em- | exercises were | ¥ needs 1S a | rough edges. | . girl start ny- | ing a goodbye to | { Fd Belt having it may Rolained. sr x * | ows that she explained | sider itself i { | a girl who wasn good 0 other isn’t. * * * a of the “cornered” it see whom they 6 to associate with! £ * ¥ ® % A wonder some are bad A guilty conscience is its own ac- er,” but in New York they are oding the storage eggs. * % * % ¥ f a. age of economy and f and tr ~sooner public find it out th@& better. $4 x x i interpreted, is ped out for homy, politically lv the program 1 gsional Record g comic section hat the 3 ds is to cut out tm give us more SH Wmerica’s experience with em- goes has been disastrous. America to profit by experience. * kt x &.8 k rmy and Navy seem to be most as much trouble se- jits as the factories and ast. | otherwise injured. | nauer, ; 1 { Ralph Gochnauer, Mr. and Mrs. Ww. dishes thinks | Cake and Rev. J. THE EAST PETERSBURG The Evangelical Sunday-school rendered their Christmas program on friday evening. Mr. Wm. Pool and family spent aday at Mechanicsville, with Mr. Mrs. Jacob Root. Harry Gochnauer of New ity, was the guest of D. H. and family on Tuesday. Keen of Lycoming county, the pulpit in the Trinity Re- hurch on Sunday evening. Kutz, a senior of the Amanda and her sgn Robert were some who sold early in Il Seminary at Lancaster, dest of Rev. J. R. Rother- Sumpman at Mount Joy last Sun-| early. day. riam er Gochnauer was at Sunday, visiting her Lizzie Gochnauer, and Anna Gochnauer. he Lutheran Sunday-school held feir Christmas exercises on Sunday evening. The exercisps were inter- esting and entertaipihg and brought out the Christmas spirit. Early Christmas morning at 5:30 o’clock, a Christmas service was held in the Trinity Reformed Church. At 7:15 p. m. the regular Christmas held, for which a suitable programme had © pre- pared. On Monday evening, while Andes, sexton of the 1ity Re- formed Church was Ile the church, he accidentally fell, and in the fall had two ribs broken and was He suffers eel Henry y Ir ving con- siderable. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nissley, of Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Goch- Miss Anna Gochnauer, Mr. R. Rothermel and Rev. Keen were entertained by Lévi Gross and family on Sunday. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Trinity Reformed Church met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Elbert Martzall. A large number of the members were present. Refresh- ments were served. The society will send forty-six jars of fruit to the Womelsdorf Orphans’ Home for Christmas. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Samuel Martzall at Lancaster, on Tuesday evening, January 2. Last Saturday evening Mrs. P. M. Gerfin, teacher in the Lutheran Sun- day-school, tendered a Christmas party to her class of boys. Various games were played and a very de- lightful evening was spent. The decorations were of red. Elegant refreshments were served. The class decided to send ten pounds of choco- late candy to the orphans at Loys- ville. The class consists of fifteen boys. The Community Christmas tree was a beauty. It was secured from Charles Minnich, of Mechanicsville. The tree was decorated and com- pleted by Saturday evening, when it | sanderstood, | was illuminated for the first time. It | wrist; fracturing it which will neces- recently ac-| was illuminated on Saturday, Sunday | sitate him to carry the injured mem- Broperty until and Monday evenings. The com- RHEEMS Mr. J. Kraybill Bard, a Stare Col- lege student spemt Christin@s with | Fo / | y.-supervisor est Done- | in this place his parents. Mr. George 1} and county butch gal transacted, busi last Saturday. Pupils of the urch of the | Brethren = Sunday Sehool received | gifts on Christmas morning to Com- memorate the Birth of Jesus. | Mr. H. H. Bard snd daughter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah | Id | Mr. andvMrs. J. Mr. and Mrs'« John Wagner spent one day last week at Philadelphia, where they combined business with pleasure. Mr. H. Keister and a number of | others from Harrisburg, were guests | of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry, as-| | sistant P. R. R agent on Christmas evening. | Mr. and Mrs. David Heisey of near Elizabethtown, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob | Sauders of this place were guests of Mr. Mrs. Ezra Sauders on Christmas day. Mr. B. H. Greider took his family of Silver Springs in his new Peerless auto where they were guests of his brother and fam- ay. M. Weaver and and to the vicinity ily on Christmas day. E. H. Hersh, the Rheems machinist was summoned to the Wolgemuth mill Marietta, upon a stormy night last week. His similar to a physician, calls regardless to time or weather. Christian Ball, a track laborer on the section in charge of foreman, J. M. Weaver has been | promoted to assistant track fore- | man on the Landisville section P. R. | R. in charge of Abram Weaver went into effect