Ask for it b ATLANTIC » Philadelphia and Pittsburgh PERFECTION Smokeless Oil Heaters Make cold rooms nice and comfort able regardless of the weather. Quick, radiant heat at the strike of a match. Seethem at It’s not much fun crawling out of the comfy covers at five or six o'clock on frosty mornings. But the alarm has a pleasanter sound when you know a Per- fection Oil Heater is waiting—ready to make things warm at the scratch of a match. However, to get perfect results, always use It gives a steady, room-filling heat or a clear, brilliant yet mellow light without smoke, soot, smell or charred wicks. That’s because Rayolight Oil is more highly refined than ordinary kerosenes— yet it sells at the same price. I name at the store that displays the sign: “Atlantic Rayolight Oil for Sale Here.” Then you'll be sure of getting the genuine. It’s a scientific fact that, of any artificial light, a kero- sene lamp is the most restful and pleasing to the ayes. THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Rayo Lamps The always reliable your dealer’s—$4.50 to $8.50. Safestand best. Give light makers, Hand- a piercing, far-reach- i some designs forevery ing lighton thedarkest { room. Give a clear, night. Durable con- { Aiaw Bg, au} for station, x op Jounty ur; your never leak. our ealer's, $1.90 up. dealers, 50c up, ¥ 11 1 Bl1G~ on all Prices Will Astonish You Open Evenings Reduction Sale f Shoes and Oxfords Come Early before your sizes are all gone H. LASKEWITZ East Main St, MOUNT JOY, PA. 11 ET NES EEG OL LL 110 —-— —— — i, Sales Agent For J. B. BUSSER Ford Cars Rapho and Penn Townships Garage and Salesroom Kanheim, Pa. Attention Gunners Hunting Clothing F. Everything For The Gunner. B. GROFF Harness and Horse Clothing We Out Fit You From Head To Foot. Mount Joy, Pa. J % vl MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. 37% More For Your Money Get the Genuine Als CASCARA QUININE “AoM® No advance in price for this 20-year. old remedy —25¢ for 24 tablets—Some cold tablets now 30c for 21 tablets— Figured on proportionate cost per tablet, you save 9'c when you buy Hill's—Cures Cold in 24 hours—grip in 3 days—Money back if it fails. 24 Tablets for 25¢c. At any Drug Store OUR RED CROSS DAY EVENING—BOYS WHO LEFT SATURDAY WERE SUPPLIED WITH KITS ly granted the local branch of the Tuesday This will give those who during the day, either in room on evenings. are busy | tunity to help to make the surgical | dressings necessary to supply a much | needed demand. Tuesday and Wed- nesday afternoons the rooms will be | open for work at two o’clock and Tuesday evenings from seven o'clock [till 9 o’clock. On next Tuesday evening, Nov. | 13th, a business meeting will be held. It is earnestly requested that every member of the Red Cross be present. All members of the National Red Cross are members of the local branch. The purpose of the meet- ing is to hear the reports and adopt a constitution. A constitution for branches in the Red Cross organiza- tion has been prepared and is ready for adoption. As the fiscal year ended October first, action on the matter is necessary at this time. adoption of the constitution there will be a nomination of officers for the ensuing year. Every one of the Mount Joy boys who left for Camp Meade on Satur- day were suplied with a comfort Kit. These kits were given by the ladies of Mount Joy. The funds necessary to make these Kits possible are voluntary contributions. Contri- butions from any lady in Mount Joy, who desires to do something for the comfort of the boys in Camp, will be gratefully received. These contri- butions can be made to Mrs. Clar- ence Schock. The Red Cross, thru the chairman of the knitting com- mittee Mrs. A. K. Manning supplied all the boys, not otherwise provided for, with sweaters. The Christmas Fund will be held open until Thursday night, Nov. 8th. Already $33 has been sent. The lit- tle children of the Presbyterian Sun- day School voted their Christmas oranges and candy to the soldiers. What did you do? The Red Cross thanks Miss Welsh for two beautifully knitted sweaters which she donated to this branch. rene GD EI Prices Are Too High On account of the high prices Mr. discontinued the business. LOST—Last Thursday near Sun- {ny Side schoolhouse. Male