Suits For Only a Short Time Yet Perhaps it will only dawn on the average man NEXT season what an opportunity it was in the month of Au- gust, 1917, to have been able to get a regular $12 Suit of Clothes for $10—or a $15, $18 or $20 Suit for $12. You possibly don’t appreciate the fact as yet that Clothing is going to advance by leaps and bounds in the past three months—moreso thanin the next twelve years. BUT YOU WILL NEXT Season if you then go to buy Clothing. As each pattern narrows down to only one or two sizes we have been adding them to these reduced price Hundred Suits lots—so that we still have well over a marked down in price as above stated. IT’S ENTIRELY UP TO YOU. Groff & Wolf Co. ‘ 26-30 North Queen Lancaster’s Fastest Growing Store “Hieeting & Ventilating System Test/ed and proven the only satisfactory operating construc- Ben pf this kind yet produced. Absolute assurance of a cool sellaxr—perfect circulation of warm air in every room. Pipeless Furnace Why the Peninsular is Best Operates According to the Laws of Nature by drawing cold afr into the furnace independent of the warm air outlet. This feature allows a constant flow of cold air to enter the base of the furnace, thereby acting as a cooling agent on the heated parts similar to a water jacket on an engine. Other makes try to force the cold air into an outside casing that is separated from the warm air by only a thin wall. Your common sense tells you this kind of construction will burn out the furnace in a very short time because the cold air, before it reaches the base, will become very hot. Cold Air Drawn From Two Parts of the house independently of the warm air outlet not only allows every room to get its full quota of warm air, but gives perfect circulation throughout the se. This exclusive Peninsular feature keeps every room evenly heated, including the most remote corners. No Pipes are used to conduct heat throughout the house and to the upper rooms, making installation easy—no walls to tear up. « | i ANN This is the last thing in warm air heating. There is no more need for you to wait longer to enjoy furnace comforts. The price is within reach of everybody. Let us estimate for you. H. S. Newcomer MOUNT JOY, PENNA. ~~ Reduction Sale on all Shoes and Oxfords Prices Will Astonish You Come Early before your sizes are all gone Open Evenings H. LASKEWITZ East Main St, MOUNT JOY, PA. Vd bl bd dd Ee — AMIR IRI AIMEE re SO OOOO 00D0DOOL0O0LLOODOODOOCOOS JUST RECEIVED MY Premiun Catalogues AND THEY ARE GREAT STOP. AND GET ONE. THEY ARE WORTH MONEY TO YOU The Rexall Store _ == EW. GARBER, Mount Joy, Penna. [a large lot of \ cows, | etc. and a few shoats by C. S. Frank PENINSULAR TRPLE-REGISTER THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA SALE REGISTER A FREE notice of sale is in- serted here for any length of time, povided we print your sale bills. a is e3celient advertising een wie y s0 many people an will surely bring the yr ! Friday, Aug. the stock | yards at Hotel McGinnis, Mount Joy, | bulls, heifers, | & Bro. Minnich, auct. | Friday, August 10—At the stock yards at Hotel McGinnis, Mount Joy, a large lot of cows, bulls, heifer, | ete. and a lot of shoats and a lot of | stock bulls by C. S. Frank & Bro. | Minnich, auct. | Saturday, Aug. 11—At his sale | and exchange stables, Mount Joy, an express load of Ohio horses and | colts by Mr. Ed. Ream. Frank, auct. | Saturday, Aug. 11—On the prem- | ises in Mount Joy, Central House in | Mount Joy, brewery, ice plant, | horse, wagons, auto truck, household | goods, ete., by H. C. Schock, trustee | in bankruptcy of John Hallgren, | Frank, auct. Friday, Aug. 17—At their stock | yards in Mount Joy, 103 head of | cows, heifers, bulls and beeves by J. B. Keller & Bro. dinger, auct. See advertisement. Saturday, Sept. 1—On the prem- ises in Rapho township, a farm of 75 acres with improvements by | Morris H. Stoner. Waser, auct. See | advertisement. | Thursday, Sept. 13—On the prem- | ises % mile west of Mt. Joy, a tract | of 6 acres with house, barn, out-| buildings, ete. by Mr. Michael Hoss- | ler. Aldinger, auct. { Saturday, Sept. 15, 1917—On the premises of J. W. Hertzog on South | Market street public sale of valuable | real estate, consisting of a tract of cattle for | Al- land and improvements thereon erected by J. W. Hertzog. Frank, auct. oie H. E. Hauer Pays: | rd, perlb .......00 22 & 22%; raper lb, ich haa 3, per QOZn ss aiaisinisiosieinns 3 an Pay: SN Brandt & Stehm ..