The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 22, 1916, Image 8

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    > SALE REGISTER half mile east of Rheems, 2 horses,| Mr. Roy Brown d Mr. Ad |
Personal Mortuar ; _ [half mile east of Rheems, 2 horses Mr. Roy and Mr. Ada
y A FREE notice of your sale is foros Maine By Ww EM. Ha |berts of Mount Joy, Mr. and Mi
x THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Wednesday, November 22, 19}6.
inserted here for any length of time, ||,.ij sh receiver for Henry B.| William Fogie and twelve ch{ldre:
A ¢ " - . .
{ J :
CLARENCE SCHOCK ; | Happenings Recordings provided we print your sale bile Beans, insolvent. Yuzle, auct. |A very pleasant day was speht.
d A —————— This is excellent advertising be-| Friday, Dec. 1-—At the stock yards, s———r
MOUNT JOY, 2. | (Continued from page 1) | (Continued from page 1) | cause it is read by so many people of Jot MeGinnig Mount Joy, a] . ;
| bethtown, spent Thursday in town at the home of his son-inlaw,| gq surely will bring the buyers: I, {ows 8 Jot oF Stock bulls, A Live Bird Shoot :
Daniel Wolgemuth, near Union| o.. = Nou. 24-At their stock | good shoats by Mr. C S A Min. Another big live bird shoot Will be
riday, Nov. 24—/ e stock | & ve Oh . held here Thursday afternoon when
| with relatives. . 4 | :
MissCatharine Seaman spent Insti- Square, Rapho township, from a yards in Mount Joy, 90 head of cows, | nich, auct, :
cattle for | Saturday, Dec. 2—At ‘the old P, many of our local gunnerf and
| y yok h her grandparents at complication of diseases, aged | bulls, heifers, stock steers, i
[EE ose ia ler grandy | seventy-two years. He was a mem. | beeves and a few shoats by J. B. Kel- | R. BE Sopot, Moun Joy, 100 barrels| crack shots from the surroynding
MIC 310 . | ‘ by nee « anc t asKets ¢ y 3 1d
Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Spangler of |ber of the Brethren in Christ church. lord Bre. Slings wig prem- | YOrk State apples by Mr. G8. Fragh | owns will pevicipate. The [/dhoet
+ & see ) : In : va: aturday, Nov. 25—0On - TO ld 4 Tule hy i
Harrisburg, spent a few days in town His wife and these children survive : ises of Jacob E. Schwanger’s estate, Minnich, auct. yan be Jeld on the grounds ‘of the
with friends. Mrs. Barbara Brubaker of this place, | midway between Mount Joy and re— EY —— | ount Joy Gun Club.
Mr. and Mrs. Christ Eby of Le- Mrs. Samuel Wolgemuth of near Mastersonville, household goods, Celebrated Her Birthday ; — DO Ones
Union Square, and Elias of near | blacksmith tools, horse and farm im-| Mrs William Fogie celebrated her! An Oyster Supper
moyne, spent the week-end with rela- : x : : : ; ys
tives in town. Manheim. The funeral was held this; Blenonts, Bale begins 1 8) Polos 39th birthday and her son Harrys | The Young People’s Scciety of
{ Mrs. Walter Eshleman entertained | morning at 9 o'clock at the house gatyrday, Nov. 25—At the Bul- first birthday on Sunday, November the U. B. Church at Newtown will
the Strickler and Eshleman fami- and at 10 o’clock at the Masterson-|letin Office, Mount Joy, at 7:80 p.|19, at her home in Newtown. She hold an Oyster Supper in the Base-
lies on Sunday ville Brethren in Christ church. Ne £ Los of Fosnd on Zhe corner of gave a dinner to the following ment of the church on Friday even-
S . : : : Toi arietta an e streets, Moun i i
Miss Ruth Brenninger of Stras- Burial was made in the adjoining Joy, with a large 2% story brick | Suests: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ressler Ing, November 24th. Oysters in
and son Isaac; Mr. and Mrs. Emlyn every style, ice cream and cakes.
burg, spent three days with Miss | cemetery. residence and store property by Mr.
Miriam Chandler. Wm. D. Easton. Also at the same | Buller and two children Charles and All are welcome. nov. 21-1t.
. 3 : : time and place three choice building | Robert of Florin: iv! EP —
Miss Gertrude Miller of Dalmatia, : I ania yey Tt Jo obert o orin; Mr. and Mrs. Felix|
Attention Gun ners is spending some time here with Anna Margaret Bopp, widow of Frank, Py J ¥ Otto and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel | This place and vicinity was well
friends and relatives. late Charles Bopp, died very sud- Tuesday, Nov. 286—On the promis. Knight of East Petersburg; Mrs. represented at the Lancaster insti-
Mrs. Walter Eshleman entertain. |denly at her home on West Donegal | es, the Christan S. Nissley farm, one-' Lewis Sillers, Mrs. Martha Kaylor, tute last week.
v - ed the U. B. Sewing Circle on Street in this place, on Wednesday
| INt ] th Thursday evening. afternoon from acute indigestion.
in O In Mrs. Anna M. Vogle of Marietta, | Deceased was born in Germany and
is spending a week with her daugh- |came here when quite young, living
WE OUT FIT YOU FROM HEAD TO FOOT ter, Mrs. J. H. Cramer. |at Columbia and came here later.
: Miss Katharyn Siegrist of York, is | She was a resident of this town for HOHE
[many years, her husband owning
EVERYTHING FOR THE GUNNER. visiting her cousin, Miss Esther Gar- : :
|and conducting the LaPierre House —
‘ ber for a few weeks. | gl *
eT ini idle. | until his death. She w. d 70
F. BR GROPP a Re No : Novembrer 29th this page
willgbegoccupied by Dr. E. W.

