The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 14, 1917, Image 4

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——— : 5. ow .
What Shwilkey wumblesock Has To A FRiE (dy W ¥ ’ i,
: a, | : 0 O I R C O A S
» ¢ | Vel my leva’ freindt ve gleicha
WiLlg | dear des Grunt ux vetter? By mere
‘ | is es usht grawt ves war wu em Sam d F S .
PA » M UININE Shlopmowl! si fraw gshtariva is im Woman Save rom a Seri
§ hoyt un aern—es suit mich so shlecht ous Surgical Operation.
. «4 Cod i gsoote. Ich hop imer so feel room
oman | Shpringas tzu, dua un sis gviss ich
family remedy—in tablet ape tzu kolt fer en hundt drows si, sic “R
e, sure, easy to take. No nix tzu sawga fom a mon. Of koars Louisville, KY ~ Por Jour years |
hs won ich drum soufa kent ve a dale suffers om SIE I could not
I kals kent ichs aw shtanda, ower sel A a i 2nd it hurt me to
X kon ich shure now net dua. : wit! If I tried to do any work, I
As Any Prag Store Om Momdawk hov ich fot missa 1d have to lie down before it was
Ey un ich hop gadenkt es gate feel] WOU avi finished. The doc
shneller won ich gay date in aens |i 4 HHT tors said I would
fon sella ferdulta shtink wega. Ich |i}ii}iiH {Hil have to be opera
hop em Gasoline Gust gsawt aer sol |i}i}i se . ted on and I simp!
e Cassel and family of [ amole ready mocha, de no sawgt df 8 | broke down. x
heim, visited in the family | 8er, Shwilkey, mer 'missa en kive ‘||| friend advised me
Sharpe. fol hase wosser hova.” Ich hop der |ifi bl to try Lydia E.
Fitrickler and family visited | Betz tzawt se sol mer en kivel fol [HHI 4 Pinkham’s V ege-
ers brother. Frank Strick- | Tote hase woser grega un se hut. || ; ill table Compognd,
lunga, on Sunday. Ich hop seler kivel fol woser ona |i ||| and the result is
Earhart and wife and Wal- | gsets bis ich der drechter grickt hor 1° {|| feel like anew wom
and wife attended Mrs. | un vu ich gonga bin fer es ney [Prag ‘| an. 4 am well and
I 1'vson’s funeral at Mount- | Shitta wars woser gfrora. ; it ~ | stropg, do all my
i Monday. Well der denets denk net glawva Vass own house work and
irectors of the Rapho town-| ower seller kived fol woser is so have an eight pound baby girl. I know
hol board met at Sporting | gshwindt gfrora des es ice noch hase Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-
Saturday. The teachers also | War vu ichs ous em kivel gnooma po5,,3 saved me from an operation
heeting at the .same place, | hop—un sell is aw ken leek. which every woman /dreads.’”” — Mrs.
8: about half of the teachers Well bis mer seller injine gshtaert yo 7 no FISHBACK, 1521 Christy Ave.,
‘esent on account of the ex- | &rickt hen wara mer ol tzway, ich Louisville, Ky.
old ‘weather. mane ich un der Gust, noss gshwitzt. Everyone naturally dreads the sur-
. Wolgemuth and family en- | Mer sin de no amole op un vu mer geon’s knife. Sometimes nothing else
od the following on Sunday |hame kumma sin wara mere oll tz- wij gs hut many times Lydia E. Pink-
@Volgemuth and family, Irvin { Way gons iver ice. De Betz hutmy p50 Vegetable \Compound has saved
wth and. family, ~ Walter | glater op gnooma de no hut se er yo houont and magde/an operation un
: and family, Walter Hossler | hock grickt un huts ice fon mer ga- | poiicon "
mily, Samuel Wolgemuth and | grotzt. Un now ferluss dich druf se "if oo, have any symptom about which
®d Mrs. Mattie Ginder. | hut aw olly gabut avenich howt mit v uy would like to. know, write to the
gnomma. Now won der Shwilkey dia BE. Pinkham J ne Co., Lynn
viter nous gate inema shtink woga a for helofal ad VOR Tres.
