An H. S. & M. Suit Is a “Buy” That CANT GO Wrong THIS SUMMER, and possibly the next ome or two to come, you should be more than ever #careful in your Suit buying. F We have said this before, and we sdy it again—be- cause it means as much to YOU as it does to us. A man who sells you worthless, fining stock is a crook—but a man who sells you a Suit for say $18 that doesn’t contain any better value than you may find here for $15 may be the most upright and honest kind of a business man—pfht SIMPLY UP AGAINST CONDITIONS. It is the BIG firm that can best weather the stress of the market NOW/and when you combine a big re- tail establishment Jike GROFF & WOLF CO. with the largest clothing-pfakers in the country-—Hart, Schaffner & Marx, therefis a double advantage. These Sui It may be of remember conditions, and also remember getting VALUE—ALL-WOOL VALUE, / / Grofit & Wolf Co., 26-30;NorthiQueen Lancaster’s Fastest Growing Store = Bank of Maytown MAYTOWN, PENNA. Sworn statement of condition at close of business, January 26th, 1917: RESOURCES: Cash on hand and in reserve bank. . Notes Discounted . FF start at $18 and go up by easy stages. riffle more than you have paid before—but that you're eee... .$302,900.79 cereseeadi 266,366.99 0s ec sss 0s ss ese Real Estate, Furniture & Fixtures, Stocks, 6,238.22 $575,506.00 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock ................ ovens 0e$ $0,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. ceedlirseses 36,189.66 DEPOSITS: ; wt 4 Subject to check.............J .......... 135,784.33 Time Certificates & Savings Fuands......... 343,632.01 $575,506.00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Lancaster, ssi— I, Norman F. Arats, Cashier of the above mamed bask, do solemnly owear that the above statement is true amd correct to the best of my imowledge and belief. (Signeds) NORMAN F. ARNTZ, Cashier. Swora and subscribed before me this tweaty-sixth day of Jan., 1917 (Sigmed:) CHAS. C. HICKS, Attest: — Justice of the Peace GEORGE RHOADS, Jr., E. E. GROVE, NORMAN R. HOFFMAN, Directors. MOTHERHOGD / Women. Among the virtues of Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is the | ability to correct sterility cases of many women, This fact is following letter andl hundreds of others we have pied ju the ese colums. Poplar Bluff, /M women to know, Avhat a blessing Lydia | {| been to me. had always wanted a baby in our home but I was in poor | | {| todomy work, My | mother and hus- 2 totry Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Yeasts |Compound. I did 80, my health im- rovéd and I am now the mother of & | | work.’”’—Mrs. ALLIA B. TIMMONS, 216 Almond St., Poplar Bluff, Mo. n many other homes, once childless, there are now children because of the fdct that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetabla mpound makes women normal, Bealthy and strong {| Write to, the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi. eine Co., I.vynn, Mass., for advice—it will be confidential and helpful. Red Cross Con- tinues Its Work (Continued from page 1) the festival treasury of the Mount Joy Auxiliary to buy more material, we would im- press upon each one their privile e of doing their bit by Dastontaing festival after ingpeating 0 e work. The tables in the Council Chamber are and will be on Saturday evening, in charge of the ladies as follows: Wool—Mrs. A. K. Manning; Pajamas —Mrs. Harriet Clay and Mrs. Roberts; Head Bandages and Binders — Mrs. A. F. Snyder and Mrs. De- Long; Slings—Mrs. Gabriel Moyer and Miss Harley; Fracture Pillows— Mrs. Harvey Brubaker and Mrs. Wm. Tyndall; “T” Bandages—Mrs. Fred Farmer and Mrs. S. B Bernhart; Muslin Bandages—Mrs. B. W. Brown and Mrs. Elmer E. Brown, Jr.; Flannel Bandages—Mrs. J. G. Metz ger and Miss Malinda Greiner; Crinoline Bandages—Mrs. : Thome and Mrs. illis J. Freed. A special meeting of the Auxiliary | was called on Saturday afternoon by order of the Executive Committee to formulate a plan of co-operating in the general campaign to raise the $100,000,000 War Fund for the American Red Cross. Messrs. T. J.