t dinty Things for the essing Table F. H Baker's Coal & Lumber Yards BOTH PHONES Mount Joy, Penna. Sole Agent for CONGO ROOFING, NO. 1 CEDAR SHINGLES, SIDING, FLOORING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, LATH, ETC. t for ehigh Portland Cement, ing Slate & Sheet Iron. Ag SE Ew $1. (0 |B} FOR YOUR D FOUNTAIN PEN FOR A SNORT TiME Onuy, ROVIDED YOU BUY & rocker Sit ITE SELF-FILLING Sm FOUNTAIN PEN (onLy, ne OLD PEN TAKEN IN SrCNANaz EACH NEW PEN PURCHASED.) This. phony offer is one of our orig- inal methods of advertising the Crocker, fe nag satisfactory self-filling pen ® o We make a big sacrifice, for the old pens are frequently worthless, but the splendid things you say about the Crocker Pen induces many others to buy it, so although we lose at the start, ‘we gain at the finish. e pens we offer are the genuine Crocker Ink-Tite Pens worth the full retail price. It is simply impossible to buy a better fountain pen anywhese. Hssbange Zea 01d vs. Sun: WwW. D. CHANDLER Mount Joy, Pa. I always have on hand anything in the line of SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton H. H. KRALL West Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Telephone. WHY NOT ENJOY THAT FEELING OF SECURITY THAT ACCOMPAN IES EVERY Halil Insurance Policy of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Henry G. Carpenter Opp. Post Office MOUNT JOY. SPEND YOUR VACATION IN NEW YORK n New York in ace in the t know how. HOW You can see nore arnish the “ENOW One full week of “Sight Seeing” will show you everything worth while in the big city $45.00 covers hotel accomodations, cost of sight seeing trips, theaters, roof gardens, etc, We ev a the all your carfare around the city. Write for booklet A “Seeing New York At Minimal Cost.” TOLSON ie FRED § o 5 oa SIA IND IAND. As A rist fo ~& Diamond Bras x ts i Bu Pru uggist. othe ctor Oil. C ALT Ss DIAMOGND BRAND PILLS, for 25 years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE SIGNS Me [to be taken as a T, Hotai Bristol, New ork Cit | cup have been thoroughly exploited TWO DAY'S CONVENTION To be Held in Lancaster by the County Sunday School Association At the home of H. C. Greider at Landisville a meeting of the officers and superintendents of Lancaster County Sunday School Association was held Tuesday evening. The program is about completed for the county convention to be held in St. Paul’s Reformed church, Lan- caster, Wednesday and October 25 and 26. The opening session will be Wed- nesday afternoon, followed by con- ferences of the several departments, the superintendents of which are ar- ranging to have the best talent procurable. At the luncheon at 5.30 addresses will also be given, and at the evening session there will be a missionary pageant and an address by Mrs. Karnell, of Philadelphia. It has been twenty-five years since the Lancaster County Sunday School Association was organized and a recognition of this fact will take ized and a Stake|i ng. rvchildren. .t place at the Thursday forenoon ses- sion. Past officers will be present and take part in the program, among them being Rev. Max Hark, of Beth- lehem, the association’s first presi- dent. Charles L. Frey, of Philadel- phia and Mrs. Karnell will also speak at this session. Thursday afternoon the principal speakers will be Preston Orwig, of Philadelphia and Rev. W. D. Marbur- ger, of Denver. Thursday evening Harry E. Pais- ley, treasurer of the Reading Rail- road Company and an active worker along Sunday School lines, will be the principal speaker. Teacher training graduates will form an alumni association at a banauet to be held at this conven- fl K@itle, of Manheim, being his department. g reports were received arious department super- showing the growth of a this county during last was received by Mr. the county president, from | W. Sg@.andis, secretary of the State | association, saying there was no dis- | position. on the part of the State | Health Department to prevent stu- | dents in the Sunday schools who are sixteen years of age and over