THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. re — COLDS AFFECT THE KIDNEYS 0 OVER 20,000 SIGNATURES ON FREE ROADS PETITIONS The count of the number of Set | tioners praying that the County Com- | meee A | missioners of Lancaster County take | Are you wretched in bad weather? | decisive and prompt action looking | Does every cold settle on your kid- | teward the abolition of toll roads in | De 8? A ADDITIONAL REAL ESTATE LISTINGS Many Mount Joy People Have Found | This to be True { In addition to the full column of ATLANTIC Rayolight It will give you more satisfaction per gallon, better light per lamp and greater heat per stove. ‘All the impurities that cause smoke, smell and charred wicks are removed. All the qualities that give a clear, mellow light and a steady, even heat are retained. Perhaps you’ve thought that kerosene is kerosene and that’s all there was to it. There's a lot more to it. You should see our expert chemists testing and experimenting to produce the highest refined keroséne in the world. And they have succeeded. That's why it is called Rayo- light Oil—to distinguish it from ordinary kerosenes. ; Besides heat and light, Rayolight Oil has manyother uses in every home, such as cleaning bathtubs and windows, polishing furniture, etc. Hundrgds of thrifty housewives have told us their experiences with Rayolight Oil and we have put all these helpful suggestions in an attractive, illustrated booklet for the usé of our customers. A copy will gladly be sent upon request. _ The next time you need kefosene look for the store with the sign: ‘‘Atlantic Rayolight Oi}for Sale Here.” Then ask for it by name. The dealer won't cliarge you a cent more than for the inferior, nameless kinds. THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Philadelphia and Pittsburgh PERFECTION Smiokeless Oil Heaters Never smoke, soot or cause une pléasant odors. Keep any room in the house warm and comfortable with its cheerful radi- ating heat. Ask Joo dealer, Price, 50 to $8.50, Rayo Lamps I Rg ry o e The ideal light for ali purposes. Made of best Taleiala, Designs for ry room dealer. Price, 1.900p, Rayo Lanterns Your best friend on dark, stormy nights. Never blow out or jar out. Construction in- sures perfect oil com- bustion. Ask sour dealer. Price, 50c ap. New Agency for DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS E have taken the agency for the famous De Laval Cream Separators because we believe ‘the De Laval will do better work and last lopd® than ny other separator made, and that it is by far the cheapest and most satisfactory machine to use. We have machines on hand at all times and will be pleased to demonstrate/their superiority to any one. We have put in a stock of De Laval repairs and De Laval Oil and are in a position to look after the needs of all users of old De Laval machines in this locality. H. H. ENGLE, Florin, Pa. oct.10-3mo. J. B. BUSSER Sales Agent For Ford Cars Rapho and Penn Townships Garage and Salesroom Manheim, Pa. Attention Gunners Hunting Clothing We Out Fit You From Head To Foot. Everything For The Gunner. oF gf. B. GROFF Mount Joy, Pa. $c. a Lancaster County, has not yet been | completed, but there are upwards and more likely above twenty thou- sand signatures on the petitions which were circulated by the Free | Highways Association of Lancaster County, as indicated by the follow- ing invitation sent to the County Commissioners. It is proposed to make the presentation of these peti- tions a public matter, as it should be, for of all issues of a general charac- ter mow before the people and ap- pertaining solely to local affairs, none is so comprehensive in its scope as a matter of public interest as Free Highways. Inasmuch as the County Commis- sioners have expressed their desire for Free Highways, it is expected they will welcome the invitation and accept it eagerly and promptly. et A —— Unclaimed Letters Letters to be advertised for the week ending October 24, 1917: { R. W. Cole, (2) Mrs. W. D. Cunningham. Daniel N. Forry Mrs. Frank D. Gibble. Henry Miller. J. Willis Freed, Postmaster. reser see Cee ere Attended a Celebration Edward W. McElroy, George G. | Lindsay and Washington L. Hershey, of Marietta, were at Vicksburg, Mis- | sissippi, attending the celebration of the battle of that city. These men | were members of the gallant Forty- fifth Regiment and attached to Com- | pany B. Marriage Licenses | Elmer J. Witmer and Catharine R. Mowrer, both of West Hempfield township. John H. Mowrer, West Hempfield township, and Mary G. Greider, Rap- ho township. H. E. Hauer Pays: Lard, per lb Butter, per 1b Eggs, per doz Brandt & Stehman Pays: Wheat, per bu...... ial Corn, per bu Brandt & Stehman Sell: Wheat, per bu.... Bran, per 106 lbe,........ Shipstuff, per 10+ lba,. fixed feed, pet 10 ‘bs, Middlings, per 100 lbs.,....... 2 Glutten, per 100 lbs,........ Cotton Seed Meal Linseed Meal, per 100 lbs... Beef scrap & fish scrap Corn Distillers Grain Calf Meal, per 100 lbs.,....... 4. Timothy Hay, per 100 lbs.,.... 1.15 Straw, per 100 lbs,.......... 70 PUBLIC SALE Saturday, November 3rd, 1917 By virtue of an order by the /Or- phans’ Court of Lancaster County, the undersigned administrator of the estate of John Hause, deceased, will sell at public sale for the payment of debts of said decedent, on the prem- ises, 1 mile west of the village of Salunga, near Toll Gate No. 4% along the Harrisburg’ turnpike, in East Hempfield township, Lancaster County, Pa. A tract of land €ontaining 2 acres and 78.8 perches’ more or less. Ad- joining lands of Benjamin M. Baer and others ofi which are erected a “13% STORY STONE DWELLING HOUSE and Frame Stable. = = Sale tg commence at 1 o’clock p. m. HENRY H. KOSER, Adnfinistrator of the estate of John /Hause, dec’d. Willis G. Kendig, Atty. oct.17-3t rede LL 1.90 sec sess $2.25 1.90 ON FRIDAY, OCT. 26th, 1917 At 1:25 P. M. Sharp 97 HEAD OF COWS, HEIFERS, BULLS AND CATTLE FOR BEEVES bought direct from the farmers by the undersigned. ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1917 The undersigned will séll at public sale at their stock yards opposite the Farmers’ Inn, A. H. Stumpf, Prop., Mount Joy, Pa., the following live stock: 97 HEAD OF NEW YORK STATE AND ERIE COUNTY COWS, HEIFERS AND rR BULLS. About 50 cows and balance good New York State Hol- stein heifers and bulls. Also cattle for beeves and some stock cattle. Sale will positively start at 1:25 sharp. Fresh cows always sold first. | CONDITIONS: —Note at 60 days | with approved security and bank dis- count added. J. B. KELLER & BRO. F. B. Aldinger, Auct. Coble & Kreider, Clks. We are always in the market for | Fat, Bologna and Fresh Cows, | Springers. Shoats and Fat Hogs. AN EXPRESS LOAD OF OHIO HORSES AND COLTS AT PUBLIC SALE |At My Sale and Exchange Stables MOUNT JOY, PA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1917 AE on. / They range frofn two to eight year olds and weigh from 1,000 to 1,400 pounds. This l¢ consists of chunks, general purpos¢g and good road horses. Among them fare some extra good pacers and tfotters that can show you plenty of speed. Also have a few Good Fat Horses. Don’t fail to come and look this lot over. I can show you horses with bone, muscle, size quality agd good disposition. Just the kind #hat will develop into money makers. / This is an exceptionally good loAdd, and any one having a Spring /sale should come and buy as there fis every indication that the horse/ market will be high next Spring. { Sale to begin at 1:30 p. m., on Sat- | urday, October 27, 1917 when terms | 1 will be made known by S. nk, Auct. |) J. HERE, Clk. | distressing? | ( | | | | | | them on Frank W. Conrad. oes your back ache and/become weak? Are urinary passages irpégular and These symptoms are/cause to sus- pect kidney weakness’ Weakened kidne#s help. 4 Doan’s Kidney Aills are especially prepared for weakened kidneys. Mount Joy’ people recommend them. Jacob W. Grogg, W. Main St., Mt. Joy, says: /“Every winter when I took a little cold, it settled on my kidneys ahd made me miserable. My back wa# so stiff and sore that when I got oh my feet, it was as much as my life was worth to stand up straight. The kidney secretions were retarded in passage. Doan’s Kidney Pils helped me at once. I keep hand and use them oc- gasionally as a preventive.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Grogg had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y need quick SALE REGISTER A FREE notice of your sale is in- serted here for any length of time, provided we print your sale bills. is is excellent advertising because it is read by so many people and will surely bring the buye Friday, Nov. 2nd—At the stock yards at Hotel McGinnis, Mt. Joy, large lot of cows, bulls and heifers by C. S. Frank & Bro. Hess, auct. Friday, Oct. 26—At their stock yards in Mount Joy, 97 head of New York State and Erie County cows, heifers, bulls and cattle for beeves by J. B. Keller & Bro. Aldinger, auct. See advertisement. Saturday, Oct. 27—On the prem- ises on North Market street, Mount Joy, horse, wagons, harness, and a large lot of household goods by Vogle, auct. Saturday, Oct. 27—At his sale and exchange stables in Mount Joy, an express load of Ohio and Indiana horses and colts by Ed. Ream. Frank, auct. See advertisement. Wednesday, Oct. 31—On the prem- ises on Marietta street, Mount Joy, a large lot of household goods, car- pets, matting, ete. by Silas Stoner. Frank, auct. Saturday, Nov. 3-—On the premis- es, at Toll Gate No. 41% on the Mt. Joy and Lancaster turnpike, near Bacon’s Mill, a tract of land with im- provements by Henry H. Koser, ad- ministrator of John Hause, dec’d. See advertisement. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the Borough of Mount Joy, Lancaster County, at the respective places of holding municipal elections in said Borough, between the hours of seven o’clock in the forenoon and seven o’clock in the afternoon, at the time of holding the next regular municipal election, namely, the Tuesday, following the first Monday of November, in the year Nineteen Hundred and Seven- teen (1917), to wity November 6, 1917, for the purpose of obtaining the assent of the / electors of said Borough to increagé the indebtedness of the Borough of Mount Joy, in the sum of Twenty Thousand ($20,000) Dollars; said sum to be used for im- proving the water supply of said Borough and’ building a filtration plant. The amount of the last pre- ceding assessed valuation of the tax- able property in the Borough was $1,022,813 Dollars; the amount of the existing debt is Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000) Dollars, less Four Thousand ($4,000) Dollars in the Sinking Fund. The percentage of the proposed increase is .0196 per cent. GEORGE H. BROWN, _sep.26-5t Burgess. LAYING OUT AND OPENING SOUTH MARKET STREET, IN THE BOROUGH OF MT. JOY, OF A WIDTH OF FIFTY FEET FROM WEST DONEGAL STREET TO MARIETTA STREET. Bez £%2 feted by the Council of the "5% ud Mount Joy, and it is herev™ _ 9cted by virtue of the same, t= z= public street be laid out and ope in the Borough, to be known a.- Jouth Market Street, ex- tending from West Donegal Street to Marietta Street, through the proper- ties of the Borough Improvement As- sociation and A. S. Flowers, begin- ning at a point on West Donegal Street. Ninety-five (95) feet North- westward from the junction of West Donegal Street and Marietta Street, thence extending South twenty de- grees west sixty-eight feet to Ma- rietta Street, thence extending along said Street South seventy-six degrees West sixty-one feet to a point, thence extending North twenty degrees East one hundred and three feet to West Donegal Street, thence extending along said Street South sixty-seven degrees East fifty feet to the place of beginning. Ordained and enacted into an or- dinance this first day of October A. D., One Thousand Nine Hundred and | Seventeen. B. S. DILLINGER, President of Council. Attest: R. Fellenbaum, Clerk. Approved this 2nd day of October 7 191 GEO. H. BROWN, EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of John H. Buohl late of Mount Joy Borough, deceased. Letters testamentary on said es- tate having been granted to the un- | dersigned, all persons indebted there- to are requegted to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will pre- sent them without delay for settle- ment to the undersigned, residing in | Mount Joy Borough. H. C. Schock, Esheutol Coyle & Keller, Attorneys. oct.10-6 EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Abraham S. Hostetter, late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancas- ter County, Pa., deceased. Letters testamentary on said es- tate having granted to the under- signed, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or will | demands against the same present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned, residing at Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa, ~ THOS. 8. GEISE, Executor. hy <3, Lt {and iron Burgess. | real estatd listed elsewhere I have the following: No. 66—Building lot 465x213 ft. on East side Poplar St. Mt. Joy. No.67—A small 7-acre truck farm in East Donegal near Iron Bridge; good buildings only $2,500. No. 67—The fine residence of Al- bert Strickler on West Donegal street, Mount Joy. No. 68—The property of John H. Zerphey on West Donegal street, Mount Joy. No. 71—A fine newly built and modern brick mansion on West Done- gal street, Mount Joy. No. 72—A good 60-acre farm in Rapho, 2 miles from Mt. Joy. Good buildings, only $125 an acre. No. 73—A 126-acre farm of sand stone land, brick house, good barn, ete. on state road near Lawn. Only $90 per acre. No. 74—Two lots in Florin each 40x200 with a good double house in fine condition. Price is right. No. 756—One square in Florin con- tains an acre, 5 lots in all, good 6-room frame house, stable ete. Only $1,800. No. 76—A fine 6-room house, stable, etc. midway between Mt. Joy and Florin, the Mrs. C. Shatz house. Price right. No. 7%— A tract fronting 220 ft. on Marietta st., Mt. Joy, new 8-room house, barn 20x30 and chicken