| Brown and C. Schock, the War Fond committee, appointed for the work of raising Mount Joy's Alone | met with the Aus Forcefu addresses were made by both gen- tlemen, at which time the Auxiliary expressed its willingness and desire to co-operate and stand by the com- | mittee in any way it was deemed | most helpful. in Harrisburg on Thursday, last, at which the Mount Joy organization was represented by Mrs. J. Bachman, Miss Stoll and Mrs. C. Schock. The stock-bolders of this bank are all individually respomsible as se- | gurity for all deposits made here and as these stock-holders all together | ave worth at least ONE AND ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, you get | the very best protection possible for your money deposited here. Yeur business is all held strictly confidential and will be handled in 2 business-like manner by experienced bankers who do mot lead your | esey out to shiftless and irrespomsible persoms. | We will pay you Five per cent. interest on Certificate of Deposit asd Savings Funds for ome year. Keep in mind all these advantages and then bring your checking * | sount and certificate of deposit money to the PEOPLES BANK OF MAYTOWN MAYTOWN, PENNA. | Michael R. Hoffman, Pres. Norman F. Arntz, Cashier. | CAPITAL, $50,000.00 SURPLUS & UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $46,000.00 HAR Right Styles Always The Wingert & & Haas Hat Store NEW STRAW HATS Straws from 80c to $3. Panamas from $4 to $7 144 NORTH QUEEN ST LANCASTER, PA JOHN A. HAAS, Pr RAS we 301011101 a ee rae ¥ EE ——— GRuTEstared @ TIRE COMPANY, PHILADELPHI Bed pA P. Heilig, I NURSERY BL rei yy Mount Joy P— AT-ONE-THIRD AGENTS PRICES] or lanter. Trees, Roses, Plants, Shrubs, etc. Guaranteed, en approval. via og ros Bont seit 700 sto or money Saving catalog and guide. Tells you ge Rg ing, spraying, ete. You cannotas witheut it. Your mame on & posts| brings 1¢ free te today, - THOMAS E. SHEERIN, NUXSERYMAN., 13 RIVER ST., DANSVILLE, N. Y. At this meeting application was made for the transfer of the Mount Joy Auxiliary from the Harrisburg chapter to the Lancaster organiza- tion, which is now also a Chapter of the National Red Cross. As soon as the necessary arrange- ments can be made the same will be done and due notice to that effect will be advised from the National Headquarters at Washington. A Real Pitchers’ Duel Stevens Trade was shut out by Florin on Saturday afternoon ol the score of 2 to 0. The game developed into a pitchers’ duel between Miller and Hanna, with the former on the | best end. The score: Stevens Trade t h o a ¢ | Child, 2b. 00-1 0 21; | Earley, 3b. 0 0 0 270 | ihe wf. 2 $0 | § 1. 0 9 9 1 9 | Titzel, .... 2.0 B30 1 | Lane, HN... 0 1 8 1 0 Taylor, f......:....0 0 1 0 0 Meyer, c... +001 2 1 Weaver, cf. 0 0 1 0 0 Totals inn 3279 9 4 Florin h o a ¢ I 3 1 2 P GO 0 0 I} 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 ¥ 6.0 0 i1 6 0 1s 1 8 € 0 018 6 0 1 & 1. 14° i 1 = =3 | ee ~~ — Unclaimed Letters Lette rs to be advertised for week ending June 20, 1917 Katie Eshleman een | Schultz. Rev. S. Carnell. Miss Mary Boden illis Freed, Postmaster. | rere fae aS Ra L. Metal Lancaster, and etzler, Esther Stoll t. Joy. Hagenberger, Mt. WOMAN'S fr Suggestions to Childless E. | in the | well established ag evidenced by the | o.