December 26. The Rheems schools in charge of | near business is subject to | Rheems | Mr. Harry Gise and Miss Elizabeth | Greider with their pupils rendered Christmas exercises last Friday af- ternoon in an appropriate manner. | A large number of patrons and friends being present. | | Postmaster Frank Shank and | | family entertained the following | | guests on Christmas day: Mr. and | | Mrs. Daniel Shank, sr., of Elizabeth- | town, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Shank of {near Elizabethtown, Mr. and Mrs. | | Daniel V. Shank, jr. of Malvern, Pa. | Christmas day was an ideal day in | every respect making it convenient | lto those who had a a desire to walk Jor to use their automobiles, vehicles, | sleighs or board a trolley car or railroad train. A beautiful sunshine day with a frisky air, temperature | about freezing. | Enos Floyd in charge of the D. G. | Brinser auto truck last Wednesday | morning while cranking his machine the handle reversed striking his right | ber in a sling for weeks to come. He | has met with a number of accidents. | Ira Gibble, of | party would return the tobacco stems | minus several bushels of oats. | Hollinger, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Stauf- OUNT JPY, PENNA, ST RAPHO 3 ide and Chiques Hill ed Christmas exercises EXECUTORS’ PUBLIC —QF: REAL ESTATE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, The undersigned executors 0 estate of Margaret Bopp, deceXecu will sell at public sale at the \La- Pierre House, Mount Joy, Pa., he following described real estate \o it: / THE LAPIERRE HOUSE | Situated on thle corner of West Main and Manheim Streets, Mount Joy, Pa. This is TEL It Shorr with a two and Th school on Frid ernoon. Mr. a Irs. Israel Gibble visited in the faWfily of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Geib on Sunday. The Milton Grove Church closed their revival meetings on Sunday evening, the result being eight converts. There are still a few crops of to- bacco for sale in this community and the fall feel like kicking themselves for selling so Evangelical one-half Skory Frame Annex; LARGE FRAME STABLE, shedding and yard. This is one of the oldest licensed hostelrys in this section and it enjoys a /good patronage. Property fronts 35 feet more or less on West Main sirelt and extends in depth toil h ont northwardly 150 feet to the property Geib, who spent | of Sylvester Dearbeck. Property also several days of last week in New| fronts 1, Manheim sirest. Bie York City on business is at home 0. 2 ot of ground adjoining again with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | the LaPierre Hotel, fronting 141 feet P. C. Geib. | erected a FRAME 2-STORY Miss Naomi Bowers, teacher of the DOUBLE DWELLING = Q ida school and Miss Alice Os- | dapted for two families, Lot Sunnyside school i" ie ie os |is bounded on the north by the nig | property of Sylvester Dear- = and Sunday | beck,'on the east by Manheim Rev. Amos P. mond teacher of school spent Saturday in Lancaster with | Pi ierre Hotel rents. The revival meetings held vat fhge gms prior to day of sale will call on Chiques Church are largely attended ser of the undersigned executors dering the condi- | residing nearby. | Rev. | Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p.| ‘| m., on Friday. December 29th. 1916. county, has | when terms and conditions will be | made known by : ELIZABETH ZEAGER, FRANK ZEAGER, Executors. | street property. every evening 3 tion of the weather and roads. Berks charge of these meetings. John H. Sowers and Elias W. Geib each have a tenant house which they will rent to good parties at a low rate of rent. These houses are situated | in where there is work the | year around for willing workers. In| qmip Street, New York City, General Mastersonville there are three or | Sales Manager of the largest con- four houses for rent also. {cern of its kind in the world, wants rtbory took abot T0 Take of| Buse oe four mos 5, Lysis tobacco out of John W. Geib’s barn! Jounties, to work for him spare | last week one night. Mr. Geib does time or all the time. [ not care so much about the tobacco only those who have a rig or auto. | and the lath being stolen, but he Work is very pleasant and no would appreciate it very much if the Chas. S. Frank, Auct. W. M. Hollowbush, Attorney. F. Lee Sheppy, 8th Floor, 243 Ww. a locality previous selling experience is neces- | sary. Work consists of leaving a | wonderful new household necessity | after he has it stripped. He is slso}ip the bomes on free tll Lay : 3 | versities and the Government Bureau Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Geib enter- | of Standards show this new article tained at dinner on Sunday, the fol-| to be four tas as ssh as plticls, nt Mr, oi Mro, Famy ng, (007 In genersl soe jn ts seatien, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hess, Mr. and | home and benefits every member of Mrs. Samuel Eshleman, Mr. and Mrs. the household,. bringing cheer, com- Henry Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. M. G.