A THREE Dainty Things for the Dressing Table FREE We've placed thou- sands of comforts and necessities in your hands by giving 4% Stamps with every pur- chase—just see that you always get your stamps. Save Hamilton Coupons F. H. Baker’s Goal & Lumber Yards BOTH PHONES Mount Joy, Penna. Sole Agent for CONGO ROOFING, NO. 1 CEDAR SHINGLES, SIDING, FLOORING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, LATH, ETC. Agent for Lehigh Portland Cement, ‘Roofing Slate & Sheet Iron. Estimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL AND CONCRETE WORK WE'LL PAY YOu $1.00 FOR YOUR QLD FOUNTAIN PEN Fon A SHORT TiME ONLY PROVIDED YOU BUY & D1 INK-TITE Crocker aii, 598 wi PAL OFFICE (ONLY ONE OLD PEN TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR EACH NEW PEN PURCHASED.) This unusual offer is one of our orig- inal methods of advertising the Crocker, ihe, most satisfactory self-filling pen e. ® We make a big sacrifice, for the old pens are frequently worthless, but the splendid things you say about the Crocker Pen induces many others to buy it, so although we loge at the start, H we gain at the finish. The pens we offer are the genuine Crocker Ink-Tite Pens worth the full retail price. It is simpiy impossible tg buy a better fountain pen anywhere. “ Mashange Your OM Pes Nam. ers Tap W. D. CHANDLER Mount Joy, Pa. Krall Meat Market v I always have on hand anything in the line of SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGNA | DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton H. H. KRALL MAYTOWN | Tuesday after a ten [in the New Hampshire Hills. Pittsburgh, Pa., are the | Mrs. H. B. Jacobs. [son have gone on a visit friends at Altoona and They hade the trip by auto. Harry Shireman week. Jesse Klugh lost the writing there is a slight ment in his condition. The festival held by the fire com- pany on Saturday evening was a great success. before the feast that amused many, but it had the intended effect all the same. Many people didn’t cook their evening meal, but went to the hall and got their supply of chicken corn soup, ice cream and cake and took the things home to eat—sort of an Edward Bellamy idea put into practice and it worked. We found that Maytown had a band and a good one too. Ben. Portner and Wm. Sw.ith of Elizabethtown, and Miss Mary Sip- ling were Sunday visitors at Daniel Sipling’s. David Koser, Jacob Williams, Peter Beinhaur and J. H. Miller are attending regularly the Brethren meeting at Rheems and Florin. Rev. John Wolfe is home on his vacation. He conducted the services at the Lutheran church on Sunday. The High School Alumni Associa- tion had their annual picnic at Ac- Raymond Blessing accidentally ran a piece of baling wire through his index finger on Monday, inflicting a very painful wound. The wire struck the end of the finger and ran up- wards toward the hand several in- ches and protruded on the side of the member. Miss Hayman is the guest of Miss Ethel Culp, our popular post mis- tress. The Misses Mabel Shrite, Florence Ney of Maytown, Ella Caracher, Miriam Decker, Margaret and Addie Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowers of Marietta employes of the Vaccine Farm autoed to Hershey on Sunday in H. M. Alexander’s truck. Miss Grace Keener of Florin, spent the week in Maytown, the guest of Miss Mabel Shrite. Mrs. Harry Keener and family of Florin, spent Thursday in town the guests of Mr. Geo. Sherbahn and family. ———) . Cr eee DONEGAL SPRINGS The hail storm that swept over this place damaged several nice crops of tobacco. Roy Schroll and family spent Sunday at Cyrus Schroll’s. William Lewis and . Della Lewis spent a few days of last week at Elizabethtown. