The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 21, 1917, Image 6

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at two
ik E SIX i ee] MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. vember 21,
Ts rou p—— . a) . el : =
; | On lily Senate Yien, | BEING SCHOOLED | \ 4 =

You have an old pair of
Ys scissors handy. You keep
snipping a little here, a
little there, trying to keep
the flame even. The same thing ever Sven
but don’t blame it all on the wick. If you use


| signed will sell
[prior to
x " : ro | their adoption.
FOR SALE-—One white rabbit. A :
Ii snl] shee NOW (Os x In addition to the English classes,
§ iy Sell cheap. E. W. Garber, Mi | the lads are also being taught to
v0¥s —a. +2272" speak French. The officers, too, are
o'clock p. m
at public sale at the
office of the Farmers Creameiy Com- |
pany of Mount Joy, Pa, at least 650
the |

shares of the capital stock of
Farmers Creamery Company. Ad-
ditional shares of said company which ELEMENTARY SCHO SCHOOLS TEACH |
be obtained by the committee | | LADS OF FOREIGN BIRTH
date of sale will also be | ENGLISH LANGUAGE—
sold. The total amount of stock is- | 300 WERE REJECTED
sued and outstanding are 648 shares. | - ——
2t. Committee of Stockholders. | Camp Meade, Md., Nov. 19—It
Wanted, Sale R nt &e. | | has been found that there are several |
illiterates among the men sent to
Young Man Wanted—Between 16 |
Camp Meade from Pennsylvania and |
Maryland. To meet this condition, !
and 20 years; Good education and in- |
telligent, for general store clerk. H. |
elementary schools have been es-
tablished in the various units, and a |
E. Hauer. nov.21-tf, Sourse in the three 5 hag become 8 as
obligatory upon such rookies as their
FOR RENT-—A house on Lumber ro Yo The method es-
St., Mount Joy. Possession given on |
Dec. 1. Apply to W. M. Hollowbush,
Attorney-At-Law, Mt. Joy. 1t.

tablished makes it possible to teach
the lads of foreign birth, who never
learned the tongue of the land of


inl @ >
== D 0 NG eli &
youn 0%, CAR PARE Il NOVAN gi DY. (0 [
E 2 + i- No §

bores 7 — 3
We PaY'Y6ur Round Trip CAR FARE ON ALL PUR(HASES 0r $10.4
\ OR More. IT Costs YoU NOTHING... AK For IT.

FOR SALE—A 12-h.p. New Hol- | attending the French classes, and are
| acquiring a rudimentary knowledge

