The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 26, 1917, Image 9

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mm ee
NEW YORK Vheat-—Spot, steady
No. 2 red, $2.28 bid; No. 2 hard, $2.28
Postal Increases on Second: | bid. and No. 1 Noithera Duluth, $230
| € f Ney ork exports
Class Matter Defeated | Corn-—Spot, strong; No. 2 yellow,
$2.24, and No. 2 niixed, $220 ¢c i £
- SHE | New York.
Oats—Spot, barely steady: 8 2
CONSUMPTION TAXES KILLED | 0% 50° dy; stungang,
Butter Creamery, higher than
extras, 4J3; @44'%c; creamery extras
Borah, Gronna, La Folletts and Norris | (92 score), 431; firsts, 42@43; see
Vote Against the Measure, While onds, 40@41%.
Johnzon, Hollis, Reed and Bggs Fresh-gathered extras, 44@
45; extra firsts, 42@43; firsts, 39@4%;
eeaaninaR I's - - - 1
| HAVE A NEW STOCK OF 7 NEW 57 Ol oF orl ftering-itallino |

113 ~N
bv i"
| Thermoid Brake Lining [ 0 5 an

ALSO RAYBESTQS U. S. Letters Sh own) Germany
“Used” Swede Envoy
Brazing and Welding
of all metals by the oxy-ag#fylene process. RECOMMENDED DECORATIGH

Always carry a comple assortment of sizes in | Lansing Gives Out Tell Tale Letter
3 i From Von Eckhardt To Chancel-
Goodyear Tires lor, Asking Reward For His


Friend. Kenyon Vote For It. | seconds, 37@38; State, Pennsylvania 3
! > Er. : | and nearby Western hennery whites, 9
\ JUST RECE ED A LOT OF BICYCLES Washington. Another chanier to Washington.—The Two-and-one-half- fine to fancy, 51@54: State, Pears i

billion-dollar War Revenue Bill was
passed by the Senate by a vote of 69
to 4. Borah, of Idaho; Gronna, of
North Dakota; La Follette, of Wiscon-
sin, and Norris, of Nebraska, voted

the story of German intrigue in neutral
countries and among neutral di
Barr's Garage & Repair Shop | mir sii i
Imperial Chancellor from the notorious (Copyright)
ia and nearby hennery browns, 46
Cheese—State, fresh specials, 24@
24%ec; do, average run, 23% @23%.

igainst the easure, | Dr Tyr ’
AY oNSHY. Lat tore PHILADELPHIA. —W heat—Carlots,
ners wie : 2 ar rr ex- | % “
Iers Who hdd fougnl hat : | in export elevator, Government stand-
at Mexico City, to whom the gh .
H. Al BARR, Mount Joy, Penna. cepted Zimmermann note i 2 treme taxation of wealth, such 23 John- | ard inspection, No. 2 red, spot, $2.26;
dressed. i son, of California; Hollis, of New | No. 2 red. soft. § : No. 3 red, $2.23:
Hampshire: Reed, of Missouri, and | No. 3 tor SOIL. oO No. 4 od, $2.19+
BOTH PHONES AUTO HIRING Depended On Gweads, ~ Kenyon, of Iowa, all voted aye No : 9%

Von Eckhardt, the German Mis


. ; : Wa) env liv . | No. , soft, 17; No. 5 red, $2.15;
It discloses that I% Cronholm, : } 0 In the last hours of the passage of | 1. ~~ 2G ya
then Swedish Charze in Mexico, wa Con : No. 5 red, soft, $2.13; average sample,
0 nen edisn narge it exi AD - the bill the consumption taxes upon $2.05
} L y 1 » 1 hv ' Te yy iin'o- a ~ >.
‘ ern - - - - — « | depend ! upon by tue German GIP: { coffec, tea, sugar and cocoa were cut | Corn—Western, No. 2, vellow, $2.16
mat to furnisii information Irom the it of the bill. So were the postal in- | @2.20; do, No. 3 : o nominal; do No
“hostile czi:p,” an 1 to transmit coin- — > ap = rea r vias atter. whic fet oy BY, age wh
1 < ’ { ses on second class matter, which nr :
: rd that V On Secdn a5 . 4, do, nominal; do, No. 5, do, nominal.

