® 4 | un- bara ,000. x100 ruck rw t ae SONS i ree she —————, SOCO0O0O000OTB00000C00000000000000000C ’ Wednesday, December 5, 18 HOOO00LVOLLLOOOCOOOOCOO TERIA, OLOLVLLLOOODOOOOOO0OOOOOOGOGCOOOO AYE i How About DAD AND THE BOYS What are you going to give them? Probably Dad said, “Don’t bother about me,” but just the same on Christmas morning he’l I be as “proud as punch” if he gets a good, prac- tical gift. And it won’t seem like Christmas to that boy if he hasn’t a new suit or mackinaw to put on. The Donovan stores for men and boys are fairly bristling with good, practical Gifts. there are men’s Overcoats from good serviceable ssy models with Fur Collars at $25 and up. For instance rats at $15 t There are Men’s Suits at almost any price you want to pay. Men’s Sweaters from $1.25 to $7. Men’s Shirts from 85c to $5. Men’s Ties from 25c¢ to $1.50. Men’s Kid Gloves 50c to $2.50. Auto Driving Gloves from $1.50 to $6. Ma's Woolen Gloves, 25¢c to 75c. Silk’ Mufflers and Scarfs, 59c to $5. Wonderful Velour Hats, $4. Umbrellas, 98¢c to $5. Suit Cases, $1.25 to $7.50. Traveling Bags, $1.50 to $12. For boys there are dandy big plaia Machinaws and trench Over- coats that will make the heart of any boy iteap £o joy. And Suits at any price you want to pay. Guaranteed Raincoats with Hat, $3.50 and $5. Boys’ Sweaters from 65c to $2.50. Boys’ Shirts from 65¢ to $1.50. Boys’ Gloves, 25c to $1.50. Comfy Slippers, Bath-robes, Hockey Caps, Neckties, Handkerchiefs and hundreds of other gifts for boys from 2 to 50 and then some. or Every Member of the Family~Cifts For The Home OREY AND GET THEM AT DONOVAN'S | Lancaster’s Great Christmas Store of a Million Gifts Where You Get a Gift of Your Round-Trip-Car-Fare When You Buy $10 00 Worth or More } MOUNT JO N, MOUNT JOY, PA. PAGE SIX OOOO OOOOOO0000000DLVDILVOVIV DOOCOOOOC WOLLLLLOL0000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOO0O00000000000000O0000O0OOD DOOOOO00O0OOOOOOOOOO0C DOCOOCO0000000C DOOOOOOOON ALL YE FAITHFUL? the iy in your home on Christmas morning--picture the surprise "CO ar.d the happiness on the young folks faces to waken to the beautiful strains of this grand old Christmas hymn on a new I ROLA OR GRAFONOLA In all the world there is no gift quite so unselfish as this--everyone can play it--every- once can enjoy it. D0 POOO00000CO0000000000000000000000000000CO0OCOOOOOOOOONN Doncvans make it possible for every home to have a Victrola or a Grafoncla on Christmas. ONE DOLLAR That’s all—yet it '.,"'". nlace in your home at once any style, any type, any price machine you maj desire. ii IE] 1 T by I il J Pay the balance at your leisure. Donovan’s terms are so easy that they will not cause the slightest in- convenience on the “money end.” LA ! nd 2 Ani then remember that Dono- vans is the only store in Lancaster where you can hear the world’s greates Talking Machines side by side— The Victrola and Grafonola. Sorth-- While, Books e Here By the Hundreds and Thousands When in Doubt Give a Book A Book is a gift that no one will fail to appreciate. It is welcome in every home because no one can have too many Books. Books are gifts for the king and the peasant, for the rich and the poor, for the young and the old. Our Book Department is one of the ‘sights’ of the “store of a million gifts”’—it has been recently enlarged ud renovated and is today the largest and most com- plete book shop in Lancaster. Christmas Books for Boys and Girls. Prices 10c to $1.50. All popular copyrights in new bindings for Christmas giving at 60c each. Stationary, Correspond- ence Cards, boxed in the most attractive manner, Writ- ing Sets, Greeting Cards, Christmas Seals, etc., etc: Wher: the toyg are si Make a Visit to Toy Town--Ohe of the Christmas £ bo W Kesp the Kiddies “Out of the War” BRING THEM TO TOY TOWN rs maw le FURS The Gift Luxurious A Christmas present that a woman prizes above all else. Good Furs are an invest- ment while cheap Furs are an expense, and dear at any price. > many and the prices so low Don’t omit the usta] Toys for the kiddies at Christmas just because thé country is at war.