Mrs. Margaret Bopp

{was a member of the Lutheran
g ze Cloth tat MOUNT & | Miss Ethel Givens. (Ww :
Harness and Horse Clothing. kr 407. PEiNA, Miss Bell Leader of Elizabethtown | Church of this place. Deceased |
HOH ONION HOH - FE unr: avs here as the 2 {leaves the following children: Mrs. | a
xy QTE 30 spent several days here as the guest | 8 Garber. It will tell all about his
of Mrs. Sarah Brady. | Lawrence Nobs, Mrs. Frank Zeager, |
: y 5 apv | Mrs. Joseph Brandt, all of this
Misses Esther Weber and Mary | y . ,
| Cunningham were the guests of Mis place; Mrs. Harry Gochnauer of big 1 Cent Sale. Watch for it.
| Mary Sentz, on Sunday. | Dayton, Ohio. Funeral services were
| Mrs Ams Garber and daughte: |held from her late home on Monday |
| Frances spent a few days at Phila- | afternoon at 2 o'clock and were |
| delphia, visiting friends. | strictly private. Interment was|
| Miss Pauline MacDannald spent a made in the Mount Joy Cemetery. |
| week at Philadelphia as the guest of l., |
her sister, Mrs. Harold Garling. Wnied il Sle br Ren!
F Rn E E [ Mrs. Mary Imler returned home| *7ii2Ub, uth, HH
B | after spending several weeks with|—— eee —
5 : ac Night Watchman Wanted—Liber-
her 302 x Ti 4 Maas a al pay. Apply to Rollman Manufact-
I ’ Miss Rut outrich of Elizabeth- | uring Company. Nov.22-1t
The Boys and Girls ¥ town, spent Institute week in town For Sale—A Single Heater in ex-
3 * BS | ith Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kauffman jr. | cellent condition. Call on Harry
Standard Sporting goods and toys of The local School Board will attend | Tschudy, near pumping station, Mt.
all kinds may be had for the J# ; Alden aT
I. * BS} | (he annual convention of school di- [YoY F@ NOV £ tress
: S iv u wi ‘ery a ’ Hades = ro :
Stamps we give yo th every purch ASC SX re rs at Millersville tomorrow. For Sale—Ford Touring Car, as
good as new, or will exchange for a

