EC- the ded, into ing nity ME past ESS the ING the om- | be col- sted and was ere= | be eat- sate . LAR" IT PRESERVES RUBBER, Tiretile Mfg. Co. received Tiretite. advertisers. It's no substitute for autoists have been looking for. get from 1-3 to double Outfit, BOTH PHONES Tiretite needs ne billboard stuff, users Just installed’ a modern Carbon Burning and Oxy "AUTOISTS Investigate Tiretite IT SEALS PUNCTURES. Get away from those contemptible, nasty punctures, slow leaks, ste. Insure your tires with Tiretite, enjoy the e; Barr’s Garage & Repair Shop H. A. BARR, Mount Joy, Penna. AUTO HIRING It helps to prevent blow-outs by keeping tires inflated to proper amount. Sixty to eighty per cent. of tire trouble f£omes from under inflation. $30,000.00 for the sale right of marketing are most permanent and best alr or cheap, sticky, pasty stuff, but what port the only and right way, the mileage aut of your tires. -Acetylene Welding TOWNSHIPS GET STATE ROAD FUND The Highway Department Will Soon Certify to Auditor Gen- eral Bonus Amounts Due WILL’ TOTAL $1,8:3,470.49 Rural Districts Must Expend Equal Sum on Roads as is Given by State —Amounts Apportioned to the Counties. —Harrishurg. The State Highway Department will soon begin arrangements to certify to the Auditor General the amounts of | the township bonus which are due to the various townships of the State for the years 1910 and 1912. The total amount appropriated by the last Legis- lautre for this purpose was $1,873,470,- 40, and it is to be expended during the next two years for the deficiencies due the townships for the years 1910, 1911 and 1912, The disbursements which are to be made at once amount to $929,335.20. Of this sum $727,375.34 is for the year LV GOOD FURNITURE Is the only kind I sell— Furniture that is F urpiture Rockers, Mirrors, Hall Racks, Picture Frames, Ladies’ Desks, Extension and Other Tables, Kitchen Cabinets. Ia Fact Anything in the Furniture Line. Undertaking and Embalming y 1 M7. 30Y 1912.» This leaves $944,135.20 of the total} appropriation, which will be paid to the townships during the year 1918, and represents the exact amount dues the townships for the year 1911. chips which have not filed annual re- = PENNSYLVANIA © BRIEFS [Hn nn nnn Chester county peaches are ripening, and the crop promises to be a | one in most sections. | Buckingham farmers concluded at | their meeting that #* still paid to keep | stock on the farm, for the manure. Miss Agnes Crane, a young Main Line domestic, is in jail at Norristown, | charged with the death of her infant child, which was born at the Hallahan home, in Ardmore, about a month ago. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Com- | pany in its endeavor to solve the short- age of labor prchlem, which is handi- capping service, added two female gate tenders at Delano. Both are single. Irene Counihan, aged 11 years, daughter of Superintendent Frank G. Counihan, of the Gallatin mine of the Pittsburg Coal Company, and hea cousin, Delorus McMullen, 15 of Mey- ersdale, were drowned while bathing in the Mcnongahela River at Gallatin. Petition for a perpetual injunction to restrain the building of a bridge across the Susquehanna between Wat- sontown and White Deer by North- umberland and Union counties was filed in Union county, a few minutes before a meeting cf the contractors was to be held. One bid was offered by a Scranton firm, asking $631,081 for 16 spans of reinforced concrete, or twice the amount of the estimates, Never in the history of the mining industry in Westmoreland county has | fuch prosperity been enjoyed by the men who bring the dusky diamonds PRT mn fine THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. PUTS DRY BILL IP T0 STATES Senate Passes the Prohibition Amendment By 65 to 20 SIX' YEARS TO TAKE