é 7 1000 TT GOO / / I HAVE A NEW STOCK OF ) Thermoid Brake Lining / THE BEST ON THE MARKET ALSO RAYBESTOS BRAZING AND WELDING ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SIZES IN Michlen and Goodyear Tires JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF BICYCLES Barr's Garage & Repair Shop H. A. Barr, Mount Joy, Penna. BOTH PHONES AUTO HIRING LO TL TE OOO. 10801 1 1 OO00OO00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GOOD FURNITURE Is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furpifure Rockers, Mirfors, Hall Racks, Picture Fle, Ladies’ Desks, Exténsion and Other Tables, Davenports, China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets. Line UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING F. H. BAKER Lumber & Coal Both Phones MOUNT JOY, PENNA. savings | of to-day provide _the luxuries of to- morrow. Begin saving J Stamps now. Sole Agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always om hand. Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Laths, Etc. Agent for Lehigh Portland Cement, Rcofing Slate and Sheet Iron. Estimates quickly and cheerfully made on Building Material and all kinds of Concreting work. Farni:uare I will business on the second floor of the continue the furniture Engle Building, with a complete and up-to-date line of all kinds of furniture. Pric®s are very reason- able. When in need of furniture call and see me. Repairing and Painting a Specialty be Special Attention Given to REMODLING ANTIQUE FURNITURE ;D. HL ENGLE, oi. gr GET A KODAK WITHOUT LET- OUR POCKET KNOW IT sk for a Kodak Bank and see how easy it is to get a real camera with spare dimes. W. B. BENDER MOUNT JOY, PA. ofesforfocfonforferfert WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO SECURE SPLE AND HANDSOME STYLES AT SAVING YOUR WHILE A number of the newest and finest ngs are now being put on exhibition for the first time. Our cgifection of Bed-Room Furniture, showing Period styles, in all e different kinds of wood, is well worth seeing. The same is tx of the Dining-Room, Living-Room and Library. OUR INEXPENSIVEJLOCATION and our facilities for handling offer exceptionally low prices at this time. ID QUALITIES ELL WORTH Furniture, enable us Westenberger, Maley & Myers 125-131 King Street, LANCASTER, PA. OCK AT ONE-THIRD AGENES-PRICES NURSER h piaste dies? ter. Tx res, Shrubs, ote. Guaranteed. othe Fou cannotao it. te a DE a Write E. SHEERIN, NU {SERYMAN. 13 RIVER ST., BANSVILYE. N. Ys RR RRR RRR RR RTNT TTR TTT PTTTeR CES oaaiPgor sm) ® | the i $30.90 worth of advertising, as fol- x | York | —~ JU EAR JT MISERY MRS. * SITES REJOICES CHAMBERSBURG LADY/AT LAST FINDS RELIEF FROM STOMACH ILLS —————— For thirty long yeays I have been tortured with stomach/trouble that at times almost drove jhe frantic, said Mrs. Barbara A. Sifes, 121 Louden street, Chambersbuyg, Pa., in telling of her remarkablef/recovery through taking Tanlac. “Every meal Iftried to eat upset my stor wh, caufing gas to accumu- late, a bloated feeling and pains in that organ. Until T was able to belch off all the gas/ from my stomach I would be in migery. “This condifion finally caused my nerves to bedgome unstrung and in- terfered with) my sleeping properly. It was not uncommon for me to wake up in the night and lay awake for hours at a fime. In the morning I would get up feeling tired and worn out. I cofild hardly drag myself about my /housework. Rheumatism set in recehtly and pains in my back, arms and Jimbs added to my discom- fort. J “I hearl so many good reports about Tanlac that I decided to give it’ a good, fair trial. From the very start Tanlac increased my appetite. My food/supplies my system with the proper strength and nourishment. My neryes are getting back to their normal fondition and I sleep much better dt nights. That tired feeling is a thihg of the past. I am so thank- ful that I found Tanlac.” Tanlac is now being sold here by Dr. W/ D. Chandler, Druggist, Mount Joy, Fa. FE, wsresh-onbo LOCAL PIKE CO. ASKS $77,500 FOR THEIR ROAD Last Wednesday County Commis- sioners S. W. Diller and D. F. Magee and County Controller Enos E. Mowrer went to Harrisburg to meet State Highway Commissioner O’Neil for the