house 14x64. Will sell entire tract or will gn off building lots at only $6.00 a t ‘No. 78—A fine 9-room house on West Main St., Mt. Joy in best of condition. Only $2,000. Properties Sold [following properties adver- in this issue, have The tised elsewhere been sold: No. 34—The D. L. Hauenstein residence on Frank St., Mt. Joy. No. 15—A 12-acre truck farm at Columbia. No. 65—The Michael Hossler truck farm west of Mount Joy. No. 14—A 8b5-acre farm near Hummelstown. JNO. E. SCHROLL, Mount Joy, Pa. Wanted, Sale, Rent, &c. LOST—A black: and white beagle dog. Reward for its return to Roy Hoffman, Mt. Joy. oct.24-1t. CHEAP—A large size Presto Tank for sale. No further use for it. Call at this office. Sept12-tf FOR SALE—Kieffer pears, 60c per bushel, at the home of Amos F. Eby, Mount Joy, R. D. oct.10-3t WANTED—A good second-hand hot air furnace, 22 [to 24-inch fire box. Address “Furnace,” Care Bul- letin, Mt. Joy. oct.24-tf. FOR RENT—A comfortably heat- ed ten-room house on West Main St., Mt. Joy. Also garage. Apply to A. M. Martin, Mount Joy. oct.24-tf. FOR SALE CHEAP—A new bug- gy manufactured by William Schutte Apply to Willitm Schutte or®Dr. L A. MacDannald. aug. 15-tf FOR SALE—A large spark plug tire pump with gauge, hose, etc. Cos: $12.50. Will sell for $6.00. Call at this office. sep.12-tf FOR SALE—An expensive buggy in good condition. Will sacrifice. Ap- ply to H. Roy Nissly, Florin, Pa. TRY THEM FOR YOURSELF— The trade tells me/ my oysters never were finer than they are this season and one thing abgut it is, the prices are the same as/last year until you hear further from this ad. H. A. Dar- renkamp, 3 doors East of Post Office, Mount Joy, Pa. oct.24-2t. Public Sale of Small Farm Thursday, October 25, on the premises one mile north of Eliza- bethtown, a farm of. 82 acres, with 2% story frame dwelling and good sized barn. Adapted to trucking or chicken raising. Only a mile from Elizabethtown, Sale at 2 p. m. oct,10-3t. ISAAC Z. CASSEL. COURT PROCLAMATION Whereas, the Hon. Charles I. Lan- dis, President, and Hon. Aaron B. Hassler, Associate Law Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Lancaster and Assist- ant Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De- livery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Lan- caster, have issued their precept to me directed, requiring me, among other things, to make public procla- mation throughout my bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will com- mence in the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, in the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania. On the Third Monday in November ; (the 19th), 1917 in persuanee of which precept public notice is hereby given to the Mayor and Alderman of the City of Lancas- ter, in said county, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner i and Constables ‘of the said City and ' County of Lancaster, that they be | then and there, in their own proper | persons, with their rolls, records and { examinations, and inquisitions, and | their : other remembrances, to do | those things which to their offices ap- | pertain in their behalf to be done; { and to all those who will prosecute | against the prisoners who are, or | then shall be, in the jail of the said County of Lancaster, are to be then i and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. {| Dated at Lancaster, Pa., the 19th | day of October, A.D. 1917. C. G. GARBER, Sheriff. YOURE NEXT For a good neat and clean Shave, | Hair Cut, Shampgo, Mas- ! sage, Etc. go to | Tonsdrial Parlors y H. J. Willi MAIL ST. O ar “a JO I 10 1 1 110 11 i 100 OOOO 1 OO [Elwood-Millard’s DON'T FAIL fo 00 fo ~ Lancaster This Saturday To get your share of the thousands of wonderful bar- gains in JONDVAN'G oricA| MILLINERY oh All week boxes and boxes o hats have come pouring into ou store rooms. n 1 RT 1011 OO 11 D A TRIS a A SIAN ee 100 Hats from the smartest design- ers in America. Hats that a week earlier you would have had to pay twice as much for. Hats from the biggest manu- facturers in the Country. All these in addition to what already is by far the largest, finest and most reasonably priced stock of women’s hats in Lancaster will go to make this the biggest event of its kind ever attempted in this com- munity. Every hat--trimmed or unirimmed-in our enor- mous stock is included, all marked at especially low prices that are bound to practically clean them up in one day. Don't Fail fo Get Yours You owe it to yourself to take ad- vantage of this wonderful chance CASTER FREED, = | 1 0 A Notwithstanding the big reduction in this class of merchandise we wili 2s usual r-fund carfare on purchases of $10 or more--miliinery included. &.