ACTION The Measure Goes Through Apparent- ly In Order That Senators Might Rid Themselves Of Political Question, Washington—A resolution for sub- mission to the states of a prohibition amendment to the Federal Constitu- tlon was adopted by the Senate. The vote was 65 to 20, eight more than the necessary two-thirds. As adopted the resolution contains a provision that the states must be asked to ratify the amendment within six years. The House still must act on the resolution. Senators voting for the resolution were: Democrats — Ashurst, Bankhead, Beckham, Chamberlain, Fletcher, Gore, Hollis, Jones, of New Mexico; Kendrick, King, Kirby, McKellar, Mar- tin, Myers, Newlands, Overman, Owen, Pittman, Ransdell, Robinson, Sauls- | bury, Shaffroth, Sheppard, Shields, Simmons, Smith of Arizona, Smith of Georgia, Smith of South Carolina, Stone, Swanson, Thompson, Trammel, . a 5 c from the earth. ports with the Bureau of Highways of the State Hig partment. These filed annually on or befo but a number Township way De- | should be January 1, have not, 170 war gardens in moreiand county, by inspected them Nearly 1500 Inooe € y reports Baggaley, of townch No payments will be made to town- | | | | | | | who is in need. According S. Z to ¥ Deficiency appropriation. THE savings : of to-day ! providethe | luxuries of tomorrow. ~Begin 1 saving S.&H. Stamps now. LUMBER & COAL Both Phones MOUNT JOY, Sole Agent for Congo Roofing. Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Laths, etc. Roofing, Slate and Sheet Iron. | Estimates quickly and | kinds of Concreting work. PENNA. | No 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand. Doors, Agent for Lehigh Portland Cement, cheerfully made on Building Material and al | Clinion | ig : pecial Attention Given to iD. H. ENGLE, Korie oii osk aed od esikosi * ok ATES Remodling Antique Furniture WEST MAIN ST., Furniture —— | I will continue "the furniture busi. ¥. ness on the“Second floor of the Eagle Building, with a complete and up-to- date line of all kinds of furniture. "Prices are very reasonable. When } : need of furniture call and see me. Repairing and Painting a Speclalty. Kee SR Right Styles Always ~ WINGERT & HASS HAT STORE STRAW HATS AND JCHN A. HASS FANAMAS At Greatly Reduced Prices 44 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. , PROPRIETOR I i | hkl PRINTIN Exceptional Facilities Enable Us to Guar- aniee Our Work is HL eat f The kind ycu ought to have and when to have it, that is when you really need it. We have contracted the habit dvertisers will find this || paper an excellent medium in which to display their bargains and make theirwantsknown | 0 is the place to hav your printing done, no raatter what kind it may be. CrawWiord 16,124.08 | Physicians at Carlisle have ad-| Cumberland’ .............. 18,288.72 | vanced prices 25 per cent. Dauphine... ...... 0.0.0 10,597.90 | _ Altoona Lodge of Elks has given 5 i $1700 7 a ity f Daltware: .. ii 1,718 | $170( toward the fraternity fund of ER .............f%.0.... 7,389.43(51.000,000 for hospitals. Be tii iii ican 21,628.02 A tiny good luck horseshoe made : nT oy Charles suc artins Fayette vo 10,467.74 | O° C harles Gorsuc h, of Martinsburg, | Forest... oy 5,146.30 | Blair county, is carried by General | Inari tc be e =am rq | Pershing. elranklint LL nL al 18,567.59 | a 3 : | Fulton 3667.04 | Within the past eight days 77 i oft ver aaa 3, . : . ian y : ae Jo 557.04 | vouns gen 2 Reading enlisted in | er 2 ttscsrverns ng | Yarious branches of the army. | Buntingdon ............:. 12.4047) =F BIS : ! | : SDT as Only 12 years old, Weston S. Ely | indiana .................. 