\ ARE YOU UNDECIDED where to buy your bill of Lumber? If so, the prices we are quoting for HIGH GRADE LUMBER as everything that is in- cluded in building, for interior or exterior work, from the Timber in your foundation to the Shingles on as well your roof. J. N. HERSHEY Dealer in Coal, Lumber, Graia, FEED, HAY, STRAW, SLATE, SALT, CEMENT AND FERTILIZER A large stock of Feed constantly on hand. Highest cash price paid for grain “Bugimates on Lumber & Mill Work a Specialty : FLORIN, PENNA. {This is the Brooder that Requires So Little Coal” (“about 25¢ a week”) says W. V. Lancaster, of Lyons, N.Y. “lhaveno trouble to keep my ‘‘Blue Hen’? Brooder at the rigit temperature. Ihave over 200 chicks in itnow, some four weeks and the others twelve days’ old. A hap- pier, more oonjomtaq ot “Blue Hen” Hot Air Colony 50 Brooders Are Better at $ 1 4 than most $30 brooders. The grates can’t clinker up or smother fire. Their area is Who times greater than others; the regulator is automatic and certain y the diagram. Agente for Blue Hen" Brooders (Hot-3ir (all and See Sample and Gel Gataleg Hot-water), Round Tray Incubators Tray Incul We are now exhibiting above equipment. ASK THESE BLUE HEN AGENTY ‘ H. M. BAER & SON, SALUNGA JOHN E. LONGENECKER, WT JC P. EE WOLGEMUTH, MOUNT IOV i DOOO00000000O0O00OOICID Be Sure You Get EASTMAN FILMS - AT W. B. BENDER'S, East Main Street ar e—— ILI LILO ODOLOOOOOOOOO . Gr) WNW W a They are the Descndile Kind My steck is carefully kept, Good and and Fresh DOCOOO000O0000O00G Fo AH I IOFFER ICP NIE IR pC all you have to do is look at EXECUTORS’ PUBLIC SALE w—O ff REAL ESTATE ON TUESDAY SEPT. 12, 1916 By virtue of an order of the Or- phans’ Court of Lancaster County. Pa., the undersigned executors’ of the last will and testament of Elias {H. Faus, deceased, will offer at pub 'lic sale on the premises in Rapho township, the following described real estate: All that certain Tract of Fei Land situated in Rapho townskig, &- the road leading from Elizabe@@ow- to Manheim, about four miles #05 Mount Joy and about 2% si from Mastersonville. The said JK consists of 108 j acres, more THE BULLETI and is surrounded by lands of tian Good, P. C. Geib, A, As f fer, Henry Flory, A. Fous; r | Heisey, Jacob Snyder E omc other lands of the estate of 2 Faus, deceased. This farm lays well is in a good state of cultivation d| | is well watered. The improve t) thereon erected consist of a 23% Story Frame Dwel- ling House with Summer Kitchen, Large Bank Barn and other necessary outbuildings | Sale to commence at two o’clock | P. M. on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 1916, when terms and conditions ‘will be | » I made known by SAMUEL S. FAUS | ELI A. FAUS, Wxecutors | Chas. S. Frank, Auct. W. M. Hollowbush, Attorney. SMALL FARM AT PUBLIC SALE | Thursday, September 21, 1916 The undersigned administrators of | the estate of Amos M. Heisey, de- | ceased, late of Mount Joy township, Lancaster county, pursuant to ai order of the Orphan’ s Court of Lan caster county, will offer at publi | ~ will be offered C | erty sale, on the premises, along th | public road leading from Colebroo Ito Ginder’s School House, about 1% | miles west of Mastersonville, the fol- {lowing Real Estate, to wit: A tract of excellent farming land, contain- | ling 11 acres and 72 perches, adjoin- ing lands of B. S. Zug, C. O. Frey estate of Anthony G. Greiner, de- ceased and others, situated in the | township of Mount Joy. The improvements thereon erected | consist of a New 2-Story Frame Dwelling House, a Frame Barn, Pig Sty, poul- try House and other neces- | sary outbuildings. Two wells with | pumps therein are on thepremises. | A small stream of water runs through | the farm. An assortment of young| fruit trees and grape vines in good | bearing order. This property is located close to a store, school and church. The land | is in a high state of cultivation. Also at the same time and place | a fine lot of locust | posts. Persons wishing to view the prop- | before the day of sale will be shown same by calling on the under- | signed residing close by. Sale to commence at two o’clock {p. m. on Thursday, September 21, when conditions will be made known | by MALINDA