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis spent Sunday with Frank Groff’s at Eliza- bethtown. Miss Bertha B. Heisey and three sisters Anna, Grace and Fannie Ruth and Miss Miriam Snavely of Philadelphia, Miss Iva Albright, Mrs. S. A. Fackler and Kathryn Carney spent Thursday afternoon in the Grove. The shelter sheds in the grove here were quite a convenience for West Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Telephone. WHY NOT ENJOY THAT FEELING | OF SECURITY THAT ACCOMPAN | | -—. i | teams and autos during Sunday evening’s rain and hail. Prof. Charles’ Harter returned on week's outing | Rev. G. Arthur Fry and wife of | guests of | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newcomer and | among Pittsburgh. visited friends | yp, gisgusting habit of biting their at Altoona, several days the past | power of | even at the dining table, of pecking speech on Thursday or Friday morn- | 4}... [oc with their fingers. , ing. He is confined to bed. At this habit is so terribly disgusting that vated ground, it improve- | 6 is hardly able to discuss it in po- There was a parade | THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Home Heallh Club NEWS FROM THE WEEKLY ARTICLES WRITTEN | | | EXPRESSLY ‘FOR THE MT. MOUNT MORIAH GROVE A VERY JOY BULLETIN BY DR. BEAUTIFUL SCENE—THE DAVID H. REEDER OF CHICAGO, ILL BASKET PICNIC A BIG : ? SUCCESS—OTHER HOME NEWS DANGEROUS HABITS: There are | many people, otherwise clean and al- | ways neat in appearance that have! One of the many spots on the Homes grounds possessing attractive beauty of both a natural and arti- ficial variety is Mount Moriah Grove. Grove. Situated by the roadside, on ele- overlooks the rail- road with its myriad passing trains of cars and attractive new passenger station, the roofs and steeples of the borough of Elizabethtown, the entrance to the Masonic Homes park cand its surrounding charmingly beautiful pastoral scenery. It is a grove of trees varying from the tini- est sapling to the giant oak of the forest, garnished with moss and native flora, and wildly ornamented with numerous massive boulders jut- ting from the grounds. This grove of nature beauty in the early days of the Homes properly development, was selected by Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 300 of Huntingdon, Pa., as an object to enhance with the beauties of art, to add to its use- fulness and that it might remain a Memorial of Mount Moriah Lodge. Its virgin surface was pierced with serpentine walks along the borders in which were placed rustic benches. Pine, spruce and juniper trees were planted and wild and cul- tivated flowers, including 3000 rho- dodendrons decorated its borders. A large and commodious pavilion or rest house with finger nails. Others have a habit, | | practiced in all sorts of public places This | lite terms and yet have the vast ma-: | jority of those addicted to it are ut- | terly unconscious of the habit and some are even what we might call ‘health cranks.” This morning as I passed a gro- cery and market store the proprie- tor’s brothers, who are in appear- ance unusually neat and clean were standing in the doorway. Each of them was pecking his nose and a handkerchief was not used. They went into the store and at once be- gan to wait upon customers, handl- ing bread, meat, vegetables, cook- ies, cakes, candies and other food stuffs, much of which must be eat- en just as it comes from the store. I am inclined to think that the danger of Infantile Paralysis infec- tion would be greatly lessened if all of the people that raise, pre- pare or manufacture or in any way handle or sell eatables of any kind | were first given thorough and care- ful instructions in all kinds of san- itary laws and lessons in habits of! personal cleanliness and were then! comac on Saturday. There was a | forced to observe those laws if downed £ and on rele Book; large attendance, Maytown being they were at'any time found to! omed roof an rustic pillars an well represented. be. distorarding hem seats were erected at the = north- g g > eastern margin of the grove. This Typhoid fever is quite frequent- ly spread by people that are known to the medical profession as ty-! phoid carriers, thru the very vi- cious habit of going to stool or voiding the urine without after- wards washing the hands. It seems like a shame and an