WHE MOUNT DY BULLETIN, OUNT JOY, PA. Boschee’s German Syrup We all take cold some time and every« body should have Boschee's German Syrup handy at all times for the treats ment of throat and lung troubles, bronchial coughs, etc, It has been on the market 51 years. No better rece om ndation is possible. It gently soos inflammation, eases a cough, instites a good night's sleep, with free expectoration in the morning. Druge gists’ and dealers’ everywhere, 25c and 75c bottles. Don't take substiiutes, a ~ Boschee’s | German Syrup POULTRY FACTS [Rous REMEDY FOR CHICKENS | Good Plan to See That Curtains or Windows Are Down and Every. thing in Proper Shape. The habit of visiting the poultry house after the birds have gone to roost during the winter» months is a good one. After. the water vessels have been emptied to keep them from freezing overnight, it is a good plan to see that the curtains or windows are down and everything is in shape. STOCK LICK IT-STOCK LIKE IT For Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Contains Cop- peras for Worms, Sulphur for the Blood, Saltpeter for the Kidneys, Nux Vomica,aTonic,and Pure Dairy Salt. Used by Vet- erinarians 12 years. No Dosing. Drop Brick in feed-box. Ask yourdealer for Blackman’s or write BLACKMAN STOCK REMEDY COMPANY CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE Chinese Like Them. Chinese have taken quickly te from this LACKN, : jr HIRE LG it i" 1 0 HE op id 1 1 3 HY } 3 iy i The the electric country, a[RUP OF FIGS FOR toasters sent A CHILD'S BOWELS It is cruel to force nauseating, | harsh physic into a sick child. Look back at your childhood days. Remember the “dose” mother insisted on—castor oil, calomel, How you hated them, how you fought against taking them. With our children it's physic simply don’t realize what they do. The children’s revolt is well-found- ed. Their tender little injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only deli- cious ‘California Syrup of Figs.” Its action is positive, but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless “fruit laxative” handy; they know children love to take it; that it never fails to clean the liver and bowels and sweet- en the stomach, and that a teaspoonful given today saves a sick child tomor- row. Ask at the store for a 50-cent bottle | “California Syrup of Figs,” which | of has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly | on each bottle. Adv. THEY WERE AS BUSY AS BEES | New York Police Raided a Plant Where Adulterated Honey Was Made. One of the oldest assertions of the beekeeper has been that honey could | not be adulterated with success, but health department inspectors have found a full-blown honey plant in the basement of a private home in Man- hattan. There were no bees at work in the plant when it was raided, but there were half a dozen women and a man as busy as bees with pots and pans about a stove. They were boiling up a concoction the chief ingredients of which were sugar and about ten per cent of genuine honey. The plant was discovered after honey purchasers had complained they were receiving adul- terated honey.—New York Mail. Plucky Danish Captain. A hero in every sense of the word fs the captain of the Danish steamer Iris which, sailing from one neutral port to another and having no contra- band aboard, was halted by a German submarine and the crew ordered to leave the ship, in order that it might be sunk. The Danish captain flatly refused to leave his ship. “You may sink us, but I and my men will remain on board,” he told the sumarine com- mander. And his pluck won. His ship was allowed to proceed when it was seen that he knew his rights and was not afraid to assert them. Bergen, Norway, is to have a school for chauffeurs. 7 Foods Are Increasing In Price But you can still buy rape-Nuts at the same price. This staple cereal in its air-tight, wax-pro- tected package will keep indefinitely, yet is ready to eat at a moment's notice. Grape-Nuts is full of compact nourishment with a delightful wheat and barley flavor. The Most Economical of Prepared Cereals cathartics. | different. | Mothers who cling to the old form of | “insides” are | SE — | If the grain feed for the following morning is scattered in the litter the birds will be busy and active as soon as they come off the roosts. This is far better for them than standing round an hour or so in the cold morn- ing air waiting for their feed. Before leaving the house listen care- fully for wheezing or heavy breath: ing, This is the first indication ot colds, roup, and similar diseases, and if detected in time a serious outbreak may be prevented. OLD-FASHIONED HIGH ROOSTS Sprained Legs, Splinters or Gravel in Feet and Other Troubles