23,797.46 | _ ., 3 ; : ; 0 | Jefferson © 12.865.30 will be enrolled in the Reading Boys | : SOI viii an 2,865.30 | 1. t : | ¥ $ ng 20 | High School in September | i Faas RY Satire rvs vase, os Maurice E. Crosby, of Battery a. | ACKEWSIING , 0. sil ,149.7! ted " : 2A { Y ( a A ot 170 oe Phoenixville, swam four miles from | Sinan PIE In Sr tae oT | Back Rock locks to Oak locks in three AWrence D4 1 - i | a NCE trararoas ae nny ees | hours and 45 minutes. SODANON . oss seis caresses 2132.6 Y anv. | : | Lo Ia : 1 a - to Company E. Fourth Regiment, Har- ) MBN .....iiieiiinaean, eo oo | Tisburg, has four pairs of brothers in | Lagemne :..,...... .n.., 14,173.13 | its ranks: Captain Lewis A. and 17,511.47 | Lieutenant Ivan Loy, Private John | 8,668.07 | ang Samuel Bolton, Irwin and Ray- | | D 9,610. mond Dissinger and John and William | 1 6,480.21 | Long. | Mowrae 00 11,897.87 | The State Police Department will Ar 2 07a of | . A MOMIOMErY .....ii..00.. 16,370.85 | enlist 25 men out of 40 applicants | IONP So 5,051.85 | for the "Wyoming troops. HE riers soins 3,640.70 | Jolted from 3 wagon when the eriand oJ, nui, 12,64: horses bolted because of the noise | TRAY dR I 7,698.03 | made by the “cut out” of a passing Pie daa 6,778.31 | automobile, Mrs. Wil S. Penny- {Potter cove. iil ia 12,881.00 | packer, of Parkersford, aged 60, suf- ESelmyllkil oa 13,484.15 | fered a broken neck and skull and Spyder! . ... iii 6,633.75 | died almost instantly, Her enfeebled Somerset -........ loci, 26,130.85 | husband was driving the team Su HE, re iran 8,662.96 Bryn Mawr Community Centre has | Susquehanna set up a loom in the Center House, Prog to teach the young folks of the neigh- Thi { borhood the fine art of weaving RATHION woe vinns sinnleoss ns sie nienie % | VERango: su. sviiveiieis sai sn things. Cn ae ; Warre Between the hours of 7 in the morn- ITEM ... oo rneninss cuniivs | | ‘he total disbursements to be made Pri + Yhe total disbursements to be mad the money was loaned to a friend, but | thee | in each county are as follows: is no receipt to he found and | $13,378.79 is using the advertisement as a { y 11,355.78 | Diogenes’ lantern. | ag HLA RN SR 15,849.42 | It cost the taxpayers of Chester | Beaver ... unty more than $1300 for the main- | Betizord tenance at the House of Refuge, at Berlis oi... ice viiconsinnvsvns, 41 Glen Mills, for the past three months. PID i Harv 1g in the Lehigh Valley is | | Bradford | four weeks later this year than in | Bucks | previcus years because of the cold fBwerer 0 12,092.57 | spring. Catrina oon 9,048.00 | Two boys, riding on the same bi- | J Cameran.. 0 oa 2,237.16 | cycle, were killed when they were | | Carbon Sivieleinininia ls ats tala Talie ial sie 4,730.01 | struck by a heavy automobile truck Centre sein tients vininie ss hie inieteniy 5 .31 | of the Lackawanna Railroad at Secran- | Chester | ton. The boys, William Polichak, 12 | vears old, and Joseph Brozachak, 14 | vears old, were almost instantly killed. The driver of the truck was held in | $2000 bail. Clarion Clearfield Columbia the miners ing and 5 in the afternoon, of No. 14 colliery of 20,818.67 , 18.692 28 the Pennsylvania Westmoreland ,....0...... 18,047.48 | Coal Company, at Port Blanchard, Wyoming 9.112.292 | produced and prepared for market a ] Ze sierra 9,112.22 ge : f : York 36.170 total of 8,000 tons of No such oe record has ever befor equaled TOE suns tedereiivssnt $929,335.20 | I the anthracite region. A band of automobile {up Joseph Nein, Leesport, in blacksmith shop and robbed him of $9. gypsies Adulteration at Minimum. Violations of the State's laws regu- | There are n inown heirs the lating ice cream and soft drinks have There are no known heirs to the } 2aling 1 id : i $3600 found on the body of Isaac been fewer this year than in the last if wh 2 : F 2 Susskind, a peddler, in a barn near | State Dairy and Food division of the ITLL TT er 7=HIS OFFICE |" two years, according to officials of the Zionsville. dec