outrage upon the decencies of life that anyone that teaches the laws of health as I have done for a quarter of a century should find it necessary to speak of things like this, that are so obvious that it is almost incredible to think of find- ideal place for the purpose was selected by the Freemasons of Lan- caster County, to hold a basket, family picnic and Thursday, August 24, 1916 was appointed as the time. Accordingly, on that date, railroad trains, trolley cars and automobiles during the day brought to the grove from various parts of the County, a goodly number of members of the Fraternity, accompanied by their families, who proceeded to enjoy themselves in orthodox picnic style, devoting a portion of their time to ~ mg people who fail to take such buildings and highly interesting simple and necessary means of pro- grounds tecting not only themselves but The Bainbridge Band had been those they love, against the dan- gers of infection thru such danger- ous habits. One of the first les- sons that parents should teach to the little ones is the use of the handkerchief and the second, per- sonal cleanliness after the use of the toilet. If you observe the actions of al- most any child between the age of one to six years you will find the fingers frequently in its mouth, no matter what those busy little fin- gers were doing the previous mo- ment, playing with its feet, the cat, anything it may pick up in the yard or street and from that to the mouth. Only by reason of the fact that an All-wise Creator has supplied the little mouth with a fluid that is to a large extent an- tiseptic are the little lives sound and humanity preserved. There are many other dangerous habits that are not confined to children or ignorant people and they all help to keep the doctors riding in automobiles. How many of you put coins and paper money into your mouths? and im- engaged for the coursed’ excellent vilion, during the day. upon arrival, honored the guests at Grand Lodge Hall with a serenade. The picnic was a success and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who par- ticipated. The Freemasons of Lancaster County are at present engaged in the laudable purpose of gathering funds for the purpose of changing their memorial from its present obscure existence in the extensive and grow- ing water system, where it only has a contributary claim, to a Memorial Building commensurate with the im- portance of Lancaster County in Pennsylvania Masonry, in recogni- tion of the honor conferred on Lan- of Pennsylvania, in locating this greatest of eleemosynary institutions within the borders of the County, and in recognition of the honor of of the Fraternity from this county. This gathering : ; Stop Lancaster County furnished an ex- agine the filthy pockets that some : : 8 : cellent opportunity for their ap- money has been in. How many preciation of the greatness of these ick the borrowed lead ncil into : i Dene : Homes, their steady march to un- their mouths before using it? Mr. B. S. Dillinger, Deputy Coro- ner of Mt. Joy borough and sur- dreamed of proportions and fields of | I once saw a well dressed de- usefulness, as well as to note the de- MASONIC HOMES| occasion and dis- | music in the pa- | They also, | Agent for the Middletown Steam caster County, by the Grand Lodge | | having upon the Committee on Ma- | sonic Homes, two honored members | of Masons of | IES EVERY Hail Insurance Policy of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Henry G. Carpenter Opp. Post Office MOUNT JOY. SPEND YOUR VACATION IN NEW YORK more in New York in place in the t know how. world, but you m J We furnish the “ENOW HOW” One full week of “Sight Seeing” will show you everything worth while in the big city: $45.00 covers hotel accomodations, cost of sight seeing trips, theaters, roof gardens, etc, We even pay all your carfare around the city. Write for booklet A ‘Seeing New York At Minimum Cost.” NHICHESTER S PILLS Be fw Ld 5 Lk A Ban TIlE DIAMOND BRAND. Ladies! Ask your Druggist for