from assembling, and desiring this inform- ation be sent out over this county to | the various Sunday schools, many of which still remain closed. appointed a! | President Greider | committee to make all arrangements and secure a special train to be run | from some point in this county to York to carry the hundreds of peo- ple who will attend the convention {held by the State Sunday School As- | sociation October 11, 12 and 13. { ee eR A SODA FOUNTAINS AND SOFT DRINKS Little Talks on Health and Hygiene by Samuel G. Dixon, M. D. The soda fountain has become a Kral Ve 1t M ark e | National institution. The fact that Vit is universally used is not however, recommendation. Naturally during the warm months there is an unusual hankering for cool liquids. What the system really craves in hot weather is water. Cool water not ice cold. This is a natural demand and one that should be sup- plied. We have acquired a taste for sweetened concoctions which mas- querade under the names of all the fruits that were found in the Gar- den of Eden and others never heard of except on soda fountain adver- tisements. The bulk of these are chemical products in which no actual fruit is used. They are seldom nourishing. In very hot weather a glass or so of these sweetened liquids will often interfere materially with the diges- tion and their tendency is to lesson the normal appetite for nourishing food. Palatable summer made with the pure fruit juices to which cool water is added. Sherbets made in this manner are far more palatable and refreshing than the sickly sweets which are the common offering of the soft drink emporiums. Ice cold drinks irritate the stomach and produce catarrh sooner or later. There is another factor connected drinks can be with the serving of drinks, soft and | otherwise, which is open to the severest criticism. In many places the provision for the cleansing of the glasses is inadequate. Too often a hasty sousing in a tank of water |is the only washing which they re- ceive. It is a well known fact that washing utensils in cold water is not sufficient to properly cleanse and destroy germ life. The evils of the public drinking and all too often the soda glass comes within this category. re AEA An rn East Penna Eldership The East Pennsylvania Eldership of the Church of God will com- mence in the Maclay street Church Harrisburg on October 5th. Rev. F. W. McQuire of Lisburn will preach the opening sermon. A Irn Anyway, you have to hand it to hese crises that they pick an op- bonent of equal prowees, for by al- ways jumping on Wogg they that they are no for Kness. Thursday, | { Fear and worry ing Postmaster Orth of Marietta. was a very enjoyable affair in every particular. from Marietta to the Wild Cat Grove and here the men were ferried across the Susquehanna river by Proprietor | THE ER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Home Health Glub WEEKLY ARTICLES WRITTEN EXPRESSLY FOR THE MT. JOY BULLETIN BY DR. DAVID H. REEDER OF CHICAGO, ILL. Precautions against Infantile Pa- ralysis: The plague of Infantile spreading terror people is all the is so little Paralysis that is the hearts of the more terrible because it understood. The unknown is al- ways much more terrible than the known. Dr. Tilden states emphatical ly that the condition known as auto- intoxication is much more frequently fear than by bad food. have killed more people than has starvation. Ob- viously, the first precaution is to quit worrying about the matter, dismiss fear and do something sensible. caused by One of the conditions upon which | the doctors that have most frequent- ly come in contact with the disease are agreed upon is that if the nose mouth and throat are in good health and kept sterile there is but little if any danger of contracting sease. Another thing that we all know is that the disease is no re- spector of persons but is as liable to enter the homes of the rich as of the poor. In fact, it is said that some of the poorest districts in New York have developed few if any cases. Others claim