purpose of discussing the proposition to free the toll roads of Lancaster county. The county commissioners laid be- fore Mr. O’Neil a proposition from the Lancaster, Elizabethtown and Middletown turnpike people in which they agreed to sell their 17-mile turn-pike for the sum of $77,500. The Lancaster men stated that the county was now ready to purchase this pike on a fifty-fifty basis. The highway commissioner said he would have the road inspected and the price investigated and report later. Highway Commissioner O’Neil made the following statement last night concerning his interview with the county commissioners and the county controller: “I informed them that under no circumstances would the State High- way Department assist in freeing toll roads in any county unless the county or some body of citizens would agree to pay one-half the costs. I informed the commissioners and controller that 25 citizens could start condemnation proceedings and in that event the entire cost would be placed upon the county, as I find that the act of assembly will not per- mit the state to pay any of the costs under these proceedings. “The county commissioners and county controller tentatively agreed that if an agreement could be reached on certain roads and a fair price secured, they would pay one- half of the costs. The commissioners submitted a price that they had se- cured on the Lancaster & Elizabeth- town road but we agreed unless a better price could be secured, con- demnation proceedings should be started. cram EB — THE NEWSPAPER PUB- LISHER’S SIDE OF IT The Dillsburg Bulletin points out, 2 | for the benefit of some folks down that way who have been ‘“knocking” newspaper, that it has given lows, to the various government and other war service movements the past .$ {| week: Local Red Cross, 10 lines. . County Red Cross, lines Farmers’ Day, 11 lines....... Liberty Bond campaign, lines Dr. Dixon, lines 3.95 Public Safety Committee of York County, 74 lines 2.35 State Public Safety Committee 351 lines 2.40 knitting socks, 79 Potal ol $ A Aust think of it, friends, $30.90 in a single week, from the only thing we have to sell—advertising space— to further the aims of the Govern- ment, the Red Cross and kindred ob- jects. We were astonished when we learned the total, and this was not an exceptional week, either. We ask that the recipients of these gratuities show their appreciation by not knocking this paper.” The Bulletin has our sincere and heartfelt sympathy. Smile, if you feel that way, but don’t laugh. Itis not a laughing matter, unless you, yourself, have given as much service and have spent as much money in patriotic effort each week as does the average newspaper. S. S. Temperance Rally A union Sunday School Temper- ance Rally will be held in the Church of God on Sunday afternoon at 2:30. The Sunday Schools of the various churches will furnish the program: So come Superintendent Bring your school on this day, And try to find some others, As you come along the way. Let us make this day a blessing, To the children of each school, By teaching the cause of Temper- ance And as well, The Golden Rule. Let us rally for our Saviour Let us rally great and small, Let us rally in his spirit, Lest our Temperance should fall. Of AD Kinds PRINTING ‘not the cheap kind but the goed kind done here. work of the SS, —— ding dinner was tendered the YT aE 2 newly-weds at which many invited Y so pian, mot ¥ . { PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week Der ledsht summer war Ich nows noch Kaliforny. Mei rigel-waik ticket war drei foos long un hut mich nous g’numma far ebbes wennicher os en hunert dawler. Ich kon gawr net fershta we de rigel-waik kum- pany so feel bobeer farkawfa kon far so wenich geld un aw nuch navabie dividends batzawla. Dorich dale fun Pennslifawni uf em waik noch Pitts- barg war en uf- ga-bruchna lond- shoft. Bledsweis hut mer sana os en drup olde kee un uksa uf da shtan- icha hivvel rum g’shtulbert sin os farhungert warra won de bowera se net olagabut g’feedert hetta. Uf da Alleginny hivvel war ovver de beesht krop boona shdeck os Ich sileb-dawg g’sana hob. Der waedsa war tzimlich gute, yusht es nos wedder hut ‘en awenich rushtich