mings, By >e¢ of President Judge Cum- filed in the Northumberland Department of Agriculture, who have been going over reports. The ice | Trdets . Se ; Z $ County Traction Company at Sunbury, 1s contain what the State laws | “°! aL) I n ompany at } ur) itv has members} vd ¥iciy 1 ard to butter fats, ex- | C!t¥ Bas a membership of 32 and 15 of 1 §£ is ordered scld, unless a mo and as for the drinks, the reports show itements on the labels being as the act instances a 10 aay t Com; close to lhe to be m Two sis o Alexander A valuation of $7900 was placed on | West- | good judges who | as wet, filed their reports for the year persons attended the | 191%. | funeral of Ruth Breham, the Plainfield Phe total appropriations made under £irl drowned while canoeing on the | the operations of the various town. Conodoguinet Creek. ship honus laws have been as follows: A new $150,000 addition to Carlisle's | wer 150.000 Churches will be erected by Grace | | ae 500.000 United Brethren congregation. roger 295,000 Declaring that E! Moore, a for- | oir Le 500,000 A mer resident of Milton, loaned $800 fioars 690,000 | Lo a friend before he died on Novem- bvopg 250.000 | ber 22, S. Z. Moore, of Lancaster, | 19ggE ol oe ie 1,000,000 | 2dvertised for the friend to turn up | aglge ni 1,500,000 | nd turn the money over to the widow, | Moore's statement it is known that | | the | tion of intox | portation [ Vardaman, Walsh, Williams and Wol- | cott. Total, 36. Republicans — Borah, Brady, Colt, Cummins, Curtis, Fernald, Freling- | huysen, Gronna, Hale, Harding, John- | son of California, Jones of Washing- | ton, Kellogg, Kenyon, Knox, La Fol- lette, McCumber, McNary, | New, Norris, Page, Poindexter, Sher- man, Smith of Michigan, Smoot, Ster- ling, Sutherland and Watson, Total, 29 | Senators opposing the resolution | were: | Democrats — Broussard, Culberson, Gerry, Hardwick, Hitchcock, Hustin, James, Lewis, Phelan, Pomerene, Reed and Underwood. Total, 12. tepublicans — Brandegee, France, Lodge, Penrose, Wadsworth, | Warren and Weeks. Total, 8. Senator Smith, of Maryland, was not present, being indisposed. First To Pass Either House. The proposed constitutional amend- | ment is the first initiated by Congress | since that providing for popular elec- | tion of United States Senators, ap- | proved in 1911. It is the first time | that either branch of Congress has ap- constitutional amendment for prohibition. A few years ago a similar resolution in the Hot received a ma- jority but failed of the required two- thirds. | Prohibition leaders of the House | now claim enough votes to insure sub- proved a | mission of an amendment to the | | states. When the resolution ean be considered insthe House is uncertain, but its friends will seek early discus- sion. The Senate’s action came after three days’ debate. All efforts to amend the resolution failed except for addition of Senator Harding's amendment fixing the six years’ time limit within which three-fourths of the states must ratify the amendment to make it effective. This was approved by 56 to 23. What Resolution Provides. As adopted, the resolution, which was submitted by Senator Sheppard Nelson, | | Calder, | Miss Ruth Financial of the Year ending July 1st, 1917 Tables ..... 0 eceess 18.00 Flay Nady School,” Chureh e220 RECEIPTS urniture Co., desks... o Balance Jost Audit. ceed $d 972.75 | Roberts & Meck. ........ 99.80 ppropriation in- cluding Minimum Sal- $ 447.68 BY cerecrrirrnnenes 3 1,635.17 : BOOKS : State Appropriation for American Book Co.......$ 157.88 High School..........$ 800.00 | Ginn Oiuevvrnsrnnns 81.97 Lynn & Carnaham..,.... .50 $ 2,435.17 | Hands, Noble & Eldredge 47.562 Proceeds Athletic Associa- Allyn &Bacon....... . 45.58 CLE mie 80.79 | D. C. Heath & Co........ 39.81 TUITION 1915—1917: Houghton Mifflin Co..... 10.69 H. R. Grissinger ire .