$2.10 to $2.20 at, per bu..... n, per bt... pet BU... ov. vines Brandt & Stehman Sell: Bran, per. 100. 1bs.,...... +... $2.15 Shipstuff, per 100 Ibs,,....... 2.60 Mixed Feed, per 100 lbs.,..... 2.50 | Middlings, per 100 lbs.,....... 3.00 Glutten, per 100 1bs.,......... 2.60 Cotton Seed Menl. ........:.. 2.75 Linseed Meal, per 100 lbs.,.... 2.75 Beef scrap & fish scrap....... 4.00 | Corn Distillers Grain........ [ Calf Meal, per 100 1bs.,....... 4.50 | Timothy Hay, per 100 lbs..... 1.00] Straw, per 100 lbs, ......... 70] mre A Qn | Wanted | Due to the great increase in the. Singer Sewing Machine Company’s | business, permanent positions with | good compensation are offered to | practical men. Address, with refer- | ence, the Company’s Supervisor, E. F. Grove, Room 1403, Penna. Bldg., 15th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, a. | | nettles. The people’s paper—The Bulletin. The people’s paper—The Bulletin. It don't keep away the Hail~It keeps away the loss ! Hail is an uncertainty, but if it comes there is no uncertainty about its power of destruction. Protect your tobacco crop with a Hartford Hail Policy Insurance Company, which has promptly paid every just claim for over a century. Let us tell you what a policy costs and : what it covers. Widmyer-Prangley Co., ls. 48 N. QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. Both Phones. FUMIGATE YOUR WHEAT FARMERS: Building Lot No. 66—Lot 456x213 ft. on Poplar street, Mount Joy. This lot will be sold very reason- able for a quick sale. The people’s paper—The Bulletin. Wanted, Sale, Rent, &c. FOR SALE. Second-hand 4-horse power New Holland Gasoline Engine. E. W. Garber, Mt. Joy. aug. 8-1t ~ LOST—Black and White Beagle Dog. Return to Harry Williams jr., Mt. Joy and get reward. aug.8-1t LOST—A gold watch on the Main Street in Florin. Finder return to this office. "FOR RENT—A farm of nearly 100 acres in East Donegal township. Apply at this office. M. B. aug.1 tf. CLERK WANTED—Clothing clerk" experienced wanted. Good pay. State age, etc. Box 713, Columbia, Pa. aug. 1-2t. FOR SALE—A hard wood bed room suite, and Neuwonder Piano. Both good as new. Call on Christian Garber, New Haven St., Mt. Joy, Pa. aug. 8, tf. COLLECTORS WANTED—Mid- dle-aged woman or young girl to do collecting in town. The work can be done during your spare time. Liberal pay. Write Woman's World Maga- zine Company, Inec., 107 So. Clinton Street, Chicago, Illinois. aug. 1-2t On Saturday, September 15th, 1917 The undersigned will sell at public sale on the premises along the Mount Joy and Marietta turnpike, 1-2 mile South of the borough of Mount Joy, a farm containing 49 acres more or less adjoining lands of Abram Hos- tetter, Ezra Engle which are erected a 2 story frame dwelling house, large bank barn with attachments and other necessary outbuildings. Sale to commence at 2 o’clock p. m., on said day. Mrs. S. L. july 25-8t EXECUTORS’ NOTICE Estate of Henry B. Martin, ate of Mount Joy Borough, deceased. Letters testamentary on said es- tate having been grated to the undersigned, all pepfons indebted thereto are requestéd to make im- mediate payment,#and those having claims or demands against the same will present thém without delay for settlement to/the undersigned. ANDREW H. MARTIN, R. D. Millersville, Pa. /LOUISA KREADY, Hershey, Pa. MARTHA M. HOFFER, Elizabethtown, Pa. W< M. Hollowbush, Attorney. aug. 8-6t. ADMINISTATOR’S NOTICE Estate of Margaret Innersy late of Mount Joy township, . Lancaster County, Pa., deceased. Letters of administpation