The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 21, 1917, Image 1

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VOLUME XVI. NO. 4: Vlount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, March 21st, 1917. ONE DOLLAR A YE
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El ns as = a a a — - pea ————— A ——
5 . A o
- . eg ws 83 fe 3 8 ga " b ht #
LW Bm ¥ ¢ — A h un a AE | s I ae E # gr . Vo
Yuary Form Cale Will ha a Cueepee it Vou Loup If fovertie onicior... ‘ ¢ 1 fl
all 1 ss E? § gid i 3 REEL. EP NN fa i Wy “FEARED y EL ELEN | } ; :
eg! fis 83 £ IW Rid Hig § gif uy § ) J i ay i git | ) LA i , JER J dl
‘er . . wan COUNTY FARM BUREAL ny .s rr wy A TITTLE OF EVE ; n |
| ern T : p rl | News in General Condensed for Very i
\ vl ) \ nde i p g - + | The regular monthly meeting oi } ‘ R ¥L FY s ETE . .
} LL| One of the best attended public TVA nn Eh i Pov Pure f ; DAC Quick Reading Nak
DRI V £ salts of stocks and bonds held in uu b | the Lancaster County Farm Dureat | LA RD DADA + Ju € f ol i
picts "this town in years, took place at the 4 SYRWALY | was held at Lancaster on Monday | JARARE AA Simin
office of He 'G. Carpenter on rm | afternoon and a very interesting | Spring begins today d ; '
. rr Woot Mrir 4 turdav evening Ye ATE «~ | meeting i as. Officers were elected | cha RR ETRY FIARE A TSF VES At Lancaster on Saturday onions % 2 =
THREE WA? .D GOOD | East Main t, Satu a3 1 bank: ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN |pit¢H08 I Nas Place | PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE | 4" Hema 1 shel y MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE
— re ys RY the stock of both our local banks - Exar ) > ensuing year. | sami wigan ~ jf sold at $4.00 bushel, : oe
ROADS AS ED BY old ov r C. S. Fran ‘was the INGS FROM THAT THRIVING | J. G. Reist of this place, urged MANY COMERS AND GOERS [he Oregon Medicine Co. is ap- HAVE PASSED TO THE
A y " y mM i ro = reat | ( I CALI earine i the hall A OT cht c “ ~ A
THE STATE HIGHWAY auctioneer. The following were dis AND BUSY VILLAGE. that efforts be made by the oy oa IN THIS LOCALITY pearing in the hall every night this GREAT BEYOND
EPARTMENT e bt to improve the corn and alfalfa | Week. ia toe pear
19¢ DEPARTMEN] ir Ro shares of I'irst National ) in F rT 1 into I | crops. I S S i Me. 3. 3 Suydam sold hig, Rif oseph F. Bennett, son of Hal
a ) PR ” ¢ Voats . Benj: In air moved Into nis | . inn dtine aosinst the | Mr. Fre« stretch spent Sunday iv | Road po AY an of Lan- J08epn I. bennett, 3
38 few weeks the great | Mount Joy Bank stock to Amos New- Serj mt an A resolution protesting against the Mr. ci Js DATeLel y Roadster to A. H. XX uffman of Lan B t of Columbia, died aged T
} 1 ” torists will be-!¢ + at $180.00 properly on X.onuay. : : toll of $1 mile which certair Jersey | ity. i : caster x ’
28 ’ : : of aut i YT ; nh C Fir t Vioun M Oscar Rider is moving into turnpike nies wre charging Mr. W. & butler ol Harrisburg Vis Cunningham entertain- | Y®
a Lutomo nlc nree snares irs LOU 1 [ > "NYA why L 1p Ss ase | rs ‘ . : J p—
: + 1th 10. M. Keener property. | Tarn x as unanimousl spent F town. 3 e f her friends ¢ er hom .
ky . beginning Jov Bank stock to ler at i J] 2 % P rat 2 aA + Dusines: rarn i t wa unanimously | Si y = a ; j : ! W o he I a ds at her h 1€ ifard T. i a former regi
with in- $130.00. -~ > . Xe teint eier passed i x f ; J “ik o 3 of ol . lie ” hi a
1.90 f ha flo hares First National Mount | trip to Lancaster on Saturday. tri addition’ to President Maule, the t . ir 1 Mrs John Kraybil ad tg umbia, died at Chicago
V Be Our shares a iss Mar » calle .an- vy tq 7 iel ‘ 4} on Sat ay.
1.15 y r who h stock to R. Fellenbaum a 158 Mary Fer © led oh 1"! other officers elected were: Vice Mr. Q le, 1 of this pi ERED
60 : I 3 al : ° ¥ Iuiend a 11 : { Creamer 0 h the | of a son John jr. Willi T. Strauss died at Colum:
’ 1 ans Lol 1 Stoll e¢ yd ht B : i I 1 i . . 1 : Villiam T. Strauss ed =
1 d seel kb res First National Moun . ie toll So | t M G Brubake vi I rd eeniw it, who 1£ o1 turday from a Stroke in hig
y vy B ek to R. Fellenbaum at } = : ® | 3 BR. Knox. he 7 0 y Lan hh d
