him, throwing him to the | lar man, Mr. Chapman, being con- | 2 2
etta. H rk on tr sWround, rendering him unconscious | fined to his home at Bainbridge iid
him the: . de itting a large hole in the back | street, due to a severe fall. ~\
Mr. Jacob Gorrecht visited his’ ¢ head. He was carried into A serious explosion was averted at |
brother-in-law, Elmer Swarr at the
Columbia hospital on Saturday wher,
he underwent an operation for aj
pendicitis and found him gettir
along nicely.
Miss Margaret Hipple of Marigk, a,
is Mr. Geist’s successor at the Bast
Hempfield school near Selene May
gneccess crown her efforts. for-
mer teacher resigned to i some
other position.
We certainly all seem to Je having
troubles of our own with % reeze ups,
no coal and poor, Rro§iiets in the |
pear future and fe days are surely
dreary, whil the nights grow long,

ly, er will bring us relief.
2 monthly meeting of the Ladies’
ary to the General Hospital
1d at the home of Mrs. Harvey | ning, I. Scott Smith, I. Oliver Fry, | following officers were elected: re _
h at which time the same of- Ephraim Brinser, Geo. S. Rhoads, Preident, E M. SHariedon; vice- | 8 =
ere re-elected to serve an-!Jr., Fred B. Smith and Harry Gar-|president, Laura Lancaster; secre-| v | a $10 00 f $12 50 ]
wear. The next meeting will ber. At a meeting of the directors tary, Laura Lancaster; treasurer, oy . or . va ues
o home of Mrs. Q. O. Reitzel
RL attendance and payment
Eng from the funeral
br which was held in
hurch of our town,
sman, a neighbor of
ce and made a bad |
es in the forearm.
was called in and
cing the fracture
hjured lady fairly |
kt case came an-
Myers, daugh-
Myers, Jr. fell
s and ran a
ing quite
long the
°C eR, r iS now
bl] and for a six Year old
e further trouble.
paper—The Bulletin.
Stoner has searlet
hoer and daughter
ri bore. g
coldénd weary but our kind heaven- |
Ident, B. F.
s, also from a |
last Monday morning in

the barber shop and Dr. Stever sent
for, ho rendered the necessary at-

lowing are the officers of
Church of God Sunday School:
Superintendent, S. G. Kerkes; as-
sistant superintendent, Ray Good;
financial se ry, Z. Kinsey; re-

cording and corresponding secretary, |

Ray Good; assistant, Miller Grove;
treasurer, Mrs. S. G. Yerkes; pianist,
Miss Blanche Good; assistant, Mrs. S
G. Yerkes; librarians, Charles
Hartz, Miller Grove; assistants,
Harry Hackenberger, Harlan Meckey,
Laurie Grove.
‘At a meeting of the stockholders
| of the first National bank Tuesday
{the following directors were elected:
Messrs. B. F. Hoffman, C. S. Man-
Thursday the board re-organized and
elected the following officers: Presi-
Hoffman; First Vice-
President, C. S. Manning; Second
Vice-President, I. Scott Smith; Cash-
ier, I. Oliver Fry
The Landis Bros. Dalry have ad-
vanced the price of bottled milk to
13¢ per tus art.
Mr. S. S. Kraybill and son Clarence
tr ansacted business at Marietta and
vicinity one day last week.
Albert Smith, the Donegal country
butcher slaughtered a beef and four
t neck in the Ved
rely missing hogs for Ira Newcomer this week. of Union Square, and Frank Geib |ville. | November 17—Michaefl M. Hoff- |
ee ir thet The Church of the Brethren will | and family visited in the home of E.| June 26—Mrs. Margaret Inners, man, a tobacco dealer andl farmer of |
open a series of meetings at this place
next Saturday evening, January 19.
Mr. S. S. Kraybill, the Rheems
merchant has purchased an automo-
ravely living through her bile from the J. G. Enterline Bros., | hard, near Elizabethtown, has re-| June 27—Henry U. Gantz, a for-| November 20—Anief R. Kline, at
Dr. Kendig, her physician |last week. { turned to her home. ’ mer resident of Milton Grove, aged her home in Florin, jgefd 70 years.
Peter R. Kraybill, son of Mr. and | Mr. and Mrs. Ginder entertained 70 ye November 23—Mrs.§ Mary Boyd,
Mrs. S. S. Kraybill left for a camp

where he has accepted an appoint-
The series of eveping meet
the Mennonite ch El
town con



Illinois, |

the home of Martin Doutrich on
Bainbridge street when the head of |
the house threw a blazing oil lamp |
from the dining room table into the
| yard. No damage was caused but!
considerable excitement. |
Elizabethtown Borough Council |
organized on Tuesday evening by ap-|
pointing the following officers: Presi- |
dent, H. T. Horst; clerk, J. W. Ris-|
| ser; treasurer, National Bank; so-|
| licitor, B. J. Myers; borough engin- |
eer, H. K. Ober; policeman, «Je
Brosey; tax collector, S. B. Kieffer. |
The new members sworn in are E.|
A. Fackler, H. H. Brandt, I. A. Shif- |
fer, J. H. Gise.
A Red Cross Auxiliary was organ-
ized at Newville, a suburb of this |
place, on Tuesday evening when the |
$20.00 for $25.00 values
$18.00 for $22.50 values
$16.50 for $20 00 values
$15.00 for $18.50 values j
$13.50 for $16.50 values
$12.00 for $15.00 values