of Mount Joy borough, Lancaster

in the fertilizer the average was 120

instead of ordinary kerosene, you won't have charred wicks. land Gasoline Engine as good as new. tonane whi will ne HIGHER PRICES | D000000000020000000000000C0000C
There's a great difference in’ kerosenes. _Rayolight Oil is Price very reasonable. Call or phone of He fonstie which they will neal | ©
so perfectly refined and scientifically purified that it always | Michael B. Hossler, R. D. 3, Mt. Joy. | Re Pe ae A oy yor | WE Friis )
gives a sure, true light and an even, steady heat without nov.21-4t. | ode ara COL ob Toil | —— i if > )
smoking, sputtering or any nasty burny odors. Results like LADY WANTED—To show dl Ie 04% o i ar are REe % 30 ping | 6S Ea 8
that are worth being particular about. Insist on getting i ANTED—To show an e lads master their language. é X
sell the finest line of Spring fabriecs| The school, however, that is the | x .
Rayolight Oil. You'll always find it at stores that display the : oy rele ot. | object of zieatest interest ito the | & X
sign : “‘Atlantic Rayolight Oil for Sale Here.” That store is ln the country. or particu ars, ad-| object o greatest interes to e | & o
a good place to deal regularly, too. dress The Wilcox Company, Bing- ( men, is the training camp for secon és X
hamton, N. Y. nov.21-6t. | lieutenants which is to open here | J S Y
it’s a scientific fact that, of any artificial light, a kero« - = i after January. All recommendations td ¥
sene lamp is the most restful and pleasing to the eyes. FARM FOR RENT--A good hs | of men for this spe cial course of of jo scrap is now eacnsdee on a basis u 4
ter Co. farm, 30 acres farm land, lot | training are to be in hand by De- c to 25c per pound. S 0
THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY of timber land, fine location, close to Bi 1, and the lads are oi] The present demand for good 1917 & of
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh [ markets, only 3 miles from Coates- | to know if their names are on the | tobacco for 1918 binders and wrap- 2 2
|ville by state road, house has con- | list. There is only a possibility of | pers justify the gréwers not placing & be
PERFECTION veniences, running water at barn, | | about sixty men in each regiment | any price upon th¢ir 1917 crops un- * A
Shara, Joadow ete. gout ony! being chosen to go in training for a | til 23me of the yr is stripped 20 as 8 =
$ 200 a year. Address, Bulletin, Mt | commission. | to determine to what class each in- & 4
HE Oil Heaters |Joy. if. | It was announced that the rule | | dividual srop i Teoad 8 Sure Lecess x
ake cold rooms nice and comfort - against visitors coming into the can- ccording to prices already M k Th k %
ablerega erdlessof the weather, Quick, | The famous Horseshoe Brand bn on any re he than those | oa Ssordit on fall active Southern d 8 dll S vin d J A
strike of a match. Typewriter Ribbons, Carbon Papers set aside for visiting will be rigidly | markets, thi§ excellent Lancaster 2 Men all eyes are alight 3
See them at your ‘and Typewriter Papers are now enforced. The men are now getting | County tobaeco ought to command at & } go tt x
dealer’s—$4.50t0 $3.50, {Seine handled by W. D. Spandle down to a hard course of intensive delivery tinfe from 30 to A0e per 3 with! Protnetts Jom a x
{ana Lo. .<1-4l | training, and the authorities do not | pound for wrappers, 20 to 2 or k an ressing’’; Ww, 2%
LOST—Last Thursday near Sun- intend that any one shall disturb frosted, 15 to 20c for sized fillers, ¢& . s are keen on the com- X
ny Side schoolhouse. Male black, them or observe them in training. | and 10 to 18s for 22¢ fo for well 2 in f the pumpkin pie; when
‘hite and tan beagle hound. Ans. | Then, too, all visitors will be obliged | sorted cxops; to 22c for severely g ” dX
wo £ 7 ati 2 ed laid 1 bales; and “ pany,” homefolks, an
wers to the name of Duke. 14 inches | to leave the reservation after 6 frosted £rops laid loose in bales; and ¢& co &