2.08 y Rv $0.00. Ho E13 vecebted it al members of : y Xr . ore nome : ee
r 1 Mos Geib h accepted : hd were eleortod: AT A n "0 vi siekne
2.10 ( Ne Yor I hares First National Moun fone. OAaTEics B ( iittee were elected: A. IK. Lan G coun ne he Unit s, died at Lancaster
2.10 \ 163,787 In ov Bai stock to Amos Musser a no ; Boe Sieh Clay Howard Brinto: A ed 1 : : oi the Unite a { 87 vears. He wag
he 1 TT sone XAT r " ¢ 1 ] r hr lereq Ir < or .
2.20 i dor vl ).50 I of Lob: dus ierr, L, 1 rile LL i : ; Ire naered a | nt of Manheim
: y fy : I Lebanon |p sD . \ h ei IT rg fternoon ba .
2.10 , ii 1 n Nati Moun ; EL TE. ) Joh i ; E 1 Lo.
. l | s here with | ~ } 1 D ts nd suc i x .
2.40 I ( H. ( DCnoC a G Greenawalt is sp. n Br ; 1 ie nner, of Philadelphia,
30 0 Vit . vy spent Sunday at in Lancaster visiting |p 1 t of Manheim, ded o3
. : it 'p ares Fairland. 1 on county, the guest " 1.1 rs pneumonia, age
i y > t , 24 A > YY = ae wh ( Cox
2.30 7 ser 1. = A ? Be of h D1 r David. Baker 1 at ] J treets.
4.00 vel tion ‘ol th ors ob.0U Gabriel Geib attended the |p guest K ol: r Ww nan SR . ;
2.00 Nn n 2 5 ys { | Zion Conference at KEliza- |, oxide ace th John L. Weimer died at, Columbia
—_— the high ( \ ur oy B n Tuesday ey jarah and Jess taker: Bo. his from heart: disease on ursday,
: h \ sday. ; Kraybill, 4 enecal: Ab . 3 : Ve take up his Livia ta : ,
try. : ip hs Mrs. Wm. Smith of Rheems spent | a Ln oneal A arte 3 t Wednesday Phi Ione. .on ¢ vacated by his son | # 56 years. Deceased died at He
The need 1 I XO Union Nationa) Mou 180 1 1 the guest of Mr. and | yo 0 ! : lelphia at t distance south | Same hour exactly as did his wife,
esse 01 iy In tock to H. C. Schock at pp riel Geib. : i Hay oh, a, Master Charles Sillers spent the | of who was buried the day of his death.
i rir: x 1d Mrs. James MeCord of 4 , id Wookiny with his sister, Mrs. Pres-{| ——meem—— | r——
: is { n all sha Union National Mount ns re ndav. visitor oe ond. : John Getz
Le : ? TL : Ee 4 toa RY stow, vere undaay 1S1U £9 EVA wy ~ on Fk oe 2. i ; y : ln , ay Yo ds - 5 ‘ o
> ine of the busiest | J to Hiram Herr at friends in the village. INI TY EP EAN Mr. David Vogel of Enola, spent TWC John Getz, a well known farmer,
road this country | $1 : . -3 lessrs. Harry H. Devoe and Harry } i i V RELYUESS | Friday here with his sister, Mrs. J died Sunday at his home near Kih-
as ev U1 \ Standard Har S lrod of Camden, New Jersey | IY Crane miata lerhoo from a complication of
r 1 2 Wor 3 r cent 1927 Bond .. 5s \ wi IY g 3 rg g . - o . r Q { i eas » wat Seve Pp
The S Hone 2a Works 6 per. of it. 192 =ond spent Sun in our village { be TH fi R A 3 Mrs. Warran of the City oi I'wo men \dam Sweigart, of ses. He was seventy-three years
appropr ly $100, bert Strickler at 370.00. Mrs. Minnie Steffy of the Capita’ 4 i EWLAALIN | Brotherly Love, was Thursday | Shoelk’s Mills, Brown, of | of age and is survived by the fol-
PI ; pa Hardwar A did BX [1 re Brotherly e, d ys : : > h .
000,000 ; One Ne volar tard | HALWWare | oity was the guest of her parents | risitor here. Columbi stai e injuries lowing children: Peter, at ome
All ty spo! pante WOrKsS . cont. S54 40 Bond tony" "and Mrs. Jacob Rensel Sunday | opnnomb>bbpnb Mr. Fred Painter of Lancaster | when a line r upon which they Mary, wife of William Smitly; Annie;
to all cor Hoe SIRuoil Y= 1Gooree (inntiel) af 30100: oo 0 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young spent pyar wAS THE FATE OF HARRY | visited Mr. Irvin Geistweit and fam. | were riding, left the tracks at Bain- | wife of Norman Bard, of cer
: sons, if for no o but there are Five shares of Kreider Shoe Co. Sunday at Lancaster the guest of | ilv on Sunday bridge at 4:26 o'clock this after. | hook, and Mrs. Katie Kline, of Co
briefly h cou to t k were withdrawn at $103.50. | von. My and ih AY | H. KLINE, OF FLORIN, ON ‘y on. BY : > $end. re lumbia. Deceased was a member of
riefly, cov < SH ps { their son, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Young. | ’ - | Mrs: Haman Cunningham is spend- | noon : lumbia. { v
: i Ip! the pilin Fh el aut] A n and Ethel Lintner | SATURDAY NIGHT ne several days at Elizabethtown Sweigart, who is foreman of the | Holy Trinity Catholic church.