iotable Achievement of Ameri- Two Merchantmen and Ope Would have affected chiefly newspa-
pers and magazines.
he By a Oats—No. 2 white, new, T0@70%e; 3!
of the can Engineers Submarine Sunk Senator Hardwick's proposal to tax |
standard white, new, 69@69%; No. 3

secret award from




iy i : : | white e 8@681%; N i
] > Is the only kind I sell Furnitur “Order of the Crown of the Second | the incomes above $50.000 a flat 10 | Whi eb w, 68@681:; No. 4 white,
yo orpet ——ling : — ddd g i new, 67T@67%c.
¢ Class This letter was written on per cent. and use the revenue to De ’ 2 E
Rockerg, Mirrors, Hall Racks, March 8. 19:6. and apparently has ava . ; e oF kL 50 388 the oyenLs 2 pi Vv Butter Solid-packed creamery,
wo i +1 y 4 AIRPLANE BUILDING BEGINS U. S, STEAMER SENDS REPORT nr ee di ’ “| fancy specials; 46¢; extra, 44@45;
“ Plcture Frames, Ladies’ Desks been in the possession of the Ameri Y ily bonus was overwhelmingly : : -
? *R con Government for = lonz time : Se a ’ | extra, 43%; firsts, 43; seconds, 42;
: a OVel der tO1 i - - 1 eclea by a viva voce vote Q
Extension and Othsr Vables, was made public without — \n at oe Eo ; nearby prints, fancy, 48; average
as made pudli vithout . \n attempt to substitute an entire- AT. fi =
: | ; 1 = Wi 3 cuncame \ Avy enart- | extre ( * rsts, 44@45; sec
Davenports, China Closets, shedding light upon t h Produced By Combined Skill Of a | First Anncuncement By Navy Depart- | oo bill was made by Senator L pi ! hl 10347 J i 4 : a > is
. : : ant Siy 1} PES ro Sih . special brands of prints, jo
Kitchen Cabinets other Swedi Score Of Engineers Who Pooled ment, Saying All Six Unders This would have re bout | po ot Eiceos
. : ’ ng at 51@54.
ie 33 iin hom 2 Trade Secrets—Delivery Will Raiders Were Lost, Was 3,500,000,000 on in ™ taxes, ae Eggs—Nearby firsts, $12.60 per
. i 1 her » 1 gd Sta lies ag Mo tol » Z liquors he :
Ia Fact Anything in the Furniture R Er he i ris Begin Soon. Due To Erro 3 0% cco and liguo 1% | oase: nearby current receipts, $12.3¢
are awaiting with nden’s > fused to accept It. 10.95
Line. : Li : 1360 10 accept per case; do, seconds, $10.95@11.25 3
= explanation to Argentina of t. con : | ¢ € «
: : : : A ivi Washington. — Liberty Motor, A tvpororaphical ro | per case; Western firsts, $12.60 per
. i duct of her Minister 1 3 Aires, Sr : : % ie
Ea . at, he airplane en y which the \ 1 ) case; do, firsts, $12.30 per case; deo,
who transmitted the ( man sin : ! St .
j witl 1 : a sata! ‘nited States to establish offic »O ) seconds, $10.95@11.25 per case; fancy
- ithout leaving a t » dispat
‘ [wagon Jey lefinite air su icy over the Ger- selected, carefully candled eggs were
ror 1olm y . re
. Crorholm : > the ba fields of France, Jobbing at 50@51 per dozen.
m d ming Baron Aker ow ! 1 5 passed its final test and is a com- : Cheese — New York, full cream,

fancy, June, 253; specials, higher; do,
do, fresh made, best, 243, @25; da,
I 24@24%; do, fair to good, 23
here, said t