—*‘l want other | 4 E. Pinkham’s Vege- | {| table Compound has | We | i Hl health and not able | “| band both urged me | ne baby girl and do all my owr. house | will be placed in the A Red Cross Conference was held | THE = J oy BULLETIN, MOUNT Joy, PA. PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH | | What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week le iL yori awbegin wawr Gut, hut de weld gamocht, | De Ne fardal’d in loud und sa, hy tseit in dawg und nocht; Und des wawr gute; In sellem dawg | Wawr des en rteihad’s weld; i Don in dem Paradeis hut Gut Mei grandpap Awdam g’shteld. | | Der grandpap Awdam und sei fraw, | We moncha, heit—so grose— | Hen era freihad grawd misbrouched; | Noh wawr der devel los. | Don eld uf eld wawr lawf, We fee rumhar gakickd, Pope, kanich, deivel, grose und gla, | Hen freihad unardrickd. mensh en sh- | | | Ovverkumt de de wichtich | | tseit, | Don fail’d Gut net im mon, | Und endlich gebt ar'm Unkel Sam | Der grandpap Washington; | Fun Fronkreich roofd ar, Gut, sei f donk! Der grandpap Lafayette; { Und noch em shmoke fu’m battel | [ wawr | Der kanich gronk im bedt. | grose, Und doh wawr nei-gabawra i De freihad fun da weld! | Duch wawra shlawfa bledsweis nuch i Farkawft we fee far geld! | | Don kumt der grandpap Lincoln | Und sawgt des darf net sei: f Em Unkel Sam sei kinner sin— Weis udder shwartz—ol frei! | 0, don singt en Yankee mommy En hymn,—en himlish ord: “Mine eyes have seen the coming Of the glory of the Lord” Und deengel dort im himmel Hen der chorus uf-ganumma Und de midder on da week der Hut’s tsu era bubbeli g’sunga. 0, seez is duch de freihad "In unserm g’savend lond, Wu Ich fun kindheit g’hot hob Fu’'m Unkel Sam sei hond! Und O, we uft far mich Is ar dorich blude gabawda! Duch uf tsu nou hov Ich nuch niks Gadu mei shuld batsawla. Ovver hore! nou roofd der Unkel De ke ivver'm sa De draida uf de freihad fun Mei leeb Amerikai Der ndpap Wilson sawgt: “Der ut Hut mensha frei arshoffa.” So sawgt de shrift. Der kanich mus | Far freihad nou blods mocha. Und nou’s mei tseit. Ar roofd. Ich Doh bin Ich! Lewar Gut! Ich back der Unkel Sam, Ich kent Net on’rshter won Ich wut! Mei lava geb Ich in dei hond, Ich lan der geld—net feel Sis wenich os Ich hob; ‘Sis arnsht, Des is ken kinner g’shbeel. Ich shta der bei. Yaw’ Unkel Sam, Ich back dich uf tsu’'m endt! | Mer hen ken use far kanich doh," | Eksept Gut omnipotendt! | Und somtseit noch em battel Ram: 4 der dawg wu Ich druf | “Mine ne have seen the coming | | Of the glory of the Lord.” | nmr ma sont AI ARR sms HOME HEALTH CLUB | By Dr. David H. Reeder, Chicago, IIL | big thing for all of us that we pro- duce food. I am devoting all of my four little boys in the production of all the food we can raise on nearly two acres of a fairly fertile garden | patch. We will have our half an acre of potatoes and hope for enou, 3 corn to feed our hens through winter. Vegetables that can be kept in a fresh state until they can again be grown we shall so keep but there are many that cannot be kept in their natural state and canning is going to be out of the question for most of us this year on account of the shortage in containers. When I was a boy my mother used to dry pumpkins, squash and sweet corn as well as fruits and this can be done by you and me this season. The reason that all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables rot so quickly | or are spoiled by freezing is be- cause of the water that is in them. Remove the water and they can be rm Or C old tem . > > al- i One of ace OR Big Time at Bainbridge Next Sunday, June 24, there will be a big time at Bainbridge when a DRErioRIE demonstration by the dges, churches and citirens of that aes, on community will be held. There will be a big parade at good mast, a 2 | riage. WEDDING BELLS Many Well Known Young People Joined Heart and Hand Kline—Graham