PAGE FIVE 100 FE —— I —_—— 1 OO OO ul = Mr. | =H B® Mrs. Joseph Keller of Cumberland { - County is the guest of Mrs. Daniel | | Brandt. a Mr. Jacob Zook threshed his wheat a crop yesterday and today with the ® Weidman and Stoner rig. ] : Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Schroll are | = —— ——— =m attending the union picnic from Eliz | i MW abethtown at Hershey today. 3 - Miss Esther Stoner is spending p Whil h RB * months’ vacation here with her | 2 % = ns acatlor ere wit fier pail : 1 € t e OV S are m | ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rohrer Stoner. | =| Mr. George Barclay threshed his | fi htin in Mexico u That eg mine ME, i | | g g 4 y s Hoffman, of Milton Grove, done the | 8B work. h 1 Mr. Abram Lutz began threshing | y not start some m | his wheat crop yesterday. Mr. Dan- | 1 hi h M h =| iel Derr’s rig from Mount Joy is do- | - = ling the work. t ng ere. erc a The finest small crop of tobacco : ° ° ° . around here is that of Mr. Cyrus] nm 4 3 ants, this is the time yioeel Io was forged July 240% 1 B and will soon be ready to cut. = Everything is in readiness for the for you to advertise and boom your busi- ness. Iry an ad in the Mount Joy | QULLETIN . 1 : | . i Ee ——— Notice to Farmers CALL CONESTOGA GLUE WORKS Automobile Truck to Have Your Dead Animals FE EL Removed Promptly @ | PAY FROM $1.00 TO $3.08 PER HEAD ACCORDING TO size 8 AND CONDITIONS . a 5 » Pen id a Lorenz Lamparter ; Pe PROPRIETOR LANCASTER, PA Phone - 830 ind. Phone No. 647 “ # OO ioe I rniture I will continue the furnitgre business on the second foer ef the Engle Building, with a com- plete and uptodate line of all kinds of furniture. Prices are 1 0 THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA DONEGAL SPRINGS. and Mrs. Cyrus Schroll Enter- tained Many Guests Sunday. | big picnic of the Presbyterian Sun- | day Schools of Mount Joy and Done- gal to be held in the fine grove here tomorrow, Thursday. The noise of Mr. Earl Williams’ reaper could be heard until dark last evening. He was putting the finishing touches on the cemetery for the benefit of the picnic visitors Mr. Rohrer Stoner threshed his wheat crop last week and had a real good yield. Each four-horse load vielded from 37 to 44 bushels. With few exceptions, the yield around here has been better than for a long time. There was a rumor afloat that our good friend , Robert Thompson, the right hand man for Mr. Geo. S. End- slow, had contemplated a trip to Mexico but we are pleased to note that he has changed his mind and decided that good old Donegal is far better that deserts, cactus plants lizards and a temperature of 110 = | degrees. The following guests were pleas- antly entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Schroll on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Futer of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Kautzman, son Paul and daughter Rhoda, also of Lancaster; Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell and three daughters, Misses Mary, Esther and Ruth; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ruhl and two sons, Donald and Eugene, of Elizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schroll and three children, Elmer, Oliver and Viola of Rheems and Miss Esther Young of Elizabeth- town. nl Gp Err mrrstncn: W. W. CASSEL RESIGNED AS FREIGHT AGENT HERE (Continued from page 1) remained in the employ of the Pen- nsy here. Mr. Cassel was not the only mem- ber of his family that was connect- ed with railroads. As a matter of fact all the male members chose railroading as a vocation. His fath- er and himself were freight agents here. His brother Charles Cassel, was an agent on the N. & W. and the second brother James Cassel, upon retiring was General Man- ager and assistant to the President of the N. and W. Railroad. The fact that all these men attained such very responsible positions with different railroad companies is one best evidence that they were “natural borns.” This retirement closes a very active career of one of our most highly respected and influential citizens. He has always been an im- portant figure of the town, the | church and our citizens, being ever | willing to render gratuitous service | very reasonable, Whem in meed of furniture call and see me. Repairing and Painting a Special Special Attention Given to REMODLING ANTIQUE FURNITURE D. H ENGLE The Black| Greatest World's | Bob Tire Service and Mileage [Tires Investigate Is What Tells Agents Wanted BLACK BOBTIRES kept 5000 Miles Guarantee : in repair until worn out— FREE OF CHARGE West Main St., MOUNT JOY, Pa. | g &| McC reary Tire Co., 1316 Callowhill St., Phila. Both Phones—Filbert 2946, Race 3579. 