high. One front leg is brown. Small |0’clock in the evening on visiting | 15 to 30c through for bad hail cut. & kidd ¢ are eagerly question- &
white stripe through his head. Large | 43Vs. nr es have a lrsady 749 & ing,}] When's dinner going to
ears. Reward for his return to Bul- Some friends and relatives of lads | SUFeg'enougn acis at my o ce, ( ’} dy?”’—and when your &
: wy a 5 : Woolworth Buildin to make them be S
letin Printing Office, Mount Joy. whose homes are somewhat distant 8s “ . b
1] Rayo Lanterns - ¥ have made the journey on days not | thet 5 i » 1230.00 per acre on hearfl ** 6 on Filing 2 ig x
The alway: reliable Safest and best. Give ; Fo SALE 12 S. e White oo | set aside for visiting and were some- | *he}¥ Individua °FOpS: . succl® wl e . Bol &
STR a piercing, far-reach- orn Pullets. Call on phone, 140-R6, | what perturbed when admittance to s when you fully ap-
d Q; y : J th So
ee room. Give a clear Tt Mount Joy. nov.21-1t | the reservation was refused by the R L KIMBROUGH @ os e the range that al- X
5 all purposes. Atyour RE | FOR SALE—A 2 h.p. Domestic military police. 3 : | 8 ways’ bakes right—THE 2
b dealer’s, $1.90 up. dealer's, 50c up. | gasoline engine in good condition, A list of about 300 men rejected |& od + MAJESTIC—“THE §
a —— | Replaced by motor. Call on Michael | for various reasons was given out |e GRE ' WITH A REPUTA. 3
M. Sauder, Mt. Joy. oct. 3 1-4t. a division gl lost &f i Us Print Your I &8 RANG‘ |
e men were eliminated from the Ls i §
FOR SALE—A 1 spark Pu new army because of physical dis- 3 8 TOR ic R d QS
SS TL 0 TH 0 0 SL NL EJB | tire pump with gauge, hose, ete. Cost qualifications. Some were exempted ° If you realize how much the Great Majelt'c "ange recuces J
5 $12. 50. Will sell for $6.00. Call at because they had been induced into £ 1 S © the work and worry of cooking—how much it Saves in fuel, foc 3
8 this office. sep.12-tf | the military service through error. > 3 Surely you deserve
BE 1 G B CHEAP_A 1 i7e Presto ‘Lank About eighty-two are Philadelphians i waste and repairs, you would get one today. 2
ty SE — | —A large size 8 an 2 2 7 : : the best—Ilet h Majestic. 4
= | for sale. No further use for it. Call | i Me SA wh it t t & Tu 3
u m (at this office. Sept12-tf | ytside PHilsdeltisa, en comes 0 nea x »
Reduction Sale|. === Sy unt Joy |
= (ed ten-room house on est ain of any in we w # . 5 %
BH St, Mt. Joy. Also garage. Apply to 5 y ¥
8 | A. M. Martin, Mount Joy. oct.24-tf. GROWING chops. WITHOUT guarantee to give you & DOOOOO00000C00T
on all FOR SALE CHEAP—_A new bug. boos eatisfaction.
gy manufactured by William Schutte
Apply to Willem Schutte or Dr. L ay JED prig of Tous wah
Shoes and Oxfords jim = ff anv ihe sma or,
=| FOR SALE—A fine assortment of | Profit from its use. On the other hand ge NS
Ball kinds of gold fish. Apply to Ben. | demand for potash on the part of po: —-"
o . g | jamin F. Brown, Florin. Pa. nov.7-2t | tato and truck growers has been great: °
Prices Will Astonish You Bn Tn To Be than the Sap In some Saset The United States Government Food
Come Early before your sizes are all gone ps Ul 38 6 oF Prove growers have even considered giving
®| On the corner of Marietta and | up the production of certain crops be y ls
. g | Delta streets opposite the P. R. R.| cause of thelr inability to obtain wha mistrator ays:
Open Evenings = [depot in Mount Joy borough, a 12- they consider to be sufficient
® Foon house bi lot 57x125 feet on That crops can be a ote PS . P
= | Friday, November 30, at 7 o'clock successfully grows Baki W ds rn
|, | P wy Ts property will positively without potash has been shown in re ng o der Brea of Co and
; S| be so T ount Joy. | cent experiments of the Maine expert th »
H. LASKEWITZ : swt station. Ta 1915 potsive srows Oder coarse flours are reoominended
® BB Executor’s Notice without potash averaged 110 barrels .
ul Estate of Daniel Wolgemuth late | per acre. With eight per cent potash B A K I N G
East Main St, MOUNT JOY, PA. &

