Fx OA RIPTION x Months. .60 Cents hree Mont ...20 Cents Bingle Copies>.... 2 Cents “ries FREE Sample Copies $1 A YEAR as second-class mail matter. er than Monday. o'clock noon Wednesday. ay night. New advertisments night. ion. EDITORIALS dough. * * 2 so far this year ®» sew would rather strike than work. * * x » the same. = se lass on record.’ ss ee body with 5 sense of humor. te Ss ntered at the post office at Mount 11 correspondents must have their imunications reach this office not Telephone news importance between that time and Chan- s for advertisments must positively pach this office not later than Mon- erted if copy reaches us 71 uesday Advertising rates on applica- The baker, of course, is out for the How do you like our new Autumn If we lived in New York, we too aint of captured German - Mr. and Mrs, Samuel L. Heisey | a Constable Geo. Ve fW'lorin, | were honored with a visit by Mr. = = | perambulated the sidewalk in town, | Mrs. Jacob Galebach and the latter's a Sunday. father, Samuel Heisey of Elizabeth- a Mr. and Mrs. Melo Martin of | town, Phares Hollinger and two sis- a Bachmanvillg, Sundayed with Harvey |ters, of Mastersonville, Sunday. ; Kulp and family. Pnofficially the straw hat season | ® George Gantz sold his town prop-| closed a few weeks ago. However, | 8 erty to Samuel G. Hoffman. Con-| frequently there is a cranium cover- | g sideration $1,200. ed with these summer hirsute gears " The political pot is beginning to|that have the appearance of having | & simmer and in a few weeks it will be | passed through a phosphate labora- seething and bubbling. tory. The corn cutting season is here, Merchant E. F, Grosh is continual- but the universal complaint is the |ly receiving promiscuous consign- scarcity of laborers. in- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Landvater, Mrs. Phares Fry in town. Samuel D. Kolp, of John S. Kauffman for $2,150. bailwick. Martin is an uncompromis- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Good of Sunny |ing Republican and predicts the elec- Side, were the guests of his parents, | tion of Hughes. "| Mr. and Mrs. C. Good last Sunday. | Young America has been on the The woodchuck season is here and | alert early Monday morning and from current indication the prospects | went their way to the school build- for a successful season is discourag-|ings to greet their teachers with a { Kulp homestead and will occupy it | Grove cemetery, and will thither in the early spring. pd with appeal to any- | hurly-burly activities last week after a few weeks’ suspension, due to the activities in the tobacco fields. Rheems, spent Sunday with Mr. and | near Cole- brook, was a social caller with friends in town, Saturday. Harvey T. Kulp disposed home in the east end of town | the near future. The latter will move | move | The wheels of industry at the lo- arn’t civiliz§t the new British ‘tanks’ | cal limestone quarries have resumed HE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Wedn OtW™er 11, 4 “Ike” on his appointment. ments of goods of | dry goods, notions, groceries, shoe that | disposes at prices most skeptical. of Bellaire, is “on the go” on h of his | official calls to ascertain the value of property in his to| real and personal ing. | “good morning” and to congratulate | However, those Russians always After a suspension of five weeks |them for their success to provide | could make gains in the Carpathians. | 411 our Sunday Schools re-opened |ever such a fine lot of lads and lasses. Ee last Sunday with a complimentary| On Sunday morning a solemn at- | Philadelphia must have a hard time | attendance. mosphere pervaded in this com- trying to love both of her Ball teams | John Brosey leased the Harvey | munity announcing the sudden death of Mrs. A. F. place, at the Diffenderfer, of thi General in SALUNGA The people’s paper—The Bulletin. Now comes the | with second trouble the farmer, the strenuous D. Wittle resigned. We congratulate weekly, comprising hardware, queensware, etc., which he amazes the Real estate assessor, M. N. Risser, Hospital, in | a BT TT TT a 8, is S 1 1 P. E. RERUN 10 TO Superb exhibit of fail overcoats need a fall overcoat. Here are the new- est things from Hart Schaffner & Marx-- Varsity Six Hundred; Chesterfields; loose coats; the fabrics are Scotch Tweeds, Cheviots in browns, tans, grays and blues. Many of the coats have belt backs $12, $15, $17, $18, $20 Put your hat problem up to us Our line of “head gear” for fall we believe to be unexcelled. Here you will see everything new