that if the comparison is made according to population it will be found that the disease is more prevalent in the country than in the city. This leads me to believe that pre- vious ideas indicating the stable fly as one of the carriers or sources of infection was correct. The fly cannot be blamed in all cases, how- ever, because if it was the only cause the measures for defense that seem to be effective would be useless. Tt is not necessary, however, to be bit- ten by a fly in order to become in- fected through it. The insect spreads filth wherever it flies or alights so remember the slogan “Swat the fly,” but much more important don’t let the fly find a breeding place near your home nor in your neighborhood. As a direct means of protection every home in which there are chil- dren or grownups under 30 years of age, there should be a careful and thorough examination of the teeth, | nose and throat. If not found in | perfect health the services of a specialist should be secured and the condition thoroughly treated. In all cases, whether in good or bad condition the teeth should be thoroughly cleaned and brushed night and morning, both children and adults. The nose and throat should also be sprayed morning, noon and night with a reliable antiseptic solution. Any reliable physician will tell you what to use. An honest druggist can supply you. Liquor Antisepticus is excellent. This is made by druggists from a formula given in the official dispensatory. See that the bowels are active, keep as cool as possible, bathe or swim frequently, eat good whole- some food but not too much of it LANDISVILLE and Mrs. F. B. Stauffer Mr. family spent Mrs. Clay Sauders of Donegal. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shank and family of Rheems, spent Sunday with | Mr. and Mrs. Phares Bowman. Quite a number of our people at- tended the Convention held in the M. E. Church at Salunga on Satur- day. Miss Marie Habecker house party at Lititz, Wednesday | evening given by the Misses Eliza- beth and Ellen Landis. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob G. Habecker | and daughter Martha accompanied | by Mr. and Mrs. Reuben autoed to Lawn, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Risser. Miss Emma Swarr entertained a | few of her friends at Saturday evening, those were the Misses Ada Rupp, Esther | Heise, Ruth Hoffman, Miriam Her- shey, Jennie Musselman, Anna Trayer, Winona Hess and Messrs. Lewis Mease, Paul Miller, Joseph Ross of Willow Street; Samuel Bru- | baker and Harry Hoffman of Mount Joy. BR Revenue Men at Wild Cat Saturday afternoon forty-five men of the Ninth Internal Revenue Dis- trict representing many and cities in the state held an outing at the Wild Cat Falls Inn. B. F. Davis Esq., of this city, called the meeting towns to order and presided over the busi- | ness session. Chicken and waffles were served, and at the festive board Mr. master. Gery of York, acted as toast- toasts includ- It Many responded to Automobiles were run Resch. They returned home at = late hour all well pleased with the | outing. rr The U-boat captain who sank the Lusitania has been decorated, it is said. He needs something to take his mind offcivilized opinion of his deed. the di-'! and Sunday with Mr. and | attended a | Shearer | her home | present | divinity. i | defeat of the’ defending forces is that | the assailants also were men of the RHEEMS Mr. and Mrs. John M. Weaver and | daughter Gladys and son Henry | spe nt last Sunday at Maytown, Mr, "and Mrs. Elias E. Risser and daughter Myra were guests of Mr. [and Mrs. Gabriel Risser Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. A. S. Bard and fam- ily were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elias E. Risser of near Lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Sload spent last Sunday looking up the sights and amusements at Williamsgrove park. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Books of Hillsdale, last Sunday with | their ne David Espenshade and family. Mr. Eli Espenshade of Mid- dletown, was the guest of his brother David K. and family last Sunday. The Heisey Bros. have started to take out their 20 acres of potatoes. They report the quality as good as | last year but not in quantity. Mr. Sol Hoffman residing on the Leander Groff farm contracted his three acres of hail cut tobacco to a Lancaster party for 8 cents through. Mrs. Jacob W. Heisey has returned from Hyner, Pa., where sh espent the summer with her son Christian and wife assisting to keep a summer resort. The wheat still spent phew, K. near Espenshade comes rolling in at the D. G. Brinser warehouse. The prevailing price for a short while was $1.40 per bushel for good quality. A farmer accustomed to modern times must feel embarrassed when he has two telephones and one large automobile and they are all out of service. Misses Elsie Landis and Cecil Smith have arranged to hold a corn roast Fuesday evening, September 12th, at the same place where the box social was held. The storm that passed over this place last Friday the 8th, was quite destructive, lightning and thunder vivid. A number of cross arms were torn to splinters close to Kw tower. Last Sunday was another success- ful day for the colored folks at their campmeeting in the Heisey park. | Crowds came from all parts of Lan- caster and Lebanon counties swel- ling the number to several thousand | persons. Mr. John G. Reist, the champion fruit and alfalfa grower took ad- vantage of the pleasant sunshine weather throughout this month to harvest his many acres of alfalfa, giving him a grand opportunity to gather many tons of first-class hay for which he has quite a demand. | The following committee of young men held a successful Box Social in the large stone quarry of the Penn Lime, Stone and Cement Co. last Wednesday evening, September 6th. Henry B. Heisey, J, K. Bard, Paul W. Heisey, Web Eshleman, John Dissinger, Robert Becker, Mack Falkenstein and B. Ream. The weather and moon were ideal for the occasion. The attendance was large. | The arrangements were to the letter. carried out Refreshments were delicious. Huge piles of timber were burned to furnish light upon the scene making it quite pleasant to indulge in the various games. re rn. CAPA | THE ASSESSORS’ RETURNS There Are Nearly Fifty Thousand Voters in This County The Registry Assessors of Lancas- | ter city and county have completed their work of taking the names of the voters in their respective dis- triets, and it was a task of no mean | proportions. Their work shows that | there is a total of 48,044 voters in | the city and county, of which num- | ber 14,848 are in the city. | The registered vote in each loeal | district is as follows: | Conoy an se LN E20 Donegal Hust- Lincoln S. ¥H.....236 | Maytown ..329 Springville 195 { Doneg palWest: 0. aaa 451 { Elizabethtown i seine 2906 Hempfield East—Landisville .365 Petersburg’ ......... Ji. 328 Rohrérstown ........:..1.. 302 | Hempfield West—DMountville .11% Northwestern 114 Norwood 207 Silver Spring .... +: 216 Manheim Borough— Firt Ww. ward, ..293 Second ward .363 Third ward 127 Iarietta—First ward 312 Second ward 3 Third ward ..... = Mt. Joy Borough East Wards v.32 West ward 332 Mount Joy Twp. Uppdr. .207 Lower .174 Milton Grove 9 Mountville .....cvoei uuu dy... 246 | Penn—Junction 102 South 183 Unionville Treray 297 Rapho—Newtown ..... J ...... 129 | Sporting Hill .170 Strickler’'s 8S. 0. .../........ 211 Union Square .... ’ . 