Copyright Hart Schaffner & Marx »
Z Mount JOY
November 8—Mrs. =. A. Zahm, |
Frank Zepnick. The order starts with |
a membership of 17. Stirring address- |
es were delivered by J. N. Dweller |
G. W. Dulebohn and L. C. Hershey, |
of this place. ’
TT |
Northwest Rasho PP. EF G E
Mr. H. S. Hottenstein lost a ol
uable horse on Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ulrich were| June 10—Abram H. Stauffer, well |
t pleasant callers in the home of F. W. | | known resident of this place, aged 72 fon New Haven street, aged 67 vears.
Geib on the Sabbath. | years. November 10- Joseph N. Spittler |
Mr. and Mrs. David Boyer were June 11—Mrs. H: ATTY J. Williams, of Toll gate No. 6, aged $2 years. |
pleasantly entertained in the home of | on West Main street, aged 41 years.| November 13-—Mrs. Sarfah Spang-!
Irvin Heisey on Sunday. | June 18—Samuel Spickler, a for-|ler, wife of John Spangler of Sa-|
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wolgemuth, | mer resident of this place, at Keiler- | lunga, aged 69 years. !

= S=E

»f John Inners near Elizabeth- Maytown, aged 88 years.
November 20—Willian
Gantz, a well former resident of ths p
| years.
W. Geib on Sunday. | wife
Mrs. Maria S. Stauffer, of Chickies | tow
Hill, who was spending two weeksin| J
the home of her son, Elmer Barn- | know:
ized 50 years.
farmer near Ironville.
Manning, a
hace, aged 83

{ the following on Sunday: Mr. and June 29—Miss Beulah L. Shellen- | formerly of this place, aged 66 |
Mrs. Ephraim Ginder, Mr. and } erger, daughter of John Shellen- years.
| C. G. Hollinger and daughter ger, aged 29 years. November 24—J¢hn Hess, a veter- |
| Mr. and Mrs. William Bish July 13—Clara Jean, daughter of inary surgeon in Rfapho township, |
| Manheim, and Mr. and Mrs. Phares Hayes Zeller of Patterson, N. aged 84 years.
Ninder. July 15-—Abram S. Shelley, a for- SCRE 26—Abjram Rhinehart,
Rose of our auto friends who are | mer resident of Rapho township, |sr., on New Haven [street, aged 79
at any time had to paj aged 65 years. years.
peturday and Supdav; some | July 18—Vicforia K. Elder, sister December 65—Mrs./] Levi Mumma of
ar rd. B. of late Ross Elder, aged 75 years. Florin, aged 69 Years

Sales Agent For
Ford Cars

1» his| July 20—William Nagle, Lancas- December 5-—John H. Hollowell
n his | ter, father of Jacob Nagle of this on Mount in this place
the place. aged 87 years Two good second-hand Ford touring cars can be seen
at | July 25—Henry, infant son of Mr. December thar W., son of at the Garage.
land Mrs. Elson Hauenstein. Mr. and Mrs. (George Dellinger of
July 25—Henry B. Martin, a|Florin, aged 7 years
ghly respected resident of this December {Daniel L. Hauen-
ce, aged 74 years. stein, a well krfoy
ly 25—Henry Darrenkamp of place, aged 70 fyears
aster, father of John Darren-: December 10/—Minerva G., daugh- |
of this place, aged 83 years. [ter of John K.| Fannie jo Eyer, |
31-—Mrs. Anna B. Breneman, 'aged 10 years] 2
f the late Isaac Breneman of
ged 76 yes
Rion seed %) STOCK DEALER
ewtown, aged 79 | | : I
Ea cone Bid save How Can | Reduce My Goal Bills!
resident of this
| Rapho and Penn Townships
| Garage and Salesroom
mses fen J) tii meee
0 A 5 0
Manheim, Pa.
Ar reset na


ny Greena-
Bae nawalt,


Should I add a dollar to the price of a ton of coal if it saves me
Ea | $2. 00 to $3.00 or more, by making the coal last 26 per cent. or more
t horses, cat i other live hoe |
It produces more bright, clean, hot fires. -


i and I havello be driving around the |
country i all sorts of weather,” |
S Georg W. Eardman, of Millers- |
of the largest live !
ion dealers in this’

fult I contracted rheuma-
had been banging away
gg oe It yields less clinkers, cinders, ashes and soot.

| it, just the plain, old-
tind of rheumatism that
1en there's a change com-
weather by making you
er. That's the kind that

ir, I took a crack at all
medies that I heard about
o time, but not one of

“ept whanging away at me
was worth.
put one over on him when
taking Tanlac, for I had
he run before he knew what
ac sure did chase away the
d pains. I can stand any
weather with not a ss
t stuff, that Tanlae, and I'd
ery rheumatic to take it and
s misery.”
c is now being introduced
Dr. W. D. an, DPrug-
punt Joy, Pa.

d Your Money
yith your home merchants.
hey help pay the taxes,
keep up the schools, build
roads, and make this a com-
unity worth while. You
will find the advertising of
the best ones in this paper.


| scare old man Rheumatiz,
st sat tight and said noth- |
BM 001
It enables a man to use a lower grade of coal and get better results
than before with a higher grade.
Koaline is a chemical preparation coming in good-sized tubes at $1.00 ~.3
each, including simple directions. If your coal cost $8.00 a ton Koaline
will make that ton do better service than a ton and a quarter would deo
and reduce the clinkers, cinders, ashes and soot fifty per cent. or more.
Address : 2mm
LLOYDS OF AMERICA Bradley Beach, N. J.
for full particulars and testimonials from users you may know.
Better than this send $1.00 for a tube and give it a test.
You can also address “K” box 389, Lititz, Pa., for a sample tube,
enclosing $1.00 for same. jan.9-4%







TR TOR) 0M ii J
Bell Phone at Residence and Yards