'S For commu 5 having were witharawn atj .g ted friends and relatives | ai Ii i: v rents 11 en, has two deep gashes over | A
AER : vrs ots | t nas ar ¢ £1 fr with her parents. : : pg : ;
money enough for th nstructio: {in the v e on Sunday and Mon-| wn a rhersolo £ this! Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stoll spent |the left eye. He was treated by Dr. Miss Mary Landis
of permanent ideal tyi id day : avhen Kinet Ebersole, of as | Sunday in Merchantville, N. J., with | Harter, of Maytown.. Brown sustain Miss Mary Landis, daughter of
a” Tear ~ombil Ste er ’ , I: , 'place, night rack walker on the | Sunday in rchantviile, IN. J., y a A te “1 : 1 . iy ri] oe i Dliza-
pas been 2 i * 1 THES YOUNG MEN : Messrs. George W. Liessman and | Pennsvivani . Railroad, found pieces | their daughter. 5 . Jed in 1m oy to | ian ge anc My, and Mrs, Henry Landis, vf Biica
he ow jont eon SURELY WERE UNFORTUNATE | eman_ of rrisburg, made a| ,¢ fiesh, clothing, ete. strewn on the Mrs. Mary A. Imler spent Sunda; pred ng Da A y yi the Datents on Wednesday “afternoon
he n pe £oR in call J friends in town | south track at Florin on Saturday |{ and Monday at Middletown, as the 1 he two med Siar 3( From 1ne 2 er 3 i oe sda) far fubos,
Fe Le z ) L Ww Jr. | one minute before midnight, little of friends arcnouse Dampriag 1. Lhe Cs Re gs ? dy
7 crete 1 procectes npl of nd Mrs. Christner andi rx no ih y 1a iy were the re- | srs. C. H. Clement and Jac. L nd had gone only a rt distance | culosis. The deceased was thirty
i from the of both |? A : CM J lundav i 08 he think that those were the re- | ¢ tolnh spen i re running at a conservative | years of age, and was a member of
8 Novae the Amerie: f Mount Joy, were Sunday | mains of tarry H. Kline. aced 0 adelphia, spent | an e running at a conserve years age, i wi :
. traffic and 1iterproo’ | Ly 51 a mishap > home of Mr. and Mrs 20s of H ay H. ey ape lav. in town rate of speed when the car left the | the Mennonite church. Her parents
1.52 " wearing sur asphalt { &F aot Rh a en hvenyy i y ay and ia) son of \y Loo 5 Koll d Arthur | tracks just after a switch had been | survive. The funeral took place on
. BLING s le ating ss when { | Jacok y q ; | rs. as Keho a U k a ay = La x : Ani : :
8 | and stone as asphalt maca- |; i Wo Rip of ide and gentle- | Inge’ Eber ne > aon, Wed Ll ine of Vork. were soon abou ed. It is not known what caused Saturday morning with services at
) { ‘ [hus is provided snduri : a inti he ade ie OPC Lai TD es re: : | Th sid he acei | Good’s meeting house. ntermen
gam. ; A tor oo od : oy index finger and splitting oper 3 adelphia, Were | tion foreman Eli P. Arndt and sta- | t n on S iturday. : : ieageexiont, Same Fo is made in the cemetery adjoining.
pe Saas, : middle finger. 's to Mr. Abram But-| {ion agent Horace Cox. Together! Mr. Samuel Suvdam, who is work- | was made 1 e )
8 ictates a resiler The following day Edear Dye {| amily. i rw hs AOTAHATE fr Vine t rrvville. spent Sunday af | =
ol lhe following day Edgar yer, of | y they cathered ~what remains could | ing at Quarryville, spent Sunday Gave a Party 1L.H
3 . . nadless to ; E 3 : . | ro rene TM AC at Ee ., | they gathere a ¥ : by Shilo 2 Ge é i > . Hoffman
al dust an mudiess . | this place, also an employe at the| Mrs. ge Flowers, Mrs. Albert |p. 5 und and took them to the tool) home with his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Rinehar | Sam Samue Hoffm: 0 of the
a] remain SO IOr years to ¢« 2. . lac and vho rates the Fike Mrs. Samuel Krall and Mrs : 3 > i le t ini Nira Amos Garber and dauchte | . x { Samuel Li. holfman, one
: Se Sond: The Eos Ceni g | same place and who operates the fike, Mrs. el Krall e “| house near the P. R. R. depot in| Irs. Amos Garber laughte: | o ve 4 party at their home on Mt. | most. widely known residents of
.00 | DT She — preservallon Ol) game kind of a machine, had his| Clayton Lefever spent Tuesday at|piorin. It was then about one o’clock | Frances spent a few days at Phila-| jou street Saturday in honor of th | ‘Hast Donegal township, died at his