Chi.ches-tc# 8 Diamon. rai Pills in Red and Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. Take wo other. Las of your Druggist. Ask for CI LONES-TERS DIAMPND BRAND PILLS, for 25 years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE SIGNS Wood, etal or Muslin i R. F. I Jaleman BE PH | feet high and fish must get to that | rounding community, paid old Done- | gal a brief visit on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Zeiders of | | near Dalmatia, made an auto trip to | | friends here on Saturday. {| Mrs. Jacob Hurst of Harrisburg, | was the guest of Mrs. Cyrus Schroll on Saturday. Mrs. Sarah A. Schroll, returned |to this place after an absence of | nearly a year which time she spent | with the family of her daughter | near Dalmatia. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yingst and | daughter Esther, Mrs. Sydney Sny- {der and three daughters of Harris- | burg and Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Eshle- [man of Mt. Joy were very pleasant- |ly entertained at the home of Mr. {and Mrs. Charles Watt on Sunday. = ————— Why Fish Are Scarce. Fishermen everywhere are bitter in, their complaints against the man- ner in which our State permits our river to be robbed of fish. A dam 64 feet high across the river at MeCalls Ferry and this would be all right if it were supplied with the proper fish- ways. The only one it has is thirty height before they can enter the fish- way. At Tork Haven there is an- other obstacle that fish cannot get over and then we wonder why fish are getting scarce in the river. BS In Wrong Again James Koch now of Lancaster, has been prosecuted before Alderman Moser by John Richardson on the charge of false pretense. Richardson alleges that he gave Koch goods, for which he was promised hauling in return. This was never done, alleges Richardson. Bail has been entered | but the only safe road is the road livery man, young and good look- ing, walk into a free dispensary in | order to receive treatment for the vilest blood disease known to the | human family. He was dressed in | the showy uniform of his employ- | ers, and carried a pencil for the | use of the people that must sign for packages. Did you put that i your mouth? Yes, I | pencil into | know it hurts to tell these things voted interest of other Masonic dis- tricts in erecting upon these grounds Memorial Buildings to stand for ages and in all time to blazon the honor of their districts. The viewing of what has been and is being done by others and the realization of the fact that these Homes are provided as a home by right, for every Mason of Pennsyl- vania, whose old age is shadowed by the frowns of fickle fortune, must have so stimulated resolution in the minds of our Lancaster County fra- of knowledge. Teach your children. erm (GRE —ecnans RAMSEY’S CORNER ters which will result in the near Clayton Farmer and family spent | future in the breaking of ground Sunday at Central Manor camp. for the erection of such a Lancaster County Memorial Building, as shall gladden the eyes and warm the hearts of all Lancaster County Ma- | Jay Gainor and family spent sons who contemplate its beauty and | Sunday at Harvey Shuman’s, near | realize its beneficent purpose and | Kinderhook. which will stand for generations an The festival held by the Fire Co. object of pride to every citizen of was very well attended and a neat the County. sum realized. | Interest at the Homes is now di- | Mrs. Susanna Nissley and niece rected to Monday, September 4, spent several hours with Mrs. Fy-|1916, at which time a very large etta Shepp on Sunday. number of the Masons of Allegheny Mrs. Frank Felty and son Chas. | County will be with us for the pur- spent Sunday afternoon with Dan- | Pose of assisting the Grand Master iel Derr and family, near Maytown. |in laying the corner stone of the Miss Helen and Master Milton three Memorial Buildings, now in Bryner of Lancaster, are spending | Process of erection, to stand as the some time with their grandmother, | Memorial