In respon ) lete and gratifying success, Secret:

that Cr
Yacry. in ig amv tions FL ker announced.
H. C. BRUNNER, : MT JOY from the diplomatic service ia Jar in a fifteen-hundred-word announ
" R | uary. He would not discuss the cause ny Seer \


-~ y .
: tax.
3 nt etary Baker told ine | that one s y 2
; > etd : ih At the last moment Senator Bran: | 2 3
i but there was no and business of ! ) d and $ Bl, AHH So Live Poultry—Fowls, as to size and
i : : ti bi 3 en legee, of Connecticut, succeeded in vi Or 7 >
=, was in any way ccnn dv rOn-! motor mtributed its A corrected quality, 25@27c; roosters, 18@19;
- - ) n10tO( ntl ited 1 A cor tel having >rati the bill. confined ’ x .
y— ; ia CRE Loi having operation of the bil onfine iE Rovere
holm’s relations th the Fermians, 14 to the gover: y Secretary Daniels as soon as ey 0 spring chickens, not Leghorns, plump,
Dan AK an hiesdaes Vad : : J - a to the duration oi the war. rellaw-siinne at iver 1% @2
Dep ment during t} rican The Department has only a meazie 1 H 1 8 apiece, 230; smaller sizes, 26@28;
: : rs / hare. Riy.& BioRS tween the ouse and Se Yitts YT ; ‘ :
Tr H E LUMBERE COAL Secretary Lansing th account of the fight and i : fo s 1 11 white Leghorns, 25@28: ducks, Pek-
; Hrat al t the differences wi be 207° R
% ceived from his Ge ¥no. | details have bash ssked for hy cabl oy re ih ing, 20@21; do, Indian Runner, 18@
} Ph 5 i ail nav 0 Nn ask YF or 1 1 + 3 > the wit a f
. B6th Phones Alene © oo ol oe : ft is hoped that within a fortnigh 19; do, spring, 20@21; pigeons, old
avin S : ment alrea gv tate I'he report came from Am Lf of dispute will have been ad- | 3; do, SI g, U@zl; pig 5, .
s . S 15 Rs oy ell - : a0.
> S g MOUMT JOY, PENNA, Stockholm, expl: as first | tanker Westwego throush Paris, the | jucreq and the President will be able | 2°, Poi. 15@26; <0, do, young, per
: 5 15ted ar the President will be able 1s >
had forwarde 118 con- | vessel apparently h ng vel vr ; pais, 20@22.
ert the

his signature and conv

French port afte 1
of to-day Sole Agent for Congo Roofing. | German ; ew moto : he Aght The oon k ; |
r Neaiye i tnrminh rade withont knowl 3 : py : . i al Tt propose taxation measure into law. ATT > rT hont <i YAS
Ho 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand, | Berlin in German code wi tanita 1 a thri z chapter to American | names and nationality of the two Seas ms wm BALTIMORE. — Wheat — With the
He did not | gpeineerinz re -d Ry RIL, Yyiii das, | price of wheat fixed by the soverns
providethe ATC"C a ne
Ee . | ment, through the Food Administra-
Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doors |... . copy hips Jost were not given
luxuries of” Blinds, Mouldings, Laths, etc. | assumed that th “Soe Im

and Lodge were appointed to
the Senate in the confer:
is | The Westwegc
d Ae ; tion Grain Corporation prices are no&
t Zgin Agent for Lehigh Portiand Cement | Office will not address an : : x .° ae | subject to changes, except those of
OMOITOW., cation to the Amerean lane 15ST that aL oo | varying quality, such as sample
3 savi ng” S &H Roofing, Slate and Sheet Iron. on the subjert ith In tes wae? y re hae U-BOATS’ TOLL DECREASES. grades. Under the government sched-
“3 * . : AR : = ule Baltimore prices will be $2.24 for
Estimates quickly and cheerfully
Stamps now. made on Buildifg Material and a | PERSHING TO HiS SOLDIERS.
kinds of Concreting work.
and serviceability
he continues,
tes comparison
Nr Tenarted Saw | TWeive Large and Six Small Vessels | ng, » soft rad; $2.21 for No. 2 soft red
ar, Mist Victims Last Week. $2.17 for No. 4 soft red. No. 5 soft
ndon.—A marked decrease in the | pad and sample grades will be pur-







