THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. ee NBL SUZ NY FOURTH ANNUAL MD-SIMIER SALE THIS IS THE TIME TO BUY SAL0 OPENED ON SATTRDAY JULY 23 CLOSES SATURDAY. AUG. II The time has arrived to buy even if you don’t need the goods now. It will pay you to lay it back tor next season. MIDDIES ! LADIES’ SHIRT WAISTS of WHITE PETTICOATS 0c Middies ............... 3 33 $1.00 Waists B ewig Machines $1.75 Values; Special 50eMiddies . .............. 43 $1.25 Waists ....... —— — $1.60 Values; Special $1.00 Middies .............. +88 / i 5 hr — $1.50 Values; Special $1.19 Middies ............. 95 BLACK SATINE SKIRTS y f fi : i ; y v2 PR i $1.25 Values; Special $1.50 Middies .............31L19 $ 50 Values 45 TTS gn $1.00 Values; Special pA i 75 Values; Special 8 ZN TR) 9 OLDE NER = D4 NA 3) \ 74 AS A N Cr <7 2” DEINE IRINA NTL \Re7 . » 2 DREDGE CLAN (IONZAN 7] .65 Values é A CA § ae : Bl LOT OF $1.00 Values fo : U i cd 1 Extra Quality MEN'S WORK SHIRTS $1.50 and $1.39 Values X 3 59 CENTS BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS MEN’S NECKWEAR New Home Electric Sewing Machi B90 Sik Crops Ladies’ House Dresses . oo id Gi es ra acme { 25¢ Striped Voile Ladies’ Silk Glover. . BBcand $1.00. | 30° Yates pecial, $31, : 25¢ Striped Sport Goods 25¢ Values; New Home Sewing Machine 29¢ Sport Goods 25¢ Wash Ties . Special, $18.50 25¢ Silk Striped Shirting HOSIERY 4 15¢ Wash Ties, Two for Children’s 25¢ Socks; Special. . .21c / ; Ae Sp oz Goods 15¢ Striped Voile Children’s 20c Socks Special . . .16c z UNDERWEAR is : Children’s 15¢ Socks; Special 2-4 25¢ LADIES’ WASH SKIRTS Men’s Balbriggan 29c and 55¢ | 147%¢ Flowered Voile Ladies’ 30c Silk Hose; Special. .25c¢ | $1.75 Fadey White Gabardine $1.19 | Poros Knit Ladies’ 30c Silk Hose in colors. .25¢ $1.50 Fancy White Gabardine .98 Athletic Unions Suits ......... 49c LADIES’ NIGHT GOWNS Ladies’ 50c Silk Hose Fancy Awning Striped Skirts. .89 Balbriggan Union Suits 98c & $1.39 | Specials j Ladies’ 69¢ Silk Hose In colors. .59¢ All Wool Serge Skirts. . . ... .$2.29 Boy? Union Suits... . 29¢ and 50¢ $1.25 Princes Slips Ladies’ 69c Silk Hose These Are Great Values $1.00 Value Combinations CHILDREN’S WHITE DRESSES Bleached Sheets 72x90 GOOD VALUES IN SHIRTS $2.50 Values . .............$1.98 | A Beautiful Line of Dress Ginghamg Pillow Cases Dress Shirts 55¢ and $1.00 R225 Values ..............31.99 20 Percent. Off on Ribbons $1. Bolster Cases : Sport Shirts 49c and 85c S10 Values .............. $1.18 Buy Canvas Gloves While They Lad Bleached Sheeting, per yard. .35¢ Men's Linen Collars; Special 2-4 25¢ SS Nalues . ..... oie .3 : Only 10c a Pair SPECIALS IN THE GRO Sn Shredded Cocoanut, per 1b. .18¢ | Ocean White Fish, per lo D3 NS NE R U 7 AS 4 (A Ps ol) NGL } Nh A Ginger Snaps, per lb.. /...... 1% Gold Medal Oat Meal, per pack. - Arco Starch New Peas, per can Cocoa, perlb . ; . 17¢ | Shredded Wheat, per pack ... 12%¢ | __ | : Coffee, Special Blond, per 21 .20c Washington Crisps old style, pk. 10c | Matches, per box Salmon, per ean Lima Beans, per 1b. . 500 10s Post Toasties3 for ........... 25¢ Wagner's Baked Beans . Gray Fish, per can, Rice, 3bs. for . 4 ......: ... 2c 4 delle 3 for...:.............. 25¢ | Beauty Baked Beans Climax Laundry Soap £ i ‘The above named prices are great values /Don’t miss this opportunity. A chance to save dollars. H. EE HAU Opposite Post Office, : Mount Joy, Penna. SINR RRS NANT IARC