- thoroughly compacted old stone OT }jo¢t hand caught. The middle finger | the County Seat. bs Sunday morning. There was every |delphia with friends. ; { fifth birthday anniversary of their | Re ele the Moot Yoy and
macadam roads, where communities | Lg oo hadly crushed that it was am-| Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKinley | ini yfion that several trains must| Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leiberher and ' j,i ohte Yivia The following | op er ar, TORN
not afford new roads, by giving | ? ; in) i ic | NV illis McKinley Nr { Indication, hat, §€ : | Shi 1. | daughter, Ivian. ne £ | Marietta turnpike, one mile south
| J _— ha new surface of stone pound | Putated at the first joint while hir| Mr. Millis McKinley and Mr. Enos | pave passed over the body as it was ison Fred spent Sunday at Philadel | were present: Helen, Robert and| f this place, at 1:45 on Friday
3. A lem a new surface of stone bound |i) jex finger was cut off back of the |W achstetter accompanied the ex- | horribly cut and mutilated. The | phia, visiting relatives. | Joseph Schroll, Maud Kipple, Adelle | this pl a 1S fda
with natural asphalt, thus utilizing | |. { cursion to Philadelphia on Sunday. |larees i ras a foot and about | Miss Catherine Myers of Lancas 5 ;, Ellen a Tonry Smeltzer | Tormng. a
? the old roads as foundati anc a iv | » largest portion was a foot and abou i 3 g : "| Dorothy, Ellen and Henry Smeltzer | complication of diseases. He wag
“4 v e ol 2 Ss of ounda j5ns Jane Three other employes had their a — six inches of the young man’s leg. | ter, spent Sunday here with he: { Vern Morton, John, Evelyn anc rs. , YiSeakes ft
oy putting them in the permanent elass. | hands injured on these same ma- | It was impossible to identify the |aunt, Mrs. Fannie Kulp. | Vivian Rinehart. Refreshments wer | dave * He is survived bf his wife
Third: Prolonging the life of | chines, all the accidents occurring | body from the . remains. The re-| Rev. Thomas Roberts, Methodis' | ,ved and a general good time wa | SS a : nT vyed tia M
good waterbound macadam roads by | within a week. ains were as free of clothing as| pastor here, attended the convention |.4 bv all ? | and one daughter, Mrs, ja um-
Pog ; Loads o ithin : mains were as free of clo g [1 4 x: { had by all. ma and three grandchildren. Also
1.86 giving them a coating of liquid en es | y ds he v » man was born. |in Philadelphia last week. { ay ma a three Z : SO
natural asphalt and stone chips, thus the day + g Joma man iy ily torn| Mr. Abram Stoner of Philadelphia | {by the following brothers and sis-
making them mudless and dustles: | FORA ZERCUER OF aly GETS CERTIFICATE Wines bE eB [was here I the ‘interest of his real Ream’s Next -Sale | ters: Aaron L. Hoffman, Maytown:
5 3 AICS < we x p - - coa Pp siness y: . 8 3 Ss e th Y § S a x ; . , | ro p Viloma rh a A 5
.26 as well as increasing the period of { PLACE, 13 BRANCHING OUT Kline was found in an inside pocket | estate holdings last Thursday. On Saturd , Mar. 31 Mr. Ed. : Lovi L., gy) Abie, finsas; Maria,
service. This is the cheapest of al | ; oul: het} 1 i | meee This young man’s parents were noti-| Messrs. H.C. Thompson, M. G. | Ream will h one of the biggest | of fe op By oyna
2 methods of transforming waterbound | We doubt whether there 1s a z fied and they immediately identified | Brubaker and G. L. Whallow of Lan- | sales he has had in months. He will [2nd Mrs. H. B. Bx er of Mount
00 ( macadam into dustless and more en. | business man in the community | CERTIFICATE PRESENTED BY hi lothi wold atch’ and a ring | casters were in town yesterday sell 40 head of horses, colts and Joy. The funeral was held from
g adam Int stless an nore en: | Pys kh A ea Wal Su2 A sec , a gol atch and ¢ | caster) wer Im town SU ay. : , bis: late: he . .
’ during roads. { whose business is ENE ay SUPERINTENDENT FLEISHER | oi Publi of il of their son. | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bundle and | mules, among the lot being a horse I late home at 9 a. m. on Mon-
. The asphalt macadam road pre [fopdly than Mr. h holt er AND RECEIVED BY SEC- Deputy Coroner B. S. Dillinger | daughter of Elizabethtown, visitec © suit every purpose. He will also g a Cross Roads mel