on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- | mediate payment, and thcse having | claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned. JOHN INNERS, R. D. Elizabethtown, Pa. Administrator. W. M. Hollowbush, Atty. July 3-6t. . DESIRABLE FARM At Public Sale ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1917, the undersigned will sell at public sale on the premises in Rapho township, Lancaster county, the fol- lowing described Real Estate, to wit: A TRACT OF FARM LAND Containing 75 Acres and 7 Perches more or less, situate along the Man- heim and Mount Joy road, about midway between the two places and near Hossler’ Church, adjoining lands of Ellis H. Heisey, Amos Wer- ner, J. N. Breneman, Aaron H. Heisey and Rev. John B. Brubaker. The improvements thereon ; consist of a 2% STORY FRAME DWELLING bo HOUSE with Summer 4 Kitchen attached; one story — % Weather-Boarded Log Shop with Wood Shed attached; LARGE | FRAME BANK BARN with tobacco Shed with cellar attached; and other necessary outbuildings. A well of excellent water with pump therein at the house, pump in hog stable with strong spring ad- jacent; and there is running water supplied by a ram in a large cement trough in front of the barn. One acre orchard’ of choice apple, pear and peach trees that are in prime bearing. About 7 acres of the tract is good meadow land, the residue is excellent gravel farming land in a high state of cultivation. The farm is located in a good neighborhood and the buildings and fences are in an excellent state of re- pair. Persons wishing to view the property before the sale will be shown same by calling on Francis Weidman, residing thereon or on the subscriber. : Sale to commence at 2 o’clock p. m., when the conditions will be made known by A. K. Waser, auct. Wien A. Ensminger, clerk. MORRIS H. STONER aug. 8 tf. TOBACCO GROWERS Cigar leaf market conditions justi- A Proposed Ordinance {LAYING OUT AND OPENING SOUTH MARKET STREET, IN THE BOROUGH OF MOUNT JOY OF A WIDTH OF FIFTY FEET FROM WEST DONEGAL STREET TO MARIETTA STREET I———— | Be it enacted by the Council of the Borough of Mount Joy, and it is | hereby enacted by virtue of the same | that a public street be laid out and { opened in the Borough, to be known as South Market street, extending from West Donegal street to Maridtta street, through the properties: of the Borough Improvement Asséciation and A. S. Flowers, beginnigg at a point on West Donegal street] ninety- five (95) feet Northwestward from the junction of West Donegal street and Marietta street, thepek Sxiends ing South twenty degrees West six- ty-eight feet to Marietta street, thence extending along shid street South seventy-six degrees West sixty- one feet to a point, thence extending North twenty degrees East one hund- red and three feet to West Donegal street, thence extending along said street South sixty-seven degrees East fifty feet to the place of beginning. A Proposed Ordinance hn An ordinance signifying the desire of the Council of the Borough of Mount Joy, in the County of Lancags- aug.8-3t| 7:30 RELIGIOUS NEWS IN OUR CHURCHES Church of God Rev. I. A. MacDannald Sabbath School and Endeavor at | the usual hours. Church services at the usual hours | Camp-meeting will be held at| Central Manor on Aug. 18th. There | will be no services Aug. 19th and | 26th. | | St. Luke's Episcopal Church ! Rev. H. D. Speakman, Rector | The services next Sunday the] Tenth after Trinity, will be celebra- | tion of the Holy Communion at 7:30 | and Morning Prayer and Sermon at | 10:30. | Sunday school at 9:15. No night service. Presbyterian Church Rev. F. G. Bossert, Pastor Sabbath School 9:15 A. M. Divine Worship and Sermon 10:30 | A.M. Subject—The Transfiguration. | During the month of August, the | evening service will be omitted. Prayer Meeting this evening at| } | Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Thomas Roberts, Pastor Sunday School at 9:15 A. M. Preaching Service at 10:30 A. M. Epworth League at 6:30 P. M. | Mid-week