| fort and happiness into the home. | Not necessary to be away from home Ioylin 2 | nights. Pay from $6.00 to $15.00 fer, Rev. Ira D. Gibble, of Berks | per day according to ability and county and Mrs. Emma Kreiner, of number of homes visited. In writing White Oak Mr. Sheppy, mention what townships ; will be most convenient for you to Mr. Webster Gibble, of near Mas-| work in; what your regular occlipa- tersonville, had his left arm broken |tion is; your age; married or single; several days ago. It is very un- | how long = Save lived in the com- fortunate for Mr. Gibble, as he hed] Unie; W i i or 3 Wo several important engagements with | gpare time or steady; how much a certain young lady, but under the time you will have to devote to the existing conditions he does not feel Fork; shen jou can start, g7d shop) able to meet these obligations. He | miles of 2a ome yg his is looking for a substitute. Who i splendid opportunity for several will volunteer? |of the field men earn $300.00 per jmonth; one farmer earned $1000.00 | | working spare time only. No invest- | Mr. and Mrs. Clement Brubaker were the guests of Mrs. Benjamin, Garber on Christmas. DONEGAL SPRINGS Zi: | men in Lancaster County and coun- | ties_adjoining to make good money, working steady or spare time. Some Mr. and Mrs. John Barnhart and, daughter Mary spent Saturday at Elizabethtown. | dec. 13-4t | For Father and Son 1 | on Manheim street an on which is H | | | | | | | the former's pa-| and on the south and west by the La- m Persons wishing to view the prop- | 0 1 OL He can use |= 11001 0 = 3-STORY BRICK HO- — { Prices OL 1 ll 1 ill | Up to the present time Cars have been built of materials contrfCted for before the almost universal increase i vag 7 January 15th; 1917 BUICK Valve-in-Hg costs, / That Supply of Miter Has Now Been Exhausted D-4.34, D-4-35, D-6-44, D-6-45, D-6-46, D-6-47, 4-Cyl. Runabout 4-Cyl. Touring 6-Cyl. Runabout 6-Cyl. Touring 6-Cyl. Cabriolet 6-Cyl. Sedan F. O. B. LANCASTER, pj, ORDERS PLACED IMMEDIATE; vy WILL BE BOOKED AT OLD pRriICES Lancaster Automobile Cs An increase in the price of all BUICK Valve-in- Head Cars is therefore imperative. January 15th, 1917, prices of the various BUICK Models will be as follows: On and after ...$ €90.00 ..$ 705.00 $1075.00 .. $1105.00 ...$1480.00 $1875.00 Selling BUICK Valve-iny..4 Motors Since 190% 230-238 West Kir, Street, Lancaster 8 : ; CA TO om 360 PICTURES 360 ARTICLES EACH MONTH ON ALL NEWS STANDS Zor | unity service was held early Sunday ; | evening, where the people from the! The recent snows and high winds can convince 8 | whole town, young and old, gathered | caused the country roads to be closed ly and truly loves | for a brief service. This is the first | at many places. It was necessary o work overtime to Community tree for East Petersburg, to open up fences and use the fields moed. 3, and the people took a great interest as highways. Superviscr Hiram lin the same, by aiding financially | Enterline had a large force with he California vote for Hiram | and with their work. ! shovels in the vicinity of Green Tree is another example of the rer | endeavoring to open the drifted ndance the glorious climate 1 | roads. croduces. MAYTOWN Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Kauffman, al hd —— | daughters Katharine and Elizabeth Miss Marie Harter is off on a trip and son Reuben of near East Peters- to Washington, D. C. | burg, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Risser and Mr. Paris Epler killed a hog that | daughter Myra, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. | dressed 503 lbs. Umm! |W. Kraybill, Mr. H. H. Bard and| py and Mrs. Clement Brubaker, Our genial friend Charley Straley daughter Amanda and her son | pyr and Mrs. Jacob S. Witmer and make Mas- is all smiles. There’s a reason. It’s Robert were Christmas guests at the | g,uohter Edith and Miss Annie Wit- Billy Sunday a girl | A. S. Bard residence. mer took an auto ride to Mount Joy that our consti-, Sunday morning was the coldest | on Sunday. * * Miss Annie S. Witmer spent Christmas with Mr. Peter Witmer and family near Salunga. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Witmer and | daughter Edith spent their Christ- | mas with Mr. Ezra Hess of Florin. Mr. and Mrs. John Derr and son Paul were the guests of Mr. Frank Felty and family on Christmas Day. Messrs. Paul Herr, Hossler and Enos Weidman, Christian Stoner, Jacob Hossler and Daniel Musser spent Saturday evening at Lancas- ter. Manufactured by { The House of Quality COLUMBIA, PA. The Y dersigned wis publ ¢hat they are oi agers JIORSE | HOTEL McGINNIS SE | | : AT jOHN, B | East Main Street STAND, oO MOUNT JOY, PENNA. | Special Restaurant and Lonch Bar I ert 4 tended Your OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE p CLAMS IN ANY STYLE GEL ERAL rg rg re POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE ’s idea of reducing 18 to attention WRITTEN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT, All the Great Events in Mechanics, Engineering and Invention throughout the World, are described in an interest- ing manner, as they occur. 