$ 27.00 Chas. E. Merill & Coe. vd 5.52 E. H. Lindemuth ....... 13.50 | Scott Foreman & Co..... 49.62 C. A. Greider........... 27.00 | J. B. Jippinaott & Co.... 14.72 Mount Joy Township. .... 3917.76 | The MacMillan Co....... 11.00 | East Donegal Township... 890.75 Silver Bardett & Co...... 15.56 . . Yer es00ssecense >) 513.34 $ 862.00 Bonds and Sinking Fund Account TUITION 1916—1917: | Transferred to Sinking Mary Habecker.........$ 27.00 | Fund ..............:.§ 700.00 J N Hershey. ...v...:. 13.50 | Transferred to Sinking Samuel Young.......... 27.00 | Account No. 1........ 800.00 BF Brown. ..coeessss 13.50 | Transferred to Sinking EB Booth. ilivivesuiess 13.50 | Fund Account No. 1 In- J. H. Lindemuth. ....... 27.00.) terest’... .. .. cH" 409.00 | 85 Coupons Aug. 1, 1916 $ 1121.50| .each $1.88 ......0... 65.80 Balance Tax Duplicate | 23 Coupons Feb. 1, 1917 1008 ' .iirivrieerr $3 23.00" each $1.88 ,....L. 43.24 Interest on Certificates. . 60.00 | 8, Coupons Aug. & Feb. 1 By Short Term Loan.... 2,264.67 each $9.38 .......... 75.04 . ml | 50 Coupons Oct. & Apr. 1 ip $ 2347.67 euch $1.75 ...4...... 87.50 T. M8 Breneman Coll. 1916-17 | 26 Coupons Oct. & Apr. 1 Collected, to Oct. 1st in- each'$8.75 ...{....... 227.50 clusive pnt re$ 7,964.33 T3008 ollecte 0 37 | ’ . { Balance ,..suftee.....3 853.29 ol. | § fest) $15,401.58 $15,401.58 | We, the undersigned Auditors of Tax Duplicate 1916: | Mount Joy Boro have carefully ex- Received from Coll. to amined the Accounts of the Mount Oct. 1st..............$ 7,064.33 Joy Boro School District (First | Received from Coll. to National Bank Treasurer) and find | Date .o.sivaseesranes 667.37 | them true and correct. ¥ Exonerations ........... 79.80 | We have also destroyed 58 eou- | Outstanding ........... 4.00 | pons, Aug. & Feb. at ‘$1.88; 8 cou- [ { ~————— | pons, Aug. & Feb. at $2.38; 50 cOU-wr - | Amount Duplicate.......$ 8,715.50 pons, Oct. & Apr. at $1.75; 26 cou- | Amount Oustanding Due District | pons, Oct. & Apr. $8.75; x93 cou- | GC. A. Wiley sis eiwiesanane 9.00 | pons, Nov. & May at $2.00. | Prank Shultz .......... 4.50 | FRANK E. HERSHEY, Samuel Smith .......... 27.00 | E. M. TREXLER,\ _ W. H. Strickler......... 43.00 | Au\ditors. |B. F. Brown. .,.......... 13.50 | eee Edw, Booth .........., 13.50 | d. N. Hershey....... hie 13.50 | East Donegal Township. . 432.00 Rapho Township......... 281.50 Mount Joy Township.... 331.50 | $ 1,169.00 Sinking Fund...........$ 1,900.00 Sinking Fund Ace. No. 1. Coupons Outstanding No, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, each $2.00 due May 1, 1817 No: 22, 23, 24, 25 26, 217, 28, 29, 46, 41, 49, 51, each $1.88 due Feb. 1, 1917 EXPENDITURES Arthur P. Mylin, 9 mo. salary ...... Fela ae Arthur P. Mylin, 2 weeks Salary. oie eee Miss Catherine Heckel, 5 mo. salary, ..........: . Miss Minnie I. Etzweiler, 4 mo. and 1 day..... . Miss Elda Park, 9 mo. Salary... os sivinirie oie Miss Elda Park, 2 weeks’ salrry., ohn. voiwnivieie Miss Edna Martin, 9 mo. Salary, . La, Henry O'Neill, 9 SAlOPY. smiint eerie Henry O'Neill, 2 weeks’ SRIBPY is iinii oe srdinhsss Miss Elizabeth Eshleman, 8% mo. salary........ Miss Laura Urich, 81 mo. salary ...., Miss mo, salary..... Miss Emma K. Brenner, 81% mo. salary... N. Stoll, salary ... mo. EERE , 814 mo. Mrs. Mary G. Miller, 814 Mo, 8alalY. scot vesnse, of Texas, Democrat, would add the $6 following article to the Federal Con- : stitution: | John Wharvel, Janitor, wkd salary The man cture, sale or transporta- ating liquors within, the thereof into, or ex- thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof, for beverage pur- poses is hereby prohibited. Pl ‘le shall be inoperative un- 3 have been ratified as an he Constitution by the ral as itution, within the date of