The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 29, 1917, Image 4

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)y as second-class mail matter.
All correspondents must have their |. "5, °F Ot oye ae 1s = with his

serted if copy reaches us uesday
night. Advertising rates on applica- |
tion. | €
Morris Greiner, of 'M. W.
Greiner, who enlisted in the army is

, Spent
n rair.

N GROVE Q Sa to be sent South ere long.
MILTO Al} ve Bs an ay M. A. Brubaker, W. G. McAllister
y IW Wolfe of and Stella Risser are spending this
L 0 e 1 1 . v
: : wee at the Millersville Normal
Samuel G. Hoffman autoed to Har- Bloser Pa., are spending ‘a part Sesol Lo anche hoot thas
risburg, Saturday. { of their vacation with their parents. CRN Tosrn : jai
Supervisor E. WW. Brandt, of | Mr. and Mrs. Howard Arntz and The “picnic Hear Colebrook and the
Beverly, tarried for awhile in this | son Gerald of Mount Joy, spent a |: ddan re ve Thi
2 je x : 1 | Chiques harvest meeting were very
place Monday. | few days with Mr. and Mrs. Norman | wo"attended last Saturday after-
Harvey Hoffman and family, of Arntz. : {noon. The doy was a fine one for
Mount Joy, spent Sunday in the | Mrs. H. W. Henderson and daugh- such meetings .
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | ter Barbara of Coatesville, spent a| "jy, "Sowers and E. W. Geib have
‘ fow avs with - arhar: rol. ¢ ~ 2. dv . <
S. G. Hoffman. few days with Mrs. Barbara Wel | tenant houses they wish to rent to
Mrs. H. B. Haines and Mrs. C. C.
Hicks are spending a few days at Mt. |
Gretna, as the guests of Mrs. B. F.
Hoffman. |
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Haines, Mrs. |
Anna H. Mackley and Mr. Harry |
Newcomer and son Ralph autoed to |
Loe avant Association” of we SPENDS $1,500
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stauffer, of |
Mastersonville, spent Saturday in
the home of her sister, Mrs. Barbara
Hoffman in this place.
Minehost A. S. Holwager and bet-
ter half autoed out of our town Sun-
day in an austrial direction, visiting
friends in the ancient Donegals.
W. Grube and family, of Junction,
were entertained Sunday at the home
of Jacob R. Shenk and two daugh-
ters Misses Mary and Lizzie in town.
Mrs. Mary Shumaker spent Sat- |
| willing workers. No trouble for a
good working man to find work
around here for laborers are scarce.
Tobacco buyers were in our midst
offering more than twenty cents per
pound for the weed.
the Susquehanna river. About one
MN ” nd Mrs. Abram Sload. I Esther Kopp and Messrs, Raymond
MT. JOY BULLETIN Mr. and Mrs. Harry Widder of |Heisey and Abram Shelly on Sun-
Harrisburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. |da)
MOUNT JOY, PA. Sen : — 2
J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r. Ichans spent a | J
Ee | fo to) Northwest Rapho.
W 10} I 1 ‘ t 1
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR C. Harold Sheaffer yf Philade : ———
. - > 1l/a C. F. May had a new shingle roof
Six Months......50 Cents hia, spent ' Saturday and Sunday |,ut on his farm | i Tacsday
Three Months. ...25 Cents : M I k : Yoh Hol leman, wife "and
Single Copies.....2 Cents } wor h, Fi Houseal and HB. i r d F. W. Geib’s on Sun-
Sample Copies ..... FREE Haines au | Hershey Frank Smith. of Mverstown, spent
Mr. and Mrs. Wil De Nr BNC Sunday with his u cle, M. W. Me-
ntered at the post office at Mount | | My i Y : :
A ; H of Philadelphia, |
eommunications reach this office not the : : . |
later than Monday. Telephone news Three cheers for the alliey on the |
of importance between that time and front. [hey are knocking the spots
12 o’clock noon Wednesday. Chan- | ut of Bill's men, 3
ges for advertisments must positively | Pat, a faithful old horse of Jos.
reach this office not later than Mon- | Wie rner was sent to a long rest last |
day night. New advertisments in- | Wee) lampart r of White Oak, had |
cnarge of 1e ob.
at the Gettysburg camp and expects |
Were $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00
Were $8.50 and $10.00
13 SUITS AT $7
Were $11.50, $12.50 and $15

urday to Monday in the homes of hundred of the young people
her brothers Samuel Fahs, at White | gathered from far and near to en-