GETZ, MOUNT JOY. The names of the Greek Ministers | to Elizabethtown. | Lancaster, where she was taken last hat’ d H ill find s of State have a sound like interlock-| Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wittle and Saturday for treatment for internal | = that's goed. ere you wi in “ ing directorates. [ son Alvin were in attendance at the | disturbances. n a desire to let you buy only what = ra a funeral of Mrs. Henry Hein near| Reports from all over the county | ® > i : F No chance of converting the yellow | Deodate Sunday. |lead us to believe that most game | will be lastingly satisfactory. w Journals as long as the scarcity of | Nights are turning cool and over- | will be unusually rare this season. = po white paper lasts. | coats are luxury when bowling in a | The humid weather in the spring just | = Soft hats, derby hats, caps«s- s nee : | speeding automobile over our ninety after the pheasants and turkeys were You'll have to see them, that’s all. : Colleges grow hoary with age as | per cent. of wretched roads. hatched drowned most of them, and i session after session begins, but the| Christy D. Wittle, a P. R. employe | the prospects are that the crop will a freshman changeth not. whose chubby face beams like a| be light. Rabbits as usual at this ~ yess September full moon in a clear sky, season of the year, are reported bi : 9 is u Mackenson’s victory over the Ro- | was a Sunday visitor in town. plentiful. New arrivals In neckwear--Square Ee manians will take rank with the fam- | The Mount Joy township road| Mrs. Tillie D. Brosey and son Al- 1 Ik . fi 1 o ous German naval victory in the | supervisors will hold their regular | len, of Mastersonville; John D. Wit un North Sea. . | monthly meeting at the local hotel |tle, of Florin; Mrs. Katie D. Shope ericte Tart Sotuliies tara and nove ty si S, stripes, iIgures, unusua . ; sess | tomorrow Saturday at 9 A. M. | of Harrisburg; Cyrus D. Wittle of £3 If the Germans are not holding | Aaron R. Greiner, hailing from the West Donegal township; Mr. and q values, you | want half a dozen. s their own, at least they are holding in | Hill Church region, put in an ap-| Mrs. Andrew E. Felker of Mount =u s France and Belgium a good deal that | pearance here this week, attending Joy, C. D. Wittle of Philadelphia, = u isn’t their own. to affairs pertaining to business in- | W. W. Brosey and H. D. Wittle n Shoes for “Beacon” Ultra last for young = a 4 { terest. [called at the home of their sister, a : u Charles Wabash Fairbanks is a liv- | Walter Fry, of Elizabethtown, who | Miss Agnes D. Wittle over the Sab- B men is new and snappy. To a ing refutation of the theory that a|always looks as bright as a pair of | bath. £ . . Ee thanderbolt never strikes the same | new scissors with a hair clipper at- | When a section of permanent road | B Men and wear this shoe once is to com : lightning rod twice. tachment, spent Sunday at his | is completed it is an unwarranted ment on its merits. Carried 0 ye 9a * parental home. |error to let it rest without frequent | Up the time the price of §read goes| Allen R. Gibble autoed Mr. and | attention. It begins at once to de- in Cordovan, Mahogany and = Votes,’ saysiministration ljkes more | Mrs. John Rasp rand son Oliver, Mrs, |teriorate through wear and weather oO S = of the wheat the New York JSun.Votes | Sarah Good and Mrs. Anna Gibble to|ond if unheeded it will in a com- Black. u rowers? Amos Good’s home'in the vicinity of | paratively brief time require an ex- “ We shall be ra Pleasant View on Sunday. pensive rebuilding. It is economy to = v ood give special | Solomon G. Hoffman, of Rheems,| employ a “road biulder” whose duty 2? 00 2? 50 $3 00 $3 50 $4 00 $4 b0 $5 00 | on to any has rented his father’s (S. G. Hoff-|it is to give the roads a weekly $ ® 9 . 9 u 9 u 9 u 9 o 9 . = ® without man) farm, contiguous to the Milton | mending. s u & 5 " - Pil is again trying to elbow closes. * ®t s 2» As Woodrow Wilson is the proxim- | ate cause of the reconciliation of | Taft and Roosevelt, even the republic | tions and offer best wishes for the push at all times late will scarcely deny in future that ‘he | whole trio—father, mother and son. | kept us out of war.’ * * x % there. The cured regular employment. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. | Jacob M. Dupler in our suburbs the | We extend congratula-| past week. | Ex-township auditor, Ephraim ‘C. | Ginder, of this section, Experts who are worrying because | drawn as a petit juror of the United we are exporting such large quantit- | States District Court, to serve next ies of wheat and corn seem to forget | Week in the “City of Broad Brims.” that we have a large amount of grain left over from Ing year’s crop. w ~ x = with profit, turn their atten- the time to conditions in New ity where the need of pacifie- is rather more urgent than in co. sso All Bull markets of the past like 1907 have cracked on the rock of _tight money, but the reason why the present stock market is moving along | 30 confidently is because the Federal Reserve banking system makes money rates easy. BIG OAK Mr. Joe N. Strickler and wife spent Sunday at Newtown. Misses Ella Stoner and Elsie Lutz spent Sunday in Elizabethtown. The farmers of this section are busy cutting corn and seeding. Mr. Amos R. Strickler sr., of Lan- disville, spent Sunday with his son. Misses Jane and Mary Strickler spent Thursday at the York Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Neidig enter- tained a large party of friends on Sunday. The young ladies’ Bible class of Kraybill’s church, spent Saturday at the Mennonite Home at Oreville. Brown Bros. the extensive hard- ware dealers, placed a large Othello range in the home of Mrs. David Barnhardt. | of account of the\death of the for- 's brother-in-law) | He Never Made uo mistake. And his neat Ii old when he died. { Landlord and landlady, Mr. and [ Mrs. A. S.Holwager had been super- | lously honored with a host | the four points of the compass on Sunday. { Jacob Dupler anticipates to vacate | his farm, known as the former Rosanna Meshey farm, and move on his father’s grange adjacent to Good’s Church, in West Donegal township. . A moderate aggregation from this locality contemplate to visit the York | Fair this week and we trust they will | return to their homes fairly impress- ed with the exhibits and usually good deportment. Jack Frost nipped us morning, which in some places in- jured the tobacco to some extent, but fortunately most of the weed is stored which saved the growers from heavy losses. Isaac G. Kopp and wife entertain- ed at a dinner on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac G. Kopp of Rheems; Mr. and Mrs. Levi M. Kopp of Pleasant View and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ko- ser of Grand View. Rev. J. Speiker, of Reading, filled Sunday Sunday evening. The divine is com- { theological or metaphysical problem that may comfort hin. The majority ot tne agricuitural, horticultural and mechanical element | of this section discarded grange and { artisan labor for { week to help swell the { at the Lancaster Fair. | Permeating the air with appealing aggregation The Court last k appointed I. Grove Election District, vice Harvey Irvin Brosey rented John Green's | caring for and housing of the tobac- ISPball out of the way, but it can’t house and will begin housekeeping | co crop, make much headway in this part of the country until the world’s series | move to Elizabethtown, where he se- latter contemplates to has been | evening comfort may of ’ | . . - conference in New London | friends at their home, ingressed from | the pulpit in the Evangelical Church | petent to handle with comfort any | «. few days last| fragrance these crispy mornings, the | i human olefactories inhale the redo- | {lence of mush, pudding and sausage, A\ Mistake | an unquestionable evidence that win- | upon a time ere was a | Lef iS near at hand. being who never, made a | ¢ tomb- | P. Eshleman, of Plegsant View, Re- |The assessor +28 Politely informed records the fact that ke was | publican Inspector of the Milton that he must r®tUrn the fee: that the past in nick of time to beat | the frost is now followed by a most |troublesome and vexatious corn mix up heard of in years. The crop isa heavy one and much is on the ground, where much wet weather will cause a serious loss. So its rush and and early. A slight fire in churches and pri- [vate residences for morning and keep the doc- [tor outside the charging line. | We got the sad news a few days lago of the death of Rev. Tully of | Upper Darby, a suburb of Philadel- phia. The report comes that the Rev. was 108 years old, which we think is an error. We believe him to | be near the 100 year mark, however he seemed considerably younger and was quite vigorous and energetic. The Church of the Brethren had | baptismal services at Bender’s Mill on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eby enjoyed an auto ride with Mr. and Mrs. Shirk of Lanecaster to Bellaire, on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Arthur