Prayer Service on Wed- | nesday evening, followed by teacher’s | | | | MORE SATISFACTION. NO STOCK CAN THRIVE IF PESTERED WITH LICE, TICKS, MITES, FLEAS, SCAB,MANGE, AND OTHER SKIN) > DISEASES. _ 770 CLEAN OUT THESE | PARASITES, GUARD AGAINST CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, CLEANSE, PURIFY, AND ~ DEODORIZE.USE PP’ BETTER THAN OTHERS, BECAUSE, IT IS STANDARDIZED, UNIFORM, DEPENDABLE, EFFICIENT. ONE GALLON OF KRESO DIP NO.I MAKES 60 T0 100 GALLONS QF SOLUTION(DEPENDING UPON WHAT USE 1S TO BE MADE OF IT) A REAL NECESSITY ABOUT HORSES. CATTLE, SHEEP, SWINE, DOGS, GOATS AND POULTRY. W. D. CHANDLER Mount Joy, Pa. and others on | Hoffman | hog | stable with poultry house attached | {Do you realize that the loss sustained | in this and adjoining counties by the | Angumois Grais Moth Weevils, Etc. attacking stored grains is estimated at 1 to 2% of their total value and | this means thousands of dollars an- nual loss to the farmer. | Treating your wheat will positively keep it in good shape. I have treated | as much as 500 bushels in one bin which had become real warm by the moth working in it and in a week's time it had cooled off. You don’t have to rush your wheat to the market for fear of it being | destroyed and you will save in having | less screenings, more than double the | cost of the treating. | You can figure on from one-fourth | to one-half cent per bushel as the | cost of treating. It is easily and safe- ly handled by following our direc- tions. Do not delay. Call at CHANDLER'S | | | DRUG STORE | { West Main St. MT. JOY, PA. AH er - i rr [fy all tobacco growers adopting the [policy of not contracting the 1917 crop till ready to begin stripping. If you are not then offered 25c to 30c for wrappers, 10c to 15c¢ for sized fillers, 8¢ to 10c for scrap, and 15¢ to 20c¢ through for hail cut or frost damaged tobacco, then call | at my office, 749 Woodworth Build- | week of December | ing during the 10th to 15th, with a fair sample of your crop showing the quality and condition you will guarantee to de- liver. | I shall be prepared to send my in- | spectors to vertify the samples, | make you an individual contract at | the best prices your crop will justify, | pay you cash on delivery in full, pack your crop, and when the cased | goods are sold send you a check for one-half of the packing profits, which might be from 2c to 5c per pound additional income. | Do not repeat your 1916 mistake of selling too early at too low prices. Be on your guard and keep well posted as to market conditions and prices. Pass this announcement on to your neighbors. For all market conditions and price changes, call in person at my office, or call me on the Bell Phone No. 2506] Lancaster. ter, Pennsylvania, to ificrease the inm- debtedness of the Borough of Mi. Joy, Lancaster County, Pennsy: vania, in the sum of twenty thousand dollars ( $20,000.00)# for improving | the Water Supply off Said Boroug! and building a Filtrafion Plant; sub mitting the question Hf said increases | of indebtedness to fhe electors of. the Borough of Mount Joy aforesaids and fixing the time for election andy { directing how notige of such elee- training class. United Brethren Church Rev. D. E. Long, Pastor 9:00 A. M. Sunday School. No Preaching services. Mt. Gretna Camp Sunday. Sunday Two weeks, Aug. 19th.— 9:00 A. M. Sunday School. 10:15 A. M. Preaching. Prayer meeting every Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Preaching. ee tion shall be given. evening at 7:30. Section 1. Be it ordained by thes 1 T (4 ) TN Council of the B@rough of Mount, it : | § { Joy, in the County of Lancaster, ont od Reangelical Chursh WN | i l 1 Pennsylvania and (it is hereby or- Sunday School at 9:30 A M LU L4Lx L dained by authority of the same} Preaching at 10:30 A. MN that the Council of the said Borough, Preaching at 7:30 P. M of Mount Joy hereby signifies a de- Wednesday evening at "7:30 P.M sire to increase fhe indebtedness ofi| prayer Meeting 5 3 pit the Borough of Mount