/ \ | i PAGE THREE | {HE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA water (lh Gy Sule | Visitors from Georgia the First Time | Wednesday, August 28, ™M RWIS E CUY- 55 C.D GRAVES 5 © 1916 NATIONAL CARTOON SERVICE CORPORATION,N.Y. y Ly fm Dainty Thing: way from Lancaster to Maryland i for the 5 y in Four Years—Rev. Edw. Rush- | g TT. L.} | WEEKLY ARTICLES WRITTEN . . ’ | Sine ¢ e oveme i » mai ichway | . ton Elected Director of Landis- | Dressing I aie : [: Improvement of the sin high id | EXPRESSLY FOR THE MT. ton esis est | R rr fo the gid city im} 9 0 JOY BULLETIN BY DR. Jn | J :: § bY the Maryland state line it 1s the TEDE . F AN A Ko : . DAVID H. REEDER OF ; ia ily |big task the Lancaster Automobile | CHICAGO. ILL Mr. Levi Shuman left on Satur- We've placed thou Club has undertaken it having decid- | id : day to attend Manor Camp now in | sands of comforts and tod at ite abiviey s tveen Tree -] session, { necessities in your {ed at its meeting at Green I ree Ho fA Foul Breath und’ Hs Causes on Sin 1 brig) he R y ivi Saif" | tel, east of Quarryville, on Friday \ 1p a : Melvin Newcomer and aniily | hands bY %} ving Zo tei, ous Ty I . toll its | (From Ideal Life) “Few things are spent Sunday afternoon with his | Stamps With eve Ty pur- evening, Angus 5 to pu .~ | more offensive than a foul breath. | chase—just see that you | power behind a movement for this | The possessor of ffensive breath brother Irvin. always get your stamps. | purpose. That section has been ® Dossessor or an ohensiys hice Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strickler { should leave no stone unturned un- til the cause is removed. There is { always a cause for such a condition, | and the skillful physician can find it. It may be located in the nose, the teeth, the tonsils, the stomach or in | the body generally. A single de- | cayed tooth may cause a very foul! breath. An ulcer of the nose or| even a catarrhal spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Mr. George Way and family spent | Sunday near Silver Spring with Mr. and Mrs. Wagenbach. Mrs. John F. Peifer is home after a weeks stay at the General Hospital much improved. Miss Martha Eby with her mother practically isolated from the county seat and the building of a good road to connect it with Lancaster has been a long felt want. President Atlee in supporting the movement which was started by L. F. McAllis- ter, of Quarryville, when he intro- | duced a resolution pledging the club to the campaign, declared this move- Save Hamilton Coupons - “IN WOMAN CURIOSITY OF COURSE WE CAN EXCUSE, BUT MEN SHOULD BE TO BUISY FAR MELLO, OLO MAN! | NEVER THOUGHT YOU'D WASTE YOUR TIME THIS WAY; ment the most important matter be- condition of the | called on Miss Catharine Nissley at fore the club and the portant road proposition county. County Commissioner D. F. Magee stated the improvement of the main artery of travel north and south through Quarryville would have a double value as there is a movement afoot now to have the road from Quarryville to Oxford im- proved, and the success of both plans would give Oxford a good road the entire distance to Lancaster. It was decided to appoint a committee of five members of the club to be charged with the duty of circulating petitions and of the general conduct of the campaign. President Atlee in endorsing the movement stated that the State is not doing its full duty in road build- ing. Of the three million of dollars spent annually two and a half come F. H Baker's Coal & Lumber Yards . Both Phones Mount Joy, Penna. 8ole Agent for Congo Roofing. Ne. § Cedar Shingles always on hand Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doora. Blinds, Mouldings, Lathes, Etc. Agent for Lehigh Portland Cement, Root ing Slate & _heet Iron. Estimases quickly and cheerfully from automobile licenses. He advo- made on BUILDING MA1r.ual|cated the expenditure of four to and all kince of CONCRETING five millions anually by the State and the utilization of the automo- bile license money to maintenance, stating that if it is the automobiles that wear out the roads let it be the automobile money that keeps them in repair. Owing to the epidemic of infantile FOR YOUR tparelysit it was decided to post- OLD FOUNTAIN PEN { pone indefinitely the run for the in- " FOR'A SHORT TIME ONLY | mates of the Children’s Home, and PROVIDED YOU BUYS |for the same reason the Sociability - mere] oe INK=TITE |: | Run to Hershey is being held in rock © SELF-FILLING | abeyance. er. FOUNTAIN i The campaign of the club for a subway under the P. R. R. tracks at the Manheim pike crossing it was reported has about been attended with success the railroad