Oak, and Ephraim Fahs, near Lititz. | joy the day.
Mrs. Anna White ( nee Martin), of
Pleasant View, has rented the Miss
Lizzie Gruber property in this place
and contemplates to occupy the same
today. is Mrs. Annie Smith, of Columbia, |
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wittle left | spent. Sunday with her mother, Mrs.

Maytown High school held their an-
: |
nual picnic at Wild Cat Falls along

Were $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00

town Sunday morning looking bright | A. H. Vogel. -—
as pictures meridional bound, visit- Miss Mary Nissley is spending a The many friends of Mrs. W. W. |
ing pictures and friends near the Ma- | few days at Bamford in the home of | Hersh, of Soudersburg, Pa., near |
sonic Mecca. . her uncle, Daniel Brandt. ’ Lancaster, have remarked on her al- |
Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Kopp journeyed David Brandt, of Bamford, spent most miraculous return to health, |
Coronationward Sunday destined for | Sunday in the homes of D. M. Nissley |and Mr. Hersh feels that he owes it |
Hernley’s church, near Manheim, | 3nd Mrs. Susan F. Nissley. to the public to make known the
where religious services were held Miss Helen Kauffman is spending | true facts in the case. He said:


during the day. a few days at Ephrata in the home “During the past thirty years I
John K. Strickler left town Satur-|,f her uncle, Walter Shearer. have spent at least $1,500.00 in
day morning coursing polarie, ulti- F. B. Hostetter and family and D. | medicines and doctors’ bills in an
mately reaching in Lebanon and one | B. Hostetter, of Kissel Hill, spent effort to find a cure for my wife's
daughter and family in Bismark,
Lebanon County.
Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Thome, of
Mount Joy, and their son Walter and
was money
Sunday in the home of John Meisen- stomach trouble, but it
kept getting |
berger. thrown away, for she
Amos Nauman and worse and worse.
nephew, Arthur Shultz, « “The lining of her stomach was as
i the home of Mrs. raw ¢
f Lancaster,

daughter Jean whiled away Sunday ew days in as a piece of meat, and she
afternoon in the home of the for- rtin coulc at anything without causing
mer’s brother, Dr. A. Thome and Gibble, wife and sons, her t ress. Anything fried

family. . | Stanley and Arthur, of Lancaster or poison to her. Her
The Evangelicals will hold their | junction, spent Sunday in the home ner SVS was a total wreck,
quarterly conference in their church | of Milton Kauffman. and the least little thing would irri-
Saturday afternoon, Sept. 1st. Ser- Miss Annie Nauman of Lancaster, ! tate her, and at night her nerves
vices will be held the same evening | 31nd nephew, Donald Kauffold, of | would jump and tingle so that she
and on Sunday following, morning, | Ohio, spent last Thursday with her couldn’t rest, and she would get up
afternoon and evening. grandmother, Mrs. Nancy Martin. every morning with a bursting head-