3,000,000 readers each month. $ 20 pages each fssue tells easy hop Notes RE ways to do thingsin | the shop, and how to make repairs at home. | Amatenr Mechanics 16 pases of original indoor and outdoor sports and play. Largely constructive; tells front room. * % * * ¥ efforts to hs e fact as DEVIL CRABS TURTLE SOUPS it to be revamped. $ % & * ¥% Pition is rapidly disposing of Bl question, ‘““What is whisky?” fing possible the declaration there ain’t no such animal.” $ & & $8 recount in Arizona shows that phibition at last makes its morals pnform to its topography and an- swers that old question “What's ina name?” ®t * % % 9% Field artillery, machine guns and munitions do not grow in the desert. It would be interesting to know where the Villa army got its present ply. y ® & 8% ¢¢ importance of neggtiations in ol. House 18. expected to pld indi gte that, ile ous ihc speaks most ¢® {up to date; our thermometer regis-| | tering eight above zero. | Our first real show fall came on | Friday and a high wind on Saturday attended to the little matter of drift- ROWENNA Mr. H. K. Mellinger is sick, con- | ing it. fined to bed. | Paxton Wolfe, who had been dan-| Miss Ellen Hoffman spent Thurs- | gerously ill' with tyr’ id fever, is | day at Grantham. | able to be about town again, feeling, Mr. Luther Dandis has pneumonia and looking well. |and is at the Columbia Hospital. Mrs. C. E. Landis and family of| Mrs. Grace Condran of Middle- Lancaster, spent the week with us. town, visited her mother, Mrs. Adam Mr. Landis joined them Saturday Sweigart. evening and all returned home Sun-| Mrs. Jacob Kautz and Mrs. John day. Ziegler were at Columbia, on Tues- Sammy had another experience d2y- with the snow drifts. His trusty, The Bethel Church is undergoing dutiful, faithful, reliable, willing, |2 coat of paint, being done by John capable, patient, ubiquitous Ford White and Irvin Fair of Maytown. co andle the drifts on Sunday| The railroad station has been 8 elieved poor “Henry,” un- raised and the petition put in a dif- i got himself fixed up. ferent way, making a very small Our mail carrier Jacob K. Miller,| Waiting room much to our dis- who was down with grippe, is able Pleasure. to be about the house again, but! Howard Knisley and wife attend- recent election | at whiskers are | ularity but ‘they | Banta Claus any | ad BE expen nmves Mrs. Miller, who had grippe at the ed the funeral of the former’s sis- same time in addition to her linger-| ter, who lived near Five Mile Level, ing illness, after improving some- York county. what from the grippe, took pleurisy | A Christmas entertainment was and is in a very weak condition. [held at Franklin School on Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Warren MARIETT A |Gish and Lillie McCurdy teachers. A fine program was rendered. Walter Davis, who was thought to An overheated stove started a de- have been lost op a vessel coming tructife fire in the residence of Er- from France th aa struck by a est Bernard, on Walnut street, submarine 2 Wednesday evening about after ed home Jock. The house is alone anda oT fom cen) Rr — — bow to build boats. motorcycles, wireless. etc FOR SALE BY 35,000 NEWS DEALERS Ask your dealer to show you a copy; if not convénient to news stand, send $1.50 for a year's subscription. or fifteen cents for current issue to the publishers. Catalogue of Mechanical Books free on request. POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE © North Michigan Avenue, Chicage °* | Recruiting Officer in Town | Sergeant James Gandy from the| United States Marine Corps Re-/ cruiting Station 37-39 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa., was here to- | day looking for recruits for the | Marine Corps. The Marine is a soldier and a sailor both dsiiig Duty on land and sea. The marines get the most varied | service of any. Hé - the_soldier | that is least known at home and Wéll | known in all foreign countries. b From China to the West Indies is the Marines Play ground. Sergeant SOIN VL DZN SHV ZA OL aviriivr Popular Mechanics offers mo premiume: does not join in *° clubbing offers,’ and she 20 secure subscriptions YOUR NEXT iv. A = nL : 1 Dining Room for Ladies. J. W. McGINNIS PROPRIETOR Krall Mg Gandy will be here again on the 29th of December, and can be found at the, Post Office on-that date or ad- dresged at the recruiting station in Lanc3ster. The\pay of the Marine is from $15 to $69 'ver month with $73 the first year for\ clothing, and \ half that amount tie next thrds years and all medical ant, dental attention Every ma) is eligibg ; examination Ir the v and there are Qoreat ni coppissioned offifrs th fr@m the ranks. 5 Y\ ak® the grade, pf the p the ry frame. ed is | wat nally [In fact everything in season. Private ‘& HORS MOUNT AX re