\ War is bad enough without bringing the chil- dren into it. Bring thedg_al 11 to Toy Town at Donovans and treat them to lunch at our Terra Cotta Grill adjoining the toy department. You can fill up all the stockings you want and crowd the Christmas trees to overflowing with exac the kind of playthings and games . i Donovans Furs are good Furs. You run no risk in‘buying them because we stand back of every Fur we sell and you know our reputation for square dealing. Donovans Word on Furs Is as Good as a Bond the little lads and lassies love so\much. Santa Claus has been generous to ou this year. He has given you bountiful crops and other things and will be generous next year if you are generous to these, his little ondg. Events That You Can't Afford to Miss - FURNITURE Is The true American love for home and the universal desire to beautify it makes furniture the most appropriate of all gifts. What Lancaster County home can not be made happier by such Donovan Furniture Will Last a Lifetime What's the matter with the whole family chipping in and buying piece of furniture for the home? What Will You Buy for MOTHER There isn’t anyone who deserves more—no one who sacrifices and “goes without” as much as she. And now at this time of the year when she is busy planning to give ev eryone else a merry Christmas—just surprise her with something she’s been w anting but never thought she could afford. the Ideal Gift Maybe its a big warm plush coat or a pretty dress. set of furs. Or it may be a A thousand appropriate furniture gift suggestions are revealed There are hundreds and hundreds of suggestions at Donovans and as usual you'll find the prices lower than anywhere. by a walk through our three big floors of furniture. a gift? What Lancaster County home is so perfectly furnished that it has not the need of some extra piece of furniture. Furni- 4 ture is always appreciated because it is always enjoyed. Always because it lasts long after other presents are forgotten. Here Are Some Of The Choicest Gifts That Mother Will Like ’ /, Living Room Suites Dressing Tables Rockers Mz 0 Tea Wagons Mirrors Sewing Machines A New Rug Bed Room Suites Easy Chairs RW Book Cas AS swing Ads lc Sewing Tables Davenports Kitchen Cabinets It matters little whether it is a small article you wish to give— there is much here to interest gift givers no matter who they may be—bachelor or family man, maid or matron, children as well as grown ups. Floor Lamps Chaise Lounges Day Beds OOOO DOC Be WAR AIT re PLLC DOO OOOCOOOOOOOOONOOO0O000C Women’s Coats from $10 to $35. Womens’ Suits from $16.50 to $30. Women’s Dresses from $5.98 to $25. Lovely New Waists from 98c to $10. A wonderful lot of Crepe-de-chine and Georgette Crepe Waists at $5. Umbrellas, 98c to $5. Gloves, 50c to $2.50. Woolen Dress Lengths, $4 to $5. Silk Dress Lengths, $5 to $15. \ Linen Table Sets, $2.50 to $15. } Bath Robes, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Pocketbooks and hundreds and hundreds of pretty Novelties. And when your purchases amount to $10 or more get your trip car-fare refunded in cash. This hclds good on any article in entire store with the exception of Victrola and Grafonola product i : hn | 1 \ v Hn ——— | i C bet _ 0 i i fy | 1 4 | | ¥ | i i | { | [ { i Si } J I 1 RL OT i 3 | Lf Ss a 7 AR | | Tv ; NR ’ } | 3 Wi | i | . POOOOOGOOOOOCOOCOOCCOC0OCOAC000C FOCOBCOOCONCOICCOCCOCCOCCOBCOCEOCOOC00C000CCDCOCO0O000000COCOCO00000O0NOHONO00000000C0000000C000000000C0000000 DO0OOO SOOOCOOOL OOOO OOOO DOOODO