Are Sure to Follow. Too many poultry keepers yet build old-fashioned high roosts, The tree shelter instinct still induces every fowl to fight for a place on the highest of the roosts. Few you will notice | want the low. For the large heavy breeds, high roosts mean sprained legs, splinters or gravel in the feet, { and much suffering because of jump- ing from high roosts. Turkeys often show up with bum- ble-foot or other kinds of lameness because they roost so high. One can also make the roosts too small, Chickens are often lamed by giving them roosts that allow the toes to go clear around, and sink the claws ir | the soft part of the sole. This is sure to cause sores, or at least tender feet CAUSE OF TURKEY FAILURES Among Other Reasons Assigned | That of Improper Feeding—Close | Confinement Hurts. | Improper feeding, combined with | close confinement, has been the cause of many failures in turkey raising. Given free range on the average farm, the poults can easily pick up their own living, and one light feed a day for the purpose of inducing them to come in at night is sufficient. If the mother hen is confined to a coop and the | poults allowed to run in and out, three *imes a day is often enough to feed and very little should be given at a | time. The poults should always be | ready to eat; if given all they will | | | clean up several times a day, indiges- tion will be the result. If there ig little or no feed outside the coop for the poults to pick up, then they should be fed about five times a day, feeding | we ay. i a= > Se po White Holland Turkeys. oilly a small quantity at a time. A good feed for the first few days is stale bread soaked in milk and squeezed dry. Cornbread crumbs and clabber- ed milk or cottage cheese is also quite often fed and with excellent results. Green feed and grit should be on hand at all times. As the poults grow older, the ration should gradually be changed to grain, KILLING GEESE FOR MARKET Feathers Can Easily Be Removed by Dipping Fowl in Boiling Hot Water Three Times. When killing geese for market, the feathers can be removed easily if, af. ter killing, the body of the goose is dipped three times in water which is almost at the boiling point, dipping it slowly in and out each time, and then wrapping it in canvas or closely-woven cloth to keep in the steam. In a min- ute or two this will loosen the feath- ers so that they will come out easily. FURNISH VARIETY OF FOODS Some Farmers Feed Poultry All Win. ter on Nothing but Corn—Not Good as Steady Diet. Any food as a steady diet for poul- try, or any other stock, for that mat- | ter, will not give good results. What would be the result if you were kept upon a steady diet of hoe- cake, corn pone and Indian pudding for three straight months? Yet that is the | very way some farmers their poultry all winter—corn morn- lng, noon and night Damascus an Ancient City. are feeding | Damascus is the oldest city remain- | { ing in the modern world. | mentioned in It is first | Scripture in connection | | with Abraham (Genesis 14:15), whose | | steward was a native of the place (15:2). | | | | Good Definition. Willie Willis—“What’s a ‘popular idol,” pa?’ Papa Willis—*“It is the fellow who is in between the fellow he has just licked and the fellow who Is going to lick him."—Judge. | | | | | | Wealth In Alaskan Waters. Nearly all Alaskan waters teem with herring, whose value as a food fish is Just beginning to be recognized in those parts. Important in Alaskan fisheries is the whaling industry, The species of whale most common are the hump-back, fin-back, salphur-bottom and sperm, The sperm whale is plen- tiful about Resurrection bay and Cook Inlet waters. A good-sized sperm whale is worth about $3,000, The great Alaska salmon industry is the most important industry in Alaska next to mining. Puzzled Youngster. Our grocery man's delivery boy is always accompanied on Saturday by his younger brother who in looks is exactly like his older brother. The younger one always brought on our groceries, but one Saturday he was out of town and the oldest boy had to come in. Five-year-old Marian looked for a few seconds at him with a puz- zled face and then exclaimed: “Say, did you growed up.”