ILTON GROVE wiles so kolt is don is aer gons
——————— —————(———— 3 I~ A ——— Oo ——" —— "i — ——
~~ — row or p————— —————————
To be Sold at Wonderfully Low Prices
on Saturday, February 17th.

These Suits and Overcoats are all from this season
and wili be sold at the following prices:
$12 50 Zuits or Oveicoats § 8.50
15.00 Suits or Overcoats 11.00
17.00 Suits or Overcoats 13.00
18.50 Suits or Uvercoats 14.00
20.C0 Suits or Overcoats 15.00

10.11 0

narish oter se fora ene tzuma
karich-hofe. RS Fh
tl G.* Hoffman Bu 2 He John Seller same dawk huts de gons BASKET BALL
Green Property | ame side fon ema Jon .Dopfoos si
anki : boart op gfrora; .der shwontz fon! :
Su Me Aston Rie ocht fonem Bill Sensawetzer si kee. | Mount Joy vs. Downingtown
AR oh h Tr a . rp his Der Bill bottert sich so feel de| The Mount Joy High School bas-
gh PIL Pished: Stripe he vaega. Aer faricht aer muss neck: |yet hall five sure sprung a surprise
y and it 1s now ready for the | ghta' summer en incl yawger uf |," Downingtown in the local gym
events! olly ku brinna shunsht fressa de|pridav nich ‘he th eg ed
fd. ars, Jacob yloyer, of micka si fee ower ich hop em tzawt he BY Rd ye 5 so ambe
frionds ipquare, Spent Sunday | ser brouch sich net botera devaga | At, no time could the Downingtown
nel sn ; Sh. £ “Read Wons so kolt bleipt noch feel lenger|i;4s make it ‘interesting. John
WL, peie er, a M rE A ferfreerts oll de nits in de gons Tons" a son of Rev. Long of this
oo tho Sabbath EN. United Shtates, de no gepts ken place, is coach of the Downingtown
rie Ye 'S Gibble "of Cherry micka neeckshta summer, net recht. quintefte. The lineup:
guested “with Mrs. Frank Grosh Liu aShviiiiey Bumblesoek:) Mount Joy Downingtown | sym | (N/MM 5 BE KE BSE 8 GR BE 8 CEE ERE EN ESE
concluding part of the p¥st week. (Gantz... ...... forward Bernon
fore than 50,000 Civil War SALUNGA Brown . McClain
trans died . last year, leaving Hoberts
0 i TTT a
t 286,000 names on the pension Mr. Harry Geistwite of Chickies, Cos
ohn Green, of Elizabethtown Moved to Reading on Thursday Field goal: Gantz, 16; Brown, 2;
1 hi D i i ) o ct : Roberts, 4; B y 23 McClain, 2;
i his . property in this place to Mrs. Ella Shultz is spending some Fairy, Renre Bosriroer 1H |
al G. Hoffman. Consideration time with Mrs. Jacob Herr, ” Et Porat =
Mr. Phares Strickler called at the | aytown vs. East Petersburg |=
Mr. and Mrs. Al Sheaffer, of | 0" of irc ee pd ny Maytown . defeated East Peters-
nny Side, spent Saturday with day. burg by the figures of 41 to 13. The
ob R. "Shenk and daughters in game was very cleanly played. The
S plate Revival, services are sh con- ? a Tot d
y 2 L : tinued and ministers from abroad are | stars o e game were Lulz an
The Misses Heisey, of Elizabeth- lending aid. 4 Houseal of Maytown and Bigler of
wn, spent Sunday with their “'poritoes’ have a peculiar rich Petersburg. The lineup:
i, Amelia S. Heisey in twang to them. Dealers pay $2.50 Maytown Positions E. Petorsbiig 3
is place. : 4 er bushel. C. Houseal...forward.... Zerphey = A k d U 8 Ww D A o
Alvin 8. Heisey and Jady friend | P Miss Mabel Nissley of Harrisburg |H. Lutz forward Bigler = 4 S e S a e ays J 0. -
are in attendance at the Brethren spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Drace Foltz :
Christ revival in Elizabethtown, Martha Eby. D. ard... Gochnauer é- ° =
unday evening. Monday, 12th, was our coldest Fletcher guard Grayhill = What M akes You Keep Pounding Away
Boys Shces in Tan, Black or Mahogany, both Button
and English Bal at $2.50 to $4.00

ORR 1 1
= OL OR RR Eee BB oS 88 mo
jill |
11) 3
Mr. and ‘Mrs. Henry Shepherd d d it wi 1d i i Field g :
: brid iz th ield goals: C. Houseal 10, Lutz
FO ere confined to Suh or dy PR rag Syeh hv 3, Drace, Plesher 3, Bigles, Falke ~
s ; Mrs. H. Y. Yocum of near Read- 2, Graybill. ubstitutes—G. oe ’
pave recovered as to enable them to | jo "spent a few ei] oh Mrs. seal for ‘D. Lutz. Referee Ellis, 8 S0 ar t our
Te their work. ; Amos Musser and. Mrs. Samuel Eby. [Foul goals: Lutz, 3 out of 5. Zer-
e statement that the price of | “Myo ™ Agam Linard of near phy, 5 out of 7.