Eli F. Grosh has been spending | Andrew Vogel, jr., and wife, of |ache. We decided to give Tanlac a
from Sunday to Thursday as an as- |] ancaster and Mrs. John Nissley and | trial, and to our delight and sur-
gistant in the store for his son | jaughter, Dorothy of Columbia, | prise, it helped her right away, and
laude, who with his wife are taking | spent Friday here in the home of [now she is in perfect health.
few days respite from arduous la- | Mrs. A. H. Vogel. ‘‘She can eat more fat meat than
Abraham Hershey and family, |I can lean, and whatever she eats di-
Elam Hershey and family and Abra- | gests perfectly; her bowels are regu-
ham Hershey, sr., all of Lancaster, |lar, and sleep—why, she can sleep
were entertained by William Hershey |like a baby and wake up refreshed
pr at Mount Gretna. y
ohn H. Young, of Akron, Ohio, is
g several days in the home of
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H.
on Cherry Hill, preparatory | nd wife on Sunday. and happy with never a headache.”
eparture for the mobilization Mrs. D. S. Miller and grandsons, Tanlac is being sold here by Dr.
Dhio soldiers. Harold Deglar and William Bru-|W. D. Chandler, Druggist, Mount
Anna Gibble sobriqueted the
Nightengale of the day is
pient of many congratula-
er manifold courtesies and
es tq the juvenile fra-
this region.
baker, of Lancaster, spent from Fri- (Joy, Pa.
day to Sunday in the homes of D. M. |
Nissley and H. H. Miller.
Ambrose Frankhouser, wife and |
daughter, Mary, and Rev. and Mrs.
Preston Strauss and daughter, Helen,

Sheriff Shue made the trip for his

1 Mrs. Clayton R. Gibble, | of Long Island, New York, spent | far western home on Thursday. Good
Irs. Aaron Gibble, Mr. Sunday afternoon at the Masonic [luck Harry.
"Allen R. Gibble and Jos. R. | Home “at Elizabethtown. Mr. A. B. Kreider attended the
Gi1¥le were at the obsequies of an Mrs. John Garrett and children, | funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Bossler of
infant child of Harrison R. Gibble’s | Charlotte, Catherine and Robert, |E. Petersburg on Saturday.
at Fairland last week. spent from Saturday to Tuesday in Mrs. Samuel Shertzer, Anna and
Extending the glad hand and ex-|i{he home of John Sheaffer. William | Willis, Mrs. Harvey Nissley and Jen-
pressing congratulations to your | Rice, wife and son Clarence Arthur nie spent Thursday at Hershey.
scribe the past week was J. Hetrick, | of Union Square, spent Sunday at| Mr. and Mrs. Paul Myers of Lan-
a Civil War veteran, formerly of | {ho same place. caster, spent Sunday with his par-
Rheems, now an honored citizen of | J. S. Bradley a wife entertained ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. G. Myers.
Shillington, Berks county. : | the following on lay: John H. The potato campaign is on in our
Miss Mame Kuhns, of Mount Joy | Bear and wife, Shadell and |section and the yield is > satis- |
the efficient preceptress of the local | wife, Mrs. John of Lancas- factory. Mere boys and have |
primary school, made a brief visit in | ter; David Royer : fe, of East [started on the potato hunt. J
town the week-end, having been a | petersburg; Clayt harbone and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Raffensberger, |
complimentary guest at S. L. Ging- | wife, and Harry Ru wife and son, | Miriam and Cletus and Miss Dora
rich’s hospitable domain. Stanley, of Elston Mrs. Susan |Souders spent Sunday with the fam-
Charles G. Becker, of Masterson- | Nauman spent the at the same |ily of E. Young at Petersburg.
ville, a ruling spirit in Rapho and | place. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Brunner,
Mount Joy townships’ pedagogies ac- | © William Long and wife, of Bath,| Mr. Alfred Brunner, jr., and Miss
companied by his estimable spouse | New York, are spending a few weeks | Helen E. Best of Columbia, spent
and devoted little daughter, visited {in the home of Joseph Wickenheiser. | Sunday with Samuel Eby and family.
in town Saturday evening. ; | Miss Sara Kopp, of Mount Gretna; Mr. L. S. Shuman has returned
Oliver, whose sobriquet is “Ollie” | Henry Long and daughter, Mary |from a week’s stay at Central Manor
Rasp, who can butt a goat more |;,q Miss Mary Suters, all of Lancas-| Camp Meeting. » He reports having
vehemently than a goat can butt a | ter; Lehman Kopp, wife and daugh-| had a very pleasant time and enjoy-