ie Klugh of the Lancas
Things for the kiddies cost good money—we give you a ;
SLADE | Ford Runabout on reasonable terms.
Hospital is home re-
chance to save that outlay Ee ter ( 3 ( Clarente Sehoel Nov 221 ! .
Bh ¥ arence SDCnNnock. Nov.2z211
Ny" cup ting from her recent illness. N y Y k S ve IL A P
5 Verna C. Chandler, who is Wanted—W ashing, ironing, gener- ew or ’ toi e€ ancaster, enna.
‘ : PB a Cebit at Clon Mills. § ht Salar al house work or housecleaning. Mrs.
| teacning at zien MI1liS, spen na Annie Allison. july 12-tf
day and Sunday with her parents. | — TTT .
3 Si ol iy ovis ; : FOR RENT—Two or three floors W { f bi 3
” * % | Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert, who had | ¢4he’ Greider Warehouse on Mari- arm .0IMN orta e n erw ear, 0 Sorts
1 been spending a few weeks In this | etta street, Mt. Joy. Call or phone >
C - { a mr ~~ Y 'd | place visiting Dr. and Mrs. Chandler,'J. E. Schorll, Real Estate Broker, m= M ix7 30 ¢
oa an Liu ner aras |left on Saturday for Quarryvill. | ROADSTER FOR SALE—Having i or en, vy omen an hil ren
Mr. and Mrs. William Yeager and |no further use for a 1915 Metz
Mou nt Joy, Pe nna. Mr. Hodgen and friend of Lancas- | Foadster, will sell it very reasonable. Perfect-fitting Union Suits and Separate Garments, in all weights and weaves. From many of the
sor. visited relatives in town Satur [Tew A Soar Ping 45 best mills, Rave ve secured our large assortments. The prices, in most instances, have not been advanced.
EE ETA sons sms comm | LET, VIE , , > . Look .
day. runs like a top and has power galore. Men’s fine ribbed Underwear—the celebr “Sori ” :
; : Ra 2alo01 ar—the ce ated ‘“Springtex’” make—with fitted neck, ankles d
Ye = We Sell 1 Mr. Miles Bustienstes uated | Will cheerfully demonstrate. Price sleeves. In grey and ecru. All sizes in this make at the old price, 50c garment. : tide.
il } le Mr. Scot Swords, his wife and his| EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Yeager Sanitary Fleece-lined Underwear, priced 50c a garment. TY
° mother to Lebanon Co., on Sunday | Fstare of familie Infiers Its of $2550 ritatigier” separate garments of fine natural wool; fine random knitted. Priced at $1.00 to
| Eas onegal township, Deceased. . a garment.
Phill G d
- r norning. S
. i) Cc Tin er n g | Letters testamentary on said es- “Stuttgarter’” Union Suits, spring-needle knit, $1.75 up.
Mrs. Joseph Weber and daughters | :
Op B tate having been granted to the Women’s fleece-lined Union Suits, ribbed weave, in sizes 38 to 44 Come in white and ecru