black, | white and tan beagle hound. Ans- wers to the name of Duke. 14 inches high. One front leg is brown. Small white stripe through his head. Large ears. Reward for his return to Bul- letin Printing Office, Mount Joy. THANKS—Mr. and Mrs. N. J. to thank all who Harmon wis way assisted during the g at the funeral of his sister, 1 E. Mooney. FOR SALE—A gasoline engine i placed by n . Sauder, Mt. tor. Call on Michael Joy. oct.31-4t. CHEAP—A large size Presto Tank for sale. No further use for it. Call at this office. Sept12-tf A comfortably heat- on West Main o garage. Apply to Mount Joy. oct.24-tf. FOR SALE CHEAP—A new bug- gy manufactured by William Schutte Apply to Williem Schutte or Dr. L A. MacDannald. aug. 15-tf FOR SALE—An_ expensive buggy in good condition. Will sacrifice. Ap- ply to H. Roy Nissly, Florin, Pa. FOR SALE- > assortment of Apply to Ben- all kinds eold fish. jamin F. Brown, Florin, Pa. nov.7-2t H. E. Hauer Pays: Lard, per Wy... . ea 27 & 27% Butter, per db... 2... eves 4 Eres, per doz... .....v..o..5 47 Brandt & Stehman Pays: Wheat, per BU. cc cconsrvenee $2.00 Corn, per bu.......censrrvees 1.90 Brandt & Stehman Sell: i Wheat, per Du... ccsccesseaes $2.25 Bran, per 1060 Iba... ........ 1.90 Shipstuff, per 19¢ Iba, ...... 2.25 siixed feed, pe: 10 @=.,. .... 2.10 | Middlings, per 100 lbs.,....... 2.60 | Glutten, per 100 lbs.,........ 2.60 | Cotton Seed Meal............ 2.65 | Linseed Meal, per 100 Ibs...... 3.00 | Beef scrap & fish scrap....... 4.75 | Corn Distillers Grain......... 2.75 Calf Meal, per 100 lbs.,....... 4.50 | Timothy Hay, per 100 lbs.,.... 1.15 Straw, per 100 lbs,,.......... 70 SALE REGISTER | A FREE notice of your sale is in- !serted here for any length of time, peduided we print your sale bills. |it is read by so many people and | will surely bring the buyers. | Friday, Nov. 16th—At the stock {yards at Hotel McGinnis, Mount Joy, |large lot of cows, bulls and heifers {by C. S. Frank & Bro. Hess, auct. | Saturday, Nov. 3—On the premis- {es, at Toll Gate No. 432 on the Mt. {Joy and Lancaster turnpike, near | Bacon’s Mill, a tract of land with im- provements by Henry H. Koser, ad- ! ministrator of John Hause, Saturday, Nov. 10—4¢t the hopsl i Florin, a tract of land iwiprov yg ments in that village § " M. Hof lowbush, Attorney fq Heirs Edwin Dye Mar. 18,1918 SOCIETY NOTES BUSINESS MEETING NEXT TUES- The Fire Company have very kind- Red Cross the additional use of their afternoons and | their homes or elsewhere, an oppor- After the | Harry Brooks, the local fish man, has | 7 Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin | Wanted, Sale, Rent, &e. | is excellent advertising because : MILLION LETTERS BEARING MAGIC WORDS (Continued from page 2) gorego coveted possessions or even né eessities. The work must go on, be josuse there is no one thing that con- tributes so much to the spirit and ef ficiency of the troops. The Y. M. GQ. A. {8 working night and day to help every penny that is given to aid the work is a direct assistance health, happiness and strength of your boy and mine. Snapshots of Kaleidoscopic Work. In all the big cities in France where our men pass through in large nume bers, the Y. M. C. A. 1s operating hostels, where they can get beds and meals at a minimum cost. In London the American Y. M. C. A. nas erected a large building for our soldiers and a clubhouse for American officers. There are Y. M. C. A. dugouts right behind the fromt line trenches, where the soldiers can get hot drinks, cracke ors and other comforts at all hours. Over 2,000 men who had been reject ed on account of physical disability have been able to get into the British army by reason of the physical work of the British Y. M. C. A. Y. M. C. A. headquarters in London at midnight every night to pick up sol- diers who are wandering about the streets without any wholdsome lodging tn which to spend the night. These cars are operated by Englishwomen of position and refinement, who report that they never meet any discourteay at the hands of the soldiers. The im- portance of this service can be esti- mated by the fact that at least 50,000 soldiers are on leave in London every week. Over half of these sleep in Y. M. 0. A. beds every night. Entertainment on Vast Scale. The Y. M. C. A. has erected a big auditorium, seating 8,000, in each of the big draft camps, and huge chautau- qua tents, seating 2,600 in the other encampments. The association is run- ning & 22 week entertainment circuit among the camps and is paying 18 companies of entertainers, who are traveling to 30 camps performing be- fore the men. In each of the draft camps the Y. M. C. A. has ten secretaries engaged in educational work. The assoclation is seeing to it that every man who cannot speak English is aught to do 80. In many of the camps the asso- ciation has a singing dirsctor, who is teaching the men to sing ¢he popular end martial airs that do so much to keep up their spirits. Of 64 Y. M. C. A. men at Camp Dix only three are being paid full sal- aries. In all the camps the majority of the Y. M. C. A. men have left lucra- tive positions to do this work simply because its appeal is irresistible to any red blooded man. Harry Lauder, the famous Scotch singer and come- dian, now on his farewell concert tour in the United States, is giving all his spare time to the service of the asso- clation and is singing to the soldiers at all the camps he can reach. In one of the draft camps the Y. M. C. A. is supervising athletics on 120 playing flelds, providing full athletic equipment. The winners of the inter- regimental games will play the cham- | pions of the other camps. One of the greatest services render- ed by the association is the making fe oF & 2 o ¥ 3 Ps A Red Triangle Dugout in the Trenches. out of money orders by which the men can send their pay home to their fam- ilies. In some of the big camps the Y. M. C. A. is providing banking facil- ities for the men as well Do Your Bit With a Tenner. This month (November) the Y. M. C. A. must raise $35,000,000 to carry on {ts work among our soldiers and their allies until next July. Of this $35,000,000 about $24,000,000 will be spent on the work with our own troops or about $10 for every man in Uncle Sam’s uniform. If everybody who has received letters from soldiers and sail- ors were to contribute $10 the task would be easy. Are your boy’s health and happiness and clean soul worth | $10 to you? Your town mayor, your pastor, your school superintendent will know who is the treasurer of the campaign com- mittee in your county or town. Other- wise send a check or money order to; | Cleveland H. Dodge, treasurer, 124, | East Twenty-eighth street, New York| city. Only sacrificial giving by millions of givers will make possible the contin- nance of this vast work for American | soldiers and for those of our allies. the government win this war. And to the | A fleet of motor cars leaves the big | ) CHINCATEAGUE OAKLAND SENSIBLESIX | THE NEW OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX IS that soon shall command America. Scientific development of the engine now makes it more powerful, more speedy at the getaway, more active in traffic and more economical in us¢ of fuel. Improvements in the design of intake and exhaust manifolds secure the utmost power value from today’s gasoline. The overhead valve high-speed, six cylin- der engine now delivers 44 horse power at 2600 r. p. m. or one full working horse power for every 48 pounds of car weight. The new force feed oiling system gives thorough lubrication to the vital moving parts of the engine. Higher cooling efficiency has been ob- tained through the use of a larger pump and new fype bi-plane fan of powerful suction. Proper design has contrived a full 106 inches of body room on the 112 inch wheel- bage—affording seating capacity and leg rgom equal to that of many cars of much longer wheelbase. W.S WK | FLOBIN, PA. 5 Wed§n per 7, 1917, Announcing the New Oakland Sensible Six HERE. It is a continuation of the remarkably successful Oakland Sensible Six of the past three seasons, which has been annually refined, improved and strengthened so that now we are offering tomorrow’s car to you today—the forerunner of the type of automobile Long, specially graded, semi-elliptic under- slug springs and extra large tires give ideal riding comfort—accentuated by the deep genuine leather upholstery. The fine appearance of the new Oakland Sensible Six is enhanced by a sloping wind- shield of new design; an oil gauge of pres- sure feed type on the dash; a deeper radia- tor; a higher body wall and the tire carrier at the rear of the car. These are just a few of the features that contribute to the comrlete excellence of the new Oakland Sensible 8X. mee. oS See all of them in the car itself in our dis- play room. Touring Car. ... ...... Gis $ 990 Boadsier-.. i... in vini, 990 Coupe: ......i i. iia oo 1490 Roadster Coupe. :.......... 