—Chicago Trib- ne, Soap as Germ Destroyer, Lately medical science has been try- ing to find out to what degree the chemical action of soap can be de- pended upon as a destroyer of germs. Professor Symes, after experiment- Ing with many varieties of soap, declares that “all soaps possess anti- septic properties in some degree, and that any germs rubbed into soap or dropped upon its surface are not capa- ble of multiplication.” Tuit’s Pills ¢nable the dyspeptic to eat whatever he wishes, They cause the food to assimilate and nourish the body, give appetite, and DEVELOP FLESH.” gp Dr. Tutt Manufacturing Co. New York. When you buy Yager's Lini- ment you get shat value! The large 25 cent bottle contains four times more than the usual bottle of linie ment sold at that price. Try it for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains, cuts and bruises, At all dealers — price 25 cents. YAGER’S INIMEN GILBERT BROS. & CO. Baltimore, Md. CABBAGE PLANTS Iropnetsreed open at Young's Island, Genuine Frost- Proof, Harly medium and 7s) varieties your own selection. $2.00 | per 1,000, close prices on large quantities. Ourguar- antee with every order. Enterprise Co.. Sumter, 8. O. Impractical Estimate. “Father,” is a pacifist?” “A pacifist, my son, is a man who thinks that war is a rough form of out- door sport that the police could stop if they wanted to.” FALLING HAIR MEANS DANDRUFF IS ACTIVE Save Your Hair! Get a 25 Cent Bottle of Danderine Right Now-—Also Stops Itching Scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its luster, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish- ness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die—then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight—now—any time—will surely save your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton’s Danderine from any store, and after the first application your hair will take on that life, luster and luxuriance which is so beautiful. It will become wavy and fluffy and have the appear- ance of abundance; an incomparable gloss and softness, but what will please you most will be after just a few weeks’ use, when you will actual- ly see a lot of fine, downy hair—new hair—growing all over the scalp. ‘Adv. Not Attracted. “Some day you'll be rich enough to retire from business.” “Give up my nice, pleasant office and stay home?” rejoined Mr. Growcher. “I should say not.” The bee is never too busy to admin- {ster a stinging rebuke. That Knife-Like Pain Have you a lame back, aching day and night? Do you feel sharp pains| | after stooping? Are the kidneys] | sore? Is their action irregular? Do} | you have headaches, backaches, rheumatic pains,—feel tired, nerv- ous, all worn-out? Use Dean’s Kid- ney Pills—the medicine recom- mended by so many people in this locality, Read the experience that follows: A Pennsylvania Case A. Ge St., says: “The ons from ’S ed “th Socah the sn of my back § and they bothered \ me worse in the morning than any other time. Finally I used Doan’s Kid- ney Pills and four boxes cured me. The pains left my back and I haven't suffered since.” Get Dean's at Any Store, 50c a Box DOAN’S ane PILLS FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N.Y, said the small boy,” what CANADA'S BONUS 10 FARM LABORERS Offering 160 Acres to Farm Hands. Canada today, with the great de- mand that is made upon it for food- stuffs, finds itself almost in the throes of a labor famine, A novel means of solving the problem has been evolved by the Canadian Government at Ottawa on Wednesday last, when it was de- cided to practically bonus every farm- hand going to Canada, by giving him 160 acres free as a homestead, and to allow the time he would be working out for, the good wages offered, to count as residence duties on the homestead. Western Canada has been a big pro- ducer of grain and it is estimated that there is a shortage of over thirty thou- sand men, necessary to produce an av- erage crop in 1917, This shortage has been caused by so many young men having left the farms to go to war, and it is essential to make an unprecedent- ed offer of this kind, to fill their places on the land at once, It has been required in the past to do three years’ duties on homesteads to get title, but an additional induce- ment has been offered by practically reducing this term to two years. As explained by an official of the Canadi- an Government, Canada’s need for farm laborers is intense, and excep- tional inducements are being offered to get the needed farm workers at once. A farmhand will make his en- try for one of the 160-acre farms, sat- isfy the Government that he is work- ing for a farmer and that time will ap- ply as residence on the land filed for, just the same as if he was actually living on it—Advertisement. Real Luck. At a club meeting recently a South side woman said to a friend: “Mrs. Whatyoumaycall is the lucki- est woman I ever knew.” “Somebody leave her a fortune?” the friend inquired. “No.” “Then why do you consider her so lucky?” “The other day knocked her percolator and bent the pedestal.” “Well—" “And yesterday, when she knocked it off again, the pedestal went back into its proper position.” BILIOUS, HEADACHY, SICH “CASCARETS” | Gently