Lewis A. Kline, ¢f Manheim, and Miss Frances Loretto Graham were married on Thursday in Norfolk, { Va., by Rev. H. H. Covington, rector of St.” Paul's Episcopal church. Herr—Bennett Francis W. Herr, son of John P. Herr, of near Manheim, who is a {clerk in the Corn Exchange Bank, Philadelphia, and Miss Bessie Ben- nett, of Philadelphia, were married on Saturday evening. Zink—Schwert Miss Mary Zink, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zink, of Marietta, and Charles Schwert, of Columbia, went to Elkton, Md., Saturday morn- ing, where they were united in mar- They will reside in Columbia. Ream-—Hummel A quiet wedding took place Sun- | day morning at the parsonage of the | Church of God, Elizabethtown, when | the pastor, the Rev. G. R. Hoverter, united in marriage Charles Ream and Miss Ellen F. Hummel, both of that borough. Diehm—Hertzler A very pretty wedding was solemnized, Friday afternoon, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Hertzler, Elizabethtown, when their daughter, Miss Maude, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony, to Rev. Edgar G. Diehm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Diehm, Elm. Metzler—Hagenberger Clayton E. Metzler and Miss Esther Stoll Hagenberger were mar- ried on Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the United Brethren par- sonage, in this place, by the pastor, Rev. D. E. Long. The ring ceremony was used. They were attended b the bride’s niece, Miss Florence M, Gast. Gast of Lancaster and Mr. Martin of Philadelphia. The couple left after the ceremony on a wedding tour. Shank—Ebersole Amos E. Shank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abram H. Shank, of East Donegal township, and Miss Kathryn Irene Ebersole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim B. Ebersole, of Conoy township, were married on Tuesday at the home of the bride’s parents amidst a host of friends and rela- tives. The couple were attended by Miss Sadie Ebersole, a sister of the bride, and Walter Detterich, of Eliz- abethtown. A wedding dinner was served to the guests. They left on an extended wedding tour to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y. Myers—Schueneman Mr. Amos S. Myers formerly of Mount Joy and Miss Laura M his By Auto Radiators, C; ders, Metal or Slate Roofs, Pots, Pans, Steam andGas Pi ! Chine, Chiat ane of hole Ng : | Soci anions oo wi Get a tube today fro 6. Moyer, Mt. hy sz |w |lead when through the day and this is all wrong. buaranteed {SPRING T0 Are you tired of eak? What a misezal ou ork or fee Bb Kalumazon ompeun you. —_— . will fill ogY veins with Dury blood. is “an pllfoune remedy, ft works lp "ane ivin aetve $10 the help ih wa ce it IE RatszMice / For Sale by W.D., Chandler & Co., Mt. Joy, Ps | Gag? M. Huntzinger, Maytown, Pa. Spu’st this of twenty-five cents, tied bottle of Kalamazoo Ney you (J CHANDLER West Main Street, Mount Joy, you cut he 9, out and bring or tell us Where u we will allow Tr alon, DRUG STORE and all good dealers apr. 4-52t. lo How About a Truck Farm On account of Mr. Michael Hossler being compelled to move back on his | farm, he has placed in my hands his valuable 6 acre truck farm, west of town, and which will be disposed of quickly. A pleasant home, 8-roem house, stable, 2 large poultry houses, an abundance of fruit and land that produces. Whoever wants a should get on Je job. E. Schroll, Mt. Mt. Joy. G. S. VOGLE, AUCTIONEER FLORIN, PA. . Prompt attention given to calling all kinds of real estate and personal property sales. Satisfaction guaran- teed or no charges. Give me a trial |, M.S. BOWMAN, EST., MT. JOY, PA. Drop me a card. oct. 14-1yr.. There are no wall flues every room, nor cold air drafts. We won't tear your house to