the submis ic importation the | 1e Se states, in the Const rs from reof to the states by the Con- May Put cal Il action on ess reassembles the presen Early in > caucus wen State Workmen’s G. Moyer, Merchandise. . M. S. Bowman Est., Jani- George Carpenter, Scott Swords, Labor..... Newpher Garber, Labor.. John Christian Horst Sub. Jani- tor salary.... Eleven Teachers "Attend- ing Institute .5...... H. G. Longenecker, Secre- tary, salafy.. }.... Four Directors attending Convention Edison Electric Co., Light and Power . ... vo Donegal Gas Co., Gas. os C. H. Zeller Insurance Agency, Insurance..... | 0. M. Donaven, Insurance Mt. Joy Twp. Mutual Ins. Co., Insuranece.....w: ¥ Insur- ance Fund, Insurance.. Nat. Heat & Ventilating Co., Heater .3....... . First National Bank, Mt. ar Gr saie A. S. Flowers, Repairing. Mrs. Jno. Wharvel, Re- pairing. ....#. . * abime .e C. E. Ricksecker, Repair- ING “ove i sae enn . - 3b Flmer Heisey, Repairing. oon Su Brown Bros., Repairing. . Penate sweltering in one of the hottest | 11.8, Newcomer, Repair of summer days. ing and Mdse..... gis tor stpplies. ...c....5. Dietz, Labor and Batteries Clara E. Gantz, Flag.... Clarence Schock, Coal... C. Schock, Lumber, Etec.. Penna. R. R. Co., Freight on Coal Excelsior Coal Mining Co. Coal .....cisencsrivies H. M. Ressler, Hauling i and Freioht......... . : Edna Martin, Magazine al subscription. ......... Herald Printing Co., mo ic me Printing ... o.oo. se S 12S Mount Joy Bulletin, Printing and supplies. . ; S . : E. Hershey, Making 3 2 5 ’ 3 Enumeration ......... E. W. Strickler, Eng. Di- VEGETABLES NIPPFED BY FROST plomas ih a. Ss = Penna. School Journal 3936-17" sce nasnvinna 4 Vave H Nort t While East | H, G. Longenecker, Ex- mn n press & Postage. Western Union Tele. Co.. Brunner, Window Trexler, Auditing. . rshey, Auditing. . ational Bank, Box r 1an, Distrib Tax Notices... se reneman, Commis- Report Mount Jay Borough School District [1.5 $1,199.97 544.13 | Gop dl -siemens; SUPPLIES Perolin Co. of Perolin. ...seee U. 8. Fuyalone Co., Rand McMally Co., Biological Supply Milton Bradley : . err & Son. . vee» Hiemenz & Sons, 614.00 66.66 375.00 803.75 607.50 33.75 540.00 540.00 30.00 467.50 467.50 467.50 467.50 is one thing and Sticking Type Artistically Designed is another. We specialize in the latter — the kind that will make your letterheads, station- ery and advertising matter a credit to your business. { See us the next time you need something in the printing line. 467.50 510.00 556.00 44.00 165.00 P 9 ° 60.00 € rinting 12.08 SENSES SERENSENNERERS 137.94 | 3 3.00 = . < - HE kind of printing that 135.00 : pays dividends is the 13.95 = kind you should have. = Pale, muddy, poorly arranged 4.50 1 printed matter is worse than ® none. The quality of your 457 * business is often judged by 3 the quality of your stationery 558.00 = — inferior printing gives an = impression of cheapness that 000.00 a is hard to overcome, while 18.59 = good printing carries with it a a desirablesuggestionof quality, - 1.20 = We produce only Quality 2 Printing. Whether you want 33.16 4 an inexpensive handbill or a 4.00 = letterhead in colors, if you 8.80 3 order it from us you wfill be = sure of getting good work. 70.69 = We have the equipment and 15.37 the ‘‘know how’’ that enables = us to get out realiv good print 6.85 = ing—printing that impresses 4.50 : people with the good taste of 80 a its users. That is rhe only 90 . kind of printing that -. 5.15 = 10.00 Fusesessssvas id 300.41 ra VS 6se4; 0 > a 756.50 _ 27.14 4.25 i 46.43 all the news happen- op ox . 20.25 ings that come to your 3.60 attention to this office. 12.00 It will be appreciated for every piece of news B.S will make the paper : more interes#ng for 62.10 you as well as others. 2.0 We want and with your 2.08 =a help will print all