gamocht. Ich kon gawr net fershta farwos de bowera era waedsa drous lussa olle nocht won se duch wissa os der rusht nei kumt. We mer un Junitta nous sin hut en geil’s duckder sich navich mich g’huckd. Ar hut g’sawt feel fun sinera bizness is bei da bowera. Ar is groofa warra far duckdera far warrum in ma kroutshdick naksht on Altoona. Des war mer ufkors wid- der en nier runzel, ovver shdill, weider drous hen mer en krarl sana buch waedsa blonza mitera gees- kond, so hov Ich glei galarnd os de dumheit net erla unich da deitscha is. We de train g’shtupt hut far der geil’s duckder runner lussa is en dik un fed weibshmensh uf der kar kumma un g’sucht far en sitz. Se hut grawd navich mer g’shtonna we der injine en shnarr g’mocht hut un ivardem is se grawd nunner uf mei shose gablotzed we en don bock- ashta. Du mawgsht’s glawva udder net, ovver we Ich nuch Pittsbarg kuma bin hen se mei wotch ous meim hinar-shunga g’shnitta om hos- pittle der neksht dawg. Des wor’s fedsht weibsmensh os Ich silebdawg g’hova hob. Lung eb mer in Pittsbarg kumt sait mer en shwartzer nevvel in de luft. Der konduckder hut g’sawt es kumt fum roos un shmoke fun da grossa eisa-meela ovver es gookt warklich os won mer en barl dinda wedder der himmel g’shmissa het. Doh mocha se olahond socha ous eisa fun fish ongla nuf tzu fuftsich per cend shtawina dividends, un ebmol en korporashun senator. Es besht fun unser’m shublack wart ous Pitts- barg roos g'moctht un bis mer drei shtundt dort is hut mer ganunk shub- lack in da lung far de shtiffel uf- sheina dorich de nekshta sex yawr. Ains fun da dinger we Ich in Pitts- barg kuma bin war os nemond mich g'noticed hut. Derhame won er fremmer karl in de nuchbershoft kumt shtrecka ol de weilsleit era kep tzu da deer rous we en shil-grut um micka fonga un nemond is g’satisfied bis yaders bakond is wos bizniss os ar noch is. Ovver doh in Pittsbarg sin ivver en holb milyoon leit un kens hut ous-g’funna os ains maner yusht in de shtot kuma is. Ich hob mei meind bledsich ufgamocht os won’ mer net maner g’eshtameerd is in Pittsbarg we sell don nem Ich de neksht train nous, un so hov Ich. eet Cn r— THE BEST TEST Is The Test of Time Years ago this Mount Joy resident told of good results {rom using Doan’s Kidney Pills. Now of Bar- bara and Mount Joy, Streets, con- firms the former statement—says there has been no return of the trouble. Can Mount Joy people ask for more convincing testimony? Mrs. Nissly says: “I had been suf- fering from a weak back and other ailments for sonie time. There was a dull pain acyoss my kidneys that fairly made mg sick all over. I was subject to chills and was very dizzy at times. My kidneys were not do- ing their ork properly. Doan’s Kidney Pill§ were recommended and I began using them. It took but a few doses to show that I was being benefited; I continued taking them a short {ime and was cured.” The gbove statement was given Octobe? 26, 1907 and on January 24, 1916 Mrs. Nissly said: “It has not been necessary for me to use Doan’s Kidney Pills. The cure they gave me has been lasting.” Pfice 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Dodn’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Nissly has twice publicly recom- mended. FosterlMilburn Co., Props. Buffalo, N. Y. WEDDING BELLS Many Well Known Young People Joined Heart and Hand Whissler--Rhoads. Rev. I. N. Seldomridge, pastor of St. Paul’s U. B. church, Elizabeth- town, united in marriage, Christian M. Wissler, of Lansdale, a former res- ident of Elizabethtown, and Miss El- sie Rhoads, of Lansdale. Brubaker—Sharpe On Thursday evening Bishop Henry B. Hoffer united in marriage, at his residence, near town, Roy G. Brubaker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brubaker, of near Mount Hope, and Miss Emma D. Sharpe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram W. Sharpe of near Union Square. They were at- tended by Allen Brubaker, a brother groom, and Miss Barbara of Newtown. On Sunday a guests were present at the home of the bride’s parents. Unclaimed Letters Letters to jpe advertised for the week ending R. W. Col inmetz. illis Freed, Postmaster. Joy, P S.S. CANVENNON AT ELIZABETHTOWN TWENTY SIXTH ANNUAL MEET- ING