abbage has aviated so high that it | ppeems, visited in the home of M = ”
i jora=e ’ | r. : 1 2
> ne Longer Dossisle 1 make bi and Mrs. Jordan Kline of Sunday. | haunt Soy Manheim, bas. | W
2 © very G8 | Messrs. Levi Shuman and Osear yet ball in Mount Joy Hall on Thurs-
couraging -to smokers. Metz : r
: gar reached another mile stone Nv when fount Joy suc-
OO Sap bone is: Conn ry. 9200.00, This Wash. Nay they live to enjoy ona Sad Bi ianheim EE ———
iv > . ) y Leag: g re o
Piva re harass ws ad = Wa, gs 57 0 25. “The "rst “half ended 5 ° 3 9
payors of the United Staten, | $e Rome. of For arents, Hr. and niin She os nthe Jd vp fot & Of Furniture, Rugs and Wall Paper
are ulti lying on idl re jo Mrs. Samuel Shertzer. Bennett broke loose and made the ’ .
Conewapgo Tse or Ve a 2 Harry Geistwite, who lived on Dr.'y i itors look like Bushwackers. He Sn
nocturnal visits to the adjacent SE J. S. Kendig’s farm at Chiques Mill scored seven two pointers.
neries and steal their iy poultry. joved = Reading on Thursday and The lineup:
The road supervisors ' of Mount | ~ Gorse Way Wit jake his place. Mt. Joy Positions Manheim
om Township met Friday evening at Tobaceo is still in. evidence on pj, Edwards
Hotel Milton Grove and ‘the school Pe Steels. lading to he a. Mellinger .
| directors held their monthly meeting ii b tis Jover Soo 50 br 1 Sg R. Bennett... .centre
| in the High School building Satur- | POOF tobacco larmer, who reaps an
| day evening sows in ali kinds of weather and Klugh guard
| Prof. and Mrs. Charles G. Becker, | ITO early dewn to dark night. | ™ Goals "Eliis'2, Bennett 10, Ed-,
accompanied by their charming lit. The terms eflervesced Sunday, (ards 4, Brandt 1, Dalton 1. Fouls
fle dmehter Miss Rhoda gris “(and later and still more outrageous, | _"Moellinger, 9 out of 21, Edwards
| day guests at the hom * ? Me a | sourkrouted, are daily seen among 13 out of 34. Referee E:lis. :
Mic Ans 8 Wa TS oIb rian { the grips and witty sayings of our | ;
Ping Mt. Pleasant Chuogeh uth adjomn- | pencil pushers. Recently one such, | Maytown vs. Marietta
1 Mout Jo TOWED a traffic. | UPON being cornered, stated he had| In one of the most spirited and
h | er Sb Y = Phas a zag ¢ { sourkrouted with the landlord and | hardest fought games ever staged on
fl and when he is seen 2) ego I { the interviewer says from the fumes a Marietta flor, the team repre-
| Féesidents are. ir 2 aang uf of his breath there was no room [senting that borough defeated their
| whether Ite is io 2h yo as . | for doubt that the treat included neighbors, Maytown Wednesday
Brit or 1s Aecins fro 12 a cul- | the fluid that floated the krout on night 27 to 22. Erb’s superb shoot-
| rior is feging fom Be name. | 16 anata way Eran the hd aa pom
y | on the indisposed register with Se ate uo | for Marie's Plo, Ths a aaiD!