Viously described, or roads of a more | SeveTa, Years 7go he Srseicd a 1ate: RETARY STRICKLER | and his physician Dr. J. J. Newpher | Mr. and Mrs. KG. Loraw Sunday. | sell two good Ford roadster, a lot | ing house ot 10 o'clock. Intermen
.00 dense mi known as asphaltic | 8Téen PRse Jone. it nd as a relief FOR SCHOOL I were notified and held an investiga- Mr. Ritter of East Greenville, Pa. o ight James, light wagons, ete. | Toning eT 20 Tae cemelery ad-
y . adn y rsd | rrew S capacity a as ¢ D 1 e y Mr gi, bo Nr y : a J | a ic 1 ary ~ sell joni rch.
.00 concrete, are admirably adapted to | ns Fhe Yen green ¢ BOARD | tion and found that the young man spent Sunday here as the guest of [ID a tion Fil Rear yw wig Bae hich ahd
town and city streets, especially the | € purchased 3 pa dam {met death by being struck by a fast | Rev. A. M. Sw and family iarge lot of personal property for . or
asphaltic concrete surface ! houses at Elizabethtown. The same CET LY, g Se Sip ay Norse Sole ad Allen | the estate of Dr. H. H. Baer such Mrs. Amanda Hildebrand
Praad Savince obstacle is zexin starcing him i a : reight. There was quite : yi CRerE. | YL Bn yo las a Por cadste agons. has. | . Mrs. Amanda Hildebr: ; .
i —_——— | 9estacls is again Sr Hh Lancaster county is rapidly mov-|iumor afloat that the young man |Gainor of Elizabethtown, spent Sun- | 2S 2 Ford roadster, wagons, har- Mrs. / 1d , debrand, Nie uy
Lace on ast iJ BAe. of | Ing forward in the movement toward may have met with foul play, after |day with Mr. and Mrs. Emory War- | ness, etc. a 3t. a a 8, fesidant 0
| e re ant, stock a (tures . thi § i: < 422. oO . > oe . : . T , —— SCH rf almost haif a ce
fl A DI | Share Bh ord "green houses a | Attaining standards that meet the de- | which Messrs. Dillinger and New-| fel, Sr. ; “5 ; ; home of her n or
s IVE FL Dil» e A, » SAC 5 A 5 mands of the State Board of Educa- pher delved into the matter and Mr. and Mrs. Christian W alters State Safety Entertainments non ® 01 ton RED ew.
Bo dl Bheams, DQ EB - tion. Ten schools of the county jagrned that he had spent the even-|and daughter Esther spent Sunday it The local Board of Trade has ar- | a! ye hi ul $x i
fy ia have already been presented with the | jo i, Mount Joy and that he board- | Lancaster, guests of the former's | ranged with the State Department Hil I as | : widow of
3 ¥ f : ertificate : snnants or: ) om | oT, : 11 .1¢ 1 Yeice } Siete of Labor and Industry, to give a = debrs: > &
%0 y ii | He’s Quite Popular certificate and pennants granted them | oi" the car at 11:12. Conductor | sister. : Lz lustry, give a : air rp
¥ { Clayton S. Farmer, of East Done- by the authorities Harrisburg. of the Conestoga Traction] Mr. Fran] Pennell and - Mis: | series of safety entertainments for gp . had OE] his county,
& oie meee | zal township, a member of the junio: CortiGcate Presentation stated that the young man | Emma Pennell are attending the ool children and staployes of our!’ ~ ord] passed aWay In 1911. For
| class y 7S o z = . : » off the car at Brown's, i “lor- | 1ers i le ¢ arrisbur: | various industries. Admissi i i cre. ia 2
Bn NE NT EO A re | an tn lt TF Tin iy of Vn Fon [opsar of Sine anche of Brien | ee om i Sor Bb Stes
" { been appointe sergeant 3 i AR re Se aro y in- | In and walked out Angle sire - | today. 1 DUL Dy card only 1 ELS only ¢ a ootiv i 1 ¥
84 4 NUAL ENCAMPMENT LAST the battalion of cadets now i 9 os lyrge Sods atm ward the : railroad. Mr. Harry| Mr. Fred Sweigart of Philadelphia | for entertainment for which they call om h Mjsives In Butles, Wels she
. | SUMMER WILL HELP TO | taking military training at a the Joint School in Mt. | Gainor, also a passenger on this car, spent the week-end here with hic for. There will be about five enter- | ° ‘infirmities of a ro “Sh Inofen
87 PLACE MT. GRETNA school. He has also been chosen a pe township. The children attend. | saw him get off the car. Mr. Gainor | parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. M. fainpents, Full particulars next Worian who OSs To I
y /§ | 1 rs > nit | © WNSHID. en & FA a Tico s | Swei | week. wom 0Ssess a