OF THE CHURCH WORK- ERS WAS HELD THERE LAST THURSDAY The twenty-sixth annual conven- tion of the Lancaster County Sunday School Association was held in the Church of the Brethren, at Elizabeth- town last Thursday. The morning service was opened with a song ser- vice conducted by Rev. R. W. Schlos- ser, of Elizabethtown College. Rev. R. D. Marburger, Ph. D., of Denver, conducted the devotional service, us- ing St. Matt. 19 as a scripture lesson. “We're Glad You're Here,” was the subject of the address of welcome delivered by Elder S. H. Hertzler, of Elizabethtown. “Why We Are Here,” was explain- ed by the president of the county as- sociation, H. C. Greider, of Landis- ville. He called attention to an in- crease during the past year of 1,216 new scholars, 20 new cradle rolls, 7 new home departments, 11 new teach er training classes, 41 new secondary division classes, 28 new adult Bible classes. The audience then joined in sing- ing the convention song, “Win Them One by One.” John P. Schock, of Marietta, deliv- ered an address on the subject, “If I Were Pastor.” “If I Were Super- intendent” was the subject of the ad- dress by Rev. J. S. Tomlinson, of Quarryville. He said in part: “If I were superintendent first of all I would attend Sunday School conven- tions and learn the best methods; I would superintend in the service by urging reverence for the house of God and for the word of God.” Echoes from the state convention recently held at Pittsburgh, were given by Mrs. Bryan, of Lititz; Mrs. Harry Reese of Lancaster; Mrs. Hel- man of Lancaster; Mrs. Stauffer of Lititz; Mrs. H. S. Taylor, of Landis- ville. During the short service of song the offering was taken. Rev. H. Franklin Schlegel, D.D., of Lancaster, delivered an address on the subject, “What Should be the At- titude of the Church in the Present World Crisis?” In part he said: “First of all, the church must catch the vision of its world-wide task just as through the great world war Amer- ica has been led to see its task as not alone for itself but for the world.” Afternoon Session. The afternoon session was opened with a song service conducted by Prof. R. W. Schlosser. Devotional services were conducted by H. W. Haring, D.D., of Lancaster. Preston G. Orwig, of the State Association, presented the cause of the Pennsyl- vania Herald, the monthly magazine of the Pennsylvania State Sabbath Association. The auditing committee made its report and showed thereby the fol- lowing as recorded by the treasurer: Total receipts during the year, $861.- 40; expenses during the year, $786.45 balance $74.95. The committee on nominations sub- mitted the following as its nominees: President, H. C. Greider, Landisville; vice president, Geo. F. Stibgen, Mar- ietta; secretary, Mary E. Swope, Lan- caster; treasurer, L. B. Herr, Lancas- ter. Executive Committee—J. H. Stern Elizabethtown; Rev. H. A. Gerdsen Lancaster; Dr. E. H. Witmer, Neffs- ville; Rev. L. M. Strayer, Lancaster; Howard Reynolds, Quarryville; Dr. H. Franklin Schlegel, Lancaster; Prof H. K. Ober, Elizabethtown; Geo. L. Hepp, Lititz; Rev. W. D. Marburger, Ph. D., Denver. Committee—Rev. F. G. Bossert, John K. Carper and H. H. Snavely. Miss Mary Swope, county secretary awarded to the 56 front line Sunday Schools of the county, certificates and seals. John A. McSparran, of Furniss, master of the Pennsylvania State Grange, spoke on the “Proper Vision” of the O. A. B. Class. “Before any person or group of people can have power they must have the proper vis- ion,” he said. Preston G. Orwig, of the State association, emphasized the Father and Son Day observance on Thursday November 15. Superintendent O. E. Martin, of the Adult Bible class department, a- warded efficiency pennants to O. A. B. Classes. Walter S. Mellinger, superinten- dent of the secondary division classes assumed charge of the program and introduced Miss Emma Harcom, of New Providence, who brought the greeting from the girl’s classes to the boy’s classes of the county. Boy Scouts. Arthur Schock, Boy Scout leader of Lancaster, spoke of the three-fold activities of the boy: Religious, social and physical. He spoke of the Boy Scouts and the Camp Fire Girls. Walter S. Mellinger spoke