B | Saray LE Vishis Impraysnienss, SPORTING HILL | Houseal forward. .Rutherford
Mrs. BS, L. mgrich reports on- Sle :
By, clusion as 4 ® er 8 Berri | Trossler forward.... Shillow
r- | latest bulletin from Joseph K.| Mrs. John Nissley and daughter, He oy
lv | Heistand elicts that he has passed Dorothy, of Columbia, spent several | n®7% ey
Le | the danger line. ; days with her mother, Mrs. A. H. | "& 2 ¢ fold: H 13 Tr
as | Isaac S. Geib, the veteran trap- | Vogel i Da E om ne Hoga R Hod
ur | per and weather prophet, predicted Miss Anna Hodecker of Mount Joy | ford SHilL 5 oy Erb 7 Co ey, ‘Cc oe
ie- | a month ago that the ground hog | 2nd Stanley Cooper of Landisville, | 2% & 1H ’ i: 3 PTE: Shin
| will see his shadow on his appear- ; Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. hi” ony Pusea St bw, Iter os
| ance, and then will follow the | Reinhard Hodecker. [Behe Eo ° Ref AD, Mill or of
| proverbial six weeks more of incle- | . Miss Vivian Coolidge, of Mount he or 20 be Loar, ame
! ment weather. His Marmotic Ma- | Joy Visited friends here last week. [01 Nalves, minutes.
| jesty has seen his shadow and we | . Mrs. Susan Nauman of Elston: | Fouls
| are awaiting results. | ville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. S.| The Hasset Club_ will be the at-
h a| Due to symptoms of pneumonia, Bradley. traction in Mount Joy Hall on Sat.
the royal reception which was| Mr. and Mrs. David Snyder and urday evening. The game starts at
scheduled to materialize last Sun- | Son, Herbert of East Petersburg,|8:15 and the admission is 15 cents.
Bll i.ct | day in honor of the marriage of his | SPent Sunday with Herman Shelley Turn out and see one of the best
) | independent teams in this section
jith | daughter Miss Bertha, to John 8.|2and family. ;
i | Heisey, David Ebersole, of Cherry! Mr. and Mrs. D. Dissinger and opposed by a five that is real hard
St. | Hill, was perforced to defer the oc. | daughters, Emma and Fannie, visited to beat. : :
day | easion until the recovery of the | relatives at Manheim on Sunday. Ben Groff and his. quintette of
of | groom. We hope for a speedy re- |, Mrs. Susan Nissley returned to her | basket ball chasers will journey to
rris- | covery of the groom home here after spending several | Hershey on Friday night where they
500, | sre Geen months at Manheim. | will try conclusions with the strong
| Messrs. John D. Fissel and Howard | Y. M. C. A. team. Pb. 15
eb. 15,
w= PLEA BY > i
A Miller spent Saturday and Sunday On Thursday evening,
sh SANT VIEW with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Werner |the Ex-High team of Elizabethtown,
| will play the strong Maytown team
oo. : { at Central Rapho. { 1
utor| Mr. Willis Heisey spent Sunday at | Several of Fae village folks at-{at Maytown. Elizabethtown will
the Milt Grove. : . | tended the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth have three of the county league
rday | ¢ Mrs. Samuel Mover is suffering | Bear, at Lititz, last Wednesday. team’s players on its lineup and a
SOM. | TF an A) attack of pleurisy. | Misses Lottie Nissley and Sue|good game may be looked for.