2 ai i bf bl Bld dahil didi ddd dadaded dd A S & a 2 a a PTT TT TTT TY TT TTTTITIT TTT TYYTTYTYT edd Bedelia Al a + TERT TT PYeD f ALBERT STRICKLER | | SUCCESSOR TC A B. SLING : i ar ar litho 3 ; | room business. | found a table loaded down with all | the delicacies of the season, which {he was invited to take the head of. | Without going | what followed, | clad requirement outside one { which was met without a murmur. the P. R. R. | touched by whenever the opportunity offered. | He was very well liked by our | townspeople and his fellow em-| ployes and while all will be pleased | to learn of his much deserving | ‘pensioning,” they will regret to | know that he will make his future home in Harrisburg and not remain | one of us. An Agreeable Surprise ° On Thursday afternoon W. W. | { Cassel was the recipient of one of | | the most pleasant surprises of his| entire railroad experience, by his| | | force at the freight station, when {he was requested by his Assistant, | Mr. Stretch, to step into the record a minute, presumably on| To his utter surprise, he | into the details of there was one iron laid down, that each man would be expected to get quart of ice cream, This surprise was prompted by Mr. Cassel severing his connection with after 32 years of ser- vice as Freight Agent at this place. The management have granted Mr. i Cassel two months vacation spending It is afte say that he was deeply IBS his retirement on Oct. needless to 1st. 35 this considerate and timely fellow ship on the part of his force, and will look back to this clos- ing incident of his long railroad experience with exceptional pleas- ure. C. F. Good of Atglen will sue- ceed Mr. Cassel as Fre ight Agent, om August 1st. | ities is beyond my ken. expression of good will and|® | | | | | | | | | | MOUNT il WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1918 CLARENCE SCHOCK J oY, PA. & W. W. Cassel as freight agent in this place. Mr. Good is by no means a stranger in this community as he was passenger agent at Florin for a number of years and from which place he went to Atglen. Mr. Fred Stretch and Mr. Howard Arntz are the assistants at the freight station while Mr. A. C. Mateer con- tinues as warehouse man, a position he has held for many years. SALUNGA. Mr. and Mrs. Swords Entertain at Dinner in Honor of Their Daughter. Mrs. John Peifer is threatened with blood poison, the result of a rose thorn piercing her. Mr. Howard Peifer, wife and daughter Elsie and son John, spent Saturday at the chocolate town of Hershe. THE HEISEY REUNION Will be Held at Elizabethtown Col- lege Thursday, August 10 What promises to be a most inter- esting event will be held on Thurs- day, August 10, when members of the Heisey family from all parts of the state will gather at the Seventh Annual Reunion, at Elizabethtown The committee in charge of the af- fair have arranged a most interest- ing program, a feature of which will be the memorial services for those of the clan who have been de- ceased during the past year. Music will also be a prominent part of the exercices, while several address es by well kuown members of the family and a round table confer- ence will be given. The reunion will without doubt, be one of the most successful gatherings of the family ever held. Accommodations will be Mr. R. D. Raffensberger and fam- ily, Ira Herr and family were en- tertained at the home of M. G. Holl- inger near Mastersonville on Sun-| day. Mr. and Mrs. John Herr and her| daughters Mary and Mrs. Raffens- berger with Master Cletus, spent yes terday at Millersville as guests of | Bishop and Mrs. Henry E. Light. | Misses Mary Kendig, Anna Hall, | and Minnie Eshleman are at home after a few weeks’ stay at Beach Hav en with Mrs. Bess Hiestand Sayre and a few other friends at Philadel- phia and Wayne. Miss Miriam Kendig returned on Sunday from a visit to her brother Willis at Lancaster, where she, along with Miss Elizabeth Wery of Phila- helphia, rested after graduating from the School of Design in the City of Brotherly Love. Mrs. Miller and son Howard and | daughter Loretta of Mount Dora, | Florida, after spending from Friday | to Wednesday with her cousin Mrs. | Swords and aunt Mrs. Kipp, went to | Harrisburg for a few days after which she contemplated going to her | summer home. Miss Mabel Miller of Mountville, | Mrs. Dommet, Misses Marie Whorl, | Catharine Snyder, Mary Chofman, | Dorothy Gross, and Clara Martin, | of Lancaster, and Miss Mary Hanny of Chestnut Hill, were entertained | at a birthday dinner on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Swords in honor of | their daughter, Miss Katharyn. Bishop Berry, president of the] board of Methodist Bishops, preach- ed two inspiring and soul uplifting sermons on the camp grounds at| Landisville on Sunday and how any | one within reach of the place could afford to miss such great opportun- The great! Bishop pointed out the way we must | all travel and so definite were the terms that all attentive and earnest listeners must have seen the great light. The congregation was very | large and attentive and from the vast number of horses and buggies on the grounds one would suppose that the automobile had taken a back seat. ——— GE A sree | Annual Auto Excursion Lancaster County Association will run their Automobile Excursion to different orchards in the northern part the County Thursday, August The excursion will start from Lancaster at 8:30 A. M. to! e L. B. Huber farm at Landis Val- | thence Mechanicsburg, Eph- rata, Denver, Clay, Lititz, Fruit- ville and return to Lancaster. The Growers’ annual Fruit | oi on Q Oo. to A basket lunch will be served at the. M. P. Wenger place at Denver f vhicl important meet- the Growers’. 