pieces; we won't even disarrange et Subscribe for the Bulletin. to put in/ nor registers in True Economy: It is of course the | both tin and glass | Schueneman, daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. Geo. R. Schueneman of Phila- | delphia, were united in marriage at {Bs bride’s home by Dr. C. E. Bron- son of the West Hope Presbyterian | Church of W. Philadelphia. The | were attended by Mr. J. Vietor Hoff. | man and Miss Ethel V. Bass of Phila- | delphia. A large number of their ! | friends were present also the | | groom’s mother and sister of this | place. The bride’s dress was a sim- ple design of Georgette Crepe trim- | med in white Satin. She wore a veil, la wreath of orange blossoms in her { hair and carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses and sweet peas. An | | attractive luncheon followed the ceremony after which the young couple made an exciting escape from the watchful guests for a destina- tion only known to themselves. It has been learned since, however, | that they left via auto for Delaware | Water Gap, New York City, Albany and Niagara Falls. They _will be ! gone for a few weeks. A reception will be held at the home of the | groom’s mother on Sunday after- | noon, June 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Myers will reside in W. Philadelphia | and we all extend to them our con- gratulations and hearty good wishes. re GY Annem: WATCH YOUR WASTE | | | | | | | | | | | | | Little Talks on Health and Hygiene by Samuel G. Dixon, M. D. { When will the American people who have li lived in the land of plenty ken the fact that we are en- ged in the most serious war this | world has 7 the fight Ve ar ceep from our learni ing to bear and forbear with each other so that all differences of opinion will be settled by arbitra- tion. Deeds Recorded Andrew B. Supa to the At | lantie Refining pany. tract of | {land in Mount Io $500 your furniture. We will simply place the Home Ventilator Furnace . The Original Patented Pipeless Model * \ Manufactured only by the’ Homer Furnace Co., Homer, Mich. sven lis in your cellar, place one combination hot and colds register immediately above it,’and we will have given you a heating system equal in efficiency to any expensive old-style furnace, at a eost of little more than the price of a good base burner. The scientific design of the ‘Home Ventilator" makes pipes unnecessary. Enough heat comes through the single register to heat the entire house, and it is so evenly distributed that every nook and corner is cozily warm. ‘Home Ventilator" stands for maximum heating Soish at 7 Jira | “i ETRITR In a word, the” the minimush cost. Ask us for full particulars, G. MOYER, Mt. Joy, Pa. ll $3.00 for wim LI BUY YOUR SHIRTS FROM A MANUFACTURER and el iminate jobber and retailer profits. ty to get the new Ring shirtsthat ang areg uaranieige THREE FINE SHIRTS MADE COAT STYLE, WITH COMFORTABLE SOFP DOUBLE CUFFS, POSITIVELY $1L.5Q0W LUE, EACH SET OF THREE SINGLE SHIRTS AT 81.18 SIX MONTES. WEAR GUARANTEED Neat or Famcy patterns €K or SHIRTS LIBERTY BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. {or Y ORDER. Add 10cpostage BACK IF NOT SATISFIED RION MANUFACTURING CO. EY TTL ITER ETE EE SAME SAS TEST I rd S Specials ~ ong Horns nd-shiel 2.7 pot Lighi. 3.50 olders..... a A ~ MOUNT JOY, PA. EY Ec —— b iB I TRE. wi THAT NEW HOUSE? WHY NOT D ONE IN THE ONLY REAL WAY. the convenience of electric lighi you with them. Let's get tg : ° a postal w ing a prompt respon : % Electric fixtures in any Snish desi ed, supplied. } $ solicit your patronage — ' Fully > C. D. SPEAKM LECTRICAL CO Frank near Barbara St, Mount Joy, Pa. All 3 of electrical repairs and decorative werk and satisfaction guaranteed. Terms very reasonable. OS