/ IN FIRST-CLASS | member of the Gettysburg commit- | 0 this school belong to East Done- | got off the car at Nissly’s. , |Sweigart. j wee | spirit of gentleness and contentment
/ CONDITION {tee of the Natiznal Intelligence gal, West Donegal and Mount Joy. While his gold watch and a ring | Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Keenard of | el Gee Mrs. Hildebrand was a life-lon and
/ | Bureau, to gather for the govern- m2 toc 0 ci bis close to the Har. | were found, his purse could not be| Elizabethtown, were pleasantly en. | Jibei 1 as 1g
e building stands close to the Har Oo ao] , i L Bes of devoted member of the Luther:
; i me ames »ollege students | .: y ng : after a close examination | tertained by C. S. Lec k 3 ast Bee of the Season an
¥ ment the names of college students burg ce. and the pennant der- | located and after a close examination | tertainec . S. Longenecker and | : C | Ch h
g J cn : risburg pike, and the pennant under Lf A Cher 4 The last spelling bee of the sea- | Chure at Mount Joy, formerly
50 3 Harrisburg, Pa.—Plans whereby | willing to fight in case of war. He |b Spo flag will be a conspicuous | of his torn clothing at the under- | family on Sunday. | She ast 8 : [OF the sea. | rived by the Loc Reo Bi
| i 5 ade ! js, i iti anagi it hen Sang Wh Dea pl ¥en s of { Mr. and Mrs. Charles W 1| son will be held at Florin on Satur- y the late Rev. Richard C.
an appropriation of $160,000 made!js, in addition managing editor of | object. The fine shade trees in the | taking parlors of H. C. Brunner on| Mr. and Mrs. rles att anc | Sa SSRIS jor the. auxn t | Renger. The nearest survivi
00 for the encampment of the National | the college - weekly, ‘““The Gettys- {yard and the zood condition of the | Monday afternoon, ninety-six cents [ son, Ralph and daughter Erma spent | G3Y evening under the auspices of | = = include. ih : nH
: 5 stoi last Venn A | yard . > 3 : ET g 1] dav hore os s onast e n be all club. ere wi aL 1
| Guard of Pennsylvania last year, but burgian. Yin and Lindi have made it [Was found in the pockets and a purse | Supday here as the guests of S. F fhe Morin hosed 9 b » vil Horii: AF inclade Xe Hildebrand
i caus rds ED SW bls i : aini 2:95 i ¢ inside ! Eshleman and family | spelling 3 a general in-| 2M, Yous LTS. s
not used because of the Guardsmen | Ip s to CHF rtificate to, containing $2:9: in’ an 8 en amily : ; es 2 : | York >
being called into Federal service can | Wake Up, I. K i SH hes Mr. Irwin | pocket. After this find Mr. and | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ricksecker [formation oases a uss hig Renin Ms, Ponmal js
0 ake VN { . K. . , Mr. j : : y gat e Hog ove | €aCh class. a ill be in- | , Ma. 5
AY : to make Mount » : Tne : a os were perfectly satisfied |and Mr. and Mrs. Silas Stoner were i SEITE } wr :
Be a camps in the The Lancaster Inquirer says the |B. Kraybill, has done his part to Shs Riine —_ tel Hot i 8) ao) il guests of their Prints Mr. | terspersed with music by a quartette | will be held this afternoon at 2
ec i & a K . BLE Pe Sy | A
country, will be worked out by
Governor Brumbaugh, and chairmen
of the legislative appropriation com-
mittees. Mount Gretna was de-
signed as the mobilization point for
the Pennsylvania Guard by the War
Department some time ago, and af-
ments for several years was the con-
centration point for the
At the time of the
there were objections made because
the State had not spent much money
on permanent improvements on the
extensive property which it cwns in
the Conewago hills, and some of the
State’s military emergency money
had to be used to construct roads. Af
the time there were recommenda
tions that permanent roads, a larg
water system, sewage arrangements
drili grounds and other improve
not available. :
Governor Brumbaugh, in a state-
ment made at the camp last summer
he money for the creation of
what he termed “the finest camp in
the country, and one which will
all requirements.”
Bot a — of the conferences
with Attorney General Brown, ad-
jutant General Stewart and the ap-
propriation chairman, it has been ar-
f to ask for the re-appropriation
» "gh money not used for encamp-
"alent purposes,
get t