goat, celebrated his birthday anni- | tor, Edith of Merill; Londa Zurin, | ed the servic much.
versary last week and his appearance | wife and sons, Amos, Earl and| We witnessed rather a comical
ndicates that he is approaching the | onda, and Phares Mohn, wife and scene last Monday while passing a lo-
enith of energy and vitality. son, James, all of Salunga, spent |cal stream. Three cows were stand-
Masters Roscoe and William | Sunday at the same place. |ing on the bank after having finished
their plunge and later the biddies
took their plunge in the same pool.
PLEASANT VIEW | Had a trip from Lancaster to our
village in the Riker Pretzel truck
eel eee last Monday and all we have to say
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Emenheiser concerning it is. if the twisted little
entertained the following on Sunday: Stomachers are as satisfactory as that
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hoffer spent ride was to us, the demand should in
ship will open next, Monday. Sunday with G. E. Gantz and wife. |2 short time become very great in-
onstable M. H. Randler was or- | The farm harvest meeting held at deed.
ed by “Vet. Surgeon Newcomer of | jacobe Kuhn's was very largely at-| The improvements to Landisville
sunt Joy to dispatch Al Gingrich’s | tended High School are rapidly approaching
ome are the lucky youngsters who
ast their hooks and lines in this
gection. Every alternate day they
catgh a fine string, clean them and
progdly return home with them to |
the J envy of their other piscatorial
he public schools of Mount Joy


ly canine to the dog's heaven, | Mess Clayton Breneman and Jno completion and we must say from
the constable did however re- { Gantz and friends spent Sunday at, casual observation that the step was
Intly. The dog suffered from a | Manor camp. certainly in the right direction. The
of September
our township
up for
@nt disease, called the ‘eternal
i work except
Jacob Steager from near
Bellaire, made a ple
sing call on Miss schools open

| Katie Witmer over the Sabbath.

| Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Eyer, who before September 17th.
MAY TOWN [rere spending some De wi “his Ca —
brother, John, left for their home.
| es A Soo Nor per was LOCUST GROVE

ward Shireman spent a-few |pleasantly surprised on her twentieth
ays at Harrisburg. | birthday anniversary last Wednesday. Mrs. Johr Erb accompanied by
John A. Thome visited his sonata | Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and her two daughters spent Saturday at |
spital in Philadelphia. | daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Dawson | Hershev. : ob @asni olin du
Miss Adelia H. Grove spent a few | Shearer and family spent Sunday Milton Erb and wife attended |
ys in York, visiting friends. { with Clayton Newcomer and wife. campmeeting on Sunday at Manor |
irs. Geo. M. Huntzinger and son; Misses Ruth, Naomi and Esther near Mountville. = {
Eph are visiting at Wilkes-Barre. | Kapp and Mary Hollinger and Mr.| Road making is still progressing |
> and Mrs. Geo. Endslow visit- | Elmer Gantz called on the Misses around here under the supervision of |

has. Welchans at Hummelstown.
. and Mrs. Samuel Fair, of Har-
rg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
| Newcomer last Thursday evening. Supervisor Tyson. |
Mr. Leander Gantz and wife and The Erb Brothers disposed of their |
| the Misses Kapp and Mary Hollinger | hail cut tobacco, last week, LULZ
guested in the home of David 15 cents throughout. 5
Wickenheiser on Friday evening. 3