1150 Sedan ........ 00 0 vi 1190 F. O. B. Pontiac, Michigan L.LEFLiRY | EXECUTOR’S NOTICE i Estate of John H. Buohl late of Mount Joy Borough, deceaséd. PUSLIC Sale HIGHER PRICES Letters testamentary, on said es-| SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1917 FOR i tate having been granted to the un- ' : n 113 § : § Erah I'he undersigned will sell at public dersigned, all persons indebted there-| i. .t the Florin Inn, Thomas Me ; | to are requested to make immediate Dronricior. Flow Has vi TOBACCO GROWERS | payment, and those having claims or as hi SE Se, el WUU | | demands against the same will pre- ving desulmec gal fostate lo - sent them without delay for settle- -_— [ ment to the undersigned, residing in All that certain Lot of Ground | Mount Joy Borough. Situated on the north side of Church 1916 scrap is now selling on a basis | H. C. Schock, Executor. : street, in the village of Florin, Mount of 22c to 25c per pound. ’ { Coyle & Keller, Attorneys. oct.10-6t Joy township, Lancaster County, Pa.| The present demand for good 1917 | The improvements thereon consist of tobacco for 1918 binders and wrap- EXECUTOR’S NOTICE a 13% STORY FRAME DWELLING | Pers justify the growers not placing Estate of Abraham S. Hostetter, | and necessary outbuildings. Said lot |2nV Price upon their 1917 crops un- late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancas- has a frontage of 40 feet on Church til some of the crop is stripped so as ter County, Pa., deceased. street and extends in depth 200 ft. [to determine to what class each in- Letters testamentary on said es- northwardiy to a public alley. Bound- | dividual crop belongs. tate having granted to the under-'ed on the north by a public alley, on | According to 1917 prices already | signed, all persons indebted thereto : the east by property of J. D. “Bas. established on all active Southern | are requested to make immediate | ton, south by Church street and on markets, this excellent Lancaster , | payment, and those having claims or | the west by property of Geo. Kline. County tobacco ought to command at | demands against the same will | Persons wishing to view the premis- delivery time from 30 to 40c per pound for wrappers, 20 to 25c¢ for i | present them without delay for set- | “ement to the undersigned, residing at Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa. | i THOS. S. GEISE, Executor. { Frank S. Groff, Atty. oct.17-6t | conditions | | THE FAMOUS es prior to Sale to commence C. S. Frank, Auct. GROCERIES AND.-CONFECTIONS day of sale will please call on Elmer Kline residing thereon. sharp of said day when terms and will be made known by W. M. HOLLOWBUSH, AED () Y \ 1 i R \| Attorney for the Heirs of Edwin N Mi Dyer, Deceased. oct.31-2t frosted, 15 to 20c for sized fillers, ee and 10 to 15¢c for scrap, for well sorted crops; 20 to 22c for severely frosted crops laid loose in bales; and | 15 to 20c through for bad hail cut. Many growers have already se- cured enough facts at my office, 749 | Woolworth Building, to make them from $20.00 to $90.00 per acre on their individual 1917 crops. SE at 7:30 p. m. BRANDY BRON Mt. Joy, St. FOR SALp=A large spark plug | ! ; 4 _| tire pump with gauge, hose, ete. Cost | R L KIMBROUGH vy Mt. Joy, Pa.l g 050. Will sell for $6.00. Call at) « Le J Nov.7-6mo. this office. sep.12-tf A GM Attended Reich’s Church. The Male Quartette of the United Evangelical church attended church | at Reich’s, near Maytown, on Sunday. | | They rendered several beautiful se- | dec’d. ,lections while there. See advertisement. 3 Work of the Register.g eah F. Markley of East I township, administrator old ) K ey. i. sr We _Pav'Your Round Trip CAR FARE ON ALL PURCHASES § : OR MgRE. IT Coss You NoTHING.. Ask Fo} a Pl 0S 0) bod bad bd bed bl bd Pe LIN Pe ed TD PN od 1" ela 22 cit Zn pital i hob mA Taam a Tm APH APH OO OO YD ~~