company | having submitted plans for the building of the subway which it an- nounced it is ready to go ahead with. More safety for users of the high- ways was urged by President Atlee who referring to the number of aceci- dents resulting from glaring head- lights, asked the members to set an example for other motorists by in- stalling dimmers to be used in ap- proaching other machines. He also spoke of the effect upon other mo- torists if members would set an ex- ample in the conservative handling of their machines. This would tend to reduce speeding. Complaint having been received about the danger of trolley poles on the ridhtwsd . _y—o% the turnpikes it was deciced to take the matter be- fore the Public Service Commission. It was also decided to prosecute Lancaster for the bad condition of certain streets if not repaired in thirty days and to request the au- thorities to adopt regulation for the proper oiling of the highways. The Public Service Commission will be asked to make rates for auto trucks | using the pikes if the company does MOUNT JOY, PA |not make reasonable charges. (ONLY ONE OLD PEN TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR EACH NEW PEN PURCHASED.) This unusual offer is one of our orig- inal methods of advertising the Crocker, the most satisfactory self-filling pen e. ® We make a big sacrifice, for the old pens are frequently worthless, but the splendid things you say about the Crocker Pen induces many others to buy it, so although we lose at the start, we gain at the finish. e pens we offer are the genuine Crocker Ink-Tite Pens worth the full retail price. It is simply impossible to buy a better fountain pen anpwhese. NGashange Your 01d Pom Mgm" W. D. CHANDLER Mount Joy, Pa. Krall Meat Market I always have on hang anything fn the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Ete. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and Mutton. Prices always right. £5H. H. KRALL West Main Street most im- in the nose may produce it. The foul]; Millwe Tuesds ft . breath of the fever May on “nesqay siternvon patient is well| p., Brosey living near Mount known. ; : Joy was a Sunday visitor at the Many a time foul breath is caused { home of his father'B. B. Brosev by poisons being locked up in the| pn. Samuel Heisley and daugh- system. Constipation may: be the ¢o, Dorothy of Lititz, spent a few source; so may an obstructive €ON-| days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. dition of the skin. That onions WIL! pyeitrich. produce a foul breath is a notorious | Services in the M. E. Church by fact, but it is not : So. well knoWnlipe Pastor, 5. W. Drom next that other articles of food may be | Sunday morning at 10:30. Come the source of other offensive odors | 4 welcome. from the breath and from the body | yr. and Mrs. J. Trout and in general. Many persons do not | know that these conditions are re- B. Kreider took an auto run to movable. ; | Harrisburg on Sunday. Certain constitutional diseases, es-| Rev. and Mrs. Preston Strauss pecially Syphilis, may produce a |, 4 daughter Helen of Long Island, very foul odor. Some persons are Y., called on their cousin Mrs. afflicted with offensive sweating of py. H. Weidman on Sunday. the feet, which does not yield to fre-| Mr. David Seabold of Moore quent washing. Most of these cases | spent from Friday to Sunday with can be cured by some very simple is wife ang daughter with her par- remedies taken internally. Other £ ~~" |ents, Mr. and Mrs. Metzgar. persons have very offensive perspira-| pp. and Mrs. Oscar Ruhl and son daughter Mary and Mr. and Mrs. A. HAVE YOU NO BETTER THING TO DO THAN IDLE ALL THE DAY?” Basen THEIR PRECIOUS TIME TO LOSE 2 NT 7, . > “AH, THERE'S A QUEEN A MAN COULD LOV THE KIND OF GIRL | LIKE IF SHE HAD ONLY SMILED AT ME—= OH, FGR THE LOVE QF M|—— 1! “MY EYE! BUT THERE'S SOME CLASS TOTHAT, A PRETTY LITTLE CAME! ! THE WAY THE GIRLS RIG UP THESE DAYS () SURE FANS THE TENDER FLAME.” x tion from the armpits. This also will | Chester, R. D. Raffensberges and often yield to simple remedies ad-|family attended church at Nefsville, ministered internally.” on Sunday morning and evening. Baby Feeding Hints: “Baby is of-| Ai , meeting of the Board of ten thirsty and not hngry. A baby is| Control on the Landisville Camp 85 per cent. water and only 15 Per | Ground last Friday Rev. Edw. cent. solid. | Rushton was elected Spiritual di- If baby’s stool is green and there rector for 1917. is colic, give some cereal food pre-| Mr. and Mrs. John Hertzler, Mas- paration for twenty-four hours. | (a, Ralph and Miss Helen, Miss Am- Usually in that time or within | 0 of Lancaster and Mrs. A. R. thirty-six hours at