cleanse your liver and sluggish bowels while you sleep. Get a 10-cent box. Sick headache, biliousness, dizzi- ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath—always trace them to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food in the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in the in- testines, instead of being cast out of the system is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the | delicate brain tissue it causes con- gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick- ening headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels, A Cascaret to-night will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep—a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver she accidentally off the stove and bowels regular for months, Adv. i Swearing Off. “Why are you so strong for pro- hibition ?” “Well,” replied Uncle Bill Bottletop, *a country is a good deal like an in- dividual. After havin’ had liquor with- out limit for a period of years, it's a mighty good thing to go without for awhile.”—Washington Star. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen- eral Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds ap the Whole System. 50 cents. Not If He's on Time. “Don’t you miss the noise and bustle of the city, now that you live in the country.” “Not if I catch my train to town.”— Browning’s Magazine. SOOTHES ITCHING SCALPS And Prevents Falling Hair Do Cuticurs Soap and Ointment. On retiring, gently rub spots of dan | dru® and itching with Cuticura Oint- ment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water using { plenty of Soap. (ultivate the use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment for every- day toilet purposes. { Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adyv. Well Fitted. “Is dis where dey wants “It is; but it must be a boy never lies, swears, or uses slang. “Well, me brudder’s a deaf mute; send him ’round.” a boy?’ who ”» rn Of Course. The big apples would never stay at the top of the measure if there were no little ones below to hold them up. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the orig- inal little liver pills put up 40 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels.—Adv. If a self-made man brags about it there is something wrong with the job. KEEPING BULL IN CONDITION General Rule Animals Are Alto. gether Too Thin in Flesh to Do Justice to Themselves. Many a breeder of improved stock has fallen just a little short a success through a wrong notion of what con- stitutes breeding condition. When we visit a breeder for the purpose of buy- ing a young bull, and he remarks on the way to the barn: “I don’t pamper my young cattle; I keep them in just good breeding condition,” we find as a rule that his bulls are altogether too thin in flesh to do justice to themselves or to him. He is a rare man who can form an accurate judgment of a young bull when he is thin. The average buyer wants to see young stuff in good, smooth flesh. This does not mean over-fat; but there are very few young bulls which have been injured by car- rying too much flesh during the first year of their life, It takes feed, and plenty of it, to present a young bull in attractive sale condition; but it pays even in these days of high-priced feed; and the sensible buyer will demand it, first, because it indicates that the bull Is a good feeder, and, second, because it gives him a fair opportunity to judge of its quality. Improved stock is fetch ing good prices, and those who are preparing young stuff for sale can well afford to feed liberally. In fact, they can much better afford to do this than not. It is all well enough to carry through the breeding cows in just good, strong breeding condition, but with young stuff a liberal hand has its reward.—Wallace’s Farmer. WARMING WATER FOR CATTLE Tank May Be Built With Board Sides and Galvanized Iron Bottom on a Brick Foundation. As Yet plenty of water is necessary for their well-being. at a sufficiently high temperature for erly-constructed tank. The tank may be built with board sides and galvanized iron bottom so Warm Water Tank. tion and a small fire built under it, foundation close to the bottom of the tank and ought to give plenty of clear« ance to the board side. REMEDY THAT ALWAYS CURES Very Best Treatment for Pig-Eating Sow Is to Fatten Her Up and Sell Her for Pork. Experts in hog psychology have of- fered many recipes for curing the pig- eating sow, They vary all the way, from a liberal ration of salt pork to a liberal application of a club. The very best treatment for such a sow, says our old friend, experience, is to feed liberally on corn, run a sharp knife into her throat at a