Message Will Be Pizced In Tesiaments the European war n rief statemen j B sraRnntc
TTT Tr Distributed To the Army sine was brought | ceived from d tha x ; ion of British ian vessels | chased on a basis of relative value.
; / ; ; »s or submarines is indicated in vorn——Cariots 0. 3 v r
Soko so Soko osoKo Ko Ree Ko R HOR oO H OR 0 TROK OK Major Gene Darah. | peration of more "marines had : 1assed atta 1 kly Admiralt tement : Oora-=(ations of No. 2 yellow cary
Renan El vho pooled | the mercha a y of th “fy Atle hen on spot, for domestic delivery. are
4 r g to Am J At he en 1 a wo ve els re than 1,600 | quotable at $2 per bu, bid, for old corn.
M Yo ible | on tabi 5 313 1,600 tons Cob Corn—Fairly firm, but carload
i * ISOLS peeifications The Woatw 5 ; m, as comp 1 | demand inactive. We quote, carloads
3 : : ry of the moto of its perform- | but ther essage | and three in | prime old yellow on spot from nearby
3 % ) ) “ nrde n ents | ¢ ric : vi 5 1 at $9.25@9.50 per bbl.
3 X 5 mn 1 nen o indica Ww 8 % :
$ : : 3 2 : K Oats—Sales included one ca :
3 inue the furniture busi- AF REE 1d ’ ) juantity a 1150 Is | Ox > als B Judo: n ear No. 2
i: fhe second floor of the Eagle : 1d mn, ver, Mi In pr \ ) white, B. & O., 64Jzc; car standard
* 4 8 : white, to go in, 65%; car No. 3 white
% p Jake: bu )€ 44 y Qa -— u
3 FeliVEE fling, with a complete and up-to- ; a een made RL ITAGRL Bb stifon c oh tent \ als, 2 : sa 2s, 2,868 t & 0. 65; car standard white,
3 RR Bate. Tine of all ‘kinds of furniture. oward orga n wdustry for | of ti atch it was written that Driish, Morera J an ely mans by | in elevator, 65%.
| \ Prices are very reasonable. When in ; e manu! ) 1 ) n ybab 5 UL ous : Rye—No. 2 Wests stern, new, Eig Yae
: : ye previous! 12; under | ots, new, nearby, as to quality, -
\\ need of furniture call and see me. our . \ con on ¢ £00 toh la pitINe ois neajonat a € 3 S q y, $
3X ; 3 ) € } 1 12 nd S o : , ¢ :
TT = Repalring and Painting a Speclalty. 1. Lie 1 } da i % < 1 IX Hay—No. 1 timothy, $:
. ® i con 2 Britis! vessels attacked $19; No. 3 do, $15@17.50; light
1 1 1 1 Pd % y rs n 16 \ 5 Y he d ( ’ phy { y ® s
i Special Atteption Given to Remodling Antique Furniture : oh to ana an fH TS orFoit Tan “on Had ur luding three pre r mized, $1850; No. 1 do, do, $183
3 2 I S ¢ : it ) 1 J
< 5 to you : do, do, 314@17; No. 1 clover,
* . ill 1 : ¢ : Y 2 :
i D HH ENG WEST MAIN ST., ¥ el ig ssels sunk, four 6.50: No. 2 do, $13@15; No. 8
: « EX. L 3 MOUNT JOY, PA. } the | eo Jou
v . U-BOAT SUNK DESPITE RUSE. utter—Creamery, fancy, 43% @44;
: Hodieils Losi gia SEK ‘ inno ) ) ( ,
oiled aioe eked o heeded eK eK oder elie iedk eek edk ete deel ek Earl W. Og ; : - choice, 121% @42; do, good, 41@42:
{E—— r— ———" —-—y Rs : ' et Hid Behind Schooner Till Within | ints, 44@45; do, blocks, 43@44;
| . 1 Ys oo, Sl Von. on Range Of Tanker. ladles, 36@37; Maryland and Pennsyl-
Rig ht St les Alwa Ss | ti ¥ eluded in hi stat ment to a serious error made in tis rid An Atlantic Port.—How a German | vania rolls, 36; Ohio rolls, 35; West
\ Ud In N1s Statenie i a Serious err made in transct ; |
i Lo y ing the report of the attack made on Submarine hid behind his schooner | Virginia rolls, 35; storepacked, 35;
| administ: — g the report of tl ttack made on
— Fl 1 ah I ! ] ! CARR ANZA 1S RECOGNIZED the Westwezo and other ve 1 . until it got within range to attack an | Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania
| orid -Braxton Be 1am, Orlando. CARRAN S . ne Elwes CBE oy rtd Bes . Grr onl ctaoYNey + r ints =
-TH E— ” ! Minnesoia--A D. Wilson Minneap gave the report to the press exact] American tank steamer and then was | dairy prints, 35.
- j Dushessia 3) mae, Sanne f ee > It was brosented io me. stating | Sunk bythe tankers gun crew, was Eggs—Maryland, Pennsylvania and
olis. Last Formal Steps Taken By This ° : SA : 5 told by the captain of a sailing vessel | nearby, 39@40; Western, 39@40;
TO tsginshimi—D. M Harding. Vicks. that ‘two of the steamers were lost.’ : ; : : 3
INGER & HAAS HA S RE | Wasteviaried. XM Hoaan vie Government, The cable ra I now find. stated that | here. When about 1,500 miles from | West Virginia, 39@40; Southern, 38
W I | burg. a ee ys «Gibraltar, he said, the U-boat ordered | @39.