of their great County. Mrs. Samuel Brandt. | ———— r——— fp me Mary and John several days of last dletown. Hershey spent week at Mid- { Ben Davis Confirmed Tomatoes Were Heavy Ben Davis’ appointment as col- Mrs. Sarah Hamaker of West | lector of internal revenue for this High street, Elizabethtown, picked | district was confirmed by the Senate twelve ripe tomatoes which weighed | on Friday. It is said he will now on an average of two and one-half | resign as the head of the Democratic pounds apiece. | County committee. —t DO Er e— | —— Eee && Subscribe for the Bulletin. The people’s pape Bulletin. for a hearing. && Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin 2 Subscribe for the tin, Wednesday, August 30, 1916. ~-MR.WTIS E GUY- BY C.D GRAVES © 1916 NATIONAL CARTOOM SERVICE CORPORATION N.Y. A TWO YOUTHS WERE AT A SPARRING MATCH | WHEN WISE GUY HOVE IN SIGHT. AND THEN OF COURSE AS YOU'D EXPECT HE STOPPED TO WATCH THE FIGHT. HE STARTED INTO GINE SOME POINTS ON HOW TO BOY BY RULE, FOR HE'D LLEARNED ALL ABOUT THE GAME AT CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL HE FELT FOR SORE THAT HE CouLD BOX, OF THAT THERE WAS NO DOUBT, AND SAID THAT HE'D TAKE ON HIMSE! F THE WINNER OF THE BOUT. ITIS ASHAME To TELL, AS ON HIS HEAD HE FELL. DUST WHAT THAT YO NGSTER pif To HIM hy AND WISE GUY SAWA LOT OF S © X GARDEN THEAT Rk | ‘Where Breezes Blow From the New Fans Put an inspection of the Homes’ massive | JOS. THREE | Laundry. | and delivered Friday. | East Main St. “Laugh and the World Laughs Tonsorial Parlor in Recently. With You.” | SHAVING HAIR CUTTING We _Won’t Sell Yona Hail Insurance Policy a the Hartford Fire Insurance Ca after your tobaceo is ruined. us before the hail storm strikes you. ary ‘Henry G. Carpenter Estate of M Pa., Deceased. See | mediate paym or demands B. HERSHEY CHAIRS—NO WAITING Goods called for Tuesday | Charles S. Frank | AUCTIONEER | Prompt attention given to the Calling of Real Estate and Personal Property Terms Moderate. | Sales. MOUNT JOY, PA. —_— —— Bell Phone. AT-LAW, : West Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- day at No. 56 N. Duke Street Second MOUNT JOY. Floor with W. C. Rehm. O nev-naper can succeed with- out zdverosing, therefore we solicit the patronage of our readers for those who by their advertising help to make this paper possible. BONDED BO NOTARY PUBLIC & ATTORNEY-'the following articies at | sale from my warehouse 2 bed room | dining room suites, 10 | chairs, lot of carpet, rugs, stoves, 2 double cupboards, sil ki __|of dishes, fruit jars by the |felly tumblers by the 106, tin | pictures and frames, brass Ket! | wood chest, hanging lamp, Kite | cabinet, sink bench, wheat separa | tor, hay rake, mail wagon and othe | wagons, set of double drivieg hare |nees, lot of single sets, ete. ' rr —— | William Darrenkamp, Mt. Joy. | High street: — — | fne 21.2. 25 CLEARANCE SHOE SALE EREREES L 5 REE (3.7 + 2p eh) [ 8 OF ALL SUMMER SHOES and OXFORDS LADIES’ OXFORDS AND PUMPS I am closing out all my Ladies’ Oxfords and Pumps at only A large lot of Ladies’ and Pumps, small sizes, only Oxfords “59¢ MEN’S OXFORDS A large lot of Men's King Qual- ity Oxfords, were $4.00 a pair, now only $1.98 LADIES’ SHOES A lot of Ladies’ Rice & Hutchin- son Mayfair Patent Colt and Gun Metal Shoes, were $3.50; 1 08 # SPECIAL now only Rubber Heels put on at only 28 cents Per Pair. Don't miss this sale as it will be a great money saver to you all. I need the room for my fall stoek. ce ess snnsnn | Do Shoe Repairing That Is Sure to Please HARRY LASKEWITZ OPEN EVENINGS. BOTH PHONES. Mount Joy, Penna. NOTICE. ADMINISTRATRICES’ NOTICE Keener, lp) Mount Joy Township, Lancas’ Letters of administration ( estate having been granted 1g undersigned, all persons | in thereto are requested to m ent, and tho will present them withop# settlement to the undersigh Emma A. Shelly, Manheim, Le D. No | Ne I om DX ount . No. | Opp. Post Office, MOUNT JOY. | ioc |B: Frank Kready, Atty. aug.8 ¥. Mm lolLLowoush, | PRIVATE SALE—! am i :