Joy, Pennsyl-, Weacher Training Clags vania, in the sum of twenty thousand, Monday at 8:00 P.M oe | dollars ($20,000,00) said sum to be," Choias abcd EET SrASer | used for improving the Water Sup-|eetine on Wednesday cocnink 2 | ply of said Borough and building a, 2 is Veninges oo Filtration Plant. ’ Section 2. That for the purpose, ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1917 of obtaining the assent of they At 1:25 P. M. Sharp electors of sail Borough to such in-4103 HEAD OF COWS, HEIFERS, rease of indebtedness an electiony BULLS AND CATTLE FOR Shall be held at the respective placesy BEEVES bought direct from the { of holding municipal elections in farmers by the undersigned. said Borough of Mount Joy between On Friday, August 17th, 1917 | the hours of seven o'clock in thes The undersigned will sell at public | forenoon and seven o'clock in the af-|ga1e at their stock yards opposite the ternoon at the time Of baldiap thedParmers’ Inn, A. H. Stumpf, Prop., #2" Tickets good going on regu- | next regular municipal elections Mount Joy, Pa., the following live | lar trains from Mount Joy, | namely, the Tuesday following thes stock: August 23 And returning on all | / | [ Comp Metin Sixteen--Day Vacation Asbury Park Ocean Grove Thursday, August 23rd every | first Monday of November in thed;03 Head of NEW YORK STATE | regular trhins, except limited | yeor Nineteen Hundred and Seven AND “ERIE COUNTY trains, ugtil September 7, in- teen (1917) to wit, November 6,4 COWS, HEIFERS AND a Dn Thon allowed at 1917. §, Burgess of | BULLS. About 65 cows and 'l' Philadelphia. Section 3. That the burgess 0l4phalance good New York State Hol- | the Borough of Mount Joy shall gives stein heifers. Also cattle for beeves. | | at least thirty days notice by week+| qa le will positively start at 1:25 See Flyers Consult Agents { ly advertisements in the Mount Joys sharp. Fresh cows always sold first. f ; | Bulletin and Mount Joy Star & News CONDITIONS :—Note at 60 days | Penns luni 30 | of the time and place of holdingd with approved security and bank dis- | | ° | such election, and such notice shally. unt added. | | also contain a statement of thed J. B. KELLER & BRO 3 rs | amount of the last assessed valua-{p B, Aldinger, Auct. | ; (I (0 ROUND | tion, of the amount of the existingygoble & Kreider, Clks. | debt, of the amount and percentaged We are always ih the market fori. 5.3t of the proposed increase, and thedpat Bologna and Fresh We. |aug. 8-ot. purposes for which the indebtedness Springers hoats and Fat Hogs "| is to be increased, and such other] : Private Sale 3 { matters as are required by the Act 3 of Assembly of the Commonwealthy On and after Monday, Aug. 13th, we will sell a carload of very good | of Pennsylvania in such cases made] pn County cows at private sale and provided. §@® X. aug. 8-3t. } ’ The people’s paper—The, | | | | For every battery service undet the sun Columbias are chosen by the battery-wise. Columbias are packed with vigor to the binding posts. They make things go/ They're steady. They're uniform. ‘They're faithful. What rings your dodr-bell? Co- fumbias. What makes your tele phone talk —your ‘buzzer buzz — your lantern light# Columbias. What turns jhe toys? What detonates the dynamite? What rings the gosg that warns you at the railroadicrossing? Columbias, What sins the gas engine, the auto, thé truck, the tractor, the motor boat? Columbias. And, though they cost no more, they last longer. To be sure of getting all that a batterycangive,choose“Columbia.” | onvenient Fahnestock Spring Clip asteners in place of binding posta if preferred, at no extra charge. Batteries Are Sold Wholesale and Retail Write Me About It. EF. B. GROFF Spzcial Proposition to Dealers. R. L. KIMBROUGH. aug. 8-if —- - ’ Harness &jiHorse Clothing North Market Street PY The people’s paper—The Bulletin. The people’s paper—The Bulletin. lletin. MOUNT JOY rn id HOMO AY Hrd PY 00 bd OF bred bad 03 ob COI vt ad ch bw dab hh ra aa aL uml hg oN O tp oe © oS