Myers spent Sunday afternoon with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bender enter- tained fourteen at dinner on Sun- day. Miss Mary L. Peifer spent Mon- day at Manheim. The Ira Herr family with Rev. Amos Hottenstein attended the chil dren’s meeting at Chiques church. Mr. and Mrs. Gable of Columbia, visited her sister, Mrs. J. T. Kline on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cooper enter- [tained on Sunday Misses Mary Ken- |dig, Martha Way, Elizabeth Peifer and Minnie Eshleman at dinner. Sr —— I — Ten Goats Killed The Cornwall & Lebanon railroad {train from Conewago, killed ten fine | white Angora goats, belonging to [the Gingrich brothers, of Lawn. The | Gingrichs recently imported a whole carload of the pretty white Angoras to keep down the weeds and brush on their lands and the herd is | flourishing nicely. Eh... Foreigners Can’t Own Dogs An assessor Thursday asked the County Commissioners at Harris- burg, what he is to do with the H- |cense fee collected for a dog owned by a foreigner =~ %watara Station. | | | | | foreigner can't OWn the dogg. Ad 50" 3 Round: Trip } PHILADELPHIA A city rich in historic memories SUNDAY, OCT. 29th Special Train Leaves MOUNT JOY ....7:41 A. M. Returning Leaves PHILADELPHIA ..7:00 P. M. #7 See the Battleships at League Island Navy Yard, open until 4:00 P. M., City Hall Tower, open 12:30 to 4:00 P. M., Independence Hall, open 1:00 to 4:00 P. M. Memorial Hall and Academy of Fine Arts open 1:00 to 5:00 P. M., Fair- mount Park and the many other objects of interest of “The Quaker City.” Pennsylvania R. R. Private Sale A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 24 ACRES AND 65 PERCHES in East Donegal Township with im- provements consisting of a 3% story brick Mill, large cider press house, 23 story stone and frame house, brick and frame stable and a 1% story tenant house. Mill enjoys a good patronage and is splendidly lo- cated. Shedding for 4 acres of to- bacco. Here's a good chance for some one. Proposition will bear close inspection and the price is right. Call on or address LEVI R. NISSLY Mount Joy, Pa. Oct. 11-3t R. F. Eshleman BELL PHONE | The people’s paper—The Bulletin. | | &F Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin | - - | Eo -— = Williams—The Barber Agent for Manhattan Laundry West Main St., The undersigned wish to inform the public that they are prepared to to {HORSE SHOEING Mount Joy, Pa. OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE CLAMS IN ANY STYLE DEVIL CRABS TURTLE SOUPS In fact everything in season. vate Dining Room for Ladies. Surveyors & Conveyancers Krall Meat Market : Pri- J. W. McGINNIS PROPRIETOR SN = re I always have on hand anything in|_ the line of SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA | DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. | Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton | H. H. KRALL West Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA. | Bell Telephone. LANDISVILLE, PA. Wood, Meta! or Muslin | | Drop me a card. | Special attention given to assisting Heirs, Executors and Administrators in settling of estates. Fire Insurance placed in the Pemn : ib -| Mutual and Stock Companies. Manufactured by : | Bell Phone, Landisville Exchange. House of Quality — — — COLUMBIA, PA. The people’s paper—The G. S. VOGLE, AUCTIONEER FLORIN, PA. Prompt attention given to calling all kinds of real estate and personal | ©he Original a Bulletin. i property sales. Satisfaction guaran-| 1 he teed or no charges. Give me a trial. oct 14-1yr i AT JOHN BOMBACH’S d and Young—Men and Women, ROBERT H. HOKE || fustnicieesodomnad | sTAND, MOUNT Joy pondents are constantly on the watch " 2 . for things new and interesting ane ig Special attention given to all work, PROFESSIONAL Written So You Can Understand It] | All Diseases of the feet prmoptly ate Praciion mes por abartment (20 Pages) contain tended to. Your patronage silocited, layman to do things around the Home, 4 UNDERTAKER Cie wo fi fom (hippos) for the Bors and less and eats Orit, Tagine rs BOM & 6] Jewelry, Reed Furniture, etc. Contains in] | BACH SHANK and A a I | EMBALMER * Simpia copy wi be sent on reauset =] | GENERAL BLACKSMITHS [POPULAR miCHANICS MAGAZINE | & HORSE SHOERS sss EE PR mnt a . 4 { MOUNT JOY, SENNA. Sunday and Night Calls Responded HOTEL McGINNIS | to Immediately . JOHN M. MILLER East Main Street d tase MOUNT JOY, PENNA. an ENRY . OSE Bell Phone MOUNT Jov, PA. Restaurant and Lunch Bar] HENRY H. KOSER _ A 1 ; 1 4 Sharp mornings, cold evenings--You pe