Z. HEISEY, IRWIN W. HEISEY, Admin. of Amos W. Heisey, Dec’d. | A. K. Waser, Auct. | A. G. Hamaker, Clerk. TY °_ yf FRENTE AR g ww % ; Lid Cr - the mer vho ad- |g@rtize ts paper rand. What rings your door-bell? Co- What makes your tele- phone talk—your buzzer buzz — your lantern light ? Columbias. What turns the toys? What What rings the gong that warns you at the railroad crossing? Columbias. What runs the gas engine, the auto, the truck, the tractor, the fumbias. detonates the dynamite? motor boat? Columbias. \ io \\ joey xiv} T a CP if preferred, at no extra charge. FRANK B. GROFF Harness and Horse Clothing Gonyenient Fonestock Spring Clip asteners in place of binding posts Mount Joy, Penna. 4 For every battery service under the sun Columbias are chosen by the battery-wise. Columbias are packed witn vigor to the binding- posts. They make things gol They're steady. They're uniform. They're faithful. And, though they cost no more, they last longer. To be sure of getting all that a batterycangive,choose* Columbia." | field, chines or 3 horses , MOUNT JC CLARENCE SCHOCK MOUNT JOY, PA. Gale LUMBER -COAL ALD INA. For Sie. For Bent All of Dr. Peter Fahrmey’s Medi- cineg are for sale by Mrs. Annie Sweitzer, Florin, Pa. july Bn Wanted—Washing, ironing, gener.’ | house work or ~=aacleaning. Mrs | Annie Allison. July 18tf WANTED—35 men to ‘pack tobao 0. Apply to BE. L. Nissly & Sons viorin, Pa. maylfte NOTICE—I am prepared to do all | kinds of hauling, plowing lots, and {work of that kind. Charges very reasonable. Jacob Brown, Mt. Joy tf. WA NTED—Experienced Carpen- ters. Apply to Hoffer Bros. HKlizs hethtown. july 5-tf For Sale—One good heater, large drive gate of good lumber and a nearly new lawn roller. Will be sold cheap as have no further use for same. Call on Mrs. Benj. Hat- Mt. Joy. aug. 23-tf. FOR RENT—Brick Stable suit- able for garage. Will house a ma- and 3 wagons. Rent reasonable. Apply Ira C. Eby, | E. Longenecker, along the Harris- burg pike between Florin and Mount Joy, contains six acres of ground and jis in a high state of cultivation, is used for trucking for the last six-! teen years, has fruit trees planted in parts of it, asparagus patch, berries, ete. It also has three chicken houses that house 500 chickens, good build- ings and a never-failing well of wat- er and the water main from the Flor- in Water Works passes so near that the water can be had at any time. This is a very desirable home and is for sale by John E. Longenecker, liv- ing on the premises. aug.30-tf, Party moving away owes us $119 on handsome Upright Grand Piano used 3 months. It is yours for bal- ance. Write The Gibbs Piano Cq 71-73 Main St., Springfield, Nicer (31 years in one location) sep. 4-6t. | Have you any large Boxwood growing around your house or gar- den? If so, would ask that you kindly write me at once, if yo would care to sell same. I pay from $5.00 to $35.00 for good | plants growing separately and not in hedges. Chas. Reissman, Wilming- ton, Del., sep 4 1t. WANTED—1 00 boys ranging from 6 to 16 years of age, at Gar- ber’s Drug Store, Friday, Sept. 8th. E. W. Garber, Druggist. 2t.! Lost—A Gold watch, between Rheems and Elizabethtown. A hunt- ing case, twenty year Elgin, size 000. | Initials L. E. Finder return to Lu- cetta M. Epler, Elizabethtown, Pa. sep. 6-1t. Peony roots, home grown, better than roots shipped from a distance. + production State Has Big Wheat Crop | sewers or garbage disposals, mean- While there has been a general ling a loss of hundreds of thousands decline in the indicated production |of dollars. of wheat in the United States, the | Everyone prospects of an average yield for should remember that incubation the Pennsylvania farmer are most | begins at 95 degrees Fahrenheit. | encouraging, according to Aguust | That eggs with two or three hours | reports received from all sections of ' of this temperature develop a living | the State by the Pennsylvania De- germ, which later dies and smells | partment of Agriculture. and tastes most unpleasantly. A wheat crop of over 26,500,000 Eggs should be collected at lee bushels is forecast for this year’s twice daily in hot weather and in the State compared Once stored in a cool, clean pls with an estimated yield of about All roosters should be shut up 24,928,000 bushels last year. The killed off so there may be no 2 | condition of wheat compared with ity to start on hot days. en et A CRP C. S. Frank’s Sale On Friday, Sept. 8, C. S. Frak will sell at Hotel McGinnis, Mount Joy, two carload of extra good Susquehanna and Potter County cows, bulls and heifers consisting of Durhams, Brindles, Guernseys, ete. Also good stock bulls, steers and cattle for beeves and a few good shoats. Also 100 White Leghorn Pullets, some laying. These will be sold first. '| an average yield was 100 per cent. | early in August. The area seeded | to wheat during the autumn of 1915 | for this year’s harvest was estimat- ed at 1,338,000 acres. About one- | third of one per cent. of this area was plowed down this spring., leav- ing 1,333,640 acres to be harvest- ed. Harvest was from ten days to two weeks late due to the cool wet prevailed during the spring and early summer. Practic- ally damage was done by the Hessian fly, but some damage has [been done the grain in the shock by the wet weather and some few | weather that no ties Your Come reports say that the wheat was not renew @ a as well filled as was expected. Re- Subscription time you ave ports indicate that the quality of - to the grain is good except where it ired! fn ion Exo was injured in the shock by exces- sive moisture. Er W. Donegal St., Mount Joy. Chinese and Baby primrose plants, aug. 23-tf. lex begonias, three nice plants for The wheat crop for the entire HE. Haver Pays = twenty-five cents at M. & R. Hoffer’s country is far below the average Lard, perlb. ...............15%¢e Notice of Election greenhouse, sep. 6-1t land high prices are expected to Potatoes, per bu. ............. £0¢ Notice is hereby given that an rat] ak : : . Butter, per lb. .34c lection for a Secretary, Treasurer] , prevail to mule the season one of : 3 ad five managers of the Mount Joy | LN Bo the most prosperous in years for ges, per doz. ...... yo. 32 Cemetery Association will be held 8) 142 the Pennsylvania farmer. It is cal- Brandt & Stehman Pay: —l Seen Bo Sf Mout ; i. culated that the nora] wheat re- Wheat, per bu. ......... $1.40 12th. 1915 7 Between the bears of In need of quirement of the United States is Corn, per bu. ..........1..... 95¢ 6:30 and 8 o'clock P. M. = ; of some tic 4 1, bill ro, ducedin the State. | Middlings, per hundred ...... 1.55 ment of Health, the public schools of uy Daly Wi) re — te | Gluten, per hundred ......... 1.50 this boro will not open as heretofore member we can £UIm | Many Complaints of Heated Eggs | Cotton Seed Meal, 41 per cent 3.10 advertised. The schools will now out the work the Due to the intense hot weather |Linseed Meal, per hundred.... 2.00 (open on Monday, Sept. 18. lowest cost consistent of this summer an unusually large | Beef scrap & fish scrap ...... 3.00 H. G. Longenecker, Secretary. i) -OSt £0! ICISTEM |, ber of ringed and heated eggs | Union Grain, per hundred .... 1.75 {aug 30-3t. } GOT WorK have been reported to the Pennsyl-|larro feed, per hundred ..... 1.70 > vania Department of Agriculture Mingo feed, per hundred ..... 1.75 Truck and Poultry Farm For Sale gz i : |as arriving at our large cities. Most | Calf Meal, per hundred ..... - 3.50 —The small farm occupied by Jno. Subscribe for the Bulletin. lof these eggs have vn into the | Timothy Hay, per ton ...... $24.00 Here is one for you need. powerful 3115 electric lights A Wonderful Automobile Value There is no necessity of paying $1500 to $2000 for an automobile. $635 that gives you all It seats five comfortably. Has a big, horsepower motor; has and electric starter and M. B. HEISTAND, Mount Joy The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio “Made in U. S. A.” Horsepower New Series Model 75 B 635 Roadster $620 f.0.b. Toledo is right up-to-date in every respect. This car is beautifully finished; works like a beaver; will outlast any other, and gives 40 to 50 miles an hour. This Overland is the most wonderful automobile value in the world. Come in and see it today. keeping laying hens oP hobk ing. a from ‘ Wild M; gone Stoll M: spen town spen moth M: days Mr. M: days inter East with spen of h Elizs with