point well carcass into scalding hot water, clean outside and in, trim, salt and smoke, and skillet. cure, TREATMENT FOR CHILLED PIG Young Animals May Be Quickly Res vived by Immersing in Water of About Blood Heat. It is a sure and happy Pigs that have been chilled may be quickly revived by immersing them to the mouth in warm water (not hot, but about blood heat). because the heat is applied so much more uniformly and quickly. The sup- position that such pigs never amount to anything is altogether incorrect, for they generally will live and Failure to get results has usually been due to the pig's having been actually too hot. Much Can Be Avoided by Having Sow Farrow in April—Time of Mating Will Regulate This. | row too early. known to all her best friends, dash the | and serve with eggs right off the nest | This is much to be { preferred to warming them by a fire | | tions of the Eyes, external and internal. LOSSES IN SPRING LITTERS | ind wed Garfield Te Take care of you will take care of you promotes health.—Adv, Hasty With His Gun. you take gas? Bronco Bill—Will it hurt much if ¥ don’t? New Dentist—It will, Bronco Bill--Then, stranger, for your sake I reckon I'd better take it. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills contain nothing but vegetable Ingredients, which act gently as a tonic and purgative by stimu- lation and not by irritation. Adv. Or Supervised Hookey. “I see they are going to teach swim- ming in the public schools.” “Happy days. Spitball throwing will be legitimate before they get through.” —Kansas City Journal. NEVER HAD A CHILL After Taking ELIXIR BABEK “My little daughter, 10 years old, suffered nearly a year with chills and fever, most of the time under the doctor's care. I was discour- Babek. Igaveittoherandshehas never had a chill since. It completely cured her.” Cyrus Helms, 302 E St., N. E., Washington, D: C. Parcel Post prepaid from Kloczewski & Co., Washington, D. OC To Teach Farm Life. require all rural schools to teach farm life, Have you noticed that your stock | drink less water when it is ice cold? | Water can be kept | cattle at very little expense in a prop- | that it can be placed on a brick foundas | The stovepipe should come through the | ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE DOES IT, When your shoes pinch or your corns and bun- fons ache get Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to be shaken into shoes and sprinkled in the foot-bath. Gives instant relief to Tired, Ach- ing, Swollen, Tender feet. Over 160,000 packages are being used by the troops at the front. Sold everywhere, 25¢. Don't accest any substitute. ~Adv. French textile { oped a method of printing color photography. experts have devel- silks by 'ALGOHOL-3 PER GENT. § AVegefable Preparationfords simifatingtheFood by Regula: | 1 | | ting the Stomachs and Bovels of | INFANTS - ~ CHILDREN | on | Thereby Promoting Digest | || Cheerfulnessand Rest. Contains | neither Opium, Morphine nof Mineral. NOT NARGOTIC} To ae Re cer ope Ch: ui CA —e 7 C= dia 1 ar Pe Sp oo Seed N Ge : = dy for | { Ahelpful Remedy Constipation and Diarrhoea. and Feverishness an Loss OF SLEEP | ‘resting therefrom ine in Infancy. FacSimife simile Signatare of | GAA 1 Tae GENTAUR Cpe. | df Ww YOR X s rT (15 Pose = anes ADB NARGO Tit a anfamc en tn oe mt aS MAE LAME er alo; Ry. 6 month ER hI TES ok Ha | Cut Gory o of Wr apps, Dr. Kilmer’'s Swamp-Root stands very high in the trade as a kidney, liver and bladder medicine and the people who have used it speak very favorably regarding its value. It is a good seller in this vicinity and enjoys a splendid reputation through- out. Very truly yours, HARRY VANE, Druggist Dover, Del. Prove What Swamp- Bend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., It will convince anyone. You will also telling about the kidneys and bladder. Regular fifty-e cent and one-dollar size bottle May 5, 1916. Aversion. “Do you object to a man who eats onions?” “Yes,” replied very much dislike wealth.” “1 Miss C I ition of any oste A single application of Homes Eye Bal- sam upon going to bed will prove its mer- it by morning. Effective for Inflamma- Adv. Willing. thrive, | frozen or to the use of water that was | Heavy loss in spring litters can be | avoided by not having the sows far- | class facilities to taka care of March litters, then hold the mating until De- cember 6, which will ring farrowing April 1. The period of gestation in sows in 116 days. Sheep and Ice Water. It is a poor plan to let sheep drink fce water. It lowers their temperature and affects their indigestion and re- quires more feed to bring them back to a normal condition. Important Horse Item. It is an important item in maintaine ing the best health and thrift with horses to feed and water regularly. Maintain Fertility. To maintain normal sofl fertility the supply of humus must be conserved. I ———————————— If ro® have not first- | “You said you'd go through fire and water for me.” “Show me a combination of the and I will.” two Coated tongue, vertigo and consti pe 1 tion are relieved I yy Garfield Tea a.