county, Pa., deceased.
Letters testamentary on said es-
tate having been granted to the
undersigned, all , persons indebted
[thereto are requested to make im-
| mediate payment, and those having

Sales Agent For
Ford Cars ||
Rapho and Penn Townships
Garage and Salesroom
Manheim, Pa.

B. Frank Kready, Atty.
[claims or demands against the same
| will presemt them without delay for
settlement to the undersigned.
Hiram E. Wolgemuth,
Mount Joy, R
Jacob E. Wolgemuth,
Mount Joy, R. D., 3
Estate of Victoria K. Elder late off
Mount Joy borough, deceased.
| markedly profitable,
| In 1916 the same experiment ste:
tion had two demonstrations, one on
land unfertilized for two years, and
the other on land which had had a high
potash fertilizer for several years. The
first experiment gave 104 barrels per
acre without potash in the fertiliser,
and 154 barrels where three per cent
potash was Included in the fertilizer.

Potash, even at present-day prices, was
enormously profitable. The potats
crop, however, was profitable even
| where no potash was used.
The second experiment of 1916 was
Letters of Administration on said | on land where a seven per cent potash
estate having been granted to the |
undersigned, all persons indebted
thereto are requested to make im-
mediate payment, and those having |
1s or demfnds against the same
present them without delay for
settlement to the undersigned, re-
siding in Mount Joy, Pa.
W. M. Hollowbush, Attorney
Estate of Abraham S. Hostetter,
of Mount Joy Borough, Lancas-
Pa., deceased.
Letters testamentary on said es-
tate having granted to the‘under-
signed, all persons indebted thereto
are requested to make” immediate
payment, and those having claims or
demands against the same will
present them without delay for set-
tlement to the undersigned, residing
at Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa. |
PHOS. S. GEISE, Executor.
oct.17-6£ |

ter County,

| Frank 8. Groff, Atty.
ON FRIDAY, NOV. 23rd, 1917
Fresh cows and cows coming frésh in
December, January and February

ttention Gunners
unting Clothing
e Out Fit You From Head To Foot.
Everything For The Gunner.
L lothing Mount Joy, Pa.

| BEEVES bought direét frcm the
| sale at their stock
farmers by the undefsigned.
The undersigned will sell at public
rds opposite the
Farmers’ Inn, A., Stumpf, Prop.,
Mount Joy, Pa., /the following live
| stock:
S. About 70 cows and
| balance gc vs New York State Hol-
stein heifers 1 bulls. Also cattle
| for beeves or some stock cattle.
Don’t niss this sale if you want
a good 4 w for your Spring sale.
| ae Mill positively start at 1:25
| sh / Fresh cows always sold first.
ri FUITIONS:—Note at 60 days
wi pproveq security and bank dis-
ant added.
F Aldi J. B. KELLER & BRO.
| F. ingey, rs
| Coble & Kreider, Clks.
| Wh are al Vays in the marke; for
. |B Bol and Fresh Cows,
Ringer, Sats and Fat Hogs.
| fertilizer had been used the two years
previously. The no-fertilizer crop was
| 120 barrels per acre. Eight per cent
| potash In the fertilizer gave 137 bam
| pels, Indications are that there was
# considerable residue of potash in the
soll which was still available for the
needs of the crop.
The New Jersey experiment station
has carried out experiments of this
kind on the typical sandy soils of that
state. In one case a yield of 400 bushe
| ¢ls of potatoes per acre was obtained
with fertilizer containing two per cent
potash. Incidentally, however, this
was in a region where ten per cent
potash fertilizers had been largely
74d in preceding years.
Doctor Brigham, commissioner of
agriculture of Vermont, reports that
potash on his farm increased the yield
| of potatoes 97 bushels per acre. The
1 erop without potash was also worth
while, 8. B. HASKELL.


Save Pennies—

q Some users of printing
save pennies by get
ting inferior work and nd
dollars through lack of ad-
vertising value in the work
they get. Printersasarule
charge very reasonable
prices, for none of them
get rich although nearl
all of them work rs
Moral: Give your printing to
a good printer and save money.

Our Printing Is
Waste Dollars |

The use of potash was not |

Makes delicious muffins, cakes and coarse flour breads
3% cup corn meal 8 cups graham flour
134 cups flour 5 level teaspoons Royal Baking Powder
% teaspoon salt 14 ieaspoons seit +
» cups milk and water
: ote: Jasmin Royal Baking Powder 7, cup Sugar or corn syrup
& 1 cup chopped nuts (not toc fine) or 1 cup
raisins, washed and floured
Mix together flour, baking powder and salt; add milk
and water, sug:
raisins, Put into
30 minutes ir arn place.
40 to 45 minutes.
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons shortening

Mix thoroughly dry ingredients; add milk and melted
shortening and beat well. Bake in greased muffin
tins im hot oven about 20 minutes,
Bake ir

Our red, white and blue booklet, “Best War Time Recipe” containi ngaddi tional simi lar recipes
free on request. Address Royal Baking Powder Cornpany, Dept H, 135 Williarre Street



All Kinds Auto Accessories--Repair Work Promptly Done