THE B guests in th presence of a large| and afterward were visitors, 21 in all. This| Monroe Hollinger home. hrgest attendance in the| Messrs. Chas. Shearer, Willis of the class. After the| Heisey and Omar Hostetter visited lesson had been gone over a| Arthur Keefer on Sunday. singing was con- |e wilo eob -ft uns BRb SA Jg.:8 Visitors always | ..Yo v‘xo mH ..i, le‘t, tteio fld Mr. Charles Baker and lady frien session of ed by the class. lcome and new members are al- | ULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. A We e (ANNOUNCING OUR d Sty vays admitted. of Bachmanville, and Misses Flor ¥ The Hartford Company has ad-| ence and Ruth Baker and brother / rals P| justed the claims for damages by|Joe and Mrs. C. P. Eshleman and Wt [ hail on tobacco. Very nearly $2500 | daughter spent Sunday at E. P. AI J OPE I damages were paid in the vicinity of | Eshleman’s. their | Mastersonville. The insured farmers! Mr. Gideon Gibble while going gs nos { will receive their vouchers this week. through the meadow on Wednesday ith S lo Clothe 37 ime and | All of the farmers but a very few | morning before day light to bring 1 US S a Chan- | were pleased and satisfied with the | the cows, slipped and fell, giving | : t positively | adjustment of damages. Some re-' him quite a jar. No bones were | A big feature CEC] yi ceived 100 per cent. some 75 per broken and Mr. Gibble is about agair | us Tuepday | cent. many received from 50 to 60 as spry as ever. | es on applica- | per cent. and the rest averaged from Te ——— | I 5 to 50 per cent. The Old Hartford is very reliable and would have paid all of the tobacco insured if it all had been totally destroyed, digging down into the surplus. et ec SALUNGA Norman Nissley and family wer OWN J. Lowe Attends Confer- | ancaster—Charles Forrey | En ee SPORTING HILL Mention | Mrs. Preston Long and Daughter Re- Mrs. John Peifer spent a day las [week with Mrs. Hershey at Lancas | ter. Samuel Eby family rae and spen . Annie H. Mackley is visiting spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs. Harry Gibbel. Considerable field too green to cut. busy and laborers scarce. Linfield. turn to Long Island—Auto Truck | Lititz. ae bill of Harrisburg, was | Load Spent Last Sunday at Get- Mrs. Albert Stauffer of _Philadel- Our lines are the “thoroughbreds of the | tysburg—Other Notes phia, spent Thursday with Mrs. | . 9” . ; . . : i —— fohn Deiter | nation.” They include Style with a big MPs ™S0ram Sload is visiting rela- : : Mac, 's : hnrles. Drescher py h . en, CDE 1916, by tives in Philadelphia. Samuel Baker and family moved Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drescher S and quality with a big 0. ry Sonne 2 Miss Mabel Wittell of Columbia, | 0 Lancaster last Saturday. visited Miss Mary Heisey. Mr. A. RH. Vogel, Jr., of Ephrata Miss Etter of Highspire, spent | A. H. Vogel some time with Miss Ella Eshleman. | Samuel Johnstin is visiting his | parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Johnstin. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hollenbaugh | 2€2F Manheim on Sunday. | Miss Ethel M. Rohrer of Hershey, called on his parents, and wife on Tuesday. H. S. Weidman and family visited their son, Elmer Weidman and wife at Lewistown, visiting in the home of Dr. Brisbin and family. aul Sload of Mount Joy is visit- . Pa bal © oy Iss | to, at Manheim. home near Mastersonville. ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. War- | diploma in Electrical Engineering | Mrs. D. M. Nissley on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Phares Bollinger apd Miss M. Ethel autoed to Haris. | Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Degler and | for which he has worked so faithfully / 0, { sons Roy and Harold of Lancaster and well. ; ; r Miss Anna Campbell and Harry | visited the latter’s sister, Mrs. D. M. | ; hres or four pairs of colored Born ¢ i hia, visited Miss | Nissley and brother H. H. Miller and | folks attended services in the M. E. = - | family. Church on Sunday evening and they Klugh of Harrisburg, is | Mrs. Preston Straus and daughter | certainly received a cordial welcome T crandparents, Mr: avd Helen of Long Island City, N. Y., re-|as their fine conduct really merited. J g P : | turned home after spending some | Come again. a | | | | | | | / 4 George Balmer of Reading, is spending the week with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Balmer. Miss Mary Flory spent Sunday at the same place. Mr. John Garman, of York county, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Albert Garman’s. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Garner and child Emma spent Sun- day at the same place. The following spent Sunday pleas- antly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hossler: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kulp, Misses Lillian, Emma and Maud Becker, Lizzie and Eva Zug, Orpa and Edna Kulp, Lottie Gray- bill, Anna Gibble and Katie Shearer. The following spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shear- er: Mr. and Mrs. William Shires, of Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hack- man and son, Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hackman and two children and Curtis Smaltz, of Hopeland; Misses Stella Frey, Bertha Seitz and Beulah Peters of Mt. Hope. NORTHWEST RAPHO The people’s paper—The Bulletin. Henry Frey is the first farmer in this section to make corn shocks. George Keener and family now go out driving in a new two-seated car- riage. John Sowers and Round Top last week peaches. Misses Lizzie and Mabel Ginder of Union Square, made a Sunday visit to the Werner families. A few things scientists can not ex- plain are: How a rose makes its perfume; how a firefly lights its lamp and what sleep really is. Frank Shenk has purchased a new small gasoline engine to run the washing machine, which is a great help to lighten washday burdens. Irwin Heisey is busy harvesting his large crop of broomcorn, which he will turn into brooms this win- ter, for which he always has ready sale. vacation and! Supervisors should have the loose mail man dur-|Stones removed from the public : roads. They are a publi} nuisance a Gibble at- [a great hinderancef to easy Hh Emanuel Greiner who was sud- denly taken ill last week is slowly recovering. The county superintendent says the schools will open on October 2nd and that one month of the term will dropped. Misses Edna Hackman and Katie Shearer have returned from the seashore where they had spent several months. Mr. Wilson Geib and family will move to Coatesville this week, where Mr. Geib has been appointed to manage a large dairy farm. / A. M. Shelly's family was enlarged on Monday when a fat baby boy arrived and came to stay. His name has not been selected yet but probably it will be Abe the third. Harrison, the son of E. H. Rider escaped with a few bruises from what might have been ons ac- a 13 on ~a tary son went to Miss Pauline. Garber of Baini- | time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.| On Saturday afternoon very diildren, of Eheems, spent a few town, spent several days of the past |avenue, mile west of Salunga. Middletown, visited Mrs. Al Hicks. |2"d Mrs. Frank Weinhold of Adams. | daughter, Laura and son Luther and | glizabeth Smith. Ross Houseal left for West Chester, Mesirs. Monroe Dillinger, Cytos the conference of representatives of Phares Miller, Pant Spangler, Harvey easier. report having had a fine time. Racing Honors—Rear Wheels of circulated in this section this week. Mr. D. F. Greiner made a brief daughter attended camp at Rheems Cold Springs on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Phares Stern at- children visited in the C. C. Garman in quest of in the hills above Hillside farm. : yrs Samuel Cover. | lively and spirited sale was held on Seiden: Js visting hor grandmother, Masters Clarence Baymon, of Le-|the fine 25 acre farm of Mrs. Emma Ts | week with their grandparents, Mr. | Shortly after the terms of sale were days with Mr. end Mrs. E. Bal ’ | | made known by