lew rsev—James F. Fielder, Jer- ington Las steps in the | ‘one’ of the submarines probably was ; : : : :
: New Jersey—James ¥. iol ro formal recognition of the Carranza lost” m to stop. The submarine then kept Live Poultry—Chickens—Old hens,
sey City formal *}COgNITIOT 1 ar Ze 108 Lahiv a a : Via : 24@260:
| Ohio— Fred Croxton, Colt 3 iment in Mexico by ‘the United Attacked Once Before. behind the schooner until the ap-|4 lbs and over, 24@ do, small to
| i STE Sh i T save heah Recomblishe v for 1 rere a tank cteamay Proaching tank ship was within range. | medium, 24; do, white Le ghorns, 23@
West Virginia—Barl W Oglahay ; have been accomplished by for- 20, an oil tank steamer Ce S
a ne : kd When it began ittack the naval | 24; do, old roosters, 14; do, springers,
Germany in 1914 for Reu-
account under the name of
tion of the election of Car-
ent and an acknowledg-

Wheelin: : 7 : ;
Wheeling the fire, the eighth shot | large, 29@30; do, small to medium, 27
yua Romana. Later rerman boat and sinking | @28; white Leghorns, 27@28. Ducks
ed to Amer of the schooner’s crew. | —Young Pekings, 3 lbs and over, 20@
- IN A STATE OF SIEGE. ment by t t rt Bd
4 ] Ps? | reedi s a technical one, conforming | i s change rican and Winn e § a
| 5 Both ste 1er and schooner escaped in- | 2 ( > 20: do. mus Tr
t rices Alwa S Strike In Portu Reported To Have | to the 1 »s of international rela- rar r name was made West. | 0" Yer and schoonot ped in 1 2109, puddle, do, 30
( Bre aay : ily recognition of the Car- 5 ; £3 jur 20; do, smaller, 17@18; do, old, 16@