at some length on the subject, “God’s Plan for a Life.”” He based his remarks az the words taken from St. Luke The convention stood in silent pray er for “Our Boys—Somewhere” with H. C. Greider leading in the closing prayer. County President Greider led in the discussion “Seeing Ourselves Sta- tistically,” and made a plea for a greater response on the part of the Sunday Schools of the county in giv- ing financial assistance to the county work. The evening session opened with a service of song under the leadership of Prof. Schlosser. Walter Mellinger presented the go-to-Sunday school day movement and urged every Sun- day school to enter into the cam- paign for a record breaking atten- dance at Sunday school on Sunday, November 4. Rev. William J. Lowe, of Maytown, led the devotional service, using 11 Tim. 2 as a scripture lesson. Dr. George W. Hull, of Millersville, delivered an address on the subject “A Bone Dry Campaign,” for 0. A. B. classes. While the offering was lifted the convention sang “Win Them One by One.” An anthem, “Great is the Lord,” was sung by the choir. “The Modern Sunday School” was the subject of the address of Rev. William Barnes Lower, D.D., of Phil- adelphia. In part he said: “There are three great tidal waves sweeping ov- er the world today; the first is relig- ion; the second is a social wave; the ird is the wave of democracy.” Dr. Bier called attention to the fact that 80 per cent. of the boys in the atmy and navy today are high school ang college boys. A’ male quartet rendered the selec- ‘tion “Onward, Upward and Forward.” The convention was brought to a close with a consecratory prayer b Prof. H. K. Ober and the i Jo of \ ‘God Be With You.” | Here is a condensed list of Real Estate I have for sale. If finterested in ‘any of these properties, please call, phone or drop me a ecard and I wil Sheertally furnish particulars in etail. 1 BUILDING LOTS No. 2—Four Lots, each 650x200 ft., on North Barbara St, Mt. Joy. No. 6—Two Lots, each 40x197 ft., on Frank St., Mount Joy. No. 28—Seventeen choice lots fronting on the pike east of Florin. Some front on Old Line of P. R. R. No. 29—Four lots on Fairview St., Mount Joy. Tract contains 1% acres. No. 32—Two Lots in Florin, each 90x200. They front on Main St. No. 35—One Lot 60x65 ft., on West Donegal St., Mount Joy. No. 36—Two Lots each 456x212 ft., on Poplar St.,, Mount Joy. 0. 45—Four Lots in Florin, $0200 ft. They front on Church t. No. 49—One Lot on West Donegal St., Mount Joy, 76x416 ft., con about 3% of an acre. No. 53—One Lot on West Done- gal St, improved, 100x170 ft. or more depth if desired. No. 57—A b-acre tract in the boro of Mount Joy, fine large lot and would be a money-maker for truck- ing or speculating on building lots. The Dr. Ziegler tract. DWELLING HOUSES No. 4—The J. Harry Miller P- erty on Columbia Avenue, Mt. Joy. No. 5—A 16-room apartment house for 3 families on East Main St., Mount Joy. No. 8—A double house in Florin, the C. A. Wiley property. No. 21—A brick dwelling in Flor- in, the D. E. Wolgenui pro; . No. 34—A fine frame dwe on Frank St., Mount Joy, the D. L. Hauenstein property. No. 41—A frame mansion dwell- ing in Florin, the J. N. y Pr iol Hare Wik good 0. 44—A large brick house repair in Florin, the Mrs. Fanny Hambright property. No. 50—A row of six newly built brick houses on Hazel St., Lancaster. No. 51—A large frame house in Florin, the S. S. Stacks property. No. 58—A frame house on North Market St., Mount Joy, the former DeLong pro y No. 59—A fine frame residence and business stand on West Main St., the John Keener propesty. No. 60—A very beautif! and modern brick dwelling on West Main St., Mount Joy, up to the minute in every detail, the H. E. Ebersole property. : No. 61—One of the finest mansion dwellings in Mount Joy. A corner roperty in residential section. test improvements and up-to-the- minute in every respect. The Michael A. Rollman property. Price right. No. 64—A lot of ground fronting 27 ft. on West Main St., Mt. Joy, next to Brunner’s Furniture Ware- rooms, with a frame house. Lot is 205 ft. deep and price low. BUSINESS STANDS No. 30—A store property, dwell- ing and large warehouse at Lancas- ter Junction, very reasonable. No. 