4 invited te ments; for tion. \ \ — Maytown’s Union Picnic. The three Sur town, the Churc and Luthergn, I hickies Park, Wednesday New Freight Agent picnic at Mr. Clarles Good, who has been August 9 A very fine program the ticket agent at Atglen for ~is being arranged and amusement past eight years, will succeed eal = Nha \pduiged in. [a canvass made for all visitors reaching the borough either by train or trolley The present officers of the organi- zation are as follows: President, A. armory . appropriate at least building if the city site. Dainty Things for the Dressino Tzlle FREE We've placed thou sands of comforts and necessities in your hands by giving 4% Stamps with every pur- chase—just see that you always get your stamps. Save Hamilton Coupons G. Heisey; vice-president, F. G. Heisey; secretary, Miss Anna M. Teisey. — —— FQ re SALE REGISTER A FREE notice of your sale is In-| serted here for any leagth of ing rovided we print your sale bills This is excelent advertising becaus: ‘11s read by wo mamy people an. sarely bring the buyers: Friday, Aug. 4—At their stock | yards in Mount Joy, their usual good lot of fresh cows, springers,| heifers, stock bulls and some shoats by J. B. Keller & Bro. Aldinger, Auct. Thursday, Aug. 10—At Hotel Me- Ginnis, Mount Joy, two carloads of cows, heifers, bulls, cattle for | beeves and shoats by C. S. Frank. Minnich, auct. — E> —— ——— — Seeks $20,000 For Armory Fifty business men will soon make of Lancaster to raise $20,000 for a site for a state F. H. Baker’s Coal & Lumber Yards Both Phones Mount Joy, Penna. Sole Agent for Congo Roofing. Ne. § Cedar Shingles always on hand Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Lathes, Etc. Agent for Lehigh Portland Cement, Roof Ing Slate & _heet Iron. Estimaaes quickly and cheerfully made on BUILDING MAlt.ual and all kinde of CONCRETING WORK. The state has promised tol $50,000 for a provides the | Coming Tuesday. Without Lines Kryptok lenses are an improved form of Bifocals. By a clever pat- ented method of fusing two kinds of specially prepared optical glass, the eading and distance portions absolutely no visible dividing lines between to mar the appearance or irritate the sight. Modern methods of scientific eye examination enable me to tell ex- actly what your eyes need in the way of corrective lenses for far and near vision. My experience ine cluded the perfect fitting of the lenses before the eyes in mountings best suited and most be coming to your features. The matter ofg lasses is one closely associated with your own health and happiness, and we urge you not to delay in the matter of consulting us on this vey important subject. Coming Monday August 7th Chandler's sos STORE Mount Joy, Penna. Geo. R.Huber, O.D. Optometrist and Optician Lancaster Office: 155 E. James St. ra Mii or IE AER Lien d (2) a TIL | i vie ne Gi) | J [AECL { Il D ONG BURNING BIOE AN eicanenTe Y0BACCO)| Le Prince Albert is sold everys here in toppy red gs, Sc; tidy red tins, 10c; Ende pound and Ralf- -pound humidors—and— that clever crystal-glass pound hamidor with sponge-moistenet top that keeps the tobacco in such splendid condition. bl Jem TIONED Ra SIG NGE NER 4 | TOBACCO IS PREPARED FOR SMOKERS UTIDERTHE PROCESS DISCOVERED IN MAKING EXPERIMENTS TO PRODUCE THE MOST DE- i LIGHTFUL AND WHOLE- if SOME TOBACCO FOR CIG- RJ. REYNOLDS I08ACCO COMPANY i WINSTONSALEM N.C IISA J OES NOT BITE THE TONGUE | nreftta Cig: 2 unless you ge ALi UlLilv with Prince Albert tobacco! P. back! coupons or premiums. ae en ’) coolnes answers as ad good as universal S 1 47 tne Introduction to to walk tobacco an 11441 1 {Ite investment \ Vinston-Salem, N. C. Copyrig’ — TC e— P into i smoking ! \ETTE AN DE Hue S. feel old enough to § 7 maces PATENTED | vote, but it's cer- | Jeo zsor | tain-sure vou’ll not § know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipeora. A. comes to you with a real reason for all iness and satisfaction it offers. ented process that removes can smoke it long and hard without a come- Prince Albert has always been sold without ‘We prefer to give quality! Prince Albert affords the keenest And that flavor and fragrance that sounds. lemand without bite, parch or kick-bac Prince Albert into the nearest place that sells ask for “a supply of P. A. hange, to be sure, but it’s the ch you ever ! A r=’; new joy tie sport of "OU may live to be 110and never LG RI hand rolled “ 4 J] BL EKing- LI1IxsS vil the by ite and parch! It is made WRT TOTES WTO RY bi ~ pine and cicarette and P.A. just for tobac.o isn’t harrdar any You pay Be made!