—Adv Oldest Marble Quarry. Vermont's oldest marble quarry, opened about 1795, still is being op- erated prc tab I. Sudden Death Before insurance company wil take a physician will test your water and re- port whether you are a good risk. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog, you suffer from backache, an sick- | headache, dizzy spells, or twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and gout, | or sleep is disturbed two or three times a night—take heed, before too late! You can readily overcome such con-| ditions and prolong life by taking the |store, advice of a famous physician, which is: New Dentist (in Frozen Dog)—Will | aged and a friend advised me to try Elixir | Mrs. | Elixir Babek 50 cents, all druggists or by | It is proposed in North Carolina to | risk on your life the examining | 4 WHAT IS LAX-FOS IS AN IMPROVED CASCARA 4 A DIGESTIVE LAXATIVE CATHARTIC AND LIVER TONIC Lax-Fos is not a secret or Patent Medi cine but is composed of the following olde fashioned roots and herbs: CASCARA BARK BLUE FLAG ROOT RHUBARB ROOT BLACK ROOT MAY APPLE ROCT SENNA LEAVES AND PEPSIN In Lax-Fos the Cascara is improved by the addition of these digestive ingredients aking it better than ordinary CASCARA, and thus the combination acts not only as a stimulating laxative and cathartic but also as a digestive and liver tonic. Syrup iaxa= | tives ara weak, but Lax-Fos combines: strength with palatable, aromatic taste and does not gripe or disturb the stomach, One bottle will prove Lax-Fos is invaluable for Constipation, Indigestion or Torpid Liver. | Price 0c. RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take RHEUMACIDE to remove the cause and drive the poison from the system. “RHEUMACIDE ON THE INSIDE PUTS RHEUMATISM ON THE OUTSIDE” At All Druggists Jas. Baily & Son, Wholesale Distributors Baltimore, Md. = ASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature Use For Over Thirty Years = GASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORR ©ITV. THIS “KIDNEY MEDICINE MAKES FRIENDS EVERYWHERE | We wish to speak a good word for Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. Dy our experi- ence with the remedy we have found it to be an excellent seller and we always recommend it where a preparation of its | character is required. { Very truly yours, | BRAGDON & CO. | April 16, 1016. Middletown, Del, Root Will Do For You Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. receive a booklet of valuable information, When writing, be sure and mention this paper. es for sale at all drug stores. TAPS= Relieves and Remedies CONSTIPATION Twe Box—10 Zaps |0c— AllDmggists 5000 People wanted to try a box of the Sager’s Giltedge Antiseptic Ointment Rid yourself of catarrh, colds, pneumonia, rheu~ matism and heal your burns, bruises, sores, Ty hands and external and internal ailments, offer to agents, 25¢c. B. & 6. Co,, +40 Barry Place, Bultils Watson E.Coleman,Washe ington,D.C. Boorse free. High PATENTS Eealisoeging “ROUGH on RATS” Di taidocn ina aia ALLSTONES Avoid operations. Positive Liver & Stomach remedy (No Oil) Rest Its sure; home remedy. Write Today, Galistone Remedy Co. Dept. W-7, 2195. Dearborn St. — BALTI MORE, NO. 11-1917, Delicate Young Girls, Here Is Advice For You! -“I can recommend Prescription as medicine for women. into womanhood, y¥ parents saw I ine of this kind. They w. N. U, Balt Dr. Pie rite nt put vorite Prescription’ and lit « 1t i could expect. After itsu » 1 was stron and better every | way."—MRS. DM. \RY ¥ E. DOBSON, 1205 (Ww. Fayette St. | Favorite Prescription can be ob- tained at almost any up-to-date drug in either liquid or tablet form. It has the guarantee of 40 years be- “Keep the kidneys in good order, avoid | lind it, and does not contain alcohol too nich meat, salt, alcohol or tea Drink plenty of pure water and drive| the uric acid out of the sy stem by taking | Anurigc, in tablet form.” You can obtain | Anurie, double strength, at drug stores, | | the discovery of Dr. Plerce of invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. X. nor narcotics, but ingredients are plainly printed on the wrapper. En- tirely vegetable and extracted from np tive roots and herbs. If not obtainab at your dealer's, send $1.00 to D Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. and he will mail large tablets,