331 | Washington Ber. — Tppe »r ward 88 Lower ward 83 Now that TI on Germany | tentions of tJ fly has declared war e may expect the at- e Kaiser's own tutelary One comfort about that decisive American naKy. Oa & Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin Let ‘Sale Bills JOS. B. HERSHEY THREE CHAIRS—NO WAITING Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday and delivered Friday. East Main St. -MR.. WI SEGUY- BY C.D.GRAVES © 1916 NATIONAL CARTOON SERVICE CORPORATION, N.C Wednesday, September 13, 1918, Fy I Y : -Z ’ 7 Sw 2 [<} 13-A “wrHiS LEAWNG OFF YOUR OVERCOAT IS JUST THE THING TO TRY), MAN IS A FOOL TO WEAR SO MUCH COLD IN THE OPEN AIR. “THATS NONSENSE, FRIEND, YOU NEVER. CATH THIS FAD BEATS ALL THE MEDICINES FOR FEAR THAT HE WILL DIE ” | THE DRUG STORES CAN PREPARE “ Jo Ay I Ji “AH-CHOO! AH-CHOG! NEVER FELT SO QUEER IN ALL MY DAYS. ‘T MUST BE JUST CATARRH; I'LL BUY ONE OF THOSE NASAL SPRAYS.” We Won’t Sell Yon a Hail Insurance Policy in the Hartford Fire Insurance Oa HIS EAR AT WISE GUYS CHEST. BUT LET US HOPE THE BEST’ rw » The Sovelk School for Violin SEMITONE SYSTEM IRA C. EBY MEST QUALITY West Donegal St.,, Mount Joy, Ps - Pupil of the late Prof. Carl Thor- bahn. Fupil cf R. L. Myers Come to the above school and let me instruct you in the “TRUE PRINCIPLES OF THE AR1 OF VIOLIN PLAYING” TERMS Single lesson (One hour) 75e. Series of 25 lessons, $17.50 in ad after your tobacco is ruined. See us before the hail storm strikes you. Henry G. Carpenter Opp. Post Office, MOUNT JOY. W. M. HOLLOWBUSH, NOTARY PUBS & artorvy. AT-LAW, EDGE the a ladies’ 3hca dre vely containg serves ladice’ and Sid 's ls ine, shines vance. : West Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Series of 15 lessons, $11.00 in ad Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- a vance. 3 : day at No. 56 N. Duke Street Second Arrangements for interview ear |p. oo WC. Rehm. be made by letter. = Classe w f ing. on ig gh x door on the Charles S. Fran 2 AUCTIONEER | pte 3 PoE nd 6 Canvas 8 SHOES. in Fé boxes, with A 10c. Eye dlr doco size WHITTEMORE BROS. & CO. Elizabethtown car. Albany Get off at Shelley’s turnout. | Shoe Polishes in the World. “NOW, PLEASE BE BRAVE,” THE DOcIon Sal YOU HAVE PNEUMONIA IN BOTH LUNGS, ores Shoe Polishes « LARGEST VARSP “STAR” pdt ation epi | Zindsof russet or tan shoes, 1% ming 0 peng round white a A Er a package, charges paid, O28 Street, Cambridge, Maes, he OMicst and Aavgest Manufacturevs &f I trust that I may secure your MOUNT JOY, PA. patronage, Prompt attention given to the Calling | re of Real Estate and Personal Property | WHICH--BARBARA oR THE INDIAN Sales. Terms Moderate. Bell Phone. | && Subscribe for the Bulletin. 8 Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bullet && Subscribe for the Bulletin. Or Gottes Willa Sie Gethan BY REV. C. D. RISHEL A thrilling narrative of several of | the Indian raids made in the upper regions of the Juniata valley during the perilous period of 1776—1782, into which is charmingly woven ar interesting, edifying and fascinating Notice to Farmers CALL CONESTOGA GLUE- WORKS Automobile Truck to Have Your Dead Animals Removed Promptly romance of Benjamin Brown and Barbara Elder. Brown’s crucial test reach the climax when a savage Indian was in the act of scalping his beloved Barbara. What was Brown to do when it | was doing violence to his conscience to shed blood? Which shall be sacrificed Barbara | or the Indian? This is a neat little book of about | | 55 pages, paper cover. Price only 25c. Sent postpaid on | receipt of price. Liberal inducement to agents. Order now of REV. C. D. RISHEL I PAY FROM $1.00 TO $3.00 PER HEAD ACCORDING TO SIZE AND CONDITIONS 380 O00 TT 10 MOUNT JOY, PA. aug. 23-4t | GARDEN THEATRE Where Breates Blow From the New Fans Put in Recently. “Laugh and the World Laughs With You.” Us Frint Your Lorenz Lamparter PROPRIETOR LANCASTER, PA 00 So ——— ARE YOU UNDECIDED Bell Phone No. 830 No. 647 WL REL 5 Ri REE hE a mW If the prices we are quoting for SO, everything that as well as cluded in building, exterior work, from | When it comes to neat and effective printing your roof. lof any kind we will ce. Eve you J. N. HERSHEY SHAVING Dealer in HAIR CUTTING Coal, Lumber, Grain, Tonsorial Parlor grain Estimates on Lumber & Mill Work a FLORIN, - PENNA. Agent for the Middletown Steam MOUNT JOY. ' Ind. Phone LC ET IS where to buy your bill of Lumber? all you have to do is look at HIGH GRADE LUMBER for interior or the Timber in your foundation to the Shingles on FEED, HAY, STRAW, SLATE, SALT, CEMENT AND FERTILIZER A large stock of Feed constantly on hand. Highest cash price paid fos