most the stool | 1,ehman of Florida, called on the will become normal. | Eby family on Sunday afternoon. If the baby’s food comes up vel-| During all the hot, dry weather of lowish, there is too much cream in this month the tobacco crop is rush- the food. If it comes up curded, | jpg along toward the curing shed there is too much milk in the food, seems the matter ? and not a thing Cut down the amount of milk tem-| with it but the want of a little more porarily a half by adding water, and | rain. subtracting milk. If the bowels are Amony the parties to spend the constipated, add more cream to the| Sabbath with Dr. B. E. Kendig and food. The tendency of mother or|ife were as follows: Willis G. nurse is to feed the baby too often. Kendig and wife, Mrs. Kencade and If the baby is fed every three hours | gister-in-law Miss Kencade of Phila- right on the minute, missing one delphia. feeding at night, it will be easier for Fortunately no cases of Infantile all. BARDEN THENTR == | Where Breezes Blow Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday ang delivered Friday. East Main gt NOTICE. | ADMINISTRATRICES’ NOTICE lat We Won't Sell You a Hail Insurance Policy the Hartford Fire Insurance Oa Estate of Mary Keener, Mount Joy Township, Lanca Pa., Deceased. : Letters of administration o estate having been granted t undersigned, all persons ind thereto are requested to malg mediate payment, and those claims or demands against the "%} will present them without delay fo; settlement to the undersigned. Emma A. She From the New Fans Put in Recently. “Laugh and the world laughs » 11 with you After your tobacco is ruined. Manheim, B D. No. aa |! See us before the Hail gears Maggie F. Young, ; SHAVING HAIR CUTTING ] B. Frenki Kr vo, Admlatsices ’ . Fran eady, = aug. J. B. HERSHEY 8 PRIVATE SALE—I am re the following articles at i sale from my warehouse on MG” High street: 2 bed room suit dining room suites, 10 tables chairs, lot of carpet, rugs, msur) M. HOLLOWBUSH [Raves 2 double cu all NOTARY PUBLIC | Of dishee, fruit fais by {he Tonsorial Parlor Three Chairs No Walting Agent for the Middletown stean Henry G. Carpenter OPP. POST OFFICE MT. JOY, PA w. MOUNT Jov ( Paralysis to report this summer If baby becomes chafed and the though we still have among us a few skin is raw, the cause is overfeed- hopeless cripples to remind us of ing or the washing of the diapers in Shir the visit of that terrible foe of harsh soap or it is because the nurse| child life and health several years has allowed the diapers to remain ago. wet on the child for a long time.” Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Herr oa Sun- day entertained their son Ira and family, C. M. and family of Kinder hook, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Herr of Folkston, Georgia and Rev. Amos Hottenstein and Roy Eby of Peters- burg. Four years ago Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Herr moved to Georgia. They are here now for the first time, visiting the Herr and Wittle families. They like their Southern home, ox- pect to go back after a two weeks GOODS ON APPROVAL PST Little Talks on Health & Hygiene by Samuel G. Dixon, M. D. It is the custom with many firms to send certain classes of goods to their customer’s homes on approval. If they are not satisfactory the prospective purchaser has the privi- lege of exchanging them. Obviously it is impossible for the salesman to stay. know what conditions are in the| Nr James Kendig writes home | house where such goods go, who|fropy Shippensburg, that he re-| handles them and how they are \ signed his position at that place and will return home the latter part of {this week to arrange for his return tried or examined. The possibility of spreading communicable disease Bell Telephone | Ninety-three new members were — ——— | elected, the greatest number at any WHY NOT ENJOY THAT PEEL one meeting. Thirty-six were se- IN@ OF SECURITY THAT Accom cured by one man, G. A. B. Zook. PANIES EVERY | The September meeting will be held | | at Ironville. is very real. When new things go into a home, curiosity and interest is naturally aroused in all the members of the [to State College for a try to secure [the much coveted diploma. Abram Hess and family of Read- ing, Mr. Jacob Keener and family Prompt Attention given to Sales of Real Estate and Personal Property. Termg Moderate Ee Tl ° et RD Isr Hail Insurance — ° Dr. S. R. Nissley of Elizabethtown | Policy who served as a surgeon of a | cavalry regiment during the Civil | of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. we sell mem ———— Henry G. _arpenter OPP. POST OFFICE NT, JOY, PA £ AN VND IND} Wi SPE TOLSON, Pres. tol, New