and to have work
started as soon as the money can be

he made available.
Better Sell It Here
§ | At Elizabethtown last week the
i re sold:
: fo res Union National Bank
. stock of Mount Joy, to Aaron H
i 125 per e. .
: Oi Et rs Union National
4 Bank stock, Mount Joy, to Aaron H.
Gish, at $120 per share.
This same stock brought $136 at a
gale here Saturday evening.
| \ hese, p \
f - =

{as a matter of fact the Union the county superintendent, and it
| National here passed that mark a | Was received by Mr. Elmer W.
| long time ago. This same paper also | Strickler, secretary of the school
| states that Florin may be annexed to | board. Addresses were made by
Mount Joy. | Mr. D. W. Geist and Mr. S. S. Si
ter being used for division encamp- |
regiments |
called into active service last sum-!
mobilization |




Manheim National bank is the only
county bank in the county having as-
sets passing the million mark, when
They Will Change Places
Mr. John Booth of Florin, who is
on the clerical force at H
Hauer’s store, will accept a similar
position at A. D. Garber’s store in
Florin about April 1st. Mr. C. D.
Carson, who is now clerking at Gar- |
comes to Hauer’s.
Must Pay for Girl’s Death
George E. Tole of Lancaster, was
j ordered by a jury to pay $795.70 for
ments be made, but the funds were |
killing Adeline Gross
with an auto. The jury figured that
the girl could have earned that
amount had she lived until she would
striking and
{have been twenty-one.
declared that he would find a way to |

el Am
Want to be Separated
The following applications for di-
vorce were filed:
William M. Greenleaf, Elizabeth-
town from Amanda Greenleaf, de-
Maud Robinson, Manheim,
William Robinson, desertion.
er A Anns
1.0. O. F.
The members of Mount Joy Lodge
No. 277 I. 0. 0. F. and all other
members of the I. 0. O. F., are re-
quested to be present at our meet-
ing Tuesday evening, March 26th,
1917, by request of the Lodge.
Good News for Gunners
Samuel Keene of Christiana, is
putting out wild turkeys thruout the
county, for breeding Fe, Wil-
e, will put
d also a
liam Aument of Qua
out a lot of pheasants an
number of Mexican quail.


| ward raising the school to the desired
| position.
| The certificate was presented by
| mons, assistant superintendents. An
| interesting talk was also given by
| Mr. Wormley, one of the older resi-
dents. A very good programme was
rendered by the pupils of the school
! ——————————
i Keller & Bros.” Sale
Messrs. J. B. Keller & Bro. wil!
hold their first Spring sale of live
stock at their yards here on Friday
March 30, when they will sell 6(
head of Lancaster and York Co
. cows. Also a few heifers, a lot of
good stock bulls and 30 head of ex
tra good home-raised shoats. Don’
fail to attend this sale. at.
— Eee
The Central House Change
Mr. Harry Gochnauer, who wil
| succeed Mr. J. M. Backenstoe at the
{ Central House April first, has rented
| the balance of the first floor from
; Mr. Jno. Hallgren and will cater to
transient trade, boarders, ete. He
will conduct this hostelry in first-
class style and solicits a share of
your patronage.
——— —— ——
A Fine Lot of Stock
Next Tuesday, Mar. 27, Mr. C. S
Frank will offer a fine lot of stock
at public sale at the stock yards at
Hotel McGinnis in this place. Thirty
head of good cows, some fat and
bologna cows, a few stock bulls, 100
head of home-raised shoats and some
brood sows and seed hogs.
A A Mrmr
Sorry to Hear It, George
Mr. Geo. Cunningham will move
to Lancaster in the very near fu-
ture, the Shange making it far more
convenient as he is employed there.



foul play but had met his death |
while on his way home, being struck
by a train at the Angle street cross: |
ing in Florin. This ended the in-|
vestigation of the coroner and his |
Judging the way the body was so
horribly mangled, Kline was run over
by more than one train. From the |
time that the first freight train pass |
ed Rheems at 11:12 o’clock, there
were two other trains that passed at
11:18 and ¥1:22 o’clock, and these |
no doubt cut the body also. A fast|
passenger train also went west, pass- |
ing thru Florin at 11:21. The Rail-|
road Company notified the Corone: |
here on Sunday that there were in- |
dications on engine No. 313, which|
drew a freight train and passed thru
Florin about 11:20 Saturday night
showed signs of having run over a
The young man twenty-four
vears old and was the oldest son of |
J. Y. Kline. He assisted his father
in the manufacture of concrete
building block and frequently had
charge of construction work. As
little side line he bought and shipped
rabbits quite extensively. The youns
man was of temperate habits and
had a very large circle of friends.
Besides his parents, he is survived
by two brothers, Jacob and John and
two sisters, Catharine and Fanny, all
at home. The funeral was held this
morning at 10:30 o’clock from his
late home at Florin. Burial was
made in the Mount Joy cemetery.
rr A Arr
Moved to Lancaster
Mr. Arthur H. Collidge moved his
family and household effects to Lan-
caster this week. Mr. H. L. Spohn,
who occupied the other side of this
property is also vacating. The new
owner, Dr. W. R. Heilig has already
taken possession and is now making
alterations and improvements. The
side vacated by Mr. Spohn will be