son, |

fine baby boy arrived at the | wife and


of Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland | Mr. and Mrs. John Kaylor, tie wera.
| Henry Ginder, Mr. and Mrs. R |
George Rhoads and grand- | Ginder, Mr. Noah Ginder, Mr. : ‘|
iter Helen spent the day in Lan- | Mrs. Irvin Wenger and Miss Orlean N 7] has our |
| Greiner. deepest symps: th his |
Sheter and nephew of | Rev. and Mrs. John Snavely and infant son that § from time into |
. and Mrs. J. Frank | son John and and Mrs. Samuel | eternity on Saturday. :
King, of Naumanstown, guested in oover, our rural route mail |
Risser and Lieut. | the home of Leander Gantz on Satur- | del
day evening.
ped to State Col- |
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gantz and son
= 4
errett of Ship- | John and Mrs. Isaac Hoffman autoed
Miss Elizabeth to Eliz htos hear Tillman
Erb’s farewe conducted
John R. Roath the Menn
Hays spent Mr. iv Leander Gantz enter-
.. | tained Mr. and Mrs. David Wicken- | ducted over the remai
d and chil- | heiser and daughter Erma and Misses | comrade Rhoades at
tendered his


» D

address in

ns of. the late
Newtown on
to 20c.
contract at the above prices, or more,
by December 10th to 15th, during
that week, call at my office, 749
Woolworth Building, Lancaster, Pa.
ols : aug. 22-tf.
{Landisville which will not be finished | —
7 — | |

P. E. GETZ, Mount Joy

The Neideigh sisters, Barbara and
Annie, accompanied by their brother
William were annexed to the Perry
Co. Club that partook of a sumptu-
ous dinner at our respective place
of abode on Sunday.
Chicques Park was in all its glory
on Saturday night. The display of
electric lights shown out in all her i
splendor through the green foliage,
and within dancing and music pre- 1
dominated to its fullest extent. {
On Saturday a touring car of TT
large dimensions and bearing four ES
distinguished gentlemen, hailing from
Blaine, Penna. and consisting of
Alton D. Neideigh, Alton Shumaker, |
Murray Snyder and Frank Neideigh
came to the home of BE. R.{
Neideigh to pay their respects to
grandmother Neideigh and view the
romantic scenery that
amply supplied with.
——— Geese

tobaccos — Blended
this nook is|
Additional |
No. 66—Lot 45x213 ft. on Poplar
street, Mount Joy.
This lot will be sold very reason- |
able for a quick sale.
No. 67—A T-acre truck farm in
East Donegal, 2 miles from Mt. Joy,
for only $2,500.
No. 68—The fine frame residence |
of Albert Strickler, on West Donegal
St., Mt. Joy. Price is right.

7 Tobacco Crop
Wrappers, per pound, 25 to 30c
Sized Fillers, per pound, 10 to 15¢
Scrap or Trash, per lb., 6 to 10c
Hail or Frost Damage, through, 15
As a tobacco grower, if you do not

“Satisfy?’’ Yes!
Yet, they’re Mild!
Sure as you're a foot high.
: Sounds strange, because you
never before smoked a mild
cigarette that did that.
- DA Y Yes, Chesterfields “reach
home,” they let you know you
Su % are smoking —they “Satisfy”!
CURSION | Still, theyre Mild! :
Atlantic City
Cape May, Wildwood
Ocean City, Sea Isle City, and
Other Rois hy
$4.30 “ep
From Mount Joy
25 cents additional to Atlanti
City /via Delaware Ra

A new blend of pure, natu-
ral Imported and Domestic
tobaccos—that’s the answer.
And the blend can’t be copied.
‘Make Chesterfields your
next buy.
ols gad e Myers Isbacco Cs,

They Saf I~
and Jo Bey

Wrapped in glassine pape
—keeps them fresh,
20 for10¢
Hilf! o

Bridge Route.

Only all-rail line to Atlantic City DONEGAL SPRINGS
Miss Helen Groff is spending « few
days with Miss Della ed ow
Mrs. Frank Groff and children of
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. John
Wm. Hassinger and family and
and family.
The social held here
evening proved a success.
ceeds will be

visited Mr. Esther Summy, Ruth, Naomi and | Sathrday.
Fennsylvania R. R.
J Leo L. Hassinger, wife and daughter
spent Sunday with Mr. Ira Garber
I' Elizabethtown, spent Saturday and clock for the school.
| The pro-
used to purch