> United States. The pro-

: vessel was of tons
ishon. — etn 18. Pigeons—Young pr, 20; deo,

| 2 ? : 1nza g ctically was com- of 42 men.
| Madrid.—Portuza! has been declared | , / SIX MORE PICKETS ARRESTED old, do, 20. Guinea fowl, young, each
144 North Queen Street, fancaster Da, | 0 a tie : <E a
= 4 gram received 1 from Lisbon, on |, we Sailor Tears Down Banner Before Calves—Veal, choice Xpress, per

Police Arrive 14. Calves,






EO fn t Po i“ wg ( pi il Di 2 Six b ) t $10@22
i ' 1 ll " Hm 2 ? il I} 13311 : 11 Haya 1 ng 0" Baye baer elas 3 Deve! 5 Jor i, be tw . % > mn No- 1, par
ON | NAO BY is ere 20 in White Hous, Brion th ion
7 ; | bombs. : SERKM/ 4 JAIL. i
PRINTING | dvertisers | ROOSHVELT'S FIRST PLIGHT A najetiet Ehsrded With Murdsr. R on os : pi I etitics oy TE 1 RAID PROF. NEARING’S HOME P955C. Mik Cowsex(un
I will find this | dons Un in. Airel . ena Anarchist, C = Bor we ve Re- Uni ersity, an 3 former 1 X ae per he qd. $50@65: do
H i144. Goes irplanz Equipped With | manded For 30 Days. the Religious Fdu x ‘ : Fedaral Aa Seak Liter )@ 4
a Peeping Facilities paper an excellent || : ; :
able Us to Guar- | : . ; a ; fone
afMee Our Work | medium in which || _ Minoots, I, 1—Coi, Theoors Roose. | snarehist inicted in San Francisco on | agra] do, rities re
. . re mac ni A > B = 2d
BE = lll to display their | a he persons! 3 from a __———
Zi (lt tgtgsoms ~nIHIE bargains and make I went up in ) 5 : I ; use pais : De 8 Ro
rd == { | BR3: aviation got 123 LAY | i ars . y 3 & I A tn
EZ The kind you ought to have theirwantsknown i The i was fitted with ome of | days, pending the : ptiof extradition { MOVIERgo ans F Ssor N gi r ic:
E= and when to have it, that 3 [I] | the new nnient I papers from Caliiorn FTA Sic gquesiions t= E
E is when you really feed & = I ana ers Je
B= bf gg ap = fl | | TO KEEP STATE TROOPS INTACT. TO DRAFT 1,000,000 ALIENS. ARWY ZNGINZERS WounDED 1150; cows,
Our work is of the highest £2 | — = Ywo Members OF Railway. Regiment $7.50@13.50;
are = tment !ssu2s Assurance To Ee ar sili 8.50@
A or Sond rein dis = Hl ] [) ] ou ] J 1 War Depart Gi ss — 2 Senator Chamberlain's Resolution : Hit By Shell Fragments. To. 50@13.40;
E posal. We are especially pre- = | nininjnjnjsinisis] Guard Units Be ah Be Sele 3 Ras Fi e War Department ii
== pared to turn out letterhea B= razhinzion -- Rene asSEran Pass3d By Senate, I t Sergeant M. G. Calder- ambs, OF.
= Bile ds, noteheads ii B= | . Washingion - x n : a 213: wethers, $10@
meats, foiders, booklets, enve. a HIS OFFICE | that a 1al Salt a ” iol ) S P13; weth
lopes, a ry a is the place to have json Foot . v and (he Engin FI TSEURGH. — Cattic = Choles
see Bs aes} Hae You E | your printing done, no | war Depa v Gern ay. sh | Ee RGH. — i Choie
Regd onetime. £ matter what kind it may be, | hovever. © 3 : : at resolution pa | Sheep—Prime $11 011.50;
= attr BF resi s Qe 3 House . C s of the | culls and common, $4.50@7 : lambs, $11
ARAL | | Ll Ll L] Ee C10] oo) = decision vests itl depa 1t | It is estima nore than 1,000,000 ! ew | Medical Corps killed n German | @15; veal calves, §13.50@16.
eommanders. aliens ted. {| York public school. | aviators bombed a hospi