York City. = ery "ER S PILLS “a “ iF DIAMOND BR JAN i/A\\ a / z \'/ oe year . SOLD Di Yuu Safe: A STS EVERYWHER SIGNS Wood, Metal or Muslin BELL PHONE War, has in his possession a relic of | the war which he highly appreciates. It is a $500 bond of the Confeder- ate States of Amerie ued Febru- ary 17, 1864, and is du hayable on the first day of July 1894. The duties on export of cotton and to- bacco as well as those of imports are pledged for the payment of the Six per cent. semiannually e S the int on first day of January and July while the face of the bond is to be paid in specie at its a- turity. The bond has si cot attached, the first being due Janu- ary 1, 1865. Printed in black and | on the face of the coupon is a pie- ture representing a general who is | mounted on a spirited horse, having ! his right arm and index finger ex- | tended, indicating that he was! leading his troop into action to- | wards the enemy. meee GARE Large Blackberries Isaac W. Wenger, of near Mount | Gretna, has some fine specimens of | blackberries. One of them was one | and one-fourth inches in length and | | ever, 1s carrying it may result in { burg, had his of infantile paralysis family. Children and adults join in|of Lititz, were entertained bv Mr | the examination. and Mrs. Martin Moore on Sunday { Of course where there are cases | They also called at the hon y {of communicable diseases which |ipeir brother Benjamin Keener, have been reported and quarantined whose wife is on the sick list. no goods are delivered on approval. There are often cases of disease, however, in the early stages unreco- gnized or so mild in form as to it s unnecessary to call a y Into these homes mer- an s delivered without ques- tion. 281 ship far re- sharp barter of and fair dealing and tation are recognized foundations for sue- Sending goods on approval how- things so far that harm to the pur- chaser, I Injured at Bearings Co. Daniel Eitnier of East Peters-| index finger of his right hand badly crushed at the Bearings Company of America on the Harrisburg turnpike Saturday | morning. He received medical treat- { ment at the General Hospital. re SI I er ee Three in the County aster City now has two cases Lancaster and Millers- others nearly as large. The flavor | Ville one. was in keeping with the size. Mr. | > Wenger thinks these cannot he| The Colonel now says that the beaten. | “Progressives deserted him.” Aban- a — | doned creature! Possibly the Deutschland was | waiting to see what success the Bre- |men had in eluding the allied war- R. F. Eshleman [*™ Which—Barbara or the Indian? So far the OW navy bill has been proceeding at a speed of about four knots an hour. i rr lee i Which—Barbara or the Indian? ' mu farmers awake to the phate for the land supplying himsel bran needed the hranol through the patent ee GDB Must Practice Lconomy A number of tl cutting dowr on account { In Ne Ww Y even reducin si menu ca Vv the letin 1 its size but it will pract cutting off 1 are in by arrea come across. neede ly when the cost of news high. If the d money he EE That British ackli should be relegated to the scrap of paper class Villa has no +h to envy the hil s miserable reason > only nine lives. aa toried at wi juota of Some baseball teams merely enter a league, while others stay the sea- son out. re A I It still seems that if the dove shall try to return to Europe it will do so at its own risk. rr OE AP In Which—Barbara or the Indian? » { {Jelly tumblers by tho 100, tin Attorney.at-Law |plctures and frames, Trails kettle, 48 West Main Street, Mt Joy, Pa. wood chest, hanging lamp, kitches Days at Lancaster, Monday and Uvi | cabinet, sink bench, wheat separa~ day, at No. §6 N. Duke Street. 8nd |tor, hay rake, mail wagon and other Floor Front, with W. 6. Behm. | wagons, set of double drivirg har = | nees, lot of single sets, ete. : William Darrenkamp, Mt. Joy. jne 21-1. Charles S. Frank AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY, PA. Advertise in the fount Jo: Bullet Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Buleti | Bell Telephone , CLEARANCE SHOE SALE OF ALL SUMMER SHOES and OXFORDS SE SSR * X LADIES D ORDS AND PUMPS LADIES’ SHOES 52 I am clos ] Ladies’ A ’ Rice & Hutchin- Oxf Ss ar $1 50 Ss t Colt and Gun only d ry Me $3.50; $1 08 A t lies’ Oxfords RO; mr . SPECIAL Heels put on at only 28 Pair. "59¢ | Rubber cents Per S MEN’ A large lot of Men’s King Qual- | Don’t miss this sale as it will be ity Oxfords, were $4.00 a 1 08 | great money saver to you all. I pair, now y Di, {| need the room for my fall stoek. | | Do Shos Repairing That Is Sure fo Please HARRY LASKEWITZ OPEN EVENINGS. BOTH PHONES. Mount Joy, Penna.