38—A lot of ground in Mount Joy with frame house and old es- tablished coach works stand of Geo. W. Shickley. Price right. No. 43—A good hotel prope in Mount Joy enjoying an excellent patronage. Ample shedding and sell worth the money. No. 27—Lot 100x150 ft., ox West Main St, Mount Joy, lot fronts on P. R. R. siding. Established coach works stand. Good large frame build- ing suitable for industry or present business. No. 59—3-story brick residence and warehouse, former DeLong property on North Market St., Mount Joy, along P. R. R. siding, nothing better for storage. Price right. No. 56—A tract of 15 acres in Rapho Twp., near Sporting Hill, the H. K. Dillinger steam flour mill, 24 bbl. capacity, fine residence, barn and outbuildings. Here's a snap. No. 62—An old and well estab- lished store stand doing a $40,000 dry goods and grocery business in Mount Joy. Only reason for selling, want to close an estate. Low rent and price right. No. 63—The entire concrete block manufacturing plant of J. Y. Kline at Florin, together with all stock, machinery, buildings, contracts, ete. Price very low. TRUCK FARMS No. 15—A 12-acre farm of excel- ent soil adjoining the eastern boro limits of Columbia, frame house, frame stable, ete. No. 39—A 13-acre truck farm within % mile of Mount Joy, along a pike, limestone land, large frame house, frame barn and tobacco shad. No. b54—A 14-acre truck and poultry farm in Rapho township, 2 miles from Mastersonville. Soil limestone and sand. Cheapest tract I have. No. 65—The Michael Hossler truck farm of 6 acres along the pike and just outside the boro limits, 8 room house, stable, 2 poultry houses, an exceptionally large lot of fruit. Some bargain for a quick sale. No. 65—A 12-acre tract in Elston- ville, brick house, creamery, bank barn, hog sty, chicken house, all in good shape. If sold quick $4,300. LARGE FARMS No. 14—An 85 acre farm of lime- stone land along pike 2% miles east of Middletown, stone house, new barn, etc. Cheap. No. 42—An 85-acre tract of farm timber and pasture land in West Donegal Twp., tract adjoins Ma- sonic Homes ground on two sides. Price very low. No. 55—A b52-acre farm, the John Krady farm 2 miles east of Mount Joy, brick house, barn, tobacco shed, etc. No finer home in this section. Good limestone land. FACTORY SITES No. 10—A tract frontin on the P. R. R. siding in Mount J hos many advitagts and Sei located. One of the best in the to I also have a number of propert that owners do not care to have 4 vertised. If don’t find what oD this Bem oon ang eat} 107 8 J. E. Schl Y QUANTITY A MODERATE CH S Don’t Fail to See Us Before Placing You Order I. N_ Stduffer & Bro. MOUNT JOY, PA. HOTEL McGINNIS + East Main Street, Mount Joff 1 Restaurant and Lunch B OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE CLAMS IN ANY STYLE DEVIL CRABS TURTLE SOUPS In fact everything in season. Private Dining Room for Ladies. J. W. McGINNIS PROPRIETOR ROBERT H. HOKE PROFESSIONAL UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Sunday and Night Calls Respo to Immediately soe MOUNT JOY, PA Krall’s Meat Market Bell Phone. Ve I always have on hand anything ia the line of SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA, DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton H. H. KRALL West Main St., MOUNT JOY, F Bell Telephone PLUMBING Tinning and Spouting YHAT’S MY BUSINESS Also all kinds of repair work of description. Work must be righ A SHARE OF YOUR BUSINES SOLICITED Charles Ricksecker Wist Main St., Mount Joy. OAC = Buttermilkk STARTING samme the complete food, and see them gro === ()nly costs 1c ped chick to raise hea layers, good ygirket birds, It's easy , raise“chicks on key’s. J Buy'a Bag, $1.00. Pkgs, 25c, 50c &} Conkey’s must satixfy you oF your money back QUICK Get the new book How ® Raise Chicks to Chickoms=fing - # A. D. GARBER, FLORIN M.S. BOWMAN EST., MT. JOY Got a twtis today from G. Moyer, Mt Joy(ig Hair Cuttizi — Jos. EB. Hershey TONSQKIAL PARLOR THREE CHAIRS 50 WAITIN Agent for ths idletown Sg Laundry. Good: -:lled for Tu and delivered Friday. | J East Main St A MQUNT W.M.HOLLY ATTORNE Notary Public West Main St., Days at Lancast day at'No. 56 N. Floor, with W. CHAS AUG