Was Spring sales and high prices are | Pfautz visited the former’s brother- Whistle at eight bells. Admission,
for { some of the evening discussions. | in-law, Samuel Garman, and family, one dime. A
Ning | Mr. I. P. Eshleman sold 13 hogs! on Sunday. | That will be some game in the
1.02 | to Harry Reed one day last week. | { High School gym on Friday evening
lass | Miss Bertha Miller visited S. D. | | when the Manheim High School
ea Kolp at the C. S. farm on Sunday. ROWENNA | meets O’Neill’s aggregation. Man-
The | Mr. Martin Heisey made a business de ora e | heim has one of the best High
i call throuzh this section on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Stoner spent School teams in the county and
pe Miss Elizabeth Rider made a very | last Wednesday at Lancaster. | should prove a worthy opponent for
ohn i piles call on the C. S. farm last Tues-| Miss Elva Billet of Lancaster the fast local quintette. Game at 8
rey: : : | spent several days 2 : | o’clock.
Sture _p Gideon Gibble pd son Elmer | * Mrs. H. K. te at Lan- |
| visited relatives at Lancaster last | caster shopping last Saturday.
| Tuesday. | Miss Emily Roath has Ey to the DONEGAL SPRINGS
i The Wheatland school was closed | University Hospital to be a nurse. Mr. John Derr visited John Barn-
last Monday on account of the incle- Miss Annie Eostic of York, spent hart on Sunday.
{ ment weatner.. : | Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Horace Mr. and Mrs. John Barnhart spent
. The reporter is nursing a very sore : Glatfelter. Saturday at Elizabethtown.
foot the result of a cow stepping on Misses Iva and Mary Albright Miss Hazel Garber is spending a
it a few days ago. ist Saturday afternoon at| few davs with her grand-parents.
Mrs. I. P. Eshleman attended the | Harrisburg. Mr. Peter Kraybill of Florin,
Mrs. Wm. Groff, at Co- Miss Mary Ileis Xheems [Called on Harvey Hossler Thursday.
iy Inst week. t and Emily A. Roatl Mgytowr Mary Hassinger snent . Thursday
F. Gremer,. Clarence | spent t sup- | with Misses Lizzie and Mary Hossler.
- FE. Esh eman and Amos | per wi Mary xd Martha SRAank. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis spent
attended the Haldeman sule; Rev. McDan ! of Meount\Joy Sunday afternoon in Kinderhook,
inviile last Tuesday. i preached at Mavtorn Dithel Ap with his mother. g
t zero weather caused the | helped to raise the sungof $479 Mr. and Mrs. Danie Brandt T
freeze and Lurst in | which is about half of th <onagd spent Sundav® with esa m E =. 5 L 1 i
a alc 13 sho kale cb foro fons Swing : 32-38 East King St, ancaster_gfa.
ERE is the answer:—This Great February Sale is still
going on and everybody has a right to know about
it. It provides the opportunity for hundreds of people to replen-
ish their homes with furniture, better than they can find else-
where and most important of all, it gives them the last chances
to buy Good Dependable Furniture, Rugs, Carpets and Wall Pa-
per at the old low prices they have been accustomed to pay in
the past. For these reasons we are ‘pushing’ our sale so hard
for it would be a pity to have anyone say to us after it is all
over:—*“l wish I had known about your February Sale of Furni-
ture, Rugs and Wall Paper, and what its great advantages
Plan To Attend This Sale This Week
OU will find that the variety and the values have not
been impaired in the least by the tremendous business
in the first two weeks of the sale, heavy as it was—but new
shipments that are arriving daily make chcosing now, as good
and even better than before. And keep this in mind: —Furni-
ture, Rugs and Wall Paper prices have advanced and are to
go still higher. It is doubtful if this generation will again see
prices as low as prevail in our February Sale NOW.


Oc 0.
i i it bs is. in i


PAE ParYour Round Trip CAR FARE On ALL Purchases Or $10.9
L Or More. IT Costs You NOTHING. Ask forlT. J
Successors to Williamson & Foster & Cochran
d recent}
Cg criable Ar and Mrs Abram Lutz spent
Rov with gMr. and Mrs. JIarTy gms mi om I
uh 3