Mr. Harry Leib will move into the | occupied by A. H. Shickley, while
Cunningham property on West Done- { Mr. eilig will move into the other
gal street. | side April 1st.
~~ .




and Mrs. Beatty at Florin.
Sheriff Garber and a number of!
his friends were in town last Thurs- |
day doing a little missionary work |
in the interest of the Lancaster Au-
tomobile Club. |
Dr. E. W. Garber, who was elected |
a lay delegate to the Laymen’s|
Convention, attended the sessions at
Philadelphia last Thursday and Fri
Mr. Harrison Stauffer, wife and
two children of Quarryville, spent
several days with his parents near
town. Mr. Stauffer is one of the
leading apiarists in the county.
Mrs. John Shelly who spent some
time here with Mrs. Mary Shelly

left for Philadelphia on Thursday
where she will spend several y
and then will leave for Z:
Ohio, her future home
ee —
There was quite a surprise in local
real estate circles t morning when

it was learned that Mr. Michael A
Rollman, president of the New
Standard Hardware Works, of thi
place, had purchased the Emanue
Eby farm in this place.
This is the former Henry Brene. |
man farm and contains seven acres. |
The terms of the sale are private |
The deal was made by the local real |
estate broker, Jno. E. Schroll. |
Bought New Autos
Mr. Howard Barnhart of East
Donegal, has purchased a Chevrolet
touring car from Mr. E. B. Rohrer
the local agent.
Mr. Paul Wiser has purchased ar
Oakland six roadster from the local
representative, Mr. Walter Welfly.
a ——
A Song Recital
The pupils of Miss Anna Welsh
will give a recital in Mount Jo
Hall on Thursday evening,
18th. A very strong program
sador to Japan, who died in that 2nd judging from the comments the
' country some weeks ago. While SHOW is one of the best that has
{ grandmaster of the Grand Lodge of played in Mount Joy the past few
| race between several crack shots af-












o'clock and the body then taken to
Marietta for burial on Thursday
morning at 10 o’clock.
Tt r—
and Mandolin Club
cal talent. Doors
gram at 7:30.
Also good lo-
open at ; pro-
Good Show at Mount Joy Hall
The Oregon Vaudeville & Comedy
jompany, consisting of nine people
are drawing big crowds at the Hall
Masonic Homes Draped
The Masonic Homes at Elizabeth-
town are drapped out of respect for
the late George W. Guthrie, ambas-
Pennsylvania, F. and A. M., Mr.
Guthrie laid the corner-stone of the
Grand Lodge Hall at Elizabethtown
on September 26, 1911.
Thursday night they will ive
Big Minstrel Show, including ee
high-class Vaudeville acts and “The
Roof Garden Tragedy,” a travesty on
the celebrated Thaw Case..

Will Attend Church
Mount Joy Lodge No. 277, I. O. For Laides Only
0. F. has accepted an invitation to ladies only will be

Luke’s Episcopal Church sd afternoon at 2:30.
, April 22nd when the Tre
he Re H. D. Speakman, lay night, a pretty diamond
GC Patriarch of the be given away free to the
rand cam of New Jersey baby in the Hall. There
will preach the anniversary ser- rize offered for the best
on of the Order of Odd Fellows. after the regular show, and
on is only 10 cents to all.
rday afternoon at 2:30, a big
show and a big bag of candy for
everybody. All for a five cent piece.
Saturday night the biggest and
best show of all and 50 presents
valued at three dollars a piece will
be given away free so come early.
A ..—.—.—,
Shoot at Ironville
A big live bird shoot will be held
at Ironville tomorrow, Thursday,
March 22. There will be a 25 bird
ter whie
h there will be a sweepstakes
sudo Rifle Cartridge in Coal
Railroad Strike Settled Mrs. Mary Gipe, of Donegal, is in
The railroad companies met the | a serious condition from being struck
demands of the Brotherhoods of | by a bullet from a 32-caliber ecart-
Trainmen, thereby averting a strike. ridge, which was in the coal that she
All is going along lovely and the em- | put in the fire Saturday evening. The
bargos on freight have been lifted. | bullet cannot be located
AA Aer
Ground-Hog Weather Over
Pastor Buys an Auto
If cold weather should Lob up
Rev. F. G. Bossert has purhased s
1917 Ford Cabriolet from the local | it cannot be blamed on *he ground
jgent Mr. H. S. Newcomer. | hog, for the six weeks of cold and
| stormy weather forecasted came to
Murrisge Li a close on Friday.
Abner M. Fisher of Harrisburg, |
and Ella A. Morning of Elisabeth- |
| That’s the number of
town. .
| R. Barnhart and Bessie Clara accompanied the excu-zion to
Eight People Went

be rendered.
Gainer, both of Elizabethtown. | delphia Sunday over the