i Anna and Esther and Miss Mary undersigned, all persons indebted Ankle lengths and long sleeves. Price 50c
spent Thursday at|thereto are requested to make im- Women’s heavier fleece-lined Vests, embroidery trimmed, 50c.
Because [owningen Tons Sov) eo
iar mediate payment, an ose having J
Lancaster. claims or demands against the same Fleece-lined Drawers, to match, priced at 50c each.
it ta S Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Imler and|in : Ya 4 3: yy ; Nas :
ay : present them without delay for Women’s “Munsing’” Union Suits, the finest and most fect fitting i i
old moans daughter Miriam of Middletown, Soy ent hs 3pdersigned, re- long and short-sleeve styles; ankle lengths. Priced n $1 id $3. Set giing. AU Weis and sizes
e Mr. Mrs. | siding in Mount Jo . “ ing” Kni rers, i i i i i
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs £ HENRY G CARPENTER, pion Munsing Knitted Corset Covers, in white, with either high or low necks; long or short sleevs
. Elwood Millard.
A sale is a sale, with the Executor. Children’s All-wool Union Suits, sizes 2 to 12 years; positively non-shrinkable. Priced $1.00.
| W Letz. Farmers don’t haul
y P| the Letz back after trial, al-
_@ though no machine in the
Jouse = nore completely guaranteed The Farmers’ Creamery Co. are| Lancaster, Pa. Jeesanee ds
an the . i g : i > 7 = 3
putting a new cement floor in the |i +c havin been anted to th Sal;
10 Reasons Creamery. They expect to remodel Toon, all pe Indi | Ww att & Shand--Headquarters for Perfect Fittin ;
Why You Should Buy a FT7 FEED. MILL the entire building. thereto are requested to make im- . . i
SelfSharpening Silent-Bul Mr. Isaac Fellenbaum and Mr. R. ae Oy oss, paving P lain Clothing
Fellenbaum and family attended the | will present them without delay for | To secure Plain Clothing that would wear well—that would fit perfectly—yet at a
would suit all patrons—has been made a study with us. Consequently we are prepared to p
— Fine Grinding funeral of Mrs. Frank Book at Stras- | settlement to the undersigned, re-|§
— Wet Grain Grinding burg on Thursday. siding in Mount Jv Borough) Pa. | fhal Xe gon Satisfy TO8 ne Pity Clowning fons will meet Jour jsven requirement piv :
— Light Running Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zeller and | 2 ! RY aS to Set om. Sona us JOU name ang ress an ye will send {Ju samples
ny Me on oes Bi Bors cere Sun-| ELIZABETH ZEAGER, x and measurement blanks. Better yet, come in and we will be pleased to show you what
— Quick Changeable Plates |day in Harrisburg, where they visited, Wm. M.Hollowbush, Attorney. !
— Self-Sharpening Plates Miss Viola Ream.
— Self-Aligning Flates | Miss Mildred Geistweit spent In- |
— Long Life [stitute Week at Elizabethtown, with
— Large Capacity her uncle Mr. and Mrs. Clayton |
— Efficient End Thrust Bearing Geistweit and family. |
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sload and their | =
ny Letz plates shear the grain instead J§ | daughters Rebecca and Ethel of May: | 7
of crushing it, therefore require less power. One farmer town, were Thursday guests of Mr. | 3)
tells us he has ground 90 bushels of corn in one hour in his Letz. § | and Mrs. Frank Pennell.
|" Rev. and Mrs. I. E. Johnson and | Model 85-4 f. o. b. Toledo Model £2 0. be Tole
| daughters Hilda and Dorothy, spent |
| the past week visiting relatives at |
| Schwenksville and Boyertown.
) % | Mrs. Mary Greenawalt and Mrs. |
H O BW COI 61 |John Greenawalt spent Friday in}
I i OU town. Mrs. Mary Greenawalt will re- |
[ main here a week with relatives. |
EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PENNA.| Mr. Owen Greenawalt and Mr. |
nm ar—_— m— -. .-. . w= | William Isaacs of Lebanon Valley |
| College, spent the week-end with |
| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greenawalt.
“This is the Brooder that Requires | | ur and drs. John Heilman and
> | son and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Heilman |
So Little {of Elizabethtown spent Sunday with
Co i | Mr. and Mrs. Haman Cunningham.
a | Mrs. Barr, Mrs. Davis and daugh- |
(**about 25¢ a week”) |ter Kathryn, Miss Beatrice Barr. | Th T
says W. V. Lancaster, of land Mr. Y £ Churchtown, visit- d Ad
Ban viii | 150 od Ne. Grea Sern and €se 1remendous Advantages—
ouble to keep my ‘Blue | eS a |
Hen” Brooder attheriglt. § | family on Sunday. a
temperature. I1haveover § | Mr. and Mrs. Enos Rohrer enter: | Mors power—35 horsepower motor. These are tremendous advantages over anys
200 chicks In It pow thers f |tained on Sunday, Mrs. B. Wright| Crs room—112-inch wheelbase. : thing to be had in other cars that s:11 for
twelve days’ old. Ahap- § |and daughter, Helen and son Birch- eater comfort ade long, 48-inch cantilever anywhere near as low a price.
pier, more contented ot ard of Harrisburg, Mrs. Rohrer and rear springs and 4-inch tires. And they make it hard for us to keep up with
— younever saw. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaub of Lan- Greater convenience—electrical control but- orders.
» i Colon 50 | caster and Mr. and Mrs. Bigler Det-| tons on steering column. The factory has never «th th
Blue 0 ’ ; . ; yet caught up with the
ar Belier at. $14 "tr. and Mrs. Alheus Brand nese Ode Ca
r. and Mrs. Alpheus an nea ency, xX ; You ou ht t hi
town, entertained Miss Katie Leh- : ght to own one of these cars—nothing
A aa op Better cooling—you never heard of an Over- else so big and fine for the money. ?
most $30 brooders. The grates can’t clinker up or smother fire. 4 Mics Emma Burkholder of
3 - is automatic man an 188 mma urkhnoider o . ;
Tete area is 24 times grein van uiseea; the Ra Chambersburg; Mrs. W. Miller of land motor overheating. Come in and order yours now.
Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. N. R. . - ’ -~
Nissley and sons G. Brandt and Sam- {1 Aa fw i ! oi TAND O Oi nti oj oO
: i | id ® 257 4 4
uel B. and daughter Alice Marie on | Cy — 7
Sunday. re The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio
“Made la Uh S. A.”
Mrs. John H. Freed and Mrs. G.|B. Frank Kready, Atty. :
Mi. Froad of Abbotete oie guests | AECL TORS: NOTICE es Boys’ fleece-lined Union Suits, well finished. In sizes 8 to 16 years; ecru only. Priced pm
of the former’s son, Mr. J. Willis| Estate of Margaret Bo late of Se he : g ; :
ie ard ite Morar Joy = Botoudn, Ra of Ses J fleece-lined Union Suits, embroidery trimmed. Sizes 8 to 14 years. Price 50c. Size 16


We sell the Letz because it does the business.

H. M. BAER & SON, SALUNGA. It pays to advertise in the Bulletin :
OH